lAixrem courier . ¡ FRIDAY, JAN. .17. 187& : M. K. Church South. i I bl , . t i J ' R. T. WEATHERLY, PASTOR »8 1. li fob Appointments for Lafayette Circuit lows: telegraphic news . Col. E radsbaw, attorney, WM absent t Por (tend during a peri ibn of the Week --------- p?______ r The! Baptists of £ Polk county have l^ad a protracted and success* full meeting at Railas. * - _ According to the La Grande Sentin small pox prevails in East- ernO egon. MU The compositors ol the Triture at a meeting j to-day. njiprov. rd cf the proposition that printing offices of the United States should each give 0ne W more pounds of old type for .{he pur 111 j j S hooting M atch .—On last Saturday (be 4,targeteers” of Lafayette and vicinity ed- joyed a shooting match for turkeys, geese and chickens. Chances were taken firte-j ly and some of (be wildest shuts, made ever wienessed by mortal u shoetM.*? ;.lt was ’ ‘ not unusual lor tbe * prize to be carried J * r IP I off by*a shot no nearer (ban six inches. Tbe distance was 40 and 60 yuds. . Jim Hembree thought it safe to “ hedge ” taking six inches of the center as a basis. The prize being worth $1 50. with >lx chances at two-bits each, bis bedgciHbet I t i s Thq| steamer Calliope has gone throug 1 th(J locks to Portland. I The Herald contains an account of IndiaA troubles at the Siletz Reservation; a family was mur­ dered 4t nd a house and barn burnt. : w Î ‘ • report the Board of In their r< ♦Equalization < on condemned the prac- tioe df . Assessors exempting the lands bf rich corporations from as- number twenty-eight. The bill will be presented at the general terra of Goutt of Oyer and Terminer Wednesday next; be I ■* « has no doubt of obtaining a new trial i fill R Pi' Billiards. À A billiard match tor the championship j 0* America and a diamond cue. was won by Cyril Dion. Dion scored 1,500 to Da- ‘T- I • !• " || -L ■ ' .11 I I A New Indictment. 'J ■ i ■ 11 t the j)ast three days. The ther-’ ■ i *r * -" i' 1 copiously illustrated, fully describing the character, history, properly and rises of mometer here yesterday, stood six degrees ost commodious hotel in all the native and foreign medicinal below aero; this morning at 8 o ’clock. 8 the State. HARD FINISHED thro’- plants, and is a complete instructor in all degrees below. The trains on many rail-f out. ''I r I , that pertains to domestic medicine. Ite i toads are snowed up in Iowa. On the r *5£8 epitome < t botany aftd medical glojis^ry Miuncsota divisiou of the Millwaukee and Board per Week. . . k Board and Lodging.. 1 p a • ts 00 St. Paul railroad, a passenger train was make it intelligible to every one* í H ’I"vicq. I • I * ’ ■ r snowed iu yesterday three miles from uny r7' J i $2 00. * town. Railroads tbnjnghont Michigan are I. ------------------ ---------------------------------------------- •Fret 'Cain'iage wiV. Ite in attendance in a similar condition to those in Wiscon 1 Iwenty-nne dollars short of Yumhill’a to Convty Passenger» to the Hawn, The storm is contributions Contributions for State purponrs purposv» $7 fl>r the sio. Iowu and Minnesota. I i. it. ,JL . "T | w 7 m . ramsey , current year^ The full amount ‘¡¿oislaJ accompanied with the most remarkable ~ ; ’’ £ I ’ have been taken but for error of the Clerk electric display ever known here, Interfer­ id bis statement of the amount due, be ing conaiberable with telegraphing, 4J <*» ■ j LAFAYETTE, OREGON, having omitted a half mill formerly paid Poisoning', >1 or 1 Billiards. . RÜSS Hi Us ■■■■■■■ -V i M A-ttorney W ■«•»I! - Dr. Sheppard will soon - inttoduec the Common Sense Sewing Machine among : our people. •' • ( ■ Dr. Littlefield has an attractive drug I and musical instrument J| store at St. Joe. —-11 >. t >■, A man named O’Brien, of Cbehalem Valley had an examination before Es­ quire Moor on Monday, charged with au assault with intent to kill. Hei was ac- q.iUod. .. <♦** .. . L afayette A cademy ,—Prof. Randall’s second term is well patronized. Prof. Adams’ singing ¿cbool at thia place, Dayton and McMinnville, arespok- en of in terms of praise, j Hw ayatem is somewhat original. -........ 1 1 ;i i. Our Qounty Treasnre|^took over to the Capitol eight thousand: one hundred and fifty dollars.—seveu Aundred and I - ----------- 2 ’ -------------------------------- ■***■ I"! k i Treasurer Kelly , w*nt supposing it to have been erroneously computed. But for ti|is trifling error YambW bad been the first county ,1n th* ■ State to .