* —1—rm— ■ i ^ mhwi . i TH j K W11£KPLY| c <»IJRI£R i Will Take the Fill if Sugar Oeated- U|H j to the i - OF s SUXRMAN’81 HOi’INlON ' R evolutionists . • J CilV as mueb gressioual policy and Gen. Grant, .vour I Ought, the President lo he iTnounced in as beeometh * weeping jeremiah ’ |||ut the house of his enemies? Much moij aught heaviest,and i most, bitter lameotatio ihed -------- after the buttle of. 1808, he lu be denounced tn th^h^se ofhirjwmfls of tMrs will be idfwft - * . . . l ------- tr _..:A J..» .» .................. trot •* vie holdito be self evi<|t|nt ; for refusing in the absence of any necess ty which incu lo occupy or retain the ex^reise of powers tbu Ensign and others who have the instintls £ of the white rape will help us ‘ »»nd you up/ ” greater than those which Ore exercised by .1 any^usftrj^l^iagiltrale in the world. Judge Hold, Mr. CbuRinR, we don’t cnjlprss i ye, I trust this fault of declining imperial 1 voluntary assurance of yours, neither do ) u power too harshly, tendered by a too conjiid' like to hear our name coupled witbshbh a bias- mg Congress, may be JingivCn by a gener- pheuious btjo! pheuiousexpression. no ¡Uaoughdo! expression. * We have uo ' T: opposing tiie merited olevatiou of thstriJc} mkg Udsuecesuarypitwei» andpalrun- of the nation, which he, more than 4'ij otii«i by President shall be held as crime. living man preserved from the anarcjiy which fvArn it shall be so considered, the tinfe will would have followed tho triumph ofi the i tr» t il 4 ¡nice ar/ivtd for setting up at the White I tor's fell attacks.— Ensign. Mouse'/th Imperial throne, surrounding the ll will be remembered that someti nie Excessive irilh Imperial legions S ewari ». J. W. JOHNSON, I • i TH ' ' -lit ’’ '■ spécial nót T c Talegraphic not bo ImpeaeheA Johnson COMPILED FROM TBE HERALD. 'The Hoose concurred in tbe Senate joint r0nlulioo» reviving tbe ordinance investiga­ ting committee. Logan skid »aid he believed more Federal soldiers Iters had been killed by ipjcpdipg the trial, |>! lacehim nhdçr arrest an our own artillery than by that of the enemyi here will be a grand ball plaue another in *tead until the terminai- given at HOLDREDGE73. in Yamhili . The Commuted on Elections reported in tioii of the trial, v hich, ftak|i g example «I Mvor of Galladsy from the Third District of county, Oregon, on ¡ Wednesday evenimr. Wednesday evening» I January 1st. J 868. Tj . I ! . r**', 8 Oregon, ie the Giadt county .s-vindlvj they Kentucky. The report was adopted. The best of Music ia seen red and the beak • 1 41V impeachment I 111 |>r*HVll 111 V IIV l|UVcllUII V5 no taken hltiCH up up The question wAs »^1 _ ! -n___ *.L_ 111____ L_ _ _ 1 .‘1 I reposed to proibì g unjil bis term was oui p at k <1 of accommodations for the disciples of of Terp Terps- 3 o'clock. Boutwell proceeded to argue in favor of impeachment, quoting largely d 47 3t rdlknowing tlierl? are no just causes win J in favor of impeachment, quoting largely ¡Chore, All are invited. — ------ -- — ------- 1 « tram American and English laws bearing on En/lisli dffkön should té removed. But from th< R ev . F ather C roqelx will coadact Divina tno- ­ th a Impeachment .7 .A >k .i 7. ! . J will ] «imilar cases. He* finally yielded to a mo ■flowing, we think lb® Impeachment will service at Lafoyette on the 1 last Sabbath of tion to adjourn with the understanding that j each'month, at 10^ o'clock* I <■» 'i-< .íiiiwi¿.¡e..