x 4 he f1 Ai! i • ŒV i * Onr Third ▼ olume. t q«»l fici»tioi) fo*7fc voter and offie»-holder* With this number we cominci co the St Htfi frt frsaphist . should X 1 , > not ... . ho extended to Volo mo. ofthe C ourier . Durin the pu ) him. Why then* then» does the radical party i TIZ® WFFKIiY COURIER. ■ bito ; J. W. JQBNSQN, I. . 'F " mil ii, ifisn exempt inferiority I I I ihs toady pap suckers who hang ou to the I dominant party for tha spoils and srum that drop from the publio orib; and we I V t » < t can account far the acts and professions efl / lication of this volume two of he most favor nogro suffrage ? Is it because they those little diminutive souls, (if that arti- ’ important elections in the hi^to r of C f- esteem the voting'privilege of so little COU- de were not so obscured by folly, passio n I :nid that this Govern >A<«nt was made on r-v »< -V i b 1 Llâl ’ f i ego* will occur; afte, ¡Bore,niueh'inore i u v»qu enoq that to their mind every human and false pride of ^onsieteooy, tha the u tn, WNIT^ I i--e r>’,l!TE basis i. * • t ' • ill « ’ '■ •’ — ‘ rr it , r ’ E fdm and tl«r pos^ !..-^¡itnf IFIflTE the I partant than any that has ator occured □ being may propefy and safely exercise it? most charity is required to suppose they >V tedi if f'trerer. . and sh^Jdj . ., . | “ J I ij | i ' ‘ i C"; boys ? Is OTWAX* the United States; for upon its result. ¿e- Thin wHy pot euclend it to our ì , WJlìTKmm. iiiud » ind A have souls ;) but why intelligent, honest 4 J . ..................... > that the AHniffhty made the not tel irre pends the weal or woe, aje tlx life of th e it a gift of God tp the human* family ? If men can follow after and sustain Congress, negro capable (fselfgoifrnment.-\)ata^s Republic, xknd while wo have everyiress- .so, then why mpy* n^t men, womeu and A great kranch Pyiaician o»y»: Mero in its raid against liberty and law is sur­ I repeat, i cm fbr tfte I nion; I am for onable ««suraace, that could be aaked; t than half of the diseasa in tha world ooma* liât chidten, Indians^ negroes, and babies any­ vr cd passing :strsnge. Every Constitutional .from noglaat to fortify tha system against :^rmng all the \StaM ! f I t,m am / for ;.r tho |u.rc«t party of law and ordet will the council' of the na'ion all ainir into cavneiU be. where, rightfullyjeyercbe it ? And if it lawyer as well knew the “reconstruction” changaa of cliwata, wvathar and food. Too Wi! •i i-lepresentalites who are unmistakably fraatsacrat of haalth i» to koap tha conditio* triumpaani ia the coming coateH, we t’iei: a rijjht uppcr&iining'to a person, why policy of Congress to ba unconstitutional, of tha Stomach and Blood regular and uni­ a i nquestionably/tv^l A ma- who . for personal gaip- •ell his vote for mon. unanimous voice of the Supreme Court . . a. / A man connot maahincry of tha body, and bread disease.” t -.ixl necess recess arily trily be I lethal oath^in good faith unices he is 'Hands of ua that we make assurance» dan ­ Now, it is a fact, positive and well known, ey, thu$ converting - a right into a trust ? fin and there is no appology,except ignorance, that there is no sueh bulwark aad assistant >y-:i A kdmsw JouNSœL dy sarò by using all tha honorable meins Willlsome hottest man who endorses the for every other man knowing it as well. or the stomach as •• ’! he States, when they entered the Union. our placed Within our grasp to préserve bxvtmr *. radical polioy solve these matters for us ? • all their power unu and »aa- rr'airtea mcir original pmetr I 5 Ko fretgnly. except such at were expressly sur 'overnment to onr children as pure as our This splendid Tonic is wow used by al) No j I l. ! An bonest republican cannot* They Went. Fight. red to the General Government. it they •lasses of people lor »vary symptom of a rcod< 1 ’ father» transmitted it to us. Wo know n y- answer; and th-a aQswer of a corrupt man expressly prohibited Jrom erercinn- - ; were “Truth oruhed to earth'will rise again “ Stomaoh out of order.” 'ALTV.--d H;nator Douglas, in May. 18- t. »r c «lectors , ~ and Vice , ** 1 tf President President, B|| tb» gat«» at which innovation m:y en from Dyapepsia, and had Io abandon preach­ Novamber «lection. . ... I to h** •• sannorted supported at next November »lection. * 64, made tho following dvtimtion oi loyalty, surely hover o’er their banner. ing. * ’ ♦ * • The Plantation Bjttcrs bava- By order of sti'l Comoiitte» representation ter and guard them with scrupulous care, Which suits us,precisely* Upon this we will Fsr shame ye cowards’. Lek your vala- •ured ma. Buv. J. S. C athoum , i: ) Mid Convention was baaed on the vat» then can we dismiss anxiety, I- but a ways stand, regardliBs of fanatical party clamors Bocaester. N. Y.” ient men give battle; in suek a cause suc­ f” a?;, for Democratic candidate for Governor in any direction. , 1 1 ; bold in remembrance that “tternal vigi- “I -------- knôW'Oflio rv* th-) last general election, giving »ach Ceun- mode mode.by which a loyal cit- ' cess is with the right! *» If ye he honest jSu * • • I have given the Plantation .v t»i e delegate therein for every Mventy- lance is the price of liberty?; izsn i may ’ ’ - L • his • ■ loyalty f •-L ts, men, to know your