■■ F 2*^ lifLt i.'"* w ” J- Jr ' X Ji î * *’ J I I » . j 1 1 1 Kiir : I r \.. X /. IJ A 1 f ■> 1 ’• 4 a f-1 1 .44 L I ?■ LAEAYETTE COURIER. V H 7 From the Oregonian, Dec. <• 4 wl GOOD SUGGESTION. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW s NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ’. • V .« ■ / *1 ■ pl 4 ~rt uj / St I . il I JUDGE MOSHER'S DECISION. *** t— . J n !» The State Board of Equalization, . ' ■ 29. —A Nov GR j AND Sheriff’s §ale. - r DEC. 5th, 1873. FRIDAY, in their report, say : ¡a shiigton By our .dispatches it will be seen A » • I f ■ »i- y ’• • a , ♦ fright, In connection with tho subject of that the proceeding brought by cer­ coived at a late bdttr 1 1 lósit •JVroTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT^BY ' JL> virtue of an execution issued out of “ taxation wo,would further suggest tain taxpayers of Benton county, in contains iniorma^iop that Spain PROCLAMATION. the Hon. Circuit Court of the State of Ore- - the advisability of paying all county Son for the county of YamhUl and to me z W hereas , Under the Ac of the legisla­ officials by a stated yearly salary, the circuit court for the second judi­ has conceded all dd to the a newspaper published at Lafayette, in the State Board of Equalization, has been eration of the p per annum from the 18th day of January • county of Yamhill, Oregon, ha* lo> n desig­ County Treasury. We aro assured 1-»71, and the further sum of eight 60:100 ' he release of nated to publish the Legal and Jydiiial ad- that after paying ‘liberal compensa­ decided adversely to the Board. - Wo Virginius still liv dollars (18 60-100) costs. I have levied upon American ^•'■vertisinents for the county ef Yamhill, in tion for the very best ability there understand tfiat the qourt held—first, the vessel, salute —AT THE- - all the right, title and interest of the above • th^State of Oregon, nml named Def.’t, John 8. Cooper, in and to the e families flag, anti prbvisio following described real estate, the same • W i X rkkas . Tho proprietoiwtSaid L afa - would remain in the • Treasury, une that the act of the Legislature crea­ ?d The PERKINS’ FARM CHRISTMAS NIGHT being an undivided Interest ana acquired / yettk ..C j , i b , ek , l1,ls '’ted with the county der such an arrangement, in a major­ ting a State pBjard of Equalization oj the cap t’ves I > bv being an heir of Esther Cooper,deceased Clerk of said Yariihill Co,written stipulations ity of the counties h large surplus fias been •t Tne south half of the Donation land claim confers no authority to discriminate tipic for saluting accepting the conditions of said Aft. together of Enoch Cooperand wife, being notifica­ of money with which to liquidate fiyed for neRt Cj a, w p.v , with » Bond approved as tlje law directs Committee of Arrangements« tion No. 1490, claim No. 53. Said claim be­ obtween individuals^ but that it lim- with proper returns and notices thereof, to county liabilities and thus relieve the vide for the contj ing situated in sec.’s 3, 4, 9 and 10 in T. 5, 8. . ■' 1 of Spain’s < thisotliee according to law .now therefore said oppressiveness of coiipty taxation. its the Board’to equalization between R. L augiilin . R. 3, W. in Yamhill county, Oregon. promised E mm itt O lds . m ’ - L afaykttk C ourier , is hereby proclaimed It would also be a movemiant in |he counties; and, secondly, that the npt being able tc Andon . < to be appointed^nd* confirmed as the medi­ right direction and a help to the tax­ Monday the ^9th day of December, . )p naval Floor Committee t um through wIneh all Legal and Judicial ad- county court sitting.for county busi­ concessions, the 1873, » j interr upt- to consolidate ____ ?'