Lafayette courier. (Lafayette, Or.) 1866-1???, April 16, 1867, Image 3

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    I, Î ¿
Too Many Advertiaomanta.
There is a class of Oregonians who urgo as
a reason for the meagre support they are will
ing to give Oregon newspaper, that “ they are
too much tilled up with advertisements.” We
propose to address ourself briefly to such peo­
ple. In the fijrst place, we desiroask those
who complain of “ too many advertisments ”
if they would under any circumstances be
willing tqsee Oregon destitute of newspapers?
We presdimo therd aro none who could so de-
Hre, Then
Than wo tell them that there is
not a paper in the State that could live a sin-
gle year were advertisements excluded from
and the same replace^ with read-
its cokinins
ing matder. Taking the C ourier for an ex­
neglecting the local wants and interests of his
constituents at anytime during bis entire
senatorial term of six years.
Politically considered, Mr. Nesmith’s career
as Senator has been consistent. He has man­
ifested hiS devotion to the Union as it wasj in
all proper ways, and now returns to his con­
stituents still devotedly attached to the prin­
ciple« of liberty, union, justice and peace.
We take pleasure in extending our welcome
to the late worthy Senator on his return to.
resume his place amongst those whose interests
he has served so faithfully and well.
r- -
--rPi-> ...
’ r
í? / » ’. I 4 ’ * 1
E lder I
cus .at tl
irst fcabbal
us conducts religious
ipwi Lafayette, on
ookth, at 11 o’clock .
will! preach in Lafay
th pf each month, a
L H. Greer at ll’c
Dyspepsia can be, and is cured every day
by the use of Perry Davis' Pain Killer.-*-
The New Sabbath School Singing Book, Thijs is the meat wonderful and valuable
medicine ever known for this disease-It?
action upon the system is entirely different
GOLDEN p ROMiSEk” from any other preparation known. ’Tba
patient, while taking this medicine ipay eat
BY T. E Bf ekk I ns ,
—^thing the appetite craves.
Author of “ The!
The Sunday School Banner,”
'¿ntlemen ;—It is with pleasure that I
“ The New Shining Star,” “ The Psalm
mmend the use of your Pain Killer? It
King,” “ The Sacred Late,” Ao.
is required of it. In a household
E willsend a specimen copy, post paid, itiU invaluble. ’ I have used it in myil family
-i'i* i.
to any address, on receipt of twenty
for the last three years, and at all times
cents. "The Golden Promise ” a» follows :
found it a sure care for cholera morbas, pain
Single copies in paper covers, $0 30
io the stomach, diarrhoea, and all such <PW
By the 100
25 00
plaints. I have always found it a spemfia-
Single copies in board covers
No family should be without it in the boosq.
j By the 100
30 00
Respectfully yours.
d Free Every Al
JA$. HOLMES. De Graff, (W
— —— — ■
Song every ruontb
Perry Davis' Vegetable Pain Killer dq-
for a Circular, to !
riyes much of its popularity from the sirt-
plicrty attending its use. which gives it
!(J Broome St., N-
peculiar value in a family. 7*;
The various
disease8 which may be reached by it, and in
their incipient stager eradicated, are among
those which
‘-■--i are peculiarly fatal if’suffered to
run but the curative magic of this prepara-
tion nt once disarms them of their terrors.-
In all respects it fulfills the condition of
Salem,* Oregon
popular medicine.
The Biblical Recorder, in speaking of the
' Pamphlets,
Stock Certificate*
P^iin Killer; says :
'.»r* ...»
- -
Programmes, Bill-Heads,
We believe the public generally bate
• « Receipts,
great confidence in this medicine'. The
numerous testimonials in its favor from well
known clergymen and missionaries are well
culculated to convince any but the most;
skeptical. If there be any of our reader«
HAVING entirely new material/
who still doubt touching the magic powers of
now prepared to work in tho best«
Perry Davis' Pain Killer to relieve pain,
aud ata« low prices as the same can bt
advise them to buy one bottle, and give
in tire State. * ■
We never knew it to fail/y
it a trial
ty Order« from a distance prompt
tended to, aud eatisfaciiun guaranteed.
v2 u8-tf
is soon
Congo Minstrels.
Johny Graham with his troupe of negro
delineators gave one of his laughable enter­
tainments in this place last night. Though
we had read in the Oregonian and Vancou­
ver Register notices of tbe satisfactory ’ man-
ner iu ’ which this troupe had acquitted itself
in Portland and Vancouver respectively, ’ we
bad not expected to witness so meritous a
performance as the one we witnessed at the
Court House last bight. They go from here
to McMinnville, where they will perform to-
ample in miniature, and the following figures tiiohf
night, fhnnnn
thence nn
up th«
the VftllnV
cannot fail to be understood. To set sufficient
type to fill the columns of the C ourier to the
exclusion of advertisement», would cost $40 00
Chicago, April 4.
