mg s ■* THE The Signal has« a correspondence from TUÄßDAY. Corvallis, who gives the result of a rail­ THk A merican S tock J oubn Ah?ft>rU«ne road discussion at that place, from is at band. The enterprising Publishers we make the following extract. M of t^is valuable. Monthly, offer ¿If send < ? 4 journal. We cannot pronouace judgement upott this book, as we are not a physician, | but if the Gazette is equal in excellence to the Overland Monthly, it i* a credit to the in that way break down the West Side Company; and when he read the cards of Nesmith and Huntington to prove this, the audience manifested th'eir approval by hearty applause. Mr. Elliot was. fold fo his face in the presence of the meeting, that A. J. Cook & Co. was a fraud and a swindle, that there wa^ no such a tirin in existence ; Mr. Mitchell was also told that he bad substantially admitted that be knew this to be the case, and neithfer! gentleman denied the charge. Mr. 0'as-i i-i toh charged upon the East Side Company toh charged upon that they had agreed to pay Mitchell i ar thousand dollars a year, I. R. Moores their President 84.400 per year, 8am Sam Cli Clark, Secretary $2,500 per year, their Treasuifer 81000 per year, and each oi of thfiir Direct their lMrecc- ors eight dollars per day and that node nohe of uf| • a _ j — thefo men had anythiug to do whatever, to be collected off the people of Oregon, and that such conduct would ruin ‘ft apf y - enterprise, and none of < these charges weie deniedftThroughout t the discussion there was-a great deal of cross Arcings and tiffi East Sidera got the worst of it on eyerj turtu > h: ! 1 The people here have generally mi .. . L>_ .V ___ 4. G: up their minds that . Æ. the T? East Side Co. is a humbug and a mere nuisance in the way of the other Company. They could not get rt dollar here now under any circum- «¿ ., ,ti, b Side i W ell A nswered .*-Congress, however.' ha* Wdouhted powerrtutake away the bal­ lot Irtui ril)el§.-—3a($rsmeuto Unifin. Cangrer&ehu8 no power to take the bal­ lot from ai|| class of -persons, or to confer it upon any anwcLiss, class. I__ lly^ie laws ofJhe States ’"r-^rtould be de­ convicted ‘ „^^- rebels, t. ‘^ ¿J felons, wou’ prived of suffrage.. priveJ suffrage. LfgLlative Legi-lativo I bodies have no right to pass upouhbe no right taipass opor£ the guilt guilt orjinnocence or innocence of parties. Xhe Cuuits i alone the legal alone have nave the lega art i guilty. Whom the th right to say who w ho ar^ i_. «J^ri . » guilty .■ Courts do n nbt . deolarl the laws of our country ptesume to I inuponnt. Thi»j isa? true of treason as an other felo by.—Caff. I <■_ j * fj______ __ T*^ Ì. ’ 1 Misternlacfierson i^fas turned put of the i. • ■ Unionist office for giving the foreman the' itch. We learned the above fabt while in Salem last week, Morgan is the foreman of the Qofri Signal. » k 5 • V iWkw;- -■ . A great French Pyisician says:] han half of the disease in the world MUgTVVil IV fortify vriy vil .from negfect to lbw system Holmes & Sunderland. , .nviu ! ohirrfe> of climate, weathwr ■MOI I , T ret of health^ health^» tn to keep kt it co _______ annfactuers and dealers in Boots and greatsderet .Shoes, 95 1 Street, "Portland Oregoi n of tho St to mac 11 and Blood regular and uni. form, that (•hapgea from Hea^te : J f ■' . ' ‘ ■ t Has constantly on hand the largest a.ocfk from Dry to Damp, etc., cannot fijis ry of I and breed disease« of Boots and. Nboes. in Portland, consisting machinery .d ’ve and wdl known Now^ it is a of, Gent» Fine calf Boots. that thtere is n ulwark and afsistan» Ladies, Misses and childrens wear, pr the stomach as , . Gents heavy boots. r, > Farmers Plough Shoes and boots FLANTATION ? All of which will be sold 20 p6r cent less than at any other store in Portend. JotíV B I BON Z. HÒLME8 ■ !