________________ rather than I construction is nk 1,0 vertv-'inents forthe county of Yamhill in the payer t- at the hour of one o'clock P. M., I will pro ­ ness has no jfir^sdidion to raise the G. %■ P. DoRRISS. W m . M alone , State of Oregon shall be published for the increase the number of offices. ceed to sell at public auction to • •■> eil. Spain, it iQd, also a the highest, bidder fdr cash in hand perioiVnnthorized by law. assessment made, by tho as madp tlio county The necessity' for and justice of, in front of the court houSe door in Lafay­ abd pun- agrees to b "ina" ti ' In testimony whereof, I hayd heaeunto set at tho county boatd of Yamhill county, Oregon all the right > my hand and caused the sfenl of the State such reformation as Suggested by tho assessor; thai Having secured the best of music, ette, ishraent the w title and interest of said Defendant in and dr Oregon to l>c affixed, at the Executive equalization pnly i can equalize such siiootintr of a good time may De expected by all. to the above described property to satisfy r . office, in the city of Salcnt this the 22nd Board in their report ought tobe patent costs. ¡¿^Tickets including supper ^2.50. said execution and accruing fiav of November, A. D, 1873, J? • N ew ^Y i te everyone who gives the subject the assessment. Theso are tho two points R. P. BIRD, \EW ÌOpK, Sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon- (L8.1 A general invitation is extend- It least attention or thought. Under upon which Jiiidgo Mosher rests his w tèd tha t epH ( L. F. 1 GROVER, Lafayette, Oregon, cd to all. 1 * - ' -J Nov. 28tn, 1873. no40-w4 Governor of Oregon. ■*- Samuel II. Tindell therein for the sum of iict order pi relva Is e mo ng the peu- gallows Portland who styled him­ Lafayette, Nov. 7, 1873T , iv found that the $2,157 80-100 U. S. gold coin and interes If, for instapcb, it if- petency and thorough efficiency in iin|tqqhb| T the rendition of said judgment to- self Dr. Glass. • The evidence in the h® chief -au- since total taxable propel ¡y of Multnomah pie and vol wit: tho offices of County Clerk and Sher ­ case put it beyond any reasonable Administrator’s Notice. s land as^cmbled Since November 12, 1872, amounting to county as MsQised, ] ¡mounts to $10,- thori ties of iff, these officers under an existing i. ------- $2,382 40-100 U. S. coin and the further sum doubt in the minds of the jury befoYe ip conference an j sen a manifesto ot $1,070 U. S, currency and interest since OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT lal taxable prop- 804,662, while the <■1 the undersigned “has been duly ap-^ to the Spanish (j i over h lient asking the said 12|h day of November, 1872, whom Glass was tried and convicted, fee system, receive from $3,000 to amounting to $1,2 *2 3V100 U. 8. currency pointed administrator of the estate of Ran­ And tho iqe- erty of f^nto i coi |ty, as assessed, that he was guilty of the foul and $20,000 X per annum. and the costs of said suit and accruing son Higgins, deceased. All persons know­ received a it to wait ill it - ,-^T ■ 7^^1,479,' ‘ J I ! and if in the amounts to * 1 costs, I have levied upon and will proceed statement about the ViiMitiius case, to sei 1 at public auction to the highest bid­ ing themselves indebted to the estate are re­ • atrocious crime of taking the life of quality of compensation of county to call and settle the same, and all K) Board, there is ¿f judgment of t le St for C. S. Qoin and currency to me In quested the poor, misguided victim, Miss officers should bo reformed. The which shows the riglit of capture der persons having claims against said estate*' hand paid-on day (if sale in front of the an inequality in tlv assessment of the and th0 justice of sib Court noure door in the town of Lafay­ will please present them with proper vouch­ Hardman, in the attempt to produce Treasurer, who assumes an immense ette, Yamhill county, Oregon, on , . ers within six months from date, to the un­ two totals, fljin it | jay raise the ag- ceedings. The piasp The mass abortion in a quite advanced stage of responsibility, rcC^ves but a tithe of Monday tile 5th Day of January, dersigned at his residence two miles west of gregate.in Benton q ‘ Multnomah, as op|iose the iiu^render ■ ^Lafayette, Yamhill County. Oregon. Y pregnancy. Dr. Glass met an igno­ the compensation allowed other 1874, DAVID SMITH, I certify the same the case may be, aii gin ins or ail . Administrator. minious doom—a term of five years officets. . To the end that, competency- I Aktlio liour of one o’clock P. M., of said t Lafayette. Nov. 7, T£73. • iv ioard, > hcr must back to tha county j day in accordance with and in obedience and efficiency bo assured in the office sions which be a may in the Penitentiary. And who will ; 5 to said decree and the order of sale therein all the following described piece say that his measure ,of punishment of County Judge, that officer should thereupon proceed t equalize the as- the Spanish Hag. Th e to ne of the contained parcel or tract of bind to-wit: MISCELI4NE0TS. ought not to have b^en quadruple bo, in all countfcs containing a pop­ sessmeift of the varii ns kinds of prop- presK accor Js vi th this popular That niece or parcel of land situate in ___ »_____ -'f \ . i . - a Yamhill county. State of. Oregon and erty, in det *il| up t -ihe total amount feeling» Extraoidira: •y means and known and described on the official plats . S. • that allotted him? But, when we re­ ulation of fivj e thousand souls, iÿl,OOC eated to » re: in the Surveyor-General's offioe of Oregon flect that he is on’y one among the per annum. Tho CJpunty Assessor fixed by th t Stato Btcinl. But in no resouices ai C bei as donation claim number sixty (60j in I € Bajxird say that the case can tlip S fate 1 allliougli Township lour. (4), south of Base line and sist any aggress; VO ’ ; many thousands who subsist and grow should be paid an annual salary in­ Rang«* three West and notification num ­ 4ct any, or corporational thinking jieopleco il?' " HAIR dressing saloon ber 1620, except 260 acres off the West end < rich from the proceeds of the same stead of, th^ inadequate and un­ cattle, hordes, i 81166*1 ' th rr I of said claim to satisfy said execution, property of any cc ■inty are assessed ie Amer- -esort of practice, it is some relief to satisfactory system of per. diem now costs and accruing costs. L ican Gbvon ment. too high op t x> lo! K The right to R. P. BIRD, . .know that eveiqthe paltry term of five in vogue. The necessity for the Sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon. After­ Lafa.ve|tc W ashing i|roN, /1 deal with dacb spec es of property re- Dec. 5, 1873. ' no41-w4 years in the Penitenitary has, for a reforms above suggested will, we aving bougi « THE SHOP noon—The ÄOÜ 5 et] at noon. »mty boards. sides solely in the o owned by .1. ajors, wish­ time,stopped the career of one of them. think be apparent to 1 all upon the J 1 Citation Notice. ¿efi as were Tho plaintiffs ii ¡j.this case, as we Thcgalariesl WerM 4 * es to infJnn the public pu blit that hfe is So long as human nature is what it least reflection,. most of the seats i|ii now prepared to do any and all bai . Wlicp understand it, had i Obtained a writ of In the county court of Yamhill county, kinds of Work in his line in the lat­ is, there will be viotims of their own in the State . , , l)ite of Oregon.’ t / Clerk JlcPh jliod Louisi- erson ent style, review, alll'dging e4 - « Jror in the deter ­ OREGON. (xt DECEMBER TERM, • fol y and the lust and intreagues of .• -_ i 'y -{• • . • .1« - * j stated » * ' H ’’4* t< NI ana, .in calling the | nirr-- — mination qf tjhe county court of Ben­ In the puttier of flic last will and testa ­ Shaving men; and so long as society is what it .. .25 cents ’C ‘were bn| tfyo urhhal- ment of William Blair, deceased: Ï Oakland ¡I has a female basi that thei thuc in thai'tho said county that ton county, < t Wtqtp. ’ " is, this class of victims will seek im- club. “ rjlQASABEL MITCHELL AND MARGA- Shampooing,. .. .25 centi*. t unlawfully assumed tho fu^c- lenged certificates fry“ n court JL lUt and Elizabeth, daughters devisees x munity from exposure in the fouj as- ■? of all i! there of thfrsaid deceased and to his unknown fill o of a pointy • board of equaliza­ fin thè cases Richard Weller, », , of Buena Vista, tions Hair cutting,? .. .25 cents rairoiiï' t heirs: ylum of tho professional abortionist, were conflicting si tion. " 1 the ” Swte Board certifi- W iiekeas , T. A. Wood, administrator tion. BefjffJ has 75,000 bushels of wheat in his t with the will annexed, of the estate of though visions of his crimson Bu^ps Warmoth noth ai and ‘PiJicli William:Biair, deceased, has duly tiled in ed the assessment rSlls back to, the warehouse at that place. 