' 1 • ■ ‘r'îi . a - ; ft i u 1 Í l r ! I - i •'‘it ■ t WÔR187W1 ■ Vr i*' - 4^ '^'9^' », And many other Proprietary Articles. Besides the above specialities, we keep a foil assortment of all the leading Patent Medicines 01 the coast. Buyers will find our stock large and well selected,and price« reasonable. tan_________ MUTH A DAVIB. r #■ Fortune. A A i lirBusiMese isDull, Advertís*. If Bwlneai fa Brisk, Advertía», The man who didn’t believe in advertising ha« gone Énfakpartnersbip with the Sheri aad that official dees the advertising. FT I CANNED VRCITS M c M innville •soaso oiqsiosjju; pus owunsqo jsorn aqj uj uo -Mod oApsjno jsoj A jjoqi uMoqs OAsq sssx -XIH HVOXNIA SiHXX'IVM ‘SO6S08|a ISUOD -mnsuoo jaqio qs tq es ‘osoqj uj *O)O ‘-oio ‘saia OJOS ‘uns oqi jo suopdiua ‘smog PIO ‘suonoojrv rspnojox ‘suopsmurspui luoiopui ‘suopsmuiSDai snomjaio« *aii|oo ‘qoau panoMg ‘esTpdjsXjg *uao({i ‘«rapRMg When a female is in trouble or «ffiidted with disease, as weakness of the back and V limb«, pain in the head, dmine>« of sight, losa oi muscular power, palpitation of the heart, irritability, nervousness, w, extreme uri* un­ nav^ diflciiltie?, derangement of digestive digestive ni of functions, general debility, Vaginitis, all di»- eusea of the w«>mb, hysteria, sterili lity and al F other diseases peculiar to female*, , she ah o d go or write at once to the celebra ited female doctor, W. K, I’OHERTY# at e 51 his medical Institqte, and consult him about her troub­ les and diseases. The doctor is effecting more enrea than any other physician iu th* State of Caiilbmia. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately and save yourself frum pain, suffering and pre­ mature death. AM married ladies whose delicate health or other circumstauces pre­ vent an increase in their families, should write or call at DR. W. K. DOHEbTY’B. Medical Institute, and They will receive eve­ ry possible relief and help. The D be unnecessary, as ¡nstructiofa. lor diet, reg­ imen and the general treatment of the Car* itself (including the remedies), will Lafur* • warded without delay, and in >uch i-uch a 1 mian- ner as to io convey no idea of the purport purpori the let the letter ter or parcel so transmuted. fy*Consiiltation— by tetter or otherwise _ FBEE. Permanent efire guaranteed or n^- • pay. ------- 4- sn»2jo OApsbSip OAptfaffip oqi ’snsAio jo snopounj Xqqsaq oqj guyoisaj Xnvjauaa pu« U pus ‘J8AII oap oqi jo suonajoas suonaioos aqj oqi Sunsmuins Snrreinmrra armi am jv iir ‘ ‘ popsoi n.-iiwni an aw s|9Moq umunn aqj am ouqt anraa auras oqi qoiqM qqM janvin pioetA pajoioo-qxsp oqj OAomaj Xqpaads ihm Xoqi ss ‘stixxxifl avo -SHIA SiSaxiVM t *ua 03 pmbo osodrnd oqi Joj ojusqTBO ou si ojoqx ‘Xisssaoau iiisjj -nassa si ‘susAio snoysA osoqj uodn oouonu -ui injjaMod s Supjaxo ‘oAns&md s ‘juaux *asaJ3 JPU3 ui * sjoos | a prapnopqv iaq;o pus ‘ joah pus qosuiois oqi jo eiuomaSwu -op oajsuoixo Xq poiusdurooos itqsysA -u] axs •ssaaijp pus isaq isnsnun jo suos -vosSuynp osAiqsqjstuoj pus ‘uwniny pus jamurns^ oqi ftqjnp £qunoo ajpuo mo ino -qfinojqt ‘sapsinqm issa jjaqi quM *uoqio ¿asm pus *souisf ‘oqouson SisausAvg ‘onqojg ‘smsqsiY *ysa<{ ‘opusjo om ‘eozsaq ‘opsjoiop ‘peg ‘ svsuvrjv ‘pusyoquroo ‘oos -souuai ‘siounn ‘ynossin *ofqo Wpwpwiji oqi joasoqjiinqoadsa ‘saisis poquj oqi ino -qMoojqi uoa | a isojfi ano jo s X ohsa oqi uj inoiSAOid os am qoiqM *euoAOg jw -aoiui pas 30033 fuioH ‘•««Hlf« •qOOM S OOfMI SMSX *aauoAA : t zoili* pan afwjG •Moqbj him moisis oqi jo qqsoq oqt piro ‘aand pooiq out dooif uaqM noi na? IHM sSunooj mol í inoj si ti uoqM ti osusap f hujoa oiji u; qsprâuis pus pataruisqo q pnu noi uaqM 31 osusop i sojog jo ‘suondnjs ’saidmjd u| upts oqi qSnojqt Supunq saiqjnduqsq puff noi joao -uoqM P< m » ih P»tvniA aiu oanpof» -810000 OAIJUinO jjoqi jo snoptpaiouj tsotu oqi oouiauoo iqm sasso qons ui optoq ouó -manía oeoqi jo osn oqi Iq omn yoqre ui moisis oS * suuom -8 uih ‘sopunqjso *snoa ‘samtsud Woidmid ‘siodg •soqoioia ‘uineqa im -tatf, ‘suondiua hMMHsasja I -»0 Inpotence ox Verility; being a short treaties on SperiiM- torrkma or Seminal Weakness, Nervosa«wd1 physical Debility coosesequent on this dis­ ease and other affection« of the Sexual or­ gans. I'his. little work contains inform Alien of the utmost value to all, whether married or «ingle, and will be Font FREE on reeelpt of Six cent« in postage stamps for return postage. Address. W. K. DOHERTY, M. D. apr201y San Francbco, Cal. Nez Perce Indian Chief 4- SALVE. » or relief F ner eq convenience, yourselves, ‘ Í ; • r. to painful _: jful feet from TIGHT BOOTS UseNEZPERCK INDIAN CHIEF SALVE. ' _ f ¡> I ♦ FBYO remove Cofrns Apply Freely Fea JL Perce Indian Chief Balve. Bandage for four or five days; a sure cure. i M710R Cuts and Bruises use Nea Perce In- Jr dian Chief Salve. . ------------------------------------------------------------- *--------- OR BURNS AND SCALDS Use Nas Perce Indian Chief Salv .r.- TNOR TETTER AND RINGWORM Ju . Use Nez Perce Ind yu Chief Salva. F OR HARD SWELLINGS AND GATH; erings use Nez Perce ludiaa Chief Salve. _ I F -- -------- j - ' ~ 1 ....... .. ..... .........-f 173OR BORES OF ALL KINDS JT Use Nes Perce Indian Chief Balve. T^OR ALL DISEASES OF THE SKIN Use Nez Perce Indian Chi*f Salva. JT »RICE Druggist« 50CENT8 A BOX. For sale by Pill' and^general dealers- J l ail Druggists and g oc' _—.—.----------------------------- .----------------------- — ------------------- CAPITAL SALOON. faif * * I * JOS. BERNARDI, » • ■ O' 8 ardine«»? __ .to the e mea call and saisfy W. L. TONEY. '■ - ■ Crackers. 7*- Nuts of all kinds, Having furnisher ■- U‘- * ' Pickles, McMINNNILLE, 0 -4 -■ il].- ■ t ; ■ ’j 'ï 4 • • ' T ' ■ ■ 4 'J for Medicinal mayltf L ! *3 i. •08S9SIP jo suuqj ns ui oiqs -ÏTOJ pus ojss ‘stinsaj Jioqi m upnJoo *uon -os jpqi ui idtUojd ‘uonsjtsiuiuips jo Issa on laqx *Ipoq pus pupo qioq «unmoSu -ui pus iuiqsajjaj 11 Muiqo]juo ‘uopipuoo isaj pm IqtTVoq s 03 pooiq »ta fiuuotsw ?"• ‘ jodvui enouosiod ne poSutluso *mo3slg jois - joäjaui pus jotSAOuaa toqjJOd a SuiAiS-ojn pooia ____ e pus joqiJnd . - ■ are loqx witreiuunig onwioorv onoqooiv ire W ukmj _ oojj . aqx Yumtuung ‘siuiojnso jo sqjaq pus 93001 OApsu oqi mo4j op9tn *oupipo]< ouq s aro tnq *upu pus ssauuoquaip 03 uo jojddn oqi pool isqi (i*maioi908„ u*mosnaddv„ »Jsoiuox,, pauso ‘dissi am assaid 01 pauaiadMS pus 'pooids ‘pajotoop ‘monbn osujoh pussimdg joojj ‘IwqM ‘urna jood jo opsw *quua lotreg ojia e tou ore uop « W.