LAFAYETTE COURIER. SATURDAY, NOV. i 29,1872. < r í . i? •; i r m . k . UMurcn Sowtto. ■ R. T. WEATHERLY, PASTOR. Appointments for Lafayette Circuit as fol­ I lows: Happy Valley, Fira Sabbath. « Armstrong’s, Second West Cbebalrm, Third . 44 Lafayette, Fourth : * 11 h 4< ■w —T- <(. J ob W ork .—-We have recently received direct from the East an additional supply of new Job Material which enables us to defy competition in tbe line of Cards, Programmes, Blanks; Bill-heads, Letter­ heads, Hand-bills, If Walling! at Amity, has applle trees, chary trees, pear trees and plum trees, with a large assortment of nut and orna- mental shrubbery fur sale cheap J i 1—■—— ■ I I i |l i If m H tf ' i — if ? J I H t‘Jit LOCAL AND DOMESTIC. '•! ■ i ;* ■ I. ■ -4. A BRACE QF MUDDLES. J | jjjf— ,i|m" ' a| V »»Wraatling Joe.” Cases o; i 1 i: ? I w « i ! I lnere WM vue late îavc term venu There was a case aajusiou adjusted ai» at tbe of tbe Circuit Court in this county which developed in its progress some ofj the Wrestling ffo” characteristics, while there is another pending much of the same nature. It appears from the developements iu the case decidedthat IL K. Payne diedin this county iu ,18^2 possessed of a Donation land claim of 640 acres ; that he was married in Dtinois in 1831 ; that by said marriagp one child—a daughter—Was born to him, and that soon after a separation took plate be­ tween Payne and wife, the former emigra- ' ting to Missouri and in due tihie marrying a secund wife whoi h».d several children, and who afterwards deceased, when Payne,re­ moved to Oregon. Here he married a third wife ahd took up a Donation Claim od which he died. It appears that the third Wife and the children of the second, claiming to in­ herit tire propertysold the hurt, daim to Robert Henderson. Meanwhile the daughter —issue of the first mirriage—turned Up, having married a man named Çantréll, who brought the suit in question, $hd recovered judgment for 160 acres of the before men- r s 8 '.’’l ií . ’P ' ! r I i I • tioned laud daim. ■t j . j ; In the other case itlappears that Jesse Hen- derson who came to Oregon atan early day, left a wife and child in one of the Western States. It appears that he married a second wife and settled upon a Donation land Claim ot 640^and several years afterwards : died. The children of the second wife claim the property, but the heir by the first wife, a male, now turns up 1 to dispute titles with his new found relations; in fact we beleive he claims to be sole heir to the estate. We believe some parties who had purchased tracts of the land in dispute have already compromised with this hew claimant and thus secured the quieting of their titles. 1 ‘t m i !!' liw WWrT jNgfr Tn ’ S truck D kaf axp D umbl —A Mr. Sher­ wood, of Tillamook, was recently stopping at the house of Mr; G. W. Phillips, near Amity, in this county, and complained of being unwell. Pretty soon he was noticed to drop a newspaper on bis lap, and then - his spectacles. Upon being addressed he made no answer when it was discovered that be was deaf and dumb. A pencil and paper were given him when he at­ * tempted towrite but failed and fell to ■ i weeping. "í j t ! . .................. U" Cniwoz or D a Y^—It will|be seen that our pubticatioQ day has been changed to Friday By this change, under new maill arrange­ ments, the Comma will reach nearly every office in the county on the day of publication. *. j' I w BBihip ] Fj ju t « '' 1 j 1 j Hr " After a pause of several days, the,rain again commences to descend—on the just and unjust alike—we suppose. ; : ! w One of Mrs. Westerfield’^ little bpyt tell and dislocated hto shoulder tbe other bkff* h ‘ . ii i <»>> ifr. N. P. Robinson, of Dayton, lately containing >280 00 ost apuros iuPorti jn coin. I "-------------- T The election returns in Missou- ri from all but two small counties, show