^R.'lR/i.R.[’*-‘:i ■I '• C lippings . GÜSON 4 ¡RD’S : RADWAY’S READY RELIEF CUHKRAHE W0R8T PAIN HIHB DR. W. K DOHERTY’S In from on« to Twenty Minute». NOT ONM HOUR - : to vid Thompson vs.’ Foreclosure. eftpr rending thw advertfeomen| need any Jnno Armstrong. tiUFl'r.R.WITH P a I?& . • f T>Y _ , virtue _______ OF A JUDGMENT AND RADWAY’S ready llEl.IER it JO forecloaurb of mortgage in the above J F0K EVEKV PAjN.i eutil entitled sulf, made and entered of record It. was the fir»t and it the only Pi in the Circuit Conrt or the State of Ore­ gon, for Yrtmhtll county, and an execu­ edy that instantly atotta the mod excrurai,- tion hi accordance therewith duly issued iitg pains, allays intlamati« ns. »nd cures thereon out off said Court and tò inc di­ Congestions, whether of Luug<; ; Mtomach, rected, in favor of said Plaintiff, David Bowels, or other glands or orgj ks, by one Thompt*on, and against said Defendant, application in from » s L I »11; J-i ’ : Jane Armstrong, for the sum of ($9,312 W ONE TO TWENTY MINU nine thousand turee hundred and twelve nd matter huw vMttent or exciul ialiug the dollars U.K gold coin, with interest there­ on from tlie 14rii day of November. 1(*72, nt Rheumatic. I>i-ridloo (fi.36 21) dollars costs and dis­ Will afford Instant Eaaei '9 j I » ' bursements of suit, I have levied on and iDflamation of th Kidneys. will proceed :o sell, at public auction, to i » the highest bi Bowels. eroe ot foreclosure, in front of the Court'Congestion of ‘ the Lm< _ * >«•- ’ House door, in Laiayerie, I anthill county, B - — Bine Thrust, Difficult Teething. Oivgim, the real estate hereinafter de- Palpitatiea oFtihe Hcart.7 t. «•afWeti, ; ■ ' • 'Hygu-ntg, tbfortp, totl.eria. On the ISthMajr of October, 1879, Cataarh, Influenza. a* One o’clock, :. 1». tn,, of said day, ail the Headache, Tftoth ache. right, (, title u««v am mid Interest of the said Dcfend- Neuralgia, Rheumaiiett. qnf, Jane Armstrong, ______ w>_________ In anti to ______ the follow- i . Cold Chills. A ;ne Chills. ing rèa! property, as described in satd de- 7 The application of the Ready Melief to ----- -*■*: 1, 21 • cree of torevloAiire, to-wit ; w.a .*.* .A.W,_ __1 i _ _ . ' _ j All those rertam trncts of Land situated, the pari or parts wl re the paiu i»r d.ffic:il lying and being in 'ŸiwhTuTëounty ___ _ 0 re*i ' ty exist« will afford ease and c nm»rt. gon, und more particuTarJy bounded and T£tbiy drop* in a half tumbler of watei described fol'Ows: ? described as as follows wii^in a few minutes cure CRAMPS. 8our Notifu-utuiu Number 1,264, surveyed and Stomach, Spasm-*. Heart-hurn, $iek t/ejjd designated on the Maus und Plats of the Ache, DiarrhQea. Dysentery. Colic, Wind United States as Claim Numtor-72, being in the Bowel«. > d ad interual Pams. parts ofSeC’ions33, 34 and 35, in T. 4 8. R. TiaVewrs shpuM alwnva earrv ■ bottle ol 4 W.. und Claim Number 61, being mrts of Section» 3, 3 and i in T. 5 8. It. 4 West, be­ RADWAY* READY RiLlFF wifi them— ing bounded and (lescribed as follows, to- . A few drops in water will prevent Mckh«u> wit: Beginning at a point North 83de- or pains from chsnge or waier. ft is belter Ìroes East seven chains and lltirty links than French brandy or Bitters a* a at.mu is tan t trom a point UcbatnsMind at) links taut. South of the North East corner of the FEVER AND AGt'B. South East quarterot Section 31. in T. 4 8. Fever and Ague cured f<»r fiiiy cents.— K. 4 West and running Ynencc South S3 de­ grees West W3 chain? and fifty link«: There i* not a remedi.M agent in ahis wn-M thence South 18 degrees and 30 minutes that will cure Fever and Ague uiffl ail d,vei East 2*) chains and, so links : «lienee East Malarious, Bdiou-s Typtoid. Bcnrif1- Y, ‘low 32 chains ami 30 links; thence South 2*> de­ ami other Fevers (aided by RAD'’AH’8 grees East pi chains ; thence South 72 de} ! i‘ILLS)so quck a< RADWAY >’ADY East 12 chuin* and 50 links ;' thence RELIEF. Fifty cento ;pct bottle! ckl by North 73 decrees East 71 ehains; thence all Druggist — North 23 degrees 33 minutes WestWchains and 90 links to the place of beginning, in the District of Land subject to sale ar Or­ egon City, Oregon, containing 640 and 94-10Dacres; and also Notification Number Strong and Porff rich Blo< d—JqrresP« of . 