»1 -J ‘ 1 ■ •Ì * i I X. » ¡ AGENTS FOB THE UOURIBR. I I. I r r|. ADVERTISMÈNT9. AD ■ —----------- ------ r - ------k b The follow ng are our duly authorized I ag i.ts to «errivi* fend receipt for subscriptions ami advertiscinbpta i-J for itlie CouKiEK : ■ Grorcstccn * ’t-T— ' p4.< K6AD, i BOOK AND. JOB PRINTER. F hom Mr. T homas We have need Hm oy't Royal Balsam in my i family this winter <. I There is m> nse hi talking ing.fc It throws every tiling in the shape ol Cough Medicine in th« shade that 1 everf 7 * was troubled saw. My ’ w ife with asti.ma or -inot^. ...... .... Bering spells for years, and couhl ^et nothing |»» x h,..„ ig tojihve . any effect uu til 1 strncki this Royal Balsam, She i* now . almotwvjh T It cured me of the worst c«e without it in the hohse. I : K B. THOMAS, the paper man. celebrated World's Fair, T ‘ 7 1- r Tfb I lT I .1 li!-" Where were exhibited »nstrnmenta from the ljafaycttc Market 'rom : Mrs. M. Scott. • I ; fifi ____ best makers of London. Paris. Germany. (cORUECTtn WK ekly ] - t . ■Mother.htid a drendful.bad I cnId ; she was ................ Philadelphia i. Baltimevre, Boston ami New sn hoarsqyhn could -niot und< •*rstand a ward ......... 50 Wheat V bushel f • • York ; and also at the American Institute sl|e onlp^peak. . I rii u Jot ■ bottle of Dr. Hen ......... 25 Oiti ■P' I. . for five successive years, the Gold and Sil ley’ll”Royal Bnlsam. Balsam. and in one day and •i; ......... 50 B irley P1 ver Medals from both uf which can be seen nigHt its Wed Her confess I ItRVe seen a . $3 00 Corn meal P 1 Ofllbu l! at our ware-rooms. : J greit deaTrif inodicine tn my life, but nothingl Flmir -P ltMllbk, « ..$2 25 By the introduction of improvements we t«|Chmpqt||4i'h the promptness, and I might - . et - . ,. . Mitldlmgn p i t«»n. .$20 00 make » still more.perfect Piano Forte, and \ , w...— of ..r Royal Balsa-n say magical • ffect* Apples dried 8 by manufacturing largelyj, with a strictly lor a Ini4 tepid.H. M ks . M. S jott . Pt-acbi-8 “ I' 18z’< cash system, are enabled to offer these in 1866. If . Port laud. April 7. BACON strument* at a price which will preclude all From Mr. Piltock. T * Hums T? competition. Wp Ijafe used *« note of Henley's Royal one in market. Sides, lb Our prices arc from $100 to $200 cheaper Balsam Infffiy, fthnily and think it is a spleu* I? I Shoulders, çl lb J I t .1 than any first class i Piano Forte- as lor did n>ediaine rar»____ L wr J zv 1 • _ __1_ . ! i * X* ■ . v diriin« for c liMren. iiM_____ as well . 10 Lard T* lb............................ T erms — Nel Caeh in current fund*. persons. For t f grown | tough« and colds 1 MISCELLANEOUS. Descriptive circular* circulars sent free. - — i . r Ireely reclinine nd it to the public — 20 Egg* F ¿ozeii v2 nlO 1 y- '• ' ’ i . I P D ittock . R K 25 Boiler P lb»E General Agents for the United Slates. 'rom Judge Marquant. 20 Cheese T* It> . r i T have tfred Henl^r’e Royal Balsam -for a No 420 Btoome-st.«. N.Y. v2 nlO ly •- • $3.00 » • • • • Chh-kvna, & | doriX J ---------------- À bad e>V.|>„| ,»K Stores, and S$ d ikk .. ...... r n- it- . 1- J first Sabbajh of each month, at 11 o’clock a . m . at the residence of Dr. Wm. ti H _____ enley , cor I 5 lier of Fifth and jJfferson streets. F ldeb M. T ownsend will preach in I Portland. Oregon. v2n16tf i Latayetto pbn the second Sabbath of each For «iilè l»y R. II. Simpson. Lafayette. M month, at 11 -o’clock. 'h ■ “ enltrt-ly riew material. 