that Greeley's majority over Grant is 34,664. .Woodson, for Governor, has a majority over Henderson, his Republican oppo- pent, of 31,083. i i ’ I > L ihrum'tL J# In trying to fight down his sorrows, n man should^ strike one of his own sigh«. ■ t ■ STATE NEWS I The Bohemia mines in Douglas county, still promise well. — i ’ - -- 1 1 TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ’ 3. Horrlbl^ 1'wwW » i ¡¡.j profitably form societies to do tbe same thing. Wery. graveyard, church and schot^l lot should be­ come a grove. jSvery village and country town should ¡have ite shad­ ed picnic ground its park and or­ namental trees. Every road anjd city street and village highway should have treei) on either side. Every farm*hous| should have: its door-yard crowded with trees.’ It would add beauty wealth and eotp- - fort to A the Sta 1 _ A horrible act San Rafel, n Nov. Kelly,Indicted for perjury, in Lane coun­ was committed In ibis town ¡a few nights ty, was acquitted at the term of the Circuit ago. A young mat ill 22 jreat-8 of age, Court for that county. a th r the residence a painter by trade. I Says the Guard t “ The Grand Jury re of a meat respectable citizen, during tbe -i- ni:, j .j, «r, , _ . and outraged and turned bills of indictmeut against five sa­ fabsence of ; the par t yet five years loon keepers of this place for keeping crippled their dauj out until next. J not their bouses open on Sunday. The Court of age. It was held that it bad no jurisdiction, tbe exclu morning when the little girl’s mother no-' sive control of tbe traffic in liquors being, tfeed ¿y Her actions tbs something was ■fl vsted by the city charter in the Common wrong5 Tbe girl ( med her moth-, Tbe affair has er wbat bad beqn Councib. Jonncih rent fjxci md it is hoped ijin caused great A post mortum examination of a co He has been tbe flend Will be Lane county developed tbe fact that she arrested and is I ug1 guarded in the bad Imbeded in her heart about tbreo in- j e^dtd guilty to* thq town prison. He cbes of steel boop. ' examined, ,and charge when arr 4 ■ i J It turns out that it was not tbe wife but ’to held to answer be Grand Jury. tbe was-to-be who followed tbe couple Groups of uien are telkifig _ of .u« t^q affair, of lyficblng * the u~ pris- *- from Portland to Sacramento. It was tbe and threats are ' ive tbe trouble and time of trying wife who accompanied tbe man. oner to save A little shaver in Oregon City procured him. i ' " i I ' i I a can of powder in bis father’s store, took .hiaNo Mara, who at- Philadelphia No “^ assassi ei-Alderman Me­ it home, and, unobserved by any one, tempted to q^* fl laid it on the stove. Tbe can exploded, ' Mulled was senten years and to . >' ; I fj i J |||> blowing the little fellow up fearfully* . ! nine months’ im tent, and i Adv A IfwH = Isement. LRD, L44 i Whereas M. Fee its circulated ,th( report that I Seal i ;rin liquors, 1 take have done bisi- this method of say ml hai _____ !k ness in Lafayette m years, and that 1 J have endeavored t uprightly with the public y customers particu u- larly. can « unt nt for Faeker Fseker’ s con- con duct in the premi on i the hypothesis that tf he fetors fair and COl mpetiti tition and there- cow fore has resorted falsehood to ¡virdly____ destroy his riyal R. HARRIS ette. Nov. 29,1872 to SHERIFF’S 8AL.