RITORIAL. THE END OF THE MODOC WAIL LAFAYETTE COURIER. j 1 I [Communicated, L afayette , J ui e 4th, 1873, E ditor C ourier :— Allow me to • TELEGRAPHIC I N^WS. '■ " '■' ! F I ¡[¡4 ¡H ■ ' ■ ! : * I Salem wants •a grand mstration There are 27S' volumes of choice - Front the dispatches during the Sheriffs Sale. i IB oh tlic glorious Fourth. books in the Seattle Library. ¡ FRIDAY, JUNE 6 1873. past week wc suppose that tell my side of the Tih amook cattle the William C. Phipps, ... PUT. I d . ■ Trouble seJms lio be brewing! with .Thq measles are ruin ht at Dallas, stealing story: ' . vs. VS. Modoc war Is about over. the Indians iñ Bitter Root Valley. but niof qnpugjh to go r quite. Th4 cattle belonged to my son Frederick Schimmel, Van NOTICE. . B. nelashmut, G. C. Rider,i> Foreclosure, The cavalr V and artillery and ■k Mrs. Annie C. W. Higgins, Isabella James and my daughte T xi | q men] are in jail Hillsboro .... and the lawyers of Judge ____ Lewis Mitchell,8. M. Lyon, left's. Henceforward, until further iiot ice. tho-Warm Spr ing Indian« , under j Circipt Burton. Wo took then becâuso .they Walla Walhy have gone to Colvilfe Y VIRTUE OF A JLT’GMENT AND Rrtfnk C. Withers nnd Frank Owen are decree of foreclosure of mortgages in it the cotninand- oí Col. G: •ecu, left to hold Court. xx r ere lx^ld unlawfully I y an irrespon- 1 •: > 14 i > 'tin..) ; . the aliove entitled suit, made «nd entered r authorized to collect and receipt, for sub- - J - 28th at 2 a. Ties are .very pl irttiful ip sible person, claiming t o bèi» Consta- of record in the C'ircmt Court of the State A Mont amt tuan writes home from .«crintions ami advertisements and other their camp on - May of Oregon, for Yamhill county, on the 25th - j and with erenm ijre highly rn papers we learn i a ri ii 41 /I From the tho (Amstjon in the publia iuihd ¡creek. The guidesj were tr ue to fendant, 8. M. Lyon, a Hen creditor, forth« issoula, Montana. The Ropubycau party is ringu- it M ?» U1 that wag or threatened to bo used. Mr. Tal ­ sum of $1,(31 00, U. 8. gold coin with inter­ ^Aifothei' littlo burglary I their capt01*9 and fetl them to a II are feoiu > 5 ¿0 a day . <4 5 o to 1 ‘ est ther»‘on at the rate of 12 per cent, -larlv nnfortunate in the manner.of mage was treated as gently as possi ­ •r | at. S^tem ¡lasti Spudaj big per annum since the 25th ‘ day. of April, I »oiljit near Jack’s stron uh old , with- 11 Link BuJc H II. 1873, 1 have levied on and will proceed to rudo word or ble, and not a single Blair, a deaf mute xxiio and men it promotes to office. The Some m lieìes ot >sn and sell, at public auction, to the highest bid­ out a iv attempt to dccei vc them. wa s s-rnt; ft school to ' worol tho Saltan ! threat was used to Ji m ; there was der. for U j 8. gold coin, in accordance rertaken from Mr. L. e. latest case is that of John II. arrived Home with said execut ion and decree of fore­ : roops met S altle by Iff Ieri press, t no need fo” it as he wi i is caught round closure, in front of the Court House' door At 2 o’clock p. m. ■ ! Ii our i* ‘ In Sp irtuf Union conn ill f i ere Mitchell (so-called). It seems from safely. the body by myself and held fast iri Lafayette, Yamhill county, Oregon, the I lilj] two pickets on a bluff near the foresi, cjue hotel, twe realestate hereinafter described, <* test inion v from Pennsylvania, our A camp ioj ! • ■ iiigisto ;>■; I held i ten two 1 Liat «Spilli shops.. ' jjri to 1» while my boy tied 1 is handa. Mr. re , On the 30tl| day of June, 1873, creek and r an them into camp miles from ; wild Wall I nt. |hu seve al p.iiijiiies there. subject’s nativd State, that his true I • i t Talmage and myself were friendly, at 