7 I s i • 1 i 1 I 1 í 1 ■ THEWEEKLY courier . - ------- | , --- ---------------------- , ,, 1868. AGENT FOB THE COURIER., Ths following are our duly authorised agents to receive and receipt for subscriptions and sdvertisements for the Couaixa: Lafayette. l»r. H. F. White, . . Amity. Hon. (p. H. Burch, Hon. . T. Newby, . • McMinnville. • Andrtlw Baker, , Muddy. • * • - ■>. North Fork. J. M. Fryer, , • • Dr. G| W. Gouoher, • • West Cbehalem. D. Ramsey, . . • • • ». . East Chehalem. Marion Hendrix, . • • . . Wheatland. T. J. Lovelady, . . • .... Dallas. Dr. Ft A. Batiey, . . • . . Forest Grove. Wm. Blanchard, . • • . . . Hillsboro. Wm. Squires,............. • • • ................ Tillamook. 4 < : i L. P. FISHER, is our authorized Agent for San Francisco. Mcasrs. Hudson A McCarty . horiged agents for San Francisco. » sur aw- I. HOLMAN is our autheriaod Afoat irtland, Oregon. J cr Eugene Semple, Esq-! *• •«* antberised Agent fcr Portland, Oregon. Mr. THOMAS BOYCE U owr authorized Agent lor San Francisco. TEMPLE, RICHARDSON &(fe, Nea. 1 * 37 A- Sy Nassau Street,.New York, areabj au- thorjxjd agents to receive and receipt aro ad\ vertbiing, subscription, Ac. 4 OU* SCHOOL. > V» On - Friday afternoon we dropped in upon the LaFayette School under the mat agement of Messrs. Cary A Davis and must confess our great surprise at the per­ fection in order and deportment to which the school has been brought, as well as 1 the rapidity with which the school seems <• so be progressing. ’e. shall not particularize, but we saw * J ences of genius on partuf certain boys I ri and girls and we predict for our school that in five years from this time unless our directors should commit the error of many j" I. Oregon Districts—ehange their teachers « as Ì V I i ■ > J. M. Baxter, WS;, C. B. Handle/, WAR. S ;, M. Wordey, WT|, J. B. Handler, W.- Capt. 0. Handley DM •„ Z. B. Henry, WFS * xq be the same. « it is worth while to build a side-walk in older that your children may get to school T - HARNESS I TRY Ira.............. I .1 - ---------- T hree S uns A rise tn the H e ^ vnbe i: ma S ame T ime .—A gentlemi qn who 5 CELEBRATED J arrived in this city yesterday froi >tn Lee county informs us l thatthe people of .that section were thrown n into great panic and ( ThvM ^alteionir Rtomarh Dtttrr» ara tnflrelvÇ paralysis a few morningsago by the won­ J Vegetable, aad aioohol and every hurt- ) derful spectacle of three suns rising at i TRY JUDGE the t*atne time. The central orb as en- THEM! FOR circled by a beautiful rainbow add sur­ TRY YOUR mounted by another iris which e nded THEM! SELF! on either hand above the attendant suns. tfal ingredient. pleBaant tentc, and a moil fuffrM'Uia drink t* Tti» M*rkeit is fooded with The two attendant suns were, of course ' (•oison9H«e*jn •;but TH EKE Sitter»,made J from the purebi but reflections of the bona fidè on the ■ of valuable roota, bark ■ ( and Itorbu. ai?s ____________ _ of irably __ adapted to th» cure clouds, and after a brief spaoe theee sud­ C »11 a£«Mfiiona of tl^ Stomach, Kidneya,liver and 5 ¿Bone!«, n.-h aa. Dyepepaia, Faver, Diarrhea,! denly dissolved and vanished, leaving the 'thej efc. cte. For Bale everywhere. { real Sol solum. But the people of the 5N, S olb MAMurarTraxa. J e a Jackeon, Ban Francisco) k C« country who bad never heard of so strange I a phenomenon, were satisfied that the ■ 34 ly v-2 I ' i world was on the crumbling verge of ex­ J t 1 7. r- , H tinction, and that the bog business, io I I ■*- • • *■ - 4 LOWENSTEIN A CO which they are ao largely interested, was t •M" about to experience a thorough and final i iarrORTERS 07 prostration. The spectacle is 6aid to have urniture , bedding carpets I been sublime and splendid ¿beyond de­ eto.. eto. *! HL scription, and inspired admiratioo 'even io V/« arc selling now goods lower than any the breasts of those who regarded it as other .Hous« i io the State. Examine ear * 1 ata Vv. a 1.T No. a Y 1< the portent of awful supernatual develop­ stock before purchasing a clsewberef i 136. ¿ad 134. > ret street, " ^ *2 bptweea Yamhill ments.