» PRINCIPLES, NÒT < t pT ■ I --iS . • 1 LA "’ratoflBHBBSSBSSJB—"B5—S— THE WEEKLY COURIER. rueusax» < . -+ -4 »• J 1 ' r OCT 29, 1867. I 7 < I 1 • - I I i > NEW ADVERTISEM ENTS. -HOXERY V B JEWFAW JEdMW * JT S HOP LA FAYETTE g IR..* H r4 t T Mll.L. | ' I & Simpson W - r - A. G. PHILIPS, D. D. S. OGN. LAFAYETTE. Dr. O. W PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND . O fficx —At his residence in Cbehalem » «Hey. Yamhill County, Ogn. : n-31-tf S. RUSLBURT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ivettn, Yamhill County, Oregon. Will ructicc in the Supreme, Circuit and a!l. of the Courts of this State. ft. G BRADSHAW, COUNSELOR AT LAW, Xy*6l practice in the District and Supreme • Courts of Oregon. *>J*T«xes Paid, Collections made, and ■?£eds Promptly remitted. ■ * i -'i L ¡ T' rl w x ■,, , ’ H - ! ¡"i LAFAYETTE LODGE, NO. 3, • 4 [RiNGEJIEXTS! at Mui NEW I ’ L ’J ’ I I Free and Accepted Masons. DR. A. B. WESTERFIELD DMA LXR IM AND SADDLERY HARN! ■ • . * OREGON. * | j ' • ■ DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, i i Lafayette Lodge, Yo. I 34, INDEPENDENT M lYTill practice in the Supremo and Circuit VY Courts of this State. Practitioner would say Q) that he is uo supply all de i li ■ u .• Physicians* Prescriptions put npat all hours, and on short notice. nol tf A. B. WESTERFIED. ed, ’ tha II i M II i liberal xteuqvd 10 hjm in the past old customers and others, Setter prepared than ever, *' • Lafayette, Oregon, y Prompt attention paid to Collections. r 28-tf For sale on moat reasonable terms. Lafayette July 9. 1867. tf - --------------—•-—1— L— « l a Of all kinds than the sanie- can be purchased elsewhere the ELGEIE SEMPLE, A TTORNEY AND SO LICI TOR and lower of «nicies Portland. Oregon. r • )rnca on Front Street, up stairs, adjoin­ ing Kpapp A Burrell. ....................... Lafayette. Repairing, HI i By promptitude in business I hope o be ihle to mem a continuance of thapntroin age hcretoforejso generously extended to me. Custom erg frotn|r'tbe opposite *J- . ' of the side the priver, river, : who purchase t J ie amount of lye Sv dollars, wi'lfbe entitled ferriage at th|* expense. T 8. C. STILES HE underaigued begs leave to announce on, D mber 1, 1866.; to tho public, that he has established T —* ' — J v II HI. himself in Lafayette, Og’n, in the bosiness of of manufacturing Boots and Shoes cl all and every description and pattern. ». e; T. | Gents* end Ladies* NEW BOOT AND SHOE Boots, Shoe« or Gaiters YfAMJinr* Mending zimram dene tea to oawal«»«« order, *1 Wheat taken in exchnngr for work. LOGAN SCHAEFFER. . ave on hand , and are con - .. T t .» Belcher & Bird, hi I SHOP V j.. I NEW GOODS: Mending and Fixing Particular attention paid to Probata -- • * L | 1 [’Ki 1 ’liL ' Ji J I ! done on shark Notice. ' j isiness and also to the collection of debts, Have on hand an indefinite number of ■ t a superior quality of i The big < ed forwarding of proceeds. rket price paid flm Jh W. JOHX8OX, attorney at law , < ------------- — ! • • BRICKl and H Brick! Brick ! Brick H POWELL Ic MILLICAN, Surgery Medicine, AS established himself permanent­ ly in Lafayette, and invites the atten> tion of the trade to his stock. rI1Mie qhdpi JU patfór.a I of Obstetrics, I Ol/S COUNTY, ORDER Or GOOD TRMPLARS, ■ practice in the various Courts of this *]y/|"eets eets every Tuesday evening at 7 o ’ clock State. 0 « ly iy members of the order in good standing are invited to attend. R. P. B ird , W. C* T. | inuiness entrusted to bi in at the Cap- ■ P H. W. A llem , Sec'y. He will also praaetiee in any of the ■»I ’J I J. ■ f 4rtx of tbis State. 