as the size is increased the process is more and more tedious, ,and the Making Telescope Glusses. difHciiltios of judging what the de­ Iw Prtdesaor Newcomb's article fects are, and of handling the glass , * ......... on the new teldscopc at Washing­ or. the.polisher so as to diminish ton in Scribner s for r November, oc- them, increase enormously, it is- curs this account of the process this tentive process of gradually employed by the manufacturers, working out every defect of figure, Messrs,. Alvin Clark A Sons, iu and even in compensating^ defects grinding, polishing find perfectin 6 (r in the uniformity of the glass itself the immense object "lusses: The by a suitable change of figure that tools are very simp'; c-round plates the Clarks have exhibited their * of cast iron, about three feet in di­ unrivaled slfiil. a --------- ameter, hollowed out to. sui t the T rees on B oundary Li.NEs.-The cutvfes of the lens. They have New Nork court of appeals has re­ somewhat the appearance of huge cently decided that a man has uo. shallow saucers, or more nearly l ight to fruit growing upon brane :k still, of the shallow iron drinking es of a tree overhanging his land cups attached to pumps or hvd- where the trunks of trees stands rants in some of our cities. Three wholly upon the land Of his neigh­ oTthese tools were necessary, one bor. But the law regards the over nearly flat, for the inner surfaçc of hanging branches as a nuisance’ the flint iriass, one convex, for its and they may be removed as such » outer surface, and one concave» for or the owner of the land shaded the crown glus°. The surface of may removv them it he is car ful the tool is covered wid\coarse em­ not to commit any wan toil or un­ ery anj water, tlie glass is laid necessary destruction in so doing. upon it, hnd rijre^ grinding is car­ Where the trunk Ofa4r . r Î r IN ? i i < %- i MANNER. UPERIOR *>- ■> h a ToAnd c; per than OFFICE Y ■ a led to Order Institute^ Corner of Leide.-sdprff st., (a few doors below - What Cheer House). Private Entrance on Leidsdorfl- ■’-Bt. San Francisco. ê Ufe 1 1 IT 1 i ' dm - I i Established expressly to afford the afflicted' Syund anil scientific Medical treat- * ment in.the cure bf all Pri- \ v, vate and Chronic -» •* - t . Di.-bases, Cases of secresy and all Sexual- Disorders lb •i I I Viircgnr ItittcH afb'-wt n vile Fancy iDrinfi, Will afford ln.-taiitEa’sb. Milk, made of Foolr I'oo|r Rlhil, Whisky, Proof ! Spiritsand Refuse Liquors,doctored,spici-d. Ii ¡lljima'iioa ‘ i eys. ami and sweetened to please the" the’ taste, callee. railed Inilaination of th$ CÙadiJer, «¡. i, “ Tonics, 4..1UVH, ” “ Appctizi rs, ” ■ ’ llestilrers, ” Ac.. Restdrers, ìntia.nlkjy A ( 1 1 » -« ‘ T .jjJ(_-_ .-!., ----- rfls. f I- that lead the tippler dn to drunkenness «... am. ■ « a .__ __ . u... it. ./i ;. .1 „ a aiimlxk fi’iiî-" Congestión of the Ltiugs, Lpugs ruin, but arc a true Medicine, made fron, Si'ie Thnonti, Ujlfii iug the native roots am il liörbs of California, Palpitation of the Heaifjt. jj stimulante They free from all Alcoholl i e ----- T- , arc Hysterics, C: ro Id ¡Bria. the Great Blood Puiiflfff and u Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and IiHigor- Cataarh, Influenza. atdr ol the System, ci .Trying off all poisemms |;|Heaite Im ache matter, and restoring the blood to a healthy Neuralgia, Rheumatneim condition, enriching it refreshing and in­ Ili. vigorating both mind tuid body. They are The application! of the B« 11 I THef to e mi l < d ablejti all forms oidisease. No Person can take these Bit­ Twenty drops in a half r i f Hr au -1 wiil iil in a few mimites cure MP poùr ters according to directions, and remain die 'k j/clid long unwell, provided their bones are not stoYnaeh, I Spasms, Hearjtrl by mineral poisojt or ether means, rrhoca,' livtejiupL Ache, Diarrhoea, ic ■,] Wind destroyed and tiie vital organ: s wasted beyond the fi 1! and a|il iliter i: in the Bowels, an