■ ' I I usk IIÓV W ' VrW CK A fcUJI r • i 1 .RÎSUTOM ■ 1 ' H I l. W ■ -ii »i i I Vi -1« H f. 1 J '*r~! Ipci .. ...1 9IÍJ ====== ■ — OREGON, MARCH 14, 1873. -................... J A 6 m ¡ m 3 X n L ato ■■■ J, M. f t f r1 r ; 11 ------------------------------------------------------- JA* Cost Of TransportaUom. The drama in England during the in has associ- Mr. William Thompson • I Wife murders, and I last few years has been at its low­ atod with himself in the publication den occur frequently ot Nearly all of the Washington cor­ Some valuable statistics on this . Kelly, a of the Mr. Jo respondents have been agreed upon est ebb. subject have been furnished the A C. Q. Barnes, of printer an ready and pointed writer.- one point. That is that the Hon. Hepry W. Sargent, a young man, u public in the Atlantic Monthly, by been sued for $10,000 da: Oakes Ames has the largest hands of Success to the new 1 • week. Charles Seymour, of Wisconsin. any member of the present Congress. was arrested in Lowell last w< elly beating a boy iu ’’is ci b .... —■ .......... . Syl. C. Simgson demands of Tom We compile a few items of special It is not recollected that any one for shouting and making strange of them has ever taken it upon him­ antics, and w believed to be insane E ndearing .—Tho Albai McFaddleton Paddlethn a rotrftclion interest to the interior States. self to say that Mr. Ames had the crttó refers to tho steamer Anr ««OK of certian language vised by hilu in The total production of the cleanest hands of any member, it is through religious excitement. as “ Gentle Annie.” f the expiring “Alliance,” in default country, or domestic commerce, possible that if a discussion should Chicago courts have again» promises to denounce hjiq as a liar annually transported by water or arise on that point there might be a cided that drunkenness affords The Pittsburgh Giz.Wic lias entered rail, is given in round uumbers at clianoe for difference of opinion. But and a coward and to n rt to other • * u _wl J ■. f . S' upon ita 30th volume. 25,000,000 tons. The average ^hen we read in an Administration excuse for the person who jqo I i 4-.dk and wo means of redress. P newspaper, the Washington Star, in cost is estimated at three cents a report of an ejectment suit brought mits a crime. Lt don,t pay UTom ought tp are of,the opinion that city to get drunk before do­ The Peigan Indians have been ♦ t per ton, by rail, per mile; one cent by W. N. McVeigh against Judge I make the ammde d thing. by canal—tolls in eluded; at three Underwood of Virginia, such evidence ing a mean *41” ........... ^ • ^............ ■ souri. as the following, it does jnot appear The Gawtte admits a|i highhanded mills by river; one-fourth’ofa cent' so strange that Mr. Ames should ‘ Are you not afraid that whiskey 2___2 have 1., re been indulged in by lake, and one and a quarter require such large hands : theft and fraud will get into your head? ” asked Several monar mills by sea. This gives an ag ­ It was testified to by Francis a stranger of a man whom he saw by Republican officials at Washing­ test against the gregate on the whole amount, the Dane of Boston that he and other drinking at a bar. replied ihe ton, but congratulates itself that federal Republic ’’u Spiunj1 total cost of which is thus stated: creditors of Mr NcVeigh, after thepas- toper, *• this liquor is to weak ta Grant lias not been eaught ‘ in any of By mil would be per mile.... «.I $750.000 sage of the confiscation law, attach­ Chinese, in large i are be­ it. But the trouble! is, lli-s. Grant Trie same by canal per mile.. . 250,00a climb.” I ’ -rtt - i '-------- • . 75 .(MT ed his property to prevent the Gov­ The same by river per mile.. are tarf caught with $25,000 of the pro­ The same by lake per mile.... ... ing shipped to Cost ernment from confiscating it; that . C2.5OO - . A London tailor advertises“ gar­ .. 81,250 ••they afterward sold these judgments manifested as personal property. The same by ocean per mile. . ceeds of the memorable black Friday. v/This undoubtedly approximates to Alley, Ames, and others, because ments ent not only to fit, and ■ilk as The Portland pafU 3 complain that as he says: the best style, but regulating any A fearful riot took, place in New correctness and is reliable as a We were assured by Judge Under ­ disproportions that may exisl, and the sneak thieves are at work in that Orleans last week l>etween the Kel­ data for calculation. What must wood, and by Alley and Ames, then »P? place again! W1 strikingly impress the reader is members of Congress from Massa­ enhancing the correct contour of I logg and the regular State Govern­ the great difference in cost be­ chusetts, that the confiscation sales the proportionate. have built a ment authorities. The military was tween ocean, lake, river and canal were valid and binding, and that our R. C. Kinney & Sc ¡lillHTft iljjj ij 11 lb : : called into requisition. This is thp At a recent country teaclierst attachments were of no value ; that new warehouse at Junction and will transportation? This is no doubt • ana policyt ■ • beauty of Grant ’ s the confiscation would be sustained institute in Iowa, one-third of build one at Tangent as well as oth­ r due in great part to the size of the by the court, and we thought under 1 x * ers at other points in the wheat grow­ vessels used in each species of nav­ the circumstances that it was nec­ the teachers were unable to spell r i Our good nature^ neighbor of the ing sections. . i igation. An. ordinary ocean ship essary for us to save ourselves by ac­ correctly the name of the. capital Rfporter at McMinnville has already of the state, and over one^ialf Weoftenhwir^Wbie^oman side of experienced an unforeseen »difficulty will carry 2,000 tons, a lake vfessel cepting their offer to buy our .judg­ ments, which was a small amount «ould not spell half the words 800, arid a canal boat 200. in connection with the “ patent out ­ in comparison to the valuo of the given. ** orce and “aL the firm suing for Once loaded and the extra ex­ property. ----------- ..... The parties above men ­ heard of a side ” business. It happened in this pense of transit, bears but small I tioned said if they failed on the con­ imony,” bnt WWeii! Laziness grows on people; it asking 4ur alimony along wise : Snyder clipped from an east­ proportion to the increase of cargo. fiscation title they would fall back horrid male a ern paper and put' in type a long ar­ The two or three thousand ton on the attachment title, and they begins in cobwebs and ends in with “ hizzeu ? ” 111 I n 1'1 llllf I r II- I j .i .¡.j i' i'X" her last I H ticle entitled “the street Arabs of ship requires few,or no more men were willing to pay us something for iron chains. The more business is Neji New York,” and lol and nehold when to manage than those of smaller our judgment and liens. In Mr. a man has to do the more he Mrs. Duniway ii Aines words, he wanted these judg ­ able to accomplish, for he learns extract from a let- Ids “ patent ” sheet conuj to hand it size, and the same is equally true Aforthueat oopies an e: ments to plaster over the property. to economize his -time. | ter to her from this » place to show that already Contained |he self-same iden­ of lake craft, while on canals the Dane testifies further that when the one of her Woman Suffrage converts tical article! Herl|dw.as trouble. It addition of a few extra tons adds sale took placo John B. Alley Oakes » The body of a young lady would not do to duplicate so long an but little if anything to tho cost. Ames, Samuel Hooper were present; is a 2„L fool. Are they all that way ? beeu placed in the receiving vault article qj^d without So doing there Manifestly the size of the vessel and that the partial interested in confiscation sales were the same per­ of the Indianapqlis cemetery for ho Democrat is agitating tho farm­ was not matter enough for the inside has much to do with the question sons who were interested in all the daily inspection, as*the doctors are era’ problem with vigori.- jThe Con­ set up. It was finally resolved to of expense, while diminution of purchases at the attachement sales ; by no means certain of her death. vention of farmers at} Albany Resolved, distribute the article; and all hands distance to market is an equally that those parties were ‘Judge Under­ The indicat ions of a tranqo are the to build warehouses in that city and fell to and set enough to partially ! important element, whatever the wood* or his wife E. J. Underwood, freshness of the countenance and his son ; John Underwood United • Ji’j. 1 - îJ_ * supply its place; tha rptaaincLer- wus form of carriage. at Astoria, and to States Marshal, and William A. Dun­ the pliability of the join & Transhipments are always ex­ can Deputy Marshal; Jdhn B. Al­ made up by slugging put advertise­ the future. ments. Though ¿uch .a ’ thing may pensive. Whenever, means are ley, Oakes Ames, and Samnel Hoop­ A London Aiderman recently James D. Fay has got into another not again Occur for mdnths, yet it is provided so that a ship can come er ;* that the property, worth $75,000 decreed that foot passengers