1 am now prepared pre) to work in the best style. and at as low prices l as the same can be done ■ ¡ ! j . - ■ 111 the State. . . X Orders from a distance promptly at­ to. aud satisfaction guaiahteed. te v2 o8 if * A. L, STINSON. * VAAL B. WESTERFIEL’? ’ *. . L O i F ‘ . i • r- • j • Rev. C. Alderson will preach ìn Lilayi Ite on the third sabbath of each month, at 4 o’clock. I ■ > ’FT THE H0WEi SEWING MACHINES 699 Broadway. New York. For Families and Manufacturers ■ ' t I J ; l¡ !l - HL i ' '■ ' H I I . rii TlteHOWE LOCK ST ITC Hi «n will receive Wheat at Current Rates fi.r ali nole* of aecuunts due me. Please call it uud save cost, as I at the Post Office with ’ must have wueat ■ or MO' by immediately. K L SIMPSON d 31 G w ■ THESE WORLD-RENOWNED > SEWING MACHINES IVtre awarded the highest premium al the World s Fair in London, and six first pre mi urns at the N- Y- State Fair of 1866, and Are (M-b brat d for doing thé beet work, using a much smaller needle for the same tbrvm» than any f superior pattern and quality, usually found in a First C'ass house. Makers. Tailors. .Manulactorrra i -Saddled Linen Goods. UuslirelUe. P»sra*»ls. no 30. 1( -etc. They work «qually welt upon arlk. ImAn, woolen and cotton g«»<»«!s with silk, J- cotton ««r linen thread. They will senrii, riva rii, i I • 1 t • a I > quill, gather hem. fell, cord, braid, bind, ¡and I’KIZrt perform every species, off sewing, mdkiug a [ ____ - .... botl| I. beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on sides ol the articles sewed. Over 60.000 manufactured nod now in i nue The Stitch invented by Mr. 110WE., tjnd I 4 in this county and Europe. ma le on thife Machine, i is the 1 most popular . These world renowned machines were and durable, and all Setting Machines are awarded the first prize. Ten Pounds Ster subject to the principle invented by him. if 1 ¿ ling, at the GrtHtt Qnadrionmnl Trial at SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Plrmouth. Eng . Jnjri 1865. anti at the HI WOOD’S MOWERS & REAPERS! Great National Field Trial, held at Auburn. N. Y, in Jnlv. 186G.ithe First Premium. GRAND GOLD MEDAL. THE PRIZE MOWER While it retains all the advantages which has made it so universal a favorite, is greatly improved by the addition of Steel Lined Guards, New Pitman Connections, . ' Stronger Knives. Adjustable Folding Shoe J and Spring Beat, • * • Making it a perfect machine. The lightest draft, the most durable, and at the same time the moat simple, and best cutting machine f ’ In the world. The Sell-Rake Reaper! Is justly called the “ Pictor of every contests' and 'is coustruelvd on the most scientific priociples. The New Mowing Attachment gives general satisfaction and makes one of the most convenient combined Self Rake Reapers known, and we fully warrant it. THE HA ND-RAKE REAPER * • Is at the sume time the cheapest and the best of its kiud ever offered. ' It cuts a swarth five feet wide in Reaping, and four and a halt feet io Mewiug. t As a Mower Ude t^oal to the best Folding Bar Machine in bar. l'ho ease with which it is managed, ami in changing froH Mower to lirapen or sics versa will al once recoin meud it. I. Manufactured by the WALTER A. WOOD 1 Hossick Falls, N. Y. SALESROOMS, 40 Courllandl Street, New York, 206 Lake Street, Chicago^ FOREIGN OFFICE, 4 77 Vpper Thames Street, London, f3T Descriptive plioatkm. " 1 Catalogues • .L l 9 k Surgery Medrcfne, of and Obstetrics, è ■ , - q • ! TAS established himself permanent* 1 ly in Lafayette, and invites the alten* tion of the trade to his stock. I . I ' / E s —— * hours, and on short notice. 9 i I - I I! • ' 1 ' ' A. B. WESTERFIED. noltf J— L -- ------- r: - - ‘ - ; wi.. -i. r.. i k PM ikac i/LOus Ctji rs . —Dr’. Win. Henley— pear^tir Jr-I feel it but a duty to int rin you and pie Íttlilio what a miraculous effect your j dsam had on my wile. She bad n been affected trilh with aêe ere cough for several 4erk*. w^ivh had assumed a na ng emus fea 4>r*í<¡ lot <ìnvh iiiiiiiyj ptiysiciaus have bevi« (. IhvV >»■ • * ir « Vest pocket No. 22, «Mz 30 UL A 32 V/Hlwi Cartridge* andiT^4“* ’íí-ffi“«."?1 *' ««■ — ; " ' ir''ct Ges , usine No 32 Cartridge. . G un C C ase ane , using M #2 Cartridge. . in oie4. Il V f cabdid candid »Ulinou oeri*ons use nse S x?........... »____ » o____ r»____ ' ° opinion is • ; if persons ingle Barrol S hot G ens . *y ueier wili be without it iu the R evolving R ifle , 36 & 44 180 Calibre. it once kiklliX* bonne. I ì jj H. COCHRAN. B keacii L oading K if L e N o . 32 Calibre. Vancodteri Morph ' I. 1867. 2«16tf BiiEAcn L oading C arbine , N o . 