'S" r ■ ' 5 4 r i Jk ; ' '■ T IJ' it I r > i '. I is ik rusBBGi Ji ■ I I I!■ ■ y * ’i ' ; ? i < •I •* Ar •_ 7 i- ■ -L i ML llMJl LSUU. 1^ ft ■ I . L atest improved • r > Grovesteen .fa ’ 1 H— Doctor Jim ! / Co *> ' i ■ ' • 49f> Broadway, N. Y, t PHYSICIAN! 9L. ■ Ì X » ft w » ¡'¡Great Piano-Forte >1 ■ i . s 'll IND- i I !> ' A Émpoinum, I y J I t i •I » ■ ■» FIRE 4 BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, TVITH COMBINATION AND P0W- v v der-Proof Locks, warranted free from dampness. • : JEWELLERS’ and BANKERS’ SAFES made to order, lined with hardened steel, I Books. Cards, J ar Pamphlets, Stock Certificates, ---------- Handsbills, Briefs. “ l Orden Programmes, Bill- Receipts, & Ì I K NEATLY PRINTED ONJ i i- Ho4f SEWING MACHINES THE‘ Ì)9 J ■ J THE SHORTEST NOTICE. ■ AATNG entirely new material, I L am now prepared to work in the beBtpi •ty le. MANUFACTORY. 186 tn 192 West and at as low prices ns the same can be done For F a m i 1 Houston Street, Depot. 100 Maiden Lane, in the State. I I .. I near Pearl Street, New Pork. n-34 EF* Orders from a distance promptly at I tended h>, and satisfaction guaranteed, r • . v2 n8-tf A. L. STINSON. 1 ------- ------- r f '• ■ ; i x_____ __ £ I___ L i I H « a i Hi 1 Fer •’ r Produce: I still at the ■ OLD k ii -, it ¡4 à GOODS! 4 1 # I Ki I SASH AND DOOR i 4? ft ii fa Î a » •» V I I < t i I f I A L ‘ "" Í • If I j* n«SK H can be*ciu*d, during a practice of mure than GALLAND, GOODMAN A CO. t i fifteen years. a n u fac t u I re v2 nS4 r « The Doctor is no ohsenre or designing 139 Front street, Portland. |u . ri- I , i- quack who has trumped certificates in order Ti rf>.V,W| »vXXVki ? t to deceive and entrap the unwary. He is » I ffl F1 known of |>VICUII* persons to prose, i 1 ’* II * ; H __ ........ .. by thousands ..wo tri IM be U0 | W,,l’e’|jEnrp A Z~3 fifa Z-'V T"X ~V7" ÿ Í í.|lfíti ’ » T;f J < Carsen Porter, | I Séminal Weakness—A Sworn to Cerifícate i : MACHINES «* \l Remakable Cure of Sufrnmtntrrh^n of a moslRfmakable Spermatorrhaa I Front- St., near the Old Bridge, Portland r Were aùardàd highest premium at the ¡lAf ANUFACTURERS of Doors, SnliL i A desire to benefit suffering humanity, 499 Broadway. X. ■ 1 « indori, and six Jirst pre­ Wot Id'9 Fai¿ iu ONftNv Over 60.000 manufactured and now in use and a feeling of gratitude to Dr. W. K. lTx •f Blinds, Window Window Shutters, Shutters, Windnw!an4 Window and* •'1 ____Blinds, miums ¿I the N f J state Fair V/ of AUVU, 1866, and UWU in this country and Europe. - V— .U— and -* Mouldings *• *»• r ef - every list,. - DQHER l'Y. induces me to make this state­ D.u.r Door Frames, ? Are celebratqd foír ahing the best work. nsing ment. For many year« I had been affiiott-d oualitr «nJ patlsra. quality and These world renowned machines were ADDITION' Ti a muctft sma il|er Ayedle for the same thread with Sperniatorrhma. 5W ADDITION UR LAST NEW ------------------- 5 ""TT the result of self-ahore Window Coruices, awarded the first prize. Ten Pounds Ster­ I our diterent styles is attracting |he Ml thao nnv otl„ by the intro-ll butMill 1855 experienced but little trouble h^»r tftWchine. and *| ling, at the Great Quadriennial Trial at Mantles an«f miration ol f both critics and pupuhicq, AV duotioii of th^ mi Approved ¡mnvhinerr. we inconvenience ; iu that year I bad Semi- i Plymooth. Eng.. July. 1865. and at the Frontmpi hl ’pj}’ Jhe mention specially, some of the claimd » of th s ehín« ibnlv the rëry