. ' RLEGIOIUS NOTICES. THE COURIEI i ir. a ' ratic R ally at Sheridan was a i f f- K 4 ’’•'issi.t and 'nappy meeting, though Judges iitvden arid Stout who had been invited, fail­ ed to appear. They are both good »peakers and would have been listened to by the Dem- ceratie portion of the audience with great pleasure ; and by th« Republicans too, did not E idra S. C. A dams conducts religidus » vices st the Church in Lafayette, on first Sabbath of each month, at 11 O’clock a E ldmh ’F. M. T ownsend will preach in Lafayette on th« st co.’id Sabbath of each month, at 11 o’clock j , Rev. L. Van Slvke will preach at Laf on the third Sabbath of each month, o’clock. " . < Rev. C. Alderson will preach in Laf on th« third sabbath of each month, o’clock. . . |: ' E MAIL LAPA? fl ' 1 ■ ■ ■ [ corrected weekly ] the pow Government sines«, ci funod ih L KINDS. ON THE lected, Pensions in-' be completed in by mai e stamps f^»r Add resa W, K. DulllEi ancisco, Un I ree Let ever}’ man with a white mans heart For h|rther particulars, enqnir« at the In­ stitute, or addre»« H-G uiduj G ro B i P.O. Box No.; 168. ; Capt. A llsopp will continue to give Even ing'Pl ............. ' ‘ Languages and the Modern English o22 n39 Im ' V ■ i Mason <&. Hamlin CABINET ORGAN H ave just received their crowding and justly deserved merit and il uitioD for the $50. Those reward at th« World's Fair. We clip tbe following from the Paeific Il be admitted MusicaliGtgettp. No examination« A M p TR iteo R eward . -The extraordinary capabilities of the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet foil informs Organs— -the pure tone and other special qualities that distinguish them—have as- tonished the technically critical dilettanti in Pari«- It was w r . _ possible r_____ by __ pat? — supposed them that such pipe-like r | — -------- — tones - — conld VFMW ••• be p diicedir^" from r free reeds, and after undergoing _ < • _111 • _ • « “ - the most rigidly critical tests, they have i re- ceived A prize at tbe Exposition a first-class añasco, C ] * ' ■ j -< F ANCE, Set Splendid Assortment now or Hand Portland — at the — T he DEMOCRATIC DfiMoSiSTIiATlOX Court bouse, held in rejoicement over the gio i.»Z. N- B:< —Particular attention will be paid to the choice of Text Books, in order to aroid anything of a Sectional or a Partisan 'natur« in our curriculum of studies, * ---------f— just published an rious news from »he East; was a happy meet No effort will be «pared to make tbi— a arrived at the wharf, ir evening. We are happy’ ir extend to Capt. Appersou ...J|L,.> * lueatiowal Department will he |i Th. Fl charge iff an cffii cirut corp« of teacher«. ft» Capt. J.L •J ----- -- - , (formerly ,------- y -J — a - Pro- . LROPF, fe««or in j thè University of Louisiana, », and aod fbr the la4t five re yei yesrs Principal of a Collegiate Inatitnte in the Si utbern pari of Caliiorùìa,} Principal. l'l» with the latter. P. B oise , and Messrs. Hayden, al and ether prominent gentlemen are in town in attendance upon rUTE is sitosted id a re- otifol location, away from ion of the city, on Third, •r Bankers THE and accomplished friend Engeuo Seuspl »nd a most} agreeiblo drinks The ma * et i< flooded with j poisonous cbm pound«; * ' bn it THESE bitters, made from th* purest day eannot be excelled, Their singing quality is ~ , full, and eaii If retained through the pure, moat lengthy passages. For power they are .unparalleled, and are celebrated fori their great brilliancy, exquiste touch, and elegance of style Mid finish. i n42 4t Portland. urniture , bedding carpet , F eto.Tetc. We aro selling now goods lower than at other House jn the State. Examine Hnues in the State. First street, cor- almnn. No. 166, 168, 170, 17?. Port- Qregnw. ' .p | n401y Importing Druggist, DEALER IN DRUGS, CHEMICALS , PAINTS, 01 Í GLASS. p i Y ■ *' r i - . IuA. HARNESS Portland, AU XU j SADDLE SHOP. ALCOHOL. KEROSINE. TURPENTINE. MdKVI.tY desire* annoaaoe PATENT MEDICINES hat hri has opened a Harness ami I ' Fancy ani To’let a««ds, »addle shop at this . place, and w ill And offered at wholesale or retail at tery tie eVentbmg in bi« low ra es iór cash . i ■ work eyeented an pairing a WEATHERFORD, Ml McEViLY. notice? 27. 1867. is 1.34 îy Fayette, 3 m W. . 1 ,y Corner of Front and Oak Streets. < PORTLAND, OGN. ECTION SALES of Real Estate. Gr|’ terie», Furniture, General Mercbandijie Horses. le Bay«—Wednesday and Saturday. A. B. RICHARDSON. ¡I Auctioneer. ■ Í •! H