-I*. TONEY.......................... a * oiqjldaojad uoos si 3uaui0A0Jdui[ -oiqildoojad luemoAOJdun poqnm pogrom v inqi oouonuui 1»qi aouanyui uv ire poppop os Isidsjp ‘ moina 1 oiuox _ osoqj * ‘ojii jo tunj oqi jo ‘pooqmruiOM jo um » p oqi UMsp oqj 3« is ‘ai^up di£uje jo Jo pojjjvm pojxreui ‘pp PK> 10 mmol Funol ui uj tejufwidaioj **3U!«idaio3 oimnoj »( wuioji xoj •juamaeiiJaA -pe Iqifiuoi -p* Iqtfieoi ♦ a treqi wsqi sjjjoni smani sil sii jo oojuuretrf eoiusronJS JODOq QAOJd psnba ou jonoq v s qaoj < him hlm opjoq ornoq quo ouo pus ‘ *isnbo ssq 31 it siujviduioo sjuisiduioo esoqi osoqi ui -sisdodsla -»isdodsla jo sSuyasDO sSuiJaqjjo oqi ore ojs ‘suioiduils injured injuisd joqio jomo s pus ‘9loupfH sloupix oqi jo uo uoifiai oqi pejpunq v |3 oj oqj U| ured u| uisj ‘sfiun'T sfinn^ oqi jo uon«inureuui uonsintuspui ‘irean treoH uoiimidisd ‘sipvJlV Bgosnv snonia snoniS ‘ qjnoji oqi jo uonsipred qiuoji oqi ui uj 03991 03S8I P8fl psa ‘qovuiois qavuiots oqi jo suon -siotug juog -spnja mog ‘ssaupBRi. ssauissKf. *i8oqD *isoqo oqi jo ssou -iqSlX *9q3noo -iqlll *sq8no3 ‘sjapinoqg mapinoqg oqi ui uiuisa ured ‘oqo* oqos -psoH ‘«•l>»aM|P«l w|*d®o«A oq»3 w noua *fi We are Agents for the Sale DE. ATER'S Cherry Pectoral, Sarsaparilla Ague Cure, Hair Vigorator, and Cathar* tie Pills. . DR. JAYNE*» Sanative Pills, Expectorant, Alternative, Ague Mixture, Vermifagss, etc. etc. DR. TOWNSLEY’8 Indian Toothaehe Ano* dyne. DE. SCOVILLE’S Blood and Lver Syrup. DR. W. Hall’s Balsam for the Lung. DR. MOTT’S Sugar Coated Pill WALKER’S Vinegar Bitters. RO8EBAUM S Bitters. HOWE A STEVEN'S Family Dyes. ■ia»|A*dv •po^ojjo si amo juousuuod s pus *qiisoq oajoo - oj ejjsd pojoojjs oqi (sqsodop jsinojoqni oqt) uonvmuivuui oqi jo bjmjjo oqj I sms S ujaios & i Xq pus ‘osnso oqq oaouioj Xoqx pooia eq) 3u|Xjpnd Xg i/joumnn jvqrurs s uj sesso osoqj qs uo 30s axaisifli -»«IA V * TO THE AFFLICTED. 9jW I'M I ..... 4 Solicits Ade tM and Subs crip to ns ——OF— I- JnfaHhe/ ' _ _ rtkr ______________ and for paper» published! in California, Oregon and Nevada;: f ENGLISH CHEMICALS, | 'Washington, Utah, Idaho, Montanah, Col- BRUSHES; PERFUMERY i and adjacent Territories; PATENT ARTICLES. ora r* so, an immense stock of one year grafted < No. 519 Sacramento street, ed by Mail., A complete1 and judicious as- K' ' : - - E sgrtment. 35 sorts oj either class, 11,00 i DRUGS AND CHEMICAL8, PATENT MED­ ICINES, DYE WOODS AND STUFFS, iq I I WINDOW GLASS PERFUMERY, ■ ’ ’ Mr- I *• ; 11* VARNISHES, BRUSHES. OIL?, PAINTS > ETC. ETC. Medical Everyr^u, Fruit and Herb Seeds, Prepar. price of fiO.cents annum in advance. It is prin form» ou good paper, ths 12 each year commencing with January,-talking a neat and valuable ©BA LEB« XX m : DR. W. K. DOHERTY ’S by mail, pt'epaid — , AND MODERATE CHARGES QUICK CURES French Garden, Flair er, Tree aud Shrub, I SMITH &, DAVIS 'Ì Yields 400 bushels Safely sent .1 ■. h T bmms or thb W kkily St n . A journal containing eight large