, THE COURIER. AGENTS FOR THE COURIER. The following are our duly authorized agents to receive and receipt for subscriptions and advertisements for the C ourier : Hudson & McCarty, ) San Francisco. L. P. Fisher, j •• ■ ■ <•(■ Lafayette. lit . ii. F. White, • I . ., Amity. Hon. C. IL Burch, . . Dayton Dr. J.JDodson, . . McMinnville. Hon. W. T. Newby V . ’ . Muddy. Andrew Baker, . , North Fork. J. M. Fryer, . West Chebalem. Hon. A. Shuck, . East Cbeb^fem. Dt Ramsey, . W heath td.’ • • Marion Hendrix, . Dallas. » • • T. J. Love’.ady, Tilhtnook. Dr. G. B. Davidsen • • . .’ Forest Grove. Dr. F. A. Bailey, . . . . Hillsboro. Wm. Blanchard, . . ...... .Tillamook. Wm. Squires,....;... . Is Her Match in Orwgon? NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PERRY .DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER. It is a real p sore to os to speak favor­ ably of this arti fe, known almost universally to be a good an safe remedy for horns and body. ; It is valuable not other pains of only for oold« i the winter, bnt for variops summer compl nts, and should be ik etety family. The malty which demands it may Christian Advocate. come unawar I ■Tbdro resides in Lafayettij. John iHarris, (fatniiiaiy known as “Aunt Polly’) who weighs three hundred and iixty- five pounds! Mrs. H. is ip the enjoyof TQ CHANG» * *1 •1 • t a . / AJ J a • • 9 Ml . tl! JZ I T * T ^5 i f i ' BOOK At® JOB PRINTER, 1 *2 * ’ ’ ordinary good health, and walks aboiB with! Complete and.well e «re Disposingjofour f remarkable sprightlinebs, especially for a per-: assorted urted stòck of Dry Goods, Groceries, son of her enormous weight; shd what is still Staple and ling, , Hardware^ nuruwar^ ( , ^utlety, * y floods, moro singular she is by no means si large oods, Nótioií^ Notions? etc., etc., at . “ we • believe,.to •- - wear *-■ «1 boned person— ■*“ being able, H COS! i’ 51 5; shoes. Tboughftlie Nd- 5i Though the mother of no child- child­ tl I* ■/ - ■ • i I ren, fche she is regarded as a model in her heir do­ Trader and > the Farmer, le government, she having been charged everybody else! W' mestic ijo V and no mis- ging up of the ...... jjthe with Ithe training and brii jjing r i somewhat large family of children belonging tak I I u .. ; u to her Stepson, Mr. Ruubcn Darris, who wFre, |T Artics indebted ii tjier to J. M. Belcher or bercrfij berofii of a kind mother while they.were yet: small i and helplciis. Intelligent, kind-hearted-, to Jelcljier & Bird, wi|l ;|save costs by squsr- benevolent none know Mrs. ng the.rt delinquencies soon. We must have benevolent anHh ATTORN AÁD COUNSELOR —-------- —.----- II — j ------ «1 'v interesting to a qualified few. Quiet prepara­ in easing pain when taken internally; while* N KILLERjb A Singular Ruling-. . * others use it ~ -—*’ with * great suofiess, internally tions were made by parties 'contemplating a q pEILRY DAVI S‘. PA In County Court, Judge Cowls presiding, bntarej equally ¡ignorant of its healing virtoes as nb equal. In .iAs an internal remedy, [r participation in the business In hand. There when applied ARY PUBLIC, «'«qplaint. dyspep­ ‘ly. We therefore wish bills were presented for costs accruing in the was nothing extraordinary in all this, quoto Cas is of cholera^ to say to all ___ ______ it is equally sncteessfol Iip)a, it «urns in one qigfit, Portland, Oregon. matter of the State vs. R. H. Osborn, at the the reader—but the episode is yet.to be nar< sia. dysentery, astfi^pa. whether used internally or externally, and it byjtakipg it intern nalliy. «nd bathing with it oe in the several Courte of stands alone -*■ “ *- *- ’ ...mwi® instance of his wife who alleged in the com' rated. stanas aione, unrivalled by all the great cat- ly. |. It