mWkn 'sani­ ty to Foreclose K S. Church, North. ». p. aravLDiNo, rxsro*. W. M. Rwnscjr, WTB. M«. C. B. Watte, WT. xes off at this p|àce on nents for Lafayette Circuit ae fol« Jam« Martin, WM. •bath, Lafayette, 11 a. m., and Ifltt|jagainst t WHW TAYLOR de FARLEY ? . ■ i ■ The A’<-w JVut'i/ticcsi having, , as the,chain-, pion of one of the parties iuipli lieated in the scandalous conduct which hast been imeyery tongue in this fimnity few -»aS ¡■BcnrtrJpaHt, sought by inuendq to impeach i my veracity, and having! undertaken, m I the same interest to« outrage* erery virtnwes pre- cepV by an attiiitde of hak S i&Zi ton Tfleflance tq a pftbji generally on Uicj side of ch w®; ■r wil1 nvt the neees- Application is Q Celebrated MASON X HAMLIN A Complete Stock of Small Irtstriinient- such as • ■ • V10L1N, BANJO GUlTAli STRINGS ... . • • K ; j * # * Of th- •e beat quality constantly on hood, as also Mu usic of latest Vublioutiou. frequently Call and examine Billed!«- •«« 1 **•»*•■ somè VMM done—in thé way of 7 All ordere promptly 1 ■CjOf L aka - wRli the county 5 rift«», stipulation ^^the conditions of said A<-v, together Bond approved as the law direct* roper joturns and notice thereof, -aid et W ComiSk. *i< herebv proclaimed nents for saio county of Yamhill »Ball ijwaswKsw wwn by The man Reynolds who » bow I An jail-at Portland for adultry with hip brother’s wife, is a Yamhillian or in­ He built a store tended to be Joe, in which we are told that OCLAMATION ail ; DEAL -IT Mr. Belcher had>n interest. He will not open out there, however, just yet— not until he can free himself front the clutches of the law,—and- adul­ tery is a Penitentiary crime.- /i ¿, 4"' H -. i ~ orders from ! |«r the J -1 4 WTOTICE is hereby given that , by 11 virtue of an execution issued out of the Honorable Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, for the county of YanthiiL uml to u»e directed by the Clerk of said Court in favor of L. Goldsmith, 1J. Goldsmith and M. Goldsmith, and against J. R. Bean, and Margaret Bean for the sum of One Thousand andRxfy-four Dollars arid nine- tv-Mk cents (fl,(MM Ml) U. S. Gold Coin. I have levied on as the the property of the said; J. R. Bean and Margaret Beau, and will proceed to sell, at public auction, to the higest bidder, for v. S. Gold Coin, in front of the Court House door, in T/ifayette, Yauihfll county, Oregon, the real estate hereinafter descrfliod, on Saturday, April 5, 1873, atone o’clock p. in. of said day, all the right, title ana Interest of the safcl J. R. Heap dnd Margaret Bean in and to,the fol­ lowing descrflied feal property. To wit: Being pa# of tlie Donation Ijinrf Clsimpf Solomon Besry, and/known as a part of that portion of Mid laftd claim, con­ veyed by Wm. Morton snd wife to James E. l^Mastets. and more particnlarlj’ described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the South West confer of said land of said James E. LeMasters, thence north six hundred and eighty-three feet to a stake, thence South East one hundred aqd ninety-eight feet tma stake, thence South tone hnndred toj. ifty feet tdn stake, theMre West onb hrmdre’d and forty-four and three-fonrtiis feet to a stake, thenceforth three hundred atid nine­ ty-one feet to a stake, th »nee West tWHve feet to the place of beginning, together with all df tfie tenemphtS imi npimrtena^eg v8feb28w6 thetennio belongmgN the above d? scril»ed property is in Yamhill county, State of Oregon, to Im sold to satisfy said execu­ tion and accruing costs. » R. P. BIRD, Sheriff of Yamhill county, Oregon. LafcyeVe, March 7th, 1^3. ' vsimu? Tuesday! April 8th, At one oYlock tnfhe afternt day, at the CdWf Wdusc, at L said county, for tn© hearing o! to the saiid final account and ment thereof. - v < .. . Lafayette» March 9d, 187* E. J. CARTER, Jas. McCain, Atty. fòr sòme PORTLAND, OREGON ■The chekiest thing we ,s a fellow calling on ua yr a cow which we once ag into his pasture about n this place. The trip rorth the dollar that—he ... 1 Administrator’s Notice. Notice to hereby given that I have been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Wm Blair, deceased, with the will annexed, aud all,persons holding claims against said estate must present them Within six months from the date of this notice. ",.. N rw P ostofficb .—Dr. Watts is arranging a new postoffice in the middle room of his medical office. Persons having lock boxes can go in at the gate and then at the side door and have access to his box at any time. W ill R emove .—Mr Wordle will remove his boot establishment to his farm four miles distant from this Sardines place. He will take measures and de­ liver boots and shoes as usual. New supply Simpson’s. ’ Final Settlement/ Y amhill bounty, Oregon, ^ny final aceaunt for Medicinal as Adnilnistjutor of the estate of\W T. mayltf ap<^im;.deC*^ UU*tMt th) hfts MIS FOR* HATCHING? fROl largest and Best Fowls in the ' Monifay, April I»T«l at ten o’clock a, m. of said daj»for-tlie fi­ nal ¡»taxing of said final account. ’L.. _' J . ~ XD. FENTON, Afitfir. - E. C. BradShaw, atty. . felrtlwt LAFAYETTE ACADEMY in- Proprietor/ IHE SECOND TERM 1ST. CÓMMODUOITS HOTEL IN the State. HARD FINISHED thro’- Agents Wanted in eve: 'rimary Department, ■ 1 Geography, Arithmetic, Grammar,. ligher Mathematic«^ Sciences, A cdMMent Corps of Assistants per Week... and Lodging. 71. ery House. WO’f-» ' T 11 : c. ad ’if