■Pifnr' ■ • ; • * ■ .4 7 ' ’ H * 'pF í 'Í ‘ là t. . ,.i^ : 'i' A n _ __ ■ ■ C hild VERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENTS ■ J ■ I !T I—We learn ed yesterday the particulars of a most re­ Private M ATTENTION READ, read volting act of infernal cruelty perpetrated Quick Cures and Mud at Sandyville, in WaTran* County, by a AND NEW GOODS ! NEW G Dr. W. K. DO If’!- "V F; ’ ’ 1 ' 1 ’ I . I father upofi his Dwa child, 4an act which • » Private Medical and Surgical Institute, 1 j a devil would blush to commit The man’s PRICES REDUCED! Î .1 . SAN FRANCISCÒ. FRANCISCO. name is Reeves, and the aot was commu­ F rom Mr. T homas :—We have used Her. Sacramento-st*, Below Montgomery, ted on the cold Tuesday night which ev­ • i - i - ■ -- . ... iff 7». ’1 I Royal Balsam in my >. family this winter, À GALLANO, GOOD ■, Opposite PaciGii Steamship Co’« Office. • ' ; - l 3 erybody remombers with aehudder. The litre fe m is no use in talking. It throws everv- man has been married for eighteen or .Private Entrance, [ Leideedorff Street. N®. 189 < Front Street, > ruin »irvvi, tbe shape of Cough Mediciue in tbe •b«(e H lat 1 ever saw. twenty months, and the little one which .. W.L « « .. i „ ■ _wj My wife was troubled 'ESTABLISHED expressly to afford the af- he strangled to death was only four or five Opposite What Cheer House, Portland» Or­ with asthma or smothering spells for years, '■ flioted sound and scientific «Qientifia Medical Aide Aid» egon, egon, andbodld get nothing to have ’ any effect months old. He had always positively porititely rc- re­ on in the treatment and cure of all Private ‘ i- . Balsam. (i. ■ < She is - now AVE just received, roctivcd, and are constant-; ,H I‘Struck Ibis Royal and Chronic Diseases, cusbs of secresy fused to permit the child to be taken into !|; Lf.‘ It cured me of the worst cold I ly receiving the largest anti be^t sfe-i and all sexual disorder«. 3i < the bed with him and his wife, hut com­ ir my life in one night. When. lected stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE TO THE AFFLICTED. pel Id her to put it in a cradle by the bed ______ v_..._ » . _"L ... . ’ -____ ___ ren have anything like a cobgh, ever brought to this market, consisting of R. W. K. DOHERTY returns his «in- side. On the cold night referred to, the few drops being given ou going to bed, that French Medical Office. cere thanks to his numerous patients little one kept up a constant crying, and DRY GOODS, I ’ tlfa laistqf the cough1. I never intend to for their patronage, and would take this op­ l. its mother insisted and finally did take it bew«h<* t it in the house. D r . J ulien P erault , Dr. of Medicine, of * portunity to remind them that be continues •V CLOTHING, j Ì in the bed with her. The next morning B. THOMAS, the paper man. the Faculty of Paris, Graduate of the Uni* to coDsolt al his Institute for the cure of I I: k ••¿I iL.il—au(j physician of cbronic^diseases of tbe LuDgs, Liver, Kid­ versity Queen’s College, the child was found to be dead, and it was BOOTS AND SHOES, | From Mrs. M. Scott. ociety of San Fran­ neys, Digestive aDd Gen (to-Urinary Orpins, first thought that it had been smothered had a dreadful bad cold ; she was the St John Baptiste Si cisco. and all Private Diseases, viz: Syphilis in all HATH AND CAPS, to death; but suspicion finally deepened sp hoar?0 you could not understand a word Dr. Perrault has pleasure to inform pa ­ its formB and stages, Seminal Weakness, and rhe «bold apeak. I got a battle of Dr. Hen- into a belief that it met its fate at the YANKEE NOTIONS and CROCKERY tients end ethers seeking confidential medical all the horrid consequences pf self abuse.—, ■I ! ! 