- LAFAYETTE COURIER. DEC. 12th. «r 1 Appointments for Lafa vetie and Tillamook ?<’ireuii are as follows^, f . Pi njt .Sab ba th. HaippC VftilSy.at 11 o’clock at. fii.', McMinnville. ufflO f.fe. Second Sabbath, TilliuiHmk. Third Sabbath. West Cheilialeni, 11 a . m ., Unity School House, 3 p. m . -Fonrtlri Sabbath. Armstrong’s School House. 11 a . m ., I.afavette,¡6:3*1 p. m ..______ Golil.in New York to-day, 10.». Portland Legal Tender fates,buying; Dlj 311 selling. .. Gohl are quotable at- 725l<( 150 fine. C_ ” bars ______ Exchange on San Fnifeeisco, 4 of 1 ft ! .-»V cent, .„t. discount. Liverpool Wheat, 13s 2|d@l3s 4d ; club, , 13s 4d@14s. 0 - ................. ;| I1A-TOU. Good weather forkm'ping cool. The butcher shop is still progress­ ised Agent ut Portland, Oregon. The boys do ii&t swing on tho gates T he L afayet T e C ourier has very long these dvtsnings. been designated, in pursurnce of law, legal and ns t the he paper in which w___ If you want-to change your shirts ■judicial ftdvertisemcn|ts judicial advertisement for the coun­ go to the barber ’shop and get a hot ty of Yamhill must tyt it published. bath. THE w S kl Y SEN is too to require any extended I rem but the reasons which h.i ive ali fifty thousand subseribiui s, an we hope.-give it inany thòusafiiU mure, are ! briefly us fòlio ws'. ® ! . íóllowk'. It isti first raté newspaper. BAii the news of the day will be'found i--—.» foiiiid in i” , ,condensed when uiiimpórthit. at full Ieri len unimportilr always presentedhn Vi lear, in- r moment, ■A and hmm I mmìmiì teliigiblc, and interesting mani it is a first-rate family pape full of CD- tertaining and instructive real pig of every kind, but containing nothing t feit can offend the most delicate and scrup.iluwtsi taste. It is a til stirate story „piip|ii y, .The best tales and romijnees of currend| uteratiire are carefully selected and legiblyll printed in its pages.' I * : ■ It is a first-riite agricultural* ’paper. The most fresh and instructive art: ifeles on agri- ’cultural topics regularly appai |(r in this de- M .» partment. It is an independent polifiqg] I paper; be- longing to no^party aild weaiji lig nov collar. It ughts for^principle, and iort ; it lie election of the best test men mòli to orl^ce. office, it B specially de- exjSjsure ul — the votés its energies __ L- to the — —- ...... - corruptions that now veakenan.l disgrace it reports the fashions for ilg> ladies ami tile inarkcts for the men, especially the'cat­ tle-markets, to which jt pays particular at- tention. ' Finally, it is. the cheapest Ifl lfeper publish­ ed. One dollar a year will seiaire Aire it tor for any subscriber. It is hot fiecessaK.to rç-.to get up a club in order to’ have THE WEEKLY SUN at this rate.' Any one who sends a single, dollar wili get the papier for a year. We have no travelling agents. . J ■ ■ IH •. .* • Wheat, best white, $ blkshol.... Oats, bushel.................. | Corn Meal ib.................. • • • Flour best, iff -nek. (l.f barrel). 1 UlU tu 1 Vifkviv, «IV 11A11 icialftli ilC’l ,_ i lf Island........ crushed.... griihnlatcd. Tea, black, 'lb . Imperial........ Imperial.. Coffee, Costa Rii'a, Rio. i Kono.. ......... L4» 2ÜI¿' 2d(F¡ 00 Mhfc 5 21 fe i> V» t¡5 33 !