• ____ _ t ■1 J V ill tluir just rights as freedmkn, I tut the bauds, and transmit it un ini pa ir Senate is abaolnt ly between John Doe and Rt< ird Roe, fo'^isfer < ol <>ur pohpcal inhertence to tbeirr dw tt ftorterity. iH'oòftrhnftb Ik n standard of deoiaion impropriety ef this needs without gny t to be COMPILED FROM TUX HERALD •* ‘to^inmy opinión, he an abandonment of ly averpowered. Every weal wea a caso. Its judgment aplicable tí! Qty which we «>* w alike ■ to the memory of wilbdisappear before'that love.ot fiberty a be proved. Again, if yn^ tax band of Chicago, Dec . 11.—Gen Ord has dirfftfo»5 i ted,ifor it ia nut govern* lithers and tie rights nt,ou* children.— law for which the American people are <{ car not be tati the Conventions of Atkansas ’ ihe Aikansas and Mises! Mi -« m Horlee of the value of $1,000 for one man, 1 e plan of puttmg f . _ the . Somlurn States tingnibhed above till other» in the world! rd by any ral »ito as«iembU at their respective cab// < “ «nd the (.M iiei»» Got, (hint n|t partially define what shall be and exempt a flock of sheep of the same value, ■Jan. oily Jan. 7th. | ’ .■ - ’Hie flaw d« How far the duty of the Pr«*»i ♦>f the United Stat»*», r* quires him t«» goj e 1 possible tp chr* is of s< jo * i< tv li«V*- been broken Up by civil •re at the point of stern ation in Louiiwai i- the Senate. The nature , »»ppoeing am oiiRUiutmuHi arts of. Cmigrt be ao considere improper distinction is made in property* •r. Industry n»»»*t ‘ h<> r r*nrynr.!ix.J(t; jin4i(»* Ifancock will ask for Congressional ajipr*» • it* a very retimi» and iinp*»rtai)t <|i)e»tiou, ds clear proofs. If the of the subject 1 es»ablishe.aght out <>f < »•!. ì 1'0 j — Tha municip>»l!el*< Pittsburg, . Dec 11. ■ tremely w? ximia p* reach h prop* r c*>ncl«is y to the Constitution alike taxed, or alike exempted. •h thè-ie ,-nds wotfd r, <,nlI in«' wi»h>m \\ |j,.n ull a< t |IHf het-n bHRsetl support it H ted in a victory for the labor 4*fa»«* ¡ion resulted inavictr- arc>q^»'»d- j may r^ bn virtue of Hw girai* men íwh4» r*»r»ii«-»t l«>tnu-d *»ur mir ti»- ,i.„ ............. i ihr fr»rh»r«»f th** ('on^tuntion hy tl|<* »uprrpw« l|e rupn- italiens origii'.ally. I I ways, and by violet* States er the Unite '. States—the represents* majority over the R*. publicans. Th«- rjtM»»t ’h”* ,*‘**’r • leg'»»laiit»-auihoiry. ami I r«g..Ì»*rli' enttdleU thuuuafol di . i "* Li rei unnfv w ilt he • an »I t<» il*«- âr11 the public sets |»( th«, country, the t party times, unfaith- perry wen ih 1 is b^t accumulated labor, ot is unprecedented and causes great ex- rt.« n»e«ti • tire of value, ia h^t fo expect » Xp» < t film tliHt m»- m*- . j?*, <* fore them, hut it is v; »ill .t«^ Chicago, Dec 12*— The National Rfrtsbh**- rr-ei-iwbce to it. rejrrciailv in ti itiitinn may even come fnlnesi| to II eV «ics will perf«n in it For tifo Ûrj-tei tuy *e ,,| |(|g|| parly rxcihi'imii that which ia to be accumulated, and is of can Coimuiltee called the Presid«»uvial Num* Iritorions. If the offi ti. won hl Ije likely to to e < oàsi«’ ight rot to nsk their r ssiatafice uri il wr dv- hlt'dure a vmlt-nl Colli*! »•Ú li»-t h * eu the>ad* ccr be accu«ed,q honesty bow shall it be value in proportion to the probability of its inating Convention to i »eet at Chicago, Ms? ■pctcifov. Tjhr gn-»t ! « n»r of our own ror:j>ct ............................. . A.................. , 20,1^68. 'I lleretltR'iif ------------ the t»** lirniiçlléR <>f the govern inferred fiyrn acta payment in labor, or its result, when desired.. » mai e Out out? ? 1 «» •»<•«•a- »«-i Hfew will mund special says th* Conservativi*’ lUui«*- M -1 the I ftbkJ lai»l I M Ml uneiin iectc4 ; r 1 i i ch li war iniist be remrted io only a* B’ j ' 1 i eral reputation ? or j, or f nn an'.alenn*.ati««n' Hf in» in bprtlny in ont- vention ha« metí It is coiMpOMtu bl D.r accordiag to their actual value ? reuody f»«r the wiwet of evil«». i Whhtcwr hii*tt>r & await the commission A mn>s. It the infrimr obtain« the aiiiei nd*-n«-y ab'est inen in the State. Niue LundH?