point of repair. Traveler* shon Mild fl­ L mille of Dyspepsia or Indi^cM^on, Ilcad- RADWAY’ REA ache, Pain in the Sh mlders, Coughs. Tight- A few drops in v i ItneFH •»e.nis, are the offsprings Fever an.l Agjne; c u tie ÎÏ . lOl” hts,— of Dyspepsia. In llijese complaints it has Thure i< not a rd ’vor Id I Ho equal, and one bcttle will prove a tetter ■’ mt in |t tliat will eure Fe] <"ö| Und . I guarantee of its mqrits ritte than a lengthy ad- ad­ Maliiriou-, Bilious, Tyj . Stfiirl 3h, 'L>w vertisement. For Female Coin pi at nits, in young ShitLutil'er Fevers kai >H'S 1 lie * dawn o£ ut 1 lHw ..f Plfe)so„ ouickl ah I I1 R i’Al> Y or old, married or single, k at womanhood, or the t jrn of life ■i these Tonic R elief . Fifty iciute it b * (tile! 5 iid b^ Bitters display bo (led___ i Jed „ an itili.ence ___ that all Druggi^ts. a marked improvement is sooq perceptible. URIER Surgical No. 519 Sacramento street,^ h .icb 9 '»■ & FOUNDED IN 1853. î BADWAY’S - AND MODERATE CHARGES DR. W. E. DOHERTY’S one to T .’wvróM NOT UNE H<»1 R i after reading tirai aldv'tem mt i-a , K SUFFbl |R WITH[ our X r.ii man i ’ J KADWAY itEfjE RADYVAY ’ ’ B S READY READ_______ FOR EVERY P 'A ; It was the first and j-, tie u ly edy that iastantiv teops th ; n lag |ifij:ts, allay IntiiiDiati ill- 1’ Conge-tiuiis. whether ddoji. fi fir Nervous^Neuralgjie or pirn! ri case may suffer. PATRON1Z QUICK CURES r CURES TH IE Wi AT ' •> rr EF RADWAY’S READ Y * * PRIVATE MEDICAL AID HEALTH I BEfUL Wt! _ TO THE A?FLICTED.- « For Influiiiina lory and Chronic Rheumatism an 1 Gout, Dyspepsia or DR. 'V. K. DOHEBTYt relorn« hi« sin- cere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage and would take this oppor­ tunity to remind them that he continues to- cousult at his Institute lor the cure-of chron­ ic diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive }»nd Geiiito-Urinary. Organs, and all private diseases, viz;- Syphilis in all its- liirma and Stages, Seminal weakness and an the horrid conseiiueiices of self-abuse-, Gon- orrhaa. Gleet. Strictures, Nocturnal and Diurnal Ernii-sions. Sexual Debility, Diseas­ es of the back and loins, Inflammatibnof the Bladder and Kidneys, etc.; and he hopes that his limjjf experience and successlnl practice will continue to insure him a share of jiublic patronage. By the practice- of many years in Europe and the United States he is enabled to apply the most efficient and successful reimnliesXigainst diseases o all kinds. He cures witho utynercury,char ges moderate, treats his patients in afcorrect and honorable way,, ami has references of unquestionable veracity from men of known respectability and highfetanding in society. All parties consulting him by letter or oth­ erwise, will receive the be-t and gentlest * tryaWueat and implicit secrecy. To is Females. When a female enervated or afll ie^L* with disease, as weakness of the back and Imligestioif, Iliiious, Remittent and Inter­ liftibs. pain in the head, dimness of sight, Inittent Fevers, Disea ne'sof the Blood, Liver, ' 1Y jiljewh-l-iiiercii Strong and Pure riel if;e oi Kidneys and 1’ladde rl these Litters have! loss oi muscular power, palpitation of the Fiesli'iind weigiitf—i Clear S|< n-almH T< e ii lirairt. irr.itability, nervousness, extreme uri­ beert^HH»st successful, Such Diseases are iul C'o.Hp'.exiuu Cu.i’P'exiou sd sueui'i _ t rail. ired caused by VitiuWjl Bl< od, wliiclijis geuerally nary difficulties, derangement of digestive • ffi Hi I 1111 ilié Digestive produced by deratigmieut of (lie Uigtative functions, gieneraldebility, vaginitis, all dis­ ft# < r I I Organa, .. eases ot the wtiiiib, liT-stei ia, sterility and all Fbr IsRii» Disc: nisch , Eruption«, Tet- other diseases peculiar th females, she sho’d * Iter, Salt Rheum, lUoiches,' Spdis, Splits, Pimples, go or write at once to the celebrated female Pustules. Boils, Cartjmnclcs, Ring-worms, j IL •l I dofffor. W. K, DOHERTY", at his medical 