• • • • .......... I........... ......... j. . I . Lf ,-4- . Oyète: òr N8Î GATES & C IDS’ W • turned with h: rn as far as the Dalles, when the Colombia closeij. He tele­ graphed to thb Sheriff that he has his prisoner lodg< ’ in _ jail ’ at that ‘ " place. The prisoner^ name is Hopkins, we believe, andl j is* arrested on a charge of murder co: lniitted some time since ? in Missouri. Too C old . —Anyone with the least bit of i^dulg< ‘nee cannot expect us to ' .1 ■*”* ‘ - ~ — tuii around t lis cold weather hunting up iteiiis of interest. It is as much as wo edn do th a weather being favora­ ble to do this . All there is to chron- icle isiconceining sleighing, skating this we g get but ptjtms and snowbal jng; in~' ■; ibf) llyKho first, and as we littlo, especiiJ aint & very ‘ ' big _ thing on ice,” we prefer remai ling near tlio fire. Garibaldi’s straw-stuffed bed in Ischia was heard to mutter, on see­ ing a lady carrying awav a few straws as a relic, ‘ * ‘'l’licy will do it;V I'vti. stuffed it six times al readv n hausted. F ile rose to go away-« E. (’. KkADSHAW, attorney at law. She whispered, ‘red. as she accompanied him to the door, “I shall be at ST. JOSEPH BUSINSSS I rectory / home next Sunday evening, ” -So. ELTY a SIMPSON, cor 4th and Elm ; shall 1,” he replied. dealers in groceries, gla^ ¡ware. Queens In agreeable and versatile Iowa “local"’ says: “Ceular ,River is in a languishing condition. It is verv low and confined to its bed. The cat-fish get aground, and have to be helped off the sand-bars by H ard t > B f ^ t .--Mr. A. V. the good-natured boys.” ¡Clark, of trisp ace, laid on our tabic a Jim ) containing forty-three apples whi< h he broke from the Í* »» tree while i athering the fruit. The Corner Je iter bo ti and Third Sts«, limb is not over two feet in length and the ap lies are average size, LAFAYETTE, - OGM. which makes them look almost HE UNDERSIGNED TUXES pleas­ . .if solid. ure in announcing to the travelling,pub- LIVERY 4 FEED STABLE, ■■ -, w *' te , * * •r*’’ as B all . — There will be C jiäistm a graitd Ch istrnas ball given at the Dayton Hotel, Dayton. Mr. Joe. Ri­ ular and well known pro­ ley, the po ij •I uli prietor, will the supper. All ill furnish f tU who wish to join in tjie mazy dance should not . fai fail to attend this. Tick­ ets includir g supper $2 50. C aught Sheriff Bird succeeded in capturing Henry Nordon, who was indicted ini connection with Frank K ware and patent medicines ILLIARD SALÒON, Pon proprietors. Best wini MOTEL, J. H. 0,Ida. HULL JOHNSON, Prop. GEM SALOON LAFAYETTE, ** - Isaec Sampson, - - - - OREGON, Pipprietor. 0—0 in fine wines andliq - w>- 5( Kfiti (M ■ ANI» DIFFERES*! KINOS OF TERMS OF CIBC11T COURTS. Parlor and Box Stoves All Biaunfactiire l in this city. ’ .1 I The other dealers will loll you they keep them. The reason is. they can’t buy them. ' P ¡«¡;sc remember ,t1 also have PATENT 1 3HURN Don’t forget to look at the PATENT WINDOW ARKER ?.- . CL..THING. Which is inmle of Sprue:e Wood, and is ¡Lighter, Cheaper, Moie deadly, i ■ J ' ’ More .Ljurable And is tlieìiandsomest Window Blind in use. •*- IVgives the best sati? faction to all who try ib-afeil I only ask you to enquire of any »me m'oïl them, to joavince you that the who has m'od Wooden Blind is the vqi rv-Jti st that yon can buy. JOHN R. LAKE. jnnel n<>14 BOOT: K £ GLASSWARE AND QUDEN’S^ '.HA*iU)WARI ANI) CUTLK DIIUC LS. medici : ai T ÍN WARE ;íl All of which have been seleç! selectee Importers and Dealers of S'ai SSin F 1 ami w ill be offered low for cash ¿r produce* i** * AiDany GOffliai ProL Mart Taylor Principal. - NOlt GIVING TH Frst District—In the county of Josephine, on the fourth Monday in O.ctolier; Jackson second Monday in February, June and No­ vember. * Second Distirct—Douglas thirtHMónday- in October, and seconed Monday in’”May; Coos, fourth Monday in May, «and second Monday in September; Curry, first Monday in Juné; Lane, third Monday in April, and and first Monday in Nevember; Benton.sec- ond Monday in April, and third Monday in November.’ i Third District—Linn.» fourth Monday in March, and second Monday in October; Marion, second Monday in March June and November; Folk, second Monday in May. and fourth Monday in November; Yamhiíl, second Monday in April, and fourth Monday in October ; Tillamook, second Monday in July. Fourth District—Clackamas, fourth Mon­ day in April and September; Mwtomah, second Monday in February, June and Oc­ tober : Cohimbia, second Mw^lay in April; Clatsop, sfecond Monday^n August, apd, fourth Tuesday in JantraYy; ’ Washington, fourth Monday in May,%na first Monday in October. • Fifth District—Wasco, third Monday in” June, and second Monday in November; Grant, first Monday in June, and third Mon­ day in September': Baker, 1hird Monday in May and first Mcrtiday in October; Union, first Mondav in May,’and third Monday in October; Umatilla, last Monday in April, and fourth Monday in October . YOUNG MEN OF Oregon a through tl Business Education I ’ rpi, Qregon .v ONE HALF THE USUAL PRICES, Nez Berce Indian Chief ■ Tn session at Albany, Linn County at all tkne^¡ i n • SALVE." •» . • .* ■71OR BELIEF TO PAINFUL FEET .I? from TIGHT POOTS use NEZ PERCE Farmers and others rushing to educate their INDIAN CHIEF SALVE. U* sons can obtain full particulars by adffress- FK10 remove' Corns Apply Freely Fez ■iiig the Principal, ■* u Fkrce Indian Chief Saive. Bandage for four or five days; a t-ure cure. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL 4 The r Dayton Gfi - 1 y - • » Is now open fojMjoragle, free all those that will give us the lmachiising their Wheat for highest market price, any tin: may see proper to sell.I ,V( So come on, gentlemen j we acci bridge and no ferriage; and w date you any way to spit the tin is, y LAFAYETTE ACADEMY: ! ■^ J. SMITH, FTtERM COMMENCED SEPTEMBER 15, ir»— TtORsHARD SWELLINGS AND GATH- > J873. . erings use Nez Perce Indian Chief TUITION» Salve. HIGHEST GRADES.. .$7 per Quarter. OR SORES ÒF ALL KINDS '"----- <4 INTERMFr “ ATE GRADE 5 . 4C «¡T: <• Use Nez Bcjjce Indian Chief Salve: PRIMARY 4 UAGFS,Yextrà)7 1 per month. 710R ALL DISEASES OF THE SKIN <*rPupils can enter at any time. Use Nez Perce Indian Chief Salve. no30 tf RICE 50CENTS A EOX. For sale by — -5 ail Druggists and general dealer^. , tC 0> □ IX i oct2Cly O a s- Ï 2 ~ *0 ». 5 ■ a B « § 60 es ■*» 1 = ’•* c •’S o C5-- s- rt o o i SLw 'N e w G go r -2 i® Q u Q H ® ■ I I L ' bfe F’ s' I X 3 60 A o U fa ■ 1. f, OLDS - PROPRIETOR. AND AFTER MAY 1G, THEÌÈ wiU ill be I a regular stage running be- n Lafayette and Portland, making tups, leaving Lafayette every Fri- .ly trips, norning at K o’clock, returning Satr.r- FARE, EACH WAY, $1 50. i; A NEW HACK t! * PARKER WEST MERIDEN,CT J. Nt MILLER, Wagon Maker! LAFAYETTE. OGN, OULD ANNOUNCE TO THE CTTI- place and vicinity W he ziens liaa of this returned to his old stand that prepared to do all l^8 lin „»vriF“8 be placed upon this line in a short manufacturing WAGONS. BUGGUB, HACKS, Acr I {XT’Repaii ing done on short notice. PRESS and other business attended to n^6m3 ppromtly. nl2tf , fl. i L ■ this House a Call.*< l 1 uprtimG n _ X U Q la « Ps, 73no39-ly ' •! Wf and in fine variety, THE PARKER CUN. £' •o c c <» 5 E u Consisting of General Merchaadi CLOTHING. . I|ATS, CAPS, « BOOTS. §H0E8, . GROCER1E H a RDW. T EADBETTERJ RILEY :^>icturea of all STAPLE ARTICLES. on hand and frames ■ J descriptions aL.. rays - ------ GENfSt FURNISHING of all descriptions made to i qj^er. [ - - . .