■ Á*- ?;• I •i ■ -*r Ÿ A t-1. t U- 1 < V '1^ A < A i- *< j.1 4 ! 4 Í ■< . < I 4 Í i T I Ï 1 - Í i’T I I r • I ft" • * i « r A 1 i ! «• « c J T ,X gl TT 5 Í corn year utftor year, fit > price rang­ lessening’ them: vifljhe^. Pribf ct half- oür olümn PRIVATE MEDIGAl AID i *K,J 3^- j# IM i ing from fifty to seventy-five cents hardy, out door plantsj ils with = — QUICK ‘ cures « nd MODERMB GKARGES • — r per bushel, ancTjn^ke ’money besides. one head pierced; with holes, mats, ■ 1 21, 1873. FRIDAY, NOV But what hM all this to do with > À r each be - With the firist item dt irhich WO patronizimi What Cheer Honpe). . Private ., * ’ 1 R ’ Throughout tho farming communi­ glanced, tjw scarcity of money, it has Entrance on Leidsdorff i st. Ban Francisco. I ty we hear oomplaints “hard times?' not so much to do, but with the oth­ li \ il I Established expressly to afford the afflicted Money is scarce, wages are high, and ers it iq intimately connected. LIEF i 7]3 Sound aim scientific Medical treat­ TJ crops are light, and prioes sire low. ment in the cure of all Pri­ Do yon say that wages are high? r ■ ■ “ I ! 'J / JJL* nates. vate and Chronic Vinegar Bitter.xre not.a rile Fwy, Vlncrrnr Bitters are not a vile Fancy These are difficulties with which far­ Then why have you not provided Drin "made of-Poor RumWhisky, Pro-i ■i f Dise^fies, I i 1 spirti. «1X1 BMWLupo«. .Ignore, aoctorea, »Pl^i spiueu, Cases of secresy amFall Sexual Disorders _ mers more than any other class in the yourself with labor4 saving machipofy after reading. this_ adv_crtteeatifni need any il and sweetened to, plegse the taste, called [ SUFFER WITH P - KJ community are obliged to contend. so that you Qoutcido your wqrk with RADWAY’S READY REIJE F I N “Tonics,” “Appetizers,” “Restorers,” Ac., IS A“’CUBE O THE a f that lead tlie tippler on to drunkenness and FOR EVERY PA J For some of them they are not re­ less hplp? Some farniers who have ruin, bnt are a true Medlclnfl made from 9 Pnin Rem- It was thp first und is Ik® ofoj R, JV. K. DOHERTY retprns hissin- - the native roots and herbs is enabled to apply the most efficient oeiv« part of the benefit. If it is un­ dollars’ worth of tools rust and rot Palpitation of the Heart. Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the id successful remedies against diseases o ¿up, Diptheria. Hysterics, favorable he must suffer with mi on in because they are too shiftless to put Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in T i rr i .* i I * i II 11 ¡i j. j ii if.' r I kinds. He cures witho ut mercury, char Cataarh, Influenza. the region of tho Kidneys, and a hundred der cover they thoy have hpve ®o no rea-! i other callings.. All th^ he can do to them under is moderate, treat# his patients in a correct--r I , ??QQth ac^e., Is Prepared to do all kinds other painful symptoms, are the offsprings I NbtitWgta, ’ Rhe\ntii id honorable way, and has references of of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has ex- remedy the evil is to nse his influence son or right to find fault if tfieir no equal, and one liottle will prove a better questionable veracity from men of known Cold Chillk, Ague Chills. 1 J. |] \ Ji J |kí guarantee of its merits than a lengthy ad­ ^spectability and high standing in society. and cast his vote in favor of honest ponies are high. If they would pur­ The application, of the Reudy Relief to UilMlWjj* r ------ - — a toe __ vertisement. the parlfor parts where Min or difficult I parties consulting him by letter Or oth- and intelligent mon to fill tho- places chase suitable tools they would not •---------- 0.---------- For Female Complaint«, in young V ivise, will receive the liest and gentlbst- ty exists exist« will afford eA.se ease a and comfort. ta-4“?'- O ■ • i i ¡ ! ¡i ■ .