48 Cartridge. For sa$ by lit. ti. Simpson. Lafayette. U. S, R iflf . d (Steel Barrel,) with Sabre Bay’t ^IIRE arsis á '1 Belew * r • Ltidesdorff■ ¡¿Street. Entrance, Private EST A B LI SHED express^ to affbrd; the af­ flicted sound and scientific Medieni’ Aid in the treatment and ctffe of ayjpri ’___ rivate 1 and Chronic Diseases, cares or seci ccresy and all s« xo«l disorders. TO THE AFFLICTED. / R. W. K. DOHERTY returns his sin­ cere thanks to his numerous im batieDta . for their patronage, and would take] ibis op- ' port a city to remind them that he eaptinnea — of -* to consult al his Lpetitnte for the cure chnmie.diseases oRthe Lungs. Live ’ Kid, neys. Digestive and Gentto Urinary ans, and all Private Diseases, viz: Syphi n all its forma and singer. Seminal Wetkri i, &Dd all the horrid consequence** of self q tbpse.— . Gonorrhoea. Gleet. Strictores, N« ctnf|njil and Diurnal Emissions.Sexoal Debility, t)iscares of the Back and Loins, luflamatitm Jsf the’ Bladder and Kidneys, etc., and Ije hopes > that his long experience and suceesatal prac­ tice will continue to insure him a share of public patronage. By the practice pf many years in Europe and the United States, be is enabled, to apply the most efficient pbd suc­ cessful remedies against diseases ef all kinds. He use* no mercury, charges moderate,, treats his patients in a correct and hoborable way. ha* references of unquestionable verac­ ity from men of knowu respectability and high standing in in society. society. All All parties parses con- con­ * suiting him, by letter or other« be< will re­ ceive the best and gentlest treat spent and implicit secrecy. DR DOHERTY wan’d call attention t& the following certificate, from on bit pa- tieuts, who, having lolly reedver ~ - 'health, desires ta make known Aie remedial -agent. It will be seen that his statement '|s fully uttienticated by a Notary Not ary Public, rubile. i¡- authenticated The welfare uf society imperiously Remanda its publicity, and it is givertmore to wo the unwary than to sound the praise* of a Physician, ef whom hundreds of like case» can be cited, during a practice of nfeure than fifteen years. 4 „ IFj The Doctor i* no ohseara or ¿erigning quack who has trumped certificaterijn order to deceive and entrap the nnwam. He ia is known by thousands of persons to be prose­ cuting a regular, honorable and légitimât» j business. D 1 >d i>pd Scmi- L___ nal Weakness to a fearful extefil, tobico was followed by alarming alartning. rirmptn^iis. symptoqis. such and’ limbs; liinbfei d dimness as weakness of the back and of vision, nervousness, etc. 1 My mtad. of vision, nervousness, etc. t My ¿pind. too,, toor was affected to such an extent as>pt as k» e< *« ri< us- ug­ ly impair my memory ; my idea^Ore |dea^h|re con- ten- fused and spirits depressed. 1 was averse to Self-dis- to society, society, had had evil evil forebodings forebodings ami ami >elf-dis- trust, any du trust, aa'd and was was entirely entirely unfi uiifi’ ted ted foir tahany du ­ ­ ties of 4ife. -life. From 1855 tn to the summer pui of 7 1863, I empjoyed employed the Very very befet beit rtfedical rafedical tal- tal ­ J. ( ent I couhl find, but in ne instant»« obtained U. S. R ifled M usket , Sprmfield pattern, m f . ------ ----------- ---- - ------ .HO» than temporary relief; . ' J liad about Onr new Breach Loading Arms ! more have just been approved and adopted for concluded there was no relief I mtl|tDf»u) thia world, hot reading Dr. Dohert J’siadvertise- Military service in Europe. I t ment, ___ .7 “ " " to try , 4 him. though • I -«*• I determined did 420 BjfiioqME ST., NEW YORK. E. REMINGTON & SONS, not expect much benefit from ins treatment. On the 5th of December last, I plated my­ call the attention of the pub- I lion , New York. Agent, A lbert E. C rake . San Fran­ self under ba care; in one week I found e Le g it u I New Scale Piauos, in oct 23 ’66.no 39. vl. myself very much improved, andpow, after cisco, Cal. llsr tio5lnWH)o fire weeks' treatment, 1 feel myse|f!tkorough- STYLE **^A.