«quare its State account I; j ———- • Bran $ ton ••••••••••••....*•«• .IQ fifi. • Hay, ton............... 12 00@15 “ baledton... ...... ®. I nd Foot ul Albany, Jan. 10.—Elias Iloughtaling Office jn the Court House. , EXECUTED IN ¿ ■ I li T .M ’ r- 'Ì lì - ì has been arrested in Coetnano on suspicion • AUFORNIA, VERMONT AND ITALIAN of poisoning tea and sugar which he pre­ CIIÀSA BALL M. STOTT. * I ' - i'- sented to a family named Hazleton in that MARBLES 9 BALL A STOTT, .4- place. Uazleton, bis wife and one child • ■ r * ' . * JÜS A- SALEM., OREGON. partook of the sugar and tea. The hus­ band and child are yet lick. i ' i- ■ , ■ ” *i $ , ’ i-' 111 Firpt Street, Opposite OcnidentalHotel. Brateeh Shop at Albany. Frozen to Death. may 3 If ' PORTLAND, OREGON. »I 1 Cairo. Ill., Jan. 10.—Yesterday morning 1 ---- ’, * . , janlOtf, > a small boat drifted past Columbus. Ky., i • * ’ . I • /X ST. • ’AdteitistB rat. \ containing bwo dead men. They were A CARD. surrounded with a heavy field of ice so ^Whereas M. Feeker has circulated the r * that they could not be reached from tbo 1 report that I deal in poison liquors, I take shore. It is supposed that they were at4 ... . ■ .A . a...'. ' — this method of saying that I have done busi­ tempting to cross the river abpve and got. • _ r _r_ - ______ ______ t many rears, and that I j I ness — in Ixfayette . ... caught in the ice and froze to death. V L • • *' It L I ' have endeavored to act uprightly with the Cublic generally, and my customers particu- Georgia. FERGUSON <& BIRD irly. I can only account for Feeker’s con­ \ i T I' duce in the premises on the hypothesis that Atlanta. Jun. 10—The Governor’s rues he fears fair and manly competition and there ave . just received andare sage w;ts delivered yesterdays It Shows fore has resorted to cowardly falsehood to constantly receiving the receipts for 1872 to be $2.^01,340 84j destroy his rival. B. HARRIS. i Lafay3tte, Nov. 29, 1872. V' I disburaments, $1,335,207 14; public debt, $818,650. The valuation of State propi erty is put at $334.462,468. I Consisting of General Merchandise, locks , & sewing machines A Bi« Steal« LEANED AND REPAIRED by W. C. B edwlll , ¿ afaybtte . CLOTHING. New York. Jan. 19.—There is some ex; HATS, CAPS, cltement at Poughkeepsie at the discovery BOOTS, SHOE8, of the ex-County Treasurer, who is now GROCERIES, under arrest for defrauding the county of 1 USIC CAN BE HAD AT REASON A- I HARDWARE, $150,000. ble rates for HAULS or PARTIES. V on Mowday, 187%| ? Court of Yamhill oounty» Oregon, and that i- ! 1 Ï’T« on Saturday night The jury renderiag * by order of said Court, Monday, Marek «, 1878, verdict of murder in the first degree, fix­ i »..j $5 00 At 1 o clock P- m of raid day, appointed as ing punishment at imprisionment for life. Primary Department, Geography, Arithmetic, Grammar, . 6 00 the time for hearing said account at the House in said County. New York, Jan. 13.—Mrs. Sherman’* Higher’Mathematics & Sciences, 8 00 Court All persons inierpsUd In said Estate are confession fills ten columns. lt>hows bow Jf competent Corps of Assistants em- hereby notified to appear at'"said time and place and file any ojeetjops that thef may she murdered eight persons. T»o o her* ployed, J. J have to said account.’ . ’’r ’ Pupila can.m^er at any time son- lost their lives incidentally by her ■ A. D. BUNNELLS, mi * * : .L iicw s’ ' jan!7;1873w4] ’ Executor. Ing. I f 1 ? .1 * r Attorneys f at Law, ( ; a- NEW GOODS! At the Old Brick Corner. ax H ’i 1 ’ ISTew Goods - - ■ - .......... - ■ ■ — WATCHES, C MUSIC BY THE BAND. M DALLAS-SALEH STAGE LINE! DAILY TRIPS. . . f > L LAFAYETTE ACADEHY. e I tí / Q Sheriffs. D avid T hompson vs. J abb A rmstrong . CORRETED WEEKLY. >• ■ pose of making a statue of Greeley, to be r over his grave. They ask the ‘5 ’ I •[ • i 1 ’ ■ i • •! In jerveted Happy Valley. Fira Sabbath compositors throughout the country to Armstrong's, Second w ■ Æ give the proceeds of i thousand etna, set West Chehalem, Th rd “ up on February Bd. next, the sixty-second Lafayette, Fourth ’ ** anniversary of the birth of Mr. Greeley ; the money to be forwarded to the Presi- 1 denft of the New York Typographical Un Wailing, at Amity, has apple trees, ion, No. tk at 23 Duane street, uf which cherry trees, pear trees and plum ‘.e-v fri ’ ' Mh Greeley was the first President. with a large assortment of nut and orn*- mental shrubbery fur sale cheap.1! i ■ Stokes Preparing- for an Appeal; WWL I * • w_ rt___ ____ fl o« _ a ; '¡if! C.. New York Jan. 9.