7 1 t 7 'J , 7 " i 1 •1 1 "z 1 tf7 ' » •' . <1 ; F > P t 4 •f L r ! J i 1 .¿i ■ e. •• •Í .»■' ■ ‘I TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17,1867. L FOA L A OVER TISEA _ . . ww m SHERIFF’S S^LE, | ’ r ; ■ / • ■ ’ » ;L =7 r 1 j ; r r H * Th« following ar« our duly authorized agents to receive and receipt for subscription« ’ and advertisements for the C ockier : . . Lafayette. Dr. H. F. White, . , . Amity. Hon. C. H. Burch, . . McMinnville. Hon. W. T. Newby, . . . Muddy. Andrew Baker, . . • North Fork. J. M. Fryer, 1 . West Chehalem. Dr. G. W. Goaoher, East Chehalem. D. Ramsey, . . . . . Wheatland. Marion Hendrix, . . . . Dallas. T. J. Lovelady, . • . Forest Grove. Dr. F '. A. Bailey, . . Hillsboro. Win. Blanchard, . Win. Squires, - y Tillamook. A • • I i * t t a a TSMPLB, RICHARDSON &0o., No«/ 37 & 39 Nassau Street, New York, are our au- thorized agents to receive and receipt for ads verging, subscription, &c. Mr. THOMAS BOTCR is our authorized Agent ior San Francisco. t K :—rrr, . «« b-, .......... .............. .. J * FAMILY D •KT GOODS —10-4 Cotton .. .......Pillow-dase Cottons, 10-4 t^heetingi Main Sheeting. 6 4 Pillow-case Linen. Linen 8h 4 4 Shirt’ng. Linens—all prices—Table Lmten, Tabl'e Damask Cloths—a fine assijrtmcnt-ANapkine. Doylas. Towels, Bjapkets. Quills, Counterpanes, Crib Blanke»s, Cassimeres, Tweeds, and a general variety of Piece Goodsv&c. B S’ F I - I ZEPHYR—AU color«,, in single, double an« »plit,.„jB|m|l Wool, lidy Cotton. P»ei4in Wool an Crotchet Pattimi. Crotchet Hooks, Cnitjtng Pirn*, in wood and .steel; Netti ig Pins. Stilettos. &c. ' • T’i . AiiWS^nB¡r^ i I I I FANCY GOODS—Ragle Gimps, Black Ct.bred Velvet R|bbr tiU' 'r«..,...;..- I otig, Silk Trimming I Ribbons Silk Cord and Tassels. Alpac I i ca Braidsand Bindings, Silk Twiat, Ma I cbiftot Sewing Silk« ami Linen«. EnS- I brqijdery Silk*. Dre|s Buttons. Robber Coiii'b* and Hairpihs, Hair Nets, &c ; 7 Ee I over 500 lbs. fleet. Before giving up the ghost, hi» bearship killed a valuable dog for Mr. S. r We notice a very strong letter in favor of the Oregon Central Railroad from the pen ft WWV .to«.»g)lUO COtltl* of D n o--L ty, in the Oregonian, which we would 4 » I - A * ■ copy this week but for lack of room. We acknowledge the receipt of a copy of i the Award of Premiums, etc., of the 7th 1 4V Jv - • - Annual Oregon State Fair. to - i ' * . ‘ It is reported that Elder Knapp of the Baptist church will come to Oregon before returning to the Atlantic. We have received a copy of the Olym­ pia Transcript. It has a neat typograph­ ical kppearance. i 7 1 ■* ■ ' 1V, J ■ — Hon. W. VV. Upton, has been appointed Judge of the Multnomah Dist., in place of p 4 » Will the person who has certain stove­ pipe belonging to the county return it be­ A fore being asked to do so ? . .. ---------------— •’ >s * K R emoved ,-—We hare removed the ‘ ' • • L:^ > r courier office opposite Dv. Westerfield’s U. S residence, and nearly opposite the -* -* il A ■ »J* • ■ * » ; f j ì ' l t « 7 * bussioess and friendly calls. - ■ ■ — Read the new Barbank. Ad. V of Hon, A. R. ,i ' - I • UÄi • 1.1 11 . IT __ Is J T I Mille Childrens’ CaHritìnere Soil». Boys' ’ U- B issued the circuit Circnit uourt Court or of .tne .the wied out of or me State of Oregon, for the ccunty of .¡Yamhill, and to me directed byijthe Clerlt bf said Court, ¡and in favor of J. VV. Ajllen and againsd. j y ;«!»