r LAFAYE ru >■ , -------- FRIDAY Henoetorward, until further notice. Frank C. Withers and Frank Owen are n-»rtp* tocrfl^ctand receipt for sub­ script ion* and advertisements and other bustnees of this office. Other duties call­ through B os J qu • - t hegFe ,ine l __ i t he was for officeholder influence in his jfrocceded ’ |to AseyrA a delegates to the vention. '1WÍ , nominee for Representative to mistake on this poil Coing res*. Hon./, W. Nesmith, Hon. Jani i Hi Slater, Hot. Geo. caused revious to leav- > a ‘'couplé of 'angepnents for he river in the vi where he in~ , « « i. », « ‘PP* tendi to erect a coal wharf for his *5 4 --------- al * —idilli candidate.«. jrverga|¡OtJ JjU|Tded Bl l were the principal Upon the sixth fa^Hot Hon. J. W. bold mnn, Who always ml paper In the future, for some time at least. he ’said, i and thendfb April IX 073.'.* J. H. CHPTON. Nesmith was ejected and de­ trusted; while on the: clared thè nominee of the Demor Dawes, Hoar, and I is « DEMOCRATIC TIC^«T- cratic party—th$ nomination hftv- ponents were a coward Election, Monday, October IS, 1873.r 11 set, w I lose opimoriK h ing been made ufianinwiw. .«. * . ... * . (•»< Democrats of Oregon the cam­ Inf a crisis like tfie ft •4 Well; why •Tames Vf. Nrsmith, paign is now tull^ opened-1 No" ministration OF POLK COUNTY. is the time to wdrk; let us da so. aspimtioiig Our sister State,, CnliTonia, has set stepping stp Writ of Special Election. us a good example. Let us follow the Senate;’ F|V «Me Sheriff» of the aeveaal C mm »> Graut’s chair Ih thè JL tie«, wlthte the State ef Oreson i it and proclaim to the world Ore­ Wbfrrai, Ata general election held on gon’s independence tp from such The Rcpublíknn pn the third day of June. A. D., 1S72, the Han. the Forty- st cjud Ç Joseph. G. Wilson was duly elected Kepre- crushing monopolies as aro now two nieasnrni meaSUi i'IiTor 1 w 1 miffw i 1 eh aenUUve of the State of Oregon in the For­ ty third Congress of the United States; and attempting to nin the politics of gross iscÌiictìy diÄn , Where«», Since the said election, said democratic par- salary law and office ha« heroin« vacant by the death of Mid incumbent; and if they will, be successful ihvostigatìbnJ+ ty can, i* ' Whereas, By provision of the Constitution ‘ ; election., ’ With ***A munificent sum intxrjtlie of th« United States, and the laws of this at the coming Geu. Grant, anti State.it bM become the duty of the Gov­ an re^i ernor thereof to issue his writ of election to such a man : as the Hen. J. W. empty pockdts of n»ntfy flu each vacancy; ' . ,the fl ticket it is bound can Senator and Êjfp Now, therefore, I, L. F. G roves . Gover­ Nesmith ofi . ’¡'ft r H I Xh > I while thei ldttèr ilit^vV a nor of the State of Oregon, do hereby com­ mand ytm and each of you to notify the sev- to win,; m oral Judges of Uection within and for your The s Repu01Uan party have,, a thé reputation^ ofscmin o several counties, to hold a special election of Representative in Congress to fill the nt larger load to saddle than they iiëht leaders of the part; In this oto,1 .< ijñl ease 9 aforesaid, on Monday the (13) thir­ teenth day of October, 1573. and that yon cau possibly get along pnceesrtul- as the foreihbst mah I ... of th dause all proper notices to be given thereof Congress? Was it not ‘ B ut ly wity. Back pay grab, HPpple- according to law. tho salary bill was los^ he —*—) Given, under mv,hand and the Mitchell and Credit Mobilier will ted it, auid by his !