3.769, cert Ceriideme4rtl, uicnie 4*il, known anti and desig. designated ____ Flesh and weight—Clear Skin imd i eauti in the Surveysand the. United Surveys and Plats Pints of thtt a States ’ as the Fractional South liaiFof the \ ful Con pa-xiun Mtcurtd tp all. ¡4? , North East iff Seel ion 31; Fraction- Easf quarter quarteriifSection Fraction­ i---------- al South bali of'the North West _ quarteroi ____ i_... ~tniIf ot'the Section "half p . •. *u. 34; ... J Fractional - -X - North i -------- of - the South East qnsterof Section 31: Fractionul . 'jit— fi" ___ 34 J; Frac- . South West 'quarter of finti Section Sional r '* West ' quarter aM of ' the ' South North SARSAI’ARILLIAN IiEhOlJfENT I West' quarter of Section 35; Fiimtional rias made ’lie most atton-ahhrgli-iires. so ■ South East , quarter ___ of ... the .. _ North ___ East Quirk, »<» Rat-id »re the (Tiaugesfthe Body ’ quarter of Section *33; Fractional Narili North East quarter of the South East quarter of undergoes tender the inftnenoe oi. this truly ■ - in • - Section 33. T. *~ it. West 4 ot the Wll- wotnlerinl ?>led.cine, that _ 1 lamette Merid containing one hun- Every Day an lacrease in Flesl» and drel anti'ilfty-v «53-1(4 acres : ani also the following descr' •lbed premises, *o- wit: Lots N ambers 3. 4, 5 and 6 aiilthe , North West quarter ot the South West quarter and South Weal quarter of the to North West quarter oi Section 3, and J. of Section 4 in T. 5 S. R 4 West, contain- Ing one hum drodand fifty y-four and 34-1C0 > ~ And Also the following descritod real es­ n ronyedut agents in tate to wit: Beginning at the South East k-rnf< lt>n«ACon>iitu 1 corner of Claim Num tor 72, In T.'A south , of Baw: Line Runge 4 West of Willamette sj but il.il the on Iy­ Meridiau. Thence north 23 degrees^» min­ utes west 13 chains and 50 links; thence er Cempiilati, south 75degress »»minutes east 11 chains Graw 1, Dinh«’ and 40. Jinks; ihence south 4 degrees 3d of waterJincontin W hat the F armer must K now , , tuinntc» west 3J chains; thence north‘85 ¡'disease. jLlbnn inu- degrees 3dcgrees or there ¡4« morbio 30 minutes east 12 chains;* thence north 73 ce. and vn»ite bent ideas of what ho is to accomp L«h, > degrees east 71 chains to the plate of tog in , nlng, ning, con'uining cote ain ing 153 acres. acres. And also all in fact he must calculate it before tl... that certain ._ J.. piece ,.':.: or parcel ! of land lying and (Sniity of Yamhill, >W- ami being in In ’the theOnnty Yamhill, ’< (hpe- ___ ’ tonate«! ¡pu» r gou, known and " designated ps follows, follow*, t; to- wit: Being in T. 5 8. K. R. 4 west, and begin- . ning at a post north 14 degrees east from ’ Charles M. Johnson Johnson'»sou ’s sou» 111 h east-corner cast^eorner of < 'beginn i Land I Claim, 45 rbnhis. chains, suilil said'beginning links from post t being north west 8 Blinks front an oak iree 5 two teet in diameter diameter: : thence north 14 degrees 31.73ctolns to post on Mrs. egrees east 35.73ctoius Buffum's west line; thence north 4 to. grees west 13.54 chains on Mrs. Buffum's west line to j»ost; thence west □ 51.20 Sl.20 cltalns to post tn centerof slough . thence south 9 degrees west 17.70 chains up > -the »aid slough To post; thence south 56!i w ■i i®" grees east 55.51 chains to tho plhce of lie­ ginning. containing '175 ginning, 175 and '4C-11)t 4C-1I0 ftcres acres [ of land. T' The z said zz.‘~ * land ““ _ herehil»efor® ,>dO- scribed contains in /all an aggregate of 1,215 and 73-100 acres. . i , To to sold to satisfy said execution and,ac­ cruing qosts. * | X*. - & Skrgical Inititata 1853.