r ■ ■ ¡UtR’’' • WT-- ' •-s. ÿ : .!■ j r.T • i ; a 1 I ' • » r ktz > 'I i f ¡4» • « c > P •Á1 • r I I H ■■'|l H' r- 1 ■■ r‘ r I X 4 —— — I V TF**^*i 4-*' i'iitäWi TT‘ : I 50 dot .square oi 12lineH. for tiiftJnrat^.iuaer- lioa^ainifino per square lor each subsequent k • /*** i’HUT _ i Hl >1 rn . IfEWt’WiF i A lady writing from Philadel- phia wants to know why Bceeh- er and Tilton;! keep mum on Lentil Adv^rtiaenientx to^l* Paid fm' UP’ Woodhull] slanders, so-called? • h uurkinj Proof by the Publisher. This is a quieteion which suggests Wt^peratMl Adv». 54> Cte. a Idae. 'SA ! itself to nearly all minds. The Sub criptlosSant East >1 00 a Year. ■IL M I ut JLi I same writer says that Mrs. Cady * A*»«» V» * aA * ** L the sanie-things b . rroTT I ing Beecher and Mrs. Til- •«CAIN A STOTT; ton for which Mrs. Woodhull lan­ guishes " ' ,' '"’■ 'A? .' * ■ LAFAYETTE, OREGON. P retense .—Congress oa**e-On Main Street, near tbe Po»t- in order to make some sort of show­ niMiUtf •See. » ing in the direction of Civil Service ,, ¿ ...---- 1 ,**sl H W u pftefprm, has abolished the oilice of 1 Ifr. ! M RAMSEt, Assessors of . Internal Revenue, Attorney at Law devolving the duty of assessing and . LAFAYETTE, OREGON. Collecting upon Collectors. But the pay of both is simply given to OBc» in th» Court Hoose. ' t •-?> X aik M ■ ■* ’ ■ one,T-ndt a! ¡cent saved I The .— ion. whole thing is a deception. » ? ■ ; , .1' 4 ■ ■ i ' i il . j -* a »• * ■».' t I ‘¡X *4 r. f r L 1CVU» I4l*i .— ... . 4 f i i * -Î T R ■ —- - MH • i • ' j - Jktorneys at Law 9 Dalla». Oregon. INI : THE COURTS ILD PAAGTIÇE IN of Yamhill, Polk ao. 21 W » <7 tra METROPOLIS HOTEL, Ì f PORTE AND................................... OREGON Hotel, with new This New and Furniture tbrou < ■• ' . ■ . IB MOW OPtei FOB TtfE RECEPTION , » —UF— l-îl'.b QUJ2ST9 t T *1* 4 Bitti room forth© Accommodation of Gneste. 5. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. r Come and see Me. »4 1 1 1 I ni « » >• * 1 ‘ II >> ■> « \ \ WIK Vi' ■> -F«' Afe-ìli» 'it _ Ae G. h r,,. : They have brought forth from a hydrant in Por 1-o-n-gli haiv wAr‘ the extent * iammi -toQa -IL some hydra > ©•©•3»s’ tolerable. fc*I ■« r P» . ‘ Mrs. Body writes a letter from Southern Oregon, very emphatic­ ally placing the blame of the mur­ der of her family and ane other __1 set- tiers !aus upoti Messen­ ger Brown, who, shd says, very independently asserted after the murders that be was not paid for «. “warning settlers!” ui EL Iid'4 ■ rl It is tliouj*bii>y some that the Yamhill was obstructed by ’ the railroaci|r Company ìny purposely - to force all freight’above onto the cars* The net earnifigs of a road always figure in the price of its bonds. BLt jfor f,|iis considera­ tion Hollada ever would have bought out the P. T. Co. j M WIT #> Ü14'IM. Tiki4AJ1M J.B.Sl’RENGEB, tàaie of Cosmopolitan Hotel), Proprietor. ♦ .a - i C (inlUf tl «.AIIWT ‘ ! A 9 ’• ’i - p. C. SÜIXIVAN. * « - invilì * iH A VIT11 L BE AT LÀPAYETTW ON THE 1WèekaCk ^ont^ *nd ooriaóc ■ i. r À folcì ' < t apriti t ; 4 Mb »XX à G&öl W" Vollum, r « i RW»T1*t4t •i 4f BOOK BINDER,. PAPER RULER AND • ? s |WJA THE) AJ BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER,, i • .