^ d» •*•' I loi^ht lend lo provoke t-livuld -.! b< carftfolly : n u.*( rhe Pref The bonds of the United States which over the Other, it WiM g«v ever with te frienr? : grandson (»f'fihom- ea or in office? bh»*;i ~ T - I " egates we e preaent. A o , avoided. A la thlnl and .cuitRCieiitivu* tpag- of a|i semai » i or as J tferson was made temporary John Doe has purchased with the gold coin mtiurarv Prcii PrcRident ’dunt (e r-isk th« character and lsirate will concede very much t«»| houenl **& he in the mea an«i A, H. Stewart, firmer Secretary jd th*’ no common nn>r«‘«t<, ror and something ev* n to pervefoe malfoe, totere« of i « ion io the hands of tn* n the legs: tender of the United States, is no Interior, was made permanent chairman. ranny as thfo ronfint wit- Interior, ■St^^y® h» confidence ? more the property bf the United States than The resolution» recognize the abolition m R«“- I ncsFed, Ah*.-a«’y life néçroi»» , drei ii.fiuenctd before lie will endanger ibe’ pittylkf peace» to whom he ci and he mil not adopt forcable ineaeure». or Mu#t he lorbe Itbevcomplaint until the was tlie gold ■j coin ■*- or - the -v--------------- li.:. !! u _ m by very; assert the light of Virginia to mut greenback held rotor- ­ by proniiws <«l «•onfiM,n’h*H »rpl plufofer.— md ehmC01 be prevented ? litischpf is d *J hey are taught tn tj-gard a» an rifomy cverv ation in the Union; declare her intent ’«''1 to Union ; mt*nt?on him belort tire purchase, and John Doe is of Ifhislzeal in perform their duty to the > Union in good foil.) white w.an wbohws anv respr.'tfor thv rights ».public service should ini hit* cimatitnrut». It n* true chm <* r may wfo the »»me wealth before and after. Now, why ot his own race. IT this ’ cpnvhups 1 it must protest against the gov «ernment of Verginia pef hipi toant^ jjate the o rt'act must he in a bub th»* Executive wovld. be cvmpullt should he be taxed for hia legal tender or gold njjtil all order will in a maimer n«»t definei d in the Federal Con* become wwrse »nd « move at thé p<4 It of being tried him^eiffor ed to stand on it< rights mid mar ( tum I |H*m gtitution ; disclaim bi Tstility .to the black l»e subverted, S*i inihtstry dystrbyrd, the «fosîri'yed, and a the‘oneuAe of.fi jnJering his sUbordHate ? Coin yesterday, (bulb the manufaucture of the reta» rega ’ dl**m dl»**« of coin«* qm noy*. , If t ’ oiq race, but declare that white men shou d \till - 1 fertile fie’dr »»I th» South .gn»»!W up into » In the toevét)®! IpiuMancaufrhe country government, and one I-- the “ promise to pay -should pn«* au act which te f nt only, in'] retain control of thr jvemment. MeA»un-a wibleroeRS. f Of ............. all the dangers ■whirb our ®n- some one mus|| Ip id responsible fur offi »nd to day exempted fro:n' taxHtioà oi pHbl** c*«i.fl.ct with the coiisitutiup. but* on hie are to bs taken to tesl Lthe Cmislitntionaiity nation has yet enrouiitered.snbpc are equal. dm» e cial: dtiirqneH ccrtamly, it curried «mt. pmduue »miiuj of every kind. It is bonu, (which is a ** promise to pay,' ) I putr of the Reconsteuction Acta, and a comimibe • tn those which must result frbtu the success nnd iir* parable -i j ’ iiy to the Gfoeriui was appointed to pri par» an address tv the to say where that extremely diffi of the effort now making to Africanize the chased with that money ? rHnrdies for rebfomRibihty, ji and 11 III* re l e neither jmlicuil rpmedlea people^ ople. "Adjourned. ’ Adjourned. half ot cur country. be thrown, if it be Manifestly tberww no fairness in exempt! the uro« ga it ti fl«ci* nor power r L New York, Dee. 1 —The JFbrLTi^perml noti