| I., or old,/ married or single,' at the dawn of need as much hired help, and if thby of public trust. - wieatment and implicit secrecy. , v Twenty drops in a Half half tumbler of water . Í womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic • i-'x !1 wiil in a few minutes minutes ‘ “ cure Qtt.VMPB, CJ ;AMP8, Sour Bitters display so decided an influence that But, bad as is the condition of our to^h care of them they would not need H To Females. a market! improvement is soon.perceptible. When a female is enervated or afflicted' For Inflammatory and Chronic •v national finances and much as farm­ half as many tools. Wtad 4 Khenmaticm and Gout, dyspepsia or with disease, as weakness Of the back Jttd< the Bowels, and all internal Pains. < With the next complaint of 'our in Tiavelers ers suffer thereby it is not the greatest Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Inter­ limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight,, should always earry a bottlaot mittent Fevers. Diseases of the Blood, Liver, los oi of muscular po^et, poget, palpitation of the of the ev|ls with which they are af­ farmers that crops are light negloót RADWAY’ READY RELlFKwith them.— ♦ Kldnevs and Bladder, these Bitten have j I t '* *”'V/7 r‘ * .. extreme „ 7 . _ uri 2 ­ heart, irritability, nervonsnei*, A few drops in water will prevent sickness f- been most successful. Such Diseases are flicted. This they are willing to own. has very much to do. How is it that or pains from chsng$ of nary niry difficulties, derSngement derangement of digestive digestive- ­ . It ta is better caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally F -IN f functions, “1—41—-, general ------- 1 debility, - vaginitis, all r" dfs- produced by derangement of the Digestive They complain of other things more one man raises a hundred bushels of than French brandy or Bif " *s as a stiinu- hysteria, sterility a and all ‘ 1 eases of the womb, hysteria,sterility Organs. > than the evils which result from bad corn on an acre of land when not one For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet­ other diseases peculiar to females, she __ sho’dl FEVER AND, AAUE. ■ - J ter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, go or write at oVioe to the celebrated female Fever and Ague cured foir fifty cents __ legislation. If other things were man in a hundred raises ' fifty? Pustules» Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, dector, W. K, DOHERTY, at his medical! There is uot a remediai agcMjn this wo-ld 1 .. Scald-Head,-Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, right this load, heavy as it is, might first man tokes care pf hi? crop. He that will cure Institute, and consult him about hei Fever and Agik* <* ’ > 'ei Ague and alt o ‘ ’ , ei ------ _ ,r Scurfs, Discotorations of the Skin, Humors les and disease. 1 he doctor is el Mal|riquA DiNsus, Typhbid,8fariet. Y\ ’ J qw TO. and Diseases.of the Skin, of whatever name famishes feHilizers to sOed it and he and otW-Fevdrs *’(aiH’8 more cures.than any other physician i fu the* the« or nature, are literally dug np and carried i RlLLS).-o quick as RADW^Y S EADY State of California. I>et no false debcacy / Let us examine some of the other cultivates and tends it well. Those out of the system in a short time by the use r IT •1 A pretent you, but apply immediately and- RELIEF. Fifty cent« per lidttlo old by of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases » items of oomplaint. “Wages are who grow small crops are very apt’ all will convince the most incredulous of their s^ve yourself from painful paiuful suffering and pr«w- pre­ Druggists. ------ ilS I ire death. Al* mature All married ladies whose? whostf curative effects. ii high,” and it Costs me a great