2 o'clock, p. m. of said dijy, all the right, The sav rages were tomj »letoly sur- mouth of 1 «teck, coi amt 1. mng title and inteiest cf said Frederick Schim­ arc j uitui. Up a fimi .stoi I did not blamfe 5 hin i . for anythnig. mel and all persons claiming by or through name is John Hippie, and that lie - - June 12th. ' 'H'ÌT il ff i prised and cried out to their com- I I him since August 15th, 187(1, in and to tho mni id 4?1 e.Uniatilp Indnuns 1 ■ 1 I hil I' á i ■ II I I >uy f roquent He xx’as hired to care for the cattle. following real property a« described in said married a girl and abandoned her. ,er- A female |axv} ’ ér in Wyoming rades in their native • language, visit 1 to Inker City, se hng horses, ' M^r. . Talmage was wi’ hout a coat, die decree of foreclosure, to-wit: Being partsof camo to Oregon aiid chained his the Original Donation Land Claim of Car­ ritory argtuqd a cáse xvherein her hus­ buyi lg xx’hiAy, and nd ffien nt ■»! tusked nle to get his c oat. I went to mi Goodrich and wife, situate in Yamhill ‘Tun quick, run quick; soldiers com- band xvas the defendant, - and sho (rar- frigi fenili the wea¡k+mi¿< ded copula- name to '-John H. M tcbell.” It is County, State of Oregon, and in Township the house for it, and, told Mrs. Tal­ 4 South Range 3 West, said donation claim troops ! were quickly ried it against him. The png. tìon. i : fF Bi i ’ lit said that his wile finally, after designated as claim No. 49. Notifica­ * mage what I had d me, and that I being li ! deplyyc^l and soon started for the tion No. 1.040. The first parcel of land be­ A lidio Junett, A little <Äild child of Mr. Henry 1 lettar : ‘Porti Baker fit ’ ■ says: should knop him unt: 1 the next morn­ gins at the South East corner of said Do­ struggling against a< v rse W inds I1 I ' ! front under the lead] pf " their ’ . > was so f badly “Bui apidly, nation Claim; Thence W<^t 42.54 chains; officers, of Walla Mila Valley, is (going guing on oil ‘hejréi lv house, jug to prevent ipursu it. She requested, Thence North 37.52 chains; Thence East 42.- brought up in the |»oor uuiucuupu: week »w«. that it only sur- burned liiiket will>ovét|rirt hersel” 63 chains; Thence South 37.75 chains to the Instead of recciv ing a heavy fire as vivud the catastrophe a fexv hoiih’si permission to go along; I allowed her place of beginning, containing 159.61-100 as o$j •mers lrave no ...... kwt fir Hippie soon after his arrival in n ■ t more orless. The second parcel of , thci|^)rodiice. núd wo havi e no capiti was expected, they' heard some of ital tQ do so and advised her1 to bring a acres, The Walidron Troupe, instead ofi .. jt land described in said decree is bound­ Oregon, contracted a second mar­ ( |)Ul mines, the savages, who understood n lit- going to Tdaho direet from. Baker' to develop blanket along us it . was raining. I ed and described as follows: Beginningata point in center of old county Road running riage, thus committing the crime City, are lit El Donado jxnd I ■ ~ i ■ unge Iqáüiníi i have 3701 n left .them in my dw< idling house, with from I'ayton to Matheney’s: ferry bearing tie of the English ■ language, cry South 13“ 36'West 2A0Vdiainsfrom thecen- of bigamy for which, at the very the variousimiumg camps iu-that vi- j m tl v 1 *r a )áut '25 a bed and bedding. a fiije-placrt and terof Palmer's creek, at the Mouth, which •' T* ’ out: ‘’Surrender. S urrendcr I We cinity. i • H lime he was elected to the U. S. □ Vid setters stove, provisions and firewood. Mrs. is also the North West corner of said dopa- » i / i j FarijWrVirniVuTwrrrC tion claim No. 49; thence South 13 deg. 30' riF? 3 sivcjfor no fight; want to talk peace; we ■gii ’ J uli ng Inppu West 79.50 chains; thence- South 14.60 In Arizona there lire 2,G38j ichildrcn Senate, lie ought to have been in Talmage was ticate l by myself and jelv 1*4 ibes, Mt it is liikii chains: Thence East 41.14 chains; Thence Boston over six ai-d under fwenty-one yours, 1 like peace Falk.'