‘K' FOIMID! Medical Sá rramento stroet, Corner of Leidend« ff at.. (iJew doora below What Cbeeri House). Private, Entrad ie oq Leidsdorff pt. 8' ¡n Francisco. fo. KADWAY S ■■fliwi if iwaai giima Vinerar Bitter» arc not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whisky, Proof Spiritsand Refuse Liquors,doctored,spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called “Tonics,” “Appctixcrs,” •'Restorers,”-AC., that lead the tipple ■ on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and hcrlis of California, free from all Alcoholic Stimulants. They arc the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Renovator and Invigor« Principle, » Perfect r; — all T poisonotis ator oi tho System, carrying off to a healthy matter, »nd restoring the blood tc condition, enriching it. refre«4iing and in­ vigorating both mind and body. They are rasv of administration, prompt in their ac­ tion, certain in their results, safe and reli­ able in ail forms of disease. No Person cun take these Bit­ ter» according to; directions, and Remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by Yniuerul poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of tiepair. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Head­ ache, Pain in the Shoulders. Coughs. Tight­ ness of the Chest; 1 Dizzineas, Sour Eructa­ tion« of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tiuj Mouth, Bilious Attacks Palpitation of the Heart, inflammation or the .Lungs, Pain In the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred* other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. ln'lheM complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a totter ruar.intee oi its merits than a lengthy ad­ vertisement. I , For Female Complaints, in young 4»r old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or tiifl i turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so <1 ectted an lnflieneo that a marked improvel went is soon perceptibl»-. For In flu mill utory and Chronic Rheumwtiwm M mtl Gout, Dyspeptua «* Indigestion',, BiRon ft, Remittent and ItiteR» initteut Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and 1 JÍfWl Bddiier, ‘e these Bitters have been most si»ir||«sful'. Such Diseases are itotbtsfu caused bjuyitiate. Btoickej*. Spots, Pimplea, l’usUiies, usUiles, Boils, Bolls, Qirbuucles, tkrtMiuc^, Ring-worms, Scald-head, tore ^yes, Eves, Erysipelas, Itch. Itch, r Scurfs. *. -------- Discolorati'ms ’ of the Skin, ----------- - Humors r _. . and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name' or nature, are litei "‘"nillydug up and carried out of the system i in a short time by the use of these Ihtwrs. One bottle in suciKcases will convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. Blood when- Cleanto il»c Vitiated _________ ,-------------------- tver you lind its impurities nnurities burst bursting-through Ing-through the skin lu Punplfs, pits, Eruptions, or Sores ; cleanse it when j oi find -it obstructed aud sluggish in the ven i; cleanse it when it is ’ioftT; your feelint tyil tell you when. Keep the blood ptii (, and the health of the system will follow. Piu. rape u <1 other Worms, lurking in the sysb i of so many thousands, are effectually, d troyed and removed. Says a dlstiugiashed physiologist: There is scarcely an individual on the fade of the earth whose body 1» exempt from the pres­ ence of worms. ft Is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors andsliiiiy deposits tnat breed these living monsters of disease. No system of medicine, n<» vermifuges, no anthelminitics, will free the system from worms like these Bitters. . JU veil a u teal »ipeaaes.—Persons en- gaged in Palnta hnngemcnts or the toriiach and liver, and Other abdominal 1 iscera. In their treat- Went, a purgative, ‘xening a powerful'in- HEALTH I BEAm I tially necessary. There ts no cathartic for tne purpose equal tp D r . J. W alkeb ’ s V ine - - oail B itters , as racy will speedily remove the dark-colored viScld natter wtth'whlch tue -bowels! are loaded, at the same time stimulating the scctetlons of the live&. and generally restoring the healthy functions of tne digestive organa.» ; Scrofula, or King’» I'vil, White Swellings, rivers, Erysii»elas, Swelled neck, Goitre. Scrofulous linilarnmations, Indoleut Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, ‘Old