JU LAFAYETTE COURIER. I I! REV. JT.fW. WATTS IN THE ALLI. defunlct Indian “P atent O utardí . * ’ iildings of the Agricultural the former having been added to the A. B. Meachnto, ¡¡4^ J I ANCE. $ to Washington College 4ill accommodate 300 pupils. Peace Commission and the latter at bor, the Reporter, comes —---------- — Superintendant, want t< Whooping-cough prevails nearly the request of both the Commissioner^ The following is the concluding FRIDAY. FEB. 28............ 1873 in quest of another office, ot in hopes form, the outside be: and Captaih Jack. to “boost” Odcneal odt. His funds San Francisco on the exploit of our fellow citizen whose all over the State. It is very prev­ Additional Particular«. alent in Portland. having run short, he * kpplieti to Grimt [plan. The experimei t of offerii ñame stands above. The Bulletin re- THE COURIER—LAFAYETTE. San Francisco, February 25.—A * -{ A limci (tone quarry has been discov- for a loan to get back' J home. $ow, a local production a p iper prinl port tells it thus: special to the Bulletin from Yreka, to­ ered in Douglas county about six This number commences a new year Grant don’t loan worth a cant ; ¡but a distant city has uey| ir before day, states that WTiittle and his wife hat Whittle Rev. Dr. Watts, of Yamhill county, miles froi Roseburg. in the history of T he C ourier , and he told Meacham that jthe thing could tried in Oregon. The C< last night returned from their second County paper was the -next speaker. . The hour was Chas. 1 >nton of Wasco county has visit to tho Modoc camp, bringing we fancy that our readers will agree be arranged, ito plied Congress for is taken for its local cjia- -racter.* ___ late and the audience wearied by _ _ ___ ‘ received t HF lot of *' apple grafts from But Modoc Dave and a band of forty- with us in the opinion that the paper authority to appoint a Modoc Com­ for this consideration ho local ' paper their 0nstant attention. Had the st Pete >urg, Russia. three in number. They met them gentleman realized this as Re should, is materially improved. We have, at a mission. Congress dbiibtldss moved could be sustained. the laborer- one mile fro tn the lava bed, and were Stephen Maybell, If the people he would, no doubt, have finished his poet of Ote; gon, is expected soon to heavily arifiod, all of them having considerable outlay, enlarged it, and by the hungry iiàéin of Meacham, as­ want a paper printed in San n- l remark^ much sooner than he did. leave for th ¡he East, .it is said. now print it on new type. And sented, and Meacham was made hap­ cisco they would prol ably thin needle guns. They say they do not As, it Was, however, he considered I The Eugene Journal, claims that ». i himself •entertaining enough to hold want to fight, and said to Whittle, «entertaining right here we will say that we are not py. He got on dhe Commission and would be as well td st bscribe fo Lane county is ahead of any other his audience; audn'irce; and so occupied was he “We have n©t got mad yet. Your re not in the habit of making complaints— by this means alone Ytas enabled to Examiner or Bulletin a; once. T house is standing, so is Dorris’, Va-n in reading his little piece from his for cheese-making. indeed we have no particular occasion pocket, diary that he did not notice pocket Tuesday, tho 12th inst./ the hotel Bremer’s, Fairchild’s and Small’s, are other serious ob actions to return to the bosom of .his family. to—on the score of patronage; but as the growing uneasiness of his hearers. belonging to J. 8. Macnamara, in because we atre not mad.” Captain patent outside system which we They bag b$gan retiring one at a time, Marshfiield, Coos county, was con­ Jack is willing to talk with Steele, to Lafayette we propose to say a word, F rom TiLLAMOOli.ryhA private let­ point out at some futu|re lire time. and then two, until finally, when it sumed by fire. Fairchild ot Judge Judffe Roseborough, Roseborousrh. for, though many of our townspeople ter bearing date Feb. ¡20, from Ne­ Indian Dave became-apparent that the gentleman becamefapparent went back this morning Crops in Benton county are said to patronize us, some of them even^ lib­ halem, has these: items of news: i • The City Council, of JÇloomÎù was utterly oblivious of all surround ­ look better than usual for this season with am o to ______ __ ge the ______ effect that erally, there are yet others and those pour ing circum stances, the audience ­ Fairchild and others would go over . ___ 5 “There is a case out hero which Illinois, has passed a Stringtent * of the yt ar.'