léfr wbertl i bean piaevd by the WHB C*«fT OF TUE PREgEMT PLAN. the pie t«< proi* c< llini.t-e.te' willui 01 th«*; ««th -------- to bu*t*in . _ ither, and says: The Senate i »times just men will admit one kind of property and taxing anotl CoénDu i *n. T 1.1 - -1. ■ - cial aid »»I their *-l«»gur I ' ’ • tod way fiv*»lly rrrtnc the tiva»nry uf the -titutmual a- any that can be unarmed« w*rrie i j .. L -ill» ii.i¿ Ih^m tur his ají is undoubtedly liable taxation. conservative Republicans as tha bane lof t'•*' I krnpii y We nut believed tu.be *»l the cla-s la t mnritfoi i nation to a condition. of Iwai ikrnpny .. J.1 tu abhse, anditi -S. .• perioduf our history, Th»* pe* pie were n«>t wln»!l| dui»-meil gr* at mistake oi tb< i a: ty , . If it be an impropriety in exempting a c J ssr party be said the gr«RI iniftt no* drhide ooTRelvr» J. f, It . |wwl a .d. ' ( r< qnire , «ed. flt’itbe thu\ >| the Prfoi’kn- perhaps, has JU re n cf the power ut »-elfdefen-e hi nil the; Nh »nil wan the fei'ure to . impeach _ rtiong »tending armv. ( an wa^ safe should be *oi 'eate* a» to make the Pcesi eeitainly if such things be done undar extra-« •«idered Grant • soldier but nothing worr • a . I" num, tn o aintaiw the »ii| preriiacy 6f the ne- i acred right .of the ballot, and dne time they would <»ingh to rd tqaetin jliatca * •itv ’ before rume opeu be made. 0<»li itgrt! been tendered to Montgcmsry Blair. ■ r _ inou . p»y the thr whole national debt i iS fere than Mild timt llie appeal tu mir C< ifti nibuiial, idp - l‘ party polities t of ip, lind ttiii To our mind there are but two ways, either Washington,. Dec. 16.—-A. resolution wo nut taken iii . vatü. fiftv*n year». I. I. vain to hope ..._ It i» tha thev »titueuts was VV re»«jl (o merits, of eiery the offered re ci ting the PrtoidtnlSi reeomme««dn yduhi v ill themerlve», without the aid of military my* confidence hi tlreir virtue i ef which would obviate’this inyubus of th» WRIPHPu' .-.Oni ea.-e, ftirntalfo ur ea ns of taking >lie tion to repeal the rec »(ruction laws, an ¿ power Riaintaiw their aH^pndamy | Ihry are »trtus uut to have been iui-j»foQrd of wealth declaring that Un exemption uf a very large portion never would cor ser t J to d lrcide iitcordin/ u h<»liy holly ine»pablr ine»pable of holding ia i» »»l>jnft »foijagatimi V* ’ieo THE TF.NVHE oV OFFl’C E* LAW. nor deviate fron- its tire w ‘ bite p»*pfe Soatfl. ¡/Thia would 1 guannt e from taxation, and free us from the blighting to tak a retrograde »t .-"I- r ‘ of the ,Z ‘ y j »ohmit : ; tn to dcubl the r»a- tire jmigww'tit the pub It ia well and pyblfoly known that rnor • the r when he acts io evil of maintaining a privileged daw withia law*. There is nor ha tafety ofj tire judgment of of C**i-gre»» Cm -gréa» wh« a h» they thee the pub | • . r r ’ C m « toration of th» rebel lie State* being ai cc*w *' F ~ not be lajorioaely affr* , ‘t« d by ' moua frauds ha»e been perp träted on I ih lie < r« dir w»*y «'odd faith, ah war Republic. ‘ folly accomplMhe»l, and ‘ tb«*re is no good 1 >y*tvm of n eaeareo eaeareS liba like tiiw.j tliia.i |Vith* n >y«tern )Vith onr treasury and collosaal fortune» havn beeu the*^ighte of jhe other party. I speak, of NEW BOM DI m*«leocti0!i laws. reason to repeal the rronnsteuction ¡» wr . The I he debt <" * ted 1 the v»»t private i a ternate w hich are ma le at the the public expense. J tirsaf lecie> CQdri|fr, witji, iutototal.ruiN amL-d-isgMice. -The p bli« chuted as tp nMirp'its fitness fur these eminent being in peace with il taf and the Govtrr.Bient. 1 !<•♦ emAdmce cab only be 1 ____ ....... of ......... .. world, its sureties are deemed mufe certain by is published to-day. He says ef ' Slant ton. in ert ditorsand taxpayers are alike nferipsted functions.