* : dOÍ - - 1 OUR UNION, RIGHT OR < ■r‘4’ ’L . ' RIGHT HER WHEN SHES WRONG ■ J ! ■. 1 « ---------- w LA FAYETTEJi » ■o PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, —BY— 4" j I>arn (0 sell near Sheri in li Yamhill i. 0 Co. «Uriwrn onus sting of 82Ö land, ré«, about If~ 160 of yvbich is in coltivai . —AT— * fa(ion. Ther* is a good barn, a go id fr ame dwell- LAFAY BTTE, ing. orchard, stock water etc YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON: TMHT it-range it exocfiebt J 4 . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (In advanced) half section bf pasture lt|n< k under . Aldoa Ono Copy One Year/ . . . . • $3 Ot). ! . vs One Copy Six Months, . .... 2 00. T srmi hilf cash end ballarçeo^ e. J^Clergymen and Teachers will be Fur r fu rther.particn>#r8 ipqn |re io sub nisued with the C ourier at $2,00 per annum. ^CrihAF 4SI^ »he lirAmi»« premises. HPR. i > JOHN MEEKE R. RATES OF ADVERTISING. J. w JOHNSON, lili J UNI i ' ------- - FT ~'r I" IAylâiYBTfrwj. Ì F ? n! f • ■ L I * , * * • JOHNSON & GABY, -■ j I I ! II ■ 1 | r II I | T AND firhep roads leading to and from 1 tlsis this crossing ¡i h JiR are in ‘J' m ng o fOiPortiand, McMinnyile F orest going f-rt 8outtí o d Hillsboro, an 'ri J. W J ohnson . H f I' ■ t HE undersigned would respeoffully an- a notince to the travelling put|liq, that bat he has, at the Lafayette crossing f the ' Yamhill, Y.« A ¿AtlGlI, fTEW AN®! SAFE 'EhftY BOAT, on which be can Cross Teat 9 >ck, &c., k H CHEAPLY. Y. 1 I - rtfaements. . : te^Coin Being the (»sis on which our; I. a . rates are fixed, Currency will only be » takdn I market value. A1_ A ¿ML , ■ IJ .will ■ One^quare, 10 Lincs or less, one Inser­ tion, ». . • » . • j •. • • For each subsequent insertion, . . l,0ty A liberal deduction will be made ot Quartery, Yearly, and half Yearly Adver- j? J0IJN ■ 4MJJ B4 h Ik . r..|it ih , C ourier O ffice , L a P ayette , O regon HARRIS. Lafayette, July 31, 1866. * A. F. FOBBES, - ; J-' I ili Uri s I (JONFFCTlONEtlV I i I . ,OCEBT. AND FAMILY GR ini 'I LAW , || i ¡I If 1 1I eugeme sempee , ATTORNEY AND 4 i I I Asso Miscellaneous USEFUL AND LUXURtOU H'i ' RTTCLES. O ffice on Front Street, up-stairs, adjoin- C- ■ f Fancy Soaps, Soaps of all |kin|’s, Candies ing Knapp & Burrell. t i and Licorice, pipes, pens amrlnksi powder, Caps, Shot and Bar Lead, Letter ¿»apet, fancy , Oysters CITAS. W. PARKISil ADDISON C. GIBBS. and plain, Envelopes, plain and farjey, __________ J ;inds, * it ■■ * and Sardines, Canned Fruite j>f all k Series Wilsons’ Sanders’ and National i 4 TTOKÑE YS A ND CO UNS ELVES •| of School Itiade ri 1 • ;.*.■ Portland, Oregon. ' > 9 y * * ■' I GIBBS &, PARRISH,.