■ ? . .... if--' * ; I 1 "'Xi ■ - I 1 r F l i ■ Ì 4 ii* I ’ '!• ■ * ■ ' I i I I J w. ■q 4« ■-* * .A 'v 4 *•] ♦ if * f J « 11 * « ii., * I 1 I 1 I I 4 } .- L ; I i I v’ > • « ( I ? » I < i ! I « » i t t I I Î i * I i < i t À 'I • i »I 4 Í / I » » I A » « ; V" i « i i $ ir Í r V- • ' «♦. ■ b 4 I I I ,k I 1 'fi » > F un at H ome . —Don’t be afraid t $ Ì f 1 % 3 » V 4 Some boys dropped an anvil weighing 200 pounds out of a third story window on the head of a ne­ gro who was passing, and he had them arrested. He said he was idling to let the boys have fun, it when they jammed a gemmen’s hat down over his eyes in that manner, the law must have its course. ¡3 ? » A of a little fun at home, good peo- Don’t shut up your houses, the sun should fade your car* and your hearty iy laugh laug should shake down some of the musty cobwebs there. If you want to lin your sons, let them think that mirth and social enjoyment Id be left on the threshold itbout, when they come home at night. When once a home is regarded as only a place to eat, drink, and sleep, the work is begun that ends in gambling houses and reckless degradation. V, — •» _ I I I i 4 ■■ A J Since the opening of the Modoc war, seventy-one whites have have nave b^en killed, and sixty-seven wound­ ed—more than the whole number of Modoc wariors. The "Weekly* Sun. Arrives from the north daily at 12 m. ONLY $1 00 A TUB, 8 ÎAGES. Departs both ways at 10:30, a. m. From Portland via Taylor’s bridge and The Best Family PapeiL* Newberg, weekly. Arrives at 6 p. m., on The Beat AgrlcultvrallPaper. ✓ Saturdav. Departs at7 a. m., on Friday. The Beat Poli tieal Paper. Dayton 6 times a week. Arrives at 3 p. m.' The Best Story Pap< Departs at 4. The Best Fi Reports. Reports. The Best Cattle ~ Yamhill County Directory. The Bost General Market Reports. 1 ■ .. M. M. Ramsey County Judge............ The Beat Paper Every ' Way. . R. H. I-amaon Clerk............................... THE WEEKLY NEW YORK SUN. . R. P. Bird Sheriff........ L.......... J. M. Kelty Eight Pages, 5« columns, BI a year, or Treasurer...1......... j Dawson less than S cento a number. Send Your Co. Commissioners... • • | Hulery .* * p - ii 1 ’ Dollar. .C. Handley Surveyor. Address THE 8UN, New York City Assessor.. • • • a • .••••••••••••• ....I. Davis School 8ui It................................... H. H. Hewit Coroner. .*..... ............................... Dr. Johnson LXUISLATURK. State Senator ................................... J. W. Cowls j T. R. Harrison Rep’s ....................... J A. R. Burbank OREGON OFFICIAL DBECTOBY. KXECUTIVK DKPVBTMENT. Governor ...;.......... ......... Secretary of State........ Treasurer of State.... State Printer................... State librarian.............. Register of State Lands .. ij. r. tirover 8. F. Chadwick ...L Eleischner .Eugene Semple ,S. C. Simpson E. 8. McComas C0N0RK88I0NAL, Ü. 8. Senator..................... James K. Kelley “ ........................... J. H. Mitchell Congressman........................... Joa. G. Wilson FEDKBAL OFFICERS. ... .M. P. Deady Tho’s G. Young ............ R. Wilcox .........W..H. Odel ...T. B Odeneal ....Thos. Frazer ......... W. Bowlby U. S. District Judge. U. 8. Marshal............ Clerk U. 8. Court..... Surveyor General.... Sup’t Ind Affairs.... U. 8. Assessor........... U. S. Collector........... land orriciR8. W. R. Willis. Register.......... .. .Roseburg •t B. Herman, Receiver.............. . Owen Wade, Register................. .Oregon City Henry Warren, Receiver......... J. H. Stephens. Register........ .La Grande M D. Chaplin, Receiver.............. if I . — / . . SUPKF.MK COURT. Jacksonville ... .Corvallis ... . .Salem . ...Portland .Baker City P. P. Prim, Chief Justice.... A. J, Thsyer•••*•• L ••*-••• •* B. F. Bonham...................... W- VV, Upton L. L. McArthur..•••••••••« ... ■ id — JUDICIAL EI8TTICT8. First District: Jackson and Josephine. 2d District: Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas Manon, and Lane. 3d District: Linn, Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill. 4th District: Clackamas, Columbia, Multnomah, and Washington. 