ÉL ) V A lfred W. U vowbll ■J > Foreclosure. vt. ■ ■i S ami * xl H. T indell J ■ »Y VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF FORE- t J® closure in the above entitled cause, and an execution duly issued thereon for . the sum of (ti,157 RO) Twenty-one hundred and fifty-seven and 80-100 dollars U. 0. Gold Coin, and the sum of Eleven bundled snd peventy dollars (81,170 00) Currency, and costs and disbursements of suit, I have levied ' on and will proceed to sell, at public auction to tbe highest bidder for v. 8. coin ahdcur­ rency in accordance with said decree of . foreclosure, in front of the Court House door in Lafsyqtte, Yambill county, Oregon, the real estate hereinafter described? on Monday, Ute 83d day of Doe,, 1ST% between the hours of 9 o’clock a. m- and 4 o’clock p. m. of said day, all the right, title and interest of tl»e said Samuel H. TindeII, et al. m and to tbe following real property as describedin said decree of foreclosure, te wit; That piece or parcel of land situa­ ted in Yamhill county, State of Oregon, and known and described on the official Plats in the Surveyor General’s office of Oregon, as Claim Number sixty (60) in T. 4 8. R. 9 W.. ' and Notification Number 1,020, except 260 acres off the west end of said Claim; to be sold to satisfy said execution, costs and ac­ cruing costs. Lafayette, Nov. 22, 1672. i Xa. P. r . ' BIRD. DAthAJ, f R. nov23w4] Sheriff Yamhill county. . ................... ifF’d SALE.,! SHERIF !■ » bT Nez Perce Indian Chief t 1 SALVE WTOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT B¥ virtue of an execution n issued out of tbe Hon. Circuit Court, Of the 8l late of Oregon, for i majority, of- the county of Yamhill, and 1 to me« directed by the Clerk said Coufrt, ____ of ____ _ in favor mf C. or relief to painful ' feet Brown & Co., Plaintiffs,land against Jans F from TIGHT BOOTS use NEZ PESCE nian, was arrested at Oregon City on Sun­ CHIEF SALVE. * e . full official Armstrong, Defendant, 1 have, this 21st day INDIAN Nashville. Nov, X-e i £ of November, 1872^levied upon the follow day upon suspicion of having set fire to vote of the State of Ten places Gree- ing de-cribed ReaL Estate as the property FW10 remove Corns Apply Freely Fss tbe woolen mills at that place, We are ley’s, majority at 8.576 ; Brewn’s majority of said Defendant, |o wit:' All those certain JL Perce Indian Chief Salve. .Bandage for tracts of Land «itnUted. lyinu and being ins in four or five days; a sure cure. . > informed by our correspondent that be is for Governor is 13, ‘11 ; Maynard’s vote Yambill county O&gon. and more particu iraii ­ r 1 4 fé------------- » a discharged workmen at tbe mills, and for Congress is 80,825 : beatham’s vote larly bounded and described as follows) OR Cuts and Bruises use Nez Perce In­ Notification Number 1,$64, surveyed.! and II bas been beard to make threats. dian Chief Salve. is 65.578, and Job usons is 39.00 designated on the. Maps and Plats of < 1 the - ‘‘ -■ • * United States as Claim Number 72, Being Miscellaneous 1 >legr*ms. A lady in Portland lost a $75 muff. . parts of Sections 35, 34 arid 35er 61, being beini parts of priations for tbe 4 W., and Claim Nttntfier • Tbo estimate —-------------- Sections 2, 3, and 4 in T.5 _ ! 8. ? R.. “ . 4 4 West, be- OR TETTER AND RINGWORM Government for iug bounded and described as i folloyro, to The famous Wraslin’ Joe Thomas suits expensep of tbe G 1 Use Nez Perce Ind an Chief Salve. wit- Beginning at a poii int North 83 degrees t . -1 scompteted. The wit: for possession of tbe Caruthers’ estate tbe ens ling finical y |L-, ___ j, chains; ______ and -__ thirty linki distant East seven : OR HARD SWELLING^ A1J d CATH- tbe same as her**- | from a point 13 chains arid 80 links Sonth have been fin illy settled on a compromise, amoun will be .1 erings use Nez Peroe- • Indian Chief I of the North East corner, of the South East and all cases now pending in tbe Coui ts tofors.l Salve. i-i— J ! quarter of Section 34. in T. 4 8. R. 4 West --------------------------------------------------:------------- j— - j «j f J 1R ■: - ti r were to-day dismissed. The sole owner­ Went and running thence South 83 degrees West Inted to investi- issii The Comtn I I 103 chains and fifty links: thence Sonth 18 F or sores of all kinds ship and title passes Co the South Portland Use Nez Perce Indian Chief Salve. e Rio'Grande have gate