«EIGZAÄfi t * No. OCFront Street,between Washington aod Alder, ovwr Hopkins’ Hardware Store, PORTLAND, OREGON. the The North Pacific Transiwrtation advanced freight Company have h charges on flour to San Francisco <1 00 on the barrel. The farmers flRs .4 w i have to foot thebill. We learft from Salem that a pe- therdijasking titiOn has been 4Hed there masking for the pardon of Presley Hall sentenced (til years for the, murder of his aged father. h he New York Times s sums up a fearful account against tbe blacks North -and South on the score of crith© and Dauner * -V bC Blunk Boeks made toerder, and ruled to any desired pattern, newspapers, Maga- • 5 f- it V < IK t * TheMeMinnvilleites over the failure of nav their plnce this winter* ¡-’They are seriously damaged. I M GREATLY REDUCED PRICES mil Ir’ , Jfe, a Ì Stokes was found guilty of mur- der in the first degr »IWÿ- OREGON’S ! ' V ' • hmmmmmrh M BHHH,. , A»- Number 46 ' V : 1 ► I ■ r 4 > ■ Í • f ft ■f « ‘STATE. AGE* ► « a. s »> < I - i '9 4 X 1Î r i • ♦ < ! t- . ’■ . f i « t J 4» . <*T A 4 I 4 4 4 I I ! V j * -a I 5 ♦ » » 1 - 1 i' • k f 9 * I Í •Á. A » • r I ■ 4 I f % ’ I i 1 I i T¿ 1 V z r F /• / a < -I • . f ■J- » f V - '• 4 ■; .1 ► ; j -A* ' f r r < « ! < I * »■ *1 f I ixd i / Rk*!; * • : 4 f A Î < 11 Í > r I i - ■ . 4 ■ ■*. ■’ , . i « -f A 4 J * / Ï » 4 1 The following reminder has late­ ly been placed on a tomb in Mont- marte,—Oh 1 dear Henry come and rejoin me as soon as conveniently possible m! i I *'■ i.T yijj iK V- . ——!------- '■»■< «• i ‘.......... 'L *i h I ; , s I S. f. Chase. J.. .Ohio.. T „ 63 1863 Nathan Clifford. Maine. 67 1858 N. H. Swavnq. .Ohio. .61 1862 David Davis.4. .Ills,. .56 1862 Sam. F. Millet..Iowa. .55 1862 r ---------------- U J- - T - - S. J. Field..n.Cal;..54 1863 J os. P. Bradley. .N.J.. 58 1870 Wm. Strong • Penn..62 Yfl*7n 1870 ? 'VAZ LT 1872 ward Hunt. ,N. I.. It will be seen that every mem­ ber is from tbe North. There is not one from all the old slave States. [ -------- 1—<♦ N oble S entiments B rieflt E x pressed .-- Last year, several months before his death, Horace ■i. Greeley said^ I harie forgiven and almost forgot ten every unkindness and injury that have been done me; and I would rather be able to recall and be forgiven for e iverv unkind word and act of my life fe than to be the President of the ____ States ___ îe United for then I could lie down to die, as I soon shall be in peace t i i I 5- Ì i'i ■#-U #- F |r tt 4 I » 1 • r H 1 1 <■■ ¡i • ■ ? I AP. t r’ 'I, I I ■f r i V » 4 4 ■ ’ 4 Thè- following is the present composition of ¡the Supreme Court of the United States« f ✓ ¡ I A a ... '-r NAME. ". S m z vm m e\eu it w j 'S' i * ' *. ■ L f f r f y < t I ♦ ! hx < r 4- I «k ' ■ .Ï * f W ! i ■ r < and flinty substance the chasm was cut to make an opening for the locks. Frequent­ ly man has bid to substitute Ms artificial work, and where be L m done io the ma­ sonry constructed seems as solid and al­ most as massive as that of nature’s owa. To proteot boats from coming into colliaion with the rocky aidos of the loeka, mass­ ive timbers have bssn erected, at «itable distances, some two or three feet aperi, which are secured by bolts and braces, so as to be immovable by any concuelon produced by violent surges oi the bouts. The Tbe caval above tbe lbs lut last lift, to secared secured on tbe river side by crib-work filled with rock, and protected by heavy plvkks on tbe invide.'