«kj|B and?i V a, > seal of the Stale of Oregon, at —v— f Salem, thia tenth day of July, assist in defeating} them at the engineered it through the t ’ A. D.. 1873. ana he has siuçe Opdhi next Octohfer ei pinion. L. F. GROVER. measure, hurlitig cont« Arrat: 8. I. CHADWICK. . bemoörats of of Ore- i ance in tho face» of all Rouse, then. .Secrri.rry of the State of Oregon • Ci a- LH L II i J* gon! Put your* shoulders to the ■ whd have returned t| He, too. vigorously-and ah ww C0URIEB FOB THE CAM- wheel am d set the ball a rolling. handed espoused ? .J I ¡ .give it the broadest possible cir- those who arraigned > f ■ If, therefore, to hav^lc culatioo. To this end a campaign i Tbe Ruilroud clique got cleaned in the two measures subscription book has been opened, out in tba. California election.— Republicans of the I Reporter. i| Mjr Lr fhi'H - Congress will be long and the paper will be furnished to »■■ * entitles a man to aiwti This is only partially correct. motion in that pal ><7, I new Fnb?eriber3 until after the Oc­ U' 1 i !• ' j ! I It was the Railroad clique and should not Benjamin F. B tober election for FIFTY CENTS. the Republika party that, got Republican nominee M'-tesachusett» ? (»Lii To clubs of ten the paper will bo “defined out.’’ 4 11,1 W And the same I ! in thing will occur iA-Oregon on the October next. ,; 4 Democratic Governor; and when allj the chil­ to his better half. Reuter United States Senator will be dren of the Commonwealth went up for sixty days. to schoo , and all the youth., knew It is ruinaned that elected. The Republican party the catechism by heart, and all mine, at Rocky Bar, Jdahc is run by corrupt corporations and the adults attended church twice purchased by some, " -f tie people are beginning Ito see every Sunday! Wq may laugh at capitalists. _ _ . ‘ ... Li F-l it. A9 went California so will go those prijn ascetic ¡times: bu$ we The Graham. milt should) bear in inind that in those Rocky Bar, Idaho, ifl a Oregon in October. ■ s i«a»in ■■■■> ‘, • days sobriety, intelligence, and in­ ed and ready, to crush qi |( • ■'■'11V tegrity counted for something, anu the owners or custom It is rumored th^t an organiza­ it would have been an impossibil­ A man named Wan tion ia in progress ia China, bav- ity for eather party to nominate ▼ears of agitant ip Ma ing for ibi object the massacreing for Governor any ipan against lumbarmanby. oççT ‘ of Europeans in the interior. The whom lbe bi t teresl factionH wouid m a logging camp on 'll Bay, Snonotnish county.' L' A reason givep for this is, that Venture to bring such qharges as It is expected that with tbe French Minister will' the will not con-' are now hurled back.,and'forth or two > proposals , will 1 between1 the champions of Bptler ov 208 miles 1 __ __ 6f tne TOad ¿ant-, to a modification pf tne .and Washburn, j- Bai ii is not ao no*); ▼ith tl>e between the'month1 of tí Treaty. - and Lake Pen d'Oreille, party jiyho >(4aims to ei»bpdyt in Division of the Northern ffi’-.t' E. tn < ’ 'í, ,,• y i !.. •i. ,TM California election is over ite membersh p a,, large share qf road..; the virtue p ^ Commonwealth and the railroad monopolists were which aets itself up gp a model, fur, Mr.‘ J. H. Whitsoa, near «' Idaho, ’ ae » year 1 Bl mixed I fron» Jl.i th ten overwhelmingly defeated. Gov. the otbe» states ef the Union. «lfi af barley a< ” In this war of words, in which, .which weighs 5Q pounds Booth wa3 re-elected by a large i 1 majority. AH over the state as far at’ slang so much predominate^ 9!