very best ma-I nai weasnr^ ... •• *-—r..t ^xtent w|jjce made tn arder on short nntie«- 'in7hl41k are noftv ab I ' Great National Field Trial, held at Auburn. I A machines are was full owed by alarming svmptot US. vuvu new Piario. Believing the exterior shou d I N. Y . in Jnly. 1866. the First Premium. I » he as beaotiful to the eye as melody is to fl e made JU'ouJpÒw jand «paciosa Factory at as weakness jot the back and hiubs, (limner GRAND GOLD .MEDAL. ear, we have paid great attention t«> gettir g Bridgeport, ^oi^, funder the immédiate so­ <»f vision, nervousness, etc. My mind, too for transportation. r I Smshes of aH nixes glazed and primedeob- ldent of the Company, I was affected to such an extent as to serious them up iu a style that is conceded by rill pervirion of jli THE PRIZE MQWEI ,4»h. — hand. i—2. stantfy on '1CÄV ul)R., tA* original inventor ly impair my memory; my ideas were con i who * havi seen them _JI!■ to be the handsomest ELIAS H_ While it retains all (he advantages which •n v2 a23 - CARSON * FORTER. They are adapted n23 ly —"u-7 “ . 1 fused and spirits depressed. 1 was averse are an entjrek i of ih«* . Piano Forte ____ made. . They i ho Sewing $ewmg Al I ihiio. has made it so universal a favorite, fs greatly , new style, * , u, with'four full round corners, I to all kind* kinds eft F KT, ik nl,r Viewing, Army Cloth to society, had evil forebodings and self-dis­ H------- T*1 improved by the addition of ! heavily |i I, tarved legs and lyre, base richly ing. apd to.tlpv ✓ of Seamstresses, Dress trust, and was entirely unfitted for any du­ it JACOB UNDERHILL k UO Steel Lined Guards, moulded, and contains our latest improved Makers, I r [ ■ ■• m i */! ' * i1 •> ■? I Makers, T T'ft j ^I o ^. N Mft iuiacturers of Shirts, ties of life; From-1855 to the sommer of - Mantillas, Clothing, 186,3, I employed the very best medical tal­ I new scale action The 7, *ak«j, Mantillas; uiotning, I New Pitman Connections, OCUCC and UHUi U^lturs, J. uu tone IUUC BD.LUCiUUl- is me I i- Collars. Ski' IMPORTERS OP r * ! ri ous, and its adaptability to passages of every Hats Caps. p , Stranger Knives. k< r«. Roots. Shoes. Harness, ent I could find, but in no instance obtained ’« 1 . ; 1 /*flJ : ®‘ ■ T*t. .Jibed'«, Umbrellas, Parasols, Adjustible Folding Shoe more than temporary relief. I had about ixeut shade of expression, from the sot test mur- Saddles. Lit1 Hardware, Iron, Steel, They>r ¡Mrk equally well upon silk. concluded there was no relief for me in this and Spring Seal, rnurft. the Crescendo, and F F, g ves the etc. They Perfornjer every i advantage of the Concert linen, woolen jd cot toi ¿nods with silty, world, but reading Dr. Doherty’s advertise­ S iths’ Bellows, Anvils, Vises, Making it a perfect machine. The lightest Performer ~ n42v2ly $50Q. . d 42 v 2 ly .cotton or lister thread. They will searn, ment, I determined to try him, though I did draft; the most durable, and at the same time gr^nd.i ‘Price iVagon and Seat Spring», Nats j. i quilt, gathewheh), ¡fell, cord, braid, bind, aud not expect much benefit from bis treatment. the most simple, and beet cutting machine perform eve|y ip tcies, of .sewing, making a On the 5th of December last, I placed my­ and Washers, Thimbfe Skeins, n the world. rfect stitch, alike on both self under biscare; in one week I found beautiful ahd Cumberland Coal, Haying Tools, ! The Self-Rake Reaper! hs sewed. myself very much improved, and now, after