i ■L— B arbabous S ei f D^ tk t o hòn . — On THE Monday the 17 h inst., a m«ó, njùtr • ùn noirt , i Si ddibiratvly cut his throat with a ’hill AGENTS FOR THE COURIER. li- has been asm t.tim d that the man Mi ’ at t < whb tlKi borriti de»d Inii»^ ciÀntnilUd. ,_ pmalim s <»f the ' ä * 1 i i'• • T » I "it ™ *- * NTIÏSOX, I 1 O» i ’ ".I-, 1 seen i The mi; ea *’ hnr* thia ‘.‘ pent up Ulic.. ....... bee4 ___ «'» far tui- proved as to render it but a trill ng nndertak- 4 but the bay ing to reach not only the valley Mr. Harris i 1 >as succeded bearing its name. in opening a road across the mountains which “ three liiit»dr« <1 per Come come of? in Lshyi tte, July liilb ami cat un» lv?. ■ be o- i *. ♦ noug ;h, the Ort ponían burse owned by Claib Buck/fcwm-tl be Mo rjis, Mr. Westfall, won by the fortm r. am which It is Raid that the made by the steels rcFfwetively was creditable. ■ fl ’-' I- 1 -*1 F 4« T he C ctola of our new School II u«e trw- rrs niajectically aloft«; and wheti the finishi» g touches shall have been put oifi, will l>c one cf the gaj’est specimens of acciilecturc wcsl. of the Willamette tifi*. R ailroad C orrcjipu N enve .*-Readers will •Í ! i ' I 8 i Jì I ■ *. "Vfi do well to peruse tho correspond, nee Dillsboro, which ap »ar« hi frotó this p per. I apir. is t. « s| i» dully i» ftiiri »1 OREGON, Th at Signed, thankful f »r tlys Iiliera' ■< t xii-i (|«d io him iiv nie past }>;< t r<»i ) 'viplld fiiy If l)is «»Iti cust»’liir!S and others, tiiunii liahPr *• And A »ul tn itila period ni vin.I ur>» mi to this vyr are iq>und timi tiran ever, to inn( tic tie is UdwrUttit UdwrUttit* ¡ ¡iipund 1 mal rUernd to.” f>u¡ipiy |il dluiands fur I i G * f ■ t ;! - -*—■ ■ ''I I f'i $ Ä ff < I.' va(| u. l>ur4las[.u v|SvU t|K. c pure (atAsl clÿLWm.iv the If*» e V ■ M f MI * • í’ «cpairhij Mending and’ Fixing dope GO öliflL -SutieC- I T■. . ’ll ”■ • ' ■ hi (.Jl highest Maiket price paid fui ■ */ L j 11 ’ ' • : j f 't ' : ■ * in . business I hope t<> BN prfrnjpfritldr I ’ V i • : he n»»f<- able t«| n-prit- a coliimuarn-v cdhtinuauev of tile patron 1 to njciH^a ol the j«; hervíliqre sn generously extended so generously extended id t*í me. me. i,c' . JfârCuiiÎuipprs from the oppositi- opposite E lder S. C. A dams co-ntlncis reli loris religions sir- th« 1 vic« s nt the Church in Lafavetté, oi the MÜe ol'l.t |o hrtver, • who purchase flth first Sabbath «if réch mouth, nt 11 o'clock A. M. dt^ouht'pl’Ifive dollars, will be entitled to Rev. N. M. Elt”n will- jirearh nt Lafayette ibrriageíuLury expense. it Limyetfó * SC. lohth, at f| 11 on the thiid Sabbat!» uf each inqnth, J ;; ; j S. 0. ST1I1ES.' • 1 1 lili ir I !r t o c i Nos. 1X8,120 and X22 Front Street, ¡PUBLIC. Comer of Morrison, Portland. Oregon . HE Neu C Inmhian having jmt liren elegantly finished nnd being now repdy tor th’* reception (if Guest*, the proprietor T .... . r....... ■ ■ DKUGtf STORE. 4---------- u « DR.' a . z ------------------------- W esterfield B. ip 11 ' : H - «¿i ■ ' • I - : zl I - ’ * i i f I Li ' ‘ I Practitioner ■ Z of brought to this place, which r we propose to sell fbr cosh or ready pay as low as the same Surgery .