is tbo linittiept ip Ametioa. Ameiioa. the best I 'On the morn ung of the day, one week ago, freely. State, and of Washington alouge of Family Medicines, and its sale is plaint that defendant had threatened to take one of a brace df < gallants, both well known in Itsjnction is like m»gic, when externally ap- Territory. AU indi» of claims and demand«, —jIS enie rp|je demaQfl for it universal 1 and i tobad sores, bu(n«. scalds and sprains, the life of complainant. The .court held that this community* made a pilgrimage to a towp notes, bills, book Account«, subscriptions, etc, frOmYWta nd other foreign - -nrrac--- countries is toward sunset, and there laid seige to the baud thd sick headache and toothnebe, don’t bar d defendant, having been tried by a court not equal* to the demand at bdmej and it has be- collected on commission, by suit or solicita ­ ' short, it w a Pain Killer. Killer. of a> fair one, which had by common consent ‘ faiKto try it. In spürtet tion. come known □ these far off pláoes b »y its having legal jurisdiction of his person, there- been ’ ?" belong to /' the .other one-. He-. "Petry Datil' Vegetable Pain Killer, i J ‘ • . allowed 7. Z't ' to T »• %T _ 1 f' _1J i A i--_ ii- JI—-» i * morifa »O OfiitW Real Estate h ght and sold. Taxes paid, merits, Cavalier No. I 1, * —*well, F the remainder fere the county could not legally pay said turning, •A 71’ TT O — * i ’ TT ~ ' A 5 i ' * * i after a thorongh tría!, l,;mr b innumerable living Buildings rent and rents collected on oom- we will leave zx the reader to guess except that that . ‘ ‘ .. I . • . ZW ■ I • • > • * costs. wjtpewce, h.i8 proyihd proH'1 iteelf ; J mission. the medicine of Cavalier No. 2 carried off the prize in triumph. 3 there have been many New mbian Motel ! ^age Altimngli | I' J llie^age Titles to Estate searched, and ab- Alti: The Lots relative to said trial we will brief-, f Runaway and Sma«h Up. imi ...e|11cinal preparations brought before the stracts made j- . ■- ’ I L . ’ . ■ • sl !if>; - .J! N m . 118, 0 and 122 Front Street, ly^tats : On Saturday last, Mr. Ewfog’s two horse puhlitfrinceJbeifinitintrodutioD of Perry Da- —ALSO— Corner of Mprrison, Portland, Oregon. During their residence in Umatilla county, team, boing driven by his son, became frights visf Vegetalife Pain Killer, and large targe AGENT fo|j the C ourier , and all the R. H. Osborn and wife it seems did not live iitrodnctioD, the principal dailylnnd weekly newspapers on T he New !olumbian having jftst been a portion of a load of wood accompanied , x together on terms the most agreeable; the ened elegantly ished and baing nqw rqady by the driver, tumbling forward upon them at : Pain Killbr has Continued to ^steadily ad-* the Pacific coa f, Subscription» and advejr- wife threatened to leave said Osborn and re­ ineuartner end of u>e ' iviiiiican ¡Bridge, hhu ......jjiu n of Gnests, the proprietor for the recepti world as the tiaements solid ;iu the estimation of the l farther end of the “ Millican bridge,”'and turn to her friends in this county. Defend­ the would say to the citizens of Porttaué and .^,rilTT .____________ _______ All collectings promptly remitted. dashing across said bridge, up the hill and in- be^t If ¡ftinily Medicine ever introduced. It ant threatened, it is alleged, that in the event blic, that be is now.jÿgdî tú the traveling OFFICE—No- 95 Front street, Portland. 1« an internal and external remedy. Ope wagon, is complainant did so he would take her life.— j to ;town, soon made havoc of the wagon. in all who may favor him receive and nS-tf [ Strango as it may appear, the young man (the P°*i,ip e proAf of its .jcacy it, that the safes L She did so return—soon followed by defend­ driveri extricated himse’f from h's iwrilous ha-^e Constantly rices to soit, <.