6th District; Grant, Umatil­ la, Union and Wasco. , - • i I — t »TERMS OP CIBCHIT COURTS. Frst District^In the county of Josephine, on the fourth Monday in October; Jackson second Monday in February, June and No­ vember. .. . „ , Second Distirct—Douglas third Monday in October, and seconea Monday in May; Coos, fourth Monday in May, and second Monday in September; Curry, first Monday in June ; Lane, third Monday in April, and and first Monday inNevember; Benton.sec­ ond Monday in April, and third Monday in November. Third District—Linn, fourth Monday in March, and second Monday in October; Marion, second Monday in March June and November: Polk, second Monday in Mav. and fourth Monday in November ; Yamhill, second Monday in April, and fourth Monday in October ; Tillamook, second Monday in July. . Fourth District—Clackamas, fourth Mon­ day in April and September; Multomah, second Monday in February, June and Oc­ tober ; Columbia, second Monday In April: Clatsop, second Monday in August, and fourth Tuesday in January; Washington, fourth Monday in May, »nd first Monday in October. „ . Fifth District—Wasco, third Monday in June, and second Monday in November; Grant, first Monday in June, and third Mon­ day in September; Baker, third Monday in May and first Monday in October; Union, first Mondav in May, and third Monday in October ; Umatilla, last Monday in April, and fourth Mondav in October . 2nd A nnual DISTRPJ ion 75,730 PREMIUMS BANGING IN VALUE FROM S1O $5,000 GIVEN AWAY ! TO SUBSCRIBERS OF Every Subscriber is sure of one pre­ mium any way, and also has an equal chance of receiwing a CASH Hremium, or a PIANO, ORGAN SEW. ING MACHINE, WATCH, etc. FIRST GRAND CASH PREMIUM $5.000 OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND. — Eight Pages, Large Site .Illustrated, Family Weikly, is in Its THIRD VOLUME and haa attained the LARGEST CIRCULATION of any paper published ;in the West. BE8T, MOST DE81REABLE AND MOST USE FUL ORIGINAL REAEING MATTER IN GREAT VARIETY, that money can buy, to make It a HOME WEEKLY suited to the wants family. Subscription . price, J ____ of euery , S3 00 per year of fifty.two numbers. THE ELEGANT CHROMO “CUTE,” Size 16 x 20 inches, 16 colors. Acknowled­ ged by all to be rhe Handsomest and Most Valuable premium picture in America.— Every Subscriber is presented with this Chromo at the time of subscribing, (no waiting,) and also receives a Numbered Certificate Entitling the Holder to a Share in the distribution of 325,000 in cash, and other preminta«jTl ■ THE DISTRIBUTION TAKES PLACE on the Second Tuesday in Jone June next. next, I The Chromo and Certificate senton re­ sent ceipt of the price. Specimen Oopiee, Pre­ mium List, Etc, Etc,, Giving Full Particlars sent free to any add address. Either local or canvassing in if suis every town. lj*rgw em pay and tbo feast anti Mi Send at once for terms. i > i Address OUR FIRESIDE FRIEND, Chicago, IU. Circular to the Liberal Public. ; <• PRIVATE MEOIGAL AID. 1 E PROPOSE TO PURCHASE OR erect in the city of Boston a build- in« to be known as the PAINE MEMORI­ AL HALL, as a testimonial;to the great services of THOMAS PAINE in the strug- Ile for American Independence, and for Iniversal Mental Freedom. Said building to be suitable for stores, business offices, a Hall for Free Dicussion, Lectures Amuse­ ments, and finally, an office for the business . ÄF ill ’^Ba purposes of the Boston Investigator. To accomplish this, we need the assistance and $ contribution«' of all tne friends of Payne and of the Investigator, and believing our readers- and other Liberals to be of that mi numbor on whom we may rely, we ask thefr X, aid assitance by contributing liberally them­ selves and inducing others to do so. Sub­ A ». senptions will be acknowledged in the col­ umns of the Invesiigator. We have labor­ ed under many disadvantages during our connection witl with the Investigator, in provid- ng to directions, and remain 4*ing suitable accommodation« for our business