.. , As we were going through tbe last lock, the tbe whole wbole company; company, aa as if l>y by a common ! impulse, _ * T J on the '* - upper deck assembled vrbere three cheers were proposed and ‘ where heartily gives for Oregon’s grandest aril- , ficial Gro­ fie iai work; then three for Governor Gro- ver whose steady confidence in tbe enter- prise had never _ for! ; a □ moment wavered; then three for < Captan Smith, tbe able en- «ineer; . then three . >ree for Gul. Jo. Teal; then three for Mr; Mr. B. Gait Gdktomith, who, in con- junction with Col. Ti eal, bad evinced such fortitude aud firm fesolu|ion in spite of 1 )•« •» 1 -1 obloquy, calumny, slander and vindictive opposition; and then three cheers more wters proposed and given for the Com- missicrtiera, who, as Governor Graver re­ marked, would do tbe locks Company justice. Jo. Teal looked happy; we thought indeed he looked a little proud, when those three cheers were going up with such a hearty good-will; at any rate, Whether ho looked 'proud or not; he bad a good right to feel so. And our friend Goldsmith, who is usually so quiet, wo thought we could detect tn bis eye tbe twinkle of deep, toward, though >lmoft silent satisfaction., It was a proud day * for those gentleman, a proud day for those wbo originated this grand enterprise, a proud day for Oregon. After going through the last lock, the bout turned round and came back in much/ * less time than wàs occupied in going through. Tbe experiment bad been tried ; kÉd ad mir «bl everything worked admirably. Boats i ron g h all five locks, in may be passed through from twenty-five tp thirty minutes. These works are as solid as tbe rock-ribbed hills which look down .upon them; and they ? will emacipate the commerce of this great valley from the odious monopoly which has been sought to be fastened upon >C •* and well does the scared and fugitive mo­ nopolist know it : « ., It will be rightly persumed chat by the I time the boat bad reached tbe upper level ' and the result of tbe experiment satisfac­ torily proved, med.began to think of db- cussiog another Interesting subject. And here again our worthy hosts. Messrs. Teal and Goldsmith, proved that they are prac­ tical men; for as if by magic tbe hoard •> was suddenly spread, under tbe skillful ’ manipulations of Mr.Christian Mark, with a collation of the most inviting viands. Ample justice was done to this part of the expedition; and tbe health tff our hosts was pledged io many com mendiions of tbeir bossiness sagacity, their spirit, ener- gv'and enterprise. Tbe little tug. Maria Wilkens, landed tbe happy company of gentlemen at tbe Oregon Steam Naviga- _ , tied Company’s wharf—whence we had departed in tbe morning—at 4 o’clock p. m., all highlyjdeligbted with tbe trip. 'il X .* I » -4 ! i *”* I A ’ . '• ' / I I 'V i r I Í Ì 4 4 ♦. f r ■I m — 4 ¿-------------- ------ ■ i 'll r.. ■ y Î* - = would be completed by tbe first of Janu­ I ary; that if God spared his life he would 4 • . pass through the locks on that day on the ANNALS first boal4hnt should bave the proud dis- h Jjrrr _L t|petiou of plowing the watery of the free THE LOCKS ANÍ CANH THE FALLS OF 111 CANAL AT A . Willamette; and that tbe time would THE WILI LAMETTE COMPLETED, come when tbe people of the valley (MJGH AND would bless those member« of the Legis­ A BOAT PAI j .4 -rl' lature whose votes bad inaugurated thia ! magnificent improvement. He said that Inc ldtonta of the *Tti: , Etc«, Etc« tbe first boat that would pa»s through tbe *i.