■. •»,, imi tne sum nt nine uunureU i and eight dollars and thirty one cents. &i nd there being no personal pri Dperty. I have this /.'.j ! 23rd day of Niivenilier; A. D.,, 1867. levied upon the following real ostate, i to wit andlnt w mi. . All tui the i,uc right, iiku >. title «'MW «uu luiri'eSt of L. F. Allen, in and te the Donation Land Claim of Nanc/ Allen, wife of Sol. Allen, as set off to her by the proper authorities io the •Land Office, atiOregon City, and •lying' and being in the county of Yamhilki|»dd Slate aforesaid, and being in T- 5. tL 4. W.. and being the one-seventh^ inter« in said exp «4 the Nancy) Allen land claim, and will ’ same for sale at public vendue fcjr ca*h in 1 hand, to the highest ' est bid bidderj i at !lj he Court House door, in La 7 Fayette, Yamhill county, Oregon, on the 24th ti day < of December, a . d .. «W. W.vCk, . A. M-, 1867, , between the hours !Wn i v of 9 W o'clock. and 4 o’clock, p. m ., of said day to satisfy said execution and cost al md accruing ing costs, L. L!|WHITCOMB MB. ■ -f.i.D.n -TT.T •! La Fayette, Nov. 23,1867 1 Sheriff. • ' 1 '■ 1 LrflulJ. v2 n44 4w fl II J—. — Í » I**- t 127 Proni Street, Opposite the \\ hat Cheer House. n43 4 r‘j 3m IV X. MinnL . I * I ¡STAR OF THE UNIONS ( CELEBRATED I' ( t The Oswego Iron Works are casting water pipe« of superior quality, and Bar­ man Brcs. cf Portland are in fall blast sel­ 1 SELF! h T EMIL, LOWSNSTKIN fa IMPORTERS OF IMPORTÉES T UR E ! ! ! ? I ? 4 ..r ■t i * r Oregon i f~ » j » if.» - '4 Si I 1 i I M t I X» L'M W. H, BARKIS. v-2 Harris, Burton (Successors to J. L. PARRISH CO.,) 4 Importer« and Wholesale and Retoil j i ■ j' !'■ i a. ' ' Dealer» in < SWISS STO.MACH BITTERS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, The best Purifier of the Blood ! ' ! * •, x4 • A Pleasant Tonic! No. 87 Front'd, Portland, Oregon. rT A very Agreeable Drink! CHOOL Books« Law Beak*. Medical Unsurpassed for acting surely but < I Book«, Blank Books, Miscellaneous gently on the secretions of the Books, Photograph Album«. Printers’ Ink, kidneys, bowels, stomah and W riting Fluids. Copying Ink. Writing Paper. tiVi-r I i Blank Paper, Wrapping Paper and a full For sale at all wholesale and retail assortment of liquor, drug and grocery stores. NOBODY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT! £turers o: »ny» ruttare, Bedding, TRY Hair4 Mirrors. Pore I Ejpreiia- Hair. Pula, - . Cabinet Maker'« and Upholsterer’« Goods] This is the oldest and largest Fnr- niture? Jnue« in the State. First «tret t, cor ner Sal mon, No^ 166, 168, 170, 172. Port- land, Oregon. / u40 ly — * ■ ——tt TRY iT S I si ii—x I __ RETIO V AL. V —- a : : .j L CELEBRATED1! I -Pi $ F i j {Ail ingrc No. 89 First Street, Portland, n 33 ly These deli)eii Ions stomach Bitters are entirely Vegetable, apd id free from alcohol and e^ ery hurt- ! THEME ji | ­ ®“!ï: 1/É. BURTON. > I DENT A L ROOMS, 11 . ' ' Z MATERIAL X j i i Mi' ■ < PRI^TBBfiP *x I » i J. G. F risch , Proprietor. TAYLOR & BENDEL.Sole Ag’ts. ' Agents for Leroy W. Fairchild & Co’s BtZGER HAS REMOVED HIS n21 1 ly 413 Clay St., San Francises Gold Pens, and Importers for Georg# Won. e .laige stock of new good* from No. 17Ö a tenholm & Sons’ Celebrated I. X. L. Qptlery. Final Settlement. Front ktrevt, to the corner of First and Madi - -------- —j---------- --------- ------- 4—_ ! W> will keep constantly on 1 coui-k «oi| «tfeets, in the new, bnck-bulding erected fiSi“ The Best