—[Lynchbury (Va.) Rep. t^T ‘ ! ' ’■ and Taylor oiro^ia, Portland. n40 ly at 3T0MAÇH£BITTER8! î F A nother M an S hot . —A difficulty occurred at Lortown, last Satujday, about the sale of a cabin. “Dirty” Bill—alias Wm. Burchturf—considered himself the aggrieved party, procured a henry rifle and fired at the nearest man of the party but missed him, struck Mr. Jamis Spear —who was riding off—in the back, the ball coming out above the left- sit breast. breast, Mr. Spear is in a critical condition. ion. Mi. Mt. Burchturf came to Jacksonville the same night, surrendered himself to the • Sheriff, and is in jail awaiting trial. [ Reveille. ------------------ I- 11 ------------ -- ■ ■ ■- ■- 11 "-/in . * F llowship in tiiei U nited S tates ,1^-The report of the Grand Sec­ O dd T L SPECIAL NOI s Meets in Lafayette on the 1st and 3rd Frida, of each month, at half past 6 ‘ o'clock in the ' r s n afternoon. Brethren of the order, in g ood standing i . I invited toattend. By order <4 * f T7. M II. W. A llbn , Sec’y. vithout getting their feet wet.- You can­ I - ' . « 00 towards it, and the probability f 0REQON HKBAI.» 1 L III 1 ’1 K i.p '7 1 I I: 1 (THIRD YEAR.) i ■ i ' i n T? J-’> i The “ Oregon Herald,” is pobliabed by the • “ ‘Oregon Herald Publishing Associa, tion” Daily and Weekly, in the City of Port­ land, No. 7, Washington Street. ■I di /i ’ II '■ I i H ri i J» h I. 1 .4! » / 5 The Daily is iseoed every morning.fMon- days excepted*) It io delivered in the city at 37| cents per week, payable to the- Car­ ries, and mailed to subscribers at $10 a year. In politics the Herald is uncompro­ misingly Democratic, faithfully adhering to the Jeffersonian creed of equal and exact jqstice to all, special privileges to noue; the support of the General G ot ernment in all its delegated powers, and the State Gov- ernments in all their reserved rights— the Constitution as the only , basis of Union i and guarantee for our liberties and future safe­ ty. It will ever subordinate party to pa triotidm. and submit all political difference to the test of free aud fair discussion, with perfect toleration. It is.also devoted, in a great measure, to the special interests of the city and eurroonding country—to * de­ veloping and fostering the commercial, ag­ ricultural, manufacturing and mining re­ sources, in the element in which Oregon and its neighboring Territories are so abun­ dantly endowed by nature. It po«ses«e8 possesses uauuy euuowea ny all the available advantage of a first-class Hr rrr- uewspapar, having all the V Plantation 4 Bi tiers. Dyspepsia, with its symptoms, Healaehe Heartburn, Feverish Lips,.Bad Breath, SalleW Complexion, Ac., &c., can be cured by using . P lantation B itters . This is the most Mjceessfal tonic of the age , Young, middle-aged and old, are deligbtec with its effects. The first trial always has a marked gout I effect. No change of diet is neceswry. Eat al) X you wish, of the beet and most nutritious food. It is the greatest cure ever known for an overloaded and distressed stomach, which il relieves in a few moments. VVe know that we have the best and most popular medicine in the world. We are not afraid to show what it is composed of. Physicians are compelled to recommend it. I C alisaya B ark has been celebrated for over two hundred years, and was sold during ths reign of Louis XVI, King of France, for i the enormous price of its own weight in silver. It is remarkable for Dyspepsia, Fevers, Weak­ ness. Constipation, Ac. ♦ C ascarilla B ark .—For Diarrhea, Colic, and diseases of the stomach and bowels. - D andelion .—For Inflammation of the Loins and Dropsical Affections. C hamomile F lowers .—For enfeebled di­ gestion. ■ L avender F lowxrs .—Aromatic, stimulant and tonic—highly invigorating in nervoa debiltv. W intergreen .—-For Scrofula, Rheuma­ tism. Ac. ■ A nise .