\;jL| -1 with a call, at increased, and wholly open < driver) perilous ljai ant. Upon the arrival of said Osborn in the , with conneoting doors, for Suits of root .j itB sbw i merit. : yck of the Pain Killer t settlement where complainanbresided, a war** Situation and escaped without injury, families. i Wood racks should be constructed With a I I upun upen Ihe patient, wffien D taken internally in jr k - . ' rant was sworn out before Justice Hembree, Bowel Complaints, Board, per week $5 ; Board and Lodging. J cases ,oi ,of uoiu, Cold, vou CoogLj This precaution would hare forward “ gate. ” ' SAL Llf, OREGON. xfk x f\ i .. at her instance praying the court to restrain $7 r & to —. flO. j Cl^oleTa, Choiera, Dysentery Dysentery ? $nd other affections of 'defendant from carrying into execution his prevented the smash-up on Saturday last. A large Fire -proof Safe for the deposit of [L. JAY S. TURNEY, th« system, has bm ■n truly wonderfal, and threat, made in Umatilla county sometime pre­ Railroad Meeting. k JIS J *» - Fl •? aciong medical pre- æ has JL«. Win for ;* it a .. i ua “ AVING leased the above named hotel valuables. viously, and contingent upon complainant re^ On Saturday last according to previous an­ Baggage Wagon always fe Carrriage .ever Ifei forgotten. 4ts parations that cat. ,n K* 1 is prepared to accommodate the travel- turning to thÜ county, allegipg that she bad nouncement, a meeting of citizens of Yamhill success in rvmov g g pain, as an external ing public, and ONE HUNDRED regular attendance to good reason to fear that defendant would carry i&iKkX*1! 0 Burns, Bruises. Sores. boarders, in A' riHr good style as any bouse on gage to the House free of charge. J ¡¿iÀ'. lîj! into execution bis said contingent threat, county met at the Court House for the pur­ remedy, in cases House open 1 night. j: ~ {; of Insects, and other the coast H4 has determined to make the made in the county of Umatilla.* Under these pose .of listening to J. Gaston, Esq., on the Sprains. Cuts. ■Sting “ P. B. SINNOTT, a* closes of suffering^ ias secured for it such a^ “ Bennett ” ar good as the best, and better circumstances, wbat was the court called upon prospects, p’esent and future, of the Oregon ap 30 yg nl ly Proprietor. as an almost iufallibte ho$t of . lee^iiopny. than any pnb|i chouse in'Salem. He will Central Railroad Company, of which Com ­ todo? Must the complainant seek the au^ —gUi---------------------------------- ilvj.'ÿ'j « »f I ,f tofoedy. ihat it will be banded pos- W* bandud down to poa- s(Km compiete in ¡Hue important improvements?' thoritiesof Umatilla county hundreds of miles pany Mr. G, 1 b Secretary. A pljan of opera dlscov- which will add greatly to its appearance, and New Go gtvatust inedieal medical dltoov- lice composed com loosed ferity as one of the gtoated away and asp. that defendant be restrained tion was proposed, and a’cotEinitlee 13 4w ’*. comfort, and uftends to merit and hopes to J, H. Üpton, Upton, JJM. J. M. Belcher, E. Ç. C, B adshaw, adshaw,: erfc* of themnfctt4utl| CeRtnty- frpm doing violence to her person-froin taking of J. L ' ' T i meliti t '-1 ' n ' ; I receive 1* his share ------ of ' patronage. her life? And Would not the authorities in S.U. Adams and F. Martin was appointed to » Jf ■ N. B — Furnished rooms, with or without Umatilla county have responded that they consider the same in so far as it related ¡to Tv Lil r_________ *-'Rt Hd* advertisement r.