hart brought about $7,000 at tht attach­ 4 ' thn e. A fellow up from the sea without breaking scrape in Jacksonville, He and the I liable to occur at any ment sale; and that ‘previous to rights which teamsters were bound wh$kt|' i the outside bulk, and return in the same way, the sale under the confiscation Judge to re«|>ect. and punished one of the Ishes had a conflict With pistols and ought to know '*i&t|isidn ii t type for the the annual reduction on freight Underwood told us that his was the latter who knives. Again a boqk in his side before putting matter in had knocked a would be equal to the entire cost first case in which property had been Ish was inside of hjs paper. man pver by fast driving, isn’t pocket saved Fay’s confiscated in foe simple, and that Mr- it about time to import a few of the improvements necessary to i seriously shot. i fi'i I 5 ■1H that end. This will explain why Whiting, solicitor of the War De­ London magistrates ? i Temperance Habit» and Sncceu - a short cut from Georgian Bay to partment, had complimented him on ------------- «■■■----- - —— datore ” “ None but far that decision. Lake Ontario, diminishing the organ- is the motto of a A man who, besides handling the A writer in Psttsburg descrities A large proportion of railroad lake foute seven hundred and fifty ization in Iowa. affairs of the Union Pacific Rail­ one of the City Fathers as “ a I accidents are causbdj by the fact miles, is so important to western road, hold such an interest in the 4 That is right, that some employee set to tend, agriculture. To break down mo­ transfer of real estate at Washington noble old burgher, proudly loving lature farmers, n__,._ __ ,___ a switch or a brak 3, J , or to run a nopoly we must ship direct botli and at the same time fulfill his duties his native State/’ Judge of his ers to the exclusion of preachers, doc- to his constituents iu Massachusetts horror when ce was made to say locomotive or tra n,‘ was under tors, lawyers and sharpers, [and such the influence of liduor. Hence ways, and in large craft. By this and keep things all right with Judge by the compositor,—“A nobby eltF** a body will prevail like a stone wall railway managers will not employ means only can we reach the min­ Underwood, ought to have large burglar, < prowling around jn a hands and a broad memory. Does naked state!*’ imum of cost. ; against Holladay •1 laday ’, s • : .blandishments blandishments men who are ace " to ' drink, ’ * * ed it not appear a little singular that the Winter railroad freights, unre­ and coin. pr ■ if they know it. Hon. Hooper should turn I. »■ » Ml «III 'I O- ¡I If MIL II III . I lieved by lake competition, cost up in so Samuel Run your eye over the list of Oakes tra; many transactions with Mr squandered by drink as it is the But it is not simply railway over seventy per cent of the price a « r • i • wa » r t r u n time lost, and above all, the brain Ames. —W. 3T. K Y. Sun. \ Ames’ list of lfribe takers and you managers, but nearly all business n of wheat in Minnesota, when it muddled. Successful business find only professional sharps and men, who recognia^ recognize the truth sells for $1 00 a bushel here. In A T hankful S pirit .—There men must always be clear-heade I chronic office hunters. For stern, that an employee, who uses intox­ 1869, when wheat sold in New once was an old woman who, in physiologists tell ns the habitu; unbending integrity in positions of icating liquors Is not. to be relied York at i $1/37 it was worth only answer to a visiting almoner’s drinker of brandy, whiskey, gi trust commend us to farmers. As a upon. Every body nknows that from 40 to 50 cents in the West. inquires i s to how she did, said : wine, or ale, must gradually di rule such legislators are not approach­ liquor goes direct tq the brain, Corn to-day is selling in Liver­ r O, Sir, the Lord is very good to his intellect. How often have we able by lobj ists and corruptionists. and more or less diaturbs the pool at 95 cents, Chicago 30, and me—I have lost my husband, and heard shrewd business men remark healthy action of. this regulation ' h in Iowa 15, The freight to any my eldest son, and my youngest that this or that merchant must A United States r’s j salary of human action. ¡ No matter market comes out of the farms. daughter, and I am half blind, and sooner or later fail, simply because is $6,000 dollars a year. There are what a young man’a natural or Every diminution adds to the 1 can’t sleep or move about for the hey know that the person referred many Republican Sei in Con- acquired