pages, published every Wednesday morning—To all mail subscribers, whether single or in clubs one dollar a year each, always in advance. Daily Sun, by mail, 50 cents a month or $6 a year. Semi- Weekly Snni by mail, $2 a year. ■’s ■ Vu I'■ ADDRE88 THE BUN, NEW YORK CITY • • • • •••••••• • 4<- 1 6.00 per 1.000. . Fine Dutch Bulbs. oflR72 The - 8un has been doubled I in size. »ixe. It contains eight pages instead of four, making it equal in dimensions to any other weekly secular journal published in this oountry. At the Mate time its price has not been increased. It will be tarnished to subscribers at the uniform rate of one dollar a year for each copv. To this rate no exception will be made and no reduction will be possible, eith­ er to dubs or agents. Every subscrilier whp ■•ends a dollar will receive a copy for a yt -•ends year. While The Weekly Sun thu* thus furnishes as much reading matter other papers pub­ lished at double or treble the price, it will contain new features which will add greatly fo its interest and value «• a family news­ paper. Its independence of opinion and its unqas lifted hostility to Tweed ism and Grant ism, and every form of public robbery, brib*i ery, and corruption will be maintained, while in point 01 political news its readers may rely upon always receiving the mo-t ac­ curate a« well as the .freshest intelligence that can possibly be obtained. The enlarge moot enables us also to devote additional •pace to valuable agricultural intelligence, and to print interesting stories and roman­ ces \ more extensi vey than hitherto. For miscellaneous reading presenting the quaint and humorous aspects of life, and for usefu information respecting not only what takes E lace iu this metropolis Snd thia country, ut iu all other parts of the world, we now have ample room. In its new form The j Weekly Sun is the cheapest of its class in 1 the United States; and we appeal al to such such of otir readers as ap- prove ---------- its ideas T — — and - ob. -I« ijectsjA ’-’ and find it ihtc r- esting and valuable, not ot onty on|y to r4new tlieir aubecriptions, but t to recommend the own subscription.«, --------- j * to ---------------------------- j — '-hbors. . ■ paper their friends and ©eig: this w year is destined to b$i A memorable ________ _____ one in the history of the tha country. We are on the eve of a most significant Presidential liticarmovemens •lection, and political movemens will for A many months be watched with unusual in­ terest As a journal, free from the trammels of party, The Weekly Sun win continue to uphold the principle-« of true Republican Government Its readers are invited ts sus­ tain it in that work. The truth, irrespective of parly prejudice or offioial tfoflueuce, will always be told in it« column«. PQRTLAND • • • ; 1 ■ I fTTF : S Dottati© * CRANBERRY COD I Jl1 TO ALL WHO CAN READ. h ■ 0 i. i 0 I. : i st, 54LKM. MOOR’S Lumber Yard In LAFAYETTE at «15 per Thousand Cash. ‘f aug31tf The yard will for the present be in charge of ISAAC SAMPSON. 'mm'Y FRIENDS AND WB ©isrvis,*»- j ML al Public are invited to call and in Sample my . , DRINKS and CIGARS.