1 ■. ’ 1 f fi . * ■ wl »■ 1 1 •H ■ » LAFAYETTE COURIER. THE QUESTION OF TITLES SET. l'EHÎD—EAFAYETTE PROPERTY ' ílhtGÍLOUDED. I >• ’ll; I Jî 1 llrl *r “ 1 ’ ■ ’ I 11 1 ' ' 1 11 1 ' I 1 ‘ ' ; 5 H a A ■I H-.- * ; ’] TT » I i i i ' * *i ’• ¡lit Ü io Garni) Lttw. 1— • . 6- ; . 7 ll' Í ■ ■ B' ' ! ■!.! i i p . 1 1 ¡ i J Three? hundred h ’America^ .citi- zens lijfivfe been killed and $6,000,- 000 worth iof preperty stolen or destroyed ue&troy in the List six yefirs on I* the Mexican border READY An.act for tlip. protection ofty RELIEF. I a ti ve Á48CDL Be it enaetdd enaebid by the. the Legisl Legt THE WOBST PAIN8 27. 1872 . FRIDAY, 1 bly ol the’Suite of Oregon ; MiawtoB. In Iron» one to Twen ¡ill I qs ,-4H“ L* ¡r _ ONE HOUR 3 Seé. 1. Thai it shalf be uhlawfu¡T for 4 resplt of/ the suit brought any person qri>perepn< hereaf rr tn take ding this advertisement need after read! F. CAMPBELL AND ELDER T. . K SUFFER WITH PAIN. sue with in- kill, injure or uesÍKoy. or pq EDITH O'GORMAN—HE SECONDS by IV litlow against llecse, practi­ V»al I?. A nv DT?J Tfl 4 / RADWAY ’$] D READY RE H or to have teñt lo kill, ‘ injury or detdrpy HER CALUMNIES. > or “1 very pa cally caun fettles the whole question of in possessi op, or offer for hu e any, deer It was the first and is the onl tho mk>rith$ of Febri aYy, March ’ if if ’I !• T j - ! the-i edy that instantly stops the Whs affecting the site of this during titles April. May ör June, or any n oose ot* elk h 1 1 ; r . ing 4>ains, allays Inflamatio Upton, of the C ourier , is much h ii t olds roprietor I p during the months ol Fehr mry Maroh«| J, Congodions, whether ol Congo.dions; Whether of k5 • - • : • -«I y 11 tpwrt, surprised that people should be- Bowels, or cther gland* April, May or'June, during >ach year un-; Thjcre has somehow, for* ten or der a pehaliy of twenty dol are for the LAFAYETTE OREGON. . application in from leivc anything which Miss. Eidth ' x rli i ■ f .id J ■ ONE TO TWENTY M first offeuBO. and double that sum tor each It 'it- O’Gormah says in regard to the I twelve years past, existed a sort •succeeding no matter bow violent or excratiating ths ■’ » "rfl- offense, to be recovered in the i ' . . d refurnished ano Rheums tic, Î Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crippled, Having just opened ftfe hevidently dosn ’ t nr/itrltlni |^f vague apprehension that some manner hereinafter provide« Catholics. I tiW, I am now prepared Nervous, Norvous, Nours Neuralgic or prostrated WÄ 4b- _ re fited tlib above Sec. 2. It-shall b« unluw Hil, fl 'or any to accommodate gue^ in a maner equal td ease may suffer. like tofhavc his fronds exposed question might at some time be f»er«on hereafter to take, ki i I, desi itrpy or the best, >nd at price suit the times. BADWATS READ? RELHT • Christian Messenger. r* (ion, or offer qjure, or to tiave in possest successfully raised against the val­ A LSOANEW A1B> COMPLETE LIV- Will afford Instant Ease. lor sale, any wild swan or riuck. of the Exposed, i indçod ! The Messen* of the Lidney«. :i 7 Inflamation r TwLcry Stable in conviction with the House. idity of the County’s title to the following species, namely ; Mallard duck, Inflamation of the _ Cladder. ___ _ J I . Novl6tf. egr harbors the spleen and envy to­ summer or wood* duck, widgeon duck, Inflamation of the Bowel«, one;hundred and sixty odd acres sprig-tail dude, spoon bill thick, or black Congestion of the Lungs. Lunr ward Catholics L common to thèjj Sore Throat, Difficult lteathio£ during the months or May. Jirfie, 1 Protestant'world.» Tins fact, and ^on 'which Lafayette is situated. duck Palpjtetion Of the Heart. *. _ * * and July of each- year: Provide^, that LAFAYETTE i IQiOUR MIL jfr i r ¡■'Though the County authorities Hysterics, Croup, Dtytherto. nothing in this section sha i l bo bo con- this alone, is the foundation for it^ Cataarh, Infiuetiia. ■ i- 1 4— had years, since taken the ordinary 8tructed as to preclude furi mers from kill­ H t i* 7 Headache, “ ‘ * Tooth aefte. failli in the representations of the ing