YORK ADVERTISEMENTS- OUR LATEST IMPROVED NEW SCALE PIAltO. FOÀTB!! Grovcstccn f Ca., .Ci,4 L J : ¡ t J ‘ K: L MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENT. MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENT. i I k W& ot » .l rp J « ¡riano / A : r I:. 3 The Renowned Chi t Private Medical Aid. Quick C utm Mid Muierate Chargea. iBBBB 499 Broadway. N* PHYSICIAN! ' I i i Ì ’ rpHESE Irwtrnments after after the the flattering flattering HESE Instruments i 1. testimonials from ihe the first Pianists Piam«ts in the stounding cures effected % in 1 ti 650 Bitpa^u^y, New York, and country who, at our soliuitation, fiavktested shortest space of time on record record.- J- ! 6? W'’4phjg’leá Street. Wfoa^sL them in the severest manner possible, have ( Chronic disc»*«*« in all their stages perm nently cured without the use of mineral pre­ been pronounced , . pi i; ¡1 . I C’recbjr Opera House, parations. The Finest Sqaaro Piano-Forte made in Wboltsale Agtfths for the Utiited btates for Having devoted veals reais to the successful the World. i WM. KMABE A CO.’S It has always been our policy during the treatment of all iqannvr <»f disease to wlyoh human flesh is heir, hé h^ can proudIj- proudly piiitit point manufactnied Thirty six years that we have manufactuird i ! ÍIE8BWATH© to his hnndreds of ‘ patients on the Pacific Pianos, twenty thousand ot of which are arc now in MEDAL PIANO-FORTES, reitrtred by'him by hi rii from fréni GOLD O-FORTES, use in the United Statesand Stnte. and Europe, Europe» to give Coast who have been rertored ,1 .. . 2 ..‘íí Í .I - IWi 4 M I J 1 1 Ì..W A^n, Agents for the finest instruments at the! tire h*^*t lowest coat. cost. conditions of appalling misery, toperintinbih health. Our superior facilities enable us n» ru otfar uffttr them tbetn < A. H. GALB de CO., and other Fir«t-cla*s The blind have been restored to sight.-*- from to three hondred dollars less than any i i ■ in • i- ,f|. Of his skill in the treatment of Chronic swe other Furst-Clare House. ” ' The tone of these instromenta are remark­ ryes, and apparently permanent blindnesft. able fur their peculiar sweetness mid greeU I)r. J im refers with pride to patients who kf? E<8 T and Best Assorted L brilliancy. Never hieing their quality when may be found and consulted in the city ot Stuck of PI 14 NOS, which -Jar Power and forced to their utmost capacity, ptl'bo lower Pcrtland aud vicinity». Sweetness Oj |7’one, Easy and Agreeable Í ^eau Heart Disease, regbter retaining its posiliveOess does not asd1 _ ity of __ _ ___ have^ __ ~yr-Tw Finish, by i j Chronic Coughs. destroy the middle and npper registers by Judges. been*fironoimced Unrivalled. .• ‘ If II Consumption. ! WH0WÍMLE' j AGENTS FOR -mingling with them in dbagreeabfo confu- i «■’ ■* . ■' i-ia; >*i :q »•/’«; g ¡4> Asthma rinn. 1 he refined beauty < tone being efore his Carhart, W 1 i 8-tf . < — a a si 4%-4-' “WOOD I » p « ITT I #! H n M P R I Z K : i MOWERS & REAPERS! Ì Í Br. W. K. POBfiRTY. Private Medical and Surgical 4 i * SAN FRANCISCO. * Sacramente-*!., Belew Mentgomary, Opposite Pacific Steamship Ce> Office. Private Entrance, Leidesddrff Street,, S T ILL L. ; (nrOVESTEEX it I CO ■ I I 409 Broadway, X, Y., ' Ilf PIANO-FORTES st\ I . J I 11 I •! L*l **4- ¡ 1, A ARRIGONI’S T . m—■4~7 Alili OA E ER, ji CÔ D H and al) Private Diseases, viz: Syphilis in all DRY GOODS, •» it* forms'Od stages. Seminal Weakness, and j CLOTHING ! 1 all the horrid eonfeuuence* of self abuse.— BOOTS ’AND SHOES, y,,. Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, Noctnrnal and f I HATS AND CAP! Diurnal Emissions.Sexual Debility, Diseases H I CROCKER of the Back and Loins, lotlatnation of the ♦ YANKEE NOTION? Bladder and Kidneys, etc., and be hopes Also a largo stock of that his long experience and successful prac­ tice will continue to insure him a share of public patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, he is And many other articles too nnmeroua Io enabled, to apply the most efficient and suc­ mention. . Being favored by having a resident cessful remedies against diseases of al) kind*. partner in San Francisco, and buying only He uses no mercury, charges moderate, for Cash, we are enabled to sell goods a* treats his patient* in a correct and honorable CBEAP AS ANY BOUSE IN T0WK. way, has references of unquestionable vev*e- Therefore we woukl respectfully insite the ity from men of known respectability and public to call and examine our stock before high standing in society. All parties con­ purchasing elsewhere. H sulting him, by letter oi otherwise, will re­ i The Highest Cash Prise paid for al) kinds ceive the best and gentlest treatment and of Produce. seoreev. implicit secrecy. DR. DOHERTY. DOHERTY would call attention tq Wanted—109,000 Pound* oi Wool. the following certificate, from one of his hi* pa na- ­ r I ’ 11 I * i* i * tient«, who, having ig tolly recovered his hi* health, “QUICK SALKS AK* SMA1>; Our Mott desires tn make known mown his remedial acent. agent. ’R offts ,” and oo humbug. It wtill be seen pn that his statement is folly authenticated by i > a Notary Public. * Remember the placé, opposite the The welfare of society imperion.ly demands t»fso»i Jheer House. - it. publicity, and it is given more to warn | guarantee entire satisfaction, or the unwary than J to sound the praise* of a Rak. Try us and convince yourselves; Physician, of wb m hundreds of like cases ■ can he cited, during a practice of mure than GALLAND, GOODMAN A C(\ fifteen years. v2 n24 . 129 Front street, Pbrtland The Doctor no obsenrt or designing quack who has trumped certificates in order to deceive arid entrap the unwary, He is 8ASH AND DOOR known by thousand« of persons to be prose­ cuting a regular, honorable and legitimate business. —— < n / , H_ j • I . ■■•Jr A Purter^ Seminal Weakness—A Sworn to Certificated of a most Remakable Cure of Spermatorrhaal Front-St., near the Old Bridge, Portland, G r o c o r i e s 1^1'^ HL ■7* Ï StandI OMAN n S CÙLAR. . ÎO Æ Grovesteen of \ Co. a THE SUttiMU to O b » StMkl«r ESTABLISHED expressly to afford the af • » flioted,sound and scientific Medical Aid. and core of all Private in the treatmi i*nt 1 GALLAND,u and Chronic Diseases, cases of secresy T-.-m-r t and all sexual disorders., IJ WMi 12» Front Street, TO THE AFFLICTED. R. W. K. DOHERTY return* bis sin­ Opposite WhaL Cheer House, Portland, Or cere thanks ft' to his numerous . -w i - patients ) egon, for their patronag«, and would this op­ é. and wouH take take this op- AVE just received, aad ar* bonstant portunity to remin itl them that be continue* ly receiving largest and beat -- receivme pf * hu and .nd be« to coMsult consult at al his hi» 1 I».titnte Ins Ipstitnte for the cure care of o' *•' rwwTmK ‘ the »e I« largest »fitl chronic/iweaaeu of the Longa, Liver; Kid- iected stock of GENERAL MERCHAN neys, Digestive and Genito-Urinary Organs, ever brought to this market, consiatiBg IVere awardct 1the highest premium at the A desire to benefit suffering humanity,« Wurld's Fair Ml vndon. and sir first pre and a feeling of gratitn le to Dr. W, K j Over 60.000 manufactured and now in use ' Slate Fuir of 1866, and DOHERi'Y, induces me to make this state-1 miums at the j '• in this country and Europe. Are celebtnfei fordoing the best work, nsing me nt. For many years I had been