- a * i had no juriíGÍction of thè person of defendant Yamhill county. i? U1. h T on 4th page, board, by the day, week or month, at the of Dr. Ifobcrfy, 8h(i In uur next wc shall give our views ati sopo Off the ground that he resided in Yamhill Charges moderate. * •• Dr. Doherty ranks as hi opr most die • BeuucU. f , L . - --------------------------------------------------------- county, and on the further ground that de length touching our"Railroad prosptctb—a-> titwujsbed L. JAY S. TURNEY. QLEM ECK LES of the House of ÄOKLFS tirigiiished physici phyeicia taf apd ¡ateo one of the we see them. fendant had thrèatèriéd violence to Ire done Salem, M|reb 19, 1867. v2 t)8 tf , the criterion ibQft cncvri*sfi¡i. w hieb is I. O. G. T. * . in ’to the person of complainant in Umatilla coun­ Unity Lodge, I« by’whicli the tùcdi medical j>ra |itihr*er is judged/’ by'whicli &BURBANK in Lafayette, begs UsAye to say ty-^ that it was only a contingent threat de­ The following officers were installed for the |iiS addrrsMtfl tl)* ;D rj ty, Private f »! ' to his old Cnstdmers and all cor ràed, that pending upon complainant removing to Yam­ ensuing quarter: Medical and Surgfeal San Frau- ÄEW AA D SPLEXDID SAW j L* Jai-Ii Uy; J he is on hand St the old stand with,» ‘better bill county. - 1 I U. *11. M- Baxter, W. >>. C. T.; 1.; Nancy Yocum, locum, W W . cittì«, Sacramento iftreKitJ low Montgom- Under these circumstances, assuming that the ■ • J. '.'î ? ip Co’s Office General assortment of Goods.than !s usually V. ,l G. A. “ Henrv, W. — S • _ C. Haudk v, W. try, opposite Pac ¿eidos courts of neither Yamhill nor Umatilla county irM fL - ■ i i. .. ... i T of the person of F. brought to this, place, wlijch we j prppcfs to nr >rl. ir _____ . Alderman, » i.i_____ nr W.! I f I. n G.; . n Z. *ii T. JT W. Mt; Margaret defendant, complainant must flee for her life T Ip "" sell for cash or wady pay as low aif the same T' Henrv, WAÖ.G W.«O. G ; Kate Handley,) Handlev, W. W, R. II. S S.; or fell a prey to his blood-thirsty vengeance. Henry, fl articles can be had in Portlaad. We think the court acted correctly in taking j. J. Handley, W L H S ; Saliie S Henry, I 1 ......... : US-'Jìaù i I '••As to the merits of the cause itself we know Henry,’W C. 7 T ;r’k ' Uet price. Jio thut be if est; estob ixhed in McMipn- . f/ J - , i. ; GA Sills Itiort of such a. cause, and was therefore not delivered by A. Sharpies, A. B., M. D.¿ Prof, Bargains in the ¡ Market, and hayi ■i : ÏS. Ac.. Ac . .entitled to thè costs and disbursements inci­ of Anatomy, before the ipedical department of to sell only for pASH or PRODQj yS, we are toi order on shor Joists, noticb and teaeonable the Willamette Universi ty st the commtFnce- rersitV «t coi dent to such a proceeding. Enabled to offer Inducements tofj |u8toufers ice ofintany year» in the |t is a i credit- te rins. ir Ani Looking at the matter through unprofes­ ment of the session I for 1867. T Sleepers, h h Myftalk warrant i lim in assuring patrone sional eyes, we may (*e pardoned for suggest­ able literary production, white the author such as have ne|ver been Offered ia Lafayette Flooring ing that in the disposition of the above cause handles the subject in hand in a magner that ol Nite ability to pl I'ilW thqpil., before. Please give us a trial. i •fb.J. LENNOX ,anu^actu •*i| i i' 'I I • and perseverance of Mr. W. T. Newby) which capital stock has al II been subscribed. hi, in bu$ir In Lafayette ip complete style, ^beie he ia Our Mill is situated on Panther Creek, prepared to take developes the fact that the enterprise is a more Physio-Medical Journal. 