1 ; ■. i i - l^y'a Royal Balsam, and in one day and hands of its demonic parent; and a cor­ 1 v I. I l 1 I i. I 4 i advice, that he can be consulted daily at his Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strictures, Nocturnal and Also a large stock of night J"~‘“ it “ cured J her. ‘ . I confess I have seen a oner’s inquest being held, the jury return­ office, Armory Hall Building, North East Cor. great desi of medit medicine in my life, hot nothing Montgomery and Saerameuto streets, San Diurnal Emissions.Sexual Debility, Diseases ed a verdiat* “ that the child came to its Groceries, j j fai.' / “ the * promptness, ........ ______ X to compare with and I might Francisco. * Rooms Nos.'9, 10,11, first floor,- of the Back and Loins, Inflamation of the ■V death by strangulation.’ The throat of . ....... articles _ other too num rout; to Sfy magical effects of Henley’« Royal Balsam up stairs, entrence, either on Montgomery or Bladder and Kidneys, etc., and he hopes the little one showed in death the terrible And many Being that bis long experience and supcess ul prac­ M«s. M. S oqtt . lent« farbàd oold. favored ’ lay mention. - * having * „ a \ reside Sacramento st Portland, April HHHHI finger prints of the unfeeling hand h that partner in San V-nnAMuwl tice will continue to insure him a share of vint» ' ’ opiy 7,1856. < Francisco, «n«) and hl» buying D r . P errault ' s studios have been almpst public patronage. By the practice of many j From, From Mr. Pillock. crushed its young life out. [The man was for Cash, wo are enabled to sell goof AS > ' I exclusively devoted to the cure ot thcTvarious years in Europe and tbe United States, he is We used some of Henley’s Royal forms of Nervous and physical debility, the ! .. have . arrested and taken to Indianola for exam­ CHEAP AS ART HOUSE IN TOWN. • . ♦ • • . _ * « •_<. . • 1*"'“ ir. my family and think it is a splvn- resi tills of injurious habits scqui ed in youth, enabled, to apply tbe most efficient and suc­ Wilt asplvn- Therefore we would respectfully ipvite the ‘ A ination, but we understand the trial was id tredicine for children; as well as --- for which , .j. ..... - Ji —, ------- ------ ich usually terminate iji ij impotence and cessful remedies against diseases of all kinds. postponed for a week or two to allow him public 1 R to • call IM snd 1 examine our stock before grown rown persons. | For coughs and (colds I sterrility, and perm.;neatly induce all the He uses no mercury, charger moderate* I time to prepare himself, or procure wit­ purchasing elsewhere. all kinds freely recommend it to the public. The Highest Cash concomitants of-old. age. W here a secret in* treats his patients in a correct a¿d honorable nesses, or on some other pretext. t! J -L ‘ t i R. P1TT0CK. of Produce. , ,, firmity exists involving the happiness of a way, has references of unquestionable verac­ It is said that the people of the vicinity < i . From Judge Marquam. • « i > life and that of others, reasbn ¿nd morality ity from men of knowp respec|ability and I are very much incensed against the man Wanted—100,000 Pounds oj I have ftsed Henley’s Royal Ealsam for a dictate the necessity of its removal, for it is high standing in society. All parties con­ bad tjongh, Qongb, aud find it ita medici no. 'a fact that premature decline of the vigor of sulting him, by letter or otherwise, will re- for the commission of the horrible crime nau aiiil I hud a splendid medicino. I Wool In. ir 8 I have recdniminded it to a great ncanv. manhood, matrimonial unhappiness, compul­ : ceive the best and gentlest treatment and with which he stands charged ; and if he s The^^Lspeak very highly of the mediciue, sory single life, etc., have dheir SMALL* AND Our Motto — “ QUICK SALES chtir sources in implicit secrecy. . is guilty, no condemnation can be too DR DOHERTY would call attention to andYifte^ly recommeud it to the public. ,” and no humbug. germ of which ia is pla planted in early causes, the gertn «■ I sweeping nor no punishment too terrible profits ' Ur I I ■ ' L»’ i 1'1 I » i ■ the following certificate, from one of bis pa­ ! .