deal to to neglect them fold nOgledt- 4omo- t To CieaiiNO the Vitiated Blood when­ L * in délicate health or other circumstances pre­ ever you find its impurities bursting through I / run my farm. This thought is in the where, either iu fitting the land to vent an increase in their families, should i tlie skin iu Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; wpte or call at DR, W. K. DOHERTY’8 receive the seed, in the planting or in « cleanse it when you And it obstructed and ‘ mind if not on the lips .of nearly all A V Strong and Pure rich Bloc« I— Increase ol V'J •' A • ‘flll A It Medical edical Institute, and. they will receive eve- eve­ i sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is Flesh and weight — Clear Sjtiu and Beauti- r ‘ ■ v “■ of our large farmers. There is some the cultivation of the crop tends to ■ ful '■ ip. ry possible relief and help. foul; your feelings will tell you when. Complexion secured to IL. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the abiiio aeitYKA ikft it ßmall. truth in the complaint. Still the fact m ■ xiwrin * i ’ Hi i T' system will follow. To Correspondents, Ju Pin. Tape and other Worm«, “Prices art low.” Why? Simply exists and thè causes of this state of Patients residing iu any part of the Slater I JI lurking in the system of so many thousands, t however distant, twbo may desire the opin ­ ourfarmers rtegloct tho crops beeanse ; > arp effectually destroyed and removed. thing« seem to be beyond the control ion and advice of DM. DOHERTY, « Says a distinguished physiologist: There is >■ for which there is a demand and of individual farmers. A depricated in their respective easts, and who think*pro­ scarcely an individual on the face of the S \R3APARLLJLL\N JtEiSOLVENT ' -1Ï earth whose body is exempt from the pres­ per to submit a writen statement of such, currency han much to do with it and which would pay well, an<|j|qltiyatu Has made the most astonishing cures, so I ence of worms. It is not upon the healthy in preference to holding k peisonal inter ­ Quick, so Rapid are the Clilpges the Hody ! elements of the body that worms exist, but view, aie rotpectfitily assured that ther oom- the expensive habits of liv ipg, which those with which the market is sure undergoes under the irdluenbe ol this truly >1 upon the diseased humors and slimy deposits mu mentions will be held most sacred. f . tiiat breod these living monsters of disease. if’ prevail among almost all classes of so­ to be filled. Also because to little ioh^eriul Med,cine, thut , The Doctor is a regular graduate and mfiy- , No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no very Day an Increase in Flesh and be consulted with every confidence. anthelniinitics, will- free the system from ciety largely increase the eviL ^Then, oars is taken to produce.» tirst-clacs THE GREVT*1IlldSoiD^lJRIFlEB. If the case be fully and can­ worms like these Bitters. too the tendency of the times is in fa­ quality of any crop. Not one-tenfti didly described, personal comr.nication wifi i Rleclianical Diseases.—Persons en­ a I Every drop of the SARS a BARILLI A N’ RE­ i gaged In Paints and Mineuals, such as be unnecessary, as ii’structions for diet, reg­ ? vor of lavish expenditures. The his- part of the fruit and vegetables tarn­ SOLVENT communicates thfbugh the Blood • , Plumbfts, Typesetters, Gold-beaters and imen and th'e general treatment of the care- Miners, as they advance in life, are subject juices of itself (including the remedies), will be for­ fory of pvery town, county and State, ished our markets are first-class vari­ Sweat, Urine and Other flulT IS 1 ’ and to paralvsis of the Bowels. To guard against for it repairs IÏ the system tho vigor of lifij; ,iur warded without delay, and in such a