/ A greater breadth of ed out of the hall in a perfect stream, land is sown than usual. to-morrow ap.d arrange for a meeting. largely interested in the success of tho needs the attention of the Prosecut­ nance against lotteries as also the and by the time the speaker had read’ The Mountaineer boasts that flow­ The Co ers gave orders that place too, whojhave never even invest­ ing Atty, just nbw. A mah trhT to of lottery tickets of; all sorts his book through but a few faithful no reporters be allowed » v « - -Hf- 'lowed to accom accompany ers are blooming among the rocks at the messen I ' I. . ed the price of a year’s subscription knock another’s: brains out with a ‘ ' * When followers remained, and a number of to-morrow. classes, on ‘ the score of th© toward sustaining it. And this |s the stool, knocking;;him down and ihen _ returned _____ _____ __ the them wpre quietly reposing in the the Dalles. Whore else could they the squaw from vious immoral tendencies of | Hb „ gravely bow- bloom? lava bed a KI amath squaw said that more curious since the paper is devot­ jumpiijg ont o hint and twating ¡him arms( of Morpheus. f Mart. V. Brown is now the Cham­ all^the Modocs received her A.ILLLUJJ ed to the- array of empty benches, kindly,. ed to and identified with the interests severely. He swore he would have such transactions. Bqt in this swj pion of the Red Cross—Champion of and were glad that she had come. and tlip thp President, awaking from ing prohibition of lotteries thisl j of the place. If the town is a fit point killed him but for the ¡interference of Albany, They wanted io more war. Captain pleasant dreams, declared the Alli- Diamoud Encampment, ing clause occurs: \l\ovidedA 1 at which to invest money in property bv-standers. which was organized last week. ance adjourned sine die. Jack and Scor ches were the princi- r h hi , s', i nothing in this ordinance shall pre­ and improvements, than it is worth pal speakers. The Indians sent no Last week, Gen. Saxton issued to “ We have had some isnow out here, vent any society to raise money The Tenth, District Court has de ­ for the Warm Spring Indians enlisted as propositions, e ccording to the report, while to encourage such enterprises but as a general tiling have enjoyed I : • cided that it is imperative ugon mag- scouts against the Modocs, full suits but the woman says Captain Jack religious purposes. . .. ' established here as may tend to en­ a very mild winter." J istratesfto examine persons acused. of will insist oil having hia place on of cavalry fatigue uniforms. gar ’’’ asmi rch ly gamble hance the material prosperity of th« M It Then churches may felony^ though they enter a plea of The bark Garibaldi, from Port­ Lost river as one of the concessions as suits them, aqd there is nothing guilty. I It looks absurd, but the place. One, and not the least one of Scott, of the fìiflleth) about half land Oregon, arrived at Hong Kong the whites mu it make in the event of that. 1 I i Code requires it. It was long since the auxiliaries in the upbuilding of way denies that à collection was taken immoral in ... . ’ ■ ! Dec. 19th, fi^ty-three days out. The peace being c< nclnded. decidiidithat there was no justification • Ruilroad Decision. bark is expected back about July 1st. a town is tho local paper. And the up to enable him to go to Washington, Jesse Appkigatp writes very common, practice of an £ oben for Chicago, February 24.