* ! P. A. M akq a ' rquam . life, and the bitter fruit tasted long afterward. Ü U ' HMi ï , to be visited upon such a fiend. A man Remember the place, opposite the What Fqr sale at all principal Drug Sto, ng Stores, and Patients laboring under this coi Dmplairtt will tients, who, having fully recovered his health, with such a nature has }ess humanity I Cheer House. tbe residence Dr. Wm. H enle J, cor- complain of one or more of tl Iff5 following desires to make known his remedial agent. enee of iDr. ' i at about him than the ghoul that claws a n?r of Ivifth and Jefferson streets, symptoms: Nocturnal Emissions, pains in the It will be seen that his stat^neut is fully We guarantee entire satisfaction. < or no heart with malignant pleasure ere devour-. i Portland, Oregon. 2. Baqk and Head, Weakness of memory and authenticated by a Notary Public. : v2 nl6 tf The w elfare of society imperiously demaods - - 4U6- I _ . . ! j “ 1 j ’ d6 ’ sale. Try us and convince yoursely SightK discharge from the1 Uretha on going to ing it; and should suffer the F q | spie l^y R. L. Simpson, Lafayette. fk stool or making water, the? Intellectual* fac­ its publicity, and it is given more to warn went of human law and the uutold agon­ ¡pii. ìji ! -ir ’ 7 ; GALLAND, GOODMAN CO^ H A MiRAcutouB C ur Dr. Win. lleuley— ulties are Weakened, Loss oi memory ensues, the unwary than to sound tbe praises of a ies of a murder’s eternity, L The mother t Deafer :-4-I feel it but a duty to inform you i Ideas are clouded, and there is a disinclina­ PbyMcion, of whom hundreds of like cares nd. 129 Front street, of the child is said to be an estimable wo­ no23 aud the » i public ....LitJ.-k ........... . ..................-------------- w hat wnal a.miraculous effect your tion to attend to business, or even to reading, cau be Qted, during a practice of more than ' ■ Ì i man, and one devotedly attached to her ■I Bali am bad on my wife. She had writing or the society of friends, etc. 3 he pa­ fifteen years. BaUam child.—^Her feelings at the occurrence of The Doctor is no obscure dr designing Epi. been at ffeutod \yith a severe cough for several tient will probably complain of Dizziness, this horrible event canbe written only in Vertigo, and that sight and hearing are quack who has trumped certificates in order week«, ivhi< which had assumed a Dangerous fea Weakened and sleep disturbed by dreams, tbo language of imagination. Wo shall to deceive and entrap the unwary. He is ture, Jo; •r wfaclumany physicians have been await the development vf this affair with svitbijnt any material benefit, and all melancholy, sighing, palpitations (aintings, known by thousands oLperrons to be prose­ T I N W I .......... - ----------------- 1 anxious tntcrest.; and hope, for the sake the rdnu’dii s failed to give her any relief. coughs snd slow fever ; while some have ex­ cuting a regular, honorable and legitimattr Witk&ft relilef war got, I fcared for the worst, ternal rheumatic pains, and numbness of the • business. of humanily, that the man will yet be I At the Tin 1 ib hergiri’sept bpndition. The cough appear­ body. Some of the most common symptoms i . ------ i t. able to show that he is not the cold blood­ are pimples in the face, and aching in differ­ Seminal Weakness—A SreOTn to Certificate ed to be worse at night, she coehl get no rest ed monster that public opinion uow con- ,jXwh|h Mr. Randall, of this place, advised ent parts of the body, patients suffering from of a most liemakable Cure (fSpermatorrhata . siders him.— loica State Register, lais disease should apply immediately to D r ’ll '■ I I !