—An aromaticjcarminati7«; creating flesh, muscle and milk; much used by mothers nursing. I i . ; z Also clove-buds, orange, caraway, corian­ der, snake-root, &c. T I ! r I i rl 4 •f ; -t t ¡r >• I » 'j ' . ‘ • * 4 I I I i f ■i- "i * ♦ r I » ! < < < Í w f L: t i Ì 5 « ! Í1 ■ ii ■.4 S.T-1860-X. ) V » •» ü 1 T o r t 1 f 41 « I ■ & Í ill I k ! M • ■ I f* y A7. j f & S I ■ ; #; 111 «• t r I « i I I to V f. » I J 4 f I > I J..- Jd ! - tH X 4' I Z I Í ~r~ f 1 1 ! a I I ! I j V 1 Ì >_ ' f * r < -e J I I f • Í- —/ f i * r -4 f i I I ; * < * ». i I ’X. t ■' **.’ h It i I • • II k ’• I ri .'i • € ♦ t 4 Í? «P* i J 1 r i » i I t „i'f •J I 4 í;' I k ' iI i ' I ► I I Í V‘ / r 1 í i » V •«i 1 1 I - I I ri ? - < i. J Í I I $ 1 - . I i. r ÿ j f ¡ S '-■1 I— 1 V • Î t - - ] 7 /■ Tjji I I 9 4 t- F A * ¡ ■¡ National College gUb _ __ i-iw a ’ Beriah Brown, Editor. Cj I -ALL OVEI O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Ths undersigned bave turned over the notes dxperiment. Trusting the citisene will and account* due us to A. F. Forbes for col- i lection. Please take due notice and govern DR0GS, flEMICALS, POINTS, OILS, TERMS OF TUITION It is Well known that Lyon’s genuine Mag- look after this mattet, we will leave it yourselves accordingly. ’2J j _ l J l E l ' - ' i r [ * Í f In consequence of our large facilities,; ws netfu Powder will perfectly destroy every­ WHITE k WESTERFIELD GLASS with you. r are enabled to accommodate »li ujjo may thing if the shape oi Uva>,, tieks, bedbugs ' - -t iCOHOL. ■ * ’ r Ï ■ ï if • 2 F I ' ' KEROSINE, ’ desire to avail themselves of tbe ad ventages roaches, &c.; that it is perioct poison to the I I ' ' I nternal R evenue . — We are re­ F fijBPBNTINK of a thorough business education, Though insect tribe, but etitiyly harmless to the hu­ I 1 quested to state for the benefit of whom it our Tuition has heretofore been q Jite too man species and domestic animals. Summons. PATENT medicins Bedbugs, Ants, Roaches, ctcw are in every I qw , considering the superior adv ant »gee af­ may concern, that all persons who receive Tn the Circuit Coart of the State of Oregon, Jr H Fane/ and TeHet Goods, bouse.; ' This Powder is their natural dualiu Cris» tha /lAilnio Vnmhsl forded ; yet we propose tocoutiuuotl ir same i U blank* from the U. S. Asst. Assessor for for the county of Yamhil It shcU)|d be in en*ry cupbouid. And effe|ed at wholesale or retail at very lilieral terms—$50 for Lite Scholl aahip— Hester E. Rowland. ~ ' Income most make their statement, properly J oils L. R one , E- mj ., Supeiinrendent of iltw is rates for gash . low until December let. 18G7. Tuitior I lor lira New York City ilbsi'ital, says: ♦ • * * •• It ■ ' -J W. WEATHERFORD, •worn to, and return without dday. entirsr Business Course, o.i aud after pec^u- Jerre T. Rowland. Defendant. 1 is the Only »nre Ni licie we have ever used -J.’*- her 1st. 180’7, will be $60. Portland ,'A«g.Y7,1867. is »31 ly In the name of the State of Oregon, you All statements most be made upon a le- Naw Y orn ilutai. PaupktEroRs say i Scholarships are good at the C ai J FORX1A are hereby required to appear and answer have used tal tender basis at 75 cts on the dollar, B usiness U mvemsitt , San Frauci uu. the complaint filed against you in the above I r SPERMATORRHEA LYON’S MAGNETIC POWDER SPERMATORRHEA 'ersons’neglecting to make returns make ntitled action, within ten days from the date PRI------------ PREPARATORY EDUCATION. DR.Dofah DR. DO^ÉRYI ' tas just published sn im­ f .r exterminating insecU and veriem, with Mbemselves liable to the penalties of the of the service of this sathoons upon you, if entire salialMCtum. k ■ An ordinary English edooation i all that his own view« pan^phlet embodying hia views served within this coerityor, if served in portant fmr^phlet t i S' 0 !? “ *“ ^ l,tsor k Astor House. is ueoeei law. ->»ary on commencing. Sh >uld; the any other county of this State, then within and experiences in delation to Impotence et il student I be found deficient in any I ranches, p S. 1. Cozzvu^ American Hotel. I twenty days from the date of ths seevtea of Viriliiy^ bring a shqrt treatise on Spertnator- Acker I Acker 4 A litaaweii. 