Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1???, July 25, 1873, Image 2

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’ !
I •
1 '
sented htmself to them. He fal
assumed a character that he did
possess. So far from atoning, he
Deen < continuing . his offenses.
Mr. Mitchell having thus deceived,
the people, and defrauded them of
the character that they sought to
place 1 in their high office, it is their
right, due themselves, and their duty
as the conservators of the morals of
the future, to demand a return of the
trust bestowed upon him—a surren­
der of the office he is disgracing.
When ho shall do so, the people
will stop reminding him of his crimes,
and will gladly forget that there ever
was such a man as John H. Mitchell,
or whatever his name may be.
JULY 25.
Kewcpforwnr'l, until further notice.
Frink C. Anthers and Frank Owen are
anthorlred to roUett and leoeipt tar sub­
scription!* and adwrt.b«emvuts and other
business of this otlke pt', »er duties call-
i|<^ I «bill devote but Ut tie ut teuton to the
HKper in t’.-.o future, tar «omé t ime akJeast.
April là, Wil J
Of course d
Writ of Special Election.
gSlo the Sheriff« of the wvesul C<»un-
H tie* witUlu live State of Oregoni
p ” ’ - as, It a general election held on
the fbtrd dsv of Jin«*. A. I)., 18i’J, the lion.
JoHepk. U. Wilson was -luly elocteJ Repre­
sentative of the State of Oregon in the For-
tv-third <'o"?*'-< of the t nited States; and
i. - re tire said election, said
c’.u'' i. s betoiiie .;icunt by the death of
said lucnmbent; pnd
I'» tit
Bv provision of the Constitution
of the U-’-v.J State«« and the laws of this has be<< • e the duty of the Gov­
ernor thereof to issue uis writ of election to
fill sftcL vacancy;
fore, I, L. F. Gr.ovn», Gover­
nor oi the Lute of O.qgtm, do hereby cum-
in-ind j oa and v.t’ of jpu to notify the sdv-
.hidges of Election within and for your
several cot.ntAs. to bo.d a spechl election
. of Rep
.utive in tiongress to till the va­
cancy aforesaid, c(n Monday the .(13) thir­
teenth dny of October, 1'73, and that you
caliKd all proper notice« to be given thereof
according to .aw.
talion mo-*
i». lie kloegi
a con-
lays upon the
poliste diHsjbyl
will take a lively
pccial campaign now
it is our nuriiose to
this end a campaign
ip pertinent here:' ina
Governor Grover vetoe
hundred thonramdi idol
They ou^lii^i) bo,
present burdens, that i
be too grev ions to b0 ¡1 x
promises made them t if
of railroads are now 1
ized in bankruptcy and
overtrading did it:
Another Offer.
T he C ou bier will be furnished
during the campaign to any Re­
publican and all Republicans who
will pay doubly the campaign
price in the event of the election
‘ *
of a Democratic Congressman, the
T he O regonian ;
same to have it gratis in the event
of the election of, a Republican.
Who wHl take at cl rance ?
(1 barring Î
a continued i
If the Orest
The Jacksonville
appeared on new
presents a very nos
The Timis is a goo<-
Wn have received a com
cation from Astoria giving a
mci planation of DrC Ja8, A
Chapman’s flop, ^bich, /or
cicnt reasons'wc decline to
lish. Wo concur with opr
ire^pondimt howetCr, On the
of the booby Chapmiin^ almc
actnallv in sane passion for some sori c f
i(^al appointment jit the hai
some Governor Grovcri in fact,,
one hundred and twenty-eight mil­ man lobbied for thi appoin
lions. In the light of tiiese facts, of Chairman of the State C
consider the effects of thei^ tariff Comtnittbe on the plea fht
upon t|ie people of Oregodj'i /It to position would give him “
uotorious that tho roads in this ing with,the Governor?’