•'ll ! is •of . the theory thia retained fo fiareislli iiwwltatinf the priuei- . h a con«l<-inn«ti-»n of the Tenure of oft-r pies uf jneiio* aa*! hswar on (Ire p«>pular saind. in an horn st uaminiHtratintrbfthc hua >pe< a, GovernmentJtha ’public offices are the capitalists and could be sold for a k l«M U m inter inur at Bi1. that the Cabinet treeling was mo«l <*tn irbçhqld them; they are and by the am-trcrupdlueefidelity (wall our and neither cluis’ will long endufe r the property.uft even, tbin the present ones are drawing, r.n < pihatic, all the mctuber> alter the death - $ ■ •' . “ a* * iigflyemeu'» of eteTV sort. Any serius» highhanded ruberies of jfie rcceujt past- givep mereltb trust for the public ben subject *o taxation. And it is well known to President Lincoln, fa voting ‘ the acUioe cr ihere L*fil-fo*(rô)èt||^ea breach of the orgsuio law. per»i»(rd in for a For this discreditable ¿¡»creditable state of things thin reconstruction adopted. Iwhieh Stanton f’.ui uy p fixed period, aooie- a 1 that goverment will not have gold coin considers!»’» time, cannot hot crest» fear» aie several «»uses/ Some of jhe texes are times during’ 2 jhavior but generally himself prepared for Liincoln. The. p^.<-*?»> for the etahih'y of frr» inetitaiion» Habit­ »o laid »• to prêtent aa irrcatsfoble tenptJ- tnejqare (fob «nation organizing a government for N >r h enough to pay the bontfo when they becom - to be terminated at the ual violatmu» of prescribed rales, which a»' II tina te evade payment. The grei s|t sums Carolina was issued in pursuance of the pleasure of tjift iSpjt’intiug power which due. If the d«bt must be funded, why not bind anrweke» tn *»b»erve. jun»t deanmylite I with the approval of every niembi t scheme, I • htoh uffievrs m»y win by eunnivánoe at represents the collective majority and now and upon taxable suretw»? the people. Onr only »tend»rd of • foil Snip ; * The Preeideot't of the Cabinet 1 present; frsnd create a pressure which iamore *V1 iofe than speaks the- will of the people. The forced PAY THE BONf)B (|)8 IN “ “ GREENBACKS.” •lifference of opinion « ¡¡th Stanton b.-r - lreiug »et to naught, the sheet »nebot <»f sue it b t 4)0 detention iiyuffice of .a single dishonest poli* ical morality is l«Mt the public ermecisnee many . can withatend - and there can be i “ Greenbacks^ *de by Greenbacks?4 are are m made by the the govern govern- ­ with the acts relating U »offi »g“ in the I) x »win. • frum it» mooring»,aad yield» tn ever/ d*wbt th»i the open disregard of i oonstitu person mayt' work ^reat injury to public tiict of Co umhia, and j the n-eoiisivurtioii ., 3fl« e imfoilse of passion and interest, If we re , Hoed obligations stowed by doive of t e iqterests. Th|k danger to the public service ment •'Hagai Kinder lor all debts public and Bills «»f Maruh, 1886. Th« is President »Kinns _ l pinltate the CoBstitatioo we will not he ex - ­ highest and most influential men in ifo* comes hot fH)m th'e power to remove but private/except duties on imports and the that Stanton withheld dispatch**» stating the.- pveted to pay much attention 1« p*ewatary F , i aouutrj the fi/at probability of a riot at New Orlenos until aouutre h»a has greatly u really weakened the tn moral. fiou» the pdfrer to appoint ; therefore it interest on the pub.io debt. Wien , —v - r after the riot occurred, He refuicd to 8**nd obligations. The Ration violation of jayb su**h a p p'edss< ’edee< ¿f tho*e who serve in ! subordit nate was khat thw4'ramej*l of the Constitution1 it was instruetiotis to prevent d s»urbance. five-twt ity loan wax before congress con. ' a» we made on the 22nd day ef July. Ir61.1 pUcet Jhe tlpensM of rhe Gnited , - ‘ •* , * The tè», left the pow^r of jeunhal unrestricted, .understood by all and so reported by the ehair­ President attempts to p ve th« illegallitr will assnndiy diuiii.isk the n.arhet »sine <*i * ineloding inter« st on the public d bti, are* o.