4 UI rar r 1 • i 1 1 4 * * I i, * > "1 9 I c ' ! 1 ' ’7 I ' / I r: t l if . 1 * < n 4 — i X. “ /' ; e - Í ■ ’t ' « ta •• .1 es I ,‘i » i 4 <♦' r <5 I '■ ;-T’;L -u~ ■ A i* a » 1 I •f 4 I- - ■ ■ I ♦ > I -Ì fr Ì r !• [ÌJ. I ill * « ¡I ie. I !- • Í *- ; I f f 14 V 'l > «À ‘I » ■ \ i r 1 * » Í r h ■ i: 1 I :' i i - ’ii Zf I* I g 4* i w r 1 ’ ■ JI ‘1 i TV- T Lj- } H i -k -U ‘. Í JI ' sseaesB |- A ' «’’►V- - a ■' te I -T 11 te >• fJI i » ■ j 4 I 11 >■ _z. < limi « •» .if ,1. ■ — nF f 93 OO Per Annum,] 1t» I r I ’ n ? ? ’ ’ i í I *■ > ■£. — ~T * < ■i DAYTON ADVERTISEMENTS; - W ' 1 I » H ■ " == '1 (i. : » K-. . f 1 1 . t HT i ; . •LI Vi r w j I LAFAYETTE, OR Í 4 ' h ! i L J i V ' p f —-r- f the ! courier , i * * I I ; ‘” • * — i ' F ■ ' ' ' :' 1 • PRINCIPLES,! NOT EXPEDIENCY--MEASURE8 , NOT MEN. ■ i- ■. : . IlJAS 1IL1 IQ-j. - ' z i jt VOL, 3 Î Ì • II » n ■ í. i AI » V ’i J J. as Taxation A*xavon and ana Banking. aaiiKing. i" ¡’ V ' ■ i". .1 r SEB-5—SH--ESH-É-E5S—W ¡. by labor is I V e I ’ i , ' sa .’i cerlifio iflcation of cheeks as •* good,” signed by P ersonal V anity .^—The vanity that i paces 1 ’ - failed HMM" who immediately after, and the survive« the decay of every personal charm No accumulation of property -----------------------------—------------ — 1 l>R tVi:FWr¥T^ e ' I YEW AKKAAGLJ1EYTM moneydtseven percent interest. We took iby its cashier < of * $16,000. This is a very fair One can hardly blame a beanlifal women I88UÏD EVERY TUESDAY, ^., ~r i » I ‘or that line of operations. We for rejoicing in the admiration to whioh her week’s work for a»ion, in a late article, to comment upoi I h on AT lATATETTB, ition of 8even-eigbthsof the countr ry venture the assertion that these^gentiemen are mirror tells her she B! UML ---------- r -- ---------- Btaih the several hundred paper money “very moral,” good Republicans, go especially ting off to the boat advantage the physical YAMHILL COUNTY, OREGON, HARNESS and SADDLERY r-frO s in 111 VI U< UHUÖl, YÌUIVUj with wiiu the vue govern- for the largest kind of money circulation, and perfections with which heaven has endowed our midst, which, Ì. end at Washington, are flooding the ’ _ ’ J cquntry look upon Thad. ¡Stevens, Ben. Wade and her; but the* withered grandma who waa —BY— a* >' one thousand millions of dollars Beast Batter as saints. once a Hebe is not excused by her wither­ Banks, like fire, are good servants but bad ed ante-faded cheeks, lack-lustre eyes, and promises to pay, every dollar of 1 Ml ■ 4 loafing at the expense of labor, at masters. The fewer we have the better off hair that has depreciated from gold {0 pew- y « OF II |ix and reven per cent, interest for are the people. This money power is the ter, and is lacquered over to conceal the ■•k unj ust and deceitful of all earthly powers. charge. Looking glasses tell the tenth to Interest, secrectly, quietly, mysteri* most unjust TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (In advance.) hjs from labor so much at its earn* It entails upon millions excessive toil, poverty three score as to sixteen. They reflect saf­ s. iogs that in a race for accumulation, interest and want, while it keeps them ignorant of the fron as overlaid with manufactured* Mootn, One Copy One Year, . . . • • ' H ??• Workingman in cause of their sufferings. ; It silently transfers they tell the enameled elder “ Will 1 vastly get ahead of the workingman ’/temé thate«o to her One Copy Six Months, . '• F i 2 ' 00. AT : I. i; ■ ‘ ' ^te of earnings. A cat» is laid j a * large share of their earnings into the bands it is unnatural. And what the rninpr says ;egite « JB^Clergymen and Teachers will be Fur­ never lifted a Anger to silently, society repeats wjth a sneer. It dowte in Perry’s Monetary System, where a of others who have ha i ■ labor. - j The evil is impossible to mistake rouge for the tint of perform any any productive pr< nished with the C ourier at $2,00 per annum. couple of men are e supposed to be desirous of perform I bey are good Workmen ; power of money hasl>een politically estab- nature. The imposture is apparent to ev­ tune. They making 7 a fortune. ch Itys tip a dollar per day over expenses. » lished, and it must be politically annulled.