'.—The IVibune says the
a week, equal to $2,080 a year. Then sup­ suspension of
is hinted at in some
posé every voter in Yamhill county to be quarters.
. 1 I. • \ ! I'f. J H :i 1 . ' H ‘J
a paying subscriber, we
wo would bav& 1,200
the nomination» of
. AO rtrt____ U
subscribers, equal at $3 00 each to $3$00 00
stated that hero­
several Republicans,
bite paper to supply
a year, The cost of the white
tofore no Republicans can be nominated.
these subscribers would be $15 00 a week,
The Times says the members of the
equal to $780 00 a year. Then suppose the
able to write up the paper, impose the House Judiciary Committee state that a final
forms, do the press work and the financiering report on impeachment will be agreed to i»es
and business necessary to be done in connec­ fore July. Should the majority of the Cotn-
tion with the concern, besides serving as mail­ mittee favor impeachment, , a Rammer scs iion
ing clerk, he certainly would have his hands will be held The radicals believe the report
full, and no one would undertake the job for will favor impeachment
It is stated that the committee on Foreign
less than $1,000 00 a year. The interest on
have decided nojt to report the Rus­
cost of press, types, &c., at 12 per cent, per
- j
annum would amount to $120 00_a year.—
Wear and tear or material, 10 percent, or
Sheridan has written a letter to Graqt, in
$100 00 more. Office rent, fuel, lights and which he save that Griffin recommended the
stationery, at a very low estimate, w ill foot up removal of Cov. Throckmorton‘of Texas.
$175 00 more.
- Sheridan agrees with him.< He al«o thinks
So it will be obsorved that by only includ­ it necessary to remove the Governor of Lou.
ing in the account, the larger and moro ob­ feiana. lie says he wilFcompience the work
vious items of expenditure incident to cons of registration as soon as he receivea a certi­
ducting a small newspaper enterprise, we have fied copy of the law. He says he feels him­
a grand total for one year’s operations the sum self equal to the task imposed by the law,
of $4,275 00 against an income, supposing we and concludes by saying that he will make
had 1,200 subscribers, (which number very few removals.
ft-w papvrs in the Slate can boast,). o( S3,600;
?r to r^-
Grant replies that it i
leaving the snug little sum of si? hundred
; is now
move tho Governors. r
and seventy five dollars to be passed to the
under consideration,
column of losses in our account current of
that the military comm i
prefit and loss.
remove Governors. Tl
In conclusion we desire to ask if there is a
single newspaper reader anywhere, who 1 rs by act of Congress, or trials bndrr the law.
It is quite certain that there will be no inter­
not been at sometime, or in some way, bene­ ference with Gen. Sheridan.
fited by means of advertisements found in the
The reconstruction law will probably be
One learns where hv* first inaugurated in Virginia.' Gen Scho­
C 'lutnns of his paper
can get a bargain at a vendue, or an
_ auction; field is engaged in organizing hoards of reg­
another where bargains are to be had in dry istry, in making other preparations for the
goods ; another where he can be : cured of some election for a State Convention.
malady or chronic disease; another where bis
horse, ass or ox, tfhieh has estrayed away Burning of the Lindell Hotel, St. Louis.
S t . L ouis , March 81.—The famous Linbell
frum him, may be found ; another where he
and pleasant berth in Hotel, the largest building of the kind on the
may secure a ] profitable
another where l.e continent, if not in the world, was totally de­
a counting room
t«n I find a competent
, ■ juntaQt
. or clerk;k stroyed last night by fire. Loss, all tolJ,
«nether where and when a contract is to be s.1 viral m Ilion dollars.
let. hich is worth competing for. and which
Sumner ofs;
Washington, March the 5
some one must get; another where be can
would ¡¿all'
where h»- fered a resolution which I
purchase or rent a farm ; ! another
can sell or tent his farm to advantage ai.d up to-morraw for the expulsion of Mr. Sauls.*
the aggregate of mankind learn through th a bury, ot Delaware.; for repeatedly appear-i
inedium of newspaper advertisements where ing on the floor of the Senate in an intoxicawf
any article that genius can invent, that luxu­ ted condition. The Senate went into Execu<
; ■ | i.