* .'FT ■ p ■ SUNDEIiLAND. y . . Agents For the HOWE Family SeWinr MACHINE F olsoms hand . SEWING MACHINE, Ssngle ands double thread, Grover aod Baker stitch, a good asortmont of Machine Needles, and thread always on hand.v3 u22 W. COURIER & Ca T ailoring & C lothier ’ s Riot ice » Importers and dealers in Í» Notice is hereby riven that on the V* * -.—If L Fine Custom Made Clothing, Monday, the 31s of August. 1 dpi, the From our Manufactory in New York 8tB8or of Yamhill COnnt untv, will attend at the Importing oor good-^ direct from the* East, office of v. the -Hv Clerk viol. 0 u. laid Saiu countv, wuu at LaFayx < the County we stre enable to offer, «¡stance n C'en ~ r trai I Important Certificates. this «p Jendid Tunic is boW treed“ by all o’asses of people for every symptom •-‘Stomach out of order,” « r r The secret of it is this : Plahtatfon B ttera are certain to correct the juices of the Stom-.. ach, set all its machinery at work, and en­ able it to resi8t,and throw off the approach­ ing danger. The tendency of tbe Operation of Nature is aid-ays toward a cure f all she needs is a little aisistanoe at the propertime How much more reasonable nnd Foible« it s to help her along with a gentle, yet1 pow­ erful Tonic than to deluge and weaken’ defeat hefcurative processes with poisoQotia drngs aDd fiery mixtures, which only stupety and plant the seeds of disease and death. De“* * * I owe much to you, for I venjy ievethp Plantation Bitters have saved tuv iel. R ev .W.H.W aggoner , Madrid, N.Y.” ¿«■■IM J << ♦ C O Al PA NW"- '' Offerì for «alé A great Variety of Lands. ’ M ultnomah ’W ashington - ■ I I I { ' 1 * ♦ * _ Thou wilt Fend me two bottles more of thy Plantajfioi Bitter^. .................. Uy wife has r been greatly bene fitted by their use. Thy Carters Ì new brick W. Currier & Co. 103 friend, friAn.l^ ' A sa C urrin , Philadelphia, Pai” Front Street Portland. _--------- j 13*022 3m and ! ». u* ■“ ♦ A PACIFIC » * I have been a great sufferer lretl Dyspepsia, and bad to abandon preach- ibg “ - * The Plantation Bitters have curedme. R ev . J. S. CÄTifoBN, ‘ Rochester. N. ■ •’ Y. ” « : . . _ . . » .1 fl * . ■ • J ''"9* 1 Benton county will aid the XV $st py-fr Counties, . ’j1 I Company liberally, and we hope to sec I • ! I "I , -'T* -i! 1 r:_ I i • I “old Polfc” join hands with Benton and And along the ltaeiff their Railroad now be­ We have received no. 1 vol. 1 of the Yamhill in pushing along this enterprise ing constructed. I * f u ♦ * * I have given the Plantation Deutsche Zeitung a new German paper that will, business, money and V aluable T imber L ands in L ots to süït , Bitters to hundreds of our disabled soldier» 5 PURCHASERS. started in Portland by C. A. Landenber- prosperity into every section.” with the most astonishing effect. • I i r i Lots inlUe city of Portland, Hillsboro, --------------------------------------- - ------------------- Forest Grove, McMinnville, and at point« gcr. G. W. D. A ndrews , r M echanic ’ s I nstitute , selected (or Statfod« on said Railroad. « ■ ft ' ' II r • ' * I - Superintendent Soldiers’ Home, We wish this representative of Deutsch­ G rant ' s R eoorp .— Grant being a can­ Persons of liinitgd mean« detiring to open . 1 Cincinnati. O.” didate for President, ofcourse all inquir­ farms or secure homesteads POST STREET. If- I land abundant success. estead« o oh A the * line of i i r ' * ■ ’ *4‘" - Kt*! U«- a .