—The Su­ local paper generally amounts to just in search Jesse Applegate is Chairman-ot the ei IVill run of ui an omce. n ui he ne deny aeny letter” in a strain of jnsolenc con- allowing accused persons to waive an preme Court of Illinois has just ren­ Modoc Peace Commission, O. C. Ap­ what the community or interests it in una: kuibigious terms that Buch col- examination and let'their cases go dered a decision in the case involving coming Governor Grover’s pr< )8t in plegate is Secretary. direct before a grand? jury. Magis ­ serves, choose to make it; is, in othpr lection q was token the constituti mality of what is takien up? W’e know the Peace Commission busines. I b7!T 111!• 'i J. Jeise trates ifust. hold an examination in fu* The Upper Columbia is said | o be known os the Bailroad " Law of the about this fatter.' Then words, an index of the enterprise and something i _____ State—a law Regulating the passen­ every C|se, though there be no earth­ lower at this time than at a cérres- Applegate is one of th© Commissip Commis: jancrs, - ------------- ty too iihat hb plied Holla­ ambition ot its surroundings. We will he deny and of course-will not regard t’ IPho- ly reai i for it.—Oakland (Cal.) Neus. ponding period in the season f^r ^sev­ ger and freight tariffs on the various < < throw out-these hints for the consid­ day for a pass hither and that he pros >ros- ­ test. But The bianie apparently absurd prac­ eral years past. railroads of tho State. The. case was 7 one thing is certami 'and A lot of retorts, blow bat ­ pipes, a bat- eration of the Lafayette public to go tituted the columns of f thb-; ^goman appealed iron i the Circuit Court, that is the protest has met thei iqiia- tice is held to, we believe, in this tery, and quantity of cnemicals ar­ where a decisic n was rendered againtt memicals just for what they rfre^worth and will to Holladay’s service in returnifor ^niforthe the lifted approval of all right th .kiig State. ! rived last week for use in „th© .„the labra- the Chicago an d Alton Company in a say that it only needs the reasonable “courtesy?” We I know something tory of Corvallis College. suit to recover damages non-com­ h damages for non-com- i * people throughout the ^tate. co-operation of that public in enter­ about that, also. ■■■■■■■■■»¡■■A h pliance with tl e law. P< The Supreme :ato planting has begun in 'Ben i blU. JLJI----- U— iiiii ■ 11 1; ■ ■■ prises which may be set on fopt here to Court decides t|hat the law is uncon­ ton < aunty. We guess they had bet­ j " p ,n1; The proposition is mada i . tie Orégon City has 350 children of ter j ant them deep, Or this weather stitutional, inasmuch much as it prohibits materially change the aspect of things United States Senatd tb ’decla 1.1 le school fige.’ any discrimina tion in fixing the rates will aeat the planters at “ freeze out. ” fail to raise $20,000 to secure the loca­ seat of CaldweU, of JCansas, v^ai t, for the better. of freight ; but the Court holds that > ; -2 Lane county has 200,000 acres Of A gentleman gentlemau down from Salem on tion of the State University iu their an the ground that" the Legislature has an undoubted thatr he* he i obtain) obtained 1 1 is improved _• lands. Monday says since tha Supreme YAMHILL. midst. We do not know any peculiar election by corruptioii and bribed of right to contro railroads in the mat- Tfjibperance rance Alliance left, La Grande District, Union county, Court and Tempt ter by providing against unjust dis- or special reaso: reasons which.may l>e urged the Kansas Legislature!. If al the town wears the appearance of su­ ' has 116 school children. .’To the people of Yamhill county crimination, p preme quietnRs«. quietness. local advantages to accrue against the local'suh Some of the people of Corvallis are premie who obtained their • sea UoiiKre»»ion *1 Opinions. in particular and other counties in from the location of etojimppiftant an Senators • "r J .4- i ’ 'U ’fl ’ ’ Rev. J. M. Lovell, of Dallas, met getting excited about a fire bell. bribery were ousted itj would ye Washington, February ” 23.