¡H ■ AT I A" - . iIiiifil PORTLAND, OREGON. :h SCHOOL Itooksll |i.ill ! TOBACCO, SMOKINU ‘ i‘ î I O ffice on Alder Street, in Carter^ rick Week. I ___ ‘ Uli ■ ucj» Particular attention paid to Probate | :■ . i Perfumery. [¡ , i Uta, Particular attention paid to Prolate | business and also to the collection of debts, | [ Concentrated Ki and Axle and forwarding of proceeds. j r - I I Also an assortment assortment of p ( x HAZORS and straps , beai Jes 1 a ä : in 11 ' A T TO RNE Y^A T-L A IF,[ f Assortmeut o Tint W I i ■! •i- pli ■ ■ II fl ■ j H¡ •al and kr t Grover &|¿í ■*“ : ! VITill give prompt attention to all legal ili VV business entrusted to him at t the u- Cap- hol! He will also pi aetice in any , of tbe - 441y Courts of this State. — Lr Ben. F. Hayden, attorney ; at la W •______ EOLA, P0I.KCOUNTX, POLKCOUKTT, I * ■ ■ I S m • ■ L . : • 1 . ■ -I 4 1 ¡' f I P E I - : 1 f!' u Ì ' 'L MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN LAFAYETTE. OREGON. - i ii H- W- RO8S> M- D * T-------- - ■ PHYSICIAN ANP E>3O\a.; ! I broidcr, No. oithf chine Embroiders < | O ffici .—Next door to residence. A. B. WESTEBF1EFI», i C oji V m t^n nbrt fa< liai 4 □lproveniutu. —----------------------- Thé:p(lení’.pá, r [uysted of r— Dr. O. W. GOTCHER. SURGEON PHYSICIAN, J AN. i Wt I ACCOUCHEUR, Orne»—At his reeidenoe in Cbehalem Valley. Yamhill County, Ogn. n-31-tf \ DpOÎB na Shoes, Carriaj ¡mfrig. •edujring .’’.Olhing.e.od all ot Hhte Use of the me»t » I w « «...i t F- „ LoclSiîleÿ.^W«, |!To¡í!ie?e Now Frette »j w deh p< _... ......... w it lion posses Halcon all :s:akub-e;advimiaieiloyer ’-/rir I r G.P. BISSEX, M. D. fv "r *fr* ’ ». !- SURGEOE-, Graduate of tbe College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., offers his services in the various branches of Medicine and £ur* gery to the people of McMinnville and vu ) t ' J I ’ —- i 'i! A*exts treated foafthé sí la ofthe i PHYSICIAN AND 1 / ARRIGONI’S 4« eat Reduction in Pyicen! €ÏIF%TS WAXTKD - A > Í A. ,B. ¡BURBANK, ’ Ì- Î \ «8 IL ( m Gal. f SURGEON. iAfayetU, Oregon, + j Í BM I 11 H. F. WHITE, M. 4 ,83 50 ? PHYSICIAN and SJJRGEON . O regon C ut Oregon. Special attention givefi u> Typhvid Fever and dishes pf females ami cbildreq.-V'-D j J TT M They nre more simple a®d j easier kept In, ceder, mal a d ■ &nd îporo elastic Hitch, a firjpt 1 fad’e brani ifhl neam than any Tl^îyeew all fabrics ftyj ofj ■ faon mon spools, require no ’ t : c seam -■ thread, fuwtcn both «n4« thoagh i 1 , sul tiy their ewn operado», i um will 1 every fifth btltcil is i "li L ! ,i ' I I I not rip. 1 ■'I -------- * „ i liti. Mounts, 4 nrn ’ ------ 1—“it I ! I f ¡I Are the best I TOR THE FOUUOWirs ’ YT7Í11 practice in the variöus .Courts ot this : VV State. i '■ 44 ly r ■ i FAinu Oregon. • ! f ELASTIC STI J The first Di’ vision embraces the 10:63 Stagg’s field. chains, already r lescribed.■ / !• The lifh Division - enee. her, and Lr - CT A - M. r, j< . Tbe D visii >n commences 10:63 ch, from extends tithe 16 mile stake, excluding four I 4 initial point, and expended to a small creek; ch.; ot tluiiif .icroHs id dgers’ sw^h», ibe fire pNDEKSON & COOK. * (jUi 1 h TT l . di.st iuce, 40:^0 ¿h.; average depth of Ditqh fa recrusses the county road ; auer crowing be ■ t W FW'V ww1 p in —Hwa» "’rttTboleaá'e ¡énfi rfftail; r www dealers fanev l. 7,435 fret, at d contains 5520,5 cubic yards swale it bears to tha.right of r.h.