afflicted; These world renowned machioes were ‘ ÜR NEWt ADDITION 3 «1111)^ UR LAST NEW T( a rouch sin treedle (or the *4 mf thread with Spermatorrhoea, the result of self-abuses __ «ill . r needle nwarded the first prize. Ten Pounds Ster­ our different i styles is attracting the a ad han nnf o^ieji ■i niHcliine. machiné, arid »ml by the intro- bnt till 1855 experienced but little - trouble; ling. at the Great Qnadriennial Trial at miration of both critics and pupillace, Wi dnctinn of tlje ! iost approre^ machinery, W|e : «tr-inconvraience ; in that year 1 bad Semi­ Plvmonth. Eng.. July. 1865. and at the mention specially. i*om« of the claim, of thi nre now ab|e <0 supply ihe very best ma- ' na) Weakness to a fearful extent, wilier Great National Field Trial, held at Auburn, new Piano. Believing the exterior should slirtuL cliines in tim World. vorid. These machines mnehines are was followed by alar ining symptoms, such N. Ys in Jnlv. 1866. the First Premium. made at oqr mew an<| spacions Factory at as weakness of the back and limbs, ditnnes ' be as beautiful to live eye na mel H Bridgeport. ear, we have paid great Attention ffltenfion to getiiug gettiu 4 under under the the immediate immediate sn- sn- of vision, nervousness, etc. My mind. looJ Bridgojiort. C4nn.» p i them them up up in in a a style stylo that that is conceded conceded bv by a a I : pervinwn THE PRIZE MOWER, pervirion of tile tl!e Fresid^ut of the Company, was affected tn such an extent as to serious , original , . who have seen them tn be the handsomest ELIAS HOlfcju ., the inventor ly impair my memory ; ruy ideas were con | W!iik it retain« all the adr.ntftg.. which . Piano Forte made. They are an entirely of thv $,efcing|llicliii)e. Thoy aroadapLed 11 tused and spirits depressed. 1 was averse has made it *n universal a favorite, is greatly Sewing, Arm/ Cloth to society, had evil forebodings and self-disl I pew style', with four full round coriieri*. to all kitffl« ot^Fai.cbily 'Vitally ¡Sewing, ii .proved by the addition of heavily"carved legs and lyre, base rich' »If ing. and tq U»« »f Seam»lreases. Dress trust, and was entirely unfitted for any du-? Steel Lined Guards, fj ■; j Makers, Taijni. M apo facto rera of Shirts, ties of life. From 1855 to the summer of moulded, and contains our latest improve New Pitman Connections, new scale and action. The tone is rnelodi* Collars. Skirtif ‘ ‘ _ 1863, I employed the very beet medical tail Mantillas, Clothing, Skit ¿Cloaks. Stronger Knives, ous, and its adaptability to passages of evety Hats. Caps, Cffrsets. Boots, Show«, Harness, ent I could find, but in no instance obtained: > Adjustibte Folding Shoe shade of expression, from the softest mur­ Saddles. PN. Linen Uluru Goods, mvUUDi Umbrellas, iMlluiuuaci x Parasols, aiouinr, more than temporary relief. I bad about and. Spring Scat, ) is murs, the Cressendo, and F F, gives the etc. They woyk equally well npbn silk. concluded there was no relief for me in tbfc • ' A Performer everv advantage of the Q> line«, wooleti |4t>4 cotton goods with silk; world, but reading Dr. Doherty's advertiser [4nd cotto Making it a perfect machine. The lightest grand. Price $500. n42 a 2 codon or linoill thread. seam, ment, I determined to try him, though I di4 iy They will seam; n thread« did! draft, the most durable, and at the same time —' I. .............. —, -- ----- « . , .. X. ,. ■ " quilt, gather hem, braid, bind, and 1- not expect mnch ein, fell, pord, co much benefit from bis treatment. treatment/ *he most simple, and best cutting machine myl ecies, of sewing, makinga On the 5th of December last, I placed myl perform el n the world. 