sides of the ar ! FRONT-ST, PORTL I five weeks’ treatment, 1 feel myself thorough­ I Is justly called the “ Victor of every contest," • The? Stitch itrv »Bted by Mr. HOWE, and ly cured of all my troubles, and in the enjoy­ ytbes and Smrtbs, Grain Cradles, Hay Lyons. Leonard & Co., I utid. ts constructed on the most scientific •4. * bine, is the most popular s • f ’F made on th$ IP ment of the best of health. Hoping that my orks, Mechanics ’ Tools of the best quality 7 J principles. The New Mowing Attachment (Successors to Michael O'Connor.) A all Sewing Machines are ao(J (Jurabl£ i and durably, Ma fa i ' . • , J C I 4 d-' & s-li-j TL. • . - ' I \J *' T ' • experience may be of benefit to others simi ­ 11*5 « to a > IN- ' gives general satisfaction and makes one of Board & Lodging, per week, $6 00 lo $8 00 subject i invented inven led by h him. tfy p^ii ciplf ■ <- ‘ ■ nufocturers of the celebrated ■ larly afflicted. 1 subscribe myself, -j-L the most convenient combined Self-Rake Board per day,...................... * 4 ........... •f j . L- | I , , K ’ • 100 CZ * I CIRCULAR. OR I j.' [ ■ I . I Í! il JAMES JOHNSTONv Reapers known, and we folly warrant iL s •1 ...... . .......:... • • • d • . • n ¿o Lodgipg,....................................... DJBBIN HORSE NAILS. I i I*' L- ilkl Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ♦ k « 18 WANTED. - j. I THE HAND-RAKE REAPER, 15th day of January. A. d ., 1864. b • l tt^The W hat C heer H ouse Baggage JACOB UNDERHILL 4C0. Machine dempany, [L. [ l . 8.) A. G. RANDALL, ft Is at the same time the cheapest and the Wagon will be on the Wharf on the arrival » , Cpr Fourth-st:, N. Y. 100 Front street, Portland. ner, to convey Passengers and of^each Steamer, And '. Notary Public. best of its kind ever offered. -fa _2 from the Ilouäo " h -28 6m * T» Females. / and It cuts1 a swarth five feet wide in Reaping,' I Baggage to l J When a female is in trouble, or afflicted • > and four and a half feet in Mowing. As a Charge. -' * ■t j» with disease, such as weakness of the back Can accommodate 500 Guests; House Mower it is equal to the best Folding Bar and limbs, pain in the bead, loss of muscular Machine in use. Tbo ease with which it is ! epen all night. X J * I 'T1 i ;‘k * R- a power, palpitation of the heart, nervousness, A Good Safe for keeping Valuables, ¿co. managed, and in changing from Mower to Manufactures, extreme urinary difficulties, general debiiity, a v2 n23 Plan 1 : , Reaper, or vice versa will at once recom­ I < a iOTXS AND TINWARE!. vagintis, all diseases of the womb, hysteria, W J Y NEW YORKS mend it ■z I 499 B. sterility, and alk other diseases peon* )bar to Manufactured by the j 4 n^j ofthe public and the trade. females, they should go or write at i once to ri^HE at? I: Í i / obinson a lake , or .tn «bon |»p- JL isiuvitj *ur New Scale.Seven Octave. .the celebrated Female Doctor, W. K. L DO- I ular Establishment, Thaablal for the UV» f HERTY, at his Medical Institute, and coui* Fortes, which for volume ♦ral patronage extended them by the puttie of Roiewilodl Moweng and Reaping Machine Company, (>ne are unrivalled by any suit him about their troubles and disease YAMHILL,- Washington and PUfc Coon lies . and pònto erjllii* tliie market. They con- Irregularities, Hoeaick Falls, N. Y. - ft -»-k. » ! suppressions, -- * • ft etc., . . . will • reerivi L. I would announce that they are prepared to FRONT STREET, . PORTLAND, ', ' t.J. i d