capacity may be; no profits of the producer, or should rheumatics; but I’ve got two teeth to nad fallen into drinking habits? gress who have pa in bribes over matter what his inddltry may be; do so. left in my head, and praise and There are young men all bnt * A $100,000 for their elections.! If these no matter how faithful he may be; bless His holy name 1 they’re entering upon the active duties of Senators did not intend to sell still them- them­ no matter how hi£h ¿nd noble his ’ The San Francisco Chronicle «ays: opposite each other. life. They are anxious to be suc­ purpose—if he falls into the hab­ Taking one year with another, the selves if ^¡elected, how could could they they cessful, to obtain good situations, afford thiaipimmense ,------- __imeii8ei outlay? One it of using any kind of intoxicat­ grain shippers in Ban Francisco The other Sunday, the follow­ to be prosperous in ’ business, to Jones of San Francisco lately bought ing liquors, eVery body knows can lay down wheal in Liverpool for ing was posted up in the. lobby of amass property. Then let them his election of the Nevada legislature that he is. “putting an enemy $5 a ton less than it can be clone by a Presbyterian church. “Notice— avoid the intoxicating cup, and at a cost of $250,000. What may be into his mouth to steal away his the grain shippers in Chicago; The person who stole ‘ Songs of »make it a foundation principle to expected of this fellow? Why, sim- sim­ brains,” and that the chances are and if to-day a shipper at each of ¡hi e Sanctuary ~ ’ from the seat No. never partake of alcoholic liquors he will make first occasional mis ­ these places should dispatch a car ­ ply, that he is in • the market and 12, should Improve the oppoi "*>r- in any form, and the battle is half steps, and finally go to ruin. A go to Liverpool, the one would that monopoly Cormorants have only unity of singing them here, I, as i won.— Boston Investigator ♦ rar 45® S5O WOT*™ 00 ¡Toi: i St ■ JOÜÖ 13*1 S Bustoses aotfoM ta the Local Criifr’n», 25 cesta per lfae, each insertion. for legal and transient advertisements 32.- 60 per eqnare of 12 lìnea, for the first inser­ tion, and 31.00 per square for each subsequent WffRNMT------ — — Loyal Adolfi »ementa to be Paid for up- * '/ Ml directory. Arrives from the north daily at 12 m. “ridge .»a I Newberg, weekly. Arrives at ti p. ui., on Saturday. Departs at7 a. ni., on Friday. Dayton 6 times a week. Arrives at 3 p. in. Departaati. 4 Yamhill County Directory. Y County Judge.'/. M. M. Ramsey Clerk......................... ...............R. H. L^unson ....................... R. P. i>ird öherisr..................... J. M. Kelty Treasurer......... «............. < Dawson Co. Commissioners ‘ ’ ( Hulery Surveyor.... ..C. Handley ........ I. Davis Aeeeeeor......... II. H. liewit School Sep t .Dr. Johnsuu ( j QF oræ « » • • «i J. W. Cowls Í T. K. Harrison i A. R. BLrbauk State Senator Bep's.............. i »I OUQON OFFICIAL DIBECT0S7. KXKCLTIVK DEFVBTMENT. .............L. F. Grover Governor...................................................... .......... Secretary of State............... S. F. Chadwick Treasurer of State... ............ L Eleiscbner State Printer................. ........ Eugene Semple .....S, C. Simpson J E. 8. McGomas COM*>KX.-tUOSAI.. U. S. Senator»• ~”... .i.James K. Kelley “ .w. .........J. H. Mitchell •'M • Congressman .............. Jos. G. Wilaon V . --------- I noanai. OFFICKBS. -'4 T U. 8. Dist rict Judge..',............ M. P. Deady U. 8. Marshal....................... Tho'a G. Young Clerk U. 8. Court............................... R. Wilcox Surveyor General......... ............. W. H. Odel Sep t intt. Affairs. 4- a .T. B Odeneal U. B. Aesesso!^............Tbos. Frazer U. 8. Collector. W. Bowlby < j ->* % n 1 J J.AMD OFFICAIta. W. K. Willis. Register.. y ia.»™»«« Beceiver------ Owen Wade, Register........ Henry Warren, Receiver, igi,,Ur • ’ • • • D.' Ckapun, Receiver... • • • • i ■ J * -------- ... Roseburg »> .Oregon City . La Grande • >F . . - 8VFRKMB COCRT tp. P. Prfan, Chief Justice ... Jacksonville • 1 ... .Corvallis t J, Th^rer... F. Boauam............................ Salem W. Upton..................................... Portland u L. McArthur.......................... Baker City w . ' JUDICIAL KISTTICTS. Pint District: Jackson and Josephine. 2d District: Benton. Coos, Carry, Douglas rq * District«’ Linn, Manon, Polk, Tillamook and Yamhill. 4th District: Ctaekamas, Columbia, Multnomah, and Wasbjngtqm ; Umatfl* ’ -L TmnfB or cmctfrr courts . Frst District—In the county of Josephine, on