p ’ • ' 1 * ’ M «« ks* - p' I r r' ' > T* F - - ......... ■j fl F r 4 t- yv i-rf ■- •• "i -ffl ; ’ 7! 4- « 1 ? ■ =*=±=±= t f ài lENCY^ÉASURES, NOT MEN ===== U'-S X' - ft i - THEWEEKI^Y COURIEB- ti PUBLISH!» ^VgBY TUB8DÀŸ MÒRNIXO, M’lKr ■■■■■■■■■ I —BY J. W‘. JOHNSON1/ -AT- a- y LATAYBTT1, YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, . '¿¿InyM i LL'jri'J.- >' l '■ .. . TERMS OF StJBSCBlPTlON, (Li advance.) One Copy Ono Year, . . . . . $3 00. One Cony Six ¡Months,........................... 2 00. . JUa^Clergymen and Teachers will be Fur­ nished with thp-CovKiEK at ?2,00 per annum. AXTE» OF ADVERTISING. >ne Square, ¿0 Line« or less, one Inser- i, .’.j. , . . • $8,00. each subsequent insertion, . . 1,00. A liberal deduction will be made on Qu artery, j Yearly, and half Yearly Adver­ tisements. i I Medical and Law -Cards, $10,00 per annum.'1 'J t^yUoin Being the basis on whioh our rates are fixed, Currency will only be taken at market raise. i < H. F. WHITE, H. n., Ptí^lCJAN ANu i F ” ’’If I F ayetju ,, NEW GOODS : pl Awoke the life no mor#, .. themsrives of this method ot to BUILDERS and others that VT saying - ---------- - • ■ • 1. Then rushed with lightning qlnekness they are prepared at all times fo Furnish I' Oler his face a mortal Skfihees, .8 ,;'I í 8 üi ». Hits, i » Steepen, 4 Flooring fl 4 •Fugve I i» plan'ly in receipt of Dry Gondii, 4 Clothing, Boots and Shoes, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; orK.QBjinf notWOretoo-, ir I- 1 7 " 1 i 11 ■ ’ f '1 Fancy Goods, Notions. Lafayette, Yamhill County, Oregon. Will practice in the Supreme, Circuit and all • of the Courts of this State. Groceries, Hardware, Qtieewswara,, ; < ■ ,;..j Cutlery. 4"C-. 4*°- * ■ _ Prices according to *_af the times. , .P tp £ c . suldivaw , I Abd the dews in fearful thickness ■ “slhtered o’er his temple fair._w nd there swept a dyingfmunbur ” 'iT’ gh r the * ” lively - Sont! a n •awimer As ihe beauteous Asihe bvauteouR pilot < cimer bv that city Perished by eity fiiere, ' I j I T J FIR LIMBER ,i j < I /. Hy Mechanics to be s superi which is said 7inishing purposes to Pine Pizc o“r for Inside ! 4' . i I ' ■ I ‘ I i ] | r ■_! »j OTfCedat trial, and guaratee satisfac* I a H-CATTERLIN has fitted*up a / Wo solicit I ? i ■ i:' ; I' i H l ' TTORNEY-A T-LAW, » ¡T Yew Pittare Callery! w. I E ; , 0. MOOR, F- M. SIMPSON. Mi * 11 * Ct! AS. W. PARRISH in Lafayette incomplete etylcíwh^re he ie > ä ADDISOfi C. GIBBS. L|faye|te, Nc .26,1866.' ii—. i ■. ‘ 1. ' —- 4 prepared to.take 4 —.— Bi ■ .NEW a EMENTß Photographs and Ambtotyp«« ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS THE > on short notice and in in tbe belt etiyle of tbe r PORTLAND, OREGON. 1 arti w'1' Ladies, Gentlemen, Children ; old and ■»si ....... . .......... v ■ . Ii lj — young, all can be accommodated by present O ffice on Alder Street, in Carter’s new Ä-! 71 11 ' -nt’i T ■ X*_ a U.. » .. ing themselves for that purpose. rick blocks Exchanging P hotog & ams U all the rage — —— * n’K'llRi V now with young geutlraien and yoang ladies. Call and get a supply, and if 1 do no* please you I will charge you nothing. j ,W. H.CATTERdlN.. SALEM, OREGON. v2 n9 tf I -n jfH;- I. ; ill give prompt attention attention to to all all legal ill give prompt lega I ?» * buAiitess entrusted • to • him at aa_ the _ Cap Dk Il I OttEGOH 1 also in - any ’ of the ,itol. |Ba will praaetiee T ' ------------ ihriiiki'IUdj iift tekli L. JL.M.Î «.MnJ îmtaal%.LpFiai IV*»» > e liberal ,X MS I II w;..'