Volume VII. ; ■ • I ’ poor anex- about Greek brigandage, very re­ freshing to honest people and sug­ Certainly the present gestive, of the question whether two or three States in a woman ipight not govern Greece IS. better than its men. One. of the condition approaching anar Hellas, as every curses of m .**..**., talk of “enlarging the area body knows, is the unextirpated donfflieemsa fine sarcasm RATES OP ADVERTISING : guild of brigands, who infest the the lapse of a royal line in 1 ^^TW1WT3>r¡ cm ¡ land, defying the government sup­ I Tuck, 1 7* 1 1 25 175 600 1 y oo 1 T51Ö pressing commerce, demoralizing flack«». 1 175 1 150 3 00 800 1 12 1 18 00 peasantry, and murdering stran­ S lachea, [Eíji 1 3 50 4 50 »00 1 18 1 22 00 gers or tich natives. One of these ilBchei, 300 4 00 roo 11 1 20 1 30 00 unhanged * villains recently cap­ 450 5 50 • 00 18 1 22 I • 32 00 4 Col. tured the youthful son of a widow 500 7 00 »00 20 1 28 1 3S 00¡ fOâ. 50 00 7ÒO 12 20 30 900 fC«l. woman ^f property, well known 1 1 w 30 I 50 1 90 00 10 15 ICoL upon thç border. The u?ual mes­ ping race, interests, irt li. sage was sent from the hills. The track to. on to revenues nils ¡3 the UM* pivuuvmu Bwvuuvo. sort of plea which the advocates of annexation are sure to make. Faint echoes of their Opening cam­ paign already reach us from Wash­ ington. Now, we do not need any mpre national territory; we need to improve and govern be ivhat we have. As a ^nation weu are amply “ spread out” alres «dy; nod our latest acquisition is ii governed by militaryJaw-rr-if ILL BE AT LAFAYETTE ON governed at all. Th*e scheme i for First Monday of eack Monti the annexation of Santo Domi ingot Itanain during Court Weak. never met with popnlar favor, and 1 regarded to-day witty indifference or active alarm . i. Thé Sandwhich Islands, in the middle of the Pa­ cific, three weeks sail from the American coast, overwhelmed with ere as smooth as the Del­ debt and peopled by an effeminate WM7TLL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS race of men, would be a bigger el­ lo’s, and him she dressed WT of Yamhill? Fulk and other counties “ally a3 a Greek girl, ephant on our hands than even icy 20ly in Oregon. appoitytqd to meet the Alaska has proved. lief at it certain spot, she Just as the Tribune always pre­ two -hundred drachmas, dicted, thé Alaska purchase is now esent of cakes and fruit, quoted ! as a g Business. jek girl ” going with her tify f further * — le. On reaching the place bought the Aleutian ower a H arris , id the scoundrel waiting, Alaska^ ÿby these Lafayette. captive bound hand and Manifest Destiny; w Will hold tbemeelven in readineM to i le him. ! j»w«r all call« upon them for anything in 1 oman first ascertained by line of questions that the man to the market as a bidder for the Fainting, Olcimining, y alone, and then offered Hebrides or the Indian Archipeb ■l Graining. iy;supplications, her mon- ago. Paper-hanging, Glazing, € Wc hav0 ijdifiicultics enough al­ All work done according to contract or ready in our way in, wmking out charge will be made. Try ua. the great problem of self-govern­ E. P. BO WEB, ment. Free institutions cannot iWf » T. J. HARRIS. dure without intlligence ancirelig- marlltf ion. Have we such a surplus of1 these in the last four ptlt ^ve mib metropolis hotel lions of addition to our citizenship COBXKB PROMT AND SALMON STS,, that we must needs be hunting for PORTLAND ................. OREGON. new semi-tropical and semi-barbar­ the “ Greek Thia Now aud elegant Hotel, with naw ous peoples to be added to our vob ing population ? We ai® sml Farnitur« th roof bout, cientlv exposed already, in case of IB MOW OPEN FOB THE RECEPTION foreign war. Must we needs 4>e —OF— hunting for more exposed pointe on which to plant our flag, io' that Bath room forth« Accommodation of Guest« without a navy to defend it, it FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. could be humiliated at the first aggressor ? Come and see le. territory now vaster J. B. 8PBENGEB, ernment in Hi Ante of Cosmopolitan Hotel), Proprietor, to hold togeth ¡er. Must we travel mlltf ■’s business of it, two thousand i miles into the ocean and sound at thoir j for more.—N. Y< . i nbune. ¿ - ------ ------ * : H andon Telfçraph. ............. —« d ill. L!j f-'fl A - W W 4 ‘ I* • i . R*. B , BOOK BINDER, PAPER RULER AND A“ blacksmith” in tbomysterions re- giona known as the the following over °ri tn the .i «low. the beautiful slow, Setting leaa type than the rent. I know? ^9._ aa I-_ 1 —. — — — ^.A — — ’j Setting it . Sertier-^iboemaker Btyle But setting it Talking, a *......... No. MJFront Street,between Waahin Mid Alder, over Hopkins* Hardware Si PORTLAND. OREGON REDUCID PRICB8 mil I ' Waste of weald rotreived ; waste of hut the waste of ti M . f . s p U ! ? i dy in the country ;e of music “with ds that almost li­ the depth of con- »rrow revealing a sad 5ndere$t emotion in a tone ild almost melt an iceberg, nble 'adamant to dust,” ei postcript informed them “paughwould be up pnd would pay for it followed “Inno- rith “Innocents at propse8 to supple- It ” with Smooth who herself took a drink. The woman then went into an adjoin- ing.room, from which she speedily returned with a