improvements — French the Doctors ’ most particular attention. L»et show to Customers a superior assortnseat of tain all tbji .,' ■■■ irr’r" * — i; GENERAL SALESROOMS, grand actèmiiliari) nedhl, iron frame, over- no false delicacy prevent you. but apply im ’ TIN-WARE, STOVES and all and singular OREGON. I 40 Courtlandt Street, New York, strung badi s r Ic —and each instrument being mediately and rave yourself from pamfn the Goods and wares of superior pattern and Círeat Reduction in J > riccsL|^ ”ni iiod| r i anf personal supervision of Mr. sufferings and premature death. All Marriei j quality, usually found in a First Class bouse. 1 206 Lake Street, Chicago, who baVa practical ex- Ladies, whose delicate health or other cir^ a •A li HE Proprietor of A^t^oSfs HB tel , J..H. G r ¿ Remember the EMIGR a NT TIN and •FOREIGN OFFICE, ty years in their maun- co instatices prevent an inorease in theig STOVE Store, Front at, PORTLAND. Next Portland; Oregon, keeping up with the ne rien ce d 77 Upper Thames Street, London. .1 ! “F spirit of the times, has determined to make facture, isî ally Warranted in every partichlar families, should write or call at DR. W. Ks door to! Btbee’S. no$0. DOHERTY ’ S Medical Institute, and thej eon Piano-Fòrte , 4 cateen Piano-Forte ” e a material reduction in bis prices, without Tke ft EF* Descriptive Catalogues sent nn changing the quality of his accommodations. Reeeited I thcl hfghest award fif merit at th e will reofive every possible relief and heljfa ft , plication, 2? 2, 28 12-m Xewr Cornnbian Hottll tielÄidatecl World's Fair, The Doctor’s offices, consisting of a suite pf I He will keep a F ikst C lass H ou » fl bod • — -L ------- t ------------------------------------ — e ft H 4 ; |bibited instruments from the six rooms, are so arranged that be can tyue will charge $2.00 per day for board: and Where w I Mos. 118,190 and 192 FfeiatM»«*, t OBOVESTEEN & CO., •4 Lqhdon, Paris, Germany, consulted without fear of observation. best, ma S. N. ARRIGOJ lodging, Comer of Mortem, Port laud, Oregon. . A altimore. Boston, and N ‘ *w I To Corraswondeat». Phifedelf&U j hfi!n22 ly 1 . i T ; » ; j :f L Patients (male or fevnale) resi ale) residing in apy > dt the American Institute HE New Colmukian having Jost been — • York ; a . .. .. of the State, however distant, w ho may e years, the Gold and Sil- part elegantly finished, and being now ready Auction and Commission. i ì forfive for fi ve si sàcqéi •t • • _ A _ J — • — <“ wfa. • ■ * I . * b both of which can be seen desire the opinion and advice of Dr. Doherty, tor the reception of Gueets, the proprietor I at Jour wär and wlm think proper to submit a written would aay to the 'Citizens of Portland and who 499 BROADWAY. N. Y. j I . ri s_ : • /• A • By the idìi duction of improvements we mat» tiflit of such, in preference to holding'a the traveling public, that he it now ready to i. fI ’’HESE PIANOS received the Highest personal interview, are respectfully uesoip awnped receive and entertain all who may ftvor hi im à I intervirWv - I „ eM1, morc perfect Piano-Forte, ami person JL Award of Merit at the World’s Fair, over that their cominunuraftiona will be l>eld mpst with a call, at prices to suit. 7|br manufa<^Qiring largely^ with a strictly 1 the best makers from London, Paris, Ger­ I' "i ®re enabled |o offer these in- sacred. Dr Soits of rooms, wilfc^onnectiog doors, for Dr- f Doherty takes this opportunity cash svsupffL