Remedy For In County Coi^rt, Yamhill County, Oregon. > by'Mif Ji Fryer, of North Yamlull, where ne plete assortment of goods to our PURIFYING the Blood, Strengthening the December Term, 1867. baa ou hand an extensive assortment of Dry Nerves, Restoring the lost Appetite, is Our entire stock is imported diret from 1.Goods,! . Clothing,. Boots, Shoes, Crockery, FRESE ’ S HAMBURG TEA. Publishers and Manufacturers, and ns f! nd now at this day vomes Hardware, Groceries,Doors, Windows, Blinds, I It is the best preservative against al most anv purchasing from n« can atinll times op John Goodrich, administrator of the and cilery other article required by the farm­ I on getting GENUINE ARTICL d at estate of Peggy L. Goodrich, di ereased, and er»’ trade, which he Will «ell al extremely low sickness, if used timely. Composed of herbs only, it can be giver, safely to infants. Full Prices sei1 tlemnnt of ___ that _ Defy Competition. ' • r - files his account for the final se' cash jA rices, »»»vi and mvncB invites un all ui of ma his old uiu inends lin Agents for the FLORENCE SERVING directions in English, French Spanish and the said deceased’s estate. It is .thereforb, and thb pufilic [ generally to his new store. German, with, ^very package. TRY IT! MACHINE. i“ i X Per|aud, Dec. 10, 1867. ordered that said account be heated and «aid 1146 ' lm .lor sale at all the wholesale and reta* BURTON i ■ : beitfgpiirt of ^Sections 32 and 33 in T. 4. S. approve it and regard it «« the best work of And offered at wholesale or retail Dry Good«. Salem Clot low rates tor cash . R. 3.AV\ aod part of claim No. 39,.being of tts kind in the English language, and one Tioware. Flannels. Qneensw Sectijna 4 and 5 in T, 5, S. R. 3, W.. par­ which ought Io be in tB* bauds of eyery Bible us and Nails, Crockeryware, ‘ 5 I Mf. — WEATHEHFÖPD, rt H u '-.'IH ticularly. bounded and described as follows : reader iu the land. 3 Portland. Aog. 1!7.1867. in n31 ly Sugars, Coffee, Teas, Be^iwning at the north-west corner of said / In circulating thiy work, Agent« will find Syrup. Tobacco. K erosené Oil, c’aitiL; |hence east, 110:90 chains ; th< nce a pleasant and pn^fitable employment. MAKVIW’sf PATZllW ’ ■ - Candles, Salt, Fish Fisb„ dec., south, 7^9(1 chains; thence south 89°. wp«t. 'J be nntneron» objections which are nsnaly 27:0(|cb^ thence south 30° west, 47:Q0 ci^.; encountered in sell.ng ordinary works will C ash or G oods for W ut. iheutie north 87°^west, 48:90chains- tbvnce not exist with tins. Alum and Dry Plaster, Fir* and Burglar . Sil < n47 tf T BU BANK. ett8t-^1;< ® cb’ to place of begin’ A < nirtgT-containing 439 acres. A «1 notice i- • But on the contrary^ encouragement and e friendly aid will attend thè agent making his heH-liy giv n that I will sell all the interest !I labom agr. eable. useful and lucrative, j . WITH COMBINATION LOCK- ■, of William H. Odell and Elizabeth F.'lit Ladies, retired Clergymen, School Teach­ O»|elj tb the above premises together with nil ers, Farmer«, Students, and Sil other« who TVrARRANTEO THE BEST IN THE ’SHOP. th<£ appurtenances, to the highest bidder for i—-7 . ? potw-M energy, are wanted tn assist in can­ vv ja-iki World! Never corrode the iron. Never Slir'H ‘it5W 1 5 t. ‘ 1-1. to.. ' ■ Hoose door in La L m Favvtte, FArptL». vassing every Town and County on the Pa­ ■ loge their caih,tat |he Court House ires th announce caih,*! fire-proof quali tie«. in