-’. _______ chain thence West 4.8G chains; He went east th.? Penitentiary !V aire I: ¿ia n$ liuntin: g friend as respectful' y and kindly as N ort ii 56.52 only 550 attended public liudj tliepce South «7S deg. West 3.20 chains; Charley,the murderer of Dr r Thom- but | j Kr ever daughter was t seated by father thence North 22 S deg. West 3.20 chains^ and fixed private schools during the past year. al »out a year ago, thence North 673» deg. East 3.20 chains; immedi- 1 as. came in view and wms or brother by sister. There is a good thence ■tn man Hlv'á i South 22X deg East 2.70 chains; spring i matters up so as to get some sort iflcsJ The Quirt rifwr Indians a^e _ j sh|w- East 4.86 chains: Thence North thence __ trail from my house ’ to my w two neigh- _ lip could fii* atelv coverei 1 bv ; a ■ ’ i I dozen r to see )it Who ■ l ill O ’ ; J j chains to the Yamhill River. Thence irig signs o£ hoatililie sold 1o satisfy said execution I legal officer, .j ’ (Hippie) whenever occasion might fru®s < 5 for thb u f Txx- months and c m dance all night, and accruing costs. j ! dcsii’ed to lea vc him and V rolrni- R. P. BIRD liistff hree require them. Hippie now comes y< ars had It »1 mai ’ to K- or tide thirty »nilles The Salt Lake fir fame lias opened, ' Sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon. day without leered to art ¡’rugo pm t h? rs. His a Libel Suit Department iu its col-, liextkthnt .o i)rcharä8 1»^' ailing, EQ conveuiti.ee. Lafuyptte, May 30, 1873. nllwl k'specii’uUy, out in a lengthy article in the Bul­ i Kifl butit his cr ib i'W ill undeceive them m ;h it publishes all m(at- | umns, iu which * id' K- gun was returned to W. SQUIRES. ’ letin confessing that he had changed ot nearly ex”!ry • orchard 11 pin io m » -s—- WçtiQns thru ter pertaining to the various 'S < WBHUUSBceW depm ted on his ■midK' it u-a? commejuix^ agiijnyt it for libel ? caKrpdlei is lçrid< [ed. laying all bis name and that he had left a s 1 Chinamen 2Í my|tqriou B < isuppearijd is onre cause t_ . Ü ■, *1 wife in Pennsylvania, Kit does not taken prisoner a ' Hr crop. I)::hver of having m , orc of ”* Díftvcr i j boosts boasts ot SherifTs Y, Sale mno'dicr detachment Of our troops fol'lowirq :• fr San t tho the churches tÓ the square inch of pi The Ay attempt to excuse his guilt of big­ James D. Miller, George Ì injii g ZVtwW W ifcHdf tjheßoth than any other city in the counti :ry. co Cff? wi ? ” ranci Marshall, Hiid C. PI I V • reflective amy. He asks a charitable judg­ and after two liOnrs (UtCntion the coìdiìst vs::, l’s: ‘We have hád ’ Corinne cm; jb-Jat that. Sho has all She partners, un- i 1 Church, i Itsagrveabl d r • der tire firm name ; of ; Foreclosure. Jld u'en^her, fo4 ■cad in piety, and not enough churches to« ment on past misdeeds and prom:- allowed to proceed on Id ‘5 ml.' A ,Co. V°-1 i 1 ! i i ‘¡|J [ 11 • 4- H “Stj ¡ X eck, ev< er .4sed the more pal’cnt that tire 1 Mongolian is the above entitled suit, made and emcred ,iW “ ; ■ • ’ tor. Let people know him in the ««^n «nvee lot No-- and all of States Senator from Oregon, is he ? In a little while cheers and yells disjiatched to Tenino, composed of w disupj>oi|nted about the water. Levee lotsNo’s one (1), two (2k three (3) and l.eirdu- soon as they had learned tl 105 steers and 400 muttons, inten Jud But it Avi nt away as it u nil Ijy does four (4) in the town of Dayton, Yamhill ’ ’ ■■■ '“f-— --------- - , were heard from the Warm Spring mostly for Victoria, B. C, îsolved iik. this ’ Mninfry witho tics well they rpsol — to „ break county, Oregon, as designated upon the i The Portland campaign is grow­ Indians and soldiers. Col: Green maps thereof: to l>e sold to satie­ miners mu|oh faith with their einployers. Just be­ recorded ty said execution and aceruing costa. Minors are in demand, both ing warm. There are in the field Ml the 1 is ere. First « Gern, next fore ihe sailing, lime of the steam­ R, P. BIRD, immediately started his command Boise Basin and at Rocky Bar, while Sheriff of Yamhill county Oregon. t Shunti i, and last, i n three tickets—a liepublican tick­ jet out from this Lafayette, May 30, 1873. nllwl- forward. They had npt gone ihose who are handy with the ux 3a ti ■S 3 Hoghni ist riet there er which last i In 'work: and port for Hong Kong, a deputation et--a Democratic ticket and a plenty of wood fq, cut near, Boise t ) mill that is ai far when four rifle shots wcrc get 1 líie Of . ...................... I------------ “ ­ City at $2 per dol'd There is a gen- from the Chinese crew ’ waited J “ up 1 doing well in .1 hat middle ticket. heard and the bullejts ^whizzed eral complaint of a scarcity of mojiey SherifTs Sale. 1 Cliere is also a on Capt. Weddgl, the Company’s ----------------- all over the coast, and if we may be ­ Superintendant, , and demanded an Walker Chrisman] by the heads of the soldiers and liex’e thosu who have tried other lo­ If John Hippie may occupy a vs. increase of $10 rier month. At first soon Scar-faced Charley and two calities, there is no better camp fc|r a Andrew Smith. 1 Foreclosure. seat in the United States Senate, .EGRAPHIC BREVITI they Were bluntly refused; but Polly Smith and j J working man than in that vicinity, i or three other Modocs of some no­ ; 4 • i ir I J i i’J I U In»»; M Ft I ■* when . they depared that they Samuel Brown. J to which J. H. Mitchell was elected, - i Tiq debt has d 13,- toriety su rendered. Dr. Cnbanis, virtue of a judgment and Mr. A. Billingsby writes from Ma- would not sail quless the demands B y decree why not John Doe walk Aip and of foreclosure 'of mortgage in d> ; wing the past ontìi. lad to the effect that a band of about i of Yreka, went up among the rocks were acceedcd to, Captain Wad­ the tlie above entitled suit, made and entered 30 Fort Hall Indians had macle f heir take Col. Kelly’s1 place? il Bingham has bccu| ap- dell had to give wav These Chi­ of record on the 14th day of April. 1873, in and made peace negotiations jv ith appearanco on his ranch and ty­ the Circuit Court o'f oT the State of Oregon, nister to Japan. nese are now’ mid only $5i per /or Yamhill county, and an execution in ac­ the Indians, who all agreed to manded food. Ho told them if tlidv cordance therewith duly imiued issued thereon, out John Hippie would feel bad on would move off his meadow he wpuld 1 ry advises acqU month less thar . white steamboat of said Court, and to direotodL 114 in favor vw i., oiiu ku me iuc uiicvwu, lavvi* come in. In the morniiig they vernmeiit until FT- give them a hoof. This they did, he of said plaintiff, ]_ ‘ Walker Chrisman, and faring brother Senator#only that men — a very pdor economy. < bles. came in except Capt Jack and furnishe d them a bc*ef, which did not aid defendants, Andrew Knaith and against said he has the consolation of a Peni­ Polly Smith, for the sum of Thirteei ¡nhun- _____ . suit tlieip, and they demand« lol a. three others who decamped during (lred and ninety (>1890 Oty dollars, tn U. cd for the ex IH - ■ U .