State are at present bad invest­ have to say is that Chapnis
ments. They demand of the peo­ fully vindicated the (loVc
good’sense in deci ping tc
ple enormous freight ratee, and any confidence in Tito (Chip|
still they don’t pay. ' We suppose Democracy.
that there are 250 miles of road in
Circular to the Liberal Publie.
erect in the citv of Boston a buil<P
i the l’AINE MEM0RI-
ing to I
AL HALL, as a tesûmonial to the great
fervices of THOM A8 PAINE in the strug-
ile for American IiKlvpendence, and for
Universal Mental Frccdcni . Said building
to ba ruitable for store-«, business offices,
a -------
Hall for
Free Dicusrion, Lectures Amuse«
ent«, and finally, an office for the
tho buainess
b —-___ 1 of the Boston Investigator. To
àccômpli-h th:«,
one« and
this, we need the assist
____ "__ ____ of
.2 all tne
:__ *_1 friends
nd« of of Payne
and of the Investigator, and
end believing our
readers and other Liberals to be of that
nnmbor on whom we may relv.
rely, we a«k
ask their
aid assitancc by contributing
’._i—A o other«
-A___ 1. to ' do ho »• Bub-
«elves and " inducing
ill ‘ be acknowledged
in the col-
senptions wC
___ _ " '
haw labor-
umnsofthe Investigator.
We ha^g
ny < disadvantages
during oor
cd under many
th t the
Investigator, in provid-
connection with
ing suitable accommodation» for our business
and in securing a Hall for our Paine Cele­
bration, and we appeal now to a Liberal
public to come forward and help ns to en­
core a permane*'♦ place for business and for
holding our me mgs.
Friends, Brothers, Sisters, the hour will
corné when we must cease from our labor.
The eause that the Proprietor and Editor
of the Boston Investigator have expended
their lives in, is an earnest voucher that not
for self alone, but fur humanity, they have
worn away a life-time. And we invite all
our friends to zeal on * and prompt action, as
advancing age indicates that time waits for
none. We all feci solicitous that our works
shall live after we refire; and that our advo­
cate of Freedom, our sturdy old Investiga­
tor, may still, for generation« to come,
sound our rallying cry—For all Peoples,
and all lands, forever Liberty, “
J. P. M endum ,
H oback S kavkb ,
T. L. S avage
M. A ltmen ,
* v
D. R. B ürt .
(Correspondence of the Oregonian.]
A mity , July 17, 1873,
To the Editor of the Oregonian ;
As it is an unquestionable right of
the people to in vestigate the proceed-
ings of our publ lic servants, I would
respectfully ask c a place in the col-
umns .of your jp >apcr - to pay a short
tribute to our United
nited States Senator
The actions of
TT _
jf Mr; Hippie,
Mitchell, deserye the most ri| gjd scru-
tiny. Never in the history of our
country has a man with such an ex­
1 him to allow her to
ecrabld history as our Senator en­
tered the United States Senate. Nor,
but all to no purpose
as I believe could there be found an­
other who would accept the position
under such circumstances. Undenied
report says thait in his younger day8
(and not so very young, after all) he
seduced a y.otiig girl.
He subse­
quently married her, but ran away,
after a time, a defaulter to his law
partner; that, for fear Mr. Thomp­
son (his partner) might follow him,
Eerhaps “to the end of the earth,” if
e did not make this matter right, he
sent back to his partner at different
times, sums sufficient in the aggre­
gate to adjust his indebtedness with
him ; that he hen kept a harlot in
California, afl srwar^ qaijie to Oregon
As lie turned towards
and married, i ve yoarK. prior . to the
time his wife in Pennsylvania was
•ed and the bullet
divoroed from him. and thereby com-
mitted bigail hy.
He fraudulently
changed Ids ame from J. M. Hippie
to John H. itchell, and under this
false name palmed himself off on
honest people and obtained the office
of United States Senator The cata-
logue of his ‘ youthful indiscretions”
lias been^isc' osed, and now the whole
world can pq inti the finger of derision
at our once ii nmaculate but now out-
raged State, What are wc to do ? A
man with st ich an infamous record
cannot comm and any influence in the
United Stat es Senate.
-.----- --
arises on the floor to speak, that alias,
with all the crimes associated with it,
will rise
before the minds of the
Senators scorn, not unmixed with
shame, will ¡fake the place of respect­
ful attention. We have important
measures concerning our State which
we want attended to. We need a
Senator—noit a thing—to watch and
guard those ^matters. Must the in­
terests of odr State lie dormant for
six years? Xo! Ho ought to resign.
Justice demands him to resign. Ev­
ery right-tljinking man, woman and
child will sky, resign ! Common sense
ought to snow him that he is not
wanted. Nor should the matter stop
What kind of a defense has he of­
fered? None. Ho has simply ac­
knowledged the principal charges
(though hd at first branded them as
false), andi seeks to excu^p lumself by
resorting tjo the baby plea indiscre-
tions of youth.” ’ A very youthful
chap, ind
practicing lawyer, to
be sure, I it yet a mere boy, a rash,
impetuou# lad.