|. ■ Medicine, ' i i'L-.r j ■ Jljfi ■ Genera] assortment of Goods than is usually r OILS, DYSTUFFS, 4c. 1 1 ? L QLEM ECKLES of the House orECRLES fcr dealer .. New Good«, NcW Artangefctirfs..» NEW PRICES. 1'1' ' h and artich s can be had in Portland. Produce Obste tries, ■ ■ ! ;• ni¡ IRv ’■ L 1'1 ■ i ' ¡ Taken at tbe highest mar* ■ k«-t price. AS established h’insêlf permanent ■ Having purchased our stock with CASH, ^Ivin Izihvett»*, and in rites the atten* ther»by availing ourselves of the Very «.beat tion of the trade to h’s slock. i Bargains in the Market, anrl having di term« Physician's Prescriptions put up at tn sell only for CASH or PLODUCE, we are aU houis, and on shoit notice. ( H i ■ no’.tf * ’ Enabled t«» ©fler InduceineBts to Cu^tuu ers À. B. WksTERFlEb. ’Hi --------- ,rr. N BROWA & PKRKIAS, or «Ahr- — T AîlfSIC KELCH ER < BlRt). tini» Ci’.v hi « i I .’State, niK»> ul Wa-limgtna Territory. AUknidt*, i»t cluni III* and dell Hilda, u«mhl say to the citizen* of Pori land ahd imt.-*,-hills. Itunk Ìccn ¿cc”i it(ls. mi*, rjll limer phons, etc. the traveling public, that h»* is now rt*mly to c» II» vied oil cimi^DÌi ‘ sjii|l< j* suit ni«*'- «tu. h i»y __ j or aolicita* receive and entertain all who may favor him timi. with a call, at price* to suit. Real E-tote bun ighrhndsohl. Taxespaid. Suits of rooms, with coum cting door«« fur Budding» rented, 4nd i rrtite ¿ullcctvd un curu famili»**. issimi. _ i i < V • lili» •'loll Board, per wee k $5 ; Board and Lodging. » ' Title«» tn Real iEs aie rfarchili, and ab $7 to f 10. z Htl facts made. A large Fire-proof Safe for the deposit of -4 A ¿80- Valuables. ’oi AGENT _ for thk L Xîttl ’ER. and oll the Carrriage and Baggage Wagcm alwaty in priuetpal daily ily timi u» eeklyi newspaper* on attendance tocotT'ey Pat»*ei’gi re Bud ag Il(e Pacific, coast. Sa J lise ri pt ions ami adver- g tge to tl e HoOi»e^*ree of charget tiseinents snlici'ed. Hou*e upeuhll night. All rollrctimi- prarntpi|v remitted. / P. B. SINNOTT« OFFICE -No 1 Front street, Portland. ap>Ov2nl4 1y . x Prnprk*tqr. \2 n8 tf - 1 ’ o r f- many, the fcith»* ol.N« w Y»uk.‘Piulad» Ipliia. M. Raitim<»n?j|am| K>iitii|mrv|| mid Bm»iim ; h L o the (J< li » . .. atithy Tust Hue f<»r FIVE ........ ». ■ » ■ , i>4‘jo»ii>r/« 1 h.4ve thisi 2$*‘fe ( duvl«»t . • M fhai thrrrin. f'‘T 1866. 1 11 [> Y E’A RS !' O^i Piano* dm Mayl 1867. levied «poil the !p|lo« tngi yi »es i SUCCESSFUL ndi Gram' Actim«. Harp |*«,«la’1 , or parce!»* of land. h I iiig and h| ing n( Ya ii - tHiii th»* Fri Over iru|»^ Bi«*.*. Full lr»»n Frani»-, and all hill e»»nnty. Or» gpn i. and issvssed tu nut th-* Mhilrru-ilnifiÜFl« ih o’* Eierv . .Iiislrumrti* E'vrv Iiistrinpen* as follow*, to w it i Warra^cd Ffl ’ F Years Ma.l»- under tin« I 7’ .’.r. Raines. y i.4ou «»i sti| vrvi.^mi «•( iM . .* “ : ‘ ............ J 11 GllnVESTKEN. r uh«' ö Oil ) Kile*. S’d”man (hr »ra prjntti h h;K a prilliti Hlrxp* ietirr i»f «»f »'» «•’•’« r r ildrii ibirii -fivi - fi \ « Hl exp- » I ie'llpe Eitfli rt. I<***i* C. H(i ypars. n.ipl i< tlje nnikvi of dper Eleven 'l'hou f 00 Cranrleirt») .. IL . ,i... sa> d ‘ Piano ffíprÁrs- O ’ H |fr»rilnire t»>r mali ffi O ’ »r faciliti«-* l»»r man 4 •• d a .tisi jj*-o«Ìncf : |dv»» :md j<< it. poi ri;« mi. Oregon. (j rlLL, |»racr|cv ili ibe «t v»rnl Court* «f * fa' promptitude of those indebted to us to raise COUNSELOR ANI) X0T. AhY We must nave money—Cant coin it, so must rely upon tbe ' Vate, ut. articles V A LLEY ing thvir.de!icquenci< 8 soon. » i o scrii ti«»ns, and lowet i»i A ' ' U Tl'ORN £ V A Sv I < ■ I »'.U- J . " j?r. hhecoY, I I® j We will sell and no everybody else! * ! EF* Older* from a distance promptly at« h-ud» triol d tn. ai.d eà ll»lu|cll*»ll gliHlHIitet d. »2 i.d-tf A. p. ST1N80N. ------- I--------- 1----------- Ä------------ « ; RELIGIOUS NOTICES^ j | I r I and ■J ÄVI. h G ertirely rieti material. I am take! Try u*! I . imw pr» |»»i rd t«» wrnkSn the b«*tet) lr. Parties indebted either to J. M. Belchef or Hnjii at as low pliers ab diesatile can be dulie to B«*!cber ¡i- B:r«l, will save costa by squar­ th«- Slat» . I X ! u— I ’ . tu its issili* of hi r the 13th, wherein the follow it g ort Imdux (D mo H li , e . i V I * f bit of ronif ars i : ; 'i% 4 bit of rom| osition osition appt appears It t L Aarmi tL* -, • y*rti. a «“• /»••••••Ite ff Machamr, Trader H ¡»»to our notice of the Democratic.■Á<4tíhig t<¿ t-gmi. and Io mi* till * Cl» < d. hill county. Oregon cmiintuhdiog hi «* lu h»i*iy npm» llie;gi»b«l. I* a lid chatties of D» livqm ni'|TuX P.«)» ’*. n ..... . .. nain» d i. To tho Farmer, THE .Sil SHORTEST ARTEST ¡NOTICE. * — COST PRICES! ÑÉATLi pointed on * a a***««▼ ft 11 i a ivr a t a. a a ’p 1 *:T>Y « VIRTUE OP;A\YARR L8- •h* C4ot ‘ ty C«purt. «4 S r a ' O tiled ont ot < ’ Htli- »»t t Tice came off in West Ciiehateni btfi Ajc«« the aid of certain recipes «jfetaht. G riSENUIRATd»,” 10/ ?;■»> *1 W t i SHERIFF!© SALE. Saturday Rece ■» e are Disposing otmir Complete and wjl assoitrd stew k of Ihy Grinds, Grocer its Clothing, Hardware, Cutlery, Stapip and Fancy Goods,.Notions etc., et).,lh, ■ !•' I I : I J Day, as also Mr. F. U. C »rr, arc i I t i » » * li“ I * 'll * iihwit iii j!1 t q I on the other side with safe ami coir mudimi- I II» re will hen «•nmp-moeting eibhran g boats tn which «¿nveivrs, visitors and tmirLl the tif h &Ubiih of June in Chehtdrm Vol'ey- are spenHly cart ted lo any |s»iht of the Bay ? ______ _ ,■__ ______ i_____ ’ ffl r. G. B On vid son, ’ , J TiVami m »k. « Fhrvst Grove. Dr. F. A. B-ltley, ■.. . « Wm. B'ançhanl. . . b Hillsboro. Wm. Squires,....... ......... J .Tillamook. J. F. McCoy, SEW . I J ■ J ■___________ ¡ rax ------------ — such as have nr ver been Offered 4b Ldfa^’elt« ♦ 1 ’S befote. Please give us a I Hal. IX'kles A Bnrbanlk 8 "0 Lafayette, Nov. l£th, 18G6. f b’ - i publishers 4 H» £(» 1 that other sections «(l well as Yamhill and Stillwell. T. part of lLSinilh’t 16) • I vi. T i i 4i- Sini'li. Mr*. Orili« .'Hi-*. L — . ILO <1 40 Polk counties ‘are b.