- q IJ a. hut/ I. . WjfWiài^r li £-1- ■‘-f «Ir i IF _ ~ house, through the original l >n l c'arui or “ yy «nd sfap'ie dry goods, Hoosiery and of earth. Rodgers’; recrossing|tw« county rostflgaiW.’ Notions. Ladies and Gf nis furnishing goods ’.t , The third Division extends along the and eutering into Wi. C. t Heiiibreel], land _„. ___ . road to ■> point T tbe count? near' TTuyers from the Country are requested north ride. ofT Falkner's building? ; distance, 84 ch., ____ aver- thence into l Cozine’s (and, thence intp G. Ç. examine oun stock before purchasing | Hge depth, 4;69 ha t, containing GVO-^G cubic Chandler’s land land, whete we set the 16 i~ tn i le­ elsewhere. ! ii ' . J I > ■ * ' i jl i stake ; distance 166 ch:; depth, 5.74 ft., fé con- 1 yards, yards. , I < • ’-r I / Cornet l»t and Washington Street. The 4th Divi-ion extends to low land tai'iing 10296 cubic yards. P ortland O regon . Dear the Meeting House ; distance. 34:1 lob, The 15th Division extends to the termina», —i The first 32:59 ch. is «fml, average depth, |2 :5:2 feet; containing 1210.0 of tfie survey. cubic yards. I • low digging, the balance 19:405 ch. (lf28( t, ) ISW.V/ J VSCW. ; - < ' t j I 1 The 5th Division inciades the low laud, requiring flume m ossing Cozine’s Creek at I the present li ue would bring the level of th.- the point of fir timber, opposite the Grave On south bottoro/Df the i Ditch above the surface of the Yard in W. T. Newby’s land. FtfONT ’ STREET, PORTLAND ground—dist ariee, ,15.2") ch ; average bight, high bank of creek at stake near large fir is required. tree, 4be bottom of the flume is 14.10 ft. 2;0;5 f et; a fltjme flume of ot 210 2 >0 fret f<-< OREGON.? 7:48ch. :48ch. the balance t a oe embauked '; much ot ttfi* high ; distance across to terminus >>7 Cfj Î4V3 68ft.) bench on oak tree 16 ¡aches in i din be avoided by keeping nearer the river, diameter, is 127 it. above tbe bottom^ bottom of here the land is higher. ri'jliE Prppriei ¡tor of A kkigoni ’ s H otel .. Where 1 vision cjujin.-nces 7:35 ch Hume : difference of i . level from ’bottomx of The 6th Divis X[Portland, Oi regun, w ._ _ with ____ the 1 keeping up wpst;cf the (bld Ford, which we found . dome to natural bank of Coziue,» Oree» i» spirit of the tiqies, has determined to make r 17:98 fijet below the bottom of the Ditch 59.76 11 . : distance from 16 mile stpke , to a material -ferial reduction redpction in his prices, without is 52 ch., making the distanco of The hM i this Division 60:50 vu ch*; termmosis 1 »»cr leng trOI » h W i-/i> loiVFLi is in vv,Du cbajiging the qpaliiy dF hie accutniuodationi«. average depth, C 60 feet, containing 7437,2 tbe entire line 16 mil« and 52 chains* I ikst -C lass H ouse , and He will keep ii F irst j.. The T». Ditch passes ___ _________ along s_ in .k„ the dubio _____ yards, •'W5 I will? charge $2.00 per day for board and ep bl-iff, on Um north-side of the th. ch. 5 Ja , side of a stei “ — - odging. < ( i S. N\ ARRIGONI. J ' * -i* - 1 ’* * bank ’■■■ appears • to road, The material * of * tbe I v2 d 22 ly u22 i Length of excavations id! may be found practicable be shale, and may_______ , practicable . _ _ _ for, -4 I - I ■ I / a Ditch the whole distance. It has been sug­ Deduct flume at Rocky T , , Ridge Ridge 495 feet feet gested; however, to have a flume of 495 feet Lengthrof Fluming at : SX)!! at the steepest point A trial will best de |TTI_ 11 _ V-i 200 ft A ARREN ARRÇN ’ ’ S' S HOUSEHOLD HOUSEHOLD PHY . .... ­ (.ermine wh en is the more durab'e, as well Falkner’s M. House j At Rocky Ridge 495 al CÍAN, du ibe mo?t niost compo ccutpH te niedicfal medicial work as the most economical. This Division ter­ SICIAN, r--- 'WT fatmlv •• can afford — k to be without minates opposite 1 urnct’s Tan Yard. At Hampton’s 182 written, ’ r No At Deer Creak A 1>4UO The 7th D vison ; the line of Ditch takes it ; qoutaioH (JoutaitH over 400 illustrations. illustratimi«, Great inddertnerite Address P acific the bank on the break between t he high and At May’» School IIoaRe 468 in'ltyct-merite to’ Agents. Agents At RodgeFs Swale 264 PuBLi8áijío Cq:, San Francisco, n 26 3m the low land ; distance 124.21 ch.; average . I -1 ...—..... At Cozine ’ s Creek 1,281 depth, 4,55 fr, contaiuing 9346.1 cubie yards ! This bank is uniform on its surface, and the r ’ ■ ( 4, ,200 ft. cross grade averages about 20->. A very ÎÎ ■ Length of shallow dig. natural rout 1 for a ditnh. This Division i 4LA FAYETTE, OREGON, n - ging and, filling on T j AVÄ AN# WILL KEEP ON HAND terminates nearly, opposite Toney’s f| 32. ,59oh. 16tli mfio p|‘ - 8th Division extends along the exten­ AJL a General Assortment of 6. 35 :iHi •• sion of the same bank to Jacob Hampton’s; On 12th mile « 5. 00 distance 206bn.; average depth, 5,00 leet, On 8th mile / 6.56 eontaiuing 17624«4’jcubie yards. In order On ¡Sundry places Wbâjli I wfll sell at redaccd prices, consist­ expedite the survey, we leveled across-tl>u ing in part of, 4 ■ . 50.50 prairie to near teimination <>f this Division, Dry Goods, Salem Cloths, -j -Ui- but measured abong tho.line of Ditch. The J Flanu^ls, Blankets, Clothing, V-r VV 5-niile stake w is set at a point ot6 thd line J?i Ilai«‘ Capp, Boots*smd Shoes, • • • ¡ fa here the river approaches the op Inads— • 4 1 ; m Hardware, Nails. Glass, /Hardware, The number of cobip yards of excavation- above Gaunt’s, at aoout 40 oh. From, and 'JSogars, ■jSogar», Coffee,Teas, Syrup, below yie 6 mile stake tbe river appoaefies In 1st Division—e»timat.d in cost ot dam— Candles, K(?hotfeDe oil, In 2nd ditto ■-r - .• ■ ■•■iv’jj ?• near the high land« again. " ”v- ' ‘f Qneen’t) wjare, Stono ware, Tin ware, Ú 3d ditto The 9ib Division includes only 3.38 ch ha*-.- ; Hi J toi# I Dried Fruit, Tobacco. Fish. Salt, &c. in 4th d tto average depth. 3.66ft., containing 203.5 | .... -------- ----------- CAS u I PAID FOR WHEAT. - flume and low land t'1 cubic yards, and ?xteuds to the gulch near IQ 5th ditto n|7 tf « A. IL BURBANK. fiöOZ, Hampton’s dwdHi g house with creek ten In 6th ditto ,*■ i ï . j ', i. y W46 i In 7th ditto dinks wide. At t’ ia poiut a flume is requi ■ ■ -■ red, 18-J feet «n length, highih of flume above In 8th i to - Necessarie» of Life. In 9th ditto hanks of creek. 