5 » k 4 -I > « À » o 'I - ' —* >4 r » apathies in common with the ine­ briate, these reformers are, least of all, fit to adrisc or direct in the ’ premises. They would make a f virtueof the fact that they neverdid “driuk” a drop in their lives, when indeed that fact is no credit to them whatever, They did not ebcause • mey couia not. uut. Below we copy they could an extract frogi an article in the Bulletin on this subject which goes * entirely to the point. That paper says: The man who abhors the smell or- taste of liquor can no more fairly estimate the appetite of the other who likes or craves it than a Polar bear can estimate the feel­ t ing of the Giizzly of California’s I hottest regions, and it is quite as absurd for a person so constituted to endeavor to frame a code of law’s to govern the appetite of the Ì drinker as it would be for the bear of the Arctic to provide a dietary system for the animal of the torrid clhnate of our neighboring State. It is no virtue for the3 man who dislikes liquor to abstain from its use; it is a virtue for the mau who does like it to withhold from it« abuse. And if the men who do not drink—because they detest that whiqh tliey refrain from drink­ ing—instead of claiming a special virtue for themselves in so doing, would only prove, by the practice of abstinence from some other things of sumptuary character winch they do fancy or much like to enjoy, that they could overcome their own desires and abstain from their gratification, as they insist the man who likes liquor shall do at their bidding, we should very likely liavo more of real benefit ' and lasting good fruit as the pro­ duct of the Temperance movement. Before men set tliemselves as Re­ formers tliey should first prove by their own mode of, life that they ■ are fitted and qualified fqr their mission. Arc the Reformers in the Prohibition movement gener­ ally qualified for the work they -have undertaken** Wo rest the question CORMO CONGRESSMEN. The late lamented Congress passed a law increasing the pay of members to six thousand dollars a year aud mileage. And as if determined to be as mean as possi­ ble, they made the law retroactive, so as to cover the first year of their terms. The rage now is the augmentation of salaries. No sooner does any givep impecunious individual get into office than he discovers that the salary is totally inadequate. He may have mort­ gaged all ho possessed on earth to raise money to defray campaign expenses in his pursuit of the office at the salary already allowed. It was sufficient when they were elect­ ed, but dwindled down to nought afterwards. The people foot the bills, and, strange enough, don’t >eem to see the point. D arwin V indicated .— Darwin- sm is again triumphant. He can uow poiit to the circumstance of monkeys in South America “catch­ ing” yellow fevér and dying like other people. ——ta—■— We are informed by Mr. Geo. Dorris that Mrs. Duniwáy and the entire New Northwest force are down with the measles, and in consequence the paper yill not issue this week. A new Peace Commission has been appointed to do honor to ,Capt. Jack. in the matter lias led to results the contrary of detrimental to Mr. Reynolds, since it has served to correct in this community a very general understanding*,[Growing out of the similarity of names, that he was the man. 1r * ■ i Ç •* ê' The splendid new steamboat Governor Grover , is now alloat in the waters of the upper ^il lam- ette. The very tow freight tarriff rates established by the new com? * ' • i panyentitle it to the [■•¡patronage ¡patronage and gratitude of the people of the •i F | ■ entire valley. . Cows are worth from $18'to $20 in ” Benton county. [Yearling calves from $8 to $10. J J. ; - : ' wr ■ J F u" 1 ! ¡j MBM i • rLiTijlWw! ’ T J ‘ * The Benton Democrat says: “The greatest need of oar Fire Department is a lack of sufficient hose.” j St. Patricks Day was duly cele­ brated in Portland?' The '¡daily press of that city did full justice to the occasion by reporting; very full accounts of the i proceedings. 1 The Pre-emption Law Repealed. ■ I I STRONG MINDED WOMEN. jfi [ ------ i. - The San Francisco ¡jpeaZ Estate Circular gravely discusses th Woman Suffrage question as fol- lows - : - u Nothing would disappoint -J the majority of the strong-minded wo- men so much as toijgive’ them what they clamor forât Jo do so would deprive them of the text of pretended grievances of their sex, and the excuse tor unsexing them­ selves as self-appointed champions thereof. Nine out of ten of them are sincere only in two things—a desire for notoriety and to be talked of and gazed at, no .matter haw degrading that notoriety and be* and a ibirst talk may be, thirst for money frorn so-called loci tures, ___ , ’ nearli every one of Whirih is writ­ ten by a man. woman’s rights advocates t 1 but one redeeming quality, either physical or mental, the worlajlijight be­ lieve in them ; but JntyN&e nearly all editions of brazen effrontery, ’ done up in physical .