-. ~ —-Q----------- j for 441y I Courts of this State. t 4------- ■ ->i ■«, ... . patrobage extended tò him i the past Mr" would ¿ay to his old tbstomers am I others, 1 ( , ' f • • : t : I , ■ -i p ’ that better bnspared thaï ever, to a DEALER IN that be be is is uow u * svi1 ¿ vy w vu. attorney at law > L 'r !.. supply all c demands fty I -«iv ’T ■ ' t » DRUGS, C EOLA. V Si ' I* ■’ 1 ‘T I r f '¡I’’I I ’ 4 I * T MI -»"1» .9** Oregon. II •{ POLK COUNTY, | '04 OILS, DYST1 Of all kinds and descriptions, fnd lower , I V* «I, i n...’"-’ --------- T -T-------» . [ “ill ill practice pradtico in in the t various Courts of this I «K. n thp rm me and Quality pf articles * nd than the same class ind of Practitioner of Medi' - ‘ 44 |y Stato.* / - * v 1 I —jJ^rianrltaamo iKn* B purchased elsvwhere the in ticj* be jd f K ■ Obstetr « GALL^RY ■ • i, 1 - GIBBS & PARRISH, AKR NG [From the hipitalCh Oregon Central Rai It must be gratify i ngitoevery wellwisher .. Orégon --¡.-J___ the above men­ of to know tb tioned road can no lonjger be regarded as a myth. Of all ente prises, the people are most tardy in i »mprehending the practicability and feal libility of railroad enterprise, and the ww tdut operandi by i Harness and Saddlei AT L —---- — ^STABLISHMBW T æly F. Borin AM,"'. jAttèrney st Law, W rni, -7 which railroads are bin It The enormous amount of capital req! lired to prosecute such undertakings, 3 becomes magnified into mountains, as it wj ;re, when subjected so, on the prin- to the test of figures, ai ciple that it is folly to project with impas­ e, left to them* sibilities, the general « — tigate such sub* selves, care not to i jecta. Every one kty>ws that railroads this has been sc­ have been built, but coniplished four out of d|ery five of the peo­ ple have never troubled themselves to ascer­ tain With auy considerable degree of defi­ , _«n. F. Hayden, Rei L j • • W G. CTRL«. H I T ; y i a counselor at law > ALEM, OREGON. / V AS established, himself pertnsnenf-' m*l I 1y in Lafayette, ahd Inrites the atterb . T tion of the trade to his stock. ? H ctice in the Supreme and 1 Circuit tstof this State. . j Particular attqntion paid to Probate bu.-iuess and plso to the collection uf debts, and forwarding of proceeds. I J. W. JOUXSOA, w J 'C* • iw y A LL E ih id Repairing, ! Ill Mending -done on short NoticL an h SHi. i WESTF’1* The highest Market pme pn wEsmyiRD» ■ noltf UHides and P rod ind produce. ---- ------- —1----- t f#Bylpromptil pyAJIlI pi I luuv la iw uunnsvod Ï hopb to By I promptitude business ^„Jkbe ahlei to merit a continuance of he patron- rpflE CO-rARTN^RSHIP^^retnfore wfetin/nnder the}l.vle of ECCLES »!«• ,l>«rewfow,8o g forVtho gestrously extended to me. MisHolutiou Netlr«, »»»». k / i Ä An?. iiay'dmutual hr • g^^Customers ¡ from 4he i opposite BURBAN AT Ivipg pur- Lide of the riyerj, who purchase - the i consent. ,A. R. HUBBANK Wlh* ^amQUpii Of five dolfers, will be .entitled entitled to Lafayette, Oregon. chased the the interest of Q. ECKLl^ S, 'V te aloné _ chased authorized to collect' the dehte doo oud Wil! Iferriage at my expense. 1 ! ‘»F I k ' '5 <’ i ................ ............... 7_____ . KB* Prompt attention paid to Collections. .... - . a .. I « . » I f ! ¥ ‘ S. C. SMILES, •s.iû^v- fcl . J 28-tf pay all liabilities of the late firipr. WH b * JI I H h The bnsiness eontinueu hy business will bt* be cnntinqljd b A. K v Dayton, December 1, 1866. — •‘bi • ■- 15 1 . .^3— BURBANK. i Cl ECKLE8. 1 —J ■*-- ■V - If X {¡ii,.. «A4 ( > 4A- R BURBA Lafayette, Aug. 26. J867. — KrhsoWELL & MILLICAN, r~-------- * l.1 AND COUNSELOR ÁT X,Afi » * ¡ lo Iban ,4 • I LL PEBSON8 Á 2x4rm of ECKUBB i BUBBANK BUB id an indefinite number of • * ’ ' ’ XI ■ a - —- — requested to come forward and -»ottle their ,ljRt Kb* a euperior quality of !!] aucountH and notes without deln|. 