AND ADVERTISEMENTS Our C lub is on I t .-—A ba se ball clu been organized in Lafayette, Brush uj there in the cradle of Oregon greatness, Salem clubs can either ot them beat the Salem Fair, and f you don’t belie Unionist. come aud try The following are our duly authorized Tho Lafayette Club will iord ¡ally agents to receive and receipt for subscriptions and advertisements for the C ourier : to “enter the lists” against any ( L “pS0^heiICC,rty> | San Francisco. the Capital City on the occasion . . Lafayette. State Fair, that can furnish relial Dr. H. F. White, . . Hon. C. II. Burch, . . . . . . Amity. fcrenccs as to its creditable proticien . .' . Dayton Dr. J. Dodson, . . . . . McMinnville. Hon. W. T. Newby, . . . . Muddy. Andrew Baker,.. . . J. M. Fryer, .... . . North Fork. •Dr. A. G- Phillipi I u B ; L ’ hi i j • West Chehalem. Hon, A. Shuck, . . . to Lafayette, wb< . East Chehalem. I). Ramsey, ... . . Wheatland. considerable) while, Marion tiendrix, . . . . . . Dallas. T. J. Lovelady, .. . I . . Tillamook. Dr. G. B. Davidson, . id a good denttd. I . . Forest Grove. Dr. F. A. Bailey, . . . . . Hillsboro. Wm. Blanchard, . . ........... .Tillamook. Wm. Squires,........... .. THE COURIER ìi J. F. McCoy, ■-ldi r 1—L-L.-!.1 : ' NEW AD ~ ’ RTISEMENTS. ■ I' ' SELLING AT C O S,T I XT-Ï- ■ Oregon Stock Certificates, Briefs, Orders, ME, BiU-Head., I J &e., ’R.INTED ON ol , -, FJl VING?, JTö n EX01W PICTURE FRÂMEB . And Mouldings finest and f J stock of Engraving», Cromo». (Jrmnoa. Flam and Pla C«duryd Lithograph», etc., ever before offered in, this inarket, aud at PORTLAND. McCOY, ATTORNEY. ÀN i I turn out in A dditional C oal D iscovehes in T illas the Democracy i L ; Í hook .— Chas. Robinson, and Mr. Chatterton have discovered additional coal beds in Tilla­ mook county. Specimens taken out of a bunk e’ght miles north cast of the bay, of both bituminous and anthracitic varieties were T he C elebtation at brought over on last Saturday by Mr. Squ ires. thus far pron mail contractor, which wo had subjected to Dayton on tl > Fourth: the ordinary tests, and which proved, as far ford of Satan has signi as could be determined with the small quans an invitation to serve II- ! If • I» tity experimented with, equal in quality to k grand Occasion? the coal of like varieties found in the carbons C ommunication from T iferous regions of the western States. One of the parties making the late discovs next f r ties is a geo-ogist of some experience, which c Jit i| f ’H •’i ,p F I rancisco prices ’ > 1 ■—? J L; ■ hfSASH AND DQOR. K C T O R Y. Carson aV Porter, * Mr. Bull w « n oV *7., 'near the Old Bridge, Portland to to the belief that coal has been found when Nature never ii tended it to be. although i blackish, charred, woody and peaty sub t.nci often lead to the expectation of its presence J M4$HADAHAN, formerly of A.Koher’a ince Xiár^cftil Establishment San Francisco, will attend to Tuning and Repairing Piano», lor , Melndeonti Ind all kinds of Musical Instru- menti. Portland appear is at present geological science aro liable to bo mislead in­ k !■ ■ Fianos fot Rent. .’’—Our. ÌÌL cowry ; since persona ignorant respecting ' Sptjcial attpntiou given to framing Photo- graph?, Engraving», &c. « faot lends additional ¡«apoitance to the dis COUNSELOR ■XiÄW, JllBiinds. Wind«! Door Framer, and «palày aud pattern Window Guru ice competent j thciA midst i in places, where experience has demonstra te I that it is a geo’.o; ieúl impossibity for it to «te Ac exist. - el imca! ion. 1R£ of Duors. Sa? L Shutters, Window ar t Hildings of every size Porth nd, Oregon. TT^ILL practice in the several Courts of ify v1 tliw City and State, and of Washington Territory. All kin 1» of claim» and demand», notes, bills, book aoqnunb, subscriptions, etc, collected on commission, by suit or solicita­ tion. Real Estate bou{ and sold. Taxes paid Boildings rented,« I rents collected on com mission.. Titles to Real «tracts made. ■ f NEW PRICES. I X . . . ■ ,’i '• 1-4 ’ QLEM ECKtES of the House of ECKLES ■ ¿ & BURBANK ini Lafayette, be^s taave to say to his old Cnstomers and ’ all ’1 Concerned, that stand with a better he is on hand at the old star General assortment of Goods than is usually brought to this place, which i we propose to sell for cash or,ready pay as ‘ low as the same itb CASH, e sufficient. BÈLCHÊR & BIRD. I Febr. 19 18G7 i Having purchased our stock thereby availing ourselves of DRUG Ì it. ket price. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, b • J-»•' Produce Taken at the highest mar« DEALER IX ,1: . articles can be'had y in Portland. *» I , ■ r | i j- I . ' 1- AGENT for tl principal daily an the Pacific coast, tisemtfiits solicited All collections prim pt ly OFFICE-Np. Sp.Fron A2 n8 tf DR. A. B. jiVESTEBFIELD 4 COST PRICES! New Goods, New Arrangements. AND NOT ARÏ PUBLIC, ■ c arc Disposing ofour Complete and wel ▼ V assorted stocl^ of Dry Goons. Groceries G Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Sla .jple and Fancy Goods, Notions etc., etc., at To the Farmer^ Machanic, grader and TEST NOTICE. I*i • h ... l i.f everybody else! We will sell and no mis- riy new material, I am to work in the beat style. take ! Try us ! Parties indebted either to J. M* Belcher or 1X8 tho Fame can be done to Belcher & Bird, wiil save costs by squar- , i < t > a distance promptly at ing their delinquencies soon We must have inaction guaranteed. money—Cant coin it, so must rejy upon iho A. L, STINSON. ■4M-------- '---------------- 1 promptitude of those indebted to us to raise ‘ I rusa ’ received—the REMEMBEr.i'lIE Gill.—II, TO CHANGE OUR BUSINESS IEW AJVD ^LESDW SAw OILS, D^STUFFS, &C. nr Jo J /,• cornei i ‘state «• Practitioner : of ^cdicine, J} « Sui Obstetrics, the invention of said amhill invention, f«>r established himself permanent Lafayette, and invites the atlem trade to his stock. his county is entitled to Furnish ç«| * -I«............... ■ • The »V hat C jif . fr H ouse on short n«ti«c. 1 i r ‘ .. Bi WESTERFIEI). Flooring the shape of Of a Quality not surpassed (ri Orewon, if 1 í I. •• - orator? res»