MEDICAL ADFARTI? EMIONI V i. »i .U sj • I ai .L KiiND.S, OX LHE. Gme rd imctit collected, Pensions in- ; MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENT. PO RTLAND ADVIRTIMIMENT? Furniture í i urit ítú creased, by recent act. (governed by wound t th ~ TTT -a « *: or dieabilty M. ßURTOM. JÎ) to $J 5. $20 and $25 pr month. W. MAKÄ! Lrt| •I In ¡i case \. of death of soldier, _ ________________ _ I Private Medical Aj Id f 1 FURNITURE.'!! , paid to widow] « Fri en« n add lT R I..«»' . — dead J _ 1 ” a then » > de- s - children, if 1 iho latter Vo FRONT ^^^^^^^Ì h URGREN & SMIND4ER., IvK Quiek Cur«» and Moderate Cl u pendent and accruing pensions to l? * . relatives -T -------- -| — r.T Dr. W. K. DOHERTY, IM TO LITERS AND (Successors to J. L. PARRISH ip r- : ■ ' executors . -qr .. administralnrtq „1 . j Person« now Ì fl' Private Medical and Suvgical Institute, GrcHt uri iteli fn Frfcc»! Manufacturer* of Furniture, B< dding, rcc^yiug I low pensions^ and those who have Importers and Wholesale and Retail | not applied, cau receive this increase inorpa«« hr I bziii SAN FRANCISCO. ^ndt by ap- M*5!!'. Pruprtetnr of A i : kig «»M k, j í Mirrors. Pure ¡lair, F I .¿«aaooaiWW 1 Poi tHnd. Urvtm!.. fcr«q»log k' cping uu Wltl) thr» .* . Sacramento-st>, Below _ __ Mon wory, 1/ ■ plyiug to tfie undersigned. Eureka Hair. Polo, < Opposite Pacific Steamship Go ’ s ) flice. Bounty dbtaiued when discharge is lost, BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Fpirit ti! Ili« lii.irjt. I i .-. h de*., nnmr4 U» Q1»< he! Private Entrance, Leidesdorf Street. • 1111 back nay, lokt horse claims, prize money, col ­ e fi'a v*i;il rei.i:cnn, No. 106, 168, 17(L 17^. Port- arid other« In Mexican* War, entitled. Scrip li«- k«*ep a Fi si' C i . à . s . s Hi 11 > i - : n — CHOOL Bookd^ Law Books, Medicai flioted sound and scientific Med al Aid. vili darre» $2 00 per day f< r ln'Md «11J lan«i < >rrg<*n. of war of 1855 and 1856, collected, whether Books, Blank k Books, Miscellaneodl - in the treatment and cure of al Private n 10 ly oh Albumi, Prinxors’ Ink, suspended hr otherwise ; officers pay for S. N. ARRIGONI 8. huigiHg. and ‘Cbrouic Diseases, cases ol •ecresj Boeks, Photograpl servants and three .months pay proper ob ­ ^Ipk, Writing Paper M'ritiwgFluids,CopyingIpk. writingrapor and all sexual disorder«, r *2 ti22 ly tained, Piijenta procured and all other Klank Paper, Wrapping Paper and a ink r TTO THE AFFLICTED. claims collected by C. M. CARTER, . W. K. DOHERTY veturnlbi« ti«- aMortmeat of . ' | Aneli«*,! mid Commission. U. S. Claim Agent, -l^r cs cero thanks to bis namerou« patient« i>HINTERS9 MATERIAL I n 33V I A. B. RICHARDSON, j Portland, Oregon^ T IN W A RE for their patronage, and would tafc< this ap- e*a Agents for Leroy W. Faitdhlld & C«'s 0-| I fi I poridnity to remind them that he ¿Minees Fqrikoity obinson a lakti , ofthoabovn pop­ tolllasbl ’ iHML, Gold Pens, aad Importers for George We*- We»- te consultai bis Inetitate for the cure of ular Establishment, Thankful for he libs Î BS s < t K wW * i’ cbronie/]isea«e» Ltm#«, 14 chrohic'di«ea«es of tbe Lungo. Liver, Kid- teobolm k Sons’ celebrated I. X. L. Catlery. j rral patronage extended them by they* ihlic of Cerner of Front and Oak Streets. neyf. Digestive and Genito-Çrlnary^OrgM«, I ■■>«»» JIK/I g WfJBf Woi will.k««p.constancy on hand a com­ ¡YAMHILL, Washington and Polk Counties and all Private Disease«, viz ; Syphilis in all FRONT plete MwrUBCBfc of goods iu «ar line. pT. PORTLAND, OGN. PORTLAND, OGN. ! would announce that they nre prep; hied to its form« and stages. Seminal Weakti»««, and lard & Co., - Proprietors, I show to Co'«t<»mcrs a superior assortment of Lyon«. Lesa Orr entire »lock i« Imported direct from all th« horrid consequence« of self jb»««.