‘ •- » K- . * ;T . j : locks, if bis hopes were not disappointed, on would be tbe now ’’ Annie Stewart.” ’ vu [From the Oregon Herald, Jan 3 ] tbefirstday of January, 187&—(a hope L - According to the stipulations of thnt would have been realized, bad not the law providing for the con­ Holladay’s steamers neglected to bring boilers 1rom San Francisco in time). struction ofKhe canal and locks at the He took occasion to say, in?the same Falls of thè Willamettee river, speech, that the company would put hpon these worksfwere to be completed the river good and staunch steamers, by the first $ay ¿a of January, 1873. which would carry the produce of the of tbe valley at reason able prices, As the law jpas Wi passed in the Au- farmers and that should connect with sea-going tunln of 187?0 J there were left but vessels that would take our produce to tyo- seasoiffc. I. for the company other markets, t » All that pol. Teal promised has either to : comment ice : an^il complete been actually fnllfilled or is in process * >e. Had the of actual i fulfillment Tbe company, tbe arduous pnterpm work been .djistribqted over a wid­ we are advised, will in * short time have tbe requisite river steamers ready for er spac$, comp|letion within all business, and will have tbe sea-going ves­ the time refilled by law would sels ready all in good time. We have thought these remarks not in­ have been a ¡ much %sier matter; nuch .easier appropriate, proceeding to give a but owing o thé comparatively sketch of the before trip which prove* that the limited groii id that could be occu­ canai and locks are completed, and that pied by wor uncn, nothing but the they will answer all tbe ends proposed by most extrao|dinary energy,! with those whose who inaugurated this grand enter pi ise. it, bad beeu aunqunced great cconqjiiy and judgement jp through the press, several days ¡before tire apiriieaÆïi Of labor could com­ tbe advent of the new year, that tbe canal locks were in a finished state; but on ply with tha demands of the law. and that day a goodly company of gentleman Eadi workman employed occupied were present, at aight o’clock in tbe b a given sçjkce/ and the consé­ moruing. at the do^ts of tbe Oregon quences went that no more than a Steam navigation Company in this city, upon invitation of the Lock Company, to givrin number of men could operate make an excursion, on-the good steam­ within the fcaqe covered by the tug M iria Wilkens, to and through tbe V * works. Tits was lias the peculiar dif dif- ­ locks ami canal, so as to afford a practi­ cal test that tho-e works are in fact done, ficulty in the way; and knowing and in working order. The tug, though thi«, this, many persons who . were for small, is staunch, auc^waa the only steam certain reasons unfriendly fo the vessel that could be had,for the occasion. Among the gentlemen composing those enterprise tqrprise i|self predicted that the invited, Were His Excellency Governor L. Locks cks Company would be unable F. Grover; the three Commissioners who' to completelthe ejthe works’within the Were especially appointed by the Govern­ under tbe law. to examine and report prescribed •il tjme.. There were those or. as to the character of tbe works, namely:1 who hoped | the -eom|»any would Ex-Governor Whitaker, Lloyd Brooke, fai|; in fact ^ho Loped the whole I4>q.,and Hon Ge«. R. Helm; H. Ww Scott. thing woulji be a failure. Certain; , Esq . of the Bulletin. J. M. Baltimore, Esq., --of the Oregonian, B. B; Taylor, Esq., of uri^erdti^prers, who were the crea- the llerahl. Bis Honor Miyor Wasserman, 4 • T 1 a 11^ 21Z ZN* 1 M tures of the fallen than who used Certain Jo. Kellogg. Henry Failing, Cap- Charles Kellogg Captain 'Charles to be cajldl ouV railroad king, trfin Holman. Jtcoa Karnin, J. H. Hayden. were mean tnough to go to the, James Laidlaw, John Marshall, G. T. works and ^clandestinely attempt Myers, Samual B. Parrish;.and of course hosts of the Locks Company Col. Jo. to inveigle the workman away, to our Teal and B. Goldsmith, Esqf demoralize Jhcm,’and in such ways Mr. Thomas LewW. part owner, acted as chief engineer of the snug little craft to endcavori to retard the prosecu­ tion of the «work. . 