geeso or‘ducks the said mop ths if ■■ in ■■■I Y Nsuralgia, Rheumatic™. L.: G. SUITER, Proprietor, steps looking to the procurement it f. be ------- jii-- .x necessary to protcci their growing ' t J 1 1 Cold Chil female Edith O’Gorman. The ob­ ,— this_advertisement need any crops. ; The application of the * of h patent from the General Gov ­ OREGON. LAFAYETTE, ■ .. Sec. 3. F It shall be unhwful for any servation and experience of the qd- -* ur "parts where the the port* parts wl IS A CURB ernment, yet no patent, had until person or persons to take, dll or destroy ty exists will afford ease N. ■ ; " i ' ' * itor of the Messenger go for nought i L H ' Twenty drops in a half Pnln Rem. any elk or cjlper at any’ tiq e for the sole ■gEST FLOUR,? SHORTS, 1 a quite recently, been issued. When pufpoae of obtaining the horns or hide; or BRAN. wiil in a — fcwiminutes eure-------- PS, Sour ! ost excratiat- I when by outraging both be can en­ Stomach , »asms, Heait-born, Siek 1/eed s, and cures issued, it was done in conformity skin of the same. Tho pen| on bo oflbnding Dy senti alte, Stem»oh, WÜ* mi | l feed , S horts , etc ., Ache, — M,— gs, sbalhbe fined a suflLnof t le?8 than twenty courage a hatred common among i in the Bowels, and all in • ' | ■ ; tiM. “ is, by one with the claim of the couuty and dollars for«each offefisc. ■ V exchanged for wheal on terms advantagiou« x '' * Traveler« should always earry a bottbet bottle at Protestants against Catholics Sec. 4. It^hall be unl4 Wul far any to Farmers and Stoor Feeders. IiiW RADWAY’ READY RELIFF with them. ih accordance with agreement with UTlSr < — ^mounting to: an infatuation. pviovu vi jryiwun to *v take/ iunO, lli :ill, destroy or person or persons A few drops in water will prevent siotamaa ootlltf Wlioat|bought. H •It 1—. — JL-- or pains from change of water. It ia bitter Hé must know, if he ma^» be ’sup- Perkins by which the county be­ injiireUH* tó have in pbssief f4ion or offer > than French braady or as a aVmw for sam safe any grouse, ¡grouse, phensai phensknt or sajge hen irrijP4it iir4K:'?T—t t “ 4-4- V • Mf- a the Ele«h, frnmorw, Cancer« th« Womb, I i <■ j ■ and unholy ? Does not such con­ edifices in the city melted before son or pcr^bne to place du any frj?sh-watcr and all weakening and pai dtacliarff«», stream, lai® or pond a r y lime, l>r delet- «ad ali thM Night-sweats Lo** of 8pe duct go far towards making “ Infi- the devouring element like wax. erUitfl,8nb®aDpo, with htentto ¡¡njureffsh, H Business waste« of the life principle, irWktoa« curative range of thfa w of Med«» * délity” respectable and invulnera­ The whole amount of, loss is 411 r otf any drug * < ör medic * ed bait With intent to poison or catcl? > i| cutch fish and any person Chemistry, and a few days’ will prove ble ? If you have no faith in each- 170, insured to only the amount offending „ a£i aihst thè q revisioni of this I to any person using it for of thoao OWER A H lRIS, forms of disease it* potent to evro 3(?ctiou shall be deemed guilty of . Lafayette. a mis* other who shall have faith in any of 111,000. p. them. ’ dfpieanor, anti upon jonvicliop thereof, Not only does the 8 arsap am lu am B m > Will hold themall yos in readiness to an­ of you 7 Are not all of your teach­ sliull be fitted in a sum not less han $100, rer allxalls upofi t them for anything in the olvknt excel all known remedial afente in dtver . not capre than1 $500,' tfr be imprfeou- line -- of « I •» the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Scrofi Conatitn- Wc are sorry to learn that Tom aW ings thé mere vaporings of insincer- 11 “ À less than «-4 ed.not five Or¿nere than nibety ‘ti;« ? H tional and Bkin direane*; bu it ml U» mW* positive cure for lx' nting, 4ty—tfie sign of bad! iaith. May Ryan; proprietor1 of the Russ di p, at the discrleipn i of the Cmirt. Pain tin V Sec. 8. It shall . Kidney dt Bladder Co*plaiat«t valciminfiji be tmle wiul ifor Iff« ■ 2. not the outside world reasonably Houso, and one of the livest men any perm or perm ions at