'M haunt their dreams by day and night. 4 either, the above Jnaniqd court his petion in due had < declined tcJ board of ¡Binion county, the latter form priiynig for an order of said court 3_ A preliminary survey for a^Xuu? 1 I HVE THOROUGHLY OVER- There was a jdi scrèj And until society is literally metamor­ the pa- authorizing^ and empowering him to sell board had|ad jourm •& But the county n 1 hanled and repaired my BATH the following des<-ribed real property, be ­ ____ ‘ 1 J pers from thç nin^l railroad to the J’me quary on r I phosed this will always be so. To of ROOM, those in need of a good longing to said estate, to-witf: court, as ip alleged,; spread the rolls the Umpqua, is Loing made. The drigiual Donation Land Claim of Trict. and from Ai kali ' . .. i i- ■ • 8 escape the frowns, and jeers, and the- Isaac Vvlott,^situate in YamhUl county. and assuniedj tho authority of the of the four scats werip 1 State of Oregon, and being notitkaticmNoT’' scowls of her own sex, almost »any But two persons have died from county beard. UjwnjBeview, Judgq 1042and claim No. 86 and being parts of a6c-.: In the case o victim of sensuality will brave the natural causes at Clarksville, Ba­ ' tions 26, 27, 34 and 35 in T. 4.S. R.3, W. and Can be accommodated reasonable*. Mosher granted irrir|order annulling was doubt, as to the pre J more particularly described as follows, to-. * . tortures of seven hells. Woman is ker county, since the place was set­ wit: . . \ ri • t the decision of the cb’inty authorities. holding the election ! . _ ROBERT PIERCE, • ’ Beginning at a point two chaitisumd fif­ tlierc woman’s ownrworst enemy. But, we tled. ty links cast and twenty three chains Scwthe assessment stands as it ‘did be- were two sets of mcmb' and sixty eight links south from the N. are wandering from the text. If Lafayette, The earthquake was felt quite fore it cA ¡niie into the hands of the on diflerent du W. cor.ncr ol said sectioqii, and, runn­ » hil VC ing thbnce N. seventy-threecbatns and fif­ there werq no houses or barns to burn distinctly at Linkville, and in sev­ State ,>oa| no40 tf ty links, thence S.’seventy-five degrees been énrolled, incendiarism would become a lost art; eral places large fissures were i West two chains ami fifty-two links; thence plaintiff was called, 278 out In thisi proceedii J an- south eighty degrees West one chain and just so with the Occupation of the al> made in the earth. 4- sixty-four links: thence N. thirty-six de­ represents d by h :®’ . . W. Clarke, -of swered. Thé grees W- two chains: thence North six > ortionist were a respectable degree, of degrees W. sixteen chains and eighty-eight 4' The prospectus of a new weekly San Franc lisco, and;.ph eo. R. Helm, of ed to the elec rationality called in^o play on the The links; thence north eighty-eight degrees MONEY SAVED buying the Albany. | I ssrs. Chenoweth, Strahan Maynard ndminall West four chains and fifty links; thence paper at Oakland has been issued ¡“'Home” Sewing Machine, re- subject of what are known as the “so­ by E. C. Phelps, Es(£ It will be N orth’eightv-six degrees West eight cliaihs Liifht Icentiy patented. id Kelsay iy appeared f>r ijt the Blaine; Niblack notai Burnett alii +■' and tlnrty-three links: thence South sev ­ cial sins.” i COMBJNE8 AJA IMPROVE^- enty-five‘degrees and thirty minutes West small lin size and independent in board. W( e underi ^t|ind that aiv ap- nando Wood; llol nah Running';ments of other machines. two-chains and seventy links; thence .West We hope the fate of Dr. (?) Glass i A CHILD CAN RUN AND ¡five chains and twenty links; thence 8. politics, and appear -on or about peal will bo taken !