4 Wheat witt be received ftau« r at *1’ the l attorney and market prion-. «id « . * *W 4 l or G oods paid farWH*** .« on most reasonable terias. . Ai R. BURBANK. Oeries «a Ftoai Street, up staits, adjoin si tf* ette Joly ®, 1967» u32-tf i- L 1» ni aiidm.I v«i ] MM I ............ âsïüëu»s: Mf / ta rnyetto. Oregcj^ 4 ELOEXE SEMPEÌE, sotowrtok fc,'4e*»a*e int very emphatically to their and i immediate agrandiWuta iudivi s should w This should not beso. Individas$¡y, ■« ’’ X 1 1 » ! |; ■ * *■ Pt W a railroad somewhere through tbe t are fori.' Il Willamette Valley. Was there.a^.rojec» -I . a •• a .«¿al • • • • < » on foot to build one that would bit .t » Li___ _________________ -L that promised to succeed, all th« bette«; but if there is not, and yet a feasible pros­ pect for onepCp be constructed elsewhere Still rolls on that rad rand river indeed oh IJIfr the VIIU * Pacific Coast — ! 'Ohr Mpwjs Mill is situated on Panther Creek, And the sup unbinds hidquiver • It 1W miled west uf LAFA JETTE, and is 0’ decade in former - times for ite ’: z accoro . T) L SIMPSON teMpa a first rissa Fami- “ One mleht mo** wish tofliy, if be knew EDWARDS informs all J the people now have the IX v |y Grocery in Lafayette where can be that wo heaatifi a tribute asi this would be meni, • a “ u Who« Whom it may concern,” proud satisfaction 'of' knowing that tho y.” ) at all times, foun'd alb the staple articles in the written to hie that that be be is is established established in in Lar/rk L afay ­ road under consideration will bo com­ ?”B?j2.Uw of “‘M | ii«, t| ’ es ■ ''y On the besom ot the ri.er ette , in menced somewhere in tbo Wilk motte rapairing W Where th® sunpnlooaed Ips qpiver, ” a— __ ,-F-....... 6 .1 ' ■ . I 1 ■ ; • I Valley ind ere many months elapse. (nd that t I WAGONS, HACKS, COACHES AND Bl’GpJES. [ Where tbe starlight streamed Joravar re of the Company mean buri- The Di ' L AND ARTICLES. lirecto o.n.A a a,vessel . «-.Jq Anu LUXURIOUS juu-a — w—, — An experience of many years1 on thte4cpast ^rg- 3EHTL Sailed and fre| £ TeRRei light ngm mu ,,rr, . nen. It is a forgone conclusion that the EarCy Soaps' Soaps of all kinds, Candies Morning dewdrops hung like manna mi in the bumneM, enables him to Assure patrons that he understands what it requires to make ,‘J (f .Ucoricei pipes, pens and Inks, powder. On the bright folds of her banner. Oregon Central Railroad will be buiU- n Cei to & land am iys,|$hot and Bar I^ead, Letter paper, fancy While zvphvrprose to fan he? - - ... nner -------lowland The people in all sections of the plate or repair jobs in his line in a u tnrougn an vur vn«>v« — lie will take I ‘ O >q pUir, Envelopes, plate and fancy/Oysters may as well make up their mind to th$ and Softly to th« radiant sea. < through «11 our varied seasons - ui /■,-------- j Af .ii tiuds. J if At her prdwJ^pilot beaming! an wqrk gC for lur Ills ’»Y«*» wagon -- —Q----- timber if-; and 1 an< j in exchange - • his * — shape ih ir conduct accordingly. »The Fruita of all kinds, i As, Canni wants Spokes, Felloes, To.igU's, and iuuibvr. He U-------- PJLw« To.icuis. scheme cannot longer be treated chimeri­ lumber. | — I m - i L f ¿»stette*, Hoo id and Drake Bitters. In th« flush <>|youth stood dreaming, Axles, Ac., for which he will allow the! L- cal. The pesple ctm and will build the And he wasifl glorious seeing g« ~ ket price, J. EDW ARI ' SCHOOL BOOKS! I ket price, 20 miles tbe land grant, M and that secures the ■ v Like an an^el from above g I -i ¡ » » Lathyeitto, July 31, 1866-ly ib that and the twenty and with that and the twenty milea milea already already TOBÀfCO, 8M0KINQ AND OHSWING OF Through his hair the breeze« »ported, a ;• ,p * ... ‘ • * '* And as on tht wave he floats constructed, ai a baste upon whioh to raise Whe Best Quality, * Of that pilotjangel-throaled, capitai, the enterprise capital, euierpris» fean and will bo k ■■<',! CEGARS, etc., etc. - Warbled lays of hope and| >ve. J&SKBw \ suocero. . . : Ani.itiow J ' I I prosecuted to an early «r HE undersigned would rcspec fully an- r of tbe certainty that Ibis rood will be nounce to the travelling public, , that th**1 he htly flowing, Through (hose leeks so brief baa, at the Lafayette crossing of Yamhill, the " built, would it pot be tbe part of wisdom eneral variety of Che leading proprietà* prop) Buds of laurel bloom were lowing, 4 «r — -w — - v . — -1- BOAt, on the part of not only 8alemites btit of. A LAHO®, JfEW AND i SAFE FERITY Bedies constantly on hand. band. And his bands anon were tbf •owing, . r it _ • ■ a_ 2_ a . ___ ____ ' ^v*_ _•>_ en which he can cross Tea ips, ra SÍock, i _ 13 r_- j [r? r1 ‘ 2 iv I * | ' < i all who have intrusts on this aide of the on H Muajcirdtna of £v.,as gold! aU U*IC IIWU • lyre i j a v wi EXPEDITIOUSLY AND CHÿAÏ^LÎ. river iu this county, to bestir Swiftly ddnn the stream be; glided, taking Extracts, Perfumery, j lest they shall not be considered tbe Soft the pwple waves divide, roads leading to and from this crossing Concentrated Lye, • The rç And a rairmow arch abidec line of said road ? A practicable n«s and Axle GrcasJ». fin * ■ are in {pod ref-Nur, and persons from the On his Canvas’ snowy fol . through Washington an) Yarihl SO counties ”nK A?.. rtian,,t McMinnville, Forest going to P? ’Wtland, McMin ” * south k issortrrient of poctcet dVTLERT, i striking the Willamettte at CbaUopoeg, '-•/**■ ------------------ . from the North, and frm Grove and H il Ubero, Anxious hearts, with fot d devotion, straps , besides a general h I- ’I thence dfrough going to Salem, Dallas, CorralHs. fill find it crossing rough • crossin0 and running^ ■ .■ mit i Watche him sailing to thefocean, • ' *------- !-L- tAsacrtmant af «Inwara, patronize this FerrV. French Prairie to Salem. By putting te their at vantage to ... at no wild commotion ■ ' ! I ; Prayed my useful and ornamental articles too Ui d’L'lvibnt /ho'- JOHN HARRIS, forth a trifle of ot nnergj, nnergy, jSalem con­ ’ Sfidwthe elements might rise. 4 Salem might ooa- an fl . .. 1 1F - . 1 -v - rr . ous; to mentiou- Give n»e a call and And he lee med some young Apollo, Lafayette, July 81, 186G. n trol tb| location of a branch, at least, of ’ nufW Charmifg summer winds to follow, purthnse. the maio trunk of tbe new projected road. them "I r! 1 While $he water flags corrblla y, lastly- Ji «■ There will always b«’ a few people who » igha. Trembling to his music sighs. 'Wjy great teotor^n*« which —-DIALER IN— will J* it ii •• T ►WRY “‘ril Brick ! Brick ! Blrick !! R/CK! at it so often hap- niteness. Hence it is, pens that the leading pinta in railroad st nearly always undertakings have at or leas caution, been regarded with ’ not to say absolute disgust Prof. Morse 4 . was mocked, hooted aid jeered by the great American Congress and the rest of -1* — ---- -4. m L _______ _ through the Valley, lltoUgb H shall rotes Salem al ether, we will do all we can rinced that it is only success, convinced isoi on of {¡me when will have era Salem win hate a qu lot What will torn un. There question^ better settled than that olring tbo* certainly that two railroads ill ere long traverse thio r valley. Ths necesS ties of the Mtuation lation demand it, and the progressive spirit of our people will command meh eonsumation. Î ,„ij,, ------------------ w T —r- ! _ _ HL _ A j .N iw A stronomical T hkobt .