any time A aining, I Urinary, and Womb diseases Diab» Paper-h tea, . .repay, Steppage within tb&e yours , Incontln in Portland, was seriously hurt on Torn the passage infer that the authorized exponents ence of yrinç, Bright*« iright*« Albumi««« of,this \this Act. to take, ki kill, ' destroy or injure, Sunday last in his heroic efforts to* ria, and all case» — . ____ where brick dusk » of every denomination are but nny of the striare s », lakes ; or rivers All work done ¡ lording to contract er ! no deposit«» deposit«, the thick or tho water tL__ , mik«4 -Xi V Í 11 - t - -I wittiin the State, oi“ e r pose for sale any chargé veil be mi e. Try ue. . with substance» like the w wolves in sheep’s clothing when assist in staying the flames which tibb an egg, or­ ,_*• 4L.. ; ? iof the khind know n a.%sbad and black rii thread« while «ilk, threads like white silk, or to s morbida . < . E. P. BOWER, ' perdon offend- ■ ® .• they treat each other as such? were: making havoc of the busi and striped bass; and i dark, billions appearanoe, white bone T. J. HARRIS. i«g against the pro? ii ienorib of,' this See i dust deposits, ana when thero is a pricking*, marlltf ec- ncss portion^oHha^mty^ What says Brother Campbell ? burninig eedsatlon when passing water, and«, tioD, shall be fined. To * each fish so caught, :ht, ------- ■f I—¡4¡t - i i rf' - Cin in the Small of the Back and along the injured. oV (lcsirby)« or exposed ; for » ••* >ins. Price, $100. . ■ * ! 'hl Multnomah, the most populous sale not lése than $5 f or the firpt, and $10 Worms. — The only known and surereOte 3>r è? ch o^mso then a Her. to which may The Greeley and Brown elec­ edy for Tape, Pin, oto. be e added hnprisdnm :n :nt for aoy term not I tors in Kcntuckv, twelve in num- county in Oregon, contains only ^xceedin^Uen dtys dr each offense, OOBWSR FRO^T AND SALMON STS •> three postofficcs; Portland, East L S?c. 9. Any pèrso ) or corporation who PERFECT PURGATIVE PILUfr» ber, received 99,997 votes each ■ • ! "i ¿tall beretif perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with PORTLAND . OREGON. Portland and Springville. Tilla­ ' all hereafter const uct any dam or other L . ——— sweet gum. purge, regulate, punfy, cleanse obstruction across aqy stream ip this Slate This New and elegant Hotel, with new and strengthen. Radway's Pule ior the cure Two brothers in Kentucky by mook county, with a population of in wbictfiHhlmon or either migrating fish 1 of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver,. Bow­ Furniture throughout, Cun. shall provide a ladder or I way so as els, Kidneys, Bladder;*.Nervous Fiseaser, t name Witherspoon, hgd a difficul­ a few hundreds, contains twice the t|un. 0 permit such flab ,b paiio sudb obstrue IS MOW OPEN'FOR THE RECEPTION yeadacbe, Constipation, Costeveness, Indi­ ty resulting in a resort to pistols J number of postofficcs that does fion, and >py pers > n offending against gestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fe­ d -OF- ■ i thé provisions of ver, Inflamation of the Bowels, Piles, and ' ia Section shall be Both were seriously wounded. j | Multnomah., • « of mid all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. deemed gftlty i f _ lemeanor and upon mri -i r. Warranted warrauceu to enact effect a positive cure. Purely conviction thereof 8 lall be pnniahed by Bath room forth«.'Accommodation of Questa. Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals not laps le» than $5 Î D and nor more than -, ; ' J . w The Presidept’s interference in or deleterious drags. I V' I Portland would do well now fine $300. .5 A few fe# doee« doses of B adway ’ ' s P ills will frtte* trege the Louisiana dead-lock has hadj that a portion of the obstrucybns f. Sec. 10< J uetiees’ ( Courts are hereby I KKEE CO A SH TO THE HOUSE. the system teem all the above named dteer- iurifidictiop o ! offitosea against the ders. ».25 cents per Box. Sold by the effect of making a bad matter to the river front have been re­ given . Come and see Me. provision^ of tbis-Act, and if shall be D 1 | «I» ~ JI f! t worse. J. MM B. SPRENGER, “FALSE AND TRUE.” Sen* — 1 h moved by the fire-fiend, to take the duty qf every < nstice of the Peace,! 