* ■ * _ GOOÖS, ETC., EToJ, arker a do., Ferd street ; dry goods, groceries and gej leral merchan- dise. Dayton flouring mills, j ¿i K Q Z 60 ave __ Ah AVE just JUST reoei RECEIVED constantly receiving :! ■ or tetter and ringworm Use Nez Perce Ind an Chief Saelv F I F 1 P ' ’“f ' M RGUSON Cc Bl *”n j! I • r .11 . 4 I T TI^OR BURNS AND SCALDS ‘JI5': Use Nez Perce Indian Chief Salv Ï At the Old . Brick Cornei ' TtOli Cuts aud Bruises u?e Nez Perce In­ dian Chief Salve. PRINCIPAD. p< —* > JüDICf^EiSTT'CTS. . You can»nW buy a Stoye of thicker plate,' and wfrany plate fstfcit can be rcplac- ■ 'First •- , . District: Jackson . and Josephine. “2.1 I District k.'..:. I: Penton, ( oos, Curry, Douglas cd at a small expenie. We have the f T-d and Lane. 3d District: Linn. Marion, Driving Flue and Elevated Oven Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill. 4th District: Clackamas, Columbia, Multnomah, ’ and __ j, L'matil- Washington. 5th District; (want, Ui COOK STOVES, la, Union and V» usco. •» S. POWELL, Saw till. Dressed • lumber of all kinds, doors and win­ dow frames. /■ OWARD & STEWAii'i blacksmiths, Wagons, hacks and buggies ironed. Gunsmithing and general job work done. 4 s SI PREME COTllT. L®A K E jvcr 4 ealer BEST, livery stable Fe ’ street ; bug- Ü.A© 0 uora, such as: • gies and horses to let l all times, at Whisky, Brandy,¿¿Ge, Porter, Beer and reasonable rates. Of latest Soda. \ ' '.J he late Grand Jury, for Star- by 1 ^lflINGLEH^-(]0()D ALITI ON— Also, Scgars, Tobacco, Candy, Nuts. ' INGLE K— (¡I He was caught' down on etc, Give me a call, burglary > hum! and to arrive u Ross More hand m3 no35*tf the Colum ia on lost Saturday. West Chehalem, V ) J D OFFICZKS P. P. Priuv Chief Justice.... Jacksonville A. J. Thayer......... ».............. ... .Corvallis B. F. Bonham.. 4.........-......... ...?. .Salem W- W. Upton.................... . ... Portland the suie Agent for a 1 the Stove« manu­ L. L. McArthur.?................. Baker City factured. •*. ■ P H J U. S. District Judge. .,............. M. P. Deady. U. 8. Marshal.; .... .... .Tiro's G. Young Clerk U. 8. Court.... ...: R. Wilcox Surveyor Generah_.>. .. W. H. Odel Sup't Ind Affairs.... .T. B Odeneal U. 8. Assessor...V.. ..Thos. Frazer U. 8. Collector......... ...W. Bowlby MADE •prietor: cor of 4th and Dehot street! . New house Í d M. good NEW GOODS! accommodations. I AINTING. Hmise, card ¡ge and wagon painting nnd ffljgn writin ¡ done to orj order by J. W. Cajgiy.______ . ' i DAYTON BUstS’ESS D’| ItECTORY. CHRIS. TAYLO^dealer! general mer- chandise. Odd Fellows’ uilding. The cheap cash store OFFICERS. 99 Butter, fresh rolls, 'fy lb packed, .. * Cali loin ia . Isthmus .S-' dozen F Cheese, Oregon prime, (’¡•lifoi iua j.... Lard, ft It»_______ __ wool , mr , KTC Wool, n, :. . Hides, dry, each green, salted, iitcli.. Deer Skins. <1 leased, lb.. Sh(,‘op skins, wool on, xach - ' oils .lire. . Linseed Oil, boiled, gallon .’fr ra w . . Laid-oil ga lun. Coal oil Oil, ^gallon.. lb............. !.. Tallow, •i "■ Jv’ ITDEBAL LAND HARKE &c. Dwyton, Ocnober 2.1*73. cl £SNELL e had at no ether place, as kg os > BUTTEfi, .. L. F. Grover 8. F. Chadwick i ... L Eleischner .Eugene Semple 8, C. Simpsop ------ * E 8. M cCoinas CON IRES8I0XAL. STOVES. . T lie that in connection with ^is Feed and Liv- W erv business he is running*! a DAILY EXPRESS to and from St. Joseph. Leaves Lafayette at 10:15, making connection with H the cars, and returning at 12:15 p. m. n35-tf VIOLINS, OREGON I’OILTIIY. • 1 Governor ¡.. J........... Secretary of State. Treasurer of State State Printer.......r. State Librarian............. Register of State Lands MEATS. ■ Z ELll’Y A SIMPSON. n< ■th side Main eV street; ilp.iIeri iii dru¡( i, confection- Are