— ery observer as'if “ beware or paint ” wero ■ RATES OF ADVERTISING, New \ork Day Book. New York Day Book. jejr is put out at interest as fast as it This OREGON written on the forehead of the piok»Muoer- ■ ------- -- j--------------------- • accumuli m each six months savings of a ed lady. Pale young woman as sallow old One Square, 12 Lines or less, one Inser- When these men ¡ay out. dollar a day are loaned The Dallas Gasette gives the following ones are much given to coloring the cheek, $8,00. - V ■ ' ' ' 1 ■ ' ’ tion, ... , • • . á earn >e |ge ofcsixty one years, their earn* reach (be • of I*' atly were $24,200. but the interest patronage extended to him in the past girl* between the age of sixteen Md and twen- twen subsccriber«, Mrs. Polly Davidson: “ She A liberal deduction will be . made ____ on ■■■■ »* — * to $104,550 in the forty years. - to his old customers ... J others, say and their face« at least as ofton at they j , Quartery, Yearly, and half Yearly Adver­ would is the mother of 12 grown children, 105 ty paint (........................................... * t the two men to live twenty years that he is uow better prepared than ever, to i n.' ¡ clean their teeth. tisements. . 1 . .. grand children, _ " V t is, to the age of eighty-one, and J grand children, 117 great Never were there more counterfeits of no- Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 per supply all demands for and 3 great, great grand children. Total i loan their money, the totai ac- fTi M il ■ ■ ' ' tore in circulation that at this our day^w annum. » Il % I n in the sixty years would be number of child », 237. There wen ia It is the fashion to be spurious. Grey beads a t^Coin Being the basis on whioh our X To put thi« case in a4}>w words the army, one , two sons-in-law, fifteen are scarcer than grey nortes. Coate are so X rates are fixed, Currency will only be taken L the power of interee^ these two grand sons, and interest, e great grand son.— cut as to imply swelling fieteors and exten­ « at market value. the age off twenty-one, and lay r ¡There are only two » copperheads in the sors where there is nota muscle to the sleeve, Of v/1 all an kinds mu ns a*nd ana descriptions, and lower lar yeàra This lar a day ibr forty year* sons, with their families, and pantaloons so shaped ; that mere drum­ family. Two soqs, than^the same class and Quality of articles s ‘ each six, months loaned COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. loaded out at ' T ■. ’ i. ‘ I■ ! 4 sticks seed) herculean. A plumpness that can be purchased elsewhere the U- nt., and at the age of f!xty>one, live in this county, one in Madison coun- ■ ■ , 1 ■ I L Judge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, W is akin to that of the “ lay fingers ” in the -••• JJlaJ.. • » ‘ men stop laboring. **** They have saved by ’ 4 ty, and one in Montgomery county, this B»ll> J, ’■ Z ~ H. t. Brown; . Sheriff “, L.¡ L. Whit * imantilla store, pervades the pettiooat world ; lading up, and putting” out every rix-months State. : She is isjtill hus- ­ still living with her hus comb; Clerk, S. C. Adams; Assessor, D. ir dUUar'a dollar's day, the sum of $104.550 00.-»- 00.**- band, James Davidson, at North Salem, and, io sbottane half of the general public Smith; Treasurer, Clem. Eckles; School is cotton, wire, whalebone and superfluous ey thèùi iS go on twenty years longer, and and both arh afe yet enj< enjoying good health.-— broadcloth and ieraeymero. Superintendent, Rev. John Spencer; Coroner, _-rr_.L th^uiseMres th^uiselVe8 .out of their income, and .•X Iowa State Register. Registbr. J. W. Watts; Surveyor, A. S. Watt. i----------- |. - -- at the. age of TT i eighty T-W-iv -S. — -J a 4 6 nd tb^psqives worth —.... .,-4 ' - • -■ Repairing, Mending and When the whole truth is known, -the W hy F olks R ead L ocals .—-people clear ■fllMIlÉHRHipMI $$o,000 each, on it the saving of one done on short Notice. read articles of local interesé fot reason» dollar 1^■■ «’day for sixty years, the interest on “copperhead” part of the above “trag­ • I these savings up'and t’ings being kept up' and re-invested as opposite as man and wife. A. read» „ ------ »a »........ ......... edy,” wilLbe divested of its poetry.