man­ eties, and therefore, they do not bring this, take a dose of W ai . kek ’ 8 V inegak B xt - will conclusively prdve this. Besides the wastes of the bo 1#. witi^new and sound ner as to convey no idea of the purport of ' r 4 ourf or er tially necessary. There is no cathartic for physical work; but this has not been done to and your success will be assured. Debility consequent on this dis­ the purpose equal to D r . J. W alker ’ s V ine ­ Not only does tlie S abs , ARII.LIAN RSS- ease and other affections of the Sexual or­ gar B itters , as they will speedily remove 7 tho extent of which it might and f olvkxt excel all known pedial agents in gans. lliis little work contains information 1 the dark-colored viscid matter with which I., NQVEOSS. _Wk to be Dena. f j the cure of (lironie, 8cr ilous. Constita- ought. the bowels are loaded, at the same time of the utmost value to all, whether married stimulating the secretions of the liver, and tional and Skin diseases; tit it is the only or single, and will be seat FREE on receipt The next complaint is that crops B ■ :*1** ■ Lay up manures in c6uipost. Ga­ positive cure for ■< generally restoring the healthy functions of of Six Cents in postage stamps tor return, I ft tlie digestive organs. mplaints, Kidney & Bladder postage. Address, - v* \ are light. Much of the blame for ther leaves from'the woods an4 place Scrofula, or King ’ s Evil, White . I V • w. K. DOHERTY, M. D. lirinary, and Womb diseaa L Gravel, Diabe Swellings, Ulcers, Ery ai pela*,. Swelled neck. this is thrown upon Providence. If them in hog-pens, compost«, &0., j^.lAcontin tes, .. rnpsyk xStoptrnge apr201y ' San Francisco, Cal.» Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent , Albnmmu- InflamtnativHfi. , Mercurial- “ , . Old the season had been longer, if we had Recollect that the inorganic constitu­ ence of Urjn?, Brreln’b Affections, I ' i ‘ ’ 5 - ‘ ** ’-p’* ’* ria, iMi, and am* alt i,n cases where th _. c brick dust Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, I T ' ' ..... 1 ’ ’ J ' 1 "i/? * Pot had such hot and dry weather, ents of all growthflMre to be mere deposits, or the water thic^;, cloudy, miked etc., etc. in in all other constitu- constitu­ h these, as ih i tional Diseases, W alker ’ s V inegar B it ­ •< e of an egg, o’ and if other things had boon to bur plentifully found in their leaves than with substances like the ters have shown their great curative pow­ threads like white-siHr, •, or fliere is s morbio, Circilar to the Liberal Public. i’ ers in. the most obstinate and intractable liking, we should have had very much any other part. / Jf yon desire to •tail dark, bi’lious appearance, f d white bone l« cases. "taKTE. PRO POSE TO PURCHA8E ORr e is a pricking, 4 Id 1/ k III better crop«. This is what a^reat many hot-beds in the spring, save a large dust deposits, and when Dr. Walker’s California, Vine­ b •! ’ burninig sedsation when p ng water, and 5V v erect in the city of Boston a build­ war Bitters act on all these cases In a > < men think* and some are bold enough quantity’of leaves under cover;, fyf Kin in tho Small qf the and along the similar manner. By purifying the Blood ing to be known as the PAINE MEMORI­ HAVING they remove the cause, and by resolving iins. Price? SI 00. AL HALL, as a testimonial to the great* to throw nearly all.the blame of jheir that purpose. Do not attempt to win­ i TJi .Ib-L, ¡ away the effects of the inflammation (the Worms.