now running, and arè-pfepaiet cries am) family s ili ipplies. plies. u neat or to exenange ior n n grind ■ AS. Mi'< 'AIN. atfon.cy ; ee on south for toll, or to chop for toll, or or to grind loiv or not to grind side Main street. í1’* i or h- I y ,, I wa^to please the farmers, so t ; flhey not go away scolding. M. RAMSKY. Com • attorney it law,- *r----- Court House. ' J i J W OHN BIRD, wejtkide J< lersmit street, A y •ouQg lady had coquetted un- dealer in stoves es apd ahd tinv tin wire. _ * J til the victim was completely ex­ ---------- —---------- 4 .. _ ..: r. ORGANS, FIFES. Chickens, dressed, each., per dozen.......... -i ■ EXECUTIVE' DEl’VBTMENT. ACCORDEONS, Beef, fresh. %Hb.............. horned ............... . Miioked............ j .. Pork, lresli, lb lb.............. Veal, “ ........... Minion“ .................. Bacon, hams it»....;... r sugar cured.. sides........ ........... . shoulders................ ' OBEGON OFFICIAL DIBECTOEY.' FLUTES, 3 C aught hi ; M an .*-—Deputy Sher­ iff C. T. Belcnpr succeeded in captur­ ing his man a ; Walla Walla, atul Te­ H Which I offer for sale cheap for cash. ! 1 now have on hand Musical Instru- , ments such as Apples, greeu bush.... dried, tfttb .. . Peaches, dried, V lt>... j. Plumbs, “ {I lb....: Beans, R> !b........... . ... Potatoes, bush. ......... Onions. lb.................... • .. .J. W. Cowls I T. II. Harrison ' ‘ | A. R. Burbank- State Senator Rep’s... j , DRUGS, MUSIC, &.C. FBUITS, VKOETABI.E.*tticoats in hind a corner. ¡SUN. -Same THE NEMI-tVEEKLY ! such a manner as to be hard work to > a year. A size ns the Daily St ’ rt. Some of our young folks insist that tell who was who,. but which only ad­ discount of ‘40 per ct^nt. to c bs of 10 or skating on your back with skates in ded zest to the sport, as no one was" over. the proper position, but getting THE DAILY SUN. Á li ge four-page '.! ' vhicli occuyjed the air hurt. The couple ‘ kerect ” position is the main difli- a * newspaper of twcntv ; bight d linos. Daily trixl to occupy it, back seat, Dr tr ' ‘4 “ O, 1)00. A the new s for circulation over l çulty dumped out, we think, about a dozen ’4 cents. Subseripti inti piii 50* cents a War-whoops seem to he the most montlk-orSti 00 a ye • .- times. But this s eigli was not the j ulis of 10 or ■only one which met with . sjiuo .mis—| popular way of attracting attention over, a disrount of * 4(i perree «»TH SUN, ” Adjress; • ‘ (A.*** -Wp on thb tr;p; th ite wasH*g<>the^ one in our streets in absence of sleigh- IU142 '■ • , . Nd fork .City. ■Lieb reached the stable minus tim bells, as some of the young bloods go W toUgue, ami as it could not be guided, whrzy.ing along, tho boys lifted tne girls upon the Work was resumed on the Good f- ! horses, and hied a ivay to their homes Templars _ ‘ Hall this week, , and if the as morry as you p ease. wei ■ather continues fair it will b : ready KEizry n. Air. Hubbard inter ms us that n? kept sell will do well by calling at his very quiet until ho reached he ferry place of business. Pickles, . Portland wh i n h > attempted to On Saturday e veiling it’ was our Crackers. • -4 make his escaiMJ by I jumping out of the pleasure Nuts of ids; ____ to _ visit „ayton 11 Lodge, I. O. •« »p ¿o. hack,”Y butfupon being tout that lie KJT. 1 in company with several oth- Bar tiines. viWB ’ --medicr.'- treit- was only going °r3. This Lodges tlioug! h small as to incut^tuld be irocurxi he became numbers,'is in a most prosperous con­ ; HH- ■ «pi iet. . iT . r it would iygjyell for some dition, and ! Medicinal ■s that arclarger to pat- Fine Wittes anti Liquori of the lrgc a -