. - -------------- - ------------ RIGHT HER WHEN SHE'S WRONG. 1, Bgggggg— ■ ■FRY TUESDAY MQBNING, J. W. JOHNSON _AT_ « • YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (In advance.' One Copy One Year, . . / .1 . |8 00 One Copy Six Months, ..... 2 00 ’• Jfta^Clergymen and Teachers will be Fyi nished with the C ockier at $2,00 per annum J L RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square, 10 Lines or less, oue Inser­ tion, . . . , . . $3,00. For each subsequent insertion, . ,* *T,0u A liberal deduction will be made o« Quartery, Yearly, and baif Yearly Advur- tisiSntnw. AaF-Cum Being the basis on whioh uu. rates ard iixed, Currency will ouly be taken at market vaiuc. J. W J ohnson C ourier O ffice . L a F aybtte , O regon I » ? i ‘f * I *i jt 1 l Farm For Sale. j)’ >1. fc ii A j l?Tr ^/L i I FR AÜQUST H 1868 ■TR,1.' . „1, ! iii <; • • vt! u Ï-4 ■» ' i GONeMSs $ co. IMPORTERS I'want to sell; near Sheridan in YsraM'1 Co.’a farm Conxistineof 820 acres of land. nb< nt 160 of which is in cultivath.Q. Ip i t 1 here ia a good ham. a good fra ma dwell* mg. orchard, stock water etc. The out-range is excellent. .“r’ijjs.:;,,;,', and Exporters, | congress baint won the gnj de Manufacturers, and Wholesale and retail 1 don’t fed like sayiog tnree dealer» in all kinds of ' Aodi 1 He s li,:k®d ’cm ' Me lUseality and »coundreli.m, both ’ ha», only be got other Pae rne One Price STORE. < Foreign and Domestic) prinoply Hooruy for ADdy, anywa y\ k Doraeatic. boldin on like a nigger lu a CLARKE, HEXDERSON & COOK. Have now on bandu liige and corupt' fl uinteirw him, at stuck of if he. amt entitled tj some ere TTTh’ileaale and retail dealers in fancy Second hand Impeachment, and femala ® 1,ch’ How artryiiu ’ y V and etap'e drjr f 'be broty and the ! HE undersigned would respectfully an* Corner ltt *n4 Washington Street. B utljrr . BlaSGILAM & BuUTWElt are vhmh had a -wuo.e burrei fbh nouace to the trav<4f»wg publié/ that m | 5.1b 1 ¿P ortland O uboo ^. ' manager« in this branch. Purciha^ ra will thu fuses wou.da.t iueh ius , at tho Lafayette crossing of the Yamhill,. ■ 4,- J fiod tbesje gentlemen very agreeabll, if they Dopai». the f<* er tn it we&tpii A LARGE, NEW AND SAFE FERRŸ shut their eyttf. stop their ears, cio^e iheir Bivn and then to . cu to tpth *i cross Teams, Stock, on which ho j can . ............. «•«ssrv9 K?yv»vr^t pockit book and ¡leave their jewelry at ?en ' 4 CU3rer’ uu'1 1 EXPEDITIOU8LY AND CHEAPLY. [0Uje . ar-d Tawney and all or tnjem The roads leading to and from this trussing . , . , n * * •. dirmd old' uluudeibua^cs w A sJect »took of roady made «rtne. A ? are iu good repair, and persons fr<»m rhe FRONT STREET r PORTLAND a-a kei tcn untly on hand, »..d ap^.l the l(> b<„c’uul. ,,)d ,X: south going to Portland, McMinnville,' Feia 1’““ felt. okkuon cable lo any oua. fr.ru provuq that a n>s ......... .. )d „rj(e , t Grove and HilUboro, and trom the Greati Reduction in Prlcea|! mi H sparer to t..f ur ha , a r >«, to tn (j dj going to Sa'vtn, Delias, Corvallis, wil fuu to their at'vantage to patronize this F( _. .L _ j _ r| ’IIL Prupri« lor- of A iu .IG oni S llor L, taut that a rose mu t so sweet to them us a _ _ > JOHN ILkll Sfinii l P«»itli«. BRANCH HOUSES. Courts of thia State. M. L. Mounts, A large stock of cub-throats, thieve« F lour —exohanged for wheat, i and assassins to let. All kindsuf murder, robery and theft done to order cherp for “,e- « LaP.yeft. cash. For sample work, see murder of Wright family, and others too numerous : n ■—atsi’ht, on the Nort to mention. T\ Fletcher, buck cat; office orders to Thomas Standley at Jefferson Uity, Missouri. A large stock of the same in Tennesee. iorih Fork Oregon. Browlow, chief. • ih . >>y want to sell 35 Town lots and two situated in LaFayette Oregon, resilience property in Portland for exchange tor property* in Yamhill MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN LA FAYErTE OREGON r " H w. ROS6, M- D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON O begon C ity Oregon. Special attention given to Typhoid Fever •nd disvawa cf FemaJes and children.-v2o50 I . . ! JOHNSON .& GAB V. LaFayet'e Oregon. i ' ’ ■ I i |'»r j D *’• £< J¿Bi • The Oregon Branch is under the immediate management of SINCH Alf orders from promptly supplied by Yamhill county Mr. Eek les is a Director, II. F. WHITE, M. !>., papers pip««« copy 4 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Lafayette. Oregon. Optics.-»Next door tr reeidehce. f r i: r -----------—-------- " : DisolutioiuoiXopartnersliip OREGON Dr. G. W. GOICHEB, .PHYSICIAN, : SÜBQXON ,h AND ACCOVCHBVK. ». _ O"ra-At bû rend™« in Cbehaletn Vali.;, ì ambili County, Ogn. , n-31-tf ImdMt. of lb* C*H*g* of Pbyrici»*’ âüTgwo*, N. Y.^oSan bi< Kt* laiipaibranche» of Medicine and Sur theirthe peopW ef Ud i :j U I Thè »arto» rship once existing hetween > andlF. M. Simpson dissolved Simpson is is dissolved by mutiwl I consent. « r4 Mooiie collects all »ocounts and M% all d dvbtsNif the late finn, ' Oi.MOP particularly a caucus nf conclave anil that dummy r to cou.’.aot far ; it he wou'du’t he proceed in gs paUvcria, my athenpiaw was couldn^t by no been seem as