— J - nF, ■ i UCT1ON SALES of R^l Estate. Gro- iTiN-WARE/STpVES and all and si ngulag ’ f Successors to Michael O'Connor.) Gonorrhcea, Gleet, Strictafe«, Noelt Dal and Publishers and Mannfaotnrers, and pfESona a : V ceri« ». Furniture. Geuernl Merchandieo the Gootls anry Planter, Piro and Burglar way, has usqnestionab »verM- ha« references of unqnestionab | v2 b 23 ly 499 BROADWAY, N, Y. UR LAST NEW ADDITION TO r ity ffom 1' (men / of ■ ’ known ■' respectab lity and our different styles is attracting tbo ad­ .rpHESE PIANOS received the high standing in society. All par jef C01 miration of both critics and populace. ( We JL Award of Merit at the World's Fc or otherwise! will re­ WITH COMBINATION LOCK . suiting him, by letter c_ mention specially, some of tbe claims of this \ the beet makers from, London, Par f ceive the beet apd gentlest treatment and WARRANTED THE BEST IN THE new Piano. . Believing tbe exterior should ! many, tbe cities of New York, Philadelphia, World! Novar ^ovrod« th« iron. irou. Never *ode tbe 1 implicit implicitjecrecy secrecy. be av beautiful to the eye a« melody is to the Baltimore and Boston Boston ; also the G old lose their fir«-ptoof qisalitioo, DR. DOHERTY would call attt&tioB to •ar, we have paid great attention to getting M edal at the American Institue for FIVE Ane th« only Sales tilled with Alum. Mud tbe th« following fpllowing certificate, from one o of 1 his par S thru: np in a style that is Conceded by all SUCCESSFUL YEARS h Our Pianok con­ — -I Dry Plaster. tients.’wbo, having fully recovered bi| health, who have seen them to be tbe handsomest tain the French Grand Action. Harp > Pedal, 1‘ “' . send on «all for an Illustrated Cota desires to make known his remedial agent, ' ‘J Pleas« Ca Piano Forte niade^ They are an entirely Overstrung Base, Full Iron Ffaine, and all MARVIN À CO.J It wiBi be eeen that his statement s fully l®g«e. r new j style, with four full round comers. Moderu Improvements. Every Instrn Principal 1 _ iHient No. Ml .Broad way, N. Y. authenticated by a Notary Public, j heavily carved legs and lyre, base richly Warranted Fl VF Years. Mdde I WareroauM, f Mac untjir the No. 7*1 CheatnuLStreei, The welfare of society imperiously d mande F bnided. and contains our latest improved supervision of M r . J. II. G rove h:STEE>, who Q.a va FbWadelxihia. its publicity, and it is given more o warn n*w scale and action. The tone i« melodi- has a practical experience of over thirtr-five S3T'H SEWING MACHINES the unwary than, to sound the praises of a •of, at d its adaptability to parages of every year«, and is the maker of ‘7 over Eleven iru -[J bn . adway. New York. 1 . ’ _ thade of,expression, from the softest mur­ sand Piano-Fortes. Ourfacilities for man- For F a m i 1 i|e s and M a n u f ac t u rers Physician, of whom hundreds of lilr cases Yew Ulitebkn Hotel I cau bi cited, during a practice ef mi e than murs. the Uressendo. and F F, rive*« the oftetnring enable ns to sell these instrn nents ► fifteen years. I’v former every advantage : 1 of - the Concert - »a I N m . U*,1M and 1 Front Btrec t fruw $100 to $200 cheaper t|)a m any firet- signing The Doctor is no obscure or d< •arf. Plico i Corner of Morrksai, Portland, Oregon^ u42 *2 ly olan Piano-Fort«. H f|v v2 nIO iy quack who has trumped certificates n order "J to deceive and entrap the an wary, Heia TME New Colimhia» having j««t b^vti * WOJRX.D-RENOWNED , •legtatly finished and being now rcfcdv THESE 3 J. BAUR & CO. known by thousands of persoaa to b » proee- [ING MACHINES cutidgia regular, honorable and l«j itiEMUe t«r the reception of Onesto, th* proprietor Were awarded the highest premium at the butfiqei«. PRIZE would say ta tho cititela of Punl«rib ibost approved machinery, we DOUER P i rndet oa iM to vke th tliÉR tftate- Board, por woe» $5 ; Beard aad Ladling lin£« al the Great Qua«!ri«*nnial Trill at are now able ! <( €' Crosby Opera House, i io supply the very best ma ­ Ì r» ar« 1 ! ihj 1 I hoes