— ®c%.The highest Market price paid for each siji months during the period. about a fight because he was there and saw Suçais the power* power of money); and this HIS HOTEL is still kept for the accom­ Hides and produce. i hr > d 7 I l ' Sucfi|!i8 f The two “ copperheads „ aforesaid, are it., B. reads because he wasn't there and modation of boarders and the travelling priiicipjte ’ of accumulation leads to the deplors * - promptitude in business I hope ..V|,w to wv. didn’t ; C. because he’d heard about it, ' -t'r '«• si ■ a 1-' -• public. 1 p II' / i able n -jjlts knotf n as national pauperism. — the only members of the whole entire “nu­ £ ' ' li - r. be able to merit a continuance of the patron? •ne classgets smasingly rich, the other, merous progeny ” that have any- character and D. because he hadn’t^ while those age heretofore so generously extended to me. GOOD STABMXG, wbo had a hand in it, wonted io know by thJj sape rule, gets fearfully poor. The ^Customers from the J Opposite among their neigbbors for intelligence. and attentive hostlers. bow muefi of truth concerning them .the ba pi tallies, <8 a body, prey on labor ^and then Í Opposite eapiialistsjtas I ... ■■■ j| side of the river, who purchase the editor has deemed compatible in its utter­ In connection with this ‘bouse will be prey on each other ; and the.end is a concen S^i. amount of five dollars, wilfbe entftled’to tration of G en . W ashington ' s L ast ¡V ote — ance, with a eontinuatoin of his oten earth­ *" great wealth in the I 7s of the kept Horse«, Buggies, ^c^ to ­ lery fe < When this country ’•*■•« old as The Father of bis country was conscien­ ly career. The consciousness, doo, that tf. ferriage at my expense. on reasonable terms. r p Europe is now, we shall show the same pic­ tious in the discharge of every duty as a i hundreds of others are perusing the same ‘ ' *•' I _x _ . , S C. STILES. ■»■Ml . ■ ■ J *4-------- h —M j-j.— ' r* ture. Qne-half One-half of England is to-day'owned to-day owned citizen, and never failed to vote. The last ♦ Dayton, Decembér 1, 1866 llayden, article simultaneously and lltet if fe there ­ Ren. F. • i-f '! wL Ifoy ■ J— i L* . ___ f by one hundred and fifty persons, and twelve occasion of Jais doing so was ini the spring fore a subject of common thought and I solitary individuals own one-half of Scotland. - > solitary;>djviduals of 1799, in the town of Alexandria. He conversation, doubtless adds to the zest 111 ■ t This is a most startling illustration of the re­ V NEW BOOT AND SHOE suits sults ofithe of-the power of money, and that power died on the 11th of December following, with which ordinary readers eagerly de­ LA, V I yrouAS dut Out of the exhorbitant rates of interest The Court House of Fairfax county w%3 vour articles that otherwise would have I i'-! ' ' groMS ¥ s , Oregon. a»«.. « m m .U ta » House, arfd im- • e POLK COUNTY, The growing increase of a circulating medium then over the old Market ixvupc^ . but a dull perusal or no perusal at alL nation ; every ^dollar dollar that mediately fronting Gadsby’s Tavei ¡rn. The is pauperizing the nation; ■ VYTill practice in the various Courts of this ÿj * I I The Press, the Pulpit and the Pctficoat—1 tloafe d£aws interest. New York State has to entrance into it was by a slight flight of VV State. (■ 44 ly . mo|e paupers, according to her popula ’ day mofe popula- ­ crazy step ontbe outside, and while the three ruling powers of the.day. The first z- •^i I I f » spreads knowledge, the second spreads, mor ­ í. i' tion, than either England,Scotland, i Lia nd, Wales, or election was progressing—several thou­ c. CL CIWLi » t HE nnderaigned b?gs leave to announce çven Ireland, and the poverty of the masses is als, and the third spreads considerably. ■ sands of persons being assembled around • ATTORNEY & COUVStLOR AT I AW, to the public, that he has established yearly incresing in the ratio in wbich weahb , I A distinguished physician recommends the1 . »• s himself in Day ten. Oregonjin the business is of concentrating in the hands of the few, and the polls—Washington drove ; uj> in bis application of slippery elm bark to the SALEM, OREGON. of manufacturing Boots and Shoes ol all and this concentration is all the more rapid under old and well known family carriage. The bite of a mad dog. Who woul4riisuppoee « ill practice in the Supreme and Circuit -.7 every deccriptiou and pattern. an increase of bank paper. Labor alono erans crowd 1 spontaneusly gave way ¡and made a that the bark would cure the biUp *' „ ... n 4 111 i Courts of this State. .the interest which capital demands. It makes lane for >r him to pass through, as he ap- Gents ’ I and Ladies ’- 11 1 Jiri I 11 ■ •" 1 ■ V gyParticular attention paid to Probate a wonderful deal of difference whether labor preached the Court House steps, i > A gen­ i “ D idn ’ t you tell me you could 1 ; the I Boots, Shoes or Gaiters business and also to the collection of debts, pays oui' of its earnings, or rather its pro* out ) had perty <|reatcd ^reatod 3 or 6 per cent, per year. The tleman who was standing at Gadsby’s duor plough ?” said a farmer to an It and forwarding of proceeds. made to order on short notice and taken on trial. “Be aisy now,” _T— Pat; superficial thinker would say, the difference saw eight or ten good looking pien imme­ tion guaranteed. “ how could I hold it an two horses pullin it is only 106 per cent, anyhow. *■ Let us see! diately spring forward and follow the Gen­ S. HURLBURT IS^Mending done on the «boHest hotice i away ? Just stop the Craythurs and I’ll hold ¥ _ Thé sup sum of $1,000, loaned out for sixty years, eral up'the steps, in order to uphold and •1 I • S. RAYMOND it fur you.” 1 ■ 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, IO«*» -atei interest added every six months at the rate of support him, if necessary. According to Dayton, March 17, 1867. I I $ 3 percept; percent; per year, would show ns principal the customs of that time, the five or six JI h ¡1 The Sultan of Turkey is building a bob' * Lafayette, Yambill County, Oregon. Will and interest at the end of that time, $6,132 73. candidates were sitting on the bench, who house at the expense of 8100,000», Witte tnd practice in the Supreme, Circuit and all U Now, at double, that rate of interest, H I interent, or at 6 rose in'a body and bowed profoundly on the the nutnber of wives he has, we should of the Courts of this State. - "V ; per cenL, one might be so ignorant as to sup­ • --1 1 ■ :.................... — - 1 ------------ Vert gracefully think he had a hot-house at home always. ibington. Very pose tbAt tb4t the- the result would be double the entrance of Washington. i B. O. BRAD9HAW, returning their i salutation, * ‘? the Register of above figures, but instead of merely double, IMrORTS AND DEALS IN We should never estimate the temnd- h COUNSELOR AT LAWt jt it is. is $3^,671 >^3^,671 58. But let us see what the na­ the polls saidt “ Well, General, how do i ness of principles by our ability to defend '* ■ r fi* 1 Í. tional il banks would get out of the proceeds of you vote ?” (it was then by viva voce).-i- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SHEET MU* I Lafayette, Oregon. consider k them, or an objection as unan ­ labor, at thejend théjend of 60 years, by the discount He looked a moment at the candidates, and SIC, MUSIC BOOKß, STRINGS; of a single $1,000 draft, gathering in the in» replied: “ Gentlemen, I vote for measures, swerable to which we can find nn tepW. 9i ill practice in the District and Supreme ' ' , Il - • ! * ’ 1 m 3 f tcrestViii Joining Joaning it again^ again;, often enough to yrestyt^l off the ct- ■ Courts of Oregon. A Western man, speaking of not for men «* and having audibly « r pro- I ...... ' t In' make it nèt tbem, as it alWays does, 12 per Ufi. 'Vfiin-' cific Railroad, says it is Otte of the ( i __ grace- ^gTTaxes Paid, Collections made, and .'peVyear; $1,000 at 12 percent, per nounced his vote, he made another g. MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS. 4en|.;pàj ful bow, and retired. He was "loudly niest coincidences in the world j that I al-’ Proceeds Promptly remitted. ! year, coipp , compound iuterest, in 60 years foots us t ' i U 1 H .in il 4 ■ h m interest and principal, $1,677,481 45. But cheered by the outward crowd on returning most every alternate section of » •7 ■ ■ OF ALL KINDS. I h n nuiirif . hîiÜ tt either side of the road, belongs to to his carriage. I. I the na|k)hql banks of the country are boast* R. F. Bonham. Attorney at SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRA- ing of making their capital earn 30 member of Congress.” 