Corner of Front and Oak 4 many» the cities of wew New York, Philadelphia, XorK’ Pbiiadeipn / j ,1 j £ T-l ofobserring, that all letters are only opened families. di A price which will preclude all ID PORTLAN. rjp. OG Raftimere Boston; also the Go G old Baltimore and Boston; t and replied to by himself, and the latte latte| j as Board, per week $9 i .Board and Lodging, Our pfec4 are from $100 to $200 cheaper M edal at tf the American Instilue for FI FIVE ?e -American r $7 to 110. $10. . L J. promptly as possible, if the case bp fglly ’ possible. If thp baj tfllj t. Çrfl^ A UCTION SALES «d Real Oar Pianos er eon- l SUCCESSFUL YEARS YEARS ! Our A large Fire-proof Safe for the depoeit ef and candidly described, personal ooml- itnfni- tad ahy fifetjclass Piano Forte. laodiet Sin Grand Aotion, Harp Pedal, j TX ceries, Furniture, General U in the French r r< ¡ & > > eation will be superceded, as instroetiou for valnablee. t’n current funds. vofetrung Bass, Full Iron Frame, and all and Horses. veretruug •f I fnf diet, regunen. and the general treatme Hotel Omnibus, with the name of the Hotel IpliLVU circulars sent free. N Improvements. Every Instrument odern Im Sale Pays—Wednesday and I on fcj will be at the Landings on the arrival ■ ' I v2 nlO ! y the case itself (including the remedied) (will iii|| i Warranted F1VF Yedrs, Made under the be fotwarded aiid ia su^b a of Steamers, and will convey Passengers A. B. RiCHA RDSÖN1 / in 4 f forwarded without delay apd in Soqb I ’ < r supervision of M r . J. H. G rovesteen . who Àuctioneers- manner as to convey no idea of the purport and Baggage to and from the Hotel free of v2 n23 ly Tliomaa Boyce, has <• a |ftiafaft»V«*ft practical experience ---------------------- of over ----------------- thirty-five d, i ,> MW -------------- R’”r ■■ ------ ------------ j---- 1------------------ L- charge. I the letter or parcel so transmitted. J I years, and ialhe is the maker of over Eleven Thon- Thou­ n - • [ W^arm and fceld Baths. Adverli^nV.Colteti,g. and Purchasing ased_ ¡zn txlengi^ PermaneDt|cur Consultations FREE, We have lately pur based ¿t j * . sand Piano-Fortes. ' Our facilities for man- a ♦fa »'li" t nV. Address: f House open al) night. 5 ft • otto i soil these ----- instrnme DtS addition guaranteed or • no pay. oivf Ji/tlton to our stock ofJob Typ >e and .S'A ofactoringenajhie 'àes.vor. ft 0 DOHERTY. M/pJ w. K.r: P. E. SINXQTT. j? from SÌOO to $200 cheaper than any fir „rst- Material, which enabl I San Francisco, C^l. apUO r2 nl4 ly v2 nl3 ly Proprietor, variety of < * Job Printing; rancieco, California. 28-tf _____ * r2 nlO L ■ claao class Piano-Forte. IX I ' S' I Mk ft lr i __ __ 1 ___ *_ ' ■ J . fit 1. / ¿I - ■ 1 ; T!»' lM ii ? “it « ft J æi H V'fa It I (■ * I I j, » I 'Ml Í 1 I i I / ^■3 \ ‘ 1 V PRIZE MOWERS & REAPERS ! GroVESTEEM & CO PIANO-FORTE > I O I I JI ft j I t fa it- 1 L TJ I i. Jii«-“i77---- ’— I . ........ . I I 1 ? ARRIGO M S Il O TEL, I WALTER A. WOOD I I f Co G L i R I I 4 h i T r r * z- I MA UFACTURERS a I I °“4 I ! i ■ • < : i ■ h T vu M-.ft'O V A. B. RICHARDSOlift RICHARDSOI fail'... « Ï r I : ì Piano-Forte I U ■ I 41 ! i 'S. J I ? ! f 631 . > » * z - . t • - I K \ * 4" ■ ! L, ■ Í » : V i f •' . I f f’1 Montgomery, i J /Standi f Opposite Pacific Stea Steamship Co’s Office. ¡r’k <_ . ■ t Private Entrance, Leidesdorjf Street. . Í Addition» U ti Onr Utedk •F i ESTABLISHED expressly to afford the af­ flicted sound and scientific