- >•' be is to have theHoor he the^floor to morrow. morrow . £ In the Senate. Edmonds offered a resolu­ ffhe ^Washington correspondent of the FARMS TO 8EU AJnk KIWT. tion declaring it to be the sentiment of Boston /W. of thé 22d instant says:* Cougress that bonds should he paid in coin Congress coin; ; W. J«hn«on, “ While “ While those thosa whei ’ ‘ profess ‘ 7 ’ - ¡LT to act ‘ òut- difcucsed d an ordinance to convetition have adoptU undersigned have famed over the note« he will resist any-attempt to suspend the be arid of H'JIJ'JE men and their pos­ bn I for rat fixation. submit thw Constirutipi and accounts doe us tolA. F. Forbes fur col­ Rump Congress enforcing Negro suffr or degrade lyiq . lefpre trial and conviction, terity fweuer. and should be administered >> The ejection was tn be controlled by military lection. Please take due notice and govern I will add, upah reliable authority, the by WHITE men. and HONE OTHERS upou the South and styles its ‘-experimei t' commanders. All State officers and mem ­ yourselves accordingly. declaration of General Sherman that such 1 do believe that the Almighty made the “a miserable failure.” L Knowing __ o this to’b bers of Congress are to be included at the WHITE & WESTERFIELD. negro capable of self-government.— D ouglas . an attempt would he clearly revolutionary, ---------- •—•L»—— same time! T*>e General Assembly will the question of questions now before and should-be resisted by the Piesidetit meet March 18tb. Tl|e franchise articles LL PERSONS indebted to the late with »* the Ujeaus within his control. remove the disabilities imposed by the American people, to be.determined by firm of ECKLES de BURBANK are TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1867. 'VhiS declaratiuq. uiade to those who had Constitution. The Constitution is to be ballot during next Presidential au ntest, requested to come forward and »eitle their .»«MnMft— b^h m»l- 1.. ..... adopted as a whole. Several members are accounts and notes without oat delay, delay. V F. FISHER, is ear authorized Agent * ’ * Wheat will L , protesting. for does at tbe ved i 1 I i I > i ; tor S®n Francisco. enough to oppose the Rads upod this u at- Jump the commíé|nr New Orleans, Dec. 5|.-*General Hancock id of the Department bf market price. has revoked the order providing for a revise Washington, .^lych, includes Maryland IIr- KI teT would stand by tb$ principle to the e pd; A, R. BURBANÉ. Mean;«. Hudson & McCarty is oar an- Lafayette, Ang. 30, 1867. n32-tf aqd Delaware, I Such also was the sub j i«»n>of the jury list. It declares that trial* : thorizetfagents for San Francisco. but like all other Rads, we find the Ens by jury shall hereafter ¡he controlled by the 4 stance of in opinion expressed by General ■ St: — V* Constitution and laws without regard to any lafhyette Lodge No. 3, A. F.dk A.- man skims upon the surface, is controlec Grant when approached apprpaclud on the subject military order hitherto issued. J. D. HOLMAN is oar authorized Agent Meets in Lafayette on thè 1st and 8rd Srd Friday •’ for Portland, Oregon. ’ 4 .. ' ' t ” ,,7 ' durfog the last session of Congress by the P< „ '* ' * by his passtons and prejud cos ; and when The Governor of St. Thoma* has returned 1 I of each month,, at half past 6 o’clock in the 5 ' | : , V chajnuan of the House Military Commit from Europe to deliver tbe island to the afternoon. ( * the “rirftcu&MM failure" is pdt in juxtapo­ chairman tee. ’ Mr. .Schrock declared to his friends United States. The amount ia $7. 500, 000*. Eagen« Semple, Esq., is «ar authorized Brethren of the order, in good standing are » I T ’ ! ■ I ' F 77 7' * ’; ' — 7 I ,r _ - 1 ‘ — - - .l_.a_ _ ? sition with Gen. Grant, the Eti^ign's feel­ that Agent for Portland, Oregon. Forty-seven shocks of earthquake, , iir before t^ujug taajnjr any extreme action in invited to attend. By order of the premises.t^e opinion of General Grant rapid.succession, were felt "at ; St. Thomas, J------ ! l^LLl1------ U'L? J' !■ UJL ------------ ± H. W. A llen , Sec’ • y. Ì W.lfc ings of il a a worship for the. “¿aHan^ 1 — ..À», i The sea rose pixty feet in the Nov. 20th. “ “ ' - ' ‘ obtarnri<|, and he volunteered to should be obtsfoed, Con sequent os of Negro Equality in the ble, patriotic Grant ” overcoiie him, lì " Ever) thing, was sol>merged The W hatever may said ot the merits or tn« ■' South.- W m«y be of tbe of th« procure it. pruéute R- ‘Whfen the subject vias niejn- loss of life was, ¡enormous, and immense swallows the objectionable p-idcipic the different sewing ig machines now belove-tht belo*e-tbe 7* ' ' . 