«ji An Auburn fisherman had a larger otic, which he had to tentiary convict that when he gets gold coin, with interest thereon from th0 he murder of tho night. Thus ends the Mod ob them. J. Mr. Billingsby says ■ i this few days si ce rathetf worse 14tli day of April, 1873, at the rate df one there ho finds plenty of the same cent per month, And the ’further sum makes three he has had "to give .up to than the avera fisherman’s luck, per war. of 30 70-100, coats and disbiu-sements o* the Indians,' and that he shall stand 8ort. He ft ill probably go down I have levied on and will proceed to ». release He was nnglir through a hole in suit, sell, at public auction, to the highest bid­ it no longer, but will try the virtue prisoners the ice and su ed that he had der. for U. 8. gold coin, in accordance with' to South Carolina dnring the next ’ j ' 4' '1 ■- V 111 ■ ! « of powder next time. execution and decree of fartecloaure, caught a trou so large that it said in front of the Court House door, th La­ Another destructive fire lias recess and give Bigamôas Bowen ?iigue, of could not be b iuglit through'the fayette, Yamhill county. Oregon, the real The Idaho Si()naL Signed says that appre­ desolated a estate hereinafter described, portion ¡Uli the hensions a cord;al greeting. are felt, by the citizens of tlié Peo- orifice. So he c itly played his fish On the »3d day af June, 1873. city of Boston, The fire broke Paradise Valley of trouble with ^the ve Alliance. with one hand hile with the other at one o'clock p. m. of said day. all thd Indians during tho coming; “ca tnas right, title and interest of the sala defend­ Efforts are being made to raise out in a large furniture warehouse time. es Union he chopped the ice until the open­ ants, Andrew Smith and Polly Smith, iu ” T " - year - blood —3 — Last came Very rk,. London; ing had been sufficiently enlarged. and to the following real property, as de­ money enough by subscription to and spread with fearful rapidity. near being shed, and this year the demon scribed In sajd decree of foreclosure, to- were .Then with a' skillful twitch he wit: The south half of the donation land aid Susan B. Abthpny to defend It continued to burn fora day and Indians have notified the settlers hat 30,000 claim of Andrew D. Smith and PoUy they intend going upon the camas én is- brought out—u dead, cat with a Smith his wife, being Claim Ro. 48, com­ herseif against the jndictment for a half and the loss is several mi!- fields at all hazards? ' — 2_. These fields prisingjMrts of Sections 17,18,19 and 20, of PW of brick on its n4ck I Total weight T. 4, S. R. 3 West, Willamette base line and are the property of the settlers, who voting nt the last election. She lion» of dollars meridian, tn Yamhill county, Oregon, with of the entire prize, nine pounds. would be considerably damaged by the exception of that part conveyed to F. Las been stumping Monrpe county allowing the Indians i to ' so tres ; sass Fletcher and P. Smith, and containing OOL € ING upon them.,‘The gn 246 acres, more less;'to be sold to satisfy granting of Wal ­ so cffectivelj that the Sheriff ivo -- returned a verdict Oregon City, But to county, Cal- said execution and accruing lowa Valley to the Indians makes per lb. killing of Mrs. Broderick, of thinks he cannot obtain a jury un­ ifornia, was partially destroyed by other In ¿hans more arrogant in their Sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon. AT NORTHj YAMHILL MILLS. Lafayette, Ogn., May 23d, 1873. prejudiced in her favor, j 30th i ult !• demands. fire on the ni ■ T H0< ST ANELE Y ¿j nlSwl I ’ - I i * <■ i -t B t J. i . ' ■': I ■ ‘I 1 t 1 I p — I I 3 » •Li G ‘ 9 ' f ‘j* 111 £ 11; I . J if f Il > I i ! I — ! ! mi XI VV *1V IV VFXX