5 Established I expressly to afrore! the nflicled Sound• : •nd scientific Medical tre al­ .mi ieni in the cure of all Pri­ vate and Chronic . ) :■ Diseases, Cases of secresy and all Chronic THs^rderr. TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. W. K. DOHERTY returns his sin­ cere thank» to his numerous pt dents for their patron age and would take th Is oppor­ tunity to remind them that he co otinuek to* cowsuit at his Institute for the We-'W"Aron-" Digestive and ^enito-L evy fog of morning hid the plain from sight, same » thread of scarlet, tod faintly in the white, id a single eaaarao. M tta monder rolled. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. all private diseases, viz: Syphilis In atl US* forms and Stages, Semind weakne ss andalH the horrid consequences of self-abose, Gon­ orrhoea, Gleet, Btrictm e», Noatijrnal andi Diurnal Emi.-sions, Sexual Debilil y, Dii-eas es of the back and loin», Inflam.-ilkm of tbtaf Bladder and Kidneys, etc.; and he hopes that his long exptifoncA »nd succesalnh practice will continue Ito iuraire hi m a share • of public patronage. >y the wraqtice of rn’.nv years in Europe wi tils f uted States he is enabled to apply .'the nr<4t efficient and successful remedies against diseases off all kinds. He cures without there nay, char­ ges rooderaie, treats his patients it i a correal and honorable way, ana has reft fences ot unquestionable Veracity frtm men of known* respectability aud high standing in society- All parties consulting him by letter or oth­ erwise, will receive the beat Wk* ggntiest treatment and implicit secrecy. Trustee» CUBES TUB WORST PAINS Iw Arena ene to Twenty Mlnntes. NOT ONM HOUR after reading this advertisement need any BUFFER WITH PAIN. RADWAY’8 READY RELIEF 18 CURB FOR EVERY PAIN. It was the first and is the only Pn: •My that instantly slops the moat excrutiat- ing pains, allays Inflamations,' end cures Congestions, whether of Lungs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one application in from ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter how violent or excrutiating the Rheumatic, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic or prostrated with dis- ease may Buffer. ~ BÀDWATS Go I» Lnkg’s Emigrant Btove and Tin Sta 138 treat Street, Portland, and see the stoves manufactured at the ORISON num Fever anJ Ague cured for fifty cents— The.« is not a remedial agent in this wo-ld that will cure Fever and Ague and all o‘bei Malarious, Bilious Typhoid, Scay'et, Y ’lew and other Fevers (aided by RADV > H S PILLS) so quick as RAD WAY 8 EADY RELIEF. Fifty cents per bottle old by all Druggists. ----- WORKS! They cavho hod nt bo other place, as lake BZADY BELEW Will afford Instant Ease. Inflamatioa of the Lidneys. Inflamation of the Cl adder. Inflamatioa of the Bowels. Congestion of the Lungs. Bore Throat, Difficult Breathing. Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, Croup. Diptheria. Cataarh, Influeuxa. Headache, Tooth aehe. Neuralgia, Rheumatiem. —>• Chill«, Cold Chills, Ague The application of the Ready Re: »lief to or difficul- the part or parts where the pain o. J ty exists Will afford ease and c*-mf<.. Ibrt. Twenty drops in a half lumbler of water will in a few minutes cure CRAMPS, Sour Stomach. Spasms, Heart-burn, Sick z/ead Ache, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Colic, Wind in the Bowels, and all internal Pains. Tiavelers should always earry a bottle ol RADWAY READY RELIEF with them.— A few drops in water will prevent Bicknese or pains from change of water. It is better than French brandy or Bitters as a atmu- *aOt’ FBTKB AND AGUE. To FemxT»; • When a female is in trouble vr afflicted- with disease, as weakness of the back and* limbs, pain in the head, dimness*- dimnesr- of sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of th* - heart, ii * liability, nervousness. ex< rema nri- nary dt Icnltie?, derangement of digestive* _______ functions, general debility, vaginitis, all dis­ eases of the womb, hysteria,sterility a and alt other diseases peculiar to females, she go at once u or — write ~ --a- to the celebrated --‘J,..,-’ female doctor,,W. K,. DOHERTY, at his medicak Institqte, sod consult him about her troub­ les and diseases, The doctor is effecting more cures than any other physician in th» State ot California. Let no false delicacy prevent you. but apply immediately and. save yourself from pam, aufi’ernq and pre­ mature death. All married ladies whoso delicate1 health or oilier tirenqistances pre­ vent an increase in' their families, should write or call at DR. W. Ki DOHERTY'S Medical Institute, and, they.will receive eve­ ry possible relief aud help. The Doctor’» offices are so arranged that he can be con­ sulted without fear of obibrva;iou. COOK STOVES To Correspondents,- ’T Patients residing in any part of the Statu however distant, who uiay desire the epiu- ion and advice advice of 1>B. DOHERTY, m their respective com s , and who think pro­ per to submit a writen statement of>uchF in preference to holdings persona! inter­ view, aie respectfully assured thatlher oeon- municatmns will bo held mo-t sic: cd and confidential. It-the ease be fully qnd-ca:- didly described, perse. J nomcnacation will be nnneeesssry, a