strong cord or rope arranged in the form of a noose. Smiling and talking pleas­ antly all the time, she stepped be­ hind her visitor, and dropping the noose over her head and arms, with a sudden jerk she soon bound the young girl helpless to the chair. “ Now ” said the woman, “ you shall see how I will avenge myself, ” whereupon from a table drawer she took a pair of shears, a large knife and a revolver, all of which implements she spread upon the ta­ ble before her victim, by this time ready to faint with terror. The torritentor’s next step was to cut off the girl’s hair as close as possible to the skin, leaving only a single handful on top of the head, for the purpose, as she explained, of facilitating the subsequent oper­ ation of scalping. The girl screamed and called for help as loudly as she could, but the house stands in a lonely place and no deliverer appemxcL After cutting off the hair, Mrs. X. brought a looking-glass that Ida might see the change produced in her appear­ ance. As the girl fo gged for re­ leasesaying, that she was freezing, she was told, with a plentiful ap­ plication of mocking epithets, that she would be warm enough before slie got away. Mrs. X. then put the poker in the st^ve,and while calm­ ly waiting for it to become red- hot, she told her yictim what she intended to do with it. “ First, I Will burn your eyes out,” etc., etc. And she really began to execute her threats, but when she was try­ ing to blind the girl, the latter, by a super-human effort, succeeded in releasing one of her hands, with which she seized the gfowing poker and for a while arrested the mon­ ster in the perpetration of her crime. | This interruption made it necessary to ... reheat .n'r, .J th® P°ker, the meantime the unlooked-for return of ths husband was all that saved the girl from prolonged tor­ ture and death at the hands of Mrs. X. ............ • /T he B ottom of I t .—A young drug clerk committed suckle in Bristol, a few days ago. At the inquest, the Corner asked a fellow clerk of the deceased if he knew of any cause for the sucide. ’’No,” was the reply; ” he was getting along very nicely, and was going to bo married next mouth.” “Go­ ing to be married next month, was he?” exclaimed the Coroner. “That will do. We’ve got at the bottom of this buisness.” The local organ of the conspi­ racy for overthrowing the Estate Government of Louisan a is tho New Orleans Republican. float­ Mean. ft n gloat- ed over the terminad failure of the committee of citizens to make any impression upon the President by their visit to Wash­ ington, though it is compelled to admit that the committee was* made up of some of the oldest and most respectable citizens of tho State. The Republican sneers at their efforts to change the opinion of the President by any array of facte, and assures the conspira­ tors that the persuasive efforts of any number of delegates will not i avail to shake his purposes, for, says the Republican, “he has made op his mind.” That kind of talk may do for the meridian qf New Orleans,.but it is not adapted to the whole coun­ try. However it mayW^with. the President himself, it is flainr from a glance over the journals of the Republican party, that a large bod J of the very men who voted for Grant at ^the recent election , condemn his course in this Louisi­ ana business, and regard it as the greatest blunder of the admmistra- Warmouth’s term as Governpr expires with the present year. As an individual, ho was of no cdnscquence in this contest, while Pinchback, who, at the point of Emory’s bayonets, was temporarily forced-mto his plaoe, is beneath contempt But the great princi­ ples sacrificed in this quarrel are of momentous importance Con­ gress Boon reassembles. Merely because Wannouth and Pinchback will have disappeared pre the two Houses meet again, will they pass over without notice one of the most . flagrant and dangerous stretches of power exercised by any President of the United States ? Is there manhood and Courage enough left in the, old Capitol to meet this supreme emer- gency ? “ We shall see!—N. Y. Sun A Detroit man wants to sell a patent pistol-cane or a promising Newfoundland pup» he don’t!care He went home the other night and set his cane, hepyily charged, behind the door, and started in lot a little romp with hia three bright little ones. They got along well enough until the pup spied the cane, andj going for it, started upbn a promiscuous run around the chairs and table-legs with it between his^tbetlj. -'’The dotingihtber remembered jthe ef­ fect of a slight pressure upon a mind succeeded ip throwiagi the children down the. eellar stairs and placing himself on the top of a side-board before the thing went liar mirror, anaitne pup on- a few acratehesiin jumping h a plate-glass window, jetor savs the children will over. Ño instfrahce. , ’ - . ...... - ¡ i ah O rdained as al TRiraTK—The New York Iler aid of December 25th contains a long account ot the ordination to-the Catholic Priesthood, Archbishops McClos­ key, Dr. James Stone, formerly a distinguished clergyman of the Epi Hobart and Keriyon successively. The reverend gentleman was re- ceiveff"ihlo the Catholic faith about three years’ ago . ’*> n-»j vJnv .I’ !