Helds 400 bushels ; PRIVATF ■ MFDICAL AID. ■""* ***■» ■ q OICK CURES AND MOrtMTTdrtltót» 'by moiri, prepaid DÄ. W. K. DOHERTFS CRANBERRY, y bing out—»the truth, tubular bridge—the Bulbs. time--instant execu •' nud Shrub Thoms ahd briars are but dis couraged buds. W tlie humhn nnd6r standing -long walks. Do native A meri cans have Tartars for wives and indièiQus a»-. I 7?osA% Vines rtmen •s, to any address, ,cds< See In oh Commission Colony Nur 'series Ply month. Mass. fp>t an .—This publication in Baltimore, and edited by |Kay, is tlie ablest, most read-j ¡interesting publication on the jou now extant, i As its naine I, 77ie True Woman it devoted fenent and defense of all that ¡manly, oppuaing Woman Suf- jaing the oft-e downfall of that f ’ * V * zaüou The love of glory can only cre­ ate a hero ;-tfic contempt of it crer ates a wise man. People seldom improve when they have no other model bqt ihembselves to copy after. Hudtbras calls matrimony a preverse fever, begining with heat and ending with frost. THE PARKER CUN Emigrant[Stove and Tin Stoi e ortland, and see sti cs WORKS ! The readiest and best wa^ find out what future days will is to find present duty.. There are just two things in life for which we are never pared, and they are twins. ' * > ' Wb I I L secondhand article whiph command&to premium is a young, rich, andu aniiablc widow. No man deserves to be praised for his goodness unlesss lie has strength of character to be wicked place, as f Some one has defined polite so­ ciety as being a place where man­ ners pass for too much and morals for too little. * The happinoss of the human race in thia world does not consist in our being devoid of passions, but in our learning to command them. ; ;/ T ' Wiße “ Advertising is put in their lamps L.P. FISHER, J EERENT KINDS OF ADVERTISING AGEJ\PT. »* Nothing is more precious tl time, and those who miss|)cnd are the greatest of prodi "ids. ‘ As daylight can be seen through very small holes, so little things will illustrate a person's character. Hi can take these Bit- & td directions, and remain Provided their bones arc not ijnefal poison or other means, ¿organs wasted bejond the or IndigeKtiari, Ilead- 10 Shoulders, Coughs. Tight- ;cst, Dizziness. SouriEructa- BtoihacH, Bad Taste in the tjition of the -t Intown nation of the Lui .ng», , Pain in l'.U regio n of ilie Kidneys, and a hundred tiri r poi milarimptonta, are the otlkprings In tlieic complaints it has [ptoll, padSune bottle Arili prove a lietter uhtee pi lits^merits titan a lengthy ad- .siiient l ! c Compluittfai in young !d or single, at;the pd at ¡the dawn of oi rilie turn oi lifo, these Toulc I so decided an iiflticncc that ¡rovenient is sqo perceptible, riimatory tu nd Chronic tin and Gout, , Dyspepsia or klton-A Tfemittcn and lnter- LDi ■ascsof tlie Bloo.1. Liver, ¡Bladder, hose Bitters lime PiiC:’>sful. Such Diseases arc Wjr" -- to produced t Htcd Blood, which' pit 6f of the pigestivat Digest!voOrgans; Organs; ! Diseases, EruiHiojcw, Tyt- Blotches^ Spots, Pimples, Carbuncles, Ring-wortos, __ T, L, Erysipelas, Itcli, Sore Eves, »r.uions of the Skill, Humors if the Skin, of whatever name literally dug up apd carried im in a short time py the use rs. One bottle in puck cases lie most incredulous of their BOOMS 20 AND 21, Merchants’ Exchange, California Street, San Solicits AdvartPeineints and Subscriptions f< >r the O regon S taie ^ m ^* and for papers ;bpblislie:l in c alifornfa, Oregon ard Nevada; Washington, Utah, Idaho, Mont nah, Col- orado, Arizma, and adjacent '1 'erritories; Sandwich Islands. t|iC British 'Ifossessons fChma; New Zealand and the Australian Colonies; Mexica Ports, Nicarp; I a, Panama Valpariso and Japan; the At' $tic State» and Europe. it j I • ; X 4 other dialers wi U keep fheni. Tl b ‘Francisco. AD VEHT1SIN Please remember PATENT CHURN 1 Jr' ■ ■ PATENT WIND I' S F ■ f ’ J Which is made of Spruce jWopd, and is al Ligbfesr, Cheap Ieri More Cleanly,I P I ' - if Has created many a now bi His enlarged many an old 1 Ha?/£Yived xnany a dull.bi iciness; > Has redbued many a lost bi Rtness; * , ihess; [ business udsomeHt Window Blind in use. best satisfaction to all'who try ask you to enquire of ariy one them, to convince you that the l 1 is the'very best that you can JOHN R. LAKE. Institute/ To Females. When a female is in truubliyir afflicted with I disease, as weakness of . the b back and limb0, pain in the head, i ditnnet-s of right, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heati- uri- hearf. irritability, nervousness, 1 : ...... . extreme :z. nary i ioiiR, d:fflculties, derangement of general ‘ debility, vaginitis, fani » all d?W- ene of , the womb, hysteria,sterility ar.d all o other diseases peculiar to females, she idio'd go o or write at once to the celebrated female doctor, W. K. POHERTV, at his medieal