—Council Stokes _ _____ _ of ~ ___ •? i!h are still engaged preparing a bill of ex­ LOCAL AND DOMESTIC ceptions. Stokes 6ay8 that the exceptions • 1 'aag.,1 I ; • > Foreclosure. j „ virtue of a judgment anix foreclosure of mortgage in the abate entitled suit, made and entered of record in the Circuit Court, of the State of Oregon, fur Yamhill connty, and an execution in accordance therewith, duly issued thereon, out of said Court and to me directed in fav­ or of said Plaintiff, David Thompson, and. against caid Defendant, Jane Armstrong, for the sum of Nine Thousand, Thiee Hun- • dred and Twelve Dollars, ($9,312) U. S. Gold Coin,with interest thereon from the* 14th day of-Nov., ,at the yule of one per cent, per month, in like Gold Coin, and* the further sum of Fif.y Dollars Attorney , Fee, and fif.-ty-six fifsty-sixand and 25-: 25-100 dots, costs and ? I disbursement# of Suit, 11 disbursments I have levied on and will proceed to sell at — public auction, to the 4 highest bidder for U. b. « Gold fe. Coin in ac- ‘ . __ Jil- • * 1 • • • - cordance with said execution and deeree ol Houso Foreclosure, in front of the Court House Section 3, and Lot 1 of Section 4 in T. 5 8.R. ' 4 West, containing one hundred and fifty- four and 34-100 acres; and also Land Claim No. 57 lying within the following metes ana bound*,on south bank of the Yamhill river and more particularly bounded and descri­ bed as follows, to wit: Beginning at the south east coruer of Richard Booth’s and Margaret Booth's Claim, running thence west 24.80 chains to stake on the line be­ tween C. B. Hawley’ij and said Booths’ Claim; thence south on a line >e tween said ; Hadley’s and Bootlib’ Claims 2 chains;— thence west on south line of Mid Booths Claim to the center of said Yamhill river;— thence following down the meandering» iu the center of said Yamhill riv^r t?, where’ said Booths' cart ljne cros-ea said rtv«r;— thence south on sajd east line to the place of beginning, containing 42] acres more or , lettagli less All yiug yiag in Secs. 34 and at 35, in T. 4 8. R. « West. / ’ ■ And also the following, d^scr^bed real e> tate, to wit: Beginning at the south east corner of Claim Number 72, 72, -in in T. sonth of T- 5 south Base Line. Range 4 West of Willamette Me­ ridian. Thence north 23 degrees 30 minutes west 19 chains and 50 links; thence south 75 degrees 30 minutes east 11 chains and 40 links; thence south 4 degrees 3o minutes west 39 chains; theuoe north 85 degrees 30 minutes west 27 chains and 60 links; thenco south 4 degrees 30 minutes west 5 chains;— thence west 79 chains and 8 links; thence north 12 chains; tlieuce east ‘^7 chains and 50 links; thence south 70 dtgfees and 30 minutes east 12 chains; thence north 73 de­ grees east 71 chitins to the place of begin nirig, containing 153 acres. And also all that certain piece or parcel of land lying .and being in the county of Yamhill, Oregon known and designated m follows, to wti: Being in T.5 S. R. 4 west, and beginning kf a post north 14 degrees east from Charles M. Johnson’s south east corner of land . Claim, 45 chains, said beginning post being • north west 8 links from an oak tree two feet in diameter, thence north 14 decrees east 35.73 chaiusto poston Mrs. Ruffiim's west line; thenceforth degrees west 13.54 chains on Mr*. Buffain's west line to post; L thence wesi 51.20 chains to post in center J- of slough; thence south 9 degrees west 17 J 70 chains up the said siough to post; thence south 56] degrees Cast 55.51 chains to the place of beginning, containing 175 and 40 100 acres’ of land. The said land hereinbe­ fore described contains in all an aggregate of 1,225 and 73-100 acres; to be sold to sat­ isfy said execution and accruing costs. Lafayette. Dec, 20,1872. • ‘ B. P. BIRD, dec20] SherjfT Yaiqhill Co., Oregon, -------------- -—-— ------- r*----- s----------- E—— •>. i administrator : noticb . Estate of John Moar, sqn., deceased. WT0T1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN * THAT JL n the undersigned ‘ hag been Appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Moar, deceased, and all persons having cl&injs ag­ ainst the estate ar£ required to present them, with proper Voudws, to the under­ signed at his residence in Dayton, six months from date. Dayton. December 10, 1872. B.E. LIPPENCOTT. edc31w4 Administrator. *■—" 1 'i f,'r, , --- ------------ — É C. BRADSHAW, Attorney at Law, LAFAYETTE, OREGON. Office iu the Court Ho< : i