11 vauweti, ^¿. liicUoiasHoteL * D ecrease or C attle .—News reaches receive the necessary instruí liou. but Sei - *^We|kaess, Nervous and Pay- he will r< thio simmons upon you ; and you are hereby rbea or « b.; Leland Ou , Melroyoliluti Hotel b. & Cu, Metropolitan Hotel. from every quarter of the State that notified that if you fail to so appear and an­ sical Debilljiyl^nsequent on this Affection, a longer time will b duplet« • the I.— course. rr»._. lvÀÜmony ot might be added ol biia'chararltr b«1 ' ‘ The lime required ». to ompli 'liS. tu i i Testimony stock are rapidly sinking from the effects swer said compl tint, for want thereef the and other cu the Sexual Organs.1 • to any luiig.thL ; Wuurever it it. usvd it ao> work oonteim* mfortnatten of the the cours« is generally frpiu 12 to iof cold and starvation. Those who are plaintiff will take judgment against you for - This little w Hsd,< J I i‘t I to^ll, whether m-trried or single, according to The a.hanoemeut mJ appliea- (cempetent to judge say that at least one the relief therein demanded, tow it: for a ¡de. utmost value ----- T .................... — . w,.«r •» naj i 'fu «* ““’«* h*M ^^»ture of E. Lr 'á».. ■ . * • ' I half the stock in .the country will have creo of dif r, and for the custody of ’the / / *'r,Vale «»tampul D umas B akn ^ s i Co S ix 'C knts in postage stamps for return p .sb. time. Circulars vnniMiniug fall plrlieulars perished before the opening of spring. minor child therein mentioned end ior costs age. Address — , AuJ'iiaiig oiku d| tins kiuu man tuiiuuiuu or . D., on application ‘ W.j: K. DOHERTY, .2*' and disbumjmnts of suit. M. K ’ i t < ouuVei ivil Ount^rtat. Akiy druggie M will •Jin consequence of these report* and the ill piocriir pl.iCrirr tbs i ha _ Cal/ San FranciSc LAUDENSLAG **♦ G. H, STEWARD I £tiiUHfo it you iuMst y*»u will have uu uiirar. I actual expense 'in procuring fair beef cat­ (r DR. DOHERTY advertises bis column M V „ „ J'fi dent Plain tif 1 bold druggì i»tn anu guiiyim Mur«;* - , .. . by ai! r -ry - CRixk, to wh 4th page o bCocaiKK, which the* rs^niriwg tle, our butchers are raising the price of H. Fl tNCr By ordir if Hon . R. P. Boise, Judge. k.-eprS iu every and Mnhjng >i4tup n., M arg *—1 H*c dlrectW, •43 rSJtf -I,' heef. [Portland Bulletin. relary V IU- Pauiii« Uuuút, Í I tU t uf saving your children’s i life is worth the ■» ? The world people of sense and judgment ba\ learned to use SHOP. M. McEVILY desire» to announce MMfrthai be hat opened a Htmee» and Saddle shop at thia place, and will keep on hand and for sale everything m his line. • Repairing and other work execnted »o M. McEVILY. short notice. 77-1" 3-a La Fayette, Oct. 15,1867. + —- I i «5* ■■■— ................... ■-------------------- ------ not say that you are out anything by pay- AND SADDLE * « .r* Anutuer wuuueilul mgreoient, ot Spanish Is graphic Dispat ch«a »14 “o1 origin, imparting beauty to the complex»!) I general news, together with good local brilliancy to the mind, is yet unkne and unknewn to *• t *■ Hf 11 I and commercial comiaercial report«. reports. «»!■■■ «■■■■! 0W1 I J r * world, and * we witbhi »Id the commerce of * the name for the present, its present; Cirover & Baker's r ¡‘i With this recipe before the communil t THE WEEKLY HERALD . ELASTIC STITCH and evidences of effects meeting them on all ! (Tie Largest Newspaper in Ore gets') sides, the success of Dr. D rake stands found­ L . f FAMILY Is issued every Saturday morning, from ed upon the rock of truth. Almost every |8WIG KACHIMES, the same office, at ^3 a year, payable in­ family has some case of suffering which ths variable in advance. It is printed on a large P lantation B itters will alleviate and cure. Î a i« tk, ibMt lutta, - They are recommended by the highest mi double aheet of eight pages, making forty­ 1 ' r I FOR eight col u urns of reading matter including all ical authorities, and are warranted to prod ice PpLUOWIHQ REASONS! ¡the telegraphic despatches.pditi mead a I reports ofth® Daily, making a, val­ harmless. lastis atltcb, a ftrmer and I and m N otice . — Any person pretending to 1) uable family newspaper for all classes of lftil seriw thaa any other. 