«- Mr. Tremaux, tbe author of the ” Origin of tbe Transformation of Mao,” has ad- d a papevto paper to the academy of seiences, science s, ich he says that that Newtoo's Newton’s system, system. which does not explain the cause of mo­ tion It heavenly bodies, and which more- over, , ooly establishes an ibconstaot equili- briui?, is not sufficient tomceount for the I many perturbations which influence ihoee ILZies, and that consequently sone princi. bodi ‘ i must be sought after that wilt give pie i constant equilibrium? This principle the j io the antagonism of heaband author fiadis fimte in coldJ| The former expands, melts, Iranb forms its vapor, and therefore, repels ; th ’ore, repels tb latter condenses, solidifies, contraCto, and therefore should be considered the Ibroe of attract lion. Suppose now two heavenly j be accidentally brought • together, bodies to W Conridering ng them in an incandescent statiithuy must repel each other in pro­ portion to to the intensity of t^s beat; but n of their je same time the attra at tl oe of repul- mas les will counteract the aioB I to a certain extent, and the distance e two bodies from each ether will be lined by the differenoe tf these two det fori ca; in other words, these two bodies rewi »in at such a distance that the fore« •f impulsion," or heat, nod the force ofat- trp<4ion, will exactly balance each other, __ “ 2 when “ discovered his mankind- be fi telegraph project to thd people. So the ! moving genius • • a great - railroad -»---- j ___ in project - fa * - on but imperfect in Oregon, must have at book Gf hu- lessons indeed, in the to escape the man oature if he dare predecessors in fate entirely of his m projee s if like magoituflle. When Mr. Gaston veptured to publicly the early «on­ broach the feasibility structioh of a line of ra road coeval with the length W our State e was thought by many to be a visionary or crack-brained ent busiest, and by othe a designing dem- agogue who sought only 9 get the unwary 1 the ax of their into his toils and dis ther class of in­ owd. There was yet ked upon him credulous persons who catae he would as a sort of evil genins presume to contemplate pon a proposition so fabulous. Yet eve body wanted a something fe- railroad—-was willing to ward one when they had y show for one to be built—seemingly forgetting that each individual I was ca* d upon to assist be people of tb« hi making a rtsboWJM present age being mere nnsily broke in than t|»ir “ fpsefsther* Mr. (x. and bis uudertakiog of U.1 the two bobies be motioolme that te, Upli ifluenced by any form of rotation roni id their axis, in that case the two side s that aite turned away from eaoh other a which are. necessarily cooler than , / ] faoe to face, because t 8ta formet radiate their heat into space, ile the latter are constantly exchanging calorific ’WI with each other. Henoe the tendency --- to topulsiou in the latter, and contrary one tn i th« ‘ former. The conse enee - is tha the slightest force being applied suffi- ciei t to break the equilibrium, [a rotary mo ion will be t___ >0 b,iDg lh«e u. tbe bodies, in order « - * 1 ‘ w spi ereajfae« to face that have ■ ■' a'tendency to i .ttract each other. Now. this notion unco begun, will continue eternally, and tfii s, through tbe mere agency! of heat am nqld, two of the roost remarkable >stro- noatical phenomena, are «Mounted for, ?vi4, rotation round the axis, and a con- «tant distance teetweeh the »Ian ets.— - b. 'jnswl* KA « m. . 'i * - ' »--------------------------------. r r — ■■ t should not ba suspected of a hath beve «peat in noble «ons fai InTO wbm he ta o»te y p treble. A tire may tea «vcrturpi will never B ./ dr C « j i •* • i * i p' ♦;