¡to the ¿Supreme S. S. Cox, wl|o said life will serve at least to limit the impuni­ seventy-flvechains andsixfv links; thence < ‘HOME"* understand it. _i - Court. Wo await t^b' publication of candidate. ThoçvOto the 1st of January. East fo‘rtv-two chains and fifty links to the i IT 18" THE BEST BECAU8E ty with which demons of this class ply place of beginning, containing three hun­ Sewing the simplest, and not liable to Judge Mosher’s decision before mak­ folk>jv<; .Blaine 190, dred and twenty acres more or less. Said J. Hon. P. C. Sullivan has severed out of order." | their vocations; > mi d though the num­ Cox 2, Clymer 1, A land to be sold to pay the claims presented Machine iget Furnished ing further i *comment. in five different and allowed against said estate and theex- ber of these offenders ever arraigned his connection with the Liberal Stephens 1. Mavrari ¡styles, a, ft □od pensAs of administration fhqteof. And Ji Repubhcun, Republican, DallaS. It will of DallaiL Latest, ! Prices from $60 to 80. W hereas by order of said Court duly or even suspected bears fio propor­ Notes and News. ' à I conducted Bia Blainp to air, made and entered of record November 22, < -■• h I ’ • • • Hemmer and feller, braider, hereafter be edited bv by Messrs. A A. tion to the total niimber whose ener­ 1873, ftimfAestJruffler, gauge, quilter, extra Mart V. Brown, editor of tho Dem­ when lio made a ¡r Tuesday the Gth day of January, ‘ -r^ithroat plate, shuttle, six bobbins gies and resources ate devoted to the R. Lyle and B. II. Sullivan. ocrat haS Jxwn eleoted Mayor of Al- thanking the House X 1 1874. and ¡twelve needles, etc., free with. ♦’slaughter of the innocents,” an oc- Some thirty Chinamen who went j^any. Maft is wejl qualified for tho or conferred. I )a WGS ]each machine. At^leven o’clock in the forenoon of said Best. ; Guarantee Perpetual.______ day was appointed as the time and the - casional conVidtiqn cannot but serve from Bafer county to work in the position, pffd if suffj: eeds as well in member of the E louse I court room in the courthouse in Lafay ­ We —also continue to Bell the favorite* mines on Snake river heard fehottf presiding over ■fg ' the pi ¿ape and dignity ed, the oath of oi fiqe t a salutary end. t ette, Yamhill county, Oregon, as the place < ‘HOME-SHUTTLE t ** . - - forbearing said petition by said court. ■i > We cannot conclude this article whizzing aluiut their ears the night of Albany, as he has with his paper, er, who thereupon, p PRICES REDUCED — No. 1,. $28; No. 2, And, $40: No. 3 (Half Case). $45.; \ • . M irEREAl, by said order it was directed swear in the nnernuvrs. member rH without an expression of our regret they reached the mines, and put we don’t] she how wore can be pom* Kwe^r Orders for either machine promptly filled that, a citation be issued directed to you in due form. and forwarded on receipt of price. » •*' About fifty .Southerln back saying, “ No good catch cm I 1 4 at tho course taken by a Portland I plaint. | Therefore, in the name of the State of ACTIVE agents W anted , 01 and all, go!H, iteiican man too niuchee amotf^tbein Stephens, < journal with reference to this case, in you and each of you are hereby kinds of Sewing Machine Needles for sale*, Hon. antes 3 Gj iBlaino has boon who were unable to tpke the iron Oregon required to appear at the time and place GEO, W, TRAVER, Gen. Agt, shoffl^. ’ * r f Ahat it substantially exculpates the above specified and show cause, jt any t tfie House Houso of Rep- clad oath, took elected Speaker of t|ie "ft, W, Cor, Morrison A Third sta, exists, why an order of sale of said prem­ the m X mqrderer and his acomplice, and ar- Portland, Oregt®, 1 Astoria was visited by a hail esentativts. ises should not be made as in the said pe­ Fhe Republican ebu s:no40-m4 raigQfik!