bores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, CtC. Ct-C« lu - these. - tioual Diseases, W ai . kkk ’ r V inegar B it ­ ters have shown thefrqjreat curative pow­ ers In titc most obstinate and intractable 'ttiiea, ' Dr, Walker’« California Vine­ gar Hitters act <>u ail these cases in a similar manner. By purifying the Blood they remove*the can««, and by resolving away the effects of ¡the inflammation (the .tubercular deposits) the affected parts re­ ceive health, and a permanent cure is effected. . I The Aperient and mild Laxative properties' of DR. W aijser ’ s V inegar B it ­ ters arc the best safe-gniml in cases of erup­ tions and malignant fevers. Their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the. humor» of the faudes. Their Sedative prop­ erties allay pain in-i the nervous system, stomach and bowels,¡either from inflamma­ tion, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Direct ion».—Take of the Bitters on going to * hai fio one and miimm HHMH .. ___ mod. such os beef-ste¡|k, mutton chop, veuD son, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise, 'hey are composed of purely vegetable ' edients, and contain no spirit. Sheriff of Yamhill county, Otwoh. . Lafayette, Ogn., Sept. Mth, 1873. — > SUMMONS In Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Yamhill oouivty., , Marla Danforth t vs. , J Divorce; Manly Danforth ) To Manly Danforth, Defendant. N THE NAME OF TH® STATEOFORE- gon: You are fierelty required to ap­ ' — ...Ul 4, pear and answer the complaint filed anal, he undersigned r ill c ! RE ANY net you in the above entitled suit, on or cafce of ‘ ; before tlm first day of the next regular Term of said Court which said first- dav win be the Fourth Monday In October, Dyspepsia, 1873. ' ’ hick Headache,1 And you are further notified that if yon ? l’ronchi’ fail to appear and answer as above re- sthma I qulred, the plainriff will apply to the I Court for tho relief prayed- for in her complaint, to wit: A decree dissolving ir. Cham the bond« of matrimony now existing lie­ tween Plaintiff jand Defendant and for the care of the children named in the complaint, and for- costs and disburse­ ment a. . This "uinmdns published or — Presi­ dent Grant has designated Thurs-« day, November 27th, as a day of universal thanksgiving and praise to God for hii bounties and pro­ tection.' The year has been a bounteous one for Oregon--let her sons unite in returning thanks to the Supreme Girer above, from Whom “coineth down every good and perfect gift.? T B. H. fie Druggists A Gon. Agti., San Francisco’ CaL, Acor. Washington anti Charlton fils., N.Y. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS A DEALERA BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER Administrator's Notice. otice is hereby given N that ; DALLAS-tALEMi LlárE the nnderaigped has been duly ap­ pointed administrator of the estate of Ran­ STAGE son Higgins, deceased. All persons know­ ing themselves indebted to the estate are re­ quested tecall and settle the same, and all persons having claims against said estate, will please present them with proper vouch­ ers within six months from date, to the un- Privat No. 94" Front Street, between Washington end Alder, over flopkto»’ Hardware Store, FERGUSON r ■ J ' I PORTLAND, OREGON. Blank Books made to order, and ruled to any desired pattern. ------- Newspapers, Maga- zines, Musics etc., etfc ,, bound in any style, with neatness and disra satch, |y to afford the afflicted »title Medical treat­ cure of all Fri- |td Chronic reases. C|»ses of secresy aflg I all Sexual Disorder» Established expreg Sound end scH ment in tb| ▼ate E TO THE A IFFLICTED. DR. W. K. DOM $ERTY returns hissm- core thanks t*> taatnerous patients for tbeir |>atrcnage!ano ('would take thia oppor- tm.ity to remind tfi that hr continues to couault at his liistiltt re tor the cure of etooii- ic diseases of the fl iungs, Liver, Kidneys,, Dice-live ar.d Genii to-Uric ary Organs, and all private diseasea vix: Syphilis in all its forms and Stages, Sv miual weakness and all the horrid conscqun leer of »e f-abuse, Gon- orrheek. G:e» t. Sni Ip1 ores. Nocturnal and Diurnal Emi-sions.a texual Debility, Direaa.