¡bases of the most repulsive kind* The oppo­ sition of simply‘letting testing C__ them alone is the only thing . needed to rid the world of the annoyance to which they subject it ” » _ « • • 1 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. L i .•Ú , ■ i I ! I Y«rk Newt. ork, Mai New March 15.—*Ne . . official . .. York, communication. ? has been received from thé Governor to-day by ,• the Sheriff in the Foster case, except icept one asking if any further documenté were necessary to show that the Gov-* ernor declines to interfere. Thé' Sheriff answered in the negative. The woman who was supposed tx i have committed suicide at a hotfe here a few evenings sinco, was to-day^ identified as a Mrs. Guy,. of Pough i keepsie, dressmaker. The ’ caute ir s| said to have been dull business. Her husband lives in isnglancL England, | ¡HL Martin B , was to-CLay arrest Patrick in Brooklyn for fatally beating* hik wife with a wash! Kiara; In the Sadie Wilkenson -. breach cj| promise suit against Brick Pomerojft in the United States Court, it wt decided to-day that his objection J that suit was barrod by tho statu of limitations and was not Well take It is reported from Boston t John Savage, the defaulting cashifij of the Lechmere Bank, was a at Somerville this morning and «gave bail for trial. — - — . - - — Telfair has on board the signboard of SEARCH FORTHE WRIGHT, the from the Wright, pr i Potrei, ------- Interesting Report of the Search for the George S. Wright—A Small Ray of Hope for the Crew and Pa»> •engere—The Signboard found and to he sent to Portland—Correct List of tn® Wright’« Pautngeri. which, with other i portions of the to Portland as wreck, she will reminiscences of is mournful event. s. li ABOUT MASONS. ■ -4. The Olympia tribune l 1 ta ÏNTS, -4 * ■ T contains Victoria, March 17.—The steamer EXECUTED Sir Jaines Douglass arrived here on the following: Saturday at five O’clock p. m., bring­ We have recent y learned some- CALIFORNIA, VERMONT . ANO ITALIAN ing the sad news confirmatory of the thing further con ni ng tlfose very former reports which regard to the us the other NT loss of the steamer George S. Wright Masons who so ab ill relate the evening, and we ...OREGON. and every ’ one belonging to her. ÇALEM. The Douglass Dougli left Nanaimo on Sat­ circumstance right here, without urday morning, and reports the more ado. It seemi fl that an un- steamships Petrel, Lincoln and Gus­ fortunate woman in this place last V Br may3tf < sie Telfair lying there, having, f after an untiring and penetrating Fall became very destitute. She search, been compiled to return to had a large family of small chil­ that port without the joyful news dren, to supjxirt whom, without which would have set many an ach­ means, income or assistance, was i* ing heart at rest. Mr. Nicholis of more than she could do. Becoming the Oregon Steam Navigation Com­ indebted to a groder to the extent pany and Mr. joseph,Spratt of this city arrived here on Saturday, and of $60, and being perfectly honest At the Old Brick Corner. from the few facts which havo been and anxious to pay what was due brbught to light we gather that the from her, she sen , her furniture, unfortunate steamer I is known to bedding and kitchen ware to the FERGUSON «¿BIRD have oalled at Fort Tongas on or auction room, with directions to about the 13th of January, as she A New Trial Denied McElhaney. ave just received and are sell and turn over to the grocer constantly receiving triti was making her up-trip, where she enough of the proceeds to satisfy took on board the usual mails, a Boston, March 15.— A . new .little freight? a Frenchman belong­ his claim. Now bis poor woman has been deniec James MaElhi New Goods ing to Omineca, and Mr. John Wil­ was not herself a Mason, nor was under sentence of death for wife m liams, who was possessed at the time ever her husband, brother or rela- Consisting of General Merchandiae, der, and his execution will take p' .1 . of embarkation of tho sum of $15,- on the 21st inst. f ! : 000 in gold dust. Still continuing tive; in fact, she was under no ob­ CLOTHING, (gated. . Tweed’» Caee to 1 hats , C aps , on her passage up, the Wright is ligations whateve r to them, nor H' ! H I IT îere was nol the known to have arrived at Sitka in BOOTS, SHOES, they to her, and t 15.