44 ly A T I Meets in Lafayette on the 1st. and 3rd Friday of each month, at half past 6 in the afternoon. B. F. BOMHAM, Attorney at Law, j. ? A. F. and i A.ffl. Lafayotto, Oregon. S' ALEM, I U ILL keep on hand for sale, tor for cash , ..everything everything in tho the Afar in Oregop, if kel hue that tbe demand and my yy’ H.CATTERLIN bee fittbd up a deed on tie Pacific CoaH ’ i me««« still justify; and will bo pleased to Our MiU i« situativi on Panther Creek, accommodate all. Patronize a poor man who of LA • AY.LTTE, and is ia GALLERY ’ j - to make • i a • living • — * 10 F miles- w B ‘ •tying and -r yon - will X DIXON. íqrjpjt ’ of 4' *■ large moi , worth. in Lafayette in complete stylo, whore be is surr ondeó bi dénwe P ”"*~ J« or moneys La Fay etto. Oro on. illbw| iFipt prepared to take it I ., also Cedar and Tended; n-33 3 m '■ Il - I k_i II III ■ duable Tituber abono in Photographs and Ambrotypes much other. I jr» vicinity of our Mill. on short notice and in the best style of the the immedià I • ■ * I . —DEALER IN— We furnia fl I r * || i t 1 art. I * W X EEBÍBER I [I I Ladies, Gentlemen, Children; old and r ine Wines a«4 &!<«•««, young, all can be accommodated by present­ 1 —ON— by Mechanics to be superi lieh is SK ing themselves for that purpose. S tkxxt , --- L a FAvrm, O o ’ n Exchanging P hotograms is all the rage for Inside !>iniibiog purposes to Pine hl 4 MILLICAN invites the attention af now with young gentlemen and yoeng ladies. Cedar, f j • hi« old patrons and as many new ones as a Call and get a supply, and it 1 do not triaLand guarntee satisfao We solici choose to favor him with «call. i I please you I will charge yon nothing. _ ' !; ■ I- h : i -Il I- Lager Beer, Ale, Cigars, Oyster*. Sar­ O' *7” W. H. CATTERL1N. v2 t»9 tf dines. 4*c-' fa fa —e--------- M. SIMPSON Liquors sold by the bottle. d 513 m W«- Lafayettç, 1 Yew Picture daller^I wn. MILLICAN, A CCOUCHE UR. ——-- ---------- ■ i pin Lodge, 58, V f nets evmy latnrdav evening at the Nel- 1VJL wu Meeting House. JIT . s. - - A ts- M. W u. STAHkny, W. S. ! *'• I . i » I' ! i . uo li'ii.L 4 *• H «tan’ly in receipt rf ' . Dry Goods, i . a • Clothing HKlg. I ! ■ Í Boots and Shoes. Fancy Goods, Notion«, Id II I Gmcorie«, V J „ Hardware, Qneenswarp, ’ Qoeensware. Cutlery, 4-3.. fa Prices according to the times. ti n 29-tf r 4 i / B gEWING^'ACHINB QO. i 16 Broadway. New York.. r^REAT IMPROVEMENT LN SEWING JT-MACHINES. Empire Shuttle, Crank Motion Sewing Muchioe. It is thus lender- ed noiseless j i in ------“ action. Its motion being all nnstive, it ii is not liable to get nut of order, It is the best bei Family Machine ! NoHce is cal rd to nor new an< imprnvrd M«bnfac­ c tor ng Mi Machine, arhine. for far Tailor« and B<*»t Bi**t «nd and Shoe e Fir* Fitter«, Agents wanted, to whom a lihrn ral i discoant a ill be given No cniiaign. ment ts made. L u r ■ I Ml’W01 - » Tha Rgilread, a Baalaaas N«canity. Hrn— f|ROF. DENTISTRY ! . r 1 “ ■ r J J I f r AND Fj A M ri.Y GROCERY, ■i \ ’ '-I ' Hl ' 1 0 1 ’ I I ■ ' ‘ “ 1 L SlJ r I '■ I 1 1 EDWARDS informs all : l keeps a Fami- first class Fami JMPSQ 4 • “ Whom it may concern,” RNE8S AND SADDLE SHOP. I -Lafayette where can be JONHSON A YATES. _ j I that he is established in L afay - j at all times’found I the staple articles i in the —AT— M. McEVILY desirei to announce ktte , in the business of manufacturing and Family supply |inp, I • . _, besides .that he has opened i, Harness and LArATIT ■ rapairing ' Saddle shop •• at weesv this place, MMU and will ««>»««a vss««|F will Misceli OUS Assortment of YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, WAGONS, HACKS, COACHES AND BUGGIES. keep on hand and for sale everything ip his {j. D. YAT18. An experience of many years on this coast USEFUL AND LUXURIOUS ARTU ICLES. line. «. W. JOBXSON.] in the business, enables him to assure patrons . Farfcy Soi^'Soapi p“ Repairing and other work executed en I Candies TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (In advance.) that he understands what it requires to make 'M. McEVILY. short nut ice. or repsirjobs in his line in a manner to stand and Licoricej pipe«, pens and Inks, powder, - 3 m La Fayette, Oet. 15. 