Jaid ei)C ebuqty and State, on the 24.h day of cific coast, to whom the most liberal induce­ • Harness and inlaid Are the only Safes filled with Alum and Saddle shop at jify place, a»d will Der, a , d ., 1867. between the hour« of ment» will be offered. Dry Plaster. ’ Drv M.. and 4 o’clock, p., m . lof ¡of KFor particulars apply to or address keep on hand and fur sale e eryynng ip f Mi 9 yilo?;k, *|JobkY A. M., w Please send or eall for an Illustrated Cata- line, j sam day, to satisfy said execution, costs and logne. ! MARVIN 4 co; t ; L L. WHITCOMB. ' “ Subscription Department.” ’ 71' to ’ ‘ qruing cost«. cost». L L- WHITCOMB. i Fnc ’ pal Repairing and other $or e£(%nted on accruing Nn. 265 Broadway, N. Y. H. H. BANCROFT & Co., i Nov. 25,1867 ort nt ^Fayette, short notice, j Wurer o rs, Sheriff. No. McEVILY. 721 Cbe«tnut,strvet, ; San Francisco, f ■ ;b - ’■ i)’ht!adelpW£: | ■ U 'n, 42 Vi2 . La Fl Fayette, Oct. 15, 1 v2 n44 4 w m Gener*LAgeats for Pacific Coast. .. .p?!-, '! Jl. 1 h I 'li'*'-'X ’k a. ■■ .■ ■ JRBllil ■ fU ■ Í-T5Í I Í fO a t, 5T » w -• aa w— LL — — — - — « < A j » ■ AV » — ■ ■ ■ - ■■ ■ —e. WEATHERFORD t > , ■ t i I I pTOMACILBITTERS!) ( TRY JUDGE < ; THEM!} FOR Í TRY H YOUR J 1 j if' 1/ _:.I — FURN I 9 • ’* I ■ rnitviré I Furniture ! I ’ • I t Î ? ■ 1 1 rVILSON I Physician, fivrge** and Ocnlisl, Located in A " », Black Doeak’n and Beaver Paets, , Beaver, Cloth and Silk Velvet Veste, G^bta’ and Bqjs’ Overcoats. Boys’ tei Boy'« Linen, B. Shirts. Boys* Boys’ U-. U. .Vmts/ Slfirts and Drawets, Rubber Neck Ti« s, 'Si» dò. Scarfs. French renoh and English Cflttob Sock«, Ltnip Cambric H Ivndker- cldefs. Silk Uinbifllas, Underclothing a anu Furnishing Goods generally. I t . «OR 8A| E ItY ■'U JOHN I ■ t 1 n institution where young ' *s ♦ j: DR. G. W. BBOWJi, Portland, Oregon. •Suite, Youths’Caminiere and Fine Bea f vef s Suits, j Gent« ‘ ’ Cloth * 1 and .Beaver ■ | y- : PORTLAND, OREGON.' ! n "is i Mni’i f ai * a i L f ■’& 1F w ■ rpO THE AFFLICTED OP ORE. and Middle Aged Men are properly “r Dr. G. W. BRu" N educated ;or practical life. Its great suc ­ gori, greeting: »till continues to treat the eyev. Surgical cess is the legitimate result of thoroughness, and intrinsic merit. The-school is conducted operation« ikillinlly performed on the eye« cal ar act, «trabismw ttrabiemw »r cr crocs ero»s eye», eyee, on the plau of the leading Business Colleges for film, cataract, and al) operation« that ar* vegaterly operations regularly per­ J in the Atlantic States. It affords every eye«. Many patieat« patitBta cau can b* Ite . advantage foend elsewhere on the coast, anil formed on the eyes. seen at ». bi« biB office in all al) Btaget stagesrecovery* of recover^ many educational improvement* never be­ stay away, for a cure 1» 1« certain fore introduced, It is our design to provide None need stav the public with, an institution that shall be in all the varioov di «ease« of »be eye«. The r would'cal) the afflicted call the attention ef of th* second to none. We intend that it shall be Dr. would wauting iu nothing that may contribute to to the fact that be is prepared to treat th* the success of those who come here to pre­ following disease«; Rheumaticni m » all it» pare for business; and we can assnre them, various form«, Liver Compfoiutr Dropsy, that if they honestly avail themselves of the Tumour*. Cancer« and Fungoid Growths, advantages here afforded, they cannot