1 iktifo tifoh, alike on both self under his care; in one week I foun^ found beautiful The Sell-Bake Reaper J s sewed. myself very much improved, and now, afte| after sides of the FRONT-ST. PORTLAND. 0(7Ar. I* justly called the ^Victor of every contest^ rented by Mr. ttOWE. I0WE. and five weeks’ treatment, 1 fee&nyself thorough« The Stitc Proprici ly cured of all my troubles,land,in the enjoy« and is? constructed on the moet scientific Lyons, Leonard & Co., made on i di|L this âfl chine, is' tbe most popular principe*. The New M»wipg Attachment (Successors to Michael O'Connor. L/ and duraMl& afo n¿ pii Sewing Machines are ment ‘l convenient combined Self-Rake larly afflicted, 1 subscribe myself, 1 0 0 ••ooo.eeo Board per day I i . * i r.L.i ■ bcular SEND; r r Reapers known, and we fully warrant it. JAMES JOHNSTON, ij • •»A'a ••!••• Lodging,......... ■ i, ’.-s i Hl ■■ I 'll .11 ■’>! Subscribed and sworn to before me, thi< ■ -H THE HAND-RAKE REAPER, I T8 WANTED. BgUThe W iiat C heer H ouse Baggage nge 15th day of Januai iy, a . d ., 1064. val I Machine Cempuy, I* at the same time the cheapest and the Wagon will be on the Wharf on the arrival The H (¿. S.] A. G. RANDALL, ? of each Steamer, to oonvey Passengers and best of H* kind ever offerud«, 699 Broadway, Cot Fourlh-st., N. Y. Notary Public, f It onto a swarth five feet wide in Reaping, Baggage to and from the House Free of B-28‘6m Ta remai left. When a female is in trouble, or afflicte and four and.a half fee •t 1 io Mowing. As a Charge. t ’ fi Can accommodate 500 Guests. ¡House he best Folding Bar Mower it is equal to tl_ with diseft. HE attention of the pnblic and the trade females, they should go or $rite'at once • tn P- WALTER A. WOOD is invited to our New Scale,Seven Octave, the celebrated Female Doc * W. K. D(J - JF g HERTY, at his Medical In ¡tote, and cog J-' Rusewood Piano-Fortes, Rusewood Piatto- Fortes, W which for volume Mowing and Reaping Machine Company, J. poTjty of imie are u#riva|led any suit him about their trou 4 and -j---«ir- ’ -KK by s and disease. u htherto .u £ offered’in this market. nrk ey con. 11 Hossick Falif. F.lb. N. Y. Irregularities, suppressions, etc., will receipt They con FRONT STREET, PORTLAN D« > .Ii k, 2 j. .¿ j . * • ! , '-i.. ! i_ kl . ww ______ 1 GENERAL1 bip the Doctors ’ most particular ’ ittention. l £ tab ri all th^.idern improvement*—French It SALESROOMS, OREGON. 1; wd actii^ harp pedal, iron frame, over ­ do false delicacy prevent yod. but apply im ­ gnM dtF CatitUandi Street, Neér York. mediately and save yourself from paiufll ling baesîtrç. — and eadb instrument being ftreat Reduction in Price?! threat Pricej stri' idefondey tlje personal supervision of Mr. so tiering* and premature dea h. A 206 Lake Street, Chicago. All JI Married Marri ma THE Proprietor of A rrigoni ’ s H otel . J. H. G RÔyHsifEKia, who ba* a practical ex­ Ladies, whose delicate healt 1 or' other cir­ )* FOREIGN OFFICE, Portland, Oregon, keeping op with ihe perience of ovér thirty years io their manu­ cumstances prevent an inc rease in llitbr 77 Upper Thames Street, London. ‘ k make facture. i* funwarranted irt every particular^ families, should write or call at DR. W. Ig. spirit of the times,«has ‘ determined to 1 mi K. DOHERTY ’ S Medical In«i|ute, and thX it. a material reduction in bis prices, witbi -rar highest award • and replied to by himself, am competition» Huefor FIVE ,t 1 from T $100 __ to ÌP |200 cheaper promptly as possible. the: case be fuljy poesihle. If th« the folly 0u< price« ir Henos con- A UCTION SALES of Real Estate. Gro- LYEARS! to. iZ.