1 more Piantatiou Bitters in bulk or by thegallor i is society. ♦ They se all fiibrico from »we oom-' The publishers have the satisfaction of a swindler and impostor. It is put up ohly a,roqairs »• re-winding of mon announcing positively thqt the experiment in our log cabin bottle. Beware of hot i ilea ten both ends of the seam .* nf4.tablii.hi!!» of establishing a a fir.t.d&M first-class Democratia Democratio na- pa­ refilled with imitation deleterious stuff. for owa operation, and tboagh by several persons aro already in pris* on. per in Portland—which was regarded with n which a l_ _ X » ■ ----- h stitch is sat the seam will every See that every bottle has our United State«- so much doubt at the time-—has proved a — notrl -- - J Tour-' ünccese. The Herald ¡snow upou a firm stamp over the cork unmutilated, and . •< ’ A|f I They Stitch, Hem, E* Fell, basis, and its oentiauance is a guaranteed signature on sleel-plats aide label. r Sold by re?|M5Ctable dealers throughdut thri fact. This has only been accomplished by Cord, ^¡nd, Tuck, Quilt, | habitable globe. 1 >- alargebntlay of money by a few indtvid P. II. DRAKE & CO., New York. ■ale, which can oo!y be remunerated by the Gath Braid, and Em-i Sole Proprietor. active exertions of the frieuds of the paper tbroidiir. No other ma-' . REDTNGTON 4 CO., San Francisco, throughout the Stare. The cost to the paper Agents for California and I^'eradà. of telegraphic despaoches alone, baa been chin| Embroider®, as weH -------------------------------- —............. - /— uealalv $5.0 g 0 for the past year—which is ri ; I Mexican Mustang Liniment ewt perfectly. T; as more than the entire expenses of publishing r Ä ú : — any weekly newspaper in the State. No The merits of this Lhiiriutnt are well kne wn. » ■f ' expense or effort will be spared to maks Its effects are lusiautaneou», soothing, and r * ... ‘ 1 lira Herald in future secern! to none in th« wonderful. Cuts, bruises, sprains and swellings, are so facilities of a first class newspaper, and the < I I ISropiiMUBl assistance of all interested in the enterprisr common, and ctriain to occur in every family 9 is confidently relied upon. The third yea that a bottle of this Liniment is the bc«h 1U- commences ou the 14tb of March, 1868. vestment that can be made. ^or Manufacturing, j ■: It is more certain than the doctor—it snvea ■ A. E. WAIT. President. time in sending for the doctor — it is cheaper ombiia the most modern and case«- Com' _Z improvement». Oregon Herald Publishing Associatin. than the doctor, and should never bo dis- itali ■S- pensed with. » ■ -----0------- t- ------ TV T. P a TTîasON, Secretary. ■ The attention is requested of ' READ THE FOLLOWING : I »• Tailors, Manufacturers of Boots | I take pleasure in recommending the Í « Í and Shnes, Carriage Trimming. Q > Mexican Mustang Liniment as a valuable and > Clothing and all others requiring U indispensable article for ¡Sprains, •N<, re«, ; : ! ^of the most effective s 1 , .... Scratubes, or Galls Our —— — — — —- W , ■— on — • Horsts. — w wrv| -V wv« r>a^r • • non -OF- L ( » Stitch Machines, have used it for Burns, Bruises, Sores, R *. ' S eelv . in the Atlantic States. It affords afford« every everv ìfr City aad Town not now rs- U Gloucester, Mass., A ?».k Aug.