«fe* I i - 9 j J 4»f, j . . r The Plantation Bitters make the weak ing minds are interested in knowing his thia railroad, and persons dés lirous of making Between Montgomery h Beam ■9 Many of our friends have commenced ? 1 investments in realeetate, ceiv.... gieai- certain to great- strong, the languid brilliant,and are exhausted I 4 A iy record. j ly increase in valu£ ? are invited to examine - SAN FRANCISCO. Nature ’ s great restorer, <*. ’ I i harvesting their grain, with good pros­ i 'í z1 in p si the land* here, offered for sak . T yrun ! 11 land« «ak¿ ’ i ■ r' 'IÏÏ 1 he public may rest assured that fn no c&e Below we present the first lesson 4 4 4 pects of a very heavy yield of wheat. will the perfectly pure standard of the P lan ­ X f I 1 i Opportunities Opportune tie* will'be afforded to those who Na. 1. “Thinks negrò suffrage unwtee, desire it to pay for lands, or a portion of the .7 The importance of a thorough and prac prao- ­ tation 'B itters be departed from. Every and calculated to produce a war of races.’ > value thereof, in labor upon tl the Company’s tical business training tor those who contem­ I bottle bears the far. simile of onr signature i _ road, and thus place, place it i within tho reach of plate entering the mercantile profession, is [Doolittle’s speech» speech, Oct. 2, 1865. u> on a steel plate engraving, or it cannot be The County Court met it ¡ ' Monday Í genuine. H ■ every laborer to secure a home.' Séveral too well fcnr known wn to require much oomment. Nd. “ 2. - T fle Jews from r- bis I —■ expelled —-r----— the ------- ---- ----------------------- j-, contracta of thiá cffi&ractor Any person pretending tosell P laxt atjon have already been Without such knowledge, the , young mer­ cfiwi But little business before it the plea that they were made, aod'personá * MH- F-* military line« on tbe without land or a home B etters in bulk or by the gallon, is a^join'd’ )D8 W chant will become involved in many cm em-. -*4** ■ < h ; ties, both in seeking a situation, and in the ¡. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Dealers press, press. —[Letter Feb. 17, 1868. in all cisés, ’ y j t \ discharge of its dutieB after employment is. throughout the world. would be placed in jail instanter; * P. H. DRAKE & CO., New York, No. 4. In favor of stripping the Presi­ cffice,; Apply nt the ( Mnnany J No. 3, 3, obtained. To have received instruction, at nany’ f office, cl oillacid.or ny letter io. Carter ’ s Blook in ; Sole Proprietors. by to dent of all appointing and rcuMOving a mercantile college, endorsed by the lead­ REDINGTON & CO., 416 and 41b Front-st. powers.—[IJettt^ of A ugus^* 1867^ . | What it is te be a Democart. 1 r* W* HAirçBS, ing merchants of the city, is more effective r/ I *Se6rcth| t 0. C. » 5*0 R K. Company. in winning the favor and confidence pf a San Francisco. To be a Democrat is to be a lever of No. 5. In favor of impeachment; thinks Portland , Oregon, July 2Qlh 1, 1868. Agents for California and Nevada. business firm, than all th e letters of -intro good government. its defeat woìuld teéùlt in “bloodshed.”^ • I I i f F * •*' a ’4 duonon which friend»can give. The \ I [.j .1 ] li I b A supporter of good laws and as few of 'Letter May l&fti »1 them as possible. ’ AGENTS o»l aracter and ability wanted T Ili llU TJ : Pacific Business College No. 6. Indorses neeiro suiïrHgq at the in every couvt/ol I the Pacific toast, to can- A defender of the rights of the minor < ,-[dhi- South, and rejects it at the North. for • : r vas, ity. maintains a reputation for thoroughness and ™ JTTT *'i- ! cago platform. MAC A respecter of the rights of others. KENIE ’ S Il I systematic training, far surpassing« that of L yon s M agnetic I nsect P owder is sure any other similar inbtitutioaon)(the Pacific A warrior for the #eak and a defender i and certain death to everything of the Insect F ob S eymour an » B lair .4 — Chief .