■ M I ! iNnuM ft n r S trangled by its t > F ather , I UsilUÄffl / Stop that Cough . hhhhl ft H Î D H r I i a .) ' i I t J miFAhnoiniv nlisxsiv i w-k. • !1 . • • ; á •’ h a I ‘ - I ; Í * • 1. ’ t' L ' 1 ' t • I h ¡ ì -I t H • i I I ■ ‘ Il ’ -------------------------------- A ------------ - ------------------ Stoves I % store ! | rae Rfy»I Balaam; all other rem- fou ing faileil, 1 concluded to try ■ it, and euiap| »nd I pun . ■ two bottles. -------------- Strange to ray, say, by by o---------- the tit! le I gave her three spoonsful of the Balsa) i ehe j at Relief, and slept, a thing she had nl t done lor three nights previous. By the tin e s|>e s|ic tad taken one bottle the cough wjis cl i-cked. Itfaiffrct Itfifirct was truly miraculous miraculous, I -r -------- ,'rTZJl’ ; ........... — ’ - 'J us thefpûre w as effectual hence, I ••• liaVe no hesitation Mitalioi n|r. peoiniueii^ngthc Royal Balsam Iti all St bo an nipicled and it appears aMon- ... - IU i hat medicine of such great merit aqd I )uig ht «ay magical effect, is nut more ■in»nnpJi •inìtiséi ’Mv My candid opiujon is ; if persons use ■itienccHtbfy de^er will he without it in the lioqnc?; ’ I J ILTOCIlRAN. 0’aiAou^er, March 1,1867. 1, 1867. . 2 n!6 nlG tf if l^ur ialo by 11. L. Simpson, Lafayette. A desire to benefit suffering humanity* P errault , either in person or by letter, as ROBINSON & LAjKEl of the above 01)' hçÀrill guarantee a cure of Seminal Emissions arid a feeling of gratitu f tu Dr. W. K. T he A nnoyances of E ditors .—A . DOHER 1'Y. induces me to make Ibis state- and impotence in six to eight weeks. New York letter-writer gives the following ¿atients suffering frofai Venereal disease •; uiei.t. For many years I had been affiicu d specimen of editorial suffering in the Tri­ I ular Establishment, Thankful for the Lipcra in any stage, Gonorrhoead Gleet, Strictures, j wit h Speriiiftlorrl.a*», ihe r<>nlt of relf-abn.-e hut till 1855 experienced but littfaii trouble bune office :— bunc i ■ patronage extended them by-^h« public of Bubo U.lrcijs, Cutáneos Eruptions, etc., will One day last year Mr. Greeley wrote an be treated successfully. |Ali Syphilitic and or inronve.iience ; in that year I bid Semi­ editorial entitled “’Wm. II. Seward.”—- YAMHILL, Washington 1 ¡and Polk Counties Mercurial Taints entirely removed from the na) Weakness to a fearful «extent, whiccr , was followed by alar mf~~ " such ing symptoms. ♦ it - - L ; • I h ' I' l' L - J Imagine his rage raire when it came to him in system. 1 as wvakuess of tbe back k and limbs, dkune^s would announce that they arc prepared to _ ? " ’ the ‘ Third. ‘ BYet D r P eravlt ’ s diplomas are in his office, proof ‘ headed “ ' Richard ” , of vision, nervousness, etc. ! My mind, too, I. I ! I L ■ 1 | r- where patients can see for themselves that anybody dy familiar laminar with witn his nis chirograph/, cnirograpny, if it a r . ♦ i was affected to such an extv •nt as to serioas- ky jerks can be so designated, will i show t0 • «“f1"'* asSortmerj It ol ll»vy*are under the care ofn regularly educated his ini * ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ' practidhcr. The best rtferences given if ly impair my memory ; my ideas were con- see not only how sueb a mistake could be ; TIN-W ARE, STOVES and all and singiilar ■ fused and spirits depressed. > 1 was _____ averte _____ required. made, but how it probaly would be. Again,! j to society, had evil forebodings and h * If-dis ­ Patients suffering under chronic disease he wrote about4< Three Men in Buckram,” ’ the Goods and wares of superior pattern land ' 1 any (fa * ­ can call ami examine for themselves. We in- trust, aud was entirely unfit* Ml for II- K. . I' ■ UHiUlti!. 