^ H*. UU4 fjR • 11 argument, tbpinational adminktriv heard from, the Democratic ticket w The-’ Kalama ZdñdM otlie (^ide of. 8th say« ; We i- under«t4 has been largely successful. Grant was passing F. A. Bee, for the Olymp * *©t.r 7 f * -IL 1______ «r» ■—r?w»vv 1" t rv’jr* fflr The Walla Walla Spirit says: /A few days ago three toreo Indians attempted attempt to overpower it ‘ th^4gent, Mr. ~ Wirbwr, ta Fort Bitneoe. i, anil .. _______ _ by that means to release au Indian named Dick, who is therb in confinement for the murder of one iof his tribe. When the Agent went in with the grub for the prisondr, and had unlocked the cell floor, the three came, unawares to the Ageijt, behind him and tried to g. t possession Uf the keys. They did not seem to have any desire to injure Mr. 'Wilbur. But before they could accomplish their designs the Agent knocked two of them doyrn, and dragged them, unassisted, into the ob U j, where t ■ are now confined with the act . murderer. The ____ oth- L,j l>kiIs? * I I / 11' * I qr One tied. * r ' ' ¿Li I DYSPEPSIA. sit* A «> |of Dyspepsia take one tea- For bad „ ,-------- . —n , — __ .-1 spoonful thrlee times a day, or five or ten ___ or five dava, minute» a meals, for . fonr — -*— iful three times a day then take tw|o teaspoong|ul ere/ trtre ----- is r pain or as above directed. Whu --------- tenderness in the stomach Rathe the stom­ ach well wj the Extract night and morning ed. In all mild cases take until it is re two teaspoonsful three times a day. »t ■< U CHOLERA. In Choleri, take one tablespoonful of the Extract in one tablespoonfill of water every two hours: bathing the stomach and bowels freely «very hour until the discharges have ceased: thed take one tablespoonrul three times per day for live or six days. The above is for Cholera in the tirst stage. In the seconld stage take the abeve prescrib­ ed dose every hour, bathing the bowels and stopiach every half hour.. For a bgd attack of Cholera morbus take an prescribed for .Cholera in ifr,fc._l "2_. eases ____ first stag«. In . milder take ip lessTqoantity. In cases where the voi ifting is S Ch that it will not stay on the sfo nach, bsthe the stomach and bowels frei ¡ly until vomiting ceases; then take as abc ve directed. BLOODY FLVX. Z STATE NEWS. , Astoria boi a8 nearly one thousand in- Sitana >• Rei*d’s ria on thi ma is to be at Asto- For a grown person, if tho case is a severe one. attended witi^much pain, and bearing down, take of the EXtarct Extarct one tablespoon- tablet _ Iftffi in two jtsblespoonaful tablespoonsfi l of water etery eiery three hours, bathing the sioufach and bow­ els with the Same until the pain and running oil of the bowels is checked; then take two teaspoonsfnl three times a day until a cure is fleeted, T pr children under ten years of agê. one tehspoonfeb from 10tol> years, two teaspoousful. With bathing as abote di- reeled, For pll bowel complaints io child­ ren or adults.[ adults, the same sa above. j e » ,. ., j FEVER AND AGUE. I Astoria is out of debt and there is If coin in the treasury. J'^ “‘ new “5fircbe11 hM áen placed The fi: II1 o Wer at Salem. lu .the old tyn fv- A neW-pt .piboat was lau nched at Alitoria on < jiV ednesday last. i A graiîd «ociablff so is to be held in Salem in aid Ì 0f the Capital Library. U■ I I ’ ! || i L • * I ' Foreclosure. Jani ng. V ure A JUDGMENT and ortgage in the above , m .nd entered of record t Co of the State of Ore- gonTfor YWfohlll Rfonty, a»d, an execu­ tion in accordance therewith duly issued thereon out of said Court and to me di­ rected, in favor of said Plaintiff, David Thompson, and against said Defendant, Jane Armstrong, fortfie sum of A9A12 »0 nine thousand tnre^BYindred^iRft twelve dollars U. S. gold eotn, with interest there­ on from the 14thday of at the rate of one per pent, per