provided their bones are not and in securing a Hall for our Paine Celet mineral poison or other means, bration, and wo appeal now to a Liberal il organs wasted beyond the public to come forward and help us to ii ^ point of "_k or Indigestion, Head-. cure a permanent place for bnsiness and for r tho Shoulders, Coughs, Tlght- holding our meetings. Dizziness, Sour Eracta- ■ Chest, “ Friends, Brothers, Sisters, the liour will •MG of the tioiis o the Stomach, Bad Taste In the oome when we must cease from our labor. _____ _ ______ ■ Mouth, “*“** Billons Bilious Attacks, Palpi Palpitation of the The cause that the Proprietor and Editor Heart. Inflammation _____ 2___ Li .ungs, of the _ , Pain in of the Boston Investigator have expended the region of the -_______________ - - i Kidneys, and - a hundred their lives in, is an earnest voucher that pot other painful Hvmpto ims,’ are the offsprings SEND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR complaints it has the for self alone, but for humanity, they have of Dyspepsia. In __these worn away a life-time. And we invite all no eqqal, and one bottle will prove a better onr friends to zealous and prompt action, as guarantee of its merits than a lengthy ad- vertisoment. advancing age indicates that time waits for ’emale Complaint«, in young kiilRw none. We all feel solicitous that our work! or old, ed or single, at the dawn of WEST MERIDEN,CT. shall li^ after we retire; and that our advo­ (¡.woman or the turn of life, these Tonic / cate of Freedom, our sturdy old Investiga­ Bitters ,y so decided an influence that Improvement is soon perceptible. tor^ may still, for generations to come, ; a mark i. , For 0 uni ma tor y and Chronic « soudd our rallying cry—“Foi ,♦ a Rhen itisni and Gout, Dyspepsia or and all lands, forever liberty. I ______ Bilious, ________________ Remittent and _____ Inter- 4 J. P. M endum , mltttnc fevers, Diseases oi the Blood, Liveis H obacb S eaver , Kid afid ahd Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases ore T. L. 8 ayaoe , Trustee«. caused by Vitiated Blood, which is produced M. A i . tmrn , by derangement of the Digestive Organs. CURE8 THE WORST PAIN D. R. B urt . For Skin Disease«, Eruptions, Tet­ In from one to Twenty Minutes. Boston, Oct. 9, 1872. Jan3re Throat, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation* of the Heart • Hysterica, Cfoup, Diptheria. Cataarh, Influenza. Headache, Tooth ache. Neuralgia, Rheumatiem. Ague Chills, Cold Ch y Relief to The application of the • the part or parts where the ain or difflcul- ty exists will afford ease and eomfort. bier of water Twenty drops in a half AMPS, Sour wiil in a few minutes cure Stomach. Spasms, IJeart-bu , Bick Head Ache, Diarrhoea, Dysenterjr . Colie, Wind 1 Pains. in the Bowels, and all into Ti avelers should always tjprry a bottle of RADWAY’ READY with ......... them.— vent sickness A few drops in water will or pains from change of wafer. It is better than French brandy Or Bitters as a stimu- lent. FEVER AND UE. Fever and Ague cured for fifty cents.— «gem in this wo-ld There is not a . remedial agent that will cure Fever and Ago A$ie and all o‘hei Malarious, BiHou,«, Y 'low ¡ou,*, Typhoid!Scarlet. Typhoid! 8 -__J “ by .. RAD VAH’8 and other Fevers (aided ............... s “ RÀDWAY ’8 EADY PlLL8)so ‘ its per pottle old by RELIEF. C beauty !! QUICK CURES AND MODERATE CHARGES Private . Medical f Is th« sole Agent for al the Btoves manu « factored.1 ? You esn now buy* a 8tove of thicker plate. and sf any plats fails it can be replac ed at a small expenre. We have the I I Driving Fine and Elevated Oven COOK STOVES, ▲ND DIFFKRKNT MINDS OF Parlor and Box Stoves, ij All manufactured in this city. 7 The o *" i • ■ ■ er dealers will fell you they don’t see] ip them.: The reason is. they can't buy them. remember that I also have a ___ ’♦ - _______ _ _ _ _ 7 ATE a NT J CHURN h ' IÎ' 1 -i * I Lvu Don't forget to look at the PATENT 'WIN DOW BLITD, Which Is made mad___ __________ of «. 