error is to make ' Bitters te hundreds af ear disabled aoluiera SO vttll ” demonstrate :• re Totes 9»» feast, 4’ m 1 one delegate for every with tha moat astenishing effect. Feelingthe all importance of the com- bi» clmuiry as $' by sustaining the Flag? the r?s -tion of said panther of forty or over, but noi all the in the right, amends; but if . j' c- • .Li_ Mid tifo Union, under all cir> G. W. D. AsDBawe, ilLwlng each County al least one delegate ng contest, we »hall continue to ur^ e 'up- Comftiiutioii cuiniuDces and‘under every Administration hosts of Heaven should jsv you from yonr Superintendent Soldier»’ Hetae, uc-ic.M, rdfo' of apportioMsoftt will there I The partisans of the Vallandigbam school We await you The Plantatioa Bitters make the wesA * a 4 Baker H ■ of the whole people, and if those wio are whofwould sustain fl) the fltfg' by withdraw­ c , Strong, the laaguid brilliant,and are exhaeued. r • 7 jieabjn •; I ? 1 ing it and tbo arn.ies from rebel soil, are Nature’s great restorer. owing us will at once pay up, and aisist US i % »> 7 Clackamas ■’’r lrait|or», ineagprcd by Douglas' rule. The , vNorth Carolina, 1 he public «ay rest aasered that in no case The Stab» ' ‘1___ . it will be to provide therefor. , man we ( you and ourself) know next election, We’ll try the remedy. whole people, and look well to tho I inter- ¡jo tian i ma and certain death to everything of the In wet The Committee would respectfully urge specie»—Elvaa, Roaehes, Mosquitoes, Anta, prompt action on the part of the Democracy este of the people with whom we have set­ yoii to be a itraitnr, as clearly appears by Bugs, i - 1 t- - i 4 ., oi the several coqntie». ’ ~ tled for the remainder of our darè; ; anc what , we 1 KILLS INSTANTLY. Col. W. W. Chapman raps all the Ore . JH But you i y and you then said. L. II*. GROVER, Chairman. What is peculiarly surprising in regard 1» beleiving the early CoNSTRUC^roN of are about is deeenk as any woe-begone gon papers except the Oregonian and Her- -# G eo . R. II blm , Secretary. to thia article is, that notwithstanding its ¡1., the OREGON CENTRAL RAIL ROAD h’olbdeserving, hypocritical self-aggrandi aid over the knuckles for not publishing instant death to ¡octets, it is perfectly harm­ <1 •[ to be of vital and almost paramount im­ I zipg rad, w^o has as much intelligence as tho report of a meed eg of the Citizens of less to mankind and domestic animals. It etn i Li 11 portance to Oregon and especia íy the you have. $Of course we do not couBtyou Portland on tho ewbjeet of Railroad». We 1» inhaled or eaten with itnyurmy. It bears C entral x oi Y amhill the testimony, oft eminent disintetested ch«*- By ■■ ists that it« majority of our subscr ibers fur w accept tbo apology, and eay to our freind tiom of C ounty ! quite as bad a man as Thad. «Stevens, but V- -ii . a t ? -fil: i. Z V y1 i it Lails’’ J. • w ♦ «rv. • . • ■ te * * *• : -I » LI 1 . », ATTENTION! ! ! ■ 1 I [U I I •.i'll • r we much prefsr to chronicle ihegeacïoua a £reat deaj wowe ti,an login—alias we shall promote its construction to the Trippie Thunderer, for you know less than donation» of the people of Portland, and utmost of our ability, and will tha ßkiully the formejl but much more than the lak- the Stateaman-liko movement on part of receive any communication to that end as the Corporation, for this i» really of inter­ ter, as thetoeasuremont of bis intelligence them» MMi well m upon any other matter of public est to our reader». is tho magnitude of lb« crimes of a nd. interest. We say again, that while we While we admit the excellency in ' » can livo without, yet it would be o L great many respects of the Report of the Com. I '’-H------ . » +w IA , • J ' ' nii'r - • * We learo from the Portland papers that the surveyor! have sutveyed 8ixty miles I of road and have teturoed to Portland to 1 if» t rl. i L- ■ i I ■ I make the maps'¿n(i plats and upon com. I pletion of which a line will be run past i this town] I Li ‘ I ■ I t “ I Of course it would be improper for us j i to favor through the Courier, either route to, the disparagement of the other if we desired so to ¿o. But we may say howev­ er, that no man cart fully estimate the im* men so importance of h aving the line up­ on which he has property seieoted as the line of tne road. free from poisgn . No article has »ver given such positive sat- »¡action in ita use. Its reputation is well known. It is easily and readily used—directions aoeompany each Uask. Beware of counterfeits. The genuine baa the signaiure of E. Lrow, and the private stamp of D imas B anks » A therefore behoove« all property owners ;upon the two proposed lmes, to use their utmost exertions to pro- ou e the seleetipn of their route. Prior to the adoption ofthe Federal «titatfon the respective States possessed a*’ limited and unres tricled sovereignty, and rt tained the same ever ajleruard. except »afar* t as they granted certain powers to the Gen­ eral Government, or prohibited themselves from doing cert tin acts. Every State Slate re coed loxtselj tka exclusiverlghl oj regulat­ NÑI «¿Ï péZiiry« ing Us oetn ieottraai gefamiam^ < I F wo think every honest man of so id mind grave and f I ♦ P * » i J. -i I 4 I I I L