t e ■ ■ f r* -, I t Soi 'T**'"*’ 4'1^- j j- ù’.'T. ■ ■ » Ì ’ I * : I * Ì I i » f f1. t t I y 1 1 4 MMi ■n » I I 4 » ■ t « J 1 I' » U m ÉI d- •1 '•Í .'; I f ■ i ■ r » « --•V > / ■* 1 ì< * 4 ■ I V I II î * 4 I!1— ARRJOQNIS ’ FURNITURE!!! j HURGREN A SHINDLER, w FRONT STl^Ef^r, W| a T Ä HGübß Furniture !. Ftiralt eur IMPORTERS ASD P ORT^A^D A Private Medical Aid. ri .* FJfOAT ST. PORTLAND, , O GA’. ■ '* ■ ’ JE 11 ■ reprietora, Lyo; , Locnarcl Locnard & Co., Go., - • - Pn J V ll H MEDICALADVERTIS EM ENT DR. <3. W. BBOWX, j . Quick Cures and Moderate Charges. Dr. W. K. DOHERTY. f ’ i-‘ , i ■ ! ■ ■ ■) .'! t I ■ ■ ' I * ' , accessors to If Michael O Connor.) I IF d tL : Private Medical and Surgical Imtitule, ■ -4 Manufacture r s of Furniture, Bedding, OREGON. Beared- Ljudging/pçr week»'$6 Physician, Surgeon and Oculist, Located SAN FRANCISCO. Mirrors. Pore Hair, 4 1 00 Bo«ru||t\ oi«taiiic|l I i «lie» discharge is lost, tn-k will cuiitiniic to msnrr b w a aha* a ot all the horrid cousequences of self abuse. door to Be bee’s. no 80 ? A. B. RICHARDSON. The Dr. would say to the public, that hg hack p| A) I'Gi * «'••f-e se « |I«iins. ’aims, pi prixe itr money, cnl- col- public patronage. 1 By the practic e of many Auct'oneer. v2 t23 I y Ivutvd I i L jiirf MMirdiiiM »«htaiued, tèàmsirr* i years iu Europe nud ths C'i't|d State«, he is has again ^emmenced the manufacture of mou oti f ern it. M»-xi e>* mouths pay proper ob- treats his patients in a correct and honorable cina dealers jdn the Pacific coast, & 409 Broadway, X. Y-< MOWERS EAPE < tamed. The l)r. does not claim for them, as much Patenta procured and ’ .dl other way, Ims retereucesof unqoeetiuuabie verse Uwr tH>,om lij«iiuh.cli|re< ti a.xl how io Ulte as is claimed* fiy the manufacturers of patent eluiiiiR »»Heeled by’ C. M. • iiy from men of known respectability and ■jPART ER,. in this country an id Europe. medicines generally, that »hey will euro U. S. Claim Agent, high standing iii siiciety. All parties non VR LAST NEW ADDITION TO These world reimwtie d machines werf rvrrythiug. They are lOnlyr intended fpr ; n 3i P y Portianv). Orego suiting him. by letter or atLerwise, will re our different style* i is attracting the ad­ awarded th»* first prize. Ten Pound* Ster- what they say they will cure. They poly ---------------------- ------------ ... ('rive the best and gentlest treatment aud miration of hnth critic? ami populace, A\ e lihg. at the . : . pretend to cure one thing within ruelf. anti Gn nt Quadricnnial Trial at ¡! ! iuipicit secrecy. mention specially, jnme of the claims of thia momh. Eng . July] 1865^ amt at ih<- .JulyJ I<6), «tun ui mt ne more, and it is sure to do so. A g a>«l Ply ■un« •«. DR DOHERTY wou’d csll attention to ì new Piano. Believi- g the exterior should G re at Nntimiai Field Tiii.il. held at Auburn recommendation for the medicine is fouud ù the- follow lug ¡certificate, limp oae y oa«* of ut his bis pa- pa­ ite use. be a* beautiful to »he eye a* melody is to the Y.. I 4 . .. ... i i in July. I860, the First Premium, N. OKJEOOjtf SIERAS.D r ti»*nta, wlm. having b/lly recovered his health. red hit health. < ar. w* have paid great attention tn getting Lint of DrilG. W. BROWN’S CUehri^ed GR AND GOLI) M^DAL des - 1 ir»s to make known hn ttmediul agent A th-m op in a str le that is conceded by all 1HE PlfiZfc MOWER ilood and Liver Syrup. Syrup, Läng Hood Lting crHiäiD year ; It! will be s«-en that -his »ta||meut is fully medicines. who have seen them to be the handsomest w Balsam. Eye Lotion. Liniment. Ague Cffia, hile it retail)* all the ie ad advantages v wbich Th «• Ore gon lTeruld' " is published by I am hentioated by a Notary P&blic; Piano For'e made. They are an entirely Eradic| tor, Vermifnge, Toute Tome KitU-rs. Bitters. ba« in ad«* it st» uuiversal t a favorite, is greatij- the reKon Hu i,uiJ Poldlrhp g Assi •via, h •' well ire ui society impei|ouely demand» I’4*u Kradict rew style, with four (till round corners, ?iie Oiiithient, Specific Balsam for GoUor- ini :pi e«l by th»* additi in ot ! tim n” Il ntiy iHUu e.driy, in the Cuy oi l^ort- publicity, and it is give! io ore to «aro I i eavily carted legs and lyre, base nrhlv rhaa. Gleet. Strictures and Gravel, adaak if al» Steel Luad Guard*, io. 7J itsljug oil Sil leer. land th»* unwary than to pound t.| » *1 o praises of a iitonlded. and contains our latest improved New Pitman Ct hnedions. 42 2 lv and. Prip»- draft.I the most datable, hnd ar the same lime rirs. a id mail' d to i ¡.i r:b< r« at $10 a : the mont «imple, aud last cutting machine 9i> politics |,hc lierai L in uucoippni »■><»« u by ihousahd* of pefsoi ns to be proM • year. I M ARVi V S PAT A T J. E A.U A CO. I I n the world. misi pg ' Democnttio, tui’hlully adhering t»» eutiug * regular, honorable and legitimate Alum and Dev Pm ry Piaster, Fire and Burglar :1 i'bMHtUeS«. ------- Bad giaci t ;he J el. rrsrnian creed of c<|U«| » The Selt-Rake Reaper J G In justly called the • "Fic.tor of every contest.' justice £ lo all, s|>i íal privi e.’ts to »oue [ Sc nt i no I Weakness —- A Stoor \ to Certificate —AND— . t»-d on the mo*i scieni.ific i’iiv tu)l»crr i ot »lie (jr0i»*rM| GovertuiKtit m j oj a uiust Rtmukabls Cure of i permalorrhaa WITH COMBINA TIOV L O CP and is constrnci Melodeon Emporium principle*, The New Mowing AttachutrtM all its <» legbt id pdwvrs. and the Slate Gov- | A »ksire to benefit sulTej ng hutnauifv. IV AU* ti|oof qualities. 69 Washington Street, Cfiicagd, guarani*-» f Ì i »»ui : |n»l i ti.-s and fumre safe Reaper* known, and we fully warrant it. Are luv oi« y Stiles titled with A’uta 'ki»d merit. For many year* I bai been afflicted ty. ItiMihn tier si LÍ^ ríJna e partv to pa ' THE HAND RAKE AKE REAPER. Rl Crosby Opera House, / ' i! with Spermalorrt.ee«. the reM |t of self-abuse ory Plaster. : ’■'* Î la k Hue sutaij r i]pi< political difference tr iotisid at the *ame time the cheapest aud the Please send «r call for an I 1 .^ rat< d < p & but till 1855 experienced bu t little trouble Wholesale Agents for the United states for t to tlh lest of ti e Uh |rsi Oí ¡Í »• tabi: fair .* djHio-sioti. with tiered. best of it* kind ever offered ll *»r inconv» jieuce; in that Vt'|r I bad Semi- ogue. WM. KMABE A CO.’S J It cuts a swartli five |eet wide in Reaping, perl«ct;|t<»lerl - Principal il^io. £65 Broa lway, N. Y. CELEBRATED itteN^ure, t<»J the special interests of was followed hr alar ming symptoms, whice and four and a ball feet in Mowing. A* a „ giteat Wareroouu such y No, 72i Lito nú? oí , h B 'IR JI- I' city^ and si.rrouading »tie city) surrounding epuntry—to de as weakiit'S* of the GOLD -MEDAL PIANO-FORTES, Viewer it is equal to lie beat Folding Bar »he n.12 i.i I I ( Pui ant back and ] 1». ¿chine -i:“i in ......... J ase with which it is ll vehqnui aud * * fnetqiiüg the commercial, ag- The nee. ,ri vision, nervousness, etc. I |y mind, lo­ of u A 1 st , Agents for r&uítu&l, manutóctariiig and milling re ­ msged. and in cha ging from Mower to M! ng .. was affected to such au extent ia* to serious H. GALE & CO., and other Firries are so t i abon- lured and spirit* depressed. ; Fl •nd it. a «a* avers» M«a. 11S, 120 and 122 Front Streiet r i i dautly ¡endowed bV J j