—J1 he 4nly knoirn and sure rom- K services of THOMAS PAINE in the atrug- tubercnlar deposits) the affected parts re ­ eily for Tape, Pin| etc. failures upon the spite or carelessness ter more stock than yon have ffbund=- ile for American Independence, and for ceive health, and a permanent cure is fniversal Mental Freedom. Said building, ! effected. of Providence. They seem to think ant means of providing for. If young to be fin ¡table for stores, business oftiees,. •f The Aperient and mild Laxative WS 1 I 1 that all God has or ought to do is to animals are badly fed, they no tee ajlall&r Free Dicussion, Lectures Amuse­ properties of D r . W alker ’ s V inegar B it - TRiüt are the best safe-guard in cases of erup­ ments, and finally, an office Tor the business PERFECT PURGATIVE 1 PILLS, «0 rule wind and wave and weather thrive well afterwards. Should the tions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, purposes of the Bottom. Investigator. To- tasteless, elega ly coated with healing, and Boothing properties protect the •w44- accomplish this, we need the assistonce and' that they m&y haven toll measure of season remain sufficiently open, ridge perfectly « : unfy, cleanse humore of the fauces. Their Sedative prop­ sweet gum. purge! regulate F ■ T 41 contributions of all tne friends of Payne erties allay pain in the nervous system, success it their farming operation, clayey «oils, and thus let yourr land and strengthen. Rad way’spills Is ¿or ior tlie tlie_cure cure p. r J ’ I F. and of the Investigator, and believing our stomach and bowels, either from inflamma ­ i, Liver, Bow- readers and other Liberals to be of that with but very little work. They do be storing up ammonia from the at­ of all disorders of' the 8 tion, wind; colic, cramps, etc. t THIS PJ1RT OF numbor on whom we may rely, we askwheir Directionar — Take of tho Bitters on __ not sdSp’tb-conSidiM-^whether any, and mosphere far spring use; the frosts going to bed at night from a half to one and aid assitance by contributing liberally them­ Dyspepsia, Biliouttiess, Bilious Fe­ one-!ii)lf wine-glassful. Eat good nourishing selves and inducing others to 'do so. Sub­ if so how much, of the, blame belongs will then have an opportunity of des­ gestion, ver, Inflamation of the Beweis, Bbwi ’ ‘ and Piles, food, such as beef-steak, mutton chop, veni­ scriptions will be acknowledged in the col­ e internal Viscera, 1 son, roast beef, and vegetables, and take to^hémselves and is directly charge­ troying many insects, and a dressing all Derangeiqpi umns of the Inve^igator. We have labor­ Warranted w e isitfve cúre. Purely out-door exercise. They are composed of f 4 ed under many disadvantages during our able to their own careless and shift­ of six bushels of refuse salt to the Vegetable, containing*no mercury, minerais uo^iritegCtabIe lngre*“eut8’ “d contain connection with the Investigator, in provid ­ i I drugs. § less methods ot doing business. acre on these ridges will do away with or A deleterious ing suitable accommodations for ourbusineM* 4 1 I few doses of R adway ^ i P ills b . H. M c D onald & co., tree S / and in securing a Hall for our Paine Cele­ The last complaint we mentioned one-third tho usual quantity of weeds the sy Druggists A Gen. Agts., Sau Francisco, Cal.. r» w X bration. aiid 'we appeal now to a Liberal i Acor. Washington and Chartton Sts., N.Y. is that prices are low. This is par­ and nine-tenths of the insects. Ridg.-1 ders. ------- public to come forward and help us to se ­ Druggists. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS & DEALERS cure a permaneD* place for business and for I : tially true. Some crops sell very low ed ground will be ready for tillage in READ “FALSE AND TRUE.” Send -Z. holding our me- mgs. ■ ' ’ -/JA.', L. : f ■ r ... JIIIIBWliilL' ■ one letter stamp 4o> RADWAX q A CO. No. e W indeed. But other crops are high and early AUVUUO, XJlUWJVtOj Sisters, LUX7 HI Friends, Brothers, the livur hour will f spring. t 5 fl 87 Maiden Lane, New Y«rk. Information Í come when we must cease from our labor. there is a good-demand for them. On t Cut wood to be burnt 12 months worth thousands will be semi you. Geo, ” W Vollum, The cause that the Proprietor and Editor ! .