«. while th' y lye the Senate a right te re' onr promise» ; besides if we now achnwel- of the efforts to check 1> responeibili-y by » ,‘,i ara more than ait times as touch •» they ject all appt jntmenU which in its opinion man of the committee on approprsations, tha; depriving hitn of bis right to »elect hia own- edge that the nation»I debt was created Bui to fold the Stair» in the Union, »a the tex­ were seven year»ego. Ta collect an dia­ were put fit . jo be imide. I A livie reflea the principal was not payable in gold but ouly ng* » ts. New .York, Dec. 16— G ot . Humph­ tian nn this âubject eil) probably Mtisfy- the interest Before this loan was taken a payers were led is suppo»«1, but te expeil bursa this vast amount requires caref li su them lr«*m it and hand them over to hs g«»s- psrviaioa •• wall as--yetematic vigi lance nl] who hayjÿ the gûid of the country r-’ ten forty loan was authorized at five per ceBt reys, of MisMRMppi, vectored aueb infor­ emed by uegroe». the daty to pay it may Thisayatem, nsver perfected, was mweh heart mation of an intended outbreak Rtaopg Our bfc-t courre? is to lake principal and interest payable-in» coin. stem much less clear. I say it may »eem di«MWgaoised by the tenure of office bill, the C fij the oegroes in January that he deemed our guide, walk is •on Now, if the principal of tho six per cenG go; for 1 du tret admit that this nr a« y other which has almost entirely d Iratroyed effi iked ouf by the founders of »he P1 it neceseary to i»«ne a proclamation of1 nut aignmvnt in favor of repudiation can be gold al- gold bearing bund» was payable in eial accountability. The Presidi Wut tiny ilieR and obey the rules made warning against such combinations. entertained »» sound, hot its iiiflirenee *a b.* thoroughlyTOnvincpd .that, iti officer Chicago. Deo. IT,—The Times' special e ^observance of our great thongh the contrary was staled on their face tere» snnre minds may well Ire apprehended. The rede financial honor <*f w great, comm* reiul nation may be incapable, dishooestor unfaithful why did the government offor a ten forty says the President* ia ab<}»t to send an* • I tn the Cooalitutiou, but under the Lw e Co»e;i«if a eri wcefr. ] largely imivbted, and wiifo a regeblican 3'? '» loan at five per cent, principal and interest exiranrdtoary message to Congress, which form of government administered by »genre which I have named the utmost hs can J •: • I specially eommerda the coarse of Gen. payable in iu gold? Aud And, why why a id capitalists of tire popular voice, is a thing of such del­ do is to complain to the Seriate and hsk Haircock at New Orleans. Ho will ask take that, which would pay but five per cent, •............... T r * • - •« »• j r add icate texture, and the destruction of il the privi wit ’ege of supplying hi fl I place Congress fot a recognition of one who- . ardJd would be followed by such unspeakable ea- a better man, If thè Senato bel when they could as ra.-ily take the oth» r at says has earnestly inaugurated »he reign uf e re regard*» W. J EB1TQK. ilT JU? r ! r ’-»ajiMJ1 Í1IHUT-r t k lamity. that every trne patriot most dewire aa personally or politically liostilh tD the aix! The contracting parties both knew llial civil law, and given citizen*the privilege- ----------------------------------- to avoid whatever might expose it^teth» Pre«ident. it is natural and riot sito< eihtr TUES Y, DECEMBER24, W67^ the five-twenty loan was not payable in gold of the hahem corp ns act, pAwettaon of the slightest danger. Tire great interest» of the I *H I , ' À • unreasonable for the office?