month,^ln like gold coin, and the further eum of Fiftydofiar ($M fo) Attorney f6f, and Ftfty- Six and 25400 it56 25) dollars colts and dra* bursements of suit. I have levied on and wfll proceed to sell, at public auction, to tbehtehoet judder, lor U> accord a nee with said execfinbn and de­ cree in front fro ___ of x foreclosure, th — w-w of the Court House door, in Lafayette, Lafayette, ____ 111 ill county, county, Oiegon, the real estate hereinafter de­ ?n «fifí fl October, " »IxeTj 187%' On the 15th dnyi of atone a day, alt all,the Q ’ ’ clock,iB;U«|r clocfeHMnrt of of «aid «aid day, Ute andlnterest Defend- ­ right, title and interest of the said Defend ant, Jane Armst rong, In and to the follow- ink real property^ as described, in said de­ cree of foreclosure, to-wit; 1 All tftose oertain tracts of Land situated! lying and befog in Yamhill efiuntv, Ore­ gon, and more particularly bounded and described as follows : Notiflcaiion Numlier 1,964, surveyed anfi designaled on the Maps and Plats of the United States as Ciaim Nûmber 72, being parts of Sections 33, »4 and 35, in T. 4 8. R. 4W., and Claim Number 61, being nartB of Sections 2, 8 and 4 in T. 5 S. R. 4 west, be^ ing bounded and described as follows, ttf- wit: Beginning at a point ifitorth S3 de­ grees East seven chains and thirty link» distant from a point 13 chains and 80 links South of the rth East corner of the Sooth East q erof Section Si, in T. 4 8. R. 4 West and hnlng thence «on th S3 de^ grees West timuis and nuu fifty ii.iy links; uiucb ; chains -thence Souih’M degrees and 30 minute» East 29 chai d 20 links; thence East 23 chains and Sinks; thence South 25 de= grees East 40 ins: thence South 72 de^ grees East 1 ains and 50 linksthence North 73 d East 71 chains; thence North 23,deg i minutps West 64chain» and 90 links -place of beginning, in the District d subject to sale at Or^ ^OUj. 1 I On getting * tìp op in thé the morning take two teaspoonsful: if the time for chillis between the hoars of 9 Jhnd teaspoonsfi.! 4ind 12, take two teaspoonsfi.l alf an hour I before chifliDg. if more than half the time for tLh tlte chill to come <n is in the af­ ternoon. wait until 12, o'clock to’take the and ti.e second dòse, . ^tter f 711. the chili _1"1___ .'l.w ferer are coming on pa.the the breast and stomach with the Extract. Wet a cloth with the Ex­ tract and a littll cold water, and lay it on the stomach; C( ^ntiuue to keep tbe cloth wet until the fe\er < i.ools. If the fever cools coots in time, take a dot on going to bed at night. By following the\ above directions the chills light r\ and come on at a later will get lighter! hour each day, until' they disappear. disappear, After they have disappeared. take the -d-take ie ab«i abdve dose th re è times a day tor three for 10 or 12 days. 5,789. Cert id 401, known and designated J in the Sur and Plats ef the/Unitea tlonal So&th ltelf of the Siates as th North prter of Section 34; Fraction- N<^ ih luis East al SOnth h the Nori h West quacterof Section 34; -------- ------- tiona) North half, of t£e Soutft Eastànaterof The La Grande public School aterof Section 34; Fractional Soutu Wes _____ 34; ______ barter of ___ Section Frac- opened on the i- 1st instant -L ’ with up- tional Norih«'West quarter of the South wands of 70 scholar». ■'/i. West quarts: uai:t$r of < ' Section &>,; Fractional South East »nui larter of th* North East c I Sect quarter of .Section 33; Fractional North art better in Baker county East * “7t quijjtt^r qf the South Eapt quarter of this season than they have been for 2. 