ti be outrages _________ ____ a- Jast 29 chains and degtees and ; 30 minutes Ei f , r —st . .. Real Estate Association. ~ • - ---------------- —--------- - ---------------- -- -------------- 1. --- f t - '» timated that 20 links; thence East 23 chains and 30links; made Weir report. »J ‘ OR AIX DISEASES OF THE SKIN thence South 25 degri ees *" East 48 chains; Tbe water power afforded by the Wil­ American residents I Use Nez Perce Indkn Chief Salve. suffered to tbe ex) thence South 72 degrees s East 12 chains and lamette Falls at Oregon City Is enormous, tent of $50,000,000, .. e protection 50 links; thence North 73 degrees' East . 71 RICE 50CgNTS A BOX. For ssls by chains; thence North 23 degrees 30 minutes ail Druggists and general dealers. and of such extent that when utilized it forche’pedfrie op th by an in- West 64 chains and 90 lijiks to the*pl^ce of oct261y; J ! , ■ r will turn the shafts of more mills and crease of cavilçy ; e a predatory beginning, in the District;of Land subject to sale at Oregon City, Oregon, containing manufactories than are in existence at tbe warmlay bs; hxpec ■ Established in! 1850 640 and 04-100 acres; and also Notification fei b - i j F present time on tbe whole Pacific slopis, Number 5,783, Certificate 461, known and afion has come designated in the Survey« and Plats of the , A bpige swindling and then have water to spare. to liglit in New^jrl, n— Island, A United Slates as the Fractional South half * ; Hon. A. J. Dufur. U. 3. Centenniial wealthy brokar named Oliver Read nego? of the North East quarter of Section 34;« Fractional South half of the N. W. quarter WH0LE8AE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, . Commissioner, for this State, went Eastto tiatedjlhe sale of 1 4 500 worth of ten* of Section 34; Fractional North half |ot the y i- I I - attend the meeting which takes place per-eqat: incorile bo s of the Central Pa- South East quarter of Section 34; Fraction? * ? ■ _____ __ al South West quarter of Section 34; Frac­ eaily next month, of tbe Commissioners cific ¿ailroadjor a al stranger, and tbe » tional North West quarter of the South i ' i tf* West quarter of Section 85; Fractional of tbe several States for making prepara­ bendsiwere dipcovéi to be counterfeit East quarter of the North East -quar­ PORTLAND, . OREGON tions for tbe Centennial Exhibition, to be at tbdìpffice of tbe company in New York. South ter ef Section^; Fractional North East r i . ■. ! i i ¡¡In 111 If j ■ I : i h ■ ■ V *; ! • *\ held at Philadelphia in 1876. quarter of the South East quarter of 8ec‘ M .1 < here have been tbe lltb of 1 Si ’ 1 . V - K tion 33, in T. 4 8. R. WeH, 4 of »beWillam- ■i Tbe Bulletin bas tbe hardest time e imag- j 127 deaths from am»‘ ette Meridian, containing one hdndre l and : in St. Louis. SMITH 8c DAVIS, I l - . vj. fifty-nine and 53-100 acres; and also tbe fol­ - ■ Inable keeping out of ** scrapes.” Tbe ne- fl rip z been appointed lowing described premises, to^ wit: Lots G a cessity quite frequently falls to its loti of Numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 asd the North West j DIÀLBU W eade; deceased, and Maj quarter of the South West quarter and South devoting an elaborate leading article ; to it of tbe South, West quarter of the North West quarter of to tbe De i ’If- apologies for some damaging misstatement Section 3, and Lot 1 of Section 4 in T. 5 8. DRUGS AND ë il* i ' ordered to tbe Hancock •! Gen CHEMICALS, it bas made. R. 4 West, containing one hundred and fifty- PATENT MED Jltic. General four and 34-100 acres; and also Land Claim V Department of tbt ; aire ’ ícíñéb T dyk A young man, returning from Cbuirch Terry will take command of the Depart­ Number 57 lying within tbe following ¡metes I WOODS AND > STUFFS, s and bounds, on the South bank of the Yam ­ the near Salem in company with several ot»er WIND ed by General Han- hill river and more particularly bounded men^bf Dakota, i DOW GMi i - PERFUMERY, persous tbe other Sunday, fired a pistol in and described as follows, to wit: : • Beginning cock. in . 