— Ohio coast. Most of the leading merchants of of the defenseless. . ..... speoies—Fleas, Roaches, Mosquitoes, Ants. this city have employed graduates from An advocate for the greatest good to the Justice Chase has, announced his intention Bugs, this Co.iege, aod bear testimony to the go for Seymotr aod Blair as the onlV to and the onl arrest number, without injury to the few. 1 IT KILLS INSTANTLY. I IN ALL i HE r practical efficiency of the course here pre­ • « •r i? i . .1 . "“V - j ' «at' X ~ 'He believes in the right of the people hope for the salvation of the Country. Thot • ; nd Domestic Ar^s ; What is peculiarly surprising* ia’regard to * > scribed. The system of actual practice a L:_ •_ that _^ a . _ 1.1.. ■> “ its >. J ■ CONSTITUTING to eat, drink and wear whatsoever they sands of honest Conservatives will follow his is, notwithstanding, U- - A I INSTITUTING embraces all the varied operation of real to , this artide “■“i ai I . . 7-| 4 b ■IM wish. example. A COMPLETE and PRACTICAL business. A L adies ’ D epartment has instant death to insects, it is perfectly harm­ ■■, _ _____________ He hates military .government, wars LIBRARY, H ., lately been added to this popular institute less to mankind and domestic animals. ’ ' It can j ■•S - ! - ‘ “ inhaled | _ or eaten with imyunity. It bears To ascertain how many boys are in t be I ' - This spirit of enterprise cannot fail to draw 'T upon civil or military despotism, and des­ f RIÌATING to street — open a barrell of apples. forth the well-wishes of the public. the testimony of eminent disinterested chem­ Agriculture, , Angling, Bere, Bleaching pises anarchy breeders. ft , m • i • • 1 i • •< To ascertain how many Diggers—leave ists that it is Book-k 'epiug, iJréw'tfg. Cotton Culture. Brcvridg. Democrats stand by the inherent rights : I ..i. : ■ . ■ J r '- a V ■ ■ couple of chickens running around loose. Crocheting, ” Carvi ng. Cholera,» Cooking. Carvipg, FREE FROM POISGN., of almen and enmuntiis; ind recognize Address for all information, To ascertain how ffiany Radioals-trot Calico PrintThZr^ Confectionery, Cements, Calico Printing/' Confectionery, Cements, the distinction .existing between the races. a she * manhood. * 11 1 ' WM b W' t Í lie No article has ever given such positive sat Diseases, Diary, J; ^Dentistry, Dentistry, Dialysis, De- I -4 ■ I - G . U’ 1-4 I VINSONHALERrà DE LAGUNA, Such as God made them, so they’would XT— i | ——r T-T-ffU - isfaction in its use. ' — calcotnaoia, Dyeipg, Distiltetipp, Enamel Enamel- ­ DyelpjL Distillation, I have them continue. Its reputation is well known., It is easily i ling, Engraving, g Electro-Plating, Electro ­ jff that Grant W: When it was i announced annoi A' C ARD, This is Democracy. and readily used—directions accompany each Food, typing, lish CùltnnyFarriery^ F J Flower ”* nominated, a GeleUa [delegate excljuttn . ■ I r flask. Beware, of counterfeits. - Gardening, Ewevforks. Gas Meli ;rés, Gilding, hides has riz ! ’ - ’ 1 U with relief:—“ Green . I' 1 lealL'i'. J i . J -J! 1 J ' ■ r • .X* o «a - • us« i r T ¡jJ-D'-- L.1 li *i 1 * * ’ ’P ! I líi;I' The genuine has the signature of E. LYU n , Glass, Health, H01 irseman «hip, links, Jewel- ! .0 M rs . H arriet B eecher S tojve , now re­ and the private stamp of D em as B arnes & Co, . .