— Mem- general, we commend Volume Eight institution in Lane county, but as a accidept last week, by The pdd Fellows are now prepar­ with a a painful accident bers of the House believe that a reso­ the Democrats largely in the m ori- oL$ gun in his hands. of T he L afayette C ourier . ing ft. hall in Union, Union county, the bursting of, general proposition it Would* be safe ty in that body. lution expelli Ames and Brooks One of his eyes was injured, but to Under present mail facilities the pa­ in which to organize and establish a cannot secure e on a majority, much to assume that there is not another what extent wie are unable to learn. per is issued so as to reach nearly all lod &M . .. less a two-thi vote. Some of the county in the State tlmt. would not The man York, who exp The Oregonian says : “ ‘^The the The Calliope, members of Already nearly 1.000 head of stock now the offices in the county on the day of gladly avail itself plying bet itwoen Portland and press the opini political parties 6x- location at wholesale bribery beings practice Iby of all hinds have heen shipped eas^of t that a general reso- publication, and we propose to issue a much, greater ¿ost than $2(^oÓÍ McMinnville, ¡is i doing a good busi- S. C. Pomeroy, Kansas*.to secui > his. the mountains, and more is coming lulion of censúre should be pai .ssed nesB, bringing down full freights affectingall and mail it promptly on time. - ------ _--------- members ____ __ of the — He __ouse ■‘Turn* his. reelection to the United Se| ate, to go« J every trip. She he came through the who have been I ' A T he C ourier vrill strive to sub­ interested in Credit Speaker Blaihe hqs not, as yet, has gained for himself ebnsidej ible Marton Gale, formerly of Eugene locks last Thursday in just 23 min- Mobilier opérât ons. At least twenty City, jrill shortly, commence the utes, with one serve the interests of the county and been proved positively to have been notoriety, so unsual a tiding is it on[e man and a boy to gentlemen are j reparod to speak on publication of a Democratic paper at .work the gates its citizens in all wRys practicable, “seen’’with Ch;dit Mobilise stock, any n.nv •norson person in ntiWIinl public ‘life in the subject, and everybody antici­ t Weston, -Oregon. and will look confidently for the and takes great credit ' to himself in State to refuse a bribe. ■» ’ ' L pates an excjtin g time on Tuesday. . ! i iU.J The I Albany and Santiam Canal I-1’ I ■ considerable augmentation of our consequence. - » Murder and Suicide. there is otic thing will bq? a fraction over 11 miles long. ------------ • subscription list. caiíinót qxjdain, - Chicago, February 22.—A terrible which he caiiiiot explain, to-wit : Jo Wilson writes to tic il Mount Mou... neer The deepest cut is seven feet. The FROM THE MODOC COUNTRY. double murder a nd suicide was, com­ cost of tlie wliole will be 25,000. How he came pos»es01 of puch im- that if tho salary of niei ibers of FARMERS’ LEAGUE MEETING. Yreka, February 25.—The Yreka mitted near Wauseca, in Northern ï shórt a time mense wealth ih so short tjme when gross is not increased stealin Oregon is "estimated to contain Joumcd of to-morrow morning, will Minnesota, on bnday last. A man he' entered members will contin le. I A meeting of the farmers of Yam­ it is known that Í about 81,000,000 acres of land, of contain the following from the front: named Buff, wh hsul supplanted one hill county was held in the Court Congress he was banlsrupt. ¡ ions _ of his wife aqd Democratic times, mem! >crs of Con­ which the Government had surveyed, The OonjmistoMieto met on Sunday Buser in the aff ___ upHtO Jhne 30, 1872, only 10, 140, had been living with her for ^ome i morning last ¿nd received Whittle ’ s House, in Lafayette, on Saturday, gress got only $3,0b0, aid yet < 241 acres, ‘ or a little over one-sixth of time, was, with ’ “ — — indicted report in substance, as follows: He woman, P lucky ;—During the ti/mpesf'of Febr. 22, to take steps looking to the stealing. Now they ge; $5,(M)t^.und thekentifro area. mpt or saw at ¡first the Indians, some recently for adultery. On Monday, organization of a County Farmers’ disorder in the' Temperance; Alliance yet the cry is more ! mo decided upon ui— a - The Bulletin says : “Colonel W. W. twenty in nuniber, on foot, one and a it appears,' the {wo o aocided carried, on *a a vote was taken and League. 