I heard two prominent Republi-
The “Advocate«” Position.
cons in Salem say, tho other day,
. .
that if the! Republicans did not all
(Frouttlie Daily News.)
come out boldly and drop Mitchell,
The Advocate responds to the strict- this Stat e< would be sure to go Dem­
?ee of the Neus and Eemocrat upon ocratic this fall for Congressman,
le course of a Ministe: sr of the Meth- and it looks plausible. -----
Hundreds of
list Episcoj •pal Church in defending Republicans will not vote the
tr. Mitchel, Li through the columns of lican ticket this fall if this mi
«paper ovor which
‘ * l he had control. pie was not at once discarded,
■ • I?
be Advocate has no defense for thé common talk. •
rtiele of tho Minister referred to,
The Oregonian is' praised everywhere
ffiich it admlits “appears to defend, for the impartial
(ipartial 1 nut fearless expo-
I a measive, the course of life pur­ sure, of Hippie,
ipple, alias Mitchell:
led by Senator Mitchell.”. It de-
I wouir ’
‘ ■
[ares that Senator Mitchell’s state- er terms
ient was not a complete answer to States 8 have preferred to use mild-
LI thq charges made against him, them in t a speaking of our United
nd that it u sorry to find it so ; that tog langi snator, but I cannot
ist no sane man can approve his cable to 1 he dictionary without adopt-
ast course ; but that its province as
age that is NOTA
clearly BENE.
journalist is not 4<to pursue any
he case
i1 own good, or that of
demands.” , Vhe Advocate
rery cautiously, Jt>ut. wc
it say even this
ch.; No pne, we i i presume, desires
pursue Mitchell or deny him the
lit to repair ■ a bad life by years of
lorable (kmc
induct. But even treat­
; him as a private citizen, and it
.st be tenti embered
_ r, that _______________
crime must
eive the example of punishment,
> interest# of society demand it.
•. Mitchell has made no umende hon-
He to his 'friends or fellow citizens
t- h ,
Parlor and Box Stoves.
All maanfacture l in tLis eity.
he other dealer» will lell you they don**
keep them. The reason is. they
can’t buy them.
Please remember that 1 also lurve a
Improve Your Poultry I !
Oakland, Cal.
ggs for hatching from the
largest and Best Fowls in the Worji,
carefully packed in Patent Bwxes and guar­
anteed to carry safely any distance.
- the
varieties comprise
Dark and Light Brahmas, Buff, Black, White
and Partrig# Cochins, White. Leehorns,
Houdans, Silver and Golden 8p«nglecl Ham­
burgs, Gold and 8ilver Bpangled Polish.
Black Spanish, Crevecoeurs. Rouen «nd
Aylesbury Ducks. Bronze Turkeys, «nd Se­
bright and Game Bantams.
Send stamp for Illusterated Circular to
GEO. B. BAYLEY, importer and breeder
of Choice Poultry, P. O. Box «59 San Fran­
cisco: also, agent for the Poultry World.
a monthly illusrated journal, devoted entire­
ly to Poultry; tell« how to keep Fowl« for
Profit; a complete repository of inforinatic n
on the subjects Subscription only $l,‘25a
VBsr Agent«
_ * wanted
- --
— ._
in every*» * town in
_____ Address
P. P.
O O Box
650 650
tS. t8.
F. F.
US. Please state in what paper you saw thia
Judge Ramsey sent our office dur­
ing the Week some very nice plums
and some apples, for all of which we THOMAS RYAN
return thanks.
For those which
found their way into the office acci­
ost commodious hotel in
dentally We don’t suppose thanks are
the State.. HARD FINISHED thro’-
necessary. ■' 7
penitent, atoning for misdeeds, but
that of a guilty man seeking to con­
ceal them practicing deception dai­
ly, and living, as he must have lived,
in daily dread of discovery. In his
flection to the Senate he perpetrated
Two communication from Fores
P i gros:
gross fan nd upon the people of Or-
Board per Week........... .......... ....15 00
gbn. Hd! concealed facts that if Grove received this week, but too late Board ana Lodging................ $6 to 18 CO
mown would i have decided them to for publication, will appear in our
Free Carriage ictl’ he in attendanf'e
jhoose anothelr man. He mwenre- next isshe.
to Convey Passengers to the House. “S’*