8pruce Wood, and _____ is al Lighter, Cheaper, More CleaDly, More Durable FOWLS GÇOD OakM Poultry Yards, ■ W« Established expressly to Afford the sfflicted1 Sound and scientific Medical treat­ ment in the cure of all Pri­ vate and Chronic ' Diseases, Cases of secresy and sll Sexual Disorders. TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. W. K. DOHERTY returns his sin-- cere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage and would take this oppor- - tunity to remind them that be continues to* consult st bis Institute for the cure of chron­ ic diseases of the Lunes. Liver, Kidneys, Digestive and Genito-Urfnary Orgsns, and • all private diseases, viz: I Syphilis in all ita forms and Stages, Seminal weakness and all the horrid consequence« of self-abuse, Gon­ orrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal and Diurnal Emissions, Sexpal Debility, Diseas­ es of the back and loini; Inflammation of tho Bladder and Kidneys, etc.; «nd he hopes ttat bis long experience sj^k successful proetke will continue to inslFWini a share of public patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe and the United States he ¿«'enabled to apply the most efficient and successful remedies against diseases of * all kinds. He cures without mercury, char­ ges moderate, treats bis patients in a correct and honorable way, and has references of unquestionable veracitv from men of known respectability and high standing in society. All parties consulting him by letter or oth­ erwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatn eat and implicit secrecy. * ■a ! I BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER " SALVE. * . i t i V » y ■ • • -; t.. ■ ! I % < * i ■ • I i. ’ : . ----- ------------- - ----—’ CAPITAL SALOON. ■ ** & •» JOS. BERNARDI, 4 ' Propr.» Commercial «t., SALEM. « y friknds and the gener - al Public are invited to call and in Sample my DRINKS and CIGARS. M t A 9 I ~ -J DALLAS-SALEM % ST AGE LINE ! DAILY TRIPS. I t. ¿Kfc eaves at t in tub morning La Arriving at Salem at 10 Returning, leaves Salem at Orfe o’clock. Arriving at Dallas at 4. ____ | L ( * . f ■ Lone Star -,a R. HARRIS.............. ....................... . .Proprietor LAFAYETTE. A FIRST CLA88 SALOON, ALWAYS supplied with the very choicest WINE8, BRANDIE8, WHI8KIE8, < • CIGARS, _____ ___ and * OYSTERS 8ARDINF I 1 I To bo had in the best market«. with a good This saloon is also provided i marllly BILLIARD TABLE. •U i a i* J •» ! ♦ / rt X- fl . I i? .4 i I RADWAY’S I i-' •• pi •I I»«? — 4 r rnisiE —; t h 1 4 11 Nez Perce Indian Chief » t ÀDVERTISIFG AGENT. W j H™ ■» FOUNDED III 1853. No. 519 Sacramento street, Corner of Leidesdorff st., (a few doors be few* What Cheer House). Private Entrance on Leidsdorff st. Ban Francisco. E I Institute,- 1 Geo. "W Vollum, / Surgical P. FISHER, D r . RAinVAY’S I ! A To Females. . When a female is enervated or afflicted with disease, as weakness of the back and limbs, pain in the head, dimness of sight» loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, nervousness, extremo Uri­ nary difficulties, derangement» of digestive functions, general debility, vaginitis» all dis­ eases of the.womb, hysteria, sterility and all other diseases peculiar to females, she she’d go or write at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K, DOHERTY, at his medical- Institute, and consult him ¿»bout her troub­ les and disease. Tie doctor is effecting more cures than any other physician in the State ot California. Let no false delicacy prevent yon, bu^, apply immediately and BOOKS 20 AND 21, save yourself from painful suffering and pre­ mature death. All married ladies whose Merchants’ Exchange, delicate health or other circumstances pre­ vent an increase in their families, should- Street,* San Francisco. Canfora*» write or call at DB. W. K. DOHEIiTY’8' Medical Institute, apd they will receive eve­ Solicit« Adevrtisementa andJBubscriptons ry possible relief and help. ./ ’AYlrnt Corm hr and for papers for the L afa ibliahed in California, Oregon and Nevada; published To Correspondents, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montanah, Col- Patients residing in any part of the State orado, Arizona, and adji iacent. Territories; however distant, who uiay desire the opin­ __ JriUsh Poasessons, Sandwish Tslauds. the B ion and advice of .'DR. DOHERTY, ^Zealand and the Australian Còl exica Ports, Nicaragua, Panama in their respective cases, and who-thiok pro­ and Japan; the Atlantic States pet; to submit a writen statement of hueb, in preference to holding a peisonal inter­ el I f view, are respectfirily assured that ther oom- munications will be held mo.