—The StJfe ie Stáfe Wifety, and at the latter place Messrs. Albany, March L y officious inter- GROCERIES Senate Committee will commence the Charles Kincaid and Charles Wal­ least excuse for ai I HARDWARE, irt. However, investigation of Tweed’s case n dron. as well as Lieutenant Dodge, ference on their STAPLE ARTICLES, week. < U. 8. A., and a servant, were added the Society met i _ their hall, as GENTS’ FURNISHING .'ll" K" ! ’ ____ i i to the living freight, which then usual precisely as they did on Sat- GOOD8, ETC., ETC., ETC. THE MODOC WAR. Simbered thirty-one souls, all told. urday evening, aqi d, without solio r. Waldron was the owner of a itation or excuse, as said before, y New Pence Commission, ,Appoi»te4i- , fishing station at a small place called one brother stated the case, about ed from t|ie Special Courier Arrived M RprVUIl jluvok, whither the steamer pro- Front—Horses Captured by Cojp- meded for the purpose of taking in as we have, and appealed to those nel Biddle’s Men—Scon-chin apd ’ : I : help. Pocket fo >r ..................... h . Charley Riddle Afraid to Come jin freight, consisting of some 800 bar- around him Of latest Styles and in fine variety. mis of salmon and an assortment of books were brouj ight out, and con­ < —Captain Jack Wants a Tails— ¡pins; furs, oils, etc.; and on the 25th tributions freely mad de, until there narGive this House a Call. Etc., Etc, • Etc., aile’s miles above tho place where the How we obtained this information place on the Peace Commission, nt Cap- is neither here nor there; it is all wreck was first discovered— Cape declined. 1 • BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, Caution. It is also said that other true, and we are prepared to prove The fallowing is from the Joui parts of the rigging were found an (extra) of this morning; . . ' a immense distance up the coast, and it. We are hungry tor just such Fairchild’s Rancji, March' '1-w-r items, and in our crusade against No. 94*Front Street,between Washington signs Of a rough habitatioi that of habitation Ye^terday Colonel Biddle’s mefi— having been erected by white neopli le Masonry, we will not hesitate one and Alder, over Hopkins’ Hardware Store, Company K, Firot Cavalry—came5— Ill are still visible; but in contradictioi iction moment in publishing others of a a i>ariy of* Modocs and capti of the latter the Indians affirm that similar character. . We propose to PORTLAND, OREGON. thirty-four hefrses. They could 1 'they have seen i naught of the wreck killed the Indians, were, it not for lie ? ■ or its crew. H. M. S. Petrel has uproot Masonry and stand proud­ peace negotiations. ly on its ruins. * . Blank Bonks made to order, and rated — acham " ha< reoeived instruction: also prosecuted a strict search along Meacham any desired pattern. Newspaper». Maga­ the coast, firing off rockets and guns Washington to hold on.' , - Q Musie, etc., etc,, bound in Ex-Vice President Colfax was zines. with neatness and dispatch, ir returned returned from Reséria- ,to attract the attention of any living , Blair ___ _ the . ' 1 Scon cgin .creature, but all without the desired received on his return t» South tion to-day, and says old and Charley Riddle wofrld not col ,e Tesult. Captain Stanley describes Bend with music musicj and banners, a AT— the coast as the roughest and wildest They kept the messenger some d‘ and mass meeting, ful- procession [he has in the whole course of his ex- L__ . . I---. . _ by false promises' and then refuse< GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. perierioe witnessed, and also pictures some speeches arid congratulataory come. Long Jim, one of the Indi the neighborhpod of Cape Caution as resolutions. T e Sacramento I7n- indicted at « « Jacksonville, t . t « . » . ’ was fl • f a perftet pyramid of surf and break­ ion says Oakes was receeived and probably told thé chiefs ers. To effect a landing there, unless Jack did not intend to dome oome out, with very favorable weather, would at Boston in m h the same style, they would not s>e him if they cp. There is no an uncement j^et as be a thing impossible. A new Peace Commission has The Petrel has secured the sign­ to the receptio of Patterson in appointed. It now stands.: Business, board of the ill-fated steamer, bear­ New Hampsh’ [ Pomeroy in Kan- am, Odeneal, Roseborough and ing the inscription “Geo. S. Wright,’* sas, Harlan in wa, or any of the by. t • | and has cruised around Queen Char­ Artena has returned from the Lei ower a H arris , e corrupt crew remainder of lotte island, but without tidings of Lafayette. Bed, and^sa/s Captain Jack