< ? I 7 ill ■’¡■i;- Hi 1 cm ’ Paste, Kpitt|u4 . í Knots, Lithography, We, the undersigned, m'erchants and bus­ siding in Florids, thus rakeb up her tes* iatmns, Medcine, Miscel- iness men of San Francisoc. California, are Anything else of this kind is an imitation or Me^cantiie Cafo(ija f The Willamette Valley. timony: aneou8 Rpccfptsi Metallurgy} MezzotW,- at the present time,employing men who have counterfeit. Any (lrnggist will procure the The Oakland Transe cipt has the fol “Tho Southern people are no more in- Perfi . < il >. Colors, Oils, v.«, w Painting, am ting, Perfumery, Pas­ completed the prescribed course of study at genuine if you insist you will have no other. Sold by all druggists and dealers on the eiined to resist the laws or to foster the iDg remarks on the Willamette Valleyj— try, Petroleum, tickling, Poi-ons Poi ons and An- the Pacific Business College, arid we take the spirit of rebellion than Vermont is It will be seen that Yamhill County the tMotes, PoiiébomHnia PoliébomunU Proof-Reading, Pot- Pot­ pleasure in stating that we have found then) Pacific Coast. • 1 _•___ ______ • 1 _ iu.__ ______ _J1 . t a tery, •P^esertingj* Photography, Pyrutech- well posted in accountantship and tne gen­ They desire only peace and the .restora- county named. - ■ — • » nies, Rural and ^onje«Ud licónómy, J^ugar • eral principles of bueiness, showiog conclu­ 1 'fh-.- *» il ■ . * __ of the IH. Union. _ » J) ” i : lion ” • ¿íepto’ing, Silk an< aid ‘Sfllr- sively that they have been subject to a . .f IV' z - ífí . fl The populatiqn of Oregon at this time Raising, Silvying, hepnying, Worms,.Sorgiium, Toba'cco dulture, Tan­ thorough drill in those important matter^ - MEXICAN . is hardly more than eighty tbonsand; ;jt f ning, Tree«."Telegraphing, Vyrn^hes, Ding, Trees. Telegraphing, Vanishes, Veg v ­ liy experienced' and competent instriictoia. MUSTANG As it W as ; “Eternal vigilance is is capable of easily sustaining five mill­ eta Je Gardening, V\fergl&8 and Measu LINIMENT. le (jrardenin^- .Measures, li 4 i »-■ • ¿¡Ji. î . the price of liberty.” TFe cheerfully recommend the College *s ions. The great valley of the, Wallamot, Wines, E|c.,£«|j. j [ _ . t r Jcing in our opinion, an institution of in« As it is: Internal revenue is the It is an admitted fact that the J4exi<»n lying between the Coast Range and the BEING AN WimR^bY ’EW EDITION. lELY fc NEW Et>UCION. trjr^ic merit, and well worthy of the coo- Mustang Liniment perform» more cures 'in pri^e of liberty. J. j Ahd^Re-Wrilten,' a a j -a. Cascade Mountains, is itself capable of f Carefully 'Revised /•i » idenOe and support of the community. Èden (fe shorter time, on mau and beast, than any att*- < wr- j AND CONTAINING fT^E supporting a millton’ inhabitants, 1 and* is A, R oman & C o ., ole ever discovered, . • - ■ - jì < L evi S trauss & Co.,».. No compound.has.ever been.invented so [Tn the impeachment, corruption inves- one of the most fertile and productive Improvements and Discovering up to date I b O oghill & Co. •' useful and efficacions in curing. , of Publication, -tigation] One of the Managers, in reply to region« on the globe. It is the Sonoma .. 4 R heumatism , j _ S ore T hroat . • J. K. P rior , ’ T JANUARY. 1868S a question as to tbe probs bio length of the valley of California, on a giiraiitfc fcmileij <2 J S tiff aad W eak J oints , LimJS, I- ’ C ontinental L ive I ns . C o ., investigation, said; “L do not know; we and from one end. to ther other, though This is one of the best selling books of B ruises , ■ E p ar *’- A ctte , W k . B. C oôcb & Co* » the age. iiav;e%old‘.upwards of six hundred * have sent out a number of sabpenas, bat we, sparsely settled and poorly cultivated, , ip A S prains , F rewt C uts or Woton I I. DlNKELSÍBít, county. L j copies in a single cotinty. cannot get the witnesses to attend. At one ï teeming with