3 per cent. —U h ,. ; .tar T reasure TBOVE.—In &e washed ted Mason 4 Hamlin Cabinet Organ. Now, $1^000 loaned out for the 60 years at 30 tf The best instrument of the kind in the per cent! interest added each six months and banks of »ravine, which juts into the ; „ John, I «aw year eoasio Isaac a few 7 2/ .SALJPM, OREGON. world. Also, Agent for Stefoway & Son’s re-loaneq, ¡loots up $294,986,060,207 (two Mississippi river a few miies below Wolf weeks ago, and he had jnat received; a fait .1 which not a moat horrible gash in ms iarnk.” celebrated " u — J -ed ‘ aod ninetysfour thousand, nine hun- ill give'prompt give prompt attention to all legal Island, there was a few days ago, discovered !i thirty*six tbirty*six millions, fifty-nine thou* thou- by a Missouri hunter, a keg which the r** Ah, poor fellow ; what did he fall on business entrusted to him at the Cap- Gold Medal Piandj 0 “Well, really, I forget now; but jit rather àvo hundred and seven dollars). This sand, ÿ itoL £ He will also praaetiee in any of the finder first regarded as a keg of powder, strikes me it was on Tuesday." * 4 ‘J fcœoutv, j oQirodùctions rodùctions would go in the period ^Courte u ______ of this State. • 441y These instruments have elicited th je highest óf siati but, ob attempting to remove it from its A yejrs from the producers to the cap- À-, An Irish gentleman called on anieminent « — i resting place ne found it defied his efforts. italista- rfçr of $1,000, pr the use $1,00$, at 30 per cent. commendatien from the musical profession, singing-master to inquire his terms; |he maoir pery4$re I He thereupon employed a hatchet which ter said that he charged two gunieas fur tbo; e L ÍT GEO H. STEWABD’ and have 11 received the written testimony of It ii remarkable that to day, though this he carried in his belt, and dashing in the first lesson, bat only one for as many As it - P . a .* ■ • .v A.2L2 k the most eminent musicians of the United nation; is not three hundred years old, one* head 4 J. of the keg, was both astonished and -pleased pleased afterwards. ‘ ] *4 Oh, . bother the first I JJftffr MS fc 5 coin, lesson," States, as to their superiority over all others, half the wealth of her cities and towns is in gratified at a shower of ’ gold and silvor sil said the applicant, «¡let ns the bandfe of five per cent, of the people 1 Is it AND COUNSELOR AT LAW t / j ingle all . around him. ’ menoe at the secon^!'* I in quality and volume of tone, capacity for ex­ inexplicable“ that Europ», whose capitalists that fell with musi................. LAFAYETTE, OREGON. $30,000 in eagles, The keg contain r > Why is a bridegroom worth more than th at rate^i as high as one per cent, per day, or ’ If I ’ « tout-maker in question, another a wood-i ran INDEPENDENT three hundred per cent, cent per year. Labor has L ead us not into T emptation .-r-An Irish- Bois de Boulogne, and the third the kef epci ■■ r of y to foot’aft these bills. |p purchase a a dancing room at Mont Parnasse. > man once entered a book store ~ ; j OBDBB Of . t SOOD TEMPLARS. WANTED. *lf J ’ ■ 1 ’ i We fipjd the morale of these moneyed in- in­ lead pencil, and amused hitnseli by looking eets every Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock, e * ff r books that filled ’ the coun^ stitutions* well exemplified .the past week. A over the numerous L * HEED. members of the order in good standing are PLEASE batch qf Rascalities turn upi, all within a few ter. “What's that asked, panting to invited to attend. . 6 days. The cashier of the Fiftt National Bank a large gilt edge box; ’'That bog contains i A FTER this datS.I shall sell groderiefi- and G. H. G resr , W. C T.‘ of Hudson, N. Y., is a defaulter for $50,000, Milton’s Paradise Lost; do ► yi Of Wool ! T you wish to buy XL confectioneries only for the caty My, J. H. U pton , Wr R. S. ’ k Uri [ i pay the HIGHEST the ba 4 *1 T* i » * » • ' : Id'- . , ' J • T 1 ■>* T :r * % r Z. ■ ■■ VALLE . •< f' ---------------------------------- 4----------------------------------------- t * T i 1- _ J J j V - -------------- ------ —a »aw- Lrw»«UlI -N — ATTORNEY AT]LAW. E O J •- ■ Í T -Í' < ’| I | - f | . -- J 1 Dayton, Oregon. t » t i j y L 1 Í; PI 1 I ’• I ♦ » i > I a**?? , i ’ pK .M J *** il i L J. ' .« I > ' T ■