1867. Ont Copy One Year, . . . . . |3 00. through all our varied seasons Ke will take Caps, Shot and Bar Lead, Letter paper, fancy JL------------------------------------------------------ T 1 : -r . - r - One Copy Six Months, . ’ . ... 200. in exchange for his work wagon tifnber and ftfid plnitlf jaaep Envelopes, »••••«• plain WVB and fancy C Oysters — I .es, , Çanned, Cannedi Fruits of all ki inds, CAKY’S SCHOOL. BSrClergymen and Teachers will be Fur- lumber. He wants Spokes, Felloes, To.igu» s, and Ssrdit.es ■ ' ■ »■ K 1 r ■ * I j - I niehed, with the C ockier at $2,00 per annum. Axles, fa, for which he will allow the mar­ . - gostetàr; Hootland and Drake AVING finished my new school boaso, Bitters. ket price. J. E dwards . j. RATES OF ADVERTISING. 1 will or Monday the 14th day of Oetf . Ì8CHQOL BOOKS ! Lafayette, July 81, 1866-1 y Oae Square, 10 Lines or less, one Inser­ open a fir et class «ch no I in Lafayette, and 4 b ————— —A. tion, . . . , .... $3,00. trust the flattering ooiBplimenta I have re­ eco, A I — mokinq AND OIIEWIK TOBACCO, *- * , - I lllilli !• .2. I I 1,1 ■ For each subsequent insertion, . . 1,00. ceived from farmer patrons wiH be a suffi­ 8 T O H A d E : ■ ’ [ / > j ’ - ilily. A liberal deduction will be made on cient guaranty tn person« unacquainted with »!•*;' t • ' And Comm Quartery, Yearly, and half Yearly Adver­ ¡GARS, etc. , etc. my teaching to justify th rm in placing their el. K. SAMPSON of tha LAFAYETTE tisements. children under my charge. ! Pfl Medicines. Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 per All branches, except Greek, taught at WARE HOUSE, would say to all inter. annum. riet«- A general* firiety pf the leading prop price« ranging from $5 ( 00 tn $10 00, per prices 19*Coin Being the basis on which our ested, that he is prepared with improved ry remedies tonst«n quarter, of twelve weeks. rates are fixed, Currency will only be taken faciliities for the accommodation of* Farm­ Spices, L I Music extra. HjT- Hi.. Ip.;.Ifi- I at market value. rl ers, Merchants and other Shippers, with Cooking Extrae M R. CARY.; I I La Fayette. Oct. 8.1867 J | safe, accessible and convenient STOR­ COUNTY OmOIAIi DIBBCTORY. AGE. He will also Purchase and For­ I ! Judge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, W •nd Axle Otease,k' ward Produce for a reasonable Commis­ Dissolut ten Notice, Ball, J, H. Brown; Sheriff, L. L. Wbit an Assortment of pocket cltlesy , Also comb; Clerk, S. C. Adams; Assessor, D. sion. Goods and Packages Shipped to i HE CO-PARTNERSHlPf heretofore KAZOKS ANEf 0MAP?, besides a general Smith; Treasurer, Clem. Eckles; School my care will receive duo and prompt att­ * existing nndpr the style of ECKLES & I gnt of Tinware, Superintendent, Rev. John Spencer, Coroner, ention. BURBANK, is this day dissolved, by mutual and many msny q^ihYend usfciuYand ornamental ar! J. W. Watts; Surveyor, A. S. Watt. J. K. 8AMPS0N consent. *A. R. BURBANK having pur­ numerous la meutio^. Give me 1 Lafayette, Nov. 23. , 1866. chased the interest of C. ECKLES, is alone lone * make a purteHase. 1 ■. Ri L.SIM pur^Hase. authorized nzed to collect the tbe debts doe and will H. F. WHITE, M. D., Lafayette, July/$1,4866--^., pay all liabilities of the late firm. » 1 LAFAYETTE FEÄRY. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. »! * I' he business will ' he continued by A. R •A • . i 1 i Lafayette. Oregon. RBANK. ! C C. ECKLES. New »nd Splendid S HE undersigned would respectfully / ah* A . R. BURBANK. O fficb .—Next door to residence. r t • : ? t _ ________ ____ nounce to the travelling public, tha that he ! '3 Lafayette, Ang. 26. 1867. n32tf i crossing of tin- Yamhill, h’1»i has, at the Lafayette < -------------I----- —». j. T. Y. B- SMBRSB, A LARGE, NEW AND SAFE FERRY BOAT, I ¡1! LL PERSONS indebted Io 1 the late PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. on which he can cross Teams, qitock, Ac., L firm of ECKLES & BURI RBANK are EXPEDITIOUSLY AND CHEAPLY} Amity. Yamhill County. Oregon. requested to oome forward and settle their fail themselves of this method qi ould ai unts and notes without delay, Orne».—Amity Drag Store. The roads leading to and from this crossing g to BUILDERS «nd and oth others that sayin¡ heat will be reoeivod for dues at tbe ■ 1 r ■ - " —— - ■ I - I ■ - r - I . - are in goo repair, and persons from th* Ipared at all times to Furnish they are pre; market price. Mouth goih| tn Portland, McMinnville, Forest n i A. B. WESTEBF1ELB, . id ik Also C aái er G oods paid for W hsat . Grove and Hillsboro, and from the Nnrth, Sills. J foists,-» Physician aad Sargaon, *’> A. R. BURBANK. Sleepers, Flooring. going to Si lern, Dallas, Corvallis, will find it T . ’ Lafayette, Aug. 30, 1867. n32-tf OREGON AFAYETTE, to their advantage to patronize this Ferry. > .. - - the J shape . And ip factâeÂrytbii^g-io of JOHN HARRIS. -I ’ Í' 8 J j ■; If i i L I J, Í1 I II F O fficr —-In the Drug Stere. i i Lafayette, July 31, 1866. POOR MAN'S MARKBTI , ■ I _ ■ 1 * I1 'I* , 1 ' II [In Advance. A * WAGOX MAKING REPAIRING j V a I'1’....... ...... -U-4 ---------............................ MEASURES I NOT MEN B 4 - AND bvkry tuxsday moumiko , t “"t —*— ? i 1 1 Í* • « ■ X PEDIENCY I The canbtruction of a. Railroad through the Willamette valley is a necessity, not only to the future growth, development and prosperity of the State, but equally so to the sustenance of the present towns, their trade, and the present business of the country. How so ? The answer is found in a combination of circumstances. _ ■ - ■ I I r ’ ■ * Everybody knows that the prosperity of a Oregon has been mainly J founded upon and resultant from the buainess created and i i 1 • * ! ■ money pat into circulation by the mines of Eastern Oregon and Idaho. For several years past those mines have furnished profitable employment to a vast population of miners, traders and others who were consumers merely. The profits and rich deposits of ¿he placer diggings were soon taken out, |md the employment of a vast number of fnintra, either entirely ent off, or greatly reduced in value to the country; and many of these mioere have gone back to Californie, to the States, or settled down and become producers^» well as consumers, In every State or commurity like Oregon, rmanent prosperity can only be secured by permanent the consu­ keeping up at. an equilibrium between b-ita mers and the producers of the necessaries of life pr< Experience proves that where an equal sums puns r berof - mechanics, manufactures ‘ - and traders do business * with an equal number of pro­ ducers—equality of labor if not of numbers —all classes are prosperous. ‘Thia is the safe- est and best eommer. e for any country. There id another kind of commerce, foreign com­ merce. which makes a commanity rich, if it has the balance in its favor ; if it sells more than it