agricultural wealth. The S wellings , P eck & T ürn Ä r ,» i For fully parufidlawj, »direst time there were no lees than ten certificates ‘¿uikSCiUPilON DEPARTMENT 1. b. V an W inkle . ofnphysician on oor table, stating that the single county of Yamhill is capable of sus­ Or any other complaints requir »{An ext»-!» I witnesses we had summoned were all sick taining a hundred thouFand people, ^nd 1 I application. of dysentery, and could not possibly ap- offers scarcely an obstruction to the plows nr Final Settlement ’ ■ . FOR HORSES 3— i dan. The farms contain from s x hun­ péar.—N. Y. JYibdne. L; Sim francisco remedy in In County Court. Yaritbill Connfy, Ore­ It is an indinnenVnb’e artd va’n ÇALIF u BMA. . C alifornia les, snd you’ll all have Ify after Novem­ dred to three thousand acres, and j qf Wind«. all case« of Spavin, Splint. Ru ug-Bonc. _ Term. 1868. gon, July Term,1S(9i. P. 3.—Ib miking application for terri­ course, are not half cultivated ; indeed, nd' riow on th;s day Com»’« Andrew Galls, Bruises, ber next uises, Strains, »¡rains, &C. Oregon farming ig in a very backward con­ tory, picase náipe several *counties* that J/^lShuck, Executor of the last will tmdtes- d b# .house, ci ci » > ó n - ■■ ■ . ....................... ------------ It should bu ÿi every eye' .house, tulli Uu kept ui dition, because qf the cost of transporting woqldDe acceptable to canvass. Adctdefitr WTl oetrur.* Prompt - tament of Jacob Shuck, deceased and files tRiuent decent and stable, ------_ * 4’ The following somewhat puDgent para­ its products to market. This unfavorable ICKfi is lb efficacy. i his hccoUnt for the final settlemeht of tfie ncss 820, BEWAB»! his'éQooûnt sett' graph from the Louisville Journal indicates 31 “ . « V -W • A . ' : ■’ » J. sitution is about to be remedied; the 5 Ait genaincr re wri^pCd ta.steelquata en­ said deceased ’ s estate. 3 It is therelore.H Strayed from ¡the Ibl»lone, pnear Mc- uuiniátakably chat the editor of that tp«per ordered that sftld accoant be beard and sa\d Wallamet rivfct; larger than the Sacra Minnv ilfe, a dufk bhowu mare over 15 bunds does not entertain a very higbt Opinion of gravings, bearing the signature of G. *AA . mento, laps th rough the centre,oft^e val- menfo, iuqs through cqntre of the val ­ high, with a cr«ck ip one tore foot ; vfrith estate settled in this Court, August, 5 1868. Ben. Butler: -A.—!;, ­ thrfcj smalle »caii on right ^boulder ; she an4 that notice thereof be given to aH per­ Westbrook^,QbeisisU and the buvate U. S. lsy ; two I wq railroads are now be* being construc .Tbe present managers of the hou?e nf ley; Mtamp o CD ema S 6v«*rtbe4op. qh either side^, side-, wu« four yuar^old last spring. She has a sons ihter^tpd in skid estate by four weeks ted^ at equal distances, one onaqa representatives is a thief and a* W ornan- ted* An effort has be. n made tdciranterfeit is it ppblloalion of uqt’.ce iq the LuFayette «bort heavy nejkii neÀki W*itb w*itb short mane, aud and it' «ppeD_ Is cross-eyed, croes-grained, r 1 ’ A from ~ Portlaud wr to the Celifornia border, so abort 1 with a ehosp stone i»Me.label. CduRtkri/Si *■ l r- g ‘ iti cross-legged aod and cross-armed, crow-armed, aod and is a thatfoa little while j* •» j • folte on both «idei o( her neck. Í will pay 1 - r - - in eveiy I il . uc (|his Miw great discourage u J. W. COWLS tho above reward for her, recoyf ry, rlw; ru»bre»d betweeo A beir RWd WfWtBe. . • ment to industry wilWisappear, fio Cow* iah» >■. j < i ------ County Judge. n2fl2m ¡ ■ vc Mil ì ir - » ' WU'f coast» BUSINESS COLLEGE, J U" t I - / 11. n B 4N’r ?* cc mmhimmh • ” ’ * .1 w »■ . I . j. '•ej .rrvkt.vwj. S*1¡89 00 100'4 I I