'J - .............. . * ’ f : I’; H jH VARNI8HES, hard Booth’s at the South East corner of Richard tbe crowd (he says at a dog) and wouod- F . - ■lli -'u rOir fflf'i ¡:\ BRUSHES, OIL«/ * ■ k J • and Margaret Booth ’ s Claim, running lhence President Grant has pardoned Major ed one of tbe party in tbe leg. , PAINTS, ETC. ETC West 24.80 chains to a stake on the t [Ii Hodhe, the pay pav matter master wb<* who was sentenced tween U. B. Hawley’s ahd the said Booths ge, tbe L ’ r The Farmer very properly urges farm­ Claim; thence south on line between n said to ten years’ imprisonment for embezzle- ¡bains; Hawley’s andc Booths’ Claims 2 qL ——, ers to look after tbeir orchards better. Tbe ' thin *L*-1- Hodge was drawn thence 'west oh south line qf said Booths’ ment Grant decaying condition of many orcbards in I Ctaigi' to the center of said Yamhill river; into tbe crime by I Ibe intrigues of others* thence following down the meandering* in this State would suggest that there was IlWI ■Jl-WHI; l-JTW:!: . I —■OF— A said Yamhill river to where culpable negligence somewhere. ■ The bark Cbarles I Ward was wrecked the center of Baid said Booths’ east line crosses said river; < Wheat (extra) jnnly brings 65 cento in duripg a hurricane on tbe 18lh iost., thence south on said east line to tlis place ENGLISH CHEMICALS, r BRUSHES, PERFUMERY 1 ‘ of beginning, containing 424 acres more or Salem. I J wbije en route from Quebec to England. f PATENT ARTICLES. less, all lying in Sections 34 and 35 in T. 4 / opt ine he crew Tb^captain n and eight or crew* - wer we e 8. R. 4 West. ' ~ j —J lh Empire City to having a new jail. I tin And also the following described real es­ I savçd, and 1 tbe remainder (eleven) lost, tate, to wit: Beginning at the south east built in a firm and substantial maqner, j !F corner of Claim Number 72, in T. 5 south FRENCH PATENT MEDICINES I, Pl> ce Greeley is »till unable, from Horace and it will be almost impossible for aicul. of Base Line Range 4 West of Willamette . FUMERY AND i CHEMIÓALI 1OALS- prit to effect an escape. Tbe building I nervous prostratio to attend to bis edito- Meridian. Thence north 23 degrees 30 min­ . • BK hwm utes west __ 19 — chafi sins and 50 links: thence will not cost $12,000. as did one in Linn 1 Tialj but it ia|j duties, h 5 south 75 dei igrees 30miuures east /LI' chains / ' * . ' i' i f* • MJ * ooh bo to health. Tbe New and 40 lin! iks; thence south 4 degrees be restote<|i restoi county, but it is thought, when completed, soon agrees 80 _____ nori JHh 85 de­ Zamoca, Surgeon’s (top, Bathing and Shesp'a < I thence that it will bold aoy thing—nearly as large I Yot*k Express publishes a statement that minutes west' 39 chains; ___ grees 30 minâtes west 27 chains and 60 links; ¿ /' t * ’■' 'I be is in an ! an Insane! Insane Asylum. Asylum. ~ •il an object as a man. thence south- 4 degrees 30 minutes west 5 I ; r i be to in •** f chains; thenCe west 79 chains and 8 links; ■ •jjr f- <■ SPONGES Tbe horse malady to spreading among thence north 12 chains; thence ëast 27 The Plaindealer says 4» The slide on -■ * - 1 i ' iffi. * r ' • chains and 50 links; thence south 70 degrees the farmers ’ stock in portions of Illinois 1 " J ‘ I Çj I tbe Rico bill has been removed. On Tues- 30 minutes east 12 chains; thence northT3 i. . ( aqjl Iowa. day, the Portland train passed through to degrees east 71 chains to the place 6f begin­ Mace, Cloves, Pepper.'Nàtme; otmeg., AIlqH«. I t * ning, containing 153 acres. And also all ' Cinnamon, Ginger, ta * •1 Oakland, and the construction train to e against William The revenue fraud ‘I that certain piece or parcel of. lapd lying Bicarb. Saltpeter, urli