9.65 feet ; good banks on i- s I i 10 h ditto bot i spies. | -4 672 The 10th Division commences at south in 11th ditto Î479. •' carding at In J 2th ditto endx>f flume, thense across Hampth050. y’s land, containing a norther y codrse u 1114th ditto £ lu 15th ditto flame, shallow digging I T ’ . _ rè ‘ F t - í * ’’hin 41: 71 ch. i f a poiut (>ia.52J opposb. [ > T hos . S tandley —will »efi bis pur. ^.• nin 41: / «¡vs A ii**nderron, Jr Ifousu, near the sent;- ami filling. ; ^**nderron, J i ’iSj S j Kousts a -------—■ 10 108. Total, «um ; .« a i,auk of D er Creek, ¿i-tan< e 100:5*) ch.; W hite Wn^KEv-at La Fayette, on th- Cost of excavation, per Cabic yar4 n at eight, on. tbe Nort lermioa ion of thw DivHioii, re Inu d ntal expense amounting to Knrt<4A 500 00 Direct cash I« orders to Thomas Standley q. jring « flume of l,4oO fint in length ; .127 23 higbtb 'f flame from upper south bank 1^01 Toca' amount . * or th Fork Oregon. •o'rth or N B ■ ’ * f • I i E? ' * ; ' I ¡ 'I he larger of the “ •ger portiort portion oi tn? groaiid over feel-distance across to stake on opposite pass with the line of ditc'ñps, is of which we 1 ' bank (aJIowing 3 ft- d ; distance lU:0i even and equal contour, the ch-racffcr of the ch. 6l.3f»’**U Different of level from c»p barth is Or an excellent quality, beii® r a good 27* innvile .Manufacturing Company! posite soothJ»#nk to at ike is 7.55 feet, which qoality of c ay, below the vegvtsWiMserlZ m-ing ad e«i t 3 feet (A pth or ditch) is.55 R“ mrt on $e Preliminary Survey made by fret: deducting the grade on 10 02 ch. 0:lu At the initial point as before of barred 1 the Q, Lew is, for the purpose of arcert.un- w-ll give 1’^35 feet jjMsadded to the heighr pottim of the ditch is on a level wi i|b the wa­ itigtbe practicability of, the pro r of the flume on opposite bank (14 01 ft, wil ter 4 feet abeve the lowest summer stage : po»< d McMinnville Water farfalT*f24 35 fret, capablemfr propelling Heit < let) am'toint of ti e water of the' Y&tnhi.l powerful luaclnner* in passing from the little need be said, it, is { too v io I d ;iia, pvjr Into McMinnviFe, in Yamhd I county, _ -JBBBBBI • w n J kfarM fd pvt‘r upper to the lower flume. J . es ; and Orézon, fi r iqhiwtactqring pnrpe 1 —it.-l-rorth ought to be, and cSiaiuly fa Ore When we take into consideration thy haring eerrey with suffi. icut having made made a a fría! t - J .ui-Tbar4 can be this Wition i«nn the midf lauda aud I owq pr Ditch. *' ” Meeting House ; but upon examination aud . of the Rail The 11th pjvkmn cotnmences at the north coneuhalion we concluded to examine the bank of Deer Creek (in 3 ft. ditchj-r-dis grounfliturther up the river. —At a pomt the water ’ tance 237:50 < h average depth, 5. 