", L'
ry can suggest,or that necessity may demand, tive session.
can be-had, and oftentimes what it will cost,
Chicago, April 5.—The Republican says
’ Then we contend that no one who regards that it is very probable that Sauslbury will
the matter properly—in tbe light- of business,
11^ has been drunk
will complain in consequence of advertise­ be expelled to-morrow
ments.appearing each week in his paper. He for several days, and his conduct Í3‘disgrace*
would have a much better ground < f com­ fu1. The resolution was threatened some tim|j
plaint on the score of the absence of adver­ ago, and will now be pressed to Pat|
terson, of Tennessee, it is said, will meetwitl|
tisements in his paper.
the same fate unless he corrects his habits.
. r - i i
■ r -
Agricultural Society.
It is stated on high authority that the Ats
From the Enterprise we l^hrn that an Ag-
torney General has written an opinion that
riculttiral Society has been organized in Sheridan has no right under the Reconstruct
Clackamas county, ami the necessary officers tion Act to remove municipal officers in Ne^f
Orleans, Sheridan’s official report has beeh
received He states that unless prevented
..... .. he Rhall
‘ Wh rqk'i
, What do the farmer« and mechanics of Yarn­ by the Washington authorities,
bill eounty say to calling a meeting 'immedK move many more officers, as it is impossible
ately for the purpose of putting the machinery to carry out tbe law without doing so.
fora “ ' Yamhill County Agricultural and
Advices from Richmond say the Conneoti-*
dustrial Society” in motion ? Commence now, cut election has caused a strong rcactioii
and we can have a fair the ensuing fall that against the Reconstruction Act.
shall reflect credit on the county and the on-
terpriso of its people Who ix ill move in the
Washington, April, 3.— -The Senate has
a confirmed George McLane 1 as receiver of puli
matter? Washington county has or ganized
Society and located its fair grounds r. Y am- lie monies at Helena, Montana and rejected
hi'll can't afford to be behind Washington in the nomination of Isaac J. Moore, as Regis dr
this matter.
of the Land Office at the same place.
J :
Call a meeting, appoint committees and ads
Tbe registration in Washington gives the
journ to meet, say two weeks subsequently
voters 1,200 majority
for the purpose of hearing reports.
An effort will be made to withdraw the re­
[ Bow Did It Happen?
for tbe expulsion of Saulsbury, and
I We aro informed by Mr. Field, mail cons
put him on probation.
' Hu If
tractor, that the package of C ouriers did not
The Herald’s statement that the Presi*!
reabh McMinnville on Tuesday last.
We dent is the prime mover in the effort to ob-’
called upon .Mr. Simpson, Postmaster, at this tain an injunction against tho enforcement.
place who says the package was not left in his of the reconstruction law, is emphatically
Mr.’Sharkey notified him of his intention
Millinery and Dressmaking.
enter procecdingr, and the President
Mrs. Harriett Millican has opened a shop
neither opposed nor approved.
cn the north side of Main Street, where she is
Chicago. April9 —The Times rays -that
prepared to trim, bleach and fix ladies’ bon­ the State Department has received reliable
nets-and hats, as also to cut and fit any and news from Mexico, to the effect that
dll garments and articles of ladies’ wear.
imilian ia in a tight place and will be obliged
to surrender himself to the Liberal forces.
Gene Above.
Tbe steamer Union arrived at Lafayette The latter threaten to dispose ot him by ’ ■
drum-heab court, and execute him at . once.
earlier yesterday evening than usual. /After
Application was made to this Government
discharging freights she steamed up thq.fiver
to reoognizo him as a belfigernt, thereby sav
for McMinnville.^ /’r
ing his life. This was refused, but Mr?
Seward delirered his protest to the Mexican
We received by Friday's mail a generous Minister against treating Maximilian other­
lot of valuable public documents bearing the wise than a« a prisoner oi war. The repre­
sentatives of tbe Emperor are now in Wash­
familiar frank of Senator Nesmith. We have
, been repeatedly laid under obligations to Mr.
A Herald special says that Mr. Seward.
Nesmith for favors of thh kind.
at tbe request of the Austrian Minister, has
At Home.
telegraphed to Mr. Campbell, our Minister
Senator J W. N esmith arrived at home a in Mexioo, to urge Juarez to show all poestp
.few days since,.where, we understand, he ha* ble lenietioy to Maximilian io ease he is cap--
made u his-mind to remain, notwithstanding tnred by the Libera!«. .Mr, Campbell ftf-
plied the same day that be 1
the fact that ha has been tendered a first class the reqoest.
appointment—that of Minister to Austria.
