H V I I THE- WEE1Í¿1| t COURIER w ! b u 1. W. JOajÇROEf. Tuisi)ÂÏ7 j W 1 A rt ’ ï EDITOR. 14 .i«68 i h.EE’HNG vr OF MEMO- ¡ur. KI'A.E i.r,. TliE (.lune central ; Ti.« inimbers i'l the 1 1 he ? time ofi the Declaration of. In‘ | the-most desperate remedies will prolong tfe common defenco and general welfare of dependence, down to the adoption of the the United.State* ; but afil dutiek, imposts, d - all - the - and excises, shall be ut uform throughout Constitution, the Stat tes J • the United Slates — — — — ■» : I I powers with which tb$ people w e pleased To borrow i money on th le ere Jit of the to ¿d6w? them, andifliis sovereignty i iaön- United States» u To regulate commerce ’ ith foreign nation, Jly 1 ml ted by what hJ“ been delfegate8, < for ,w. thé ..... , purpose _ , . ..._ _____ tixÎHg the • - • - • . . i ’_ » O i v 4?n.e and niodv ».f holding thp Siate Deiimcra t;« tioppnalions for th« tia Conventi«)» Coiiveuti<.n f said Committee : pcwfcr not delegated to the general govern­ Unil sd States : I great French Pyisieian says: y Mors to life and will commit any crime to save \ A L thyn half of the diaeoao in the works cornea it, will these fellows perpetrate any villa- from aegleet to fortify tbe system against changes of cliwate, weather and foers » Now, it*is a fact, well known. ct, positive and wellkn known, arid past roads: ment ie reserved to tbe States or the pco- guard of a Republic, aud turned themsel­ o«M>>p«Ming sa»d C<*i>miltoo: •uch bulwark and assistant that there is no i lenten County I To promot« the prrgresn of sc < eneo and ¡I l . j • tilii J;’hn B'iruetl - - — - ves loose to their own vain imagings and for the stomach as i uemcs.to pt£. b j lawful arts, by aecureing fo- limited B Jennings » - ■ ■ 11 ! - < ’le kam a s •* I authors and inventors the qxclusivk right to PUITAVIIX I That tl ^tetes regulated the question selfish desires, but thank God, reason is T ia( the A. Van Dusen * - Clatsop •• ThiU^plend.d Tonic ia bow used by »9 tneir respective writings and discoveries : G Knox - — - - - Culunibia •• 6f sufrage prior to ’ 89 ao oue will for one returning to her throne and before anoth ­ o the su Il elasse^of people for every symptom ?ent cf . t r k t — < ] >. the majority "of Congress, and the legiti- > their Representatives who aré unmistakably the legislature of tbe stole in which tl Je same id . w is rich «1' J/w ■ /v . t i i fc ♦ « •H I have given the Plantation _ Älr cutd unquestionably loyal. A manwhoac-\ shall be, for th« erection of fpr rts, magazines, mate pljihder of political montqbinks.^— ■ X—e— tripli* «f am . rl>«teKl.AyJ te^IÀ;«L-^ Bitters to hundred« ef ear disabted soidierB allegiance to the Government,- arsenals, dockyards, and other needful build­ c, whenk all its :it|zens on May 2V:h. The mo«etaest is taid to on a stool pialo engraving, or it eannoi bo , From 1776, until 1789, the States were genuino. refuse to accept any measure for t^e ben­ be in the of J»K*ge ( hase. • Any person protending to sell P lantation .each independent powers, bound to tach Auburr, N. N. Y. Y. , Dec. 25.—Judge Field had the right of suffrage:; nor is il necss- Auburn, BiTTtlta »» bulk or by the gallon, w a swind­ f J' r • r ‘’RiY- IM ‘ ' * i ' • « other by treaty, or ‘‘Articles of Confedera- efit ot safety of the whole people : to es- 1 ’ I is being canvassed as the Democratic can ­ ler and impostor. Bewarocf refilled bottles."< sary i^r t»ir protectioq; nor do our youths tablish a Supreme Court, and Courts of didate for President, on account of his I See that our Private Stamp io UsML'TUteATBD tion”, under which a Congress of States under tw^ty-one, nor wiVes and daughters i3 and daughters war record, and his anti-test oath decision. over every cork. inferior jurisdiction, becan Ise being com- wa$ held at the Cap tol, as it was called, .► Sold by all Dreggfeto, Grocers and Dealar» jngnd by reason Haocock, however, has still the inside -i mercially one people, conflicts of jul risdic- complain that they are wrir ------- <---- • *» the world. • * . throughout i ar' ’ ’ ■ r ght or track. but this Confederation was found not to ‘ ' Fl " flthe deprivation. Bu^Hv^ether P. 11. DBAK1 & CO., N.w York ! ] f t oo; and questions of commercial inter­ T New Orleans, Dec. 28. — Negro depre ­ ---- » ! possess suficicnt elements of nationality to wfong to t^trust every human being with Sole Proprietors. ' ug with dations continue in the interior. A large course between citizens of the dilferent BEDINGTEN A CO., 416 and 418 Front-«. meet the desirs or quiet the apprehension* the elective franchise, it ia a matter of military force will be needed to prevent a States, requiring a common arbitc r ; as ' San Francise». t I of the Statesmen of the time. But while which Coagress may «ot, Without tisurpa- rising. The military quietly disbanded a Jgenfe/er California and Nevada. 