'Aiea, Erysipelas, Itch,’ ScaRl-Head, Sore E SARGAL ¿Alili ’— ; . i L ilian W Institute, and consult him about her troute* Scurfs, Diseoloralionk is of the Skin, Humors les and disease. The .doctor is effecting HasWado) tlie i most If .St’ , and ¡Diseases of the >kin, of wltitever nafne ii Quick, so Rapiti d are die ( ' l.aju i niore cures than any other physician iu tho- Bddy or nature, are literally dug up and carried " iijiflu idllCi State oi (aliloinia. Let no false delicacy' undergoes un<|erl the truly out of the system in ii sliott time by the use of these Bitters. Orfe bottle ill such cases jfrevent you. but oj^pJy immediately and wopdertul Mcdiqinë, wili convince the most incredulous lupus of tlieir saveyouiself from painful suffering and prra- Every Day anJucren ■ite I» i Fiel and curative effects. tmiture death. All married ladies whose T Weight is s«4n Und Felt Cleanse the X’i iatcil, liiood when- delicate heal.h or other < irevmstances pie-- THE CAREAT Bl ever you find its impurities bqrsilng through VUIU1 I vent an increase in th< ir fatoiiies, should1 ' Erupti^n^. or Sores Sons; ; Evi iif drop of tl]e CILL v RE- thy skin in Pimples Erup!i^u>, obstructed obsu when you,!Ind.R anr nyUL Shl ileum, r elements of the body that worms exist, but I ti view, a>e io ]>eet!iilly assurteLthat tber com- Ery>i|te!a- Acti ? . » i. upon thedfsessed hu nors and slimy deposits ¿ IW ■ ub'W i NM... v niiiriicati« ns will be held no t s. end. * the Flesh J Tumi l ui TP iia| breed these living monsters of disease. ii 1 io biomb The Doctor is n regular gradyate and may No system of inedieine, no vermifuges, no amt all wiakc ■uihg H ! pid ¡lathqlininitics, will tree thé system from be’consdted v. itli every, ct-iifidatea?. Nigiit-swu it- Lr- OKI C ¡jet worms like t hesjc Bitters. _ Tt the case bra. j fully- ai d ca - wastes of th e hie j ; V. i*enMcs». fflrchiMiical ----- —Persons ".............. en- — didly described, persona! comrnication will •• curjiuiVe flange of pitee bf gaged in’ Paints a id Minerals, such as be'unnecessary, as it »¡ructions tor diet, reg- Chand hren and the gene:al treatment of the case t > any pot sih r er î ïs a prickm.". nient, a purgative, everting a powerful in­ Verility; being a short treaties on Sperrna when U I . st irilg Water, atul fluence upon these Vi ¡i rious orgaus, is essen- Imita, " torrhteteor Seminal Weakness,"Nervous and necessary. 'Here is no cathartic lor of the Pa fl and along the lially pain tne purpose equal to L) r . J. W alker ’ s V ine - physical Debility consequent on this dis­ OF}! -ITJ.TT do. - G ut B itters , as ihe, ' wiil speedily remove ease and other affect’ons of thq Sexual or­ Worms.— Tlu oi ply ] lor the curt etc,, etc. In these, lah in ail other constitu­ ill di>o| ders ( f i tlm Stoj r i. LiterL Bow- tional Diseases, IV aleer ’ s V inegar B jt - Circular to the Liberal Public. Kidneys, ]i, „„„ ;i Blikldtill Kidmiys rvc’iss Fitaases, 'riitis have shown t h ?ir great curative pow pow- ­ V • lidilclio. Const|ipsli( Indi- ers iffTthe tiiosi. obstinate aud intractable E PROPOSE TO PURCHASE OR , ..1- . j I ' kilt. Di’spnpn ¡i. Bi < sU, Bihteib For ’ cases.' erect in the city of Boston a build-« ’ Dr. Walker’s Cnliforitiu. Vino Inflamatior of tliç v< D, i Fites, anti. Ing to be known as the* PAINE MEMORI­ GffLr Hitters, act in all these cases in a Derang, ementa af 1 similar manner, Bv purifying the Blood 1 AL HALL, as a testimonial' tp the great. '«lilted to ell tact a p dmie. Purely the.vreihove the cai Ise, and by resolving service8.of THOMAS PAIN-E^ in the strug­ Vebetablo, contjining rl i ip ■’■ury, jminerals away the effects of 1 the intianimation (tlie gle for American Independence, and tor nr Mieterious dn utf tubercular deposits) tlie affected parts re- Universal Mental Freedom. Said building few w doses! doses o 1 - ADr s ceive health, aud i ji permanent cure is to be suitable for stores, businesa offices, the 'system 1 system troir iron all tlj Yilected.’ • •V a Hall for Free Dicussion, Lectures Amuse­ The Aperient and mild ’ Laxative derp. PriL-c, 25 cents ments, and finally, an dffice fur the business properties, of D r . W. ai . ker ’ s V inegar B it - Dritfgùts. purposes of the Boston Investigator. To 4 4 tek .^ are the best safe- guard in cases of ernp- READ FA1JSE / rT ïUÊ.r Send lionsand malignant I rgvers. accomplish this, we need the assistance and Their balsamic, í Í CO. No. Ar tjl letter stain]) t'» I contributions of all tne friends- of Payne healing, and soothing properties protect the Maiden Lan?, NP1 Y 1< irk. Information humors of the lauciM. Their Sedative prop- and of the Investigator, and believing our thousands w ertic.s allay pain in the nervous system, readers and other' Liberals to be of that novOv .stomach and bowels, :, jcit her from inflamma- nuinbor on whom we may rely, we ask their ■ tion. wind, colic, era uhps. etc. aid assitance l»y contributing liberally them-’ Direction».— Ta te of the Bitters on selves and inducing others to do so. Sub­ going to ted at n'inht _ from a half to one and scriptions will be acknowledged in the col­ ohe-half wine-glassful. j. Eat _ ______ „ good nourishing umns of the Investigator. We have labor­ food, such asbeel-steak, mutton chop, veub ed under many disadvantages during our- son. sqm roast niast beef, and vegetables, and take ILL CUREANY uttt-ddof exercise. They are composed of connection with the Investigator , in provid­ Il I 11 I III- ptirely vegetable ingredients, and contain ing suitable accomniodations for onr business ? no spirit. . and in securing a Hall for our Paine Cele­ ! 4... 11. H. McDDNAED CO., da, : bration, and we appeal now to a Liberal 7 Druggists A Gen. Agii ., San Francteco, ('aL;te. public to come .forward and help us to se- 1 bicjc HeadAcle^ • A cor. Washington an I Charlton Sts., N.Y. chitis, ' : Bron £ cure a permane*' * place for business and for SOLD BY ALL DKl 1 GISTS A DEALERS holding our me iiigs. Asthma, II • ■ A , 1 Friends, Brothers, Sisters, the hour will come when w must cease from our labor. Srre sc of Dr, Cham The cause that the Proprietor and Editor - of the Boston Investigator have expended V ollum, tlioir lives in, is an earnest voucher that not PICINEt! for self alone, but for humanity, they have worn away a life-time. And we invite all” ... BOOK BINDER, HAVER BELCH AND our friend^ to zealous and prompt action, as insurance no cnife no pay or address M,h Mr hb H. . Eubankh, advancing age indicates that time waits for Oregon none. We all feel solicitous that our works EUBANKS. shall live after we retire; and that our advo­ cate of Freedom, our sturdy old Investiga~ tor, may still, for generations to come No. .M'Front Slreet,between Washington sound our raHying try-“For all Peoples, and Aider, over Hop jkiun’ Hardware Store, aud all lands, forever Liberty.” IK. h T RADÌI ‘.US r SHORT NO TICE. I I W V ' ■ « HAVING TIL ONLY . m Ik’- i \ye are enabled Ilo make b I ta I] ’ '.«I- J.®ì . i t’i 3‘ ; y fi A SPECIALTY Citai Of ^uch l’rin CARDS, L a K e LS, VISITING ETC. < . 1 CHECKS ETC. BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER ' I 1 M i ■ PORTLAND, OREGON. Address orders to ILY trips . T . -1 it ■ t> W? COURIER, - IN THE MORNING EAVES AT t Arriving itBalj im at 10 ? LAFAYET’TEjdUN J w* ■» p ¿turning.h aves f fving* at Di las at J ; sse o’clock t IS Pro., Blank Books made to order, and ruled to any desired pattern Newspapers, Maga- zines, Music, etc., etc,, uuu c„ bound in any style, with neatness and dispatch, ¡- t?; ‘ ; I 1' 1 i 1—AT— 4- GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. ’ -mil ■ J. P. M enuum , H obace S eavkr , T. L. S avage , M. A i . tmen , D. R. B urt . Boston, Oct. 9, 1872. ]. f Trustees. L. ■ ■ . jan3tf j C. CALL, L»» MANUFACTURER C OF- • Saddtes and Harness.. AU work war- ranted. Orders ieft with J. W. Cullen will receive prompt attention. ,