Instit<|te, and consult him about her troub­ les . ¡¿nd ’ cKso&rics The doctor is effoctinr f' more cures than any other physician r in in *1,^ the State ot California. T I>et no'toise delicacy prevent you. blit apply immediately gpd saw yourself from pain, suffering and pro­ mature death. AM married ladieM wlioxw delicate health or other cirenmetauee» pre» vent an increase in their fumilies, should write or pall at 1)R. W. K. DOHERTY’S Medical Institute, and they will leceive vte- ry possible relief and help! z,The I)< ct'-r’s offices lyes aye so arranged that he can be con con- ­ sulted jted without fear of ofeervatiou. ofeervatKKs FOR 1872 1 WHO CAN READ. D ocbijcd I n riiick. ' bli. W. K. DOHERTY retwn« bto «ta--, r____ _ to his numerou y_.; „ n patients fof cere tliankh their patronage and would take this oppor-’ ___ •*—uM w tupitv to remind them that he _ continue! to* tilt at bis Institute for, the pure of ebron- consult chron­ _ ___ _ of _ the J*_ Lungs, - „ i. Liver, Kidneys, Kid^eya, ic ¡diseases «live and Genito-Urinary efenito-Urinary Ohtana. 1 >i any other weekly secular lished in this couritry. At the ¿prieejias notbc^-i increased, ^■n shed to subscribers at the :&f one dollar a year for each rate no extoei.-tion will be »¿•cd iction will be po*ibfe. eith Cagenu. Every subscriber who will ledtiVe a coby for a year £ Weekly Suu thus fninishes ns i matter as other! papers pub- brice it will at, dot iwle or treble thei brice, features which will add greatly iuiietv WB' isews- v and value as a [ family ‘ . - lis h Uepeadeince of tili1y to TweedVm ®nil Grant el)- fot-m ofipublic j obbery, brib- -c rujr.ion will bfe be 'maintained, maintained to I of political news its readers pili alwuvs receiving the most ac- e'j as tlie freshest intplLgence siibly V* ©b aiue'l. The e ferge- 9s ub al-o to devote additional te egten>irey than hitherto. Far reotw rcahng presiiiwng the quaint aorufo: aspects of life,[»nd for u-efu tiou ^»peeling not only what lakes tlus£metiopolis and this country, 11 otf er parts of the. world, we now Ipleimm. — new* brm 27*e Weekly Sun is the t of* . h class in the [United States; app<| I to riicli of ojar readers as ap- s itlefis and objects! and find itiutrr- tid vduayie, not only to renew their »scriPtion-», but to recommend the 11he4 friends and neighbors. ear m destined to be a memorable the 1 «tory of tlie dountry. We are veot amost signitlcaiit Presidential , ancj political movemeus will for lontl> be watched with unusual in-, As ir joilrmil, free fpm the trammels , Thi^ Weekly Sun will continue to ti e pii'ici]iies of true Republican nenU Its readers are invited ts sps- i tto^wQi'k. The truth, irrespective preiwee or official f influence, will be t^j. in i!s c^lumusi. T rr I^ s of the W eekly S i n . rniilftcontainiug elgqt large pages, Ml e&ry Wednesday ipornmg—To...all )8cM|ersfc whether single er in clubs ar a^enr each, always in advance. Ntog by mail. 50;cents a month or ir. genii- Meekly Snn.Jjy mail, $2 a To Correspondents, Patient» residing in any 0art of. the State however distant, who may desir* the opin­ ion and advice advice ot DR. DOHERTY, in their respective casts, and who think pro? per to submit a wrifen statement of such, m preference to holding a ] ersooal in:e- view, aie ie-peoifnlly assured that tber c«m- menicatioMs will be heW me t Hacrt d and confidential, f the case be fuly srdcn;- didly describ , personal noinunication will bd' unueeessn , as ir«!rvetions for diet, reg­ iiien and th eneral treatmentuf theca»« imelf (inehu g the remedies), will be for- Warded without delay, and in such a man­ ner as to co^ey no idea of the purport ef tliie letter or parcel so transmitted. r^*Consultatiou—by letter or otherwise,. FREE, j permanent cure guaranteed er no- * Spermatorrhoea. V " ' DR. DOHERTY has just published an im- portast dampllet, embodying life own views and experiences in relation to Inpotence os Verility; being a short treaties on bpernMi- Ua rkujea or Seminal Weakness, Nervout of Surgical TO THE AFFLIOTEO/ NIcbONAtop iii K MANUFACTURER, rjerttae.. 1 advertising wi|,h the Sheriff, advertising. AND DE A LEES IX McMINNVILtE HOT^C W. L. TONEY PR 5PRIETOR McMINrtNJtL^bRilG ON. d Having returned to the old Sti furnjshetLaud refitted the same, prepared to accommodate gues nêï eq dal to the’best. h ' ner prices convenience of all ,- '^4 r »A 4* IBS, ] p ■ I CANNED PORTLAND ¡0HEGÛN. Pickle*, W m . I between Washington Hardware ^toj-je, of all kind« ■ Tobacco, 8 a r dinefc for Medicinal mayttf j P CAÏÏtTAL SALOON. S \ — BERNARDI, made to» oi pattern. Me , etc., etc,,’ b nfcss and dispatc i ■ RICE 50ÇENTS A BOX. For m !« by ail Druggist! ah A general deafer». oct2ßlj - Propr. Comfnercial st, SALEM. ^Aii— i FRIENDS AND THE GENER- hi and al Public are invited to call M Sample my<^ ; J PRICES DRINKS and. CIGARS.'