-f i and candidly described, personal commuyi- -lotiidta French Grand Action. Harp P^edal. jfY. ceries, F orditore, Generai Merchandise than cation will be superceded^ as it... it funds. J«j-, .Jot« rii kit 'h •f Over trong Bass, Full Irón Frame, and all and Hors**. ..... ostruciion* •r diet, regimen, and the general ec, *1 treatmen treatmen •f Moder* Improvements« Every Instrument -Wednesday and Saturday. v2 nlOLy, the case itself (including the yemedies) uöll Warranted FIVF Years. Made under the » A. B. RICHARDSON. supervision of M r . J. H. G rovrstebn . who Hr*-1 be forwarded without delay jind in soeÿa ?■ v2 n23 ly Auetinetr. manner a* to convey no idea, * the por has a practical oiperitnoe of over tbirty-fivo ee, «Il f the letter or parcel so tran? years, and is the maker of over Ek^Thou- lilted* Purchasing Consultations FREE, We have lately purchased purchased^ an extensive ,AJ^trtiri.gì sand Fiemo -Fortes.' 0or facilities furman- riranent 411 ~ ii • guaranteed or no addition to ourstoc k of Job Type “ and other ofactnring enable ubterseli these instruments umei Material, which enables us to execute every from $100 co $200 cheaper than any first- ip fir M. D., v2 ois varietSs Printing. > . Ii y rariely of Job Printing, la. 28-tf claac Pkt ~ a - 1 n I ì 1 ■ lW W444L—$-------------- --------- - 1 ! A T ”9 FACTORY Carson fJnr 7 is a Pali ■pProduce MANUFACTURERS of Doors. Sash, lì A Blinds. Window Shutters, Window and Dx»r I rame«, and Mouldings of every sue, quality and pattern. * Window Cortices, e ji IMI 11 ’ ii• * Mantles and t ; \ e j 17 . J‘ Fra«!ioe( made to order on short notice. Orders frmn a dista dbum, f«r any article fo onr I line promptly filled and seearely pocked for transportation. r " “* site, glazed and primed one- Sashes of all atantly on hand. v2 n23 Jy CARSON A PORTER. I - iï ! JACOB UNDERHILL & CO. IMPORTEES O/ .L I \i Hardwire, Iron, Steel, I |íí 1 -• 1 - 'li* • i. I ; * irf > Smiths’ Bellows, Anvils, Visea, Wagon and Seat Springs, Nuts • a ■ - ’ WHA-T-GHÊER HOlW I *■ ■ . Price Higheat Institute, O % - '— j Books, < Gards, Stock Certificate*, Pamphlets, ' Handsbills, Briefe, Orders, Programmes, Bill-Heads, Receipts, fit.. “ &c.< THE SHORTEST N0TICË t I PORTLAND ADVESTHXanm. - — and Washers, Thimbl* Skeins, Cumberland Coal, Hayjng Tods, Scythes and Snaths, Grain Cradle^ Hay Forks, Mechanics’ Tools d the beet quality manufacturers of the celebrated DJBBIN HORSE NAILS. JACOB UNDERHILL 4C0. 100 Front street, Portland. g r,|l ^EMIGRANT W SISiMHWflrtJWafc STOVES AND TIN WARE I OBINSON a LAKE, of the above pop­ ular Establishment, Thankful for the libs eral patronage extended them by the public of YAMHILL, Washington and Polk Counties ’vould announce that they are prepared to show to Customers a superior assortment of TIN-WARE, STOVES: and adl and singular the Goods and wares of superior'pattern and quality, usually found in a First Class house. ^Remember Remember the EMIGR a NT TIN and STOVE Store, Front »t,, PORTLAND. Next door to Btbee ■ J no Bt bee ’à. ’S. DC SO. SO. R 1 ■ I • • > Aew Columbian Hotel I Non 118,190 Mad 122 Front Street, Corner of Morrison, Portland, Oregon. HE New Colombian having jost been elegantly Bobbed land being aow ready for the reception of Guests, the proprietor would say to the eitneos of Portland and the traveling pnblio, that he it now readr tn receive and entertain all who may favor him with a call, at prices to suit. Suits of rooms, with con nesting doors, for families. . * ’ ■ . . Board, per week $5; Board aad Lodging, $7 to $10. A large Fire-proof Safe for tbo deposit of valuables. Hotel Omaihue, with the naaseof the Hute) on it. will be at the I of Steamers, and W and Baggage to and chargt. • ! Warm and Cold B House opea aH nigl T ap 39 v2 aid ly