M.Î? ? Lïl ¡ r ì ifUrf ’ J'1'I FÍiJÍ ! j' .Ti ' J? ‘U « i 1 • 1 - i p; e • ‘ ’Ì X ; h¡y|V11¡ .'b '¡1 ■ - p kuTj J ; i ■ J ’n ’ ! É'-ÎIJ'''- i' r- r* R’¡ ,j; l ì- 1 >¡l i i ■ ’ ' FJ • f J' Sr' ' UÆi * t ■1 2 Undisputed i The Danbury Almanac. l” MAN PUBLISHES TWT THE “NEWS ’ll HÏ8 PROGNOSTICATOR. 1 . * 1 ' No man who remembers the past, summer can fail to understand why I have got out an almanac.* At ainchoKT^I ’fc 1 4 .50 j !» 00 1 l»i 1 224» Alnchea. ¿300 J 41* 0 t«> 1 11 1 20 1 30 0U i Col. r«ÓÌ"Ì5t 8 O()| 18 |22 ! 32 00 j Col. - 1 MO'P'W !H»|20j28 1 38 00 ¡Col. ¡2M|9 00 IÍ¡T» 1 3Ó 1 50 00 ISTI 30 j 50 j 9Ö00 1 Col. 1 » 1 15 B umiwm notices in the Local . Columns, 25 rtuHi*eat» to he Paid for up­ on uu iking Proof by the PvblUker. At*«. 50 Cteu * I niMe.-o tubcriptteas Sent Käst, tt •• a Yswr. * r BUSINESS CARDS. ► * „ V KTOKXK M7LLIVAN. JAMBS MC 0AIX. ' J MeCAIN dk SI LLIVAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAFAYETTE. OREGON. ILL PRACTICE IN ALL OF THE SUte Ceurta. 'm»rllv8tf W » roduc- ers and consumers; therefore be it Ruolvedt That we use our best ef­ forts to establish or cause to be es­ tablished in each and every State in pur Union, a system of agricul­ tural statistics by which we can get exact information of the aver­ age of Abe principal crops, the amount of liv§ «lock in the country, t - r Hop vines make r. ; , \ “Spirit of the ’—a glass of cider. ’ -r h The hardships of the ocean—iron­ clads. Music by Handel—that of the Or­ gan-grinder. Shakespeare has a blacksmith’s shop in Buffalo. • , Where there is much light the shadow is deep. • .. A handsome thing in ladies’ hose— A neat little foot. A daughter of General Rosecrans has entered a convent. _____ - Kit Carson was recently elected constable at North Platte. ■ ’t* Blondin is walking the rope tn In­ dia and Australia this year. Solitude shows us what we should be; society shows us what we are. Philadelphia has raised $200,600 toward a new academy of fine arts, Mrs. Bose Clinton has assumed the position of lightning slinger at Og­ den. J Scab in sheep is reported quite prevalent in parte of Southern Oregon the quantity tf produce and the this foil. - number of animals of each kind for A peripatetic show out West goes market.” by the name of Wirirdian Cagliostro- It is stated that the.gharp^rs are go­ mantheum. Several county clerks in the State ing for the farmers Ef Illinois. The are tussling with the ** Rqn*l i ««.Hen * * swindlers travel through the country assessment rolls., . . / . with samples of goods, representing In Cincinnati recently a widow and themselves to be runners or agents of her four daughters were all married wholesale Grangers’ stores in Chica­ on the same day. go. They display their samples, offer Jones thinks that the owl is con­ their goods at exceedingly low prices, sidered a bird of wisdom, because he and take th 3 farmers’ note for the is such a solemn-’un. amount, payable in sixty days. The 4, A fine span of horses backed off the ‘ goods never get around, and the notes wharf at Astoria, Friday, 14th inst., - are traded off innocent third part­ and were drowned. • • • • ies, and while the former is congratu­ Laramie aspires to the position of lating himself upon not buying of Queen of tha Mountains. She will middlemen, and wondering why the perspire when she reaches it. goods don’t come, the note turns up. The Ashland sports have swa coin on scrub horse races every The next session of t the State urday for the last ten weeks. Grange of Iowa will be represent­ An Ohio soldier who was a prisoner ed in the convention of the Geor­ in Libby for a year is now foreman of gia State Grange, which meets in a tobacco factory in the building. The Carson river'll beenminy deEu> Macon on the 29th of Oct., and enough for the fish to\ome out QftZe the membership^ will not be less sage brush an take to water again./' thart 20,000. Considering how In Ireland, with less than 5,4(XV- 000 inhabitants, the two Shillings li­ short a time has elapsed since the cense duty was paid on 290,796 do^s. first Grange was organized, the A Michigan farmer has writen to progress of the society in that State Mr. Bergh to know if folding-doors m must be regarded as something ro- hog-pens will be in fashion this sttm- mer. . >; markable. *■ I An old woman’s obstinacy in smok­ The grangers or Patrons of ing while crossing a Kansas prairie Husbandry, have adopted as a rule started a fire which swept over four counties. . ’ , of their order never to go to law, French astronomer^hinks fie will and to have their disputes settled be A able to find out during the coming by arbitration. The case comes transit of Venus whether the planet on without delay, and each man is inhabited. Road agents are making a profiita- telling his story, a jury of picked ble business by overhauling the Bat­ neighbors and mutual friends de­ tle Mountain and Austin stages, near­ ly every day. cide which is right . battle field of Bull Bun, whinh If it be asked what the Patfons 1-- The ‘ * - * * battle - - • was ■ was a farm when the of Husbandry have accomplished, fought, is now a village with about let it be told to their credit that 300 inha rítante. Two fatigued travelers, having to the progress of their movement has travel ten miles further, comforted led fo a reduction of the passenger tKemselves by the calculation that it ; tariffs on the Illinois railroads from was only five miles each. , AHL. -- New Orleans never had so mafiy three to five cents per mile. highway robbers as now, and the po­ The grangers have determined to lice are charged with shielding them « deal directly with flouxers and ex­ and dividing the proceeds.; - porters ¿if grain, and dispense with ^XWhichisthe oldest Miss Antiqui­ what they call “middlemen.” This ty, old Aunty Deluvial Miss Ann Te- will not effect the first partjof min­ rior, Miss Ancestor Miss Aun T. Mun­ - strel entertainments wherein the mid­ dane or Miss Ann T. Cedent? Two pairs of stairs are necessary to dleman is an important actor. every newspaper offioe in North Car­ The Patronsof Husbandry in Mar­ olina; one for the editor to go down shall -county, Hl., declare by resolu­ as the caller comes up the other. 1 tion that no man without good moral The Des Moine dramatic club is character or who is entahgled with discussing what Desdemona meant politics, job or idfig alliances need ex­ when she exclaimed, “Would that heaven had made me such a man!11- pect their vote or countenance. a late date / The farmers of Champaign county, _^A California paper contains the following advertisement: Illinois, are shipping grain on the co­ “Born—In Eureka, August 19, to the operative plan. In a shipment of wife of D. Manheim, a son—a fifteen- i J* ... nineteen car-loads at one time they pounder.” ¡ , save about $500. i . A Georgia; “cracker” was offered four dollars t per day to labor, wbqn A young granger in Pennsylva­ he exclaimed, “Sir, d’ye s’pose I’d nia tapped two hundred apple trees work when I’ve discovered a fresh coon track?” for cider, and after inquiring of a An editor, writing- to a delinquent neighbor why it didn’t run, spent bubscriber requesting him to pay up his income for two weeks bribing his back dues, concluded1 with “If you pay up, yo« wiU me; if . his hired men not to tell it. you won 11 H oblige you. i - J