15 feet, near the Old (jump Ground, and oearlv op containing 21672 0 cubic yard*. yards. It passes Ecsite the dividing line between the lauds of boonriary line between Derby and >r^ Gleeson a^d Mr. Buly. we found a fery* along the boundary HendvlM»,.Sr'», lands, t> Bear West b an j gooti location for a dam. and offering sude-i dary of D. Holman Holfijan ’s 8 land ;au 1 ; J^thenco thence thrvogh throng rior fHcilitiea Br bringing tbe water out' to pastore, to Knight field; and pasture, t :-u ’ ’ s a« jr other place that we bad seen. W e Holman’s field, a«other We land : ; thence northerly to Jaeksori Jacksod Miller Milkr ’e s fi&nd fOotiil th« th» water about four feet above; abovp/ the 1»! d. t) t) John Miller’s « field where we set th< th» ordinary somfloer summer stage — tbe bank on the lar 12 mile stake the termiuas ot* of this thia Division north-aide ie Dorth-aide is ao a# good as, as could be desired— The 12th 12ih Divisicn commences at 12 in mve i e the Opposite bank' will overflow at a high stake and include» 30 ch. of high land, bo bo- stage of water! waterj but afibrd'ng afford mg Hufficient sufficient bank bank ^KgjMg|Bj||r if . I fore we reach tbe swal? near May ’ s school a* for the .• « — a . V — . J — ~ * L. . • if, J • •* dk ■» *y protection of a darn with ordinary tion. We proeeded to level from the house, average depth 6.50 ft-, containing proleoti 3479 cub e j yard«, yards, There is on this Division surface of tbe ex sting stage of water, ailow- tbe,ex VÄRt low lend, oumtnenees a flame mv tohd, then thenoummenees dam of eight feet would fprnish eigbt icet Wuuia iprntsn ata ’°K Lxww. io length, higbth jn oenter 6.92 ft itch wile * b a sufficient supply of water. tbe Price STORE I 1 N.’U SALEM, O REGO 4 WIislLcy J l'loiir! ! Wool- [U1- P ¡■Attorney at Law, \ ¡at t ü H ÎJÏ J. W- JOHNSON. t tnjin| useful a nd ornante Particular attentipn given to collection pf: numerous to mentiorjjj iG| Botes, accounts, liens, mortgages, Ac. make a purchase. ” o43 ly ' November 19. '67 M •>, 1,1 Lafayette, My 3 B. F. BOWHAM, a - * ’ CUTLER Y p. c. SITIXiyX3i^ Dallai Polk Polk. County, County. Oreson. > ¡¡ < Dallas, proprietà- re O « w < MERCH AN DI S E , tc., etc. nur I _t V V F j ! r The Best Qnahr Patent Medici dm '• attorney a counselor at law , AND IL— The. One Sm $ f < "SIMPSON keeps a first class Fami- P IGS 1 1 « ly Grocery In Lafayetty« iieref can be nt all i times found all the staple ick-s in the I Family 'y supply line, besides SOLICI i OR A Plano Chek, on Grovcstcin & Cd. N Y The 13th Division jD^mmenoes at end rf flume and terminate«, at 11-rbile stakte 4 ip fangie onSJ-2*’, that is. the standard should Starg’s field—dis tan 116:60 ch.; ddpth; v _ i__ as . _ i__ « a » . i ^1^1- _ be w he re the Di tch was 5 feet deep ¡the* top 4J>3 ft. containing §0,9 cub.cyaids. JThfa should be 8 t f wide; all the rest in like pro- line passes through M h ay’s field nud pqst ue, portion. The gi *ade adopted was 1 :6 feet crotsingtbe county rojai d below tV'ay’s nufld per mile. ings. in the direction of Crawfora's into ♦ • < L j— ■ w |r f" _ . V i. j i