4 S. R. Wew7T the Wi> Section iamette ,dian, containing pne hun* past ; all Ahu mine8.are dred and -nine and 63-lOfi adres : and wor Land pay good di .vidends, alSO the fp^^.,- -Mft ng described ^ICUIIOCB, premises, to* 1VF- .tn are ted at *6ó to $80 a 1 mouth wit: Lots lumbers 3. 4, 5 and. 6 and the L North WesUquaTter of the ! South West quarter anil. South West quarter of th» -4 7, North Westtjuarter of Section 3, and Lot t WORMs. t . ¡A couple | of years ago a robbery of oSkiJn $ g, 4 Wiest, contain* of Section For ad'Its, take pf & Co.’« occurred, and a _ ’tT — _-__r one table- ing one 1 hundred and fifty-four and »4-100 acres; aufj >d Also Land Claim Ntamber 57. ly* .1 -of money was stolen, spoonful in the sa m« » quantity of water,three ihg wil nW Hti thefohowingmeté« andfiefind» times a day: qhiidrq a -fro«; 10 to 1.» years old rtiiipant in the crime be- two' teaspoonsful, a id all Liiaer that one tea on the Sgt ;outh __— bank __________ of the . Yamhiil .. ...... river and more parlivutarly bounded and de­ expos^d iW complicity spoonful in water o r milk- at the same time scribed as follows, to-wlt wit : Beginning at Shepardson, living at be careful of your < liét, not to overload tbe tbe South East corner of Richard Booties and Margeret Booth’s Claim* Claim, nmffing ninfiing t county, in the crime, stomachi' “^ALDS AND BURNS.' > r» « to . A— thence West 24.80 chains a stake on a the he was arrested by - ■ L ■ line between C. Ikdlawley’a and the »¿d • ■ i ' ■! 1 . z- ’ Bathe the parts btirnt tthd scalded imme­ Booths' Claim; thence Sow no n iïnç be­ Deputy Sherii f Harper and Charley with the Extract, and if. necessary tween said Hawley’s awl Booths’ Claims Adams, under the name of /Milton Milton diately bathe the r - » •• =■ • second timti, wliicb w ill take the 2.00 chains ; thence West ep. south line of d is how on his. way to tiye out en utjrc-ly. said Baojtl>®’ Ciaim to th« center of said Yamhili river; thence following down th« here the eri: ne tvn« com- ASTH _JM|. meandering« in the center of snld YamhilL trial. It i is generally- river to where said Booths’ ea$t iin<* — take ■K.tiMÍ Extract one teaopoon- crosses sit id rlV«r: thence spuih oW Mid ‘he is the right muu in fol Dose in water ei very twjtuty minutes until re­ east line to the place of.beginning fon- M lief is had, an in then tike t ike <*3t: <«ïR: teajipoi.nful teutipomful in tnininr 42*$ acreemore ov lass,, uii-lying water live times a da ncwú* is etfeet- in 9einM»ns3t and 35 in T. 4 S. R. 4 We«t. And Also the following described real es­ ed. Bathe the chests in bronchitis. ELLANEOIs Hs. tate to Wit: Beginning at the South East", SICK OR NERVO 1"* IID — - ^|L.S ä DACHE. corner of Claim Nwnilnr 72, T. 5 soul hi -I • A of Base Line Range 4 West of Willamette« i Take two tettspoemfi in the same ____ , r ara.'t pSyS"“— mote new CWS. Merldiati. Thence north 23'degrees30min-» of water; if in fifteen minittes the pain has- nreswew 19 chains and M links; tkence ds° is the ¿i •etroifname not left, take two teaspoonsf.J. more, contin­ south 75 degress 30 minuses east 11 cbains-t uing-the dose every iifteen or twenty miu- and 40 linstt; thence south 4 degrees 30 • I ntes until relief is had.# I then take ofie tea­ minimes west 89 chains; thence north &»; spoonful three times a day until the cause is degrees fotninfttes west 27 chains and 60 9 link«? thence south 4 degrees 80 mirtetesi removed, t V west 5 chains; thence west 79 chains and 8. *• FEMALE COMPLAINTS. links; thence north 12 chains; thence east 27 ' • chains and 50links;thencesouth 70degrees h I The bump of destructiv venes»—a Dose—take two teuspoonsful three fifties 30 minutes east J-lehains; ihermm worth 73 a day in a little Water, bathing the ab&men degrees ¿a&t' 71 ehmn« to-tbe pins ofbegln-- i I railway collision. i? ; ; . three times a day with the Extravt.