4- Lp d lbe aummrr of j ties of life. Fioni 1855 to and tbe prosaic type-setter got it “ Three .14 h vito investigation ; c laim not to know eyery- men in the Back Room.” And this, not- quality, usually found in a 11 I t First C’assliopse. tiling, nor to cure evi erybody, but we do claim ' 186*3, I employed tbe very best medical t*l- IB* i H * that in pll cases taken under treatment we i cut I could fiud, but iu no iiMtancc obtained vrithstanding tbe fact that two compositors 5 Remember the EMIQR a NT TIN and > fulfill our • nronikscs. We particularly request! more thau temporary relief. ' I - had alamt WN & PERKINS of sagacity and experience are hired at an i tbo.se win dliavé tried this boasted doctorf and j , concluded there was no relief for me in thio extra salary because they can read bis copy. STOVE Store, Front st, PORTLAND. J' ext that adive iPlised physician, till they arc worn j ¡ world”, but reading Dr. D<»hi‘rty> advettise- But George Ripley has been the victim : door to Ik bee’s out and discouraged, to ca 1 upO' us.—Low ! ment, I determined to try him, though I did III ■* <■ ; '* of the grossest outrage in this line. Iu _____________________ • «o vu OC j V i : i not expect much benefit from his treatment. ----------------— , yEWYORK. charges and .quick Cures. If ?il3" 1 II i' 1 I Hlz ' i ’ ! 1 I r I ‘ r>i ’ J' IT J-- 1 one of his book notices he took the liberty On the 5th of December fast, I placed my­ ¿riy Complaint in> Ladies suffering from i j ivenld call the attention of the pnb- pab- 5 confectione a of quoting from Shakspeare, “ ’Tie true, _____ an consult the doc^ self under his care; iu one week I found itobn} eli elegant New Scale Pianos, in cidental to llrtir sex, ca.. myself very mucti improved, and now, after tor with the assurance ot relief. ’tis pity, 'tis pityj 'tis true.” And the thé following st lylrs: yh AND FAMILYGBOCRRV five weeks’ treatment; 1 feel myself thorough­ wretehed bungler got it, “ Tis two, ’tis S’lYL] “ ¡Ài.’ 7 octave« Front large rgi I I - FEMALE MONTHLY PILLS. ly cured of all my troubles^ and in tbe rfaoy- fifty, ’tis fifty ’tis fifty-two.” ronin c^eri, plain case, either ) • L »SIMPSON keeps a first class F;imi- F;i E ' I.'!!?'- ' —'I F ' V* mentj-f the best of health. Hoping that tuy fagoU or carved lege, straight but Y* !;• ly Grocery in Lafayette, where can cm! be Occasionally some rather absurd errors I I D r P eruault is the only agent in Califor­ experience may be of benefit to otbersiftimi-. at all times found all the staple articles in tb<^ tom, bead n oulding on plinth - '- $450 get into tbe newspaper itself, by failing to nia fur for Dr Biot’s Feinale Female morjtbly monthly pills. Their I larly afflicted. I subscribe myself. ’ It h I ' StYLE1 line, besides lave, same as styla secure correction in tbe type. When it Family supply fine, h F k J oil their reputation immense sale has established JAMES JOHNSTON, h 1 A. wi|h serp4qtipe mouldingou plinth so happens, unless they involve rrfis state­ at; Miscellaneous — Assortment ------- ]------------ ------ m-r of - --- - i ■ ■* as a female remedy, uuappruacbcd unapprpached and far in S»ht.. 1864. ments of facts, or affect interests which I L “ : " iis. STV l M “ ^ ” 7 _ octave. Front corners USEFUL AND LUXURIOUS ARTICLES. i I .'•ions and irregularities, and other obstruc­ [ l . s.] A. G. RANDALL, LJfl. J4a / * should not suffer thereby, editors generally iarget rontri. fo^rpentine bottom, tions in females. On receipt of five dollars Notary Public-, Fancy Soaps, Soaps of all kinds, Candies find it bcft to let them pass, trusting to Moulding» eantcins on style D. carved these pills will be sent by mail or express to , To Females. and Licorice, [ ’ pipes, pens and Inks, powder, ‘ ' fakucy J. carved *r. legs ‘ _» ¡¿8550 the intelligence of their readers to remedy lyre Jnd ‘ desk, When a female is iu trouble, or afiiiuted any part uf the world, secure from damage or I Caps,^Shot_and Bar Lead, Letter paper, fancy siîylé bp,- • * j ’i • n* i * j * the matter. octave, rum Four taiga largo *i w»ww<-, curii ssty. ’ L. • 1 • with disease, snch as weakness of the back and plain, Envelopes, plain and fanev, Oysters Ì*ound corner^, finished hack, mou d«j*: [ Persons at a distance enn be cured at and limbs, pain in the head, loss of musbular i lgs ou dm i aipl plinth, Berpentmo O rigin of V egetables .