1 questions of Constitutional constr’ action rlV. large assemblage of armed negroes at I most men of that day desired a general tiqh take cognizance. | I I and the determination of tho censtit| utioo- i Jackson, near Feliciana. » government, not even th« Federalists de- a Nor is there more ri igbt in Congress to •• •' x^..- *- I -J : TT . I ’ New Orleans, Dee. 29. — The Conven ­ e D act- ajity and meaning of Congressional rr öllL _____ _ -T . t L I » j r 1 _ sired to surrender the sovereignty of the enforce universal suffrage on one State tion has adopted an ordinance giving po­ menta: to provide for tbe common defense, ruAs. * ! 4 ’ - ■ b * i’ . T J'- Athtet. ( the right to make determine and than another ; in North Carol in than in litical and civil rights to all persons, with­ because the whol people can better c efend L yon ’ s M aqnxtlç Iaaacr Power« rovrora is sur* out regard to color, frho have been in the Oregon. While the rads claim thai enforce law regulating domesting ia.t the and certain death to everything of the Insoet against an enemy than each make v ar for —. State one J- year, coociros. ) Roaohea, Moaquitooo, Anla^ political State of North CutoHna , is i i out r Washington,!Dec- 29.—Grant has issu* Bugs, itself. ! t * ~ “ • ** - • -TTX I As the Constitution of the United States of the Union, < even upon that hypothe- ed orders today, by direction of the Pres­ IT KILLS INSTANTLY. * I > I ' '• 1 ‘ * IN 5} WI" 4» ident, removing Gen. Ord, who is directed M aintaining II armont among tiie : was made ”to form a more perfect Union, sis there isoio’authority vested in her to What is peculiarly surprising in regard t* I ? pwt to turn over his command to Gen. Gilmore S tates . | 1 ■ , r " establish Justice, insure domestic Tran­ J ' ’ 4 ‘ to thia article in, that notwithstanding its regulate the question of suffrage. ' ♦ ! I u ’ } and proceed to San Francisco to take com­ The regulation of commerce among the might fpiote the decision of the Judicial mand of tee District of Columbia. Gen. instant dcatU to insect«, it ia perfectly barm- quility; provide for tbe common Defense, css tu mankind and domestic animals. Il can. ? be done by the Departìnèffi of the government show McDowell is ordered to assume Ord.e re­ be inhaled, - or LlepartUient governiqept to «how promote the general Welfare, and secure several States, must be with •«^^.wooawj« imy unity. 1| It WWB» bears -- eaten —T- * • .L . --------------- cent command a 1 * S ood «» relieved. Geo. dm teeUiuony of eminent disinterested chess* i by treaties be| tbe Blessing« of Liberty,” certainly the eral government or 1 that the tottions of, the Stite of North :■ Pope has been relieved and ordered to re­ ista that ‘ it is general government possesses no more the states, and at a glance w-o can to V Gen. Carolina tof the general government is unt port to headquarters of the army. FREE FROM PpiSGN. for granting t^iis p^ow power than she was formed to have, except Mead has beeo appointed Pope ’ s successor. No article has ever given such positive sat­ good reasons 1 er to changed ; Its language is that the rebellHj Gen. Swayne has been removed from the isfaction hi its use, such as have been since added by consent (field iou did not .^‘EFFECT EVEN rdR ,fc MO the United States, that this fruitful Freedman’s Bureau and ordered to rejoin Its reputation is well known. It is easily , of the States. J and reaUUy iu«d —directions accompany sai; "* ' ll ’ I Now Orleans, Jan. 4—Special order« Anything else of this kind is an imitation or for the Ci ihihution, or reason, or> duty, o January 2d, says ; “His Excellency. B. F. counterfvic. t Any I _ v drnggwt ___ »uv will procure the . erly speaking, the people of the several i 0! ’ * s land, as we are commercial y one p ?opl ; r. genuine ii you insist you will have ns vwoowoo other. Flanders, Governor of Louisiana, having re ­ w . r ~ ~~ - —- ’ — ice when partisan