wan whose iniquity has been exposed the lost steamer. She also sustained talk. He is afraid to come out Will hold themselves in readiness to t some slight damage to her keel, and at Washington, It is evident from fear tha| General Canby, cannob «wer all ealls upon them for anything in th* has been beached at Nanaimo for re­ these demons tions that the line of , j trol his men. In proof Mb cite» pairs, which will be trivial. The Tammany thi of New York Pointing, fact of their taking the hdrses, cluster of rocks known as the Devil’s stages that they took fout chil nJ Reef Calcimininf is doubtless the locality of the have been entirely derelict in their This is false ; the soldiers harmp I Grt Tweed in fail duty towards catastrophe, and ’ i present law from Justice’s Court. at Kluvok, name unknown. . The of the age. "ENOR TETTER AND RINGWORM The Justice said he differed front Me Telfair reports that there is little ment. and p Use N«a Fere» Indian^hief Mv% doubt that the Wright was wrecked Kean’s ruling, but intended to J ad- on one of the Sea Otter group, i, which ” ** here to it as the authority of " a~ fsup- OR HARD SWELLINGS AND GATB- consists of low, sunken rocks j, about erior tribunal. ' [ T he V ery L atest —We stop erings use Nei Perce Indian ChM Salve. ■rties who six miles outside of Queen Charlotte the press to announce Anderson, one of the parties nounce that that; • Gen. suppo­ fiac- sound—confirmatory of which suppo- lately undertook to swin< idle or sores of all kinds Canby has Appointed the fourth veral tnou- sition, are the facts that portions of ramento house out of several Perce Indian Chief Balve. wreck —1 were found Z__Ad in Wright’s of July to mt et Capt. Jack and . ............. Use 1 New j------- sand dollars’ worth ¡of goods,was the ,-L —----------- :-------- . — or all diseases of the rein arrested to-day. by the Sheriff of sound, some ninety miles north of have a talk. Jack replies thro’ Use Nez Perce Indian Chief Salve. Weber county on a chargq of ab­ the wreck. The pilot-house, half of Modoc Sallie that he is very busy a mast,' and portions of the main RICE 50CENTS A BOX. For sale by ducting and seducing a young girl investigating the Credit Mobilier ail Druggists andgeneral dealers. of highly respectable family in this deck, together with a number of deer affair, and w ants a few head of skins and fragments of freight were city. ' | Travel in all directibns is rapidly also visable at Cape Caution, and in Mobilier sto< k if they are any CAPITAL SALOON. fatter than r ’ aircblld * ’s. Jack says increasing, and the city filling with this locality it would be utterly im­ latter possible to effect any landing, or in­ he will meet! the General at the strangers. deed on any part of the open coast, hibition, if he don’t JOS. BERNARDI, • ProprM Large Gift. along which vestiges of the misfor­ Centennial change his mind, and in the mean­ are to be seen. The Gussie Tel­ . Commercial sL, SALXJÍ, New York, March |7.—Dr. Delnfs tune fair called in at every port* laid down time wants Delano to authorizes the announcement that in the chart between the two extreme him, without arms, Commodore Vanderbilt has givpn points of the trip, but after a most en­ come and AND TIR « that he will leave MV? $500,000 to Bishop McTyiere of the ergetic and, praiseworthy search, and promi inrited tecali Methodist Church (South) td estab­ oould glean no information informa­ the Mod rgical Institute mi- Sample my lish a University in Tennessee, j ? Sentinel, that reported. The nus legs and CIGARE. NEW GOODS! , ; I * ♦ H "k ■[ .„4 F .< Among the acts -pissed during the last hours of the Forty-second Congress was one which repeals the preemption law.'1 The bill introduced by Pbtperoy, of Kansas, last year, and passed the Senate at that time. ’ In the “ House it has quietly passed i through the different stages of advan'cemeht without attracting attention, as though carefully concealed from public view by its friends. No reference whatever was made to it by telegraphic Correspondents until after its tinatipaalifflby the House. .The homestead law i»still retained, though somewhat modi­ fied. The object of the repealing act, says the Sacramento Union, mon, purports to be the prevention of fraud; but as it throws additional obstacles in the wav of Settlers, and as it was introduced^ by Pomeroy and gives especial itisfaction onopollsts, to the railroa# we conclude that the i prima- ry object of the law1' is to ass sist the land swindlers to plunder j jtHe peo­ ple. The law is retroactive, tak- \ two ing^effect January 1st, 1873, months before its passage. > — «4 * ***,.