4- portion of and at about ntoe o’clock, the company and all things ready, we took our depart­ the public gre^s, including especi­ ure for tbe canal and locks at tbe Fijlsof ally Holla<4iyr8 paper, the bulletin, tie Willamette, tbe point of destination. purpose was to pass through tbe aud pretty’piuch all the' Republi­ Tbe works, with a view to demonstrate that can papers bf the State, were ini­ they were completed and in working order, mical to thejenterpi ise of construct- fullfilling all the requirements of _ L C! _ ive between here and Oregon City. Th*; die—the “ bock and Dark Swin scenery in snch remarkable contrast r_j that was malicious. with the is prairies die,” a _ pu of Illinois and Missouri, The politicians of the Republican that one who has been accustomed to their uniformity and somewhat monoto- party luggefl this noble enterprise nous character, to constantly thrilled with into the Section campaign last 1 tbe sight of tbe grand, rock-ribbed Spring, and in their State Conven? hill, the leaping, laughiDg cascades, come frolicking down the tion singled it out for especial de­ cliffs, bright, sparkling and beauliful, nunciation, ji ts a swindle', a ‘ put-up singing nature’s songs of perpetual joy job, and all; the campaign speeches and ceasless gladness. But when we were interli rded with plentifnl al- came into full view of Jtbe fails or Willam­ cascades, over wbicb an immense ette cascades lusions to th e Lock and Dam Swin- J volume of water was pouring, we thought die. The A en composing tjie Leg-, we bad had never seen anything so charming. But We hasten on to the business' tfe business’ in hand. islature ofl__ ;, who _ voted for 1870, was plain we were expected; for the this grand enterprise had L to bear It banks of (be tbe locks and canal were lined hey might ¿right under this with people of Oregon City and the adja­ up as best they uc load of reproach and denunciation, cent country. boo as we pushed into the jaws of fori time to vindicate tbeiT tbe As first I dek, A. Noltoer, Esq., of the.Or- coarse egou Qty Enterprise leaped aboard, fol­ To certifies thit for weeks he had rrtóTUSKa) riaciQ i s 3 oO ob t s a ub vo made diligent serach for Holladay M00 18 3 50 1 4 50|3bÖ 250 ôoifr îaT soft» but had tailed to find 1pm so as 00 ’32 00 to serve the “within writ upon 22 4€<. 430 5 ÔÔ 6 00'118 & uo i Col. Aöb Too YuoTào i Holladay's mouth piece 50 0C him.” i*>n 1C5F~ f IT gets decidedtfy the worst of it. t ' ’J í A I irtp. ■ .1 , i !■!■>■> >W ■— 4 I « 3- t * ■' '-,X ■i u ^t y ' BBEIT EDITOBIALS. I '» 4 MM ¥ < I JI i* H m H js'! . • < A.’" ■fe f- ÎJ J J ■* i ' i ' r 4 1*T‘' -k !>■ r...» * :■ $ • W' Ì . »■».■« ■■.—— ■ 4 Í r . -* f Mv'u ?■■"’ »■ 1 Í ■a kfr.' ïtiTi-wiMvwr ■ir" I T \ 1 i i I < V •T f : i: Jij ♦ . ■ y| A i Í i; : L, 41 f KA 4 » ■ <■* '■• ■' 4 i I f ■ypgLma— ?• ' k- * ; -1 t _ 7 it ¡FvT -3 i 4 ' t : .■ »".. .j. ¿tot 'itoK uri h— * i l ■ ’~âé if? L ♦ <• •' » Í /V 1'F ft--i i . I > f ■ I I ’’ ''»I k rT ■ '' ■ I 4 7 ’.V » ; I ! ''r ♦ fer.' * ■W -4 *È