7 *7 1 We are now beginning to feel the blight­ Honied,, Gen,Grant promptly responded, in NiU none that deserves is -ubs anee, that any attempt to suspend tie quantities of merchandise was destroyed. public, there is certainly pone the sake of the mart Nut that Giant ing withering effect of tbe wild self-inter­ Jibe tbe moun moun^ ­ more special mention than the Empire Sewing The surviving inhabitants fled to the t • • V . • S'» t • ili € . JVesideQt belate trial arid convictJ convictibn 1 tains in a destitute condition. Every hnis- Machine. Machine*. This machinejis machine is not only onl unsur­ ested policy of tbe Rads upon the South- a statsinau, a matt qualt^ed fur the jud wbdld be ipj v^latioh of the Constituti passed in simplicity, durability and beautiful ion. bens nens firin on the island is insolvent. All tbe the but for that, he has contributed 'more tjifoi The elections so far as held show that the m _ t ._._ X.____ h-X______ LLJ f jvew- Ü . This reply ofi.the oommandiug General steamship ami other companies have aban­ stitch, and adapted to all kinds of family Tom Jones, to preserve our cou try. . ? ing, and noiseless when in operation, but is of arrested any farther proceedings at the doned the city, r No “ coal is to be had; tbe itny flarther dhe entire South will be under the control of superior workmanship, combining usefulness Ensign, if we love Gen. Grant, and h 10 i 1 time. It in ay be well in this connection wharves are destroy, d. The I destruction is Sambo. Now do we not know that even ________ ___________ _____ n-.-rJ with elegance. It is^in is,, in fackA fact, fc sew ing machine* * *, to repeat that President Johnson will hold inoalcutable at St. Thomas; also at Fortola, recio V serves more from us than he hub recjc St. Croix, ami Little Sabine. The volcano that every family would like to have. 4244 if the superior race had been educated to ready obediei^ee should the Honse of / Ke- was nearly burned Io ashes. or I»11 recieving, would it not be better tc presentativesin-^ :7:L r77* 7*i_ 7*___ 1_ Serfdom—ignorance—slavery, they would presentutives tipeàch and the Senate con- ’ SPERMATORRHEA Deuve-r, Deo, 5.—The Hoose has passed appropriate the 5100,000, and givj í ninjj I riict him a? required by the forms of ' the a bill bill refnoring refnoving the the capital capital to to Denver. Denver. I be utterly incapable to manage the affairs DR. DOHERYY has just published art nu*- Constitution as a free will offering, leave him wh ere Chicago, Deo Dec 5. 5 — A special dispatch portant pamphlet embodying nh* own views I i Í ’■ I il of a nation? But as much less capable * ays the Convention in South Carolina has and experiences in relation to ftnpotenea or -, I . - M . * I . i „ : JS* I iffi T . 1 j . < y can be of service, (in the army.) ant W b ifew H e was G oing .—The last rrt.ainly been carried by 8 000 majority. Virility; being? a short treatise on Spermator­ would an inferior race be as they are infe. someone who has shown himself a st dumber ef , the La Kayiette , -C ourier is jul nt . T H C ourier is jubile rhea or Semitul Weakness, Nerveasand Phy 1 ■ it1. ' VI '. i 1-d H > 1 • f I I i rior. And their conduct at tbe polls, and a 1FW Oved the accyssibn of P. C. Sulhv»n, Circuit sical Debility conseqncnt Jon thia Affection, man, and who -aim. will oppose the “ failure Richtno! nd : in every other walk^of life show them waD- I l ' Attornev. to the Copperhead 1 ranks. W lien 4 TnE V ote of R ichmond . —T<»e following is and other Diseases oi the Sexual Organs, But the Ensign^ having retur^nd I wns ‘ at ‘ court iitrr. 17/ hu ’ a fow weeks ago, in foil White. Total Colored This little work oontains information of the i •i rfcsietntatioh of the vote in ton, depraved, low, mean, vicious, currupt I round among üíe^Joivn party ■« to ninth > IHC 4.772 25 • 4,797 utmost value to all,, his wallow/ ’ we fear he is ibcortigja all, whether married or single, Conservative. 