A Í > 8 VOL ! LAFAYETTE, OREGON, MAY 16, 1873. !LL., Courier. Report T^afayette Publii led every Friday by Ì « - I S3 Ofl 1 73 1 OO To nis E xcellency , L. F. G ro ­ G overnor of O regon , ¿yir:— I have the honor * to report that in OF ADVERTISING : conformity with General Field ’ Order No. 3, issued by Brevet Maj jor-Gen- oral Frank Wheaton, U. S. Army, rKa,;j 75- ri I District of the Lakes, a copy of which is herewith enclosed, the M< odoe po­ ¿taches, . 2»0 3 50 I 4 50 909 | 15 ll the I sition was attacked early ol .— linche«, 300 4 O) | 5 00 1 11 | 20 morning of the 7th Inst., inst., by the tin Ore­ 4 Colk gon Volunteer Militia, under uncier Briga- unga- ACol.----- der-General J J. E, Ross, two Compa Compa- ­ fCol. Kell, P nies, A, . Captain Harrison H ■ “-L and " 1 Ceí." I B, Captain O. C. Applegate, each men,- includ- includ­ Buxine«« not eas in the Local Columns, 25 numbering some sixty men, belonging each insertion. ing twenty Indian scouts -belong — cents per line, For legal «tuf transient advertisements $2.- to Company B, and an in? independent 50 per square < f 12 lines, for the first inser­ I Company ----- of California volunteers, voiun tion, and 11.00 ] ter aquari tor each subsequent _ ,in Ji | twenty-five in number, Capta nsertion. Fairchilds, co-operating w-ith I A. • . " ‘ Legal Adr^r i ieements lobe Paid for up- l about 250 troops troo] of the U. B., under en making Pr >of by the Publisher. • < ' Personal Adv*. 50 Ct«. * Line. -g# Brevet Major-General Frank Whea- ton, U. S. ’A. The engagement be­ Subeription i Sent East, $2 00 a Year. gan at 8:3Q A; M., and continued un­ til dark; andiowirig to the position I of the enemy, which it was impossi­ E 1 BRADSHAW, ble to force or provide against, re­ sulted in the discomfiture of our at­ JYttorn ey at Law tacking forces with a loss of about 40 4 Ynen in killed and wounded, includ­ LAFA CETTE, OREGON. 2U ing two killed of the Oregon volun­ teers. Office in the ’ ?ourt House. The Oregon Volunteer Militia un­ - der General Ross, ih order to accom­ 9 JAIMES. McCAIN. plish the most effective service, have since the commencement of opera­ ATTORNEY AT LAW J tions against the Modocs, placed themselves under the direction and LAFA VETTE, OREGON. command of General Wheaton, an — —? ILL PRACTICE IN ALL OF THE officer of great ability and experi- marllvétf | State C »urta. 1 enco. From the most reliable information * > 1 the nuin- at my command ’ I T estimate R STOTT CHAS.A. BALL. 1 bcr of hostile Indians at not t less than BA^L & STOTT, 150 wariors, and from information derived from scoutin' g parties and Attorce vs at Law > others, and which I deem reliable, many of their females fight with cour­ 111 First 8‘reet Opposite Occidental Hotel. age and desperation equal to that of the males. PORT AND, OREGON. it ion is is in what is known Their position jsnlOtf as the “Lava Bed.’’ an immense plain I of volcanic rock, cut and broken with fissures, canons and chasms, on the *T j P. Ç. SULLIVAN. south of the bouudry line between Oregon and California. It is one of Attorn at Law, great strength and difficult of ap­ 1 v J proach. It is the opinion; of General Dallas. Oregon. Wheaton and Majors Green and Ma­ ILL PR uCTICE IN THE COURTS son that it will require 1,000 men, Ö of I »unii iill, Polk and other counties with mortars, and provisions for a 2tty > n Oregon. siege of many days, to dislodge and captui e them, and from my own ob­ w. M. RAMSEY, servation I concur in their opinion. The home of these Iudians is in Oregon. Tho scene of their depreda­ Attorn sy * at Z tions is along the border of both of the States of Oregon and California, LAFAYETTE, OREGON. t^yir victims are the defenceless citi­ zens of each State. Settlers, not Offiee in the Court Hoose. longer ago than’Tast summer, were I .? • > terrified by insults to their families -OOK H E R El and tho fear of massacre, into remov­ ing from the country, while others Cheaper Than Ever. 4 for $1. have been compelled to procure tem­ porary immunity by giving them cer­ tificates of good character and gratu­ ities of fcxxl, while one settler was W. SAWDER DESIRES TO INFORM forced to pay for the privilege of cut­ • the people i of Lifayette and vicinity ting grass upon his own land by the that he ha« loo. ated at McMinnviile, with new inetrnmenti, and is prepared to take delivery of a beef steer to the insolent the finest pictur in all kinds of weather, savages. A settler, Henry Miller, Particular atten ion paid to was massacred by them within a few TAKING.CjHlLDHENS’ PICTURES. months after having given such a N. B.