— ning, containing 153 acres. And also all ; k II i / .111 ’ <1 '-12 ' ¿¿H i«i '• *r i- * well > *piect*>r —■—-*<------ *-*-« - 4 * - - •> W here there is ulceration fyllow the above liait teat a'- patee; One of our dentists takes a daily directions* also take'one ten spoonful of th« iMidhetag ain ; in the bounty o V pull on the river. O’ H Extract to two tablespoonsful of warm wa­ gou. known hnd< 5 S.* R5iS 3 ■ v Ti J l i i . • I i n-t I- V- ÍI il J ’ ‘ I ’ 111 ’ • • ’ ■ L ‘ ¡ mi ter, and use esun in^ectiou twice a day un­ wit: Being in T.__________ ■r i,i '0 L ning at a post north Hdeg rees east from thewopumei ;nt to Greeley ought to til a cure is ejected. Charles M. John soli’s South ___ __________ _ i east corner ofi |in imposing ' stone. ENLARGEMENT of the spleen , Land Giaini, 45 cludna, said beginning ' i i / H < K post being north west 8 links from an oak OR AGUE CAKE. tree two feet in diameter; thence norths When a man’» neck* tie is untied, 1 “ 14 degrees east 35.73-chains to post, on Mrs..; F Dose — one teaspoonful three timss a da how untidy he looks. { I F Buffum ’s west line; thence, north 4 de. ■ £ bathing the part well morning and nigi Jr grees west 13.54 chains on Mrs. Ruffum's. 1 —lil ' 9. > V ' with the i-xtrtet. < I' <- ' west line ;o post: thence west 51.20 Asa xvater-plaoe, the Niagra Falls INFAMATION Ì»OH > THE STOMACH chains to post in center of slmdfh ; thence - are. rapidly falling away. c south 9 degrees west 17.70 chains up the, y ' BOWELS. iTij, : ■ j r,' r- '!• 1 ’• ; ' "ii ' * ' ' 1 Il razor-man was re- In bad cases take .pne teaspoenful every Mrith a ^“strapping three hours, bathing the parts every two ginning, containing 175 and 40-106 acres i • cook—The one that pation.?. Ì ctjts , AND BRUISES. Bathe with the Filarci a few times and yon will get relief. Forcuta it keeps dow* InflaniatioQ and ejects a speedy cure. you i o i 7 i " is WOOD’S HOUSEHOLD MAtAZINE; \ - ïffl 'I H TQ 1 « » sf 1 Mlll'F~!r '■ ' ’’ •* , î ? • -îff « G >k rji.... k . I'** those »ill be sold at-tfiair ¿¡¿U, *.*>, vJfli ‘whal ÿs lied, ”the while if ordered1 in connection with our Magasiné, both will U furnished fet^ f : I ostoD man has discovered that ve the peculiar when se en in the early $1.50|;U^ ( I m Ar » a premium th« pfeture m«y he ob- ta feed fòri •ulwwribingfor^ie Mapimitebiroyeàr» iu I i ; ; AN ORNAMENT TO TRW ROOM $ red cedar a shôv on'a shdv- r i a room of le fellow, Who ha just com- J ♦ > patera, asked his if the word 4j HoaJ* prefixed to e of ' Mr. f *-**~4-ik* member resa. me ani “honmt? . ' HavinÉ the control «f the* mafniliçenV OIL CHROMOi TO SEMITB, v* «rj able to offer »• cembinatioa of literary and. artistic work «rgeiraiBe-v«r1à,s»àat prices, unprecdented. . * ' ' ‘ ' - •>> ! This fin« copy of a piece of Nature’«» grandest work,, is not presented tn the uauai limited style,—its dimension«, 14x20, mak­ ing a picture of very desirable sine, in itself move the jaws k ft-law never 4, < * '1 es the sting of a bee carry with it? Because it makes bee-leaver «It onoe. rlll'f n 1 Worth and Beauty I » J**’’ WA i is.eating buttdr that it» 60 oents to the pound. 'nW'"! ¿ÍWE 17 i ' I ' ,’S LÍOSK A-Ccr X j . - -J—__ u.M; Ssnd rav 4 ing I »ball deviUeWbtlttlaattenton to the ftirnished for $4 00.' DIRECTIONS JOR USING advanoe.et |J.O0 vex ananm. »• » » Address, H WOOD’S. HOU^EHOL MAGAZINE, N«’ Newburih, N. Y» fc. E. SHUTES, Publisher.