¿HVITAT10N ,Ua fllMy717 IfOiTlTUHl t^è whole crops, bring what are, to hence, and, if practicable underdrain I ’ the Boston Investigator have expended 1 ‘ «i -xibe a N d W ¡eir lives in, is an earnest Voucher that not ♦Diki. _________ _____ (A the first-class fi ’armers, living prices, wet or heavy lands.— Working Jbrmffr/ for self alone, but for humanity, they have ROOK BINDER, PAPER RULER ANJ> *4- i ’J 1 wojm BÜ8INE8S CARDS, -r- lgh in market to pay CARD’ worn away a life-time. life-time: And we invite alt all They bring» enougl /X I < our friends to sealous and prompt action, as eealous HE UNDER8 SIGNED WILL CURE ANY F lower G arden . — -Take up dah ­ the price of production, in case how­ PLAY CARDS, ■r i advancing age age,indicates .indicates that time waits for I* cas« of BOOK MANUFACTURER lia roots on dry days, do not shake off 1ÜJ: I i M-ftrx • . • J BLANK none. We all feel solicitous that our work« ever that the best systems of cultiva­ .. » * i I . ■ ï I VISITING' CARDS, c ŒS ¡»¿a Lift nut i'j ü/ÁTÜt shall live after we retire; and that our advo advo- ­ t Dyspepsia, tion have been followed and the busi­ the dirt but remove it by hand, or the cate of Freedom, our sturdy old investiga­ I ront 8treet,between Washington 1 ETC ,'yLi : Headache, • /J'Atck 4*1 ness of the farm properly managed. tubers will break at the necks. Cut ana Alder, over Hopkins’ Hardware Store, tor, may still, for generations to come, i ■'7 ? I ifronchitis, i sound our rallying cry—‘•For ‘For all Peonies, ïï r r lands. forever CnrAVAr Liberty. T.ihoHv h I’ « Asthma, Corn, for instance, is very low. Many the steins within a few inches of the and all lands, . • ' I PORTLAND, OREGON, ground, label them oarefully, ahd put J. P. M kndum , i. -, probably the majority of our farmers p .«Jv i;jy ;; Or any Old Srreis, bythebse of Dr. Cham H obacb S eavkb , — _ > « I Ì3 a dry i think and say that they can buy corn them away in & plan’s great T. L. S avaqb , Trustees. í ___ ___ ______ 81*5^ B^oks made to order, ________ and ruled to 'L ,« * ’■ 4 I : // * . M. AunoM, iv i. cheaper ehan they can raise it. Yet frost, dr heat ,t beydW d*7 t ____ any desired pattern, t — Newspapers, Maga- , ! D. R. B ürt . 4, 1 J »Ines, Music, etc. i"hnÄ,^^ S';nd in in any *OÏ style, S,ïle' etc,, t bound • xt we know; from practical experience the tuberain dry wA th?stems pro­ Boston, Oct. 9, 1S72. janStf ■' t. ■ ' ■ T*T ¥F I "T I* jecting above, and* cover the wholsP By the insurance no cur® no ------ ----------------- -- ----------------------------------- thai if h farmer has decent land and cure pay. r ----- I i Callon vr »u«reM " -AT- ,H.. « " E. H. Eubank», Mrf ( 1 I K’^ f the proper tools fold will give his at­ With something to prevent the light lafayette, Ä^^^J-GÖOD QUAIJTX __ OR Oregon. r^B.BVBANKB. W J GREATLY REDUCES PRICES. i Ì- aafl to arrive, at Roea* Ror©, he can raise from greening thg t^bix^1 and thus I tention to the k ' »If 5 eWst Cbehalem, • • i r 7 ' r '* L . \ ______ I ■ / LAFAYETTE COURIER. — 1 IÍCA ■ ; V ’■ 4 «•! . _ DR. W. K. DOHERTTS: 5^ * Í * I t ■ ■ ' .e I - ■j t MÉ t — j 1 >/. i > f 4 t f £ I j * * » / . f • '-i. ri f ■* T’ V ■M' . 1 i M. t _ • 4 r “ > ?T i > > Z Í - •»*. i 4» i- I r • • Í. Il 'uwi g i'iWM i ) t R. R. I I F j I ls - ! ■ / >• 4 ! f r- I T UCTEO.^ 8. X I 1 1 ,1 * gn« V» »• _ WW _— *■> a _: - -p l a i HEALTHTTEAUTY! HEALTH TRElUTY I 1 4É* IK RADVfAY’S I .iN < I I.:-' * t * ! riff i > 4 * i 1 I * X I .4 : 4 0 I / i I A I I ' • I ( -y 11 F ■* ' 4 .................... 4. V * T in •y. I ♦ .X h •>ti; i t I r ». i; K- t ,*«v % 1 $ ■1 <• I 1 f I ! r. ■■■ I \ ki-'jf1 i 4 i K Me--. •* 1.7^