7 j 4 Ir ■ j r, ’ - . n-L. cats paws to the most abandoned of the fir Congress, tp keep bi,* present orit On ; 4,767 21 • 4,788 and will, be sent F ree by IT-Z.r. mail on receipt of LM. ' J«*huson, and shall spend but little amunltion sn< JOt- but seejng din dim chances, lie squHrv’y 10 id» 4.785 4,811 * 36 postage stem Six C ents in stamps for return p->sts N. A. Sturdivant, white race. 4,760 21 wri ites proposition^ toahe olfher side so we are in-' *Villia»n Taylor, t 4.781 ago. duc|c. ing at a “ dead i i ' Address W. K. DOHERTY, M.D., The life of. a soldier is the life of a ty­ formed, and they caii^Ut him wih cin ap b'lit. 23 4,788 4,811 San Francisco, Cal.. Cal- a8| ex Sullivan is on -.the ‘‘ inake,’- but tnuietiiuek T. J Evans, as beeometh a geo tie i DR. DOHERTY advertios his column on * I rant and a slave, learned to obey, or be 1 * ■ A. II. Sands, ■ith slips up tD i S ’ jp. s U P on Hutching his price. ‘ | ception to our coupling his name vj page of C ockier , to whiloh w those requiring ilunnycutt, 48 5,168 5215 4th pagejif obeyed, with or without reason and taught Radical, p. 1 The Itecord fprgetihg itsi usual dignity khd Medical Relief are directed. 48 5,169 “blasphemy” we may say t> him ‘ rr«i M:** X \V. E_7 - ! i " ! that he is the best soldi r. who comes I 4K bi || a I manhood, gets 5.169 oIf the folio wing reply and iJ. C. Underwood, ♦ ing jeramiah ” is not a prophet, rtLAIM». OF ALL 48 5 J 69 nearest obeying the wish of his superior, Jotnes Morrissey, stick-iû*the*mud, whiney hypocrite wlp> m fling at u<: .[•. /rea»eJ. by recent act. (goyernrd by wound 48 5.169 L, Lindsey, ( col. ) hence in his control of those under h.m, 1< Urftai »•» A. -w I njcstice , — The Albany Jo or Jit»abilty.> to $15. *20 aid *25 pr mouth. * that accurate judge of men— r. I H TO words, and with a' cavalier air, turns out ..... .Joseph Cox. ( col. ) 4,7 12 : I B he exact^ from them obedience to what he ; I In case of death of adldier, paid to widow, discovered as tbe most cryical mi aa of the of the great Union party' of Oregon, a gentle >• children, and if tbe latter dead, then to de­ Against Convention, deems the will of his commander. The man for whom we have a decided political pendent relarives and acctuing pensions to State. 7 aiffiiiHy. Mr. P.C. Sullivan of Dallas,despity Whole vote of the city, instincts of the negro being to obey and of executors or administrators. Persons now for the asse lion*of .the Courier and the implicit receiving low pensions, and tho*e who have Radical majority. the soldier to exact obedience of an inferior 26 Radicalism Is Secession. faith pinned uppn it by the Journal is an :(j 113 T i ■ Whole number of colored votes i not applied, can receive this increase by ap­ for W ernest working republican. to his superior,The acts and votes of the Their State governments weréi des plying to the undersigned. Conservative ticket, 48 Some time since Hon. P. > C. Sullivan, hole number of white votes Bounty obtained when discharge is lort„ negro will be in accordance with tbe will but the people still bwed allcgience I United States. — Oregonian.: Rndioal ticket, back pay. lost horse claims, prize money, col­ I made a speech at this place, a syonpsis of of the Radical Congress to whom tbe that lected Virginian. Land warrants obtained, teamsters How came they destroyed •? Did the which we gave in the C ourier , and that anu others in Mexiean W«i r. entitled, Scrip Despots of the five kingdoms look as their eon- Does not the foregoing vote voted show States destroy them, and if so bow am of war of 1855 and 1856, collected, whether we might ¡not do him injustice, at our nug- [mverry tfespetable white man voted the commanders from whom they derive their Did they commit suicide, and if so ho a suspended or o'herwise; r officers pay /for gestion he cahie to our offiee, where we servants and three months pay proper feb powers. servative ticket against the Radicals? the Constitution of tbe United States tl su tained. Patent* procared and all otb • presented to |rim what ze understood to Who will ^ote with the HunnicuU-pigger tainpd. Under any conceivable state of circum- jretne law of the land ? Is the law c claims collected by C. M.CARTER, * t ■ be his position on the questions of tbe day, State which conflicts with the Con6fii f-niJ ' ' U. S. Claim Agent, ‘ Hances a large army is dangerous to any party, in Virginia ? Who will vote tbe • 1 n' ; ‘j. ’ . • • • • * .. . '............. .. !