Medical Aid; in the treatment and cure of all Private I and Chronic Diseases, cases of secresy GALLAND,- GOODMAN * J CO t and all sexual disorders. TO THE AFFLICTED. s Ko. 120 Front Street, R. W. K. DOHERTY returns bis sin­ Opposite What Cheer Hous$, Portland, Or­ cere thanks to bis numerous patients egon,. for their patronage, and woaid take this op­ portunity to remind them that he continues AVE jnst rec«i?edr and are constant­ to consult!at bis Inst.itnte for the cure of ly receiving the largest anc nest se­ chronic^diseases of the Lungs, Liver, Kid­ lected stuck of GENERAL MERCHANDISE >■ neys, Digestive and Genito-Urinary Organs, ever brought to this market, consbling of and all Private Diseases, Viz; Syphilis in all I its forms and stages, Seminal Weakness, and DRY GOODS. I •fa CLOTHING, all the horrid consequences of self abuse.— r i ROOT’S AND SHOES. |>: ____*»1*7 j Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal and ' ¡H HATS ÄNB CAPS, Diurnal Emissions.Sexual Debility, Diseases * of the Back and Loins, Inflamation of the YANKEE NOTIONS and CROCKERY, A Bladder and Kidneys, etc¡, and he hopes I j ' '■ ■ i [- • srw ”1 V Also a largs stock of B / that his long experience and successful prac­ . l .• i I .Jr9 tice will continue to insure him a share of public patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe and the United States,‘.be is A ad. many other articles too nuthdbd»* t». enabled, to apply the most efficient and suc­ « mention. Being favored by having a resident < cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds. partner in San Francisco, and buying lidena only He us»'S no mercury, charges moderate, for Cash, wo are enabled to self goods a » treats his patients in a correct and honorable CHEAP AS ART BOUSE IN TOWH. ' 'i way, has references of unquestionable ¿verac­ ' ¡Therefore we wowld respectfully invite the ity from men of known respectability and public to c»N and examine our stock before | hi^i standing 'in society. All parties con­ pprchaomg elsewhere. soling him, by letter or otherwise, will re-' Jl'be Efighest Cash Price paid* for all kMo ceive the best and gentlest treatment and of Produce. ■ impboit secrecy. DR DOHERTY would call attention to „ Wanted—100,000 P»unda«i w_-. the following certificate, from one of his pa­ Wool. i f- » • * ■ * ■■ 4» tients, who, having tolly recovered his health, Our Motto—44 QUICK SALKS AX» SMA1A desires to make known his remedial agent. PKOFiTS, ” and no bum bug. It will be seen that his statement is fully authenticated by a Notary Public. Remember the place, opposite the W The welfare of society imperiously demands Cheer House. ii 1 its publicity, and it is given more to warn u I We guarantee entire satisfaction! Gr or ao< the unwary Ilian to sound the praises of a Physician, of whom hundreds of like cases Rale. Try us and convince yourselves. .D-RENOWNED T • ■«> Ughct Ilghert Price Paid Pali THE'BOWE LOCK ST ITCH “WOOD’S ’■ > I f w- G r o c ? r i e k , j > L 1 Quick Cures and Moderate Charges. Dr. W. K. DOH1RTY. Bel lew "I 1 a=-! ■ ■ ìV H K-----------• Salem, Oregon. 9 D i-------- i Improved Triple Flange 1 r MANUFACTURERS OF *; < ' * ■ PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENT*. Bg ? ’ MEDICAL A D VERTISEMENT, i — T ——i—i—is------------- y Sacramentost., I Terwilliger Sf Co,, ji 1 $ * te JWhi Private Médical and Surgical In»litule> aiv nn i iT/ur'r.r. ^AN FRANCISCO. -wJft 9 J Private Medical Aid. NOS. » I ♦ ft HESE Instruments after the flattering testimonials from the first Pianists in i the 650 Broadway^ kno YorF. and stounding cures effected in the M ' 1 ‘ / country who.'at our solicitation, have tested shortest space of time on * record.