‘man-made” .laws for this and aonii- tition pYaved for. ■ ■ v stom last Sunday. testimony whereof we have hereunto ' all similar calamities. tooting on Monday, nees for officer B Of At a Cl Ija-binet mooting were In affixed the seal of said Court and our of­ Ptesment "formally elected. Mr. Caniahan,vof Clatsop Plains, the 1st ii hs;. the itesment ficial signatures, this the 2d day of De­ Th« Btsfc A cember, A. D. 1873. u* TnE C old S nap . —-We aro in the wants a premium on a rutabaga tendered|tke position of Chief Justice ^Delegates front flic J' I [Seal: W. M. RAMSEY, of the Supreme Cowkt of the United Judge of said Court. enjoyment just how of what is usual turnip which weighs 21 pounds. were called, md all e: Hlilinn hl8tory of th« greatest scandal by Attest: ly termed our “ cold snap. ” Consid ­ I III l-one who knows, with comp re hen- R. II. LAMPSON, States tq Attorneyrpeneral Williams. non, of Utah. were siv|o * Capt. N. B. Humphreys. Prose­ 111011 sive biographical sketches of all Clerk. hno42-w4 erable snow lies ' filed* in the county court of Yamhill last Sunday. garden ior flower, yard should send r and w’onien have to say <... ' of thiicsyandal. All county, Oregon, his final account of his Bristow, of e^tucky, will weather at all worth speaking of, and L I'fi lji| • i- 'll 1 1 I* * ’ ' ' t ■ about it written by aTl ATX ’ 1 fi' administration in said estate, and tha jers to James Vick, Rochester The Common Council of Asto­ their ori pointed Attolrney ^Getièrab I yet more infrequently this early in by order of stid court this day made, the well known author; H 11 K nil N. Y. 1 ifo tests everyting before send­ fame will lie heard by said ¡court at the Not oltensive to the J. U 11 H.U ria have a new Council Chamber. nominations will fie s$nt the season. Our coldest'’ weather is court house in Ijifayette in said county most fastidious; about 400 pages. Hlnatrat- ing thyi ip out, and not one package in Senate toyoifrow. on Tuesday the 6th day of January’. 1874, ed. The greatest selling book ever offered Itili usually in tho month of February. rn at one o’cork in the afternoon of said dsand will fail to grow if they day, at which time and place any person Canvassers. Exclusive territory. It ia rap- 1 . County Clerk, R. H. Lamson is at ten thoi I" M may appearand file objections idly filling up. Yon must secure it now. Send 2d cent^ We are compelled to omit a com­ work on a direct index of all the deeds are treafed prop« hall ones .Interested Big commission. Bound prospectus, can­ to said account. for Floral Guide munication fi om Corvallis this week Published a unshed by Dy order of or W. M. Ramaey/ Ramsey, <• V and That ’ s vassing book and complete outfit sent on re­ ^ounty nty Judge of Said said county, made this this ceipt of Seventy five cents. Circulars, terma me. It will appear in that have ever been recorded in this for want of t: all. Î 2d day of December, 1873. etc., free. Address now THE BEVERLY bur next. E ope to hear from you county. He informs us that so fur Only bne i WM. Colwell, COMPANY, Wabash Ave, and 22d Street* again. no41-w4 Administrator. there has been 40, 000 recorded. icle so f it. I Too thin—t Chicago, Ill. * * * ’ * “'^1; no40-w< 4 J I * 1 J ; w **■. • ’•*»' CT J ■‘V Ì » r? « « / ■n i \ i. - J N. - < ■ < ■'"(•' s » f ■x *■ i ♦ f t < --r « % 1 I V < 4 Y JV / I T" f I * ’ t I k • 4 1 I I 1 « j * r • PARTY, CHRISTMAS MATHIAS CAIN -I ◄ t f a ‘Hé* B I K- • I r 1 -r I N » _7 ’I Mg , H f t - A u Î N 3 ^4»* R H B E R f . PIERCE R.W % s ♦ < < ,1 * H 4 0 p ’fl T" 1 * 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ 1 '■ « ■■ I ■ I ■■ ■•j» A » 5 I Ì-1 1 •I t. »11 1 A 1 '¿1? ■r »• > f N z nt 5^ • » I ! J l'oiO« » X O. • x*i 4’ I t I À. I , J * A <- « !,•»’• 5’’ - ■ I • - 4 J 1 > s .4 € ¿4 1 -- -, ’ a . ?-. ' I à ft f < I % il <5‘ J - 'Ùi P i. ii? Ml IÉ9 t f I 1 j ■ fl . z *- >î 4 *0 i « fl; » * r "i ■% * ! 4' g- r Ì V-' I L ' " ■ ✓ *