~t racred. ADVERTISING. The Doctor is a regular graduate and may i be consulted with every confidance. Has created ted many a s new business;, *If the case be fully and can­ H is enlarged many an old business; didly described, personal comcnication will ived many’s dull business; be unnecessary, as instructions tor diet, reg­ med many a lost business; imen and the general treatment of the ca.-a Md many a large business; itself (including the remedies), will be for­ And ii ire a success in any business warded without delay, and in such a man­ ner as to convey no idea of the purport »f G irf . ld ’ s S ection .--8tephen Girard used the letter or parcel so transmitted. to say in 1' s old days: *‘I have always con- Should your condition require immediate sidered a<3 ertising liberally and long to be attention send ten dollars, coin, or ita value success in business, in currency, by mail or Wells, Fsrgodc Co's nrcruMl nedinm of ___ and the prelude to wealth, . And I have Express, and a package of medicines will made it an j Invariable invariable rule to advertise in be sent to your address with the necessary the dullest tin es as well as the busiest, long instructions for use. expenen ice having taught me that money ty Consultation—by letter or otherwise ..3 i is well laid out, and by contin- FREE. Permanent cure guaranteed or no thus spent «ally keep» ; my business before the pub- pay. ------ lie it has se< ired manv sales that I other- Bpermatorrhoa. wise would ave lost?’ DR. DOHERTY has just published an Ina** portant pamphlet, embodying bisown views and experiences in relation to Inpotence or Verility; being a short treaties on Sperma­ torrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Nervous and physical Debility consequent on this dis­ ease and other affections of the Sexual or­ gans. I his little work contains information of the utmost value to all, whether married, I s man who didn’t believe in advertising or single, and will be sent FREE on receipt one into partnership with the Sheriff, of Six cents in postage stamps for return postage.- Address, t official does the advertising. W. K. DOHERTY, M. D. apr201y San Fran ci.-co, Cal. Strong and Pure rich Blood—Increase of Flesh and weight—Clear Skin apd Beauti­ And is the handsomest Window Blind in use. ful Complexion secured tira 11. It gives the best satisfaction to all who try it, and 1 only ask you to enquire of any one who has used them, to convince you that the Wooden Blind is the very best that you can SAR8APARILL1AN RÉSOLVENT buy. j] [ JOHN R. LAKE, j Has made the most astoufehing cures, so junelnolt, Quick, so Rapid are the Cbfeuges the Body undergoes under the influence of this truly .f L wonderful {Medicine, that I », Every Day an Increase*in Flesfe and Improve Your Poultry ! I : Weight 1« Seen and Felt. I THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the 8AR8APARILL1AN RE­ It Costs ao More to Keep SOLVENT communicates through the Blood / f 1 Sweat, Urine and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body, with new and sound ii material. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, THAN POOR ONES. } •I Glanular disease, Ulcers in the throat, mouth Tumors, Nodes in the Glands and other BOOK BLNDEB, PAPER RULER AND parts of or the system, Bore-eyes, Sore-eyes, Strenuous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst i ill I l/i II ■ IT 111 I 11 I' I ’ forms of skin* skin*, diseases, Fruptions, Fever i Ji IDg-nviui, U.I11UCUUI, Sores. Scald Head, 8ing-worm, Balt rheum/ lack Spots, Worms ir Erysipelas, Acne, Black I lffiruMiti the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, Cor. |. 