—Garlick (Jame from and Sardines, Canned Fruits of all kinds, ip^ . errault ............. , ¡tower, palpitation of the heart, nervouirnees, Sicily, where, for my part, I wish it had Finest Winea ottom. carro d fare and detk, elegant' . ‘Corner of Sacramento ami Montgomery sts., | extreme r.rjuary difficulties, general W| ‘ - - • - - - - 8600 stayed. Beans blossomed first within sight of Jfooms, j 10 and JI, or Bo|c 973, P. Ó. San j ragintis, all diseases of the wuiub. hysteria, lloolland and Drake Bitters. embroy mummies, in the land of the 8pbynx ; ’ I i Hostetter, Tbe ttbqvestj lesnre all finished in elegant Ffancisco, stating the case as minutely I 1 I '■ I ' ' ♦ I | i ;■ ‘ : \ as sterility, and all other diseases peculiar tu and tbe egg plant first lard its glossy treasures Jt -1 and have ' the L * full * * iro(i frame, rl 1 cape^ i females, they should go nr write at once to possible, general habits of Kring, occupal tiring, occupation SCHOOLBOOKS! under the African sun,- and Southern Europe French èction. 1 nrbpedal. beveled tdp, ivory I I Ï •te. Jco. the celebrated Female Doctor, W. K, T>0- • si» ■ ■ I I ill " 'r ' Ilf gave the artichoke and the beet To Persia ront?, and exceed ih over-. .* = 11 communications confidential. ' HERTY, at his »Medical Institute, and uuu- TOBACCO, SMOKING AND 0HEWING OF keys and- key i 24. ■ i* f ' I- I we stand indebted for peaches, walnuts, mul­ iv1 ung r faiss deafly fall the 74 Octave Pianns — X» — ' "t ......... . • 1 ' ■- - snlt hiru about their troubles and disease« berries and a score of every day luxuries and J I ■ • ii 1 ’ ' nm m^pufactundA They are made of the, ine Best Quality. ujuancy. The Irregularities, suppressions, etc.« will rwUe4 the Doctors’ must particular attention, ji. Lcl of spinach, and to Southern Europe we quist y* and «w^etqess uf toue, cannot be puiftity TAe ‘tits as to their < RrRbil- urabil- ” ” * merits (Jour Im of observing, that all letters are only L110WN & PERKINS, dinia, or rather, there it first socured an ucs deh ew i, and power e f loue. pi and replied to by hims< If. ¿Ini the laltrF a» ily, touch, eiwoetd V2 nlO 3m S quaintance with civilized iuan. Onions, too, ' 420 Broome St, N. Y. ■a I Standing jn loifo. !co.« based on actual ex- “ “ ‘ 4. ‘ ‘ , -- i I promptly as possible, if the case he falfy. are only naturalized foreigner» in America far. more vríluc t i» 11 tllr co. bring ol fa periened. K and candidly described, personal cnmrtmni- justice research LAFAYETTE 1 q 1>GE m NO. 3, 1 bad hoped that in poetic poe I i <>f the Artii*. however tuero good Opitlioil < ' cation will be superceded, as instructious'for would prove tba» tbk» pathetic bulb to- to have sprung | Empire Shuttle Sewing emoni. Free and Accepted Masons. tries in a war cap>lh!e; yiliu Hier le; whu fartrely diet, regimen, and the gene ral treatment of from the land of Niobe. But no; Egypt ■H| . which it lune and order. ln»trnnG*pta in peff the case its« If (incfading the retuedirs) w ilt stretches forth her withered hand and ela ms MACSSÏXCS. Meets in Lsfiiyeite on the 1st. ind 3rd have jnst revived i lauikmeu’s hist tiiiieb tie forwarded wklmat li^ljay ami in Mich i* the onion as her own! Maize and potatoes, i i Friday of each month, * half past AKE ing tuuehea. j . ■ tKPEKIQK TO ALL OTHERS, manner C’»i;vey no i