nature. nature, Jit it poaaeHFvs p- tidowed by «> Manufactu ired by the to society, had evil foreboding*; [and i*cJf-dis alt ttie Available advkutage of a Üiet-claae Corner of Morrison, Portland; Oregon. trust, and was eut rely unfi t« for any du WALTER A. WOOD ! i ‘ I ' Company, **‘ t 4’*G k^vn^ ail the IVehare the LARGEST and Best Assorted 4 HE New C -lomhian having pi»t been ì Moweng and Reaping g- Machine tie* of life. From 1855 to t| |a Siiuiuoro! Stock of PIANOS, which for Power and j I Hossicli Fui *. N. Y. elegantly finieh<*d and being now ready Telegraphie ¡D iapatch a n d 1363, I rmpb-yrd the very bei I medical tai Sweetness of Tone, Easy and Agreeable tor the reception of Guests, the propri«^tbr I GENERAL SA L E S R O O M S, ’ gen tun i new«, tilgt |hrr with good locai lent I could find, hut in no in*| |uce obtained Touch, and Beauty of Finish, have, by i ■ é I more than temporary relief. | II had ahou! would say to the citizens nf Portland arid anil cmìuierpial róiorts 4Ü Courtlandt Str >et, Nev York Judges, been pronounced Unrivalled. I» concluded theft wa- no reliefs for me in thi.- the traveling public, that he ig now ready to 2B6 Lake Street. Chicago • r WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR receive and entertain all who may favor bitu world, but reading Dr. Dolierj ir’s advertise ‘ FOREIGN OFFICE, ----------- . ’ -1 » menl. I determined to try 'hinl I though 1 diu with a call, at price* to suit. 77 Vpper Thames Street, London. |I1E WEEKLY HF.P.ALD i Carhart, Xeedham & Co.’» Suite of roouis, w ith connecting dfcars, for not expect much benefit fronii lis treatment cr Descriptive Catali1 gues Srlit ou aP .Largest. Newspaper in Ore go n) ( Celebrated H armoniums , families. . On the 5th ol December last ¡t-.-t a placed my- » • * pjioatiou. 28 12 m "’«atuiday , mor ing, L - „T ho .»ta *elf uuder his care ; in one d M elod ». on 8 and O rgans . Board, per week $5 ; Board and Lodging, s * j leek I found Wil ihp raiq|’ office. al $3 a v< err. „ payable in- i 4 $7 to to $10. $10. J Manufacturers and Importers of Musical I myself very much improved, d |id now, aftei $7 m adv Hine ' It is priuten prmtea on a largi large vi.:rii|bhjin advan A large Fire proof Safe for the deposit "Instruments. Strings. Aceordeons, I'iolins, i ive weeks* treatment. I fee) inyi ielf thorough ’of eighth pages, making foety doubl»- *1 " r )<>et 1 I valuables. Clarinets. Drums. Guitars, Brass Instru­ y cored of all my troubles, anti I < e|glll Cidii 1 ni"S s >>t OUR LATEST IMPROVED < <>f r»«ading inchding all inent <>f the best ol health. 11 I in the enjoy reading matter including -J Hotel Omnibus, with the name of the tV«»Ui ments. and ether Musical Merchandise. oping that my NEW SCALE PÍ ANO- FORTE! • tfie Se teO tei«ai rapbjc ijc de*pajcii<*s.p''litical «1» spuiciias,|>«»litical an»l gen •i >n it, * will be at the Landing* on he a»> ’ ¿¡11 *’X| m • nonce may be of Imntfflf f 0 others situi REMEMBER THE PLACE, J. BAUR j •i eralrn^ i. . inti»<;eiia ‘h etiom* ’Oin- miiiuvllagequs ».» beh etions and aud i. «jain- of Strainers, 1 and wjll - convey Pays<*»u I iarly afflictul. 1 subscribe inys flf. - - -. _ Wil . Ì i •5 . ? mer.ial^ »t CO, C50 Broadway. New York, and 96 I < vi’orta 17 i>34 v2 iy iiiily new.*j ape^r ior All classes of I m«J)le. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ¿barge. alter lueiiument* l '„. the flattering «M « ly.l HESE . lueinimenta T 'HESE I -r ffi • i I r 1 . : I r ' r'r ■' Z Warm anj Cold Raths. . il 15lh day of January, a . d . Iqf4. - » testimonials from thf first Pianists id the f hate the satisfaction ol Tue p itbbshers House open nil night. [ l . s.] A. G. RANDALL, count)y who, at our so Ji Station, have testei) ant)GHU< jug posititpiy that the experiffien >t « I j r No¿ary Publio., P. B. SINNOTT. them in the severest ma nuer possible, have of cstalj U«dOg a fj^t-class Peinocrulio pa L I 4 ap30 v2 nil ly Propriei,»' beeu pronounced To Females. per in F iirthiiid—-viliiih was n*garded witli When a fem i. ? is in trouble, or afflicted The Finest Square ifi ih no-Forte made in " r I ¿_ ! J ■J SO IllUtll 'dnubt ar witi, time—has prove«! I with diova^e, rneb ne weakness..r the W otrld. I _ of the back Price Paid :iiir policy during the sucerss. The Heralfl Is now upon a firm noli limbs, pain iu the head. Io is ofniasculai Highest It has always been pi Thirty six yours that w»l have maimfaclu e<| basiet ai i«l ita ace in then L^KT EV a^V MERCHANDISE wwa.iaww^vrw * w»akwr*wl 1 14th of Marth, 1868 feted oinnb Stock ir%P bf GENERAL feasor in the University, of Louisiana, and i-qual delightful to the iinpracticed unpracticed and to t«> commv:h Price paid for all t; case lie fuilv; PATF JTi MEDICINS > quality and pattern. •on fort'* of a home; am! camiidh, described, 4 Produce. , *u )al comtfinni / jraocy atxd To;lct Goods, Window Cornices. I 'N. B'— Partivolar attention will be paid cation will be supeicedvd, as ( istructious io- IVanieti—9^0 Pounds * ■si I • Mantle* and * i tA the cbo Oe ol Text Books, in ordtr to i 1 ’ 11 d i: And ■»iet, r< j-11non, and i.ie geueri I treatment »» i ' holesale or retail at ven 1 .ta "E Frontier ii •' • ‘ ■'I*' • • i! "" the case itself (incluffing the] a aid anyth B> of a SedionA or a Partisan 1 T .. ra'et í laid e medie») wil-p Our Mop- “ L A|>0, made to onler on short notice. • ilure in oi r'eorrkolutn of studies. oe forwarded without delay i nd io such r. ’itorfTS,” ar»' d no bumbug. »ALBS i¥. WEATHER FORD, * Orders Irotn a distant»- (<»r any artigi For lurtl er particulars, enquire at the In- 7, 1867’’i in manorr as to convey no idea* if the pur por a Porti d Rem • »»»hq! r th« placo, opposite the 1131 ly Bont tv i address 11. G uido G hob , P. 0 iuionr line promptly 6'led aud -eenrety pao f t pe letter or parcel so traust lilted. ’liter House. * ’ r| ed for tram»p»»rtati»»n. •x No. 168. Uonenltations FREE. L rmaoent co» c g'-*i'“iitee entire satisfaction, or Sashes ef all sixes gig xed ind prirRe coi< CapbALLBOpp will continue tn give Even I : - uarantced or “?.pay- Addi ile *Trv htavmei, ynurs-’ves. ,^ r T a VTTT X .11. **° ‘1 v ut tifd tnd c,»nv*ncH I .. ' ■ I'.; II.' < I ttaatlv on hand Lea«*”* *" tho^Medara ABgnages ai w. <- K. DOHER- < GALLÄXD. GOODMAX k 00, , M. D.. • ö y2mS3j ly CARSO * PORTER. *aaehes. t <£ Bia ly ▼2 »2 «24 n!i 1Ü» Fre:rt .tr«t, PwtT.« Sa* Frttnciseo,' OL 2« ¿ti I?1 ’ •* c 1 • •' • - A ■> • Í i * .* ♦ D I « » ! r Í • •<- AUCTIONEER, I 4 i 1 I "'M A » ♦ V I 1 I 11 I » 4 “ vv o O D’ S ’ G roVESTITA & Co, Í si PIANO-FORTIS O •Ä » I i' Í * k9 y. i ? • 1 7 t reat Pi ano-Forte I f “ , -J -I' i PRODI r SAFE-S ■< - i a i r: - ... PIANOS. . t t •s • •11 . ’ .'J: r 'J ri 'Il i A —:--------- • * i * t i L Co Grat esteem H i MUSICAL & EDUCATIONAL i " * i I i INSTITUTE ! I Produce Ji » I « S ta nd ! I ; GOODS! 1 'V I 9 e a H •? t? li R :* » » f -U- i * - -■.» WBATIIERFORD » and door i «*■ * i I "4-*f *1 Groceries, * > . I 11 f- r 1. I ? A f T f Wook 1 ■■111 1 f, ' r (, k¡; t ¡ • •' Ì « ÌBK0WN D > Itt • I Í J ; ' -I f ' X I I f i « ■ ■ . j : < « I • 4 I f \ I I t b • k y i ’1 . T. I r •ft ì I f ! « 4 - ji kj*" . y . . / i • li i I - Ì • ■ ' * á¿ A i i., i: f I i ■ I ■ I ii i!, ¡ t t 4 t » I