16th & Cutro Sts, Oakland, Cal I i_ ■ ' , j i No. 94 Front Street,betweeh Washington and all weakening «nd painful discharges, 4 and Alder, over Hopkins* Hardware Store, Night-sweat«, Los« of Sperm, and all the I 8T T|PI "! ■ 1 lip. ; ■ ' ■ —-t, wastes of the, life principle, are within the J curative range of this Wonder of Modern J PORTLAND, OREGON. Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any person using it fo^either of these Books made to order, and ruled to forms of disease its potent powe^to sure any red pattern. Newspapers, Maga- FOR HATCHING FROM THE. GG8’ ’ F( them. , 1 ; i isic, etc., etc,, bound in any style, .„j and Best Fowls in the World,; Not only does the S absaparillian R es ­ largest taess ana dispatch, packed guar- olvent excel all known remedial agents in carefully pac in .« « Patent ------- . Boxes and 4T- | I the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constita- anteed to carry safely any distance. —AT— •> unii h n » ii 'H iy ß ••Jll but tit it is the only tional and Skin diseases; bi THE VARIETIES COMPRISE GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. positive cure for Dark and Light Brahmas, Buff, Black, White nplalnts, mil Kidney ds Bladder Complaints, “ * * ” ”’* ’ Leg' thorns, .. .............................................. Partrige Cochins, White. Gravel, Diabe and Urinary, and Womb di n 8pangled Houdans, Silver and Golden Spangled Ham- atcr, Ineontin tes, . .ropsy, Stoppage of , and 8ilver Spangled. Polish, burgs, Gold u_~ 22 , Albuminn- ence of Urine, Bright’s d ih, Crevecoeurs, Rouen and Black 8panish, Cre are brick dust ria, and all cases where f Bronze Turkeys, and 8e- cloudy, miked Aylesbury Ducks, Br» deposits, or the water th £ 7 and Game v . w »> Ban .. itams. ■ ■ . , of an egg, or bright L.*» with substances like the w Send stamp for Illusterated Circular to threads like white silk; or ere is s morbio, f j . I ’ ¡i , : 1 1 • d white bone GEO. B. BAYLEY, importer and breeder dark, billions appearanoe, of Choice Poultry, P. O. Box 659 San Fran ­ TNOR RELIEF TO PAINFUL FEET e is a pricking, dust deposits, and when cisco; also, agent for ¿the Poultry World. from TIGHT BOOT8 use NEZ PERCE ng water, and burninig sedsation when and along the a monthly illusrated journal, devoted entire INDIAN CHIEF 8ALVE. Kin in the Small of the lv to Poultry; tells how to keep Fowls for >ins. Price, SI 00. Worms.— •The r_ only knot^n and sure ram« Profit; a complete repository of information remove Corns Apply Freely Fes 11,25 on the subject Subscription only fl, 25 A a eroe,Indian Chief Balve. Bandage for edy for Tape, , Pin, etc. year. Agents wanted in every town in th ’ e ; a sure cure. Btate. Address P. O Box 650, 8. F. FVBOAT1VK pnxa, «A. Please state in what paper you saw th PERFECT use Nei Perea In vol8-march7-m3 ly coated with advertisement perfectly tasteless, , elegan eli . i .......4« ■ • -- . ......... .......................... ■■■ ■ ■ ..................... regulated punfy, cleanse sweet gum. purge, rer ad way way's Pills ior the cure and strengthen. Rad ’s Fills Ï8 AND SCALDS U m N m Perce Indian Chief Salv of all disorders of the Btom eh, Liver, Bow­ ous Fiseasea, els, Kidneys, Blsdden N tavenesa, Indi- fTIOR TETTER AND RINGWORM yoadacbe. Constipation, JU Use Nez Perce Indian Chief Saelv , Bilioua Fa- gestion. Dyspepsia, Bill els, Pilaa, and ver, Inflamation of-the Proprietor. ternal Viscera. .UNGS AND GATH- all Derangements of the swell : ». Purely ludían Chief Warranted to effect a posi ' I', i I ■. I a Nes Peroe P< , minerals Vegetable, containing ne. COMMODIOUS HOTEL IN or deleterious drugs, jKINDS th« State. HARD FINISHED thro’- A few doses of B adwax ’ P ills will tree named disor- out. Indian Chief Balve. the system from all the a UseNes ( .1 ' Pi ders. Price, 25 cents per Box. Sold by ALL DÏ OF THE 8K1N 2 i I * Druggists. Indian Chief Balve. Board per Week.. _JUE.” Send BEBD “FAL8E AND D ¿TR Use Nes ......... *5 00 $6 to 38 co one letter stamp to BADV JAY A CO. No. Board and Lodging 87 Maiden Lane, New Yo >k. Information WX Free Carriage unit be in attendance worth thousands will be sei ♦ you, to Convey Passenger» to the House. nov9v71y a* •' ' ’ I I DR. 4 DR. W. K. DOHERTY’S 4 ■K ■< Ü** A « • i 1 ■■ ,IWI Ii r I - ♦ » f *■*■ Mail Directory. S alem , O gn ., May 26, 1873. .