— Wrtih drivt^M Street, SifTAAf. Chicago, fdhiAn trn. them in the severest manner jiossible, have Chronic diseases in nil their stages penna- f 69 Washfgtnn been pronounced nently cured w ithout the use of mineral prej < ÌMwby »era Hoiiae, M The Finest Bfnaro Piano-Forte mado in parations. Wholesale A gebt, U the United'States for the World. Having devoted years to the successful WM, K BB ■ Si CO.’S It has always been our policy during the treatment of all manner of disease to which human flesh is heir, ho can proudly point Thirty six years that we have manufactuted c A^ bra + ed * » to bis hundreds of patients on the Pacific Ii44 j 1’IANO-FORTES, i'lanuB, twenty thousand of which are huw in use in (he United Statesand Europe, to give Coast who have been restored bv him from I fa -- r !»• 1 J - - ’ ' 1 I , ¡Agents for the fiueet instruments at the lowest cost. conditions of appalling misery, to permanent Our superior faeilitiee enable us to offer them heal th. 6.. and ether First-class The blind have been restored to sight — from (o three baud red dollars less than any Of his skill in the treatment, of Chronic sore other First-Class House. The tone of these iostrumenfs are remark­ eyes, and appartntlv permanent blindness. able for their peculiar sweetness and great Dr. J im refers with pride to patients who IF? have the L: ES T and Best Assorted Stuck of PIANOS, which for Power and brilliancy. Never losing their quality when may be found and cmsultcd in the city ol forced to tbei^utmost capacity. The lower Portland and vicinity B fa I • !! 1 Sweetness of L J Easy and Agreeable he. ' ■ ' Heart Disease, 4 “ ' 'U register retaining ils positivenesa does not Touch, and ity of Finish, have, by < Chronic C oughs. Judges, \been destroy the middle and upper registers by nounetd Unrivalled. Consumption, mingling with them in disagreeable confu- WriOL EAGENTS FOR ’ J -I sion. The refined beauty of tone being C’arha^t, i^dliaui MUMS, Hundreds of testimonials have been n len- Ren­ They are entirely new style of Piano, fin­ ^M el and O rgans . diehey ished iu the mostsuperh manner with four dered and might be procured of the effidiebey Manu fa bture d Importers of Musical of the Doctor’s treatment of all disease* li ‘ft round corners, front and back, heavily S, Aceordeons, Violins, ILI I Instruments. S carved legs-and lyre, serpentine base, richly common to this coast and climate. Clarinets, D Guitars, Brass Jnstru- His office is on Washington street between moulded, .»nd each instrument is full war­ usical Merchandise]. Second and Third streets. Portland, where ments. an I eth ranted for five years. sl7 n34 2 v ly tTRE MEM THE PLACE, J. B A UR —------------- 4 ,..«■■................. ....... - . he can be consulted al all hours when not 4 CO., 6li professionally absent v2 n23 6m and 9(> p York, Washing r si 7 n84 v2 ly •>. ' T j 1 ■t j JI ♦ I I ADVE The Renowned Chinene I-., .f f ii e p f ■ I! « ' ■ ♦ J t ■k J V -. - MS* SCALB PIANO.FORTE!! » i. f ■ Í NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENT. fa - r <* KI if 1 l I < if I « Ï z: !■ I 11 f i I ! ¥ T 4 I / « F r* dk'A I t r —... T.-2J ♦ ■* I r' fl ? if f ■ Í r t J. /it V » I1 i » r