1 M tl rra juiring | ’ ■ ’ I ‘ ' ‘ w 1 ' ' practicable onp than the most sanguine of its W ICONS. I Jthe best makers from 'London, Paris, Gef- ilaith than a g 'i ■ jiaj et of teeth. Frank Hannah; W. M., A. J- Hannah ; W<¡ [ corrected weekly ] 4 Vi ftoany. the Okies of New York, Philadelphia, i! Hol to every o thnti mtetlu -Ccmc! anq Lafaÿctte, Nov. 26 1866. i nh R. S., Mary Mada-.vay ; W. L. S., C. Carey; A who have no m ey ciome- —as soon - J as - you j f—■ Baltimore and Boston also: |bs W. D. M., —. Burrows' W. I. G., Emma Wheat, B Bushel, - rf < : »Itsome. HM edal at the Amtricdtn Instituet fat FIVE Oats, rl|H: Palmer ; W. O. G.; J. More. ^for the Dentistu ‘'Oregon I qr SUCCESSFULIYEARS ! Out*Piano»con­ bushol, ‘i - This is the ‘‘banner” Lodge of Yamhill. Barley, tain the French QrW Aotwm. Harp Pedal. 100 lbs ,tl Are loud in Though the youngest Lodge but one it has the Corn meal, »wails, _ $£25 100 lbs Í Overstrung Bug, Full Iron Frame, and all i i ■ I largest membership, best Hall, finest regalia, Flour, Since) nee their hfg high prices içpp « ara boldly assailed. ! !,00 Middlidgs, ton, Modern Improvements. Every: The Tothl^s iip Every Instrument most money in the treasury and is probably I " eets every Saturday evening 8 Apples, dried ’ lb Warranted F1VF Year». Made Under the ith pleasant Sa the most prompt and correct in alt the work [eyes i idonee of Isaac Roger«. 18^ I supervision of M r . J. H. G rgves V ien . who And Matrons of thèf Order- The almost unanimous re­ Perches,.^ lb >W joy uitheir . fiW I f J •I i ; JAS. PXD3. BACON. has a W.C. •. thirty-five election of the W.' O. T., shows the high ap - ri -> • • I- “I D i T *4 r |i T sàac R ogers ; W. S. Hams, ft> . , H no 15 ly I years, and is tbetuaker of over Èi pri*‘TAou- preciation of his fitness for that position, while 'PLEASE I- : ' ' 10 \ the large majorities of all the officers elect Sides, ^Jb_ . . ----- — sand Piano-Forte»; 0nr Our faeftitiete facilit forinan- i aT ’ K 1 r- lb î i ¿ FTElVthfed 11 1 sell groceries and FTER thin d»t^ 11 I • upeaks a ohanimity of feeling, which it would Shoulders, ofactoring enable us to sell these instrument« » To lb confectioneries on for the cash- My Î from 8100 to $200 cheaper than Ray first- be well for the Ordèr, did it exist more uni- Lard, MISCELLANEOUS. - : ¿oonpoti;: keep up and profits being 9-«fl nW nW ly ly class Piauo-Forte. *» : '^ertèliy m hl! our Lodges. I I ' ■ •*] ‘ j ’ ’• . . . .. * -kltri 15 , do cfe otherwise otherwise., ^1 . Li 7 i ll .. , .h a 4. u l 4 < ,, afflfyiauL— Already a good > work has been done in Eggs, fldoz., __ 25 lb will save themselves ¡|«l <1 1 ‘’Parties indel Dayton, and the prospects for the future are Butter, F you arc in want of a superior WASH ii 25 by settling immedi- ^OiAFAYETTE FEED STABLE! and me much a JLy bright ; *, may they continue so until illiam Cheese, per lb, tie hex NG TUB, Urge or.small, can |>e Cbfejkeng, ci doz., , |3,00 acC’upts must be. afoly. My ou Penn Lodge bears the “ banner ” of the State. Çhiekeng, cum mpdated at SIMl&OX’S F L’ a J orses and Buggies ta Careful partiel XJIILX 60 Potatoes, $ « bushel’ p T 0 « & , II . j ► I f, ?■. w ♦ J h ■ » Ji 1 f >' - I ! til». í)Lú ,it T * * M U- I 9 4 '{Bj?’^ead2 ♦ H t ] uj ? i 1 !' • 1| - i l ' ■' I ' * " tl sJ . 1$ .1 ■ I •-■'i ' . I * f ’ll* j : & ' ; L-.’i b J, Il ; ! j . T '•/ jLaw, Í k . À ' • te». . : ijlf-Wfe L ? :Àl ___ _ k __ , w •ffi «• .. i _ : j j :_2 • a iL a ! — i 1-J B l NNETT' H.OUSE. • J < > I -3 ■#■’■'3 . H I « -■ rf I ■■■.»■■- i 1 J NEW ¡i r 7---------------- :------- -, 1 ■ -• Í > ; o •i.» .-.j,; MILL. KI NG Moor & Simpson jo I •- '*' * iß f * I swots. : H > . T"i « s • I . LI) ? ■ i ii tß' ■SA-X- I* 1< f z • »• », r ■ VW* I t f «*’ 11 I - -¿T5“ f 1 I ■ i ■ W in $ r i I I .Halt I' I ♦ * . .. . L t **.y t ; f - i’l M f r i %■ f - Ir H West Che’lem Lod/ge, Z O. G. T. i i * I hbhmi |L LIVERY I A UK K k ~ 1 * 11 t ■ ki i; h I ». I . w ’ 7. -• i > • f >: I ■ J * f ■ I ; fétfPUt ; U I i ? Tl : ¡ j. > i" i 1 ! t V4’ a K A * I > * i ;