> .1 ■ ! n-33 ly Portland, Oregon and had him recapitulate his i viewB country «nd more especially to a Republic. null and void? If so, are there any Radico-nigger party in the United States T'.*" H*1' ' M* j ' t— ' J . In this wejare borne out by Washington, tions, and il so, what ? If any law of abStato on the political issues, and from his speech ? Manaifestly those who are not ¡«fSrxned which conflicts with the Constitution ^is i null and this recapitulalidn, wo made the Byn Madison,Hamilton, and all statesmen who of what they are doing, or those who are and void, does tho Constitution admit the opsis published by u< The grinder of the have fever written on the subject But so contemptably mean and low that they right to destroy a State, and if so why is not Oregonian — a ma ’ » w without char under the peculiar circumstances of the Ihe word' of a do not aspire to the level of a respectable the act of destruction secession? Can you have acter in iflie. State, 1» South, taking into account the element a union of what is with what is n0t? If negro, or an self interested in the result of “ gentleman(?) accuse us of misrep the election above the welfare of posterity, now controlling it, every philosopher of gov- If not, did you know these things y resentation in the matter. Upon the re liberty and the white race. < ermerit must tremble for the welfare of rebellion was raging ? If so why> did —ALSO— ; i Registration in the South. - . ? ceipt * of which we addressed the follow­ Negro DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL union, union, union, when there was goverment and liberty. ing note to Mr- Sullivan : ‘ Negro. Majorities. i 7 White. States. •? > i« Especially is this true when Gen. Grant, union? If not when and how did you 15,511 88,348 | L a F avette , O regon , ) Alabama* .. 72,78.7 FOR YOUNG LADIES. 35,000 40,000 H . • • • • • j* ♦ i Nov. 28» 1867. j Arkansa-f who is perhaps an able military comman­ much ? If the Constitution rtcog Hon. P. ¿.'Sullivan, My’Dear Sir:— Florid»!.. 4.133 4,635 9,888 THIS. INf?lTUTE is situated in « re- ¿I 93.410. der, but wbo has so little of statesman­ 95.802 Georuia* . A tired and beautiful locali ray from Did I give your position, upon the prop* to stay destroyed ognize its right 38,142 Louisiana* . 82,865 44.T24 the business portion of the c n Third ship that ha seem» ready lo endorse any­ ♦ ositions commented on in tbe C ourier • 1 • A -. • I Mississippi* ÓÍ.Í54 38,142 . 70.019 between B « l A C Streets. Po: . Oregon? correctly ? ^Please answer immediately. > I body, or anything, and wbo is commander by what right does the United 40,6115 N. Carolin | 4|..V>8 * I* * * Attached to the building are extensive ud * f Trniv vnurs. i Truly yours, , • ' | 24,843 46,019 S. Carolina. 21.176 of the five kings^ is spoken of for the Presi­ convert that which was legally heaotilul grounds, for tbe conveniens« of d' j J. W. JOHNSON. 10,000 may 50,000 ed, into a monarchy ? If h Sta 40.(100 Texasf.7 - popH8. dency. 101,000 l he Educational Department wlll'b« fo legally destroy itself, by whaf right, and wby This letter the i Hon. gent, has not ans Virginia* , ♦ 115 000 u5 Washington was elected Presi­ charge of an efficient corps of teachers. does Congress propose to make and £ adir, t wered for reasons perhaps satisfactory to 113,016 617.051 Total .. . .530,491 i Capt. j. p. C. A llsopp , (formerly a Pro«- dent, statesmen who knew the natural .86.560 Ne/rn Mnj »ritv.... i hei new States in those “districts, ” at himself, though certainly, as we had fessor in the University of Looformja, and il1 ' 0’ ' I ! tendency of men and things, belived our returns. — trai ♦Rpporte i complete. fPari i “creatures’ possessed of the same rig’ I endeavor d to do him justice and state ^Estimated. Institnte in the' Southern part of CalifomiaA Hi II-'M -■|V.