1 ■- • ■ half miles frpm their camp, bloody escape from ■olm th« the L»w, law, <»uu and Ruff p. The have to steal. I Chapman. President of the Portland, „ expel Mrs. A. J. motion to ; forcibly cut the throat of f the woman and hung hun~ _ After addresses by various gentle­ _______ Dulles uiid Salt Lake Railroad Com- parties advanced within one hundred 1 5f_____ thiFchild, then ~~~ __ killed him&lf. AU Duuiway jfrom. the MIL r ^ hat lady yards of e^ch ¿ther and dismounted. pany, id preparing to put the bonds men the following resolution was E xcellent T ype .—1 new laid dbwii their arms and three were found dead, bathed in " . An- The Indians laid'¿town defied the mab arid Jjeld htfr position, now composing the C ourier ’ s tew of the company on tho market, adopted : ** i came, up and shook hands. Captain» bleed. other st i • in thé right direction. ‘r "I an .j.'to seeijie of con­ amidst indtiBcribuhL Resolced ; That this meeting do now __ Jack and Scobchin, Seen chin, with seventeen Convicted of Wife Murder. suit is from the foundry! of Ha^ RoV. . ohn IL ¿n rich, hei etofore ihounted followers, also came up and adjourn until tho 428th of March, then fusion and uproir. ! Co., Sun Francisco. This fou Indianapolis, Ind., February 21,-— teacher at St. Michael’s College*, has shook hands. Whittle told his mis­ to meet in mass convention of the Theodore Brown has been convicted turns out some of the lovliest been app. anted missionary priest .for sion. Jack said he was willing to farmers of Yamhill county, for the Some of tty$ paper! M0 inamadvert- of the murder of his wife in Decem­ the counties of Douglas, Coos, and talk, but wantied T Steele, Roseborough purpose of forming a perufanept ing upon the fact of Miss ; Susan B* known to newspapetdom. Curry, t<> reside at Roseburg, Oregon. and Fair child present, _ If his friends ber last and sentenced to the Peniten­ County organization; and to appoint Anthony having bean confined. Our Father Heinrich will leave for his felt- afraid tq < come, he also was tiary for 20 years; delegates to attend a State Conven­ Our Lish is catching! goss oi Temperance Law. mission next Monday morning, and afraid. They ] wqull tion at Salem, April 10th, in compli­ understanding had been that Susie lecturing tour in the] States. mid meet them on The Senate yesterday passed the« will officiate at Roseburg' an Ash this flat on Tuesda; >y, as they could ance with the published call. Jiad only been confined in jail, yet Temperance Bill by a vote of 30 to 19. Wcdnescfoy. . go no further! er; their families being On motion the publisher of the tkfc Eugene Guard wants to know if ■ Itffl i • - . 5 A - It had been previously passed by the style. They say he is a I The following are tho entries of there and all tbeir their horses lame. ... . „. . L afayette C ourier was requested it House and only awaits the Governor’s is a boy ? of a backwoods clown. Whittle says, so we are informed, land made at the United States Land is sim- to publish proceedings and other 1 : t - »nr that the the Indians Indians . .positively to signature to become a law. It «« ®“- •sitively refuse refuse to that J. M l"!11«11" ■! our “ Investigation Office at La Grande from December talk with the Commissioners, because fc ° ° ^ “ Me State {>apers copy same. A C lose C all .