triumph conflicts 1 ! ■ ■ '! r or States, severally, having confered upon j Sold by all druggist» and dealers on the signed, Johtraon Baker is hereby appointed to establish rules of Datura. llization, be*, • Ä> - xw • », Pacific Coast. to fill vacancy. ” Same ardor hssigns Gen* ih tuem ? their States certain powers, aud upon the Ol j > i Ills is certainly the cause tbe United States R. Q. Buchanan to tbe coinn^and of tbe dis­ K L W Ml I ---------------- r is i. ‘ W i*. - . • n ■ Till J J» » 5 1 "United States certain powers,each defined , It will fye clearly see a to any unprejudiced appropriate party to determine who should nind who will StuJy the Constitution of the trict of Louisiana, and to act hs the assistant commander of the freedmen’« bureau. by its respective Constitution, neither the be made citizens; and the rules ruly of natural­ Tbe new Governor was a member of th» * United States, that jost as littie power was United States, nor the States, may exercise Philadelphia Contention. isation sboold be (uniform, and as by ' —»fF4.fr • t- was ' granted to the general government^ as ~--- any powersnot delegated to them. Washing, Jan. 2. — Gen* Tbos. W. Sher- J___________ miTANO % the Constitution, the ripiits cf United consistent with the object of its fortm ttion, nian has been put in command of the Ea»t- uracuiT. But as the people of each State were States’ citizenship only confers on the if its cm Divfriou.to succeed Gen. Meade. It is an admitted fact that the Mexican gealoui of too great power centered in the party naturalized, tbh rights of protection and that tbarefore a strict construction < Gen. Canby has called the Convention in Mustang Liniment performs more curta i* commands i^ould be given ; but unilei the * I Noth Carlinin to meet at IUIeigh Jan. 14th. aborter Mil i % general government, and justly feared the «WB time, »>iAeV| vss on man AM«11 wasi and beast, tbae aey arti­ by the general government, sod does not liberal le to 1 it — will be 'iinposs --»i 1 f Minister Burlingame has been appointed ole ■ w.w. con«traOlion -- * ¿‘ ~ r ” cle ever discovered, cumulative effect of so great a power as make them citizens of the States. Iknd J Hud a s ■hr in d a shadow high htod> by the Chinese government as envoy to the • No ’compound has ever been invented ee —-p W 7 0 of authority for the ripp' .. 1 estera Power«. ft, ' Was granted, to quiet their apprehension« Ï ---------------- .1 .... t tete «tea useful: and efficaciona efiicacions ia curing. atrtiltional outrages beihg .bteter%A- perp e- uniform rules of bankruptcy being man­ ed.—unconst The New Year’a reception at tho White R hbumatism . S om T broat . that at some future tine, a silence might ”— upo^i the T ~ country, - lltlUCV/ was ». w most w (rated ¡ I / 1 1 ifestly proper for a people who are com- t-** Hoose brilliant for several years. S tiff aab W max J oints « B ubns , , , , f leave grounds for a mis-canstruction’ the mcrcialy one, this subject has been dele • Where is $ere aVrovfr‘on autborizmj con Chicago J* Jan. T_* 2.- “ — The Report on tbe cas« B ab A cbi , B buisbs , ' i «V Q.nnlnn G rwimiil 4- of Stanton wcmnplete• > »vuuivio u vuiu oi.inc eral construction; and if not from the powers Kcavings. bearing the signature of G. W. those powers are, that we may know what mails into and through other ptttes, SP£CU£ xVOJJC^. __ _______ i Westbrook, Chemist, and the private U./8. therein delegated, except they are the rinbe powera she has not.. RevL.. Van Slykc will preachat Lafayette stamp of D bmas B aknis A Co. »ver tbe top. To sum the whole matter up : t HE rent generators and fountain head of power, on the third Sabbath of each month, at 11 An effort has been made to counterfeit it 8TATI8 HAVE DOMESTIC SOVEREIGNTY, - - - - ■ 1 •< Sect. - 8. The congreea shall have pewer, with a cheap stone plate label. Look closely ! on account of their good looks, their ac is it» o'ciook, P. M. 1« T\ • . To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, AND THE UNITED S t A t E8; NATIONAL Rev. C. Alderson will-preach in Lafayette Sold I by all Druggists and • Store« iii averv b * .-r * • * • that direction direction' are. rtvolstiomry rtvolnlionary a^ aif< ¡Void. -.4 te.ikv.iL »r - • wn wwJ T- ’ «- ’ -.- m . * wvery •• I OR EXTERNAL SOVEREIGNTY. 1 I !'lr nd excises, to pay the deb U and provide fe i¡ B I Î t A*. _ m 0 ‘ 11 i - - • ■. - ,»• .*• * a