‘* 7 octave. Front large ly cured ef all my troubles, and ig$e enjoy­ ■ round cortmrs, plum case, either oo- GROVKSTKEN 0 ceuts per box. LibtXal discount ib the UST introduced, and being adopted by consulted without fear of ohsesvatipo. fomfis in the city, we are enabled U> offer trade. To Correspondents. all lending houses in the manufacture of • GT A gents wanted everywhere, te sell these Piali** Rt prices which defy competí- Patients (male «»r Iruiale) residing in any Pianos. Orean*. Bilbard Tables. Furniture. the above artich s. to whom we offer extra *tion, anduivite all to call and examine them part ol the Slate, however dislant,, who may Ac , &en Everr one who has a Piano should • before purchasing elm-where. ordinary inducements. - desire theopiaimi Abd advice of D$ Doherty, Wlietj ^eferenoej* and testimonials are re have a bottle of thia Polish. Send for Cir Samples sent post on recsipt of above and who Untile proper to submit a written • quirvd by-those about to parchase, instead Of cobra, and we will give full partioubira and f *R -- 7« I ; ' fc ■ : ; ¡¡5 •• J 1 i ' - j prices. statement of such, in preference to holding a presenting a display e fully i Jjjl pefiehoe.îheitig of far more value than tbi- and candidly described, personal communi­ mere g«»Ul «pitti«»» of the Artist, however cation will be sujierceded, as instructions for HE undersigned begs leave to al noonc» capably M ho -merely merely tries in a warenwon. warenwun diet, regimen, and the general treatment of _ to th« public, that he has < st.0bliahed the ha« instruments in perfect tone and order, w hid hicl I the case itself (including the remedies) will himself in Lafayette. Og’n, in the bpKinesa of- liaxe justireceived lite workmen’s last finish be forwarded withosi delay and io such a <>f manufacturing Boots ami Shoes of all ■nd ing tottcltoe, 1 ARS ßUPKRIOR TO ALL CTnERB, manner as to oonvey no idea of] the purport every description and pattern. '>r motto is For Family had Manufacturing Purposes Í the letter or parcel mi traiiemilted. Gents’ and Ladies* J * Quilfc Sales and Small Profits «» p • • 77 i Agent* wanted. Address, Consokatioua FREE, pent auent ear “ **' 1 for » Circular, to giaranteed or no pay. ; Boots, Shoes or Gaiters H , . Address • EMPIRES. M. co. BROWN de PERKINS. i W. K- Mending done to order. K. DC DOHEBTY. M. D.. r2 nlO ly 616 Broadway, N. Y. Broome st., New York LOGAN SHAEFFER v2 013 ly V 1 BRÔV 4|& PERKINS’ llanos for the People! Piano-Forte MANUFACTURERS, Ifoirii »j fS STARCH GLOSS. I IMPERIAL BLUE STALL’S UNRIVALLED POLISH! J NEW BOOT AND SHOE Moweng and Reaping Machine Company GENERAL j.... ...„.I.. 11 ■ 01 LS, DYSTUFFS, Ac. I 5 ■ A ! ■ Itr - - r ' Í ' i CHEMICALS, PAINTS, f * i TX DIALER Institute I Mon Opposite Pacific Steamship $Zo’s THE SHORTEST NOTICE. i .UL- Private Medical and Surgical Sacramente-st-, NEATLY PRINTED ON k .. SAN FRANCISCO. Books, Cards, Pamphlets, Stock Cortiflcatea, / Briefs, Order», Handsbills, r ......... Programmes, Bill-Head«. &c^ Receipts, | <&.. H , Quick Cures and Moderate Charge* Dr. W. K. DOHERTY,. Salem, Oregon« , aving - Private Medical Aid|« A. 14 STINSOW, , it ’ . ..L== 4 L..-- Hudson & AL-Cu i ly I Sun Fran Piano-Forte Man icisco. Lik L. P. Fisher, 499 BROADWAY. NEW YORK: ' Eugene S mpk, *uri’.and •I. D. iloltllM’l, HE attention of the public and the trade ur. Ü. ft Wlnté, ;’ L ■? fr Lafsvette. ' j. is invited to onr Nrïv Stale.Sf^en Octave. . Amity. ■Rosewood Piano Fortes, which lor voluiiie Hon. C. 11. BmPp, 7 i " Hon. W. T. Newby, M cMii'nvdk*. and purity of tone are nnrivalh d t»y any M<»ddvt h tbvrto offered in this n arket. They con­ Andrew Btk-r, . . V . ..a. < I » VI , . . . ! a . North Fork. tain all the modern improvements—Trench J. M. Fry er, . . West Chehalem. grand action, harp pedal, iron frame, over­ Dr. G. W. Goucher, . East Chehalvm. strung bass, etc.—and each iristrnment being D. Ramsey, . ’ . j ‘. : i i t r ■ . . Wheat’and. made under the personal supervision «