¡coining alive to the i u« 4 2'6 Sun’ll. Jasper im»l Svlh»«»»« . ) MUSIC BOOKS, portance of tho early can«tructinn ofa-Rv'k And tm Safmlay Jtiiij* 29 |i SG7. »I ip ».»•i» H If poní ' ■'rospi- »Vu. kv A. M . tih'l •O> I t k.< rospi e*Culle rail the attention roid down tho Wiï’atnctte ■Vafiey on th is the Imnr* »»I 9 <»\*' I I l Ol.ll» 1 . . I. ■ * Í * #' «4 C|i»di* U»»id brr- mid siligil g Si-hi'ol p. M.. at the C««urt ! li«u-«> »lour, in ssii tide. ' i‘|»{ I». i »|: m Oiiì 1 « !»l>lblo|ii|,<‘| t. win le m H ►IV .*. . / ‘.r < f I | tv‘aml Stat»-. I wil «•» |! the sam«» tu I í buLl) BY GUN DEAL ER S AND said taxi- and rout at p'lbfic «iiíriióii, f. » in I i ; I (.'Lmiilf .V rhe T hanks .—We tender thaï ks to Hon. É. ...................... '* r ' '• * and • >i|\» !»( r ym 11 Bo|iktovHivby «ddaiiivd mi ihv tnimt fuimabh- S g»«lr>m«'ion. »'it al! points of Government Since 1861. * '* _1 i I ! t. they arc prepared at all titees to FlirÍ it'iricill imeye» the Pacific Slope, |t w as due to hi* ciurgy iinririi «•st as tn lit»» fH'b ctii»li of proper I /■' H ?ÍAN EXltííl' U riuN .. s I A i .MY R uv O lvh , 44 100 in Crt’ihre. >Y Vili I RE» A di kr< id ■instructi.oni*. tonnai on *4 Mistral Sills ' ? and foresight that Idaho was rrthemed some ’j N av / ” nr» tort In (’hlibre, I fiu.»l, •••»* of »hc,< irciiit (N •¡•nrtJ lor Sjvhi»td*~;|ir^g r«*«- in Hi»ii»i«ii| SiinliipL and m»l stpdrpt* R aised .—The frntnc: for the new Ac-idctny ___ ” Navy s Ze Calibre. : Pm.rCB Sleeper*« Jamé* Si ,!»»hn>mn'»< d«»y!«,-»srtl. r*h«r ■ li il» f i Sheet II' Hfiiì furnmlii’d on the n-nat termi», I« |ÉPÎlP,- :r .. T ---.r,™--r n . T -- »ir ■¡** ’ doriti Now pocket Revolver, with l«<»nding Lever. -p(I’) building in this place has |ji*en successfully v«»r of Win I'«i|n-l!» i raised. It roust.tuies a fine start for a fine —+Ho»-I bcfreiinim ihaue for |»n- I A P ocket ’Repeatin* Pi«tols, FJlitil pt.. N”S. 22 32 Cart, And in fact ëVerÿf.hîng in the ahwniu of ! j upon the Idtuwii g iUctlof pmcel »»1 Ihn I. h* pii.-. Ivakin•£ i 1 J HH • ». k»imcettt>. A:e . Arc, building, nod rvCeeIs credit alike on the Con- Y Hn fr Ï jh ¡ No. 22. 30 32 Cartridge* : VeM pock» t ’ ! .lb< ijq r i Hó'W READY « it : «dimitid in «» ■ • it • i Jz .t • I r « : G kn C ane , u*i»»e No 32 Cartridge« traitor and foreman of th« job. ■ ■L i Î • ■ L ’ ' Jíí “ »'i 3 I o|m mb Lo». north pail »'I J S. . Lihh* r^m : Th*, to M<». ........ E I’. i kina ¡ÍOct*. 'M ... i«d|.)ji|mi T. NG .i.E Birr«»! S hot <1 i : ns . ---------- f-f-T or ih- ik 'II hi* u ih*, do.» íR '11 - » G .!W jí Í.',«-;| A oain are we under obligations to J. Strnt- ■ li»- ( Op'ii’ii O anderer. 1 d*l to 3'h-r*. REV'm.viNGtliiFi.E, 36 & 44 100 Calibre. l»y th«* l> pmtimi t t TWi< i ™im J»1»»» •«••<• • set • • »«part I w • I Of a Quality not surpassed in Oregoa, ditti» , ’in: coi timo »g 240 : ki . i* B r :; a < u L oadinc B if I. e N«», 32 Calibre. ,, inhiuig 240 avi« a« t •M.m4« m min, S in Francisco,; f> r a copious *'t| |>ly of at Ur«»L’«m( «¡¡tv ' I t|l»4 W|ldw«n»d. H bi .. ' ’ : I I . ..t*.1 II. A..Brown 61 let*, BtrEAfii L oading U akbine . N o . 