—Children should be brought between certificate. Aey must be conquered the 1 our« of 10 and 2. and removed to distant •reservations ‘E- W. SAWYER, or the country here abandoned to them. I am satisfied that no force that it would be practicable to place upon our frontier could entirely pro­ tect it from their raids, and the with­ E. CAIpEB. Proprietor. drawal of the force now here would . Board Lodging i per week.................. 44 00 invite them to renewed robberies and •• ” ” 13 00 massacre. ” . day ......... $1 00 General Wheaton, if supported by ............ .............. 25 Single Meal« ..... the proper authority, will*put an end he table will T be «applied with tlie best to Indian troubles in this vicinity for vSmar2« in the market. all future time. He has gained in­ c formation by the movement of the 7th inst. of the position of these In­ LAFAYE TE ACADEMY. dians that is indispensable to success­ - - - . Principal. ful operations against them and could H. Hub only be obtained by a reeonnoisance in force. His coolness and excellent EXCES. MONDAY, ebm judgment in the affair of the Lava APRIL 7tR, 1873. Beds were conspicious throughout. , TUITION FOB TEBM OT TWELVB WEEKS The same honorable mention is due ;, »5 00 to Majors John Green and E. C. Primary Departtnent, 0 00 Geography, Aril hmef tic. * Grammar, Sciences, 8 JO Mason, both, like Gen. Wheaton, fligher Mathem itics A >_________ aprl8m3 veterans of the late _war, and the Pupils can entpr at any time. r former a man of large experience in Indian fighting with Gen. Grook; Cols. David Perry and R. F. Bernard, ---------- locks ( . 4 8KW^|NO machines Capts. J. Q. Adams, G. H. Burton and James Jackson, Lieuts. Ross, LEANEI LEANED AND REPAIRED by Rheem and Moore, of the 21st In-1 W. O. « L atayettk fantry, and Lieuts. Boutwell and1 Kyle of the 1st Cavalry. Col. Perry and Lieut. Kyle are painfully wound-*.- ed. Surgeon McElderry, of Fort Klamath, and acting assistant sur­ geons Skinner, White and Durrant were under fire during thej wwlii ---------ILL BE * * • - . « ■>--------------------- --- —(— « W >■ ’■ i JUST .£■■■■■ Photographic. F .1 Headquarter«, District of the. Lake«, and of the U. S. Troop« and Ore­ gon Volunteer Militia operating in tlie Modoc Country, Camp near Van Bremer’«Ranch, January 20th, j! H a 1 • 1873. - TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. O«® Copy, Qne Year, Month«, of Major-General Mill.. Mjlier. « McJjmVlLLV HOTEL, ' A T J. T ' » WA-TCI-IES. C « % a- . - • • • ‘ | ver , Volunteers by Gen. R qss and his sub­ ordinate, Captf. Auplegate ordinates, CaptjL Kelley, Applegate «.nrl T? "NT I * ihn 4-4-ZK«. of Gen. ___ and .T J. R. NealJ tho Irk latter Ross ’ staff, wis admirable.- Capt. jg Tv tt _-i n If • 1 1 D. Foudray, also . of Gen. Ross >’ stuff. staff, HcénfnTWLTiiíwl acdonipaniod Líí his com­ rnander mander upon th» the fiold. fiol<|. Hon. J. N. T. Miller was present and rendered important service the' en-' gagement. At Gen request he has been actively in the field from the ment of hos- tilities. The riuòted themselves most creditaW, Ly and 5 in a manner honorable to i the : State. Surgeon Bell, of the Volunteer^» was promptly at his post in the thè field. The Independent Company of Cali­ fornia Volunteers, Capt. . John'Al John f A- Fairchilds, occupied a most impor impór ­ tant position on the le extreme left, and were greatly exposed during ing the ep- en- tire day. They formed a portion por|ion of the party undem • Maj ¡pr Greèn and Col Perry that forced its wav over great natural obstacles aijd through a most terrible fire to a junction Ayith Capt. Bernard’s forces op the East. Four (4) of this Compapy were seri­ ously wounded. ’ r, J |' r ' The courtesy of the officers of the U. S. Army, commanding here, towatds the Volunteers-has been markod «^tid UI111VIU1, OAAVL IHO IUJ 1C*1 jcHRSloV uniform, and .lUVXL .their material assist “ ­ ” ance to our troops has been variable. valuable, r ■■ r - -• Gen. Wheaton moved his, head - ­ quarters and temporary figld field depot to this point when a concentration concentration" of the forces was made for the attack. On the 23d inst., his headquarters and field depot will be I re-established in Lost river valley near Tule lake, in Oregon, a much morn central and controlling point, Volunteer headquarters will abput the same time be established it spme pointy in that vicinity, j, ÌVm. I have assigned C wm. Thoipp- Anonap- son, of the Governor’s staff, by order transferred to