LoQisville. April 7.—Philip Tomport« in
Democrat, was re
hate ver may be said of Senator Nesmith’s
record as a politician, none will accuse him of yesterday by 2,018 majority.
* ‘
V v this
. t
and sold. Xaxe8 paid
rents collected on com
T '
Medicine, Surgery and
* ■
I .
fts ;.
:ate searched, and ab
AGENT for iho C ourier , and all Uie
pimcipal daily am! I ’Vevkly newepape ■r« on
the Pacific coa^t. Subscription's and aidver-
tisements solicited.
IHRi -
OFFICE—No. 95" Front street, Portland.
ly vegetable
\2 n8 tf
net efiicient
established themselves pcrmahent-
Lafayette, and invite the attend
trade to their stock.
curd positive.
It vfa^uld not bc.forg^ejn;
Killer is equally as good to t
as to useerfenially. Each 0
r ■ . ÍÍ
with full directions for its use
Please Read the Printed érections
aving leased the above named hotel
is prepared to n.
. _____ ,_____
’e the travel-
ing public, and 6^$ HUNDRED > regular
boarder«, in as good style as any house on
tbe coast. Ho Ims d kdermined to make the
“ Dennett ” as good as the best, aud belter
than any public hoe ie in Salem. He will
soon comple te some inportant improvements,
which will add greatly to it« appearance and
comfort, and intendq f to merit and hopes to
receive his share of p itronage.
N. B.—Furnished rooms, with or without
board, by" the day. week or month, at the
Beninett. Charges Moderate
’ *
Skleni, Mareh 19, 1867-
v2 u8 t
e have but Ude confidence in the
trumpet tongued statements of the proprie­
tors of advertised m »dicim?« generally, but
we are forced to concur in the opinion, uni­
formly expreesed bv all who have used
Perry Davis' Pain Killer, that it is a very
valuable article, and one that it would be
well for every honaejold to have at han£ in
case of broi«es, scald, barns, diarrhoea, dys­
entery, cholera, fever and ague, and the host
of diseases, externa^ and internal, which it
is adapted to cure or alleviate. No article
of medicine ever attained to such unbounded
popularity and exte pive diffusion. It has
peuetrat d to every >art, even the most re-
mote, of the known I world, bearing with it
it« healing influencer more potent than those
of the spices cf “ Aifaby the blest
We are
informed by our prin ijcipal druggist, that they
sell more of this arti sle for exportation
portation than
any or all others, a id tliat the demand i«
constantly increasing. —Salem Observer. I
Perry Davis’ Pain Killer.
i ■ -
Fall «& Winter Goods.
/ ■
‘ *
/ ' ¿è’*!
HATS and CAPS, ■
V ‘
The old and well^ known remedy, which
has acquired a world-wide renown for the
core of sudden colds, cough«, etc weak
stomach, general debility. 1 nerving
— :
The-# din
Rev. T. Alien, writing mouth, cankered mopth or throat, liver cop) C heaper THAN THE CHEAPEST.
from Tavoy
.¡says/i In’ Within
the plaint, dyspepsia, o • indigestion, cramp or
Call Early andSatisfy Yourself I
i used anil i
pain in tbe storm ch, bowel complaint,
! -
■ '
' ••
■ ‘J- •
ttle^ but a i
painters* colic Asi atic cholera, diarrhoea
and dysentery, has lost none of its good
11 *°npb* *8
can—»ay. two hundred bottle»,
name H>y repeated trials, but continues to
bp without it myself, and tberá s
occup|’ a promment wsiiion in every family
cRils fuf it, both by Burmans and
medicine chest?
--------- ?
I always take it with me [imo it
npiIE undersigned would respectfully an-
and havefreqirent occasioirto
Bounce to the travelling pubHc, that he
remedies iudispensa
myself and others. Ono night, v
has, at the Lafnyetle crossing of the, Yamhill,
Among these, the ex
ing Hr
" opep Zayáte, I was a
in ah
us, should- be record
most e iruciatmg pain i
on which he can cross Teams, Stock, jkes
Kitler. Fot both io
0, I found 1 hai
e. T immediate!
EXPEurrioysLY and cheaply
especially caii we r
rheumatism, or fresh
The roads Lading to a^dj from this crossing
Chris Ila# Era.
id persons from tho
Rre in good repair, an<~
South going to Portland; 1, McMinnville,
F you are
Grove and HilUboro, an id fretn the Nenb,
,,.a it
can be ac«. goiDg to Salem, Dalias, Corvallis, will _ find
to their advantage to patronize this Ferry.i
G rcc IW y S t
F amily
I Lafayette, Joly 81, I960.