fail wherever located. Bronchitis, Conan mptiou in securing what they come to obtain,—a where a ease is oarable, and all virions dis­ eases of the human bodyl practical business education. The Dr. would eall the attention of those TKKJIS OF TUITIOX who have injured themselves by improper In consequence of our large facilities, wc indulgence, or are afflicted with toes of sex­ are enabled to accommodate all who may ual powers. Seminal or Night Emissions, and desire to avail themselves of the advantages all the horrid consequences of self abase. The Dr. would say to the public, that h* of a thorough business education. Though has again commenced tbe manufacture of >our Tuition has heretofore been quite too hi* celebrated mediciue« for the bebefit of low. coudderiDg the superior advantages af forded ; yet We propose to continue the same tho«e who are not in reach to get treatment. liberal terms—$50 for Life Scholarship— They can be had of all druggists and medi-. until December 1st, 1867. Tuition tor the cine dealers on the Pacific coast. The DrJ does not claim for them, as much entire Business Course, on and after Decem­ aa is claimed by the manafaotoren of patent ber 1st. 1867, will be 860. Scholarships are g Of MerchRndise chandise for the Winter Trade, care against Allen, and .-fft í ____ Hank W¿ ,..,7-*',.,'.' n®?*»'; fully ’«elect» >d from the latest for the sum _ of L. 7 nioe hundred and three dol­ importations. jmbt lars, U. S. f»n$|costs, lar«, (in TÚ. 8. gold com»)i com^if»»^ ¡costo, and there being no personal property, I have-on Direct ; fqbm Paris, London & New Vork, this 25th day of N^vetnbvr, a . pl 1867. I IbV . < 1. * i* 11 .• _ '..I — J a L.RLJ «L w ralZ» i AndrWbicb he offer« at the lowest ied upon the following real e|l fate to aliti­ > [ market prices k 4 li of ........ the r Ight title and interest c Batik All ‘ five Allen am. d H. H. Snow in and jto twenty}- . M /FOR CASH I I, -. ♦ ¡¡11 */ ■ a I ‘ I tlmr on Jefferson Si r^et by eig feet DRESS *GOODS—An elegant «election and .front ing on T wrd Wtd Street/ Street,* ol k aod-fronting feet hack of Plmuand Plaid All wool Poplins. Six. (6.) in¡ Block Nriy ^ix', (6^) and Lot lt-.iL..- - Winceys. WL___ _ Empress Pn.nr.tt’ Cloths^ Cloth«. Merinos. f6j in Lot* Noel - One, flJTwof2;audSix/Btin 1 Colored Alpaccas, Russel Cords. Cash- -, - i ipjhe town t?“ wn - mt La Biock N< . Fifteen. (T5J merp Robes. Wrapper Flannels, VV(Mil ty. to* {vili ■on, i. and a Fayette, n Yamhill couul_ D^liiiies, Bombazine, Black Silk Alpac- expose t le same for sale at pu ifilio I V fiidue / cas, Bkrathea. Mourning Good* and a fehill C’“1^ c ’ J «tuse I for gold coin in hand, at the great variety of Low Priced Poplin« of miity. ( door, iu La Fafayettei ‘h / supetipr quality, &o., tec. Oregon. >n the t4th day of Ljrcember A, D m 1867. be ween the hours ol ^fotafock, a JM m CLOAKINGS-A fine a««ortment of Vel­ vet Braver» Beavers and Piti» Ptfiin Cloths, i » • Black, Black. aud 4 o’clock, p. m .. of said iiny. to aiinty < I Brown, Purple. Grejr. Tai), Scarlet, and costs Brojv . and coms »nil neemmg bccrning.cqi said exequtiou pod costs »ml I Blue Colors. Wo ter-Proof Aznfine ter Proof L L. W HITC0MU.J Aznfin« Lafayette, Nov 25<-l£67.]i i Sheriff Tw SALE ivt .nan, of the News Depot, San s herif 8 Francisco, we received a very IRTÚE OF y V irtue of AN? an ' EXECl exi large package of valuable news issqed out of the Circuit