87 e M Ct id r 8Lmp to RA ^WAY A A po., RADWAY 00., NaT No. Within each of the count ties of this State, of Cosmopolitan Hotel), Proprietor. _ Lane, New York. Inforsaatiog steps to keep that portion open. A to take cognizance 0f of any and a ¡^offenses and I .aH.offenaes ; mlltf . Hon. P. ,C, Sullivan, of the worth thousands will be seniyon, 11- i . a gainst-either of the provisi ' ioins _. . . . ,, Jons v of this nnvOvTIw ' novfivTly greater nuisance it would be diffi­ Act, and s^its hereu ndergyall be brought « ‘ I Republican, has been appointed lit- ----- T* I « gant printer for Polk county, in cult to conceive of than the river before atty. Justice >f the Peace in the waere such offense may be com­ county where Geo. Vollum, .. front of a large city built up and mitted, and such suit shall be prosecuted « b . har RI8 : ........... .................... ...Proprietor default of tho late publisher of i in the naine of tie State of, Oregon, I obstructed as is the case in Port- the Messenger filing the ncccssar LAFAYETTE. against tbepersOq thfrpi cr persons so offending. BOOK BINBEÍÍ, PAPER BULEB AND * I I f Seu. lli It shall >e the duty of all Sher­ Sec. 11| I 1 '• ■ ' ■ ■ K b bonds. A FÜRST CLA88 SALOON, ALWAM f ./ ’J./'. iffs and thifeh* deput es, and all Constables, f • r JnA supplied with.the very choice«!. - * s — Pfoseciitinj Attorneys, and their and-all Prosecuting deputies, ¿nd aU P? P< iliceman of each incor­ gnd all Later dispatches have it that porated c^ky, town porated o|ty, town ior village within this F B f t ■ - ' - a Colfax will take- charge ■ of the Warmouth, of Louisana, a Republi­ State, whenever i t’ j ! . b whoever th< thty, or either of them No. 94jFront i becqlne cogni sant of any violation treet, between Washington can, arraigns the Custom House shall New York Tribune. of the provisions o • ’ this Act, to bring it and Alder, over 1 lopkiof’ Hardware Store, J ' l «MantoHasnettadMiiiJ^ Hi ' ’ H if i j || I | * 1 Clique together with their aiders to the notice < of ‘ home Court having com- ; sa rd nr» f ' - -------------------- y-.-.-.—. .......... . ............. .. » Ì f st petenti jurisdiction 4 To be had in the beat markets. / _ The Constitutional ' b'îTr Convention and abetters, as perjurers ^d vil- F ** PORT). IF11' ! N !bl lit ' i: Sec* 12¿ The flnag imposed by this Aet PORT LAND, OREGON. Thia saloon is also provided with a toad of Pennsylvatia have struck a blow lians. He says the U. S. ffi&trict shall be p^id into t le County f ' ’reasury of BILLIARD TABLE.. «arlfly i & — I - ■' - ■ - * — • 'i . •the county where «tieh fine or fines may r — an(j get at the grand jury system, and it is Judge who played into, the hands v be _■. impose TELE BEST 4- aprt as a Blank, Books made to order, and ruled to *-► • I any desired pattern. Newspapers, Maoa- hoped that body will abolish it. of the ¡pustom House Cabal is a Common Í jhool fu id. zines, Music, etc., etc,, bound In any style, or ROVOH LUMBER at . ’ Appro? d October 17,1872, with neatness and dispatch, 1 Such an example would hasten r EAGLE HOTEL ,...P . . - j W__ XS _ _____ — A? C Ti DAILY? TRIPSi alL2— HEALTH! B L ÜTYT 11 RADWAY’S M M I F— ■■ t B° .< ■ I r i \ I METR0EÍ0LIS HOTEL, DR. RAI) WAY’S I GT7E8TS Lone Star. Ail BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER, ■ i ft-! perjured wretch. All this he —* r the universal abolishment' of a charges in a public address and. Hora0 system fit only for an ago of bar­ -challenges any effort to refute his thelarg J8t? vfl barism. propositions. t ■York.» ' funeral was essed in New •P' - « ‘I I I f. f f -AT— c'- GREATL • I. t MOOR’S Lumber Yard I I Ä 4i 1 r Ì r REDUCED PRICES I i » ■J ’4 ■ i ■ .«(■ ■s, i »: V 'i In LAFi AYETTE at $15 per Thousand' augSltf Cash/]. Thei yard, will for the present be in ohazgs of ISAAC SAMPSON. 4 I ? . ’ r ■ r ■' n ■ u -, ' L • • -■ ' f