Ì1I JÏÏI «euutry would be converted into a despot- to destroy themlelves ii r ? Prtnnmal * ” him correctly, it would have been but fair , By the foregoing table it will be seen Principal. Mam. But while they were not mistaken Sum Totum, .. Is not any man who says a had be bav^ given us his signature to the No effort „iU be .pv.a „ tflto I J i-' i I ' - ’ il| f I I I 7TJ I£ii that under tbe Radical policy the negro in the principle of the natural tendency, Slate is destroyed, or out of the unidh\ •titote eqnal to the heat on the Paoifc aoaM. correctness of our statement that we might will have control of tbe South, which The Coorae of SroJiea will. om brace all th,.,, ^tfaey wore mistaken in the purity .of that other way a secessionist , are J iot toe ent ENTIRE « have properly branded the pettifogging (hough -they may for a time give upto branchea oaoullr taught io trat elan Semi- i í ' 4 man and the purity of the American mind RAD PARTY secessioni »*’’« ? if not why not ? nanes tn tho Ea-t, inolodinr the Claaaiea.- snipe of the Oregonian, or sufficiently I the Rads, ’ ate liable to be «ontrolled by French. German, Spaniah. Mathematic». r«—' 1 li'i at that time to Which we owe the salva­ , j • ' . replied to the more gentlemanly Sambel any party in power, who will avail them­ Tho Directors of tho La Fayette Disi trict tion of liberty. How different now, when I I The Monoul Department will b. oondoot- School ,* propose giving a ball at the iWie(w school who generally remembers that he is a selves of the evil agencies now being used. 'Vi ed ba Prof. H. G uido Gaoa, Graduate of one-third of the nation is under the con­ house, on the 8th of January, 9. The gentleman;5 . . i Left without the influence of government Planers Coo^ervatorie. trol of natural monarchists who’s educa­ Portice from the country may root .wirod -i' 1 4 proceeds to be expended in furn >ing the b I tion is to the fitness of monarchy absolute, Itiswell jaid that a drunken Republican agents they will vote under direction of that under tbe care of M rs . G rob , (Matron school house. We have the bet makes the bist b«st of Democrat*.— N. Y. Tribune their leaders and those in whose employ of the Establishment.) they will eXMrianru» unconditional. If. this biso the Democrats will soon have, school bulding outside of Portiar all the attention bf a motbei* and enjoy the iO. they may happen to be. T Fellow couatryme«, ought we to submit .oomforts of ahome. . J 7 State; ant we trust sufficient means will b» majority ip $1 the States.— Boxton Post W B— Particular attention will bo paid our beloved eonntry, the cause of liberty, realized to seat the rooms In such t style a« We know ^publicaw s are included to man i T he D emocratic C lub meets next to the elmice ofText Book», in »Her to I tbe cause of posterity, the happines of our will conform to the excellent structure. Tbe worship, and some of them may be fright-r Wed n esd»y_e vo n i n g. A. F. Forbes’ Esq. avoid anylh|n( of n Suli world to so sever« a test ? Can we hope for citizens will not be behind any Othr n fAT though w< doubt their ever becoming the day, before the Club, with such speak Box No. 168. unferrifiijl/’' and therefore never “ the er as may be selected by the Clqb. 7 salvation if we, tempt the destroyer to the State in proportion to th« as doubtless! ly the intention of the s io indict Jojinboq iàoq in the House, and New Year’s Ball!! .n* .,,.7/, ,,7, T ■» i . ..I T A i Í ( 4 .. ä : ZG-n.O3B*Sb MUoIGAL & EDUCATIONAL INSTITOTE i W r i I ♦* niahing educational facilities. die verge of perdition ? . 1 i 1 ■’ .* best" ■ j D . t 1,4 I . à s I 1 î Á I f * 1/ ■ tj • « Li. ,7 f ♦ 5 4 * ■ I 1 i r < 1 1 I ,T I Vr . - Í ■ I I t j • ti 'll I? ” • í I ; j a ■ di s i I t Og i ■ f P i" 11 ♦» ■ Branches i * •5 k Come out and hear both sides. •'i ’ i- « e Bnflrtb Ci!^b?:L’ SodwD lll Mm Language» •“ «”• E’ and « ÿg foy *in. .. Ï •I 1 • Ì u J I •: i