-*, ug. 1, löKiä. advantage for nd elsewhere on the coast, and A i For r istmo .r n and circulars H | Quick uni sure : itjcertslflly it is. A I genuino omny educational improvement« many improvements never be- be­ L .rrappi u in steul-bi is w r R. G. BROWN, Agent late engravings, tieairing fore introduced. It is our design to provide kt* tar . . Cbcmisi' the signature of G. W, Westbjt^k, the public with an institotiou'tbat ehrill be Hl nentgemcry St., San Francises. +—— second to none. ‘ We iuteod intend that it shall be and the private U. S. stamp o! I/ h . uas B aknês ik^li V 2 u 50 Jr wauling wauting in nothing that i may contribute to & Co. over the tup. « j r r ■ ■ - “ -* " ‘ : , , w . An e. it bas n made to e<>unterfcit it the success of those who come here to pre­ I f •j with a cheap stone plate labeL Look clt/tcly ! pare for business business; ; aud we can aesnre assure them, WE^rfeRFORD 1 Sold by al> Druggiots, aixl Stores^ at L> that if they honestly avail themselves of the .1 and 5U advantages here afforded, they cannot fail ' f Importing Druggist a « X in securing what they come to »buda,__ ; a r * 7 *'•’ DEALS* 1W — I* practical business education. ILyon’s Flea Powder, $ H ■ Lafayette Lodge No. 3, A. r izens; if the school is worth patronizing, F Zi 5 The besti’iirifier of the Blood I A Plea«4tit Tonic! i le Drink! Unsurpassed for acting surely hut >n the secretions of the i, bowels, stonoah and • I . im i liver! y 11 For sale 4 t all wholesale and retail liquor,! Irug and grocery steres. NOBODY SjHOU LU BE WITHOUT IT! . .A a ‘ L ■STAR OF THE UNIONI' ! j *77 > Evening of meeting on Saturday, on I °< before b< ‘ ; etors i are J. G. F risch , Proprietor. the full moon of each month, Viseti ENDEL. Sole Ag ’ ts TAYLOR I. -i weleome. nJl ly 413 ‘Clay St., Sen Francisee ■ But there is one thing • sure, fellow cit- • Ì ri > T Iri- CELEBRATED 8WT8S STOMACH BITTEB3 W C M. Yocum, W M; L. Handley W 1G;. J. H. Henry, WOG; G. A. Henry is f WCT J i I f iff’. ■I I I». ty Lodge, No. 54., installed Feb. 15, '68. 0. C. Yocom, WCT; ÀT M . .^ocom, R. TD Y liU US ;, S. Henry, WVT;, SaryHagcy. LHS‘; RevL i.. Van Slyke Will preach at Lafayet'e The College is a large two-story build- on the third Sabbath of each month, at 11 in * pleasantly located ia the eastern part •'clock, P. M. Rev. C. Alderson will preach' in Lafayette of* the Village, on the north side of Main on the third sabbath of each mouth, ! Our department, which is the street, •'clock. - lower, is kept very clean and neat by our I r ■*' *1 a teacher. lie is always at his po3t. We f I suppose the teacher and upper apartment r k J D*,. .HUf E LA ND’« C oubiïr : I. O. of G. T.—E ditob per the—[Onward. I t » 9 ■ ■ r s! have but room to call the particular atten­ tion of our LaFavette^readers to the fol­ i » ■— g which we copy from the boy’s pa* lowing ij’i’ ? We may say that the sodg from little retary of the Order in the United States the wem- has been issued. He reports the mem­ Na inyv Shull was well executed. When bership at the present time to be 217,r •h< l.a« learned to open her mouth while 8ISG, there having been an accession the : itfjgir g her music will be very attractive.. past year of 33,764 members. The ro A s<»ng from a little Muster Johnson was ceipts for the past year have been 81.965, 718,61, of which $1,768,123,65 were i well executed. irum bodies under the jurisdiction of The Buy’s paper contained many good the Grand Lodge, and $505,593 Gp tbi| inanil gave evidence of the coming from bodies under the jurisdiction of tnb Grand Eecampment. The total relidf iibi lify of some of our boys to mount the dispensed in the same time was $690, i ri [od. The Girl’s paper was far in ad- 675,97, of which $525,820 25 were by We shall in the bodies under the jurisdiction of the V. [ceofour expectations. Grand Lodge- The relief dispensed lg out next issue give our readers a few spec- the bodies under the jurisdiction of the im ons of the genius of the school in the Grand Encampment was $64,85512. J. way of composition. In th’s issue we » í I I V. Il ■ I ’ ” a ; , i The following is a list of officers of Uni* TUESDAY, FEB. *25, t » i • e«ES í !’ : ! I t I 1 i b b / m«!* 1 ' < í rpu * i ♦