kfilleted $7 to $10. meiit. t or i Plymouth. Eng., July. 1865. and a i the V» chines in the njorld. These-machines are wit i W«. the rrealt *1 «*«M-abw<*e e . A large Fire-proof Safe fer tke d .V L<»liAgent« for the United States fur i i Great National Field Trial, held at At) mini, made at our iew ami spacipus Factory at bat tili 1855 “ L> Ï - — iir b« at the Landings on the Arrivai THE; PRIZE MOWER, GOLD MEDAL PIANO-FORTES, elias now*; 8, J r r ., . the * original * ’ inventor wadi&ljkjwrd 1 hv hwu tuiiig «yisptsifts. susk of Steamers^ and will eoa convex ver P.v<*ngerr P.v f _ ih« back aad limbs, ttimne nod Baggage to and frani tue Hot«! free • • Also, Agents for has made it sotaniverinil a favorite, is greatly to all kinds ef Family Sewing, Army Cloth-' of vision, aervousaew, eta. My iaia^. tan charge. Ï UJ charge^ ■4. . GALE & CO», and other Fir^t-cla«« improved by the addition of ing. and to thp use of Seamstresses, Dress was affected to such au exteat as to ssrioas Warm and C«!d Baths. •ifrV i Steel Lined' Guards, M«k««rs. Tailois. Manufacturers of Shirts, ly impair wiy memory ; my ideas ws£s e«a IloHi «pen all night J New Pitman Connections, Collars. Skirts. Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, fused and nd spirits depressed. 1 WMfaverse f. B. SINNOTT’, — Stronger Knives, I Ilalit. Caps. Culets, Boots. Shoes, Harness, to society, Proplrietw». . y, had efil forebodings and sblf-die- up MO v9 aid 1F lie hare the LARG EST and Best Assorted j^djustible Folding SI 0« Saddles. Linen¡ Goods. Umbrellas. Parasol«, trust, and was entirely unfitted * for any d«- Stock of PIA NOS, which for Power and iI and Sprirìg Seat, etc. ’ They w^ f SEND fc ’ OR CIRCULAR. ' TOR Clarinets, Drums, Guitars, Brass Instru­ Reapers known, apd we folly warrant it • & five weeks’ treatment, I feel myself thorough­ Jfo. 129 Front Street, AGENTS WANTED. ly cured of ail my troubles, and in theJpDjoy- AGEk*T8 WANTED. ments, and ether Musical Merchandise. Opposite What Cheer House, Portland, Or­ THE HAND RAKE REAPER,, (■ Th« The How« How è Machine C«mpauy Company, r ment of the best of health. Hoping t|iat my egon, E3TREMEMBER THE PLACE, J. BAUR 1« at tbe same time the cheapen t and the 699 Broadway, Cor Fourth-st., N. Y, experience may be of benefit to othen othe simi- mediately and san yourself from painful pupil«. I • , best mpkers of London, Paps, Germany. i sufferings and prematnre death. AB Married Wanted-100.000 Peimd* of The Educational Department will be in Ptuladelphiau Baltimore, Boston and New Ladies, whose delicate health or other cir­ WOO! ehargo of an efficient corn« of teachers. 499 Broadway, N. Y. I \ *Ouir »Motto — M «nick SAUS i AND foiALIa HESE' Instruments after the flati flattering York; and alao at the American Institute cumstances prevent an increase in 'their Capt. J. P. C. A llsopp , (formerly a Pro­ THESE* profits ," M*d no tuimbeg. for five successive years, the Gold and ¿>if- t families, should write or call at DR. K. fessor in tbe University of Louisiana, and testimonials from the first Piamsts s i in i he ver Medals from both of whi^h can be seen Remember the plact-, opposite the TTbat DOHERTY’S Medical Institute, and'they for the last five-yea th Principal of a Collegiate oountry who, at cur!solicitation, have tested L‘ at our Ware-room«. I will receive every possible relief and feelp. Cheer Hpugt. JI - I lustitnte in tlie Southern part of California,) them in the severest manner possible, hi By the introduction of improvements we The Doctor’s offices, consisting of a suite of i” Q ^guarantee entire satisfaction. * or no n« Principal. been pronounced ale. Try us and convince yourselv««. make a still more perfect Piano-Forte, and a U six rooms, are so arranged that he can be No effort will be spared to make this In* Th« Finest Square Piano-Fort« made G ALL AND, GOODMAN A CO, by manufacturing