- es bf the back ard 1« pis, inflammation of the Bladder ar.d Kiuable vrrut Mtv from men of known respectability a».d a B^-li standii g in society, All parties const l.iu w fejm by letter or otb- erwBe, will receivd itl’C be t aiid gentlest treatment and impl.c U secrecy. boweiver; distant, wli run and advice J th tlteir respective ca per |o anbmu a wri tn profetane« to ho vi< w, a e re-pectfuR] mnniei turps will be The Doctor is a rej be cbnsulted with evj ry confidante. If the case ..ii fqly qid car­ di'Jly described, pers^i iai coinvnica-inn wifi be inieces-ary, a» i'gju n;cti<>iis for du t, teg- in e.i at <1. the generar t tn ‘ atn ent of the ease itself ( inch’d ¡ng t to remedies), will La for- warded • wrtb< ut deb» , and in »uch a man­ nèr as to convey np reg of the purport af the letter ór pan eT»» .frat.emitted. Should yonr condii tn require immediate attention send ten do hr?, cony or Revalue ►n curréney, by mail! Ir AVellsJEargodc Ce a’ Express, and a pack ige of med uuiea will bs sent to your addri ts with the necessary instructions for nse. 1^*- C< »riso I tat i» »n—i y letter orT.therwiea FJÙIE ~ Perni areni are guaranteed or to pay. j »perm orrheea. I)R. DOiHE T)R. DOHERTY h i just published an lm- noria et »«»dying Lis own views . nt ... pamplJct, . - * relation to in pete nee er and'experiences 4 in Vefllity; shi Vertlity; being a short treat’-es on Spcrma I- toi - ijho»« - .-r or -j Seminpl —, Weakness, — — > Nervotis ~ — ' . — and —” — physical Dehhiry- consequent -on this dte- esse ahd other affh %ne of the Sexnsl or-^’ guns. ,1 his little wo : contains information of the titBoet value I all, whether married . or single, and will b sewi FREE on receipt /.J in pos ge,8tamps for return • ot Six cents postage Address. 4g W. K. ►OHERTY, M. J>. apr'JOly San Francisco, Cal Circular to thi Liberal Public. — .j ‘ ’ ■ *1 J / WiE PROPOSE rO PURCHASE OR erect in.U’jB ity of Boston a buiid- ¡ng to be known ai.I e PAINE MEMORI- AL HALL, aa a t« imorial to the gteat erviccp of THOM Ai PAINE in the strog- eie Mog Atoerican . idepeodence, and for Universal Mental Fi edom. . Said building to be suitable for t »res bnsinees office*, • a Hall for Free Ilicii kionj Lectures A loose- metri*, and finally, a| I office for the business purposes of thè B ken Investigator. To accompli h this, we. ieed the a^istonce^d contributions of alt line friends of Payne and of the ZnvMtijj ¡tor,'a nd believing our rcaderb and other ' Jberak to be of that nnnibor on whom wj may rely, we ask their aid a8sitance by con ribn ting liberally them- solve* and inducing othera to do fo . Sub- senptions will be a< ^nowledzed in the col- itintis of the Investì «for. We have labor- ed under many dto dvantagee daring oar conneet'mn with the! Investigator, in provid- ing suitablè àccomtri dst'on* for our bustresa ai d in securing a H II for ottr Paine Cele- brat ion. and we au eal dow to a Liberal public to come fori ird and help/us to Re- core a permane*' * ]r tce for business and for holding our tne iol Friends, Brother; ; Sisters, the hour wilt come when toe mud ¡ceae from onr labor, The muse that tj h Proprietor and Editor of the Bnrton Tnpil ligctor have expendid „ibe'r live- in, is an I a meet voucher that not f >r se'f alene, but br Aumant'iy, they have worn away a life-ti| |e. And we invite ,all '»»>r friends so zealof » and prompt Action, aa tdvancing age india ires that rime wai-a for noce.; We all feel licitous that onr Works *ha’l live after we ri fire: and that our edvo- '•a’d of Freetom, q. r sturdy old Jnresfiya. tor.f ttay ati’J, fof^generations to ‘ dome, ‘ -Jr For. all Peoples, People», ->onnd onr rall/ng ifery r— ‘ - "For and all lands, foreW r Liberty.'* 1 < J. P. M b } dum , , HOBACkJ RAVKB, 1 i . > i T. L. S j J kto, > Trustees. M. A ltm D. R. Borton, Oct. 9, iju . ^[,3; . » SHINGLES— G(& GREATLT REDUCED PRICE« hand and to tei f West Chehalrm,