serve • A-jjth me, and Col. C. B. Bel linger, o fany owjj stiff, to •a duty in the field. • r. L'hey acobmpa- a dd in the • en- ■ "IF ■ ( h More Money, « , it. Hoping, gentlemen, if I may be pardoned the use of the term— (Laughter)—that the length of; your lives may correspond with: the measure of your virtues, and that you will be succeeded by bet- , ter nlen than yourfiMves, I. bid you good night. The Senate re­ tired amid roaring applause and a liberal shower of paper balls.. before, and yet on the pretext that he was poorer this increase of Us pay was given liim I No wonder that corruption grows and extends when such an Of example is set by the President C the United States.—JV. Y. Sun. ;.t aa NO. 1Ä That is an instructive contrast which the Hon. J. F. . Farnsworth __________ draws ip .his recent letter between the expenditures of the White House under President Grant and those under President Lin- McClure's Last Shot. QolP- . .!/•£- K - Mr. 1'arnsworth presents the following table :] | We printed the other day, says * ——" '' J ob »■ n. - ife Press, some re ­ the Iowa Stc B orax for the E pizoty . —A Fur Lincoln,13(4. For Grant, 1873. or- ’ Secretary Fori Secretar ror Secretar Secretary marks of Col. Alex,- McClure in city paper remarks, that the pro* 1 t<> sign pat-. to sign pat- the Pehnsylva ria Senate upon po­ prietors of the establishment to re­ entaJ,.... $1,. 500 enta............ .. eijU IIMWV $1,500 f 'or For „ private private At the adjourn- fine borax on Powell street near litical reform, se ¿retar y, | secre ta ry, legislature, during Chestnut, have satisfied themselves ment of the steward and assistant sec­ messenge r.. 4 retary, stew­ the noisy “las I hour” the House that they have found a protection : For Contingent ard, lacssen- sent a Committee to Alex, to come against the .epizootic. Knowing expense« “, of i ger, and two .. of­ executive i executive ’ «of- and address tlie House on Reform. that borax has a healing influence, _ fice ... ..t.. clerksi...........13,800 He came and }nade the House sor­ on inflammation of the mucous mem­ For or two night mgl For contingent watchme q. q. . expenses of ry by the folio vjng remai ks > brane of the mouth, in the human, For two door­ executive of- M r . S peaker and C ommoners genus, they gave four ounces daily keep e era r«. ;.. I lice.............. G.tkX) For one furnace For one watch­ of the S tate 0 f P ennsylvania : of it, refined and pulverized, in keene r man and two ’ ’ * For fuel policemen.. 3/>4O I thank you fo | the distinction you lheir food, to each of their, horses, ♦ • • F< or repairs of For two door­ have conferred upon me by your not one of whom has been attack­ house and for keepers and one usher.. 3,600 invitation to a ddress you on the ed, while many others about them furniture and For one fur­ for improving subject of reform, I know of no not thus protected have been af 725 nace keeper grounds, pur­ men, either of the flicted. The horses like the med­ chase of pi’çta For fuel......... 5,000 other body of and all contin­ For “annual" present or past that needs instruc­ icine. Physicians, familiar with. ■ gencies. ...’.. 6,000 rejiai rs of tion on the necessity of both pub­ the qualities of borax, anticipate^ F or rep air i n g house and for lic morality so muclj favorable results from thd use of. furniture, bi muner resi­ lie and private p dence at the and for re­ as the TT H< ouse of Representatives the new remedy.— S. F. Rural Presto. “OldSoldiers’ i ■ pairs &c., of this State noW ,before me— Home . ,000 •tc, .of green < hotue I......... 35,000 (laughter)—or that has so broadly At a receut visit of Kaiser Wil­ Total.......... ; $2 Total $09,1U) and deeply experimented in the liam to a needle factory, a workr line of individual and official prof­ man, whose duty it was to bore According to this .Gen. Grant ligacy. (Laughter and, applause.) out the eyes of needles, asked for spends $Gb,160 a year ¡for contin­ I am not surprised, however, that a hair from the monarch’s .head. gencies, genpies, where where) Mr. Mr . Lincoln spent it is so, ivhen I consider ’that of It was given, and placed at once only £22,500. This, however, is the members scfviDg in this House under the boring machine, ar hole; not the whol¿ of the additional from my immed ate locality, many turned in it with the greatest care, sum im required tor for the presidential and few, a thread'inserted, and them the. werè not even n dominated, _____ establishment-under tablishment-under Grant. He if any, were ever