boys. But this last condition is not that of Oregon. Unfortunately for the State, we are Importing two or three times the value of what we ixport ; and it is plain to be seen that this ktid of / commerca 1 is — making ua poorer «»ch tear. These evilà may be cured in two way« First, largely increase our exports, as we can find a markfl, or decrease oar imports by manufacturing all oar clothing, boots and shoes, naii«, glass, paper, Ac., which would at the same time restore the equilibrium between the fanning and manufacturing e’asaea : Sec ond, commence the construction of such pub­ lic works à« will give employment to all tho f unemployed labor, increase the number of consumers, tiring foreign capital to our State, increase the volume nf currency, and thus revive all kinds of business and trade, and create a ready home market fur all the pro­ ducts of the fai m. The first turned remedy is impraetiçable for several rea' / We cannot --------- — materially **“:_ in- I crease the b^lk of exports on acoount of the high cost of nsportation, the great distance to a perm eft market and the disadvantages st necesaarily meet with in com- our exports peting for t market. We cannot commence the manufacture of many , things which we must import,Tor the reason, that there is not population enough, and trade enough tnjustify such an undertaking,^ There seems to be but a single remedy available to place Oregow on the highway of permanent enduring prospers ity ; and that is, the speedy construction of the Oregon Central Railroad; and even thia would not be advisable, considered merely in the light of a work on which idle men might be employed, and money expended, but only with the view that thia work is now demanded by the business of tha country, to do its trans­ portation and reduce the cost of the same. This work is needed, at least to the extent of the Willamette valley. We have not now Jn the State, probably altogether, available for all business purj>oses, as much as $500,000 ; but the construction of thia Railroad will bring in money from New York and London, to be paid out here in the valley for labor, timber, ; buildings, Ac., in amount not less than two millions dollars. Thia will be a positive actual addition to the resources of the country, in addition to tbs Railroad itself ; will quadruple the value of êurrency, and will be turned •ter, exchanged and transformed from money to the laborer^, to money to the farmer, me­ chanics, Ac« for provisions, houses and every thing else, i hundred limes' until it shall have net only builtÿhc Railroad, but also built up new towns, increased end revived all the old ones, erected tew factories, Cleared up new farms, improved and beautified all the old ones, lubricsted every channel of trade fa*, creased every merchant's business, »nd given new life and impetus to the whole 8tate — From the prosperity this on« work will give us, and from the onergy it would impart to »11 oar bauMJ. men would (h.n go .“,0 in ,e,t >o .nd put m opmtion »11 those menu- futures neceiitery to m.k, Orego. . p,n,u« nudLtPSu^n>UN ,Mlf “l’Porting .nd*ii>de- pendent State. Not only thia but new lin«a or ..«.msbip. t.ttld be\M ports owned by oar eititens, w|,„i7e u. from th. monopohe, of Aliform .nd riwin< i b,,"v *i dlrM‘ "W* ,0 f•"«">». '*« Islands. Chnu, Japan, and the Amoor fiver. Than could Oregon truthfully .. Ali, wlat p.«pn„--l fly With my nwn To aecar. such • pan good it i. the in- forest of erery merchant -to giro of his thou. Manda, every mechanic of hi« hundred«, and every farmer bountifully of bis brosd .aerm. rai.ing to secure this great work, with its re- harvest nf pr.»«perily,