largely, with a strictly consulted without fear of observation. ths World. ■titate equal to the best on tbe Pacific coast v2 n24 129 Front street, Portland. i cash system, are enabled to offer these in- ring t le To Correspondents. j policy do It has always been our [ 1 be Course of Studies will embrace all the Thirty-six years that we have ifactui^d [struments at a price which will preclude all Patients (male or female) residing in any ave marni ------ Ntt‘l 1 13*1x branches usually taught in first-class Semi­ Pianos, twenty thousand of w hich are now n competition. ' •------------------------ ■ . . . I ! part of tbe State, however distant, who may ■ ( zlz.0i*>^> ♦ lin n i run o «1 o zi er inn TA ■■ TA t_ _ ! * _ naries in the East, including the Classics, use in the Unrted States and Europe, to give SASH AND DOOR Our prices are from $100 to $200 cheaper desire the opinion and advice of Dr. Doheyty, French, German, Spanish, Mathematics, the finest instruments at the lowest cost. than any firsr class Piano-Forte. ilte and who think proper to submit a Written ¿co., ¿to. T erms — Net Citiveness (foes does nui imi Window Cornice«, and candidly described, personal comma li- FRESE’S HAMBURG TELA. oom fort« of a home. Mantles and destroy tbe middle and upper registers h r It is the best preservative against almost any cation will be superceded, as instructions or N B.— Particular attention rill be paid mingling with them iu disagreeable cmifn diet, regimen, and tbe general treatmeni of v u 1 -’J ' ! »■ Freni to the choice of Text Books, id. order to eion. Tho -refined > beaoty of tone hemp sickness, if used tiipcly. Composed of herbs mad« to >rder on short notion. the case itself (including the remedies) i_.„ only, it can be giver, safely to infants. Full ill avoid anything of a Sectional or a Partitan equal delightful to the unpracticed and to Or4ert from a distanco for any s ri:iv a direclioHs in English, French Spanish and be forwarded without delay and in such a nature in our curriculum of studies. in oof line promptly filled and securely tbu most cultivated ear the ear* th rtnan, wiih every package. TRY IT! manner as to convey no idea of tbe purpi For further particulars, enquire at the In­ ed for transportation. For sab at all ’the wholesale and reta' f the letter or parcel so transmitted. Th«y are entirely new stylo of Piano, fin. Tb«y fin­ stitute, or address 11. G uido G rob , P. O febed • ished iu the moeisoperb moei sopvrb manner with four irug stores Sasho« of all sizes glazedand prime w and - groe peries. d 1 • • z * Consultations FREE. Permanent r - I ' ■ ' ‘ . Box No. 168. rtaatly oa band. round corners, front and back, heavily " EMIL FRESE. , Wholesale Druggist, I guaranteed or no pay. Address : Capt. A llsopp will continue to give Even carved legs and lyre, serpentine base, richly OAR8ON de POR I f it. ; 410 U|ay street, Solo W. K. T" I väatt ly DOHERTY, M. ng Lessons in the Modern Languages and moulded, ¿nd each instrument is full war- £ vt ■ltly B I w n31 ly i wglist ifraaohes. n89 ly ranted for five years* • 17o31Srly 1-.; j , I K RIGONI’S G J HO TEL, Burtoiv ójz Harris, j H. » ■WtaMMwaiiii n»te*r’i -. Tl » *b B *•« ■p S - ' ■ R * n DR . « A U _ C T 10 A EEK ■* * '* HAT CHEER HOUSE • • • 4 « -r^- — 1 I (xFOVESTEEN & Co ’ Pian o-For MABTIXm PATENT PROOF SAFES, PIANO-FORTES. O L. L -------- i-----------------------lux- All ___ » i I s p « 4 ^STITpHi ■ I ' ........... - ----------------------------------- -- “WOOD#7 Croat Piano-Forte - Melodeon Emporium, i f vira»Trjia ’ PXÂHOS » — l-r ■> J '■ ^.l k Produce Stand! | • . ' • I GOODS ! v • —JI .L.toklilA I • • V •Gr3El.O33*S53 J • 7 - 3,-I»1— t / ■fl wi T INSTITUTE L H -I« MUSICAL & EDUCATIONAL * i f * ♦ a r- _ - ~ — ’'/•■* .'a „ . «- I- __ J_ L_f — .J 11 - * _ _ _ 1_ _ JE- . Groc ■ r i e Grovestcen Co., 4 FAC TOR fc < K .w- X. —- 4 •• V t V ■