agli k Wall & & Co. Coi in in Boston Bostoi ! bas been rompro- and being in tne county oT Yamhill! Oregon, Roseburg. Wo learn that it to tbe inten­ Wall Citrate ofM’ : May’» Fe tion to crib the Qulon cut, in order to pre­ mi.sed miked by that firm paying pi into tbe United mown and designated as follows, to wit:— 4 f BoiU... - Being in T. 5. S. R. 4 west, and beginning vent slides io the luture. Some difficulty States Treasury the snm of $400,000. The at a post north 14 i degrees east from Charles I ! L* >utb east cornerLof land bas been experienced in tbe ' delivery of New York ease against tbe same firm was M. Johnson's sou_ ’ i J I 1 1 Claim, 45 chains, said 1 1 beginning post being freight at Roseburg, from the fail that coinDromtoed by tbe payment of $120,000. north west 8 links from' [>m __________ an oak tree two We are Agents, for the Salo i degrees feet in diameter; thence north 14 j de there to yet neither depot or agent> Tbe I I Buffum ’s east 35.73 chains topost on Mr*.; frame ■ •V.W.V of w. the .W depot is MVW now up. U|*. W an ud in a JM ' ifm i i west line; thence north 4 dec grues -* west 13. L * l!|| i 'fl abort time tbeJtiifficulties will be re-J ] O rnament rest L line __ to .. post; chains oh Mrs. Buflhm’s west T rees .—In an ex> 54 I Jherry Pectoral, Sarsaparilla thence west 51.20 chains to post in center DR. AYER’S Cherr moved.” Ague Cure, , Hair Vigors tor, and Oattar- (the following, of slough; thence south 9 degrees west 17. __ • tic Pills.’ 70 chains up up the _________ said slough to post; thence thq* point, and south DR. JAYNE ’S Sanative Pflli, Expoetoraat, 56$7aegrees east 55.51 chains to the _ j ; ■ ' ■ ‘ ■ ■ j Alternative, Ague Mixture, Venatfuge^ Venatfugae, upon by our peo- place of beginning, containing Ining 175 and 40-00 |ould be ac etc* stc* etc* of land. Tbe said i land hereinbefore The Boston Advertiser says the season of thQ . acres Ano- described contains in all 1 an aggregate of ( DR. TOWNSLEY’S Indian Toothaebe Ane- dyne. ___ r 1 • i' V nearly every fire insurance compa­ ees, and it oughtto 1,225 and 73-100 acres, and on DR. SCOVILLE’S Bloog and Lver Syran. ny in that city has found its losses 437% DB. W. Han’s Balsam rough out the State, Monday, tbe »3d day of* Dee., U * too much for it, that few of them m. and Between the hours of 9 o’clock a. i______ 2 DR. MOTT’8 Sugar plants a tree and WALKER’S Vinega 4 o ’ clock p. m. of snd day, I will [ I proceed will survive. The average of these i the danger of its to sell, at public suction, to the highest ‘ bid- bid­ ROSEBAUM S Bitte Í companies will pay about fifty per a benefactor, and der for U. 8. Gold Cpia, in front of the I HOWE A STEVEN’ i Coart House door, in Lafay ** ” ' • “ [, Yamhill cent, of their policies. Some wilt And many other live after him. If county, Oregon, all tbe right, le and in- a Besides the abqye- not pay over twenty per cent, and terest of the above snt ,tn and ery man, woman to the above descri real estate, together full assortment of a few will pay in full, Several 1 plant one tree in wit a ail and singular be improvements and Medicines o i the Bayers will find had but a small amount of* risks • Slate would be tenements there onto I Lafayette, Qregon, £ov._2& 11 in the burnt district and these, j , of conception. Com- 9 JR. r ----------- Sheriff, I J. course, will continue on, i pov23w4] ’ambili Ca, Oregon. ghborhooda could i II Another locomotive, lor use on tbe east, i fine of one hundred side road has reached Portland. Albany, Nov. 23 - A man named Powlan, says the Orego­ ficially, in New Yorl U JLifi1 i 1 Cl p! j BHHH F F F F P ' ’if 4 — IMPORTERS. ■< J Í U is a special term lol all busness to be held here by Judge Bonham commencing j on December 16tb. ensuing, instead of for Chancery cases only. ! |! t I ■.(¡if’Vi !*’ 1 IF ( ■IBH b L.,. ! ' ..sBa*. - ■ Í. f %