4»> CarfrMgr. I Indeed on the Pacific Coast J ‘ __, , I will »X|»' _ » *«< wWh or ’HMw" *í»I Wn e which eastern literature- f Maj. Stratnin is pro­ hi-s, ■ j T • I r' > • > ' G 1 li'« !*îi:o|^ .: ff l»«r fòli itone.) Veli llv. IO the highest b »Ith-r f»»r <;àhh >11 «litio 3‘)ct*. U. S. R ifled (^ti*vl atir ••!,) wilh Sa lire Hay’l Our Mill m situated on 1 *a mt her Creek prietor <»f the must extensile news depot west i|t tío- (‘iiurff !|hu-i» door, io ;L’i1li)«‘tl U. S. Rin ¿1» M l ’.- mct , S j imfivld | attern, / F»ivr »d* san nv «»f the iiliiìve will be furv ard 10 miles treat of LAFA^EÏTE, arid is ()ur new Breaph Jjiading Arms |?(I7. I.» li» tw»i*i t-Weei 'lu- tXhh ilav ni «J'inv, 18(17. .»il hîû re*>jji||t t of mu- f., of the Alkghiny Mountains. dolhir. . / have jti't been approved and adopted fur ITT ït'tâdif r n Cireubtf. h«»u>r* of 9 0’14“«*k, A. .M«. and 4 o'vlorli. » surnwided by a dense Fotest of large clear Military service itr Europe. raid i X» ylltloh * ■ J * * ' »»•»,•»•*•%•• «if said du) . ti»ty fri f BROWN A PERKINS. J est R eceived . XA frean supply of Butter and Tender Yellow Firs; also .Cedar, and cost and ávtrtiing c»wi*. T r+® Fronnip-ofn N»-v Ymk City H KEMI.NGTON & SONS, f and Soda cra< k’*rs, Syrups of the best q ni­ ■ ; i il; l| ' !' ¡I I ' ■'» »! I '»fi»l WHITCOMB i ■ ■ much othey Valuable Timber abound in . tty, 4c., by R. R. Î4 L. Sithpsnn. Simpson. lLION.r-Nt’W York. i*., hjr J I V V1V t• TT We fumihh L 1I i------------------------------ J 4 ------ - - 1-1, goVtii w’nnti*«!. U» «biniti ri t&» fail dt-cnhnt "T‘ . * nrp mills iiiadi N»t (¡.'«msignu^nts mad«*. will h«»given. toned and « ourtemH th tlfe l»*t degree. v r' II«-,.d i I BOO TS. •i i ■ • , ; j.».. ....... j r Machine 2 lOty Empire Sewing I of Dr, I>'»iw»ity. ftnt» FranrirC«. on 4’h |»ngr. H Co. t ’ LEASE GIV2 H£E0. SHOES. s FR 'M B. F. BLtlll&~*S*rmu S«n»u week« week* since 13 «• • T ” 1 < * - j* FÍ ‘ f lrEH |.l»*sid ’ ìtv I shall -rii jpw»t irfi arnd Dr. Dnherry »»nk* as <»ne of our m«mt dm- — --------- ----------------- - -------------- 1 GATTEÍR^ * r . " r • i ■ fl ■ ' ‘! W 'r . f I i ~W >py of the dibatc h - we received a yati»pl.lct*c*>px An . imjnfrhrd [ Ati»ician*, and 'also one of the Bdo HiTBFST PGLITiOAL AND STATISTICAL w»n| ctri'Avri.’s only for the cash' Mf - « ■ " i i 1 ’ *• t13 tween thi- humin iq»«»nH^roj.r»y and th Dairy, ■ b r“’** t Au exp» rimicr Hi* addrw« in Dr. » hern, privai»* P.rrticA irtk’bte>Tïto m»? will save themedv.» s alrmm i hu-iness. warrant* hi n » NOW HfiADt: - . • - 1 I . I " « (jonfesii our surprise «m discor%rih>g the > I ... Medimi *h4_$nr»ical h»>tlrn'e. San Flan* ■ «if bip AÎrtfity to pleAse I and fgo n^ichsilinnynt'Oe; by »«-thing i tn medi 1. . a . ». — i*i » • • • _ • 4 l«4|»*bt Mine 2 in Al* THfi XfPMOCRATW ALMANAC. ç so*». .^ocraMeuti» street.. bfluw M«ua. in Mi'ï » il-GtiVA ì î nno 1>0ÏT o XJ. JTLEKY, SEWING MACHIA CO. FI» G - h r . I ; -r MEDICA I..- A- ^r'ra:« trn»e»w LsfiT li 1