—On the vote to eh?i 40, 1867,’to February 1, 1873 : Home­ ject, and its provisions atten up to give a few chronic hang­ larged and improved says the I gotten ~ It is now office at Milligan’s, one at Gate eir report for the March 10th. Wheat, fl 00; corn, 18c.; barley, ers-on a brief season of profitable em­ printed in 8-page forih nd is a cj&dit Creek and one at the Bridge. The dome and New evidence in the Stokes Cses^ I papers. y- • H * same petition asks, aside from the 30c.; rye, 53c.; oats, 19c.; live hogs, ployment. Meanwhile the hostile to the typographic art. * New Indictment Against Tweed. all armed with The Indiant above, fw where other mere they hred fired one woman T has been found who picked up • • ' 1 ’ and 20, 180 ; number of males under toil. of church day that there were p We did not have time to reset t all of 4, 68 ; number of females under 4, on the day of [the i battle. The Peace a • pistol alleged to have belonged to isk, upon the landing of the ladies’ siness seems to be a Fisk Commission members, good enough in a general our advertisements, h( nee som< 56 ; numbor of females over 20, 196 ; perfect farce, •oi 1 the fact that the entrance at the hotel Talse other im- 8. C. Pomeroy. U*8. States Sena­ way at home, but L i who, when absent, them appear in their old costumd number of voters, 242 ; number of General in _ imimand could have portant links in the chain of evidence tor from Kansas, a leading light in are Chinameh, 31; number- of Indians, made terms of pei ice, if desired, just have been supplied; and Judge Davis gamblers and libertines. ———; the Radical party and also a devout 11 ; number of Kanakas, 2. ■■■■■■■■■ From W. R. Baker, irho as well as to pick out some Oregon- was aware of this fact when he grunt­ I t 1 i I • ‘I 1 church member, lies in jail in the P laïm T alk .—John P. Irish, pub- returped from Willow Oree: ’ The L$ Grande Sentinel has the fol­ ians interested in the difficulties, to ed a new trial. State he has disgraced, charged with licly, through the columns of the county, the Corvallis Democrat, c A new indictment was presented lowing : | We fear another Indian be sent here as is 1 he case of Meachem. that,- owing to lar| arge importa bribery, a Penitentiary offense. The Iowa City Press jroclaims Brainerd, p ‘ scare is -.’-*>ut to transpire, and we The Indians prob ibly anticipate that to-day against Tweed and Connolly. r* ; beef ' c hope without any foundation what­ the murderers wi 1 be cleared by the country would be comparitively safe Postmaster at that |iplao^ ¡and editor last season from Texa^ '"*1* Peace Commissiq a for the murders will be quite low in Eastern Or The Pantograph says the fare from ever. It is known to our readers that if a large nuniber of our high officials of the . Republican, I perjurer and a next summer. Good stock shecpHire tl Indians Roseburg to Oakland, 18 miles di«-, a band of the Nez Perces tribe of committed, Othe wise, the were in the penitentiary. will probably probably fig it it out, in good demand at |4 per head, , so that the tant, as collected on the cars, is n thief! Indians, of which the sons of tln-T de­ guilty and their ton sheep are selling in that vi abettors will suffer and the same to return, making it |4, ceased Chief Joseph claim to be heacl, • We are pleased to note the interest It is a i sug„ t fact that q . r. for $3. Mr. B. thinks sheep raisers have froih the first objected to . the alike in their extermination or submit at which rate a man can earn good suggestive a IHI greater be^ag manifested by the farmers of number of Credit Mobilier scoundrels will ..continue to realize good prices settlement of the Wallowas on the to unconditional surrender—the only wages by walking ¡there and back tha aext year, larj largo, — - numbers — of ground that the title of these Indians terms that qv ght ;ht, by right, to be s ex- same day, which many farmers in the Yamhill in measures of self-protec- hail from virtuous Massachuetts than for the next personal embarking in that business, (whom we designate a Wallowas) had tended. Judge ge Roseborough ough and county now do who come to the tion against the cupidity of sharks. from any having a tendbney to keep prmea’up. 1 not been extinguished. Steele startec fot the front to-day, county seat on business. ' I • ♦ J 1'4.' ' * p, ; 31.1 P ft J II IIB ITTr I IWCJJI in II u U - If If • ll I I r.jr I I tl ñ I ¡ h I rt ■» • a— mm ° I _ I « » IXAVj 1 UVLUg WVX cv UU31* ¡ ' TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, « i / [ XXXX.J-* W*V4. »V i ,|| ■■■KI ' O 11 ' ' . • 1 . - 1 J 1 • F I F M ■» . in r « J ■I v . i . )'■ iî I » ,’K ■; ----------- ---------- --- W I: . • .