elected. (Shouts hairy nee31e handed back to roy­ kjept about Iris person during the of daughter.) I sent you reform alty. first four years three military offi­ -*♦ bills, which cost me many days of cers drawing pay and allowances Another man has graduated, Mr. Ivan Applegate* was present as lieutenant-colonels at the rate anxious thought and labor to per­ upon the field during ; the engage fect, but you dapced not when I from the Yale “School of Journal­ e^gage- ­ of about $4,000 a year, making ment service. .... . and —” rendered ™defed important ¿etvfce. piped to you, neither did you weep ism.” He has been rather more tfully and obediently-' olttdientlv the whole expenditure for him rcsponsiveto Very respectfully responsi ve to my mourning over the successful than any of his preder- yours, J ohn p. F. M iller . . over and above .¡his salary * more degeneracy of the body politic. I ce8sor8. When he found that he» Majôr-Generpl O. 81 M. than $80,000 a - rear, or aearly must admit, however, that you could get no more than $8 a week C v -------- ........................ four r times as much as it was for were prompt executioners, for ev­ on any Western journal, be went, ! ¿¡.I ’!{ ■J-’rk' I ' L - ■ i Lincoln ery bill that'looked towards re­ right away and got a position as » The figures bf this extravagant form was negatived with a yell as clerk in an oyster saloon, where If any of our readers will go in­ and unnecessary outlay do not, fast as rules wopld allow. But in ’his weekly stipend is $10. • ■■"-■y1 I k j , * to one of the ordinary markets Of however, by any means tell the political, as oftein in moral and re1 Two members of the Kentucky far Salem or Portland where v>ge|a- whole of the stoiw. , By dint of ligious cycles, the darkest hour is Legislature being noisily drunk níc bles are sold, they will .find on lobbying and col oguing with cor­ just before the dawn of day ; and sale there articles raised in Caite rupt and weak members of Con­ it ¡stratifying that after you have on a railway train, the conductor fornia and imported to supply the gress, President Grant has got his consummated all thediarin you can’ remonstrated., One of them pom­ Oregon trade» We can raise pie­ salary raised from $25,000 to $50,- possibly inflict ijpon the State ^ou pously demanded, “Do yoa: know/ plant abundantly, but our dealers 000 a year, notwithstanding the have by a unanimous nimous resolution Sir, that I am a member- of the qui-. ­ import it from California because constitutional provision which pro­ called for a confessor. essor. (Laughter.) Legislature ?” The conductor qui there is no ¡ reliablei supply at hibits the alteration of the Pres­ It was well to pause thus, just for etly replied, “You’ve got.the symp- - home; we can raise cauliflower as ident’s salary during the period the sake of novelty or reference, toms.” ------ j well as it can be raised anywhere, for which he shall have been elec­ so that wjien th) tempest breaks An actress has been teachings teaching but we do not do it, preferring to ted p’ It is trub that by a very you can point to this becoming send to California for it. We close construction of the letter of act of contrition for the wrongs accentuation to the school children in Carson City, and now every even find barrels of cucumber this clause, it is held not to for­ done to your r cops stituents ti tuen ^nd the youngone in ¡town says, “the no- pickles for sale in the stores hefe, bid the increase, of President common weal th ih< (Apr pl a use ' and bul juke,” and “beyoutifool skceyi,” brought from California, ard ateo Grant’s salary by an act- of Con­ sai-castic shou uts.) M .ost of you canned frui.t, that we can supply kt gress passed immediately before who have for t tree months been and the old folks can’t get their home, is fof sale in eyery grocer" the commencement of his second serving in the places to which mouths straightened out. All this while our people arc co¡ term ; but there can be no ques­ other peraons w ere elected by the That was a very laconic Florida plaining of hard times and moniv tion that, if it does not violate the people have discounted the retri­ Sheriff, who, wnen called upon to is so scarce we can hardly do bus- letter of the Constitution, it at butive wave of [ popular reproba- resign, wrote back, “Your commu- mere., There is good reason why Jeast commits an outrage upon its tion by creating offices by legisla­ ideation is received, stating that Oregon should be scarce of money, spirit; and there is something ex- tive* enactments, to whieh you my resignation will meet the ap­ when we send abroad for our wag- ingly repugnant in the idea of hope to retire ; 1 ‘ * and those unpro- ... m -TS.’ proval of the Governor. It does ona agricultural implements ahdf a man upon whom the people' have vided for hope to be placed on the nol meet Brine.”’ oiir woo« wooden ware. . most of our conferred the high honors of the indefinite pay roll of the pasters . ... 1 , ____ It is sil inply a discredit to our Presidency going into Congress aud folders of the House, ■* in ac- The editor of a children’s paper State if W¡e cannot supply oub own and lobbying for more money for received a letter from coidance with the prevalent cus- in Chicago, ile&ived markets with vegetables in the himself. It is a I trianifestatation t< m here to pension decayed a lady subscriber recently, in proper season. There is a> cori- of avarice rind greed which might statesmen. (SI louts of laughter.) which was twas was written, * “ ‘ Our stant drain of money out of Ore- be expected in a Shylock, but That you seek liberal counsels to Anna died last week, after read­ gon, to purchase things we could which is exceedingly disgraceful have good seed sown in the chaos ing the last number of your val­ Well raisAat home if we had com­ to a President of the United Xy. of virtue tjjat 1 urrounds you is a uable papdr.7 mon sense ideas of economy. States. j • ! hopeful sign of the times, and if A lady living in Crewkerne, This valley could support twenty- One of the apologies put forth you do not cheat us more than five thousand more inhabitants on for this act on Jhe part of Pres- 30,000 in Phi adelphia next ‘ fall ” Somersetshire, England, tied her money we send abroad for articles ident GranUs the alleged great the places that know you now will garter around the neck of her that we ought to raise at home. increase in the expenses of living know you wo more forever. horse under the impression that The circum­ There seems to be a good .open­ at Washington^ arid the necessity (Laughter.) But I turn to the he was bewitched. stance bewitched half the young ing in this country for \ market imposed upon the President of faint silver liping on the deep gardening.— Fanner. i I spending m entertainments and cloud of your record. One act of men in the neighborhood; —i- i Í otherwise at least $25,000 a year, this House gladdened the hearts If you can it make money hon­ or even more. This apology is of the whole people of the State estly, you had better remain, poor ¡I’ ¡¡A Vermont farmer sent to an frivolous, During Mr. Lincoln’s and reinspired hope throughout all your life. It will not pay to orphan asylum ior for a boy that was term the expenses of living were the length and breadth of the exchange your honesty for a few orpnaijiasyium Doy mat tractable, even greater than they are . now; commonwealth smart, active, brave, ttactable, I refer to your dollars and cents. prompt, industrious, clean, intelli intelli- ­ and yet in four years Mr.l Lincoln vote in the midst of disorder that Quiet girls will be pleased to gent, good looking, reserved- arid] sa ved from his •salary between $50,- at a Philadelphia fire would be modest. • ■ The superintendent su[_7. _„7_____ _ /ret r 000 and $70,000. Besides, Gen. called a riot, on Monday evening hear that a new color will be worn plied thut that their boys were all hu­ Grant ¡is and econ is a veTy very thrifty uirmy auu cwu- ­ last, hast, fixing an early day for your this season, which is described aa man though/ they were -orphans, omical man. He travels a good final adjournment. (Laughter and a subdued mouse color. r< and referred hitn to New Jerusa-; erusa- deal, it is true, but he pays no fare; applause.) I have heard *of no As daylight can be seen through lem ifrhe wanted to get his order as a country seat at Long citizen of the 3tate who did not very small holes, so little things filledm. ‘ The farmer in r6tu|rnj but that was presented Jo heartily approve of that act ... . ... i .. ... Will illustrate a person’Miharacterw wanted to ‘ t the furniture that it con- (Laughter.) I am happy to point “When thereVa will there’» a rusalem He was undoubtedly ►ubtedh on to it as the oa^is in the withered “nev of his second inaugura- desert that you have made about1 way,” as the young man said whei^ Pl than ever you, and to accord you credit for- he eloped with the fair legatee. i T 1 t i Ji! •- p' j Fi I * » • • 11^«» -/ - I ■ ■ j . T ■ - \ j -- i — H : ’ ■■i i. 1 I r. • U "................ ' i 1 i • * . \