* to ejrpect that I courts, and freedom to the pre-8. The country require immediate relief from the*» and that the ten-forty was, and it , and the dread of umph over tho Executive sbperfor. The nt of ibe new* regarding the common Íie Amer people,because of that peraIHr- forty, as the enfy loab the principal and in»» negro supremacy. Tire Southern trade fmm officer has other chances of impunitj ari i.41 policy, to be followed probably by the y of IM ds exempting them from taxa which tire North would have derived so great ing from accidental defeat of eviden 5ft. 1 fo 1 removal of Canby and P<»pe. rarest of which was payable in gold. a pr fir neder government of law. still Ian- mode of investigating it and the » •errey Th ivernmtot of the United States ‘crtcy 4 bon. > ‘ . By the terms of the law under which they ' - i» I \ I ; ’ guishe.* and cun n«-wr be retrieved until it of the hearing. It is not woodefu 1 that coins »ent into CongreM to-day » mon rrxn metals and also of paper ; were issued the United State» may now pay extolling Gen. f~ ceases to be shebvrvd by the arbitrary power ... as a circulating inedium— official tirwrlfeasance should become bold ini these! used which makes all its operations unsafe. them at its option, (the five years having asking Congress „ ___ _ ... i«i proportion »s the delinqdehl^ lerrn tn .iccümuUteiOlahor >or I jBMbhjh —Now, if it be That rich conntry. tire rtrhe^t country elapsed) Why should not the five^twent'ea He says Hancock is the oi \ itirely themselves- safe. I the world ever saw is worse than lost if it he think ....... proper to American army in high eomi a >to< | of merchandise, why nut Mn placed under the protection of a pi-rsuaded that under such a ywlle i the hot tax tha ^uld nr paper rapiysentathm of be paid now. and in the kind of money the ; the Potomac, sines f duty, free constitution. Instead oPbeiiig, a» it President cannot perform thp gre [«was influenced by the examplelot »Washings ! contract calls for—“greenbacks ?'* value for wMeh that stock was exchanged t ought to be. a enur e of wraith and honor, it aseignvd to him. of seeing the TirT., MJ», w~-.R-r- A private individual ran purchase them for I ton, who sxnpalottay »beamed fron» vio- i -1 will become an intulrruble burden upon the fully executed, and. that. it< «iirublis hin» f (*<>ld is k..< buUy n pr^sRiUtive of vah*e and the lating the constitutional rights of his fellow from the Icit'xent'i and auegcHt tome public recognition , nation. “ greenbacks," they were bought ... ... : r hkt rigid most especialiv’frona e»>f »reins tiovernny n| jhas made 4*F-gal tender the governme. t with “ greenbacks,’ it was stated of Hancock's sek'a patriotic conduct. THE VOICE OF THE ELECTIONS. » necessary to the accout tability which- i» i ¡ante, and jr courts |^vr held «-legal tender' >•» ' 4» f ; .ws Th* d that the Another reason for retracing oor step» due exemithih <»f the reyeni^ New OrieanSi Dec. 18.—Get. Hancock in Congress when the law was, io be monej Now.|if John Doe, possessed has ordered an. election in Texas fosand' will dcobilrrs be seen by Cougre«-» in the CuhM»tution ihve*t* the Pf.' wj^ent WÌ - tat »Bah mana ted before » tribunal whose members are ¡^ehkte according to a aniform not, like him, responsible to the M Greenbacks. " •rule ; for lí- jobo Doe ia taxed and R> dies i people, but to separate tfriirtidiO'N distinction to nndt in teace ef a free gouramvM to theix own’* “J who may hear bto and have escaped your attention that from the day on which Congress fairly and for­ mally presented the proposition to jgnvfon the Southern States with military force, with a view to the Dltimate-estahlishm tnt of r egro sopnmacy. every expression of the genewil sentinprot has been averse tn it. “ The af- fe> tione of this generation cannot be detach­ ed from the institutions ul their ancester».— Their determinatioB^o prrtervs the inheri-^ • t A •í í : tià I ■ ■ * - ï*"**-l»UOyWÀW» ' Í • li ?.. ' I • J ■ 1 •« ! W î r • d *|*