•—Ac­ ; E ditor C ourier — Dear cepting the invitation as ia contrib- to the agricultural, column, of your valuable paper, I address this letter of suggestions and inquiries to your many readers. Having had consid­ erable experience in the poultry, busi­ ness and feeling the necessity of an improvement in the breed of poultry on general principles, I feel called up­ on to make the following sugges ­ r > tions. Eggs for the table should never have been sit upon more than two weeks, as after that period the em­ bryonic‘state of the chicken is apt to take place and the albumen of the ova becomes minutely ramified with the temporary circulatory system of the chicken, as revealed by the in- telligenoe of leather goggles, and may sometimes lie observed by the - naked eye. ' Though it has never been -naked ascertained that tuey they j i present any ' toxicological properties at this stage of incubation, yet, upon; tonsidera- ; tions of delicacy, they should be with­ prone held from debilitated • to emesis. '* > 1 L! : I' Eggs for the nursery should be fresh from hens who have had free access to the shadow of the male and should be handled w-ith much care. The soil best adapted to receive the egg plants dante is that which is loose and productive, well manured. . ___ Soil infested with cut worms is not con­ tra-indicated, but, on the other hand, often prove« valuable as food for the chicken as soon as it gets above the ground. Tho ground should be high and well presented to the sun, as in low, wet ground the seed is apt to rot. It should be well pulverized and fur­ rowed both ways, so as to plant the eggs more regularly, about two feet apart. ) Three eggs are sufficient to plant in _ j one hiil, which should be »lightly , elevated. "• They should al­ ways be planted in the light of the moon. All the different varieties may be planted in the same field with no danger of mixing the breed, as is the case with corn, pumpkins and squash­ es, When they come up they need “succoring” the same as corn and to­ bacco. Too early cultivation is prej­ udicial, as they are soft and tender and might wilt under the beaming rays of the hot sun—becoming sickly, the pointe of the wings droop, the feathers stand out from -the body, the head droops to one side, the pupils of the eye betxime dilated, the tongue is protruded with a sudden jerk, coma, with stertorous breathing is devel­ oped and speedy death ensues. I have known large crops to be in­ jured and soon totally destroyed in this manner. The best time for har­ vesting for home consumption is when they are about half grown. A I header is the best machine to gather :thein with, and they should never be thrashed only as they are wanted for usek as with age they are liable to and decay and lose their Hayor. hickehs require but little water, Ole hens, when they persist in want- tilg to sit» and otherwise refuse to be COI iforted, they may then be im- me: sed in cold water with the happy eftect st of df dampening their ardor tor maternity and brooding over small things. Gravel is highly necessary in the spring, about the time that early peas and cabbages are ready for! use and should then be given in broken doses as occasion may require. The best diet I have found to agree ‘ * i old hens in the spring is fresh P ited «orn. It . not only M. increases .... their fat; but gratifies a desire for ag­ riculture, besides strengthening the muscles of their legs in scratching. Yours, in the true interest of poul- PETEB TADPOLE. •" » *r- A OH IO TT L T T7 » A. Xu POULTRY. » i. 6 ? 7*’ t i H ! t i » Î « r i ,y,' I * * * • * A I ■ ! * * I $ > ■ t Á I I