C "Jourt papers and the Monogram at the | State of Oregon, for the countyiof Y im|iill. * 'and to me direoted by thaiClerk if bai<(i head of thia paragraph. The Maj. knows Court and in favor of Henry R'»ber|s and how to procure the influence of the press against Hank W, Allen artd H. H. Snow for and to accomodate the people generally. the sum of eight hundred and fifteen dol­ lars and sixty five cents, fin V- 3. gold c|»in^ lar» All the leading publications of the United and costs, and there being no personal pf<*P* States can be procured of him at office erty, I have this 25th day Of N«»veipber, A pon the billowing reni d ., 186f, levied upon ll rates. Send him your order«. alkt. title auti in estate. |o wit : t* rit». .. -— ----------------- fornot rv® I lereBi u B nmm »» • •• terest o" Hank VV. Allen and H- H SllOW. H on . A lex . C. S ahih .—This gentle- in and to Lots Four, (O .ye f5J ^ud; the oom iweuci ig at a, north part of Lot Six cpmiueticipg man formerly a resident of Yamhill coun- point 25 feet from the »uuth-weet corner of ty and afterward Associate Justice of Ida­ paid said Loi Lot on Jtflrrson Jefferson street, running running; thence parallel with Third atreetLto 11' ' d ■ " ’ ' ' ' ’¡W!L»I the east line of ho, under appointment of Mr Lincoln, has L said lot and inclodiug all o eaid L.ol north located in Vancouver- W. T. for the prac­ of said fine, all in Block Nnj Six. (6 eb in the LaFayette, Yamhil county . Oregon, tice of his profession. Mr. S. is an old town of La „ same, „ ,f tyr pale pt public wil| « expose the a‘nd will friend of outs, was with us in the Survey­ f vendue, for U- S gol 1 eo|tiu in band, at the A ‘ Ya(phill Court nous? House door,'in L^JJavett«. uvur, hi aj » or General’s office in W.T. and we sincere- U.ouri county. Oregon, 24th of December. 7 „ ,KZ on ..... the .y 1 ly hope he will receive a remunerative law a . D., 1867, y o’clock^ between the WW ‘ “ ‘‘ A. d ., 1P67, li -" * “ id uay to A. - -- M 1 , and -I — 4 : o’ j clock. r , P. , M.. , practice. il accruing satisfy mid and » I" “ execution I » ■ ' ■ ' i j "'- L.L B ear K illed .—Hon. Andy Shuck, of costs. Sheriff. La this county, one day last week, killed an v2 rtj44 4w + unusually large black bear weighing nett, 1/ ■' B r AGSNTS FOR TH! COURIER. to ling gents, furnishing goods. -Verily, Oregon i^desiinedtto geeotness. < •» Z. « A i OCI dbmt .— Wb are sorry to-leara that * i i * • C IN-W ilson , National College i-«l 1 * y Y I r « r WBE WEEKI Y COFUIFR. *■ .j P / . . Me. Wardle, a worthy citizen of our county, ». Wke badly injured a few days ago by a fall­ ing tree; fracturing the thigh and otherwise MrW. has the able at- braising his person. . tendance of Dr. White, and will doubtleisly reebmr. V,u •' V ■ tW » * i ' ¡Sí 'i , 7 J j . ■ ' ’ » 'Ì ’ • r -, / k t I I 1 ■ i r ■ ■ ’ ' *; II ; Í I ’ : /-I "s The P. T. Company held their annual meeting on Thursday, and elected Messrs. A. A. McCully, D.tflcCufiy, T. McF. Patton, E. N. Cooke and J. Kellogg, a Board of Director« ‘•for the ensuing year. At the meeting of the Directors elect, Asa A. McCully was elected President; T. McF. Patton, Vice Presideht; S. T. Church, Secetary, and George Marshall, Chief Engineer.— Unionist. t» .' t 1 _ _IBUi I i Í 1 ■ * I > I »• I I 'iI h ■ * î < t i j a 7 [Í I 4 ¡ I 4 ,U"i 'i I Si lit * » j it flSF - l! I . ’ 1. « i 1 ■ v- I I 1 lit ili- ’ $ ’* i V ■- * 4 . j U ■ i¡ .b -, I r K; I t 1