3H ■v f « 14 > • f. > Btt * V / IM T he R econstruction AcT.r—This bill T he L. H ;■ • ■This magnify MISCELLANEOUS; / ' reduces the States South to Territories, and cient^tri was còmpleted in St. Louis ia S^fotabe4IB63. ! ? prescribes the manner in which they shall It waf supposed to apply for admission into the Union (?). lj#| be thci grandilt butMing of ife class in the Editer. J. II. Upton, * 1 > 4 ♦ T 1 4. j f » " * | 1 9- I 9 ♦ 4 s 'i V deatiuies of the United States. ' •Ar.. That they troubles may go on indefinitely. have done it, and still do it, few of them W ill P robably be E xpelled .— vsill essay to deny. Ben. Wade, and all „ : , , : Senator Sutnner. has offered a ^>)ulwn of the radical members of the Senate of for the expulsion of Salsbury, of Delaware, ' the United States, so-called, took a solemn from the Senate, for drunkenness. We have oath to support the Cotstitution cf the do objection to ¿his, for it is certainly a United States. Ben. Wade declares in his pitiable scene to witness, when a repre­ plgce on the floor of that once honorable sentative of a great State, eitera the halls body, that the man in this age, who con­ of the National Capitol in a sfe.te of beastly tends for an observance of that sacred in intoxication. But will Summer stop here, strument is a traitor! This same Ben. or will be next introduce a resolutioin qf Wade is immediately elected President of expulsion embracing the names of^Mo! this same body. Men in high places ex­ >>’• : ¡1 ' [I Chandler, S di ------------ ■, Sprague, Yates and Nye, all tort from the radical press, the highest en­ radicals? Certainly it would be out of the comiums within the range of the powers question for Salsbury to transcend in of radical editors to bestow, for open and drunknes^L and kindred beastly practices unqualified repudiation of all law, and. for the worthfts worthies above named. spitting upon all obligations sanctified by t ■I'-illU II time and which had become honorable T he RUM p R ebuked .—In appreciation ' ! ■< 1 r I , I tí if M ■*. f . i ->■ I j '■ 4 ( 4 ■a 4 T ) 1 r i notorious; Abolition i citi J If the newspaper re* • i rts of ports of tt the affair i may' be credited, it was tru|y a f^ünlÆ nasion. __The orgies of tüt' famous invoci oils ce ctjp ’iocation of sihflicentious- from having been, in times past, observed of the worthiness of Hon. 0. Huma on, by great and good men. . The radical whose appointment as Collector of the I ort A’ I i party < offer a standing premium on perjury, of Astoria, the Rump Senate, at thel in* by ostracising, repudiating and denouncing stance of Senator Williams refused te con- I . f .» I I i J » any and every man who dares to square firm, the citixens of Dalles City on the 25 i .. . justice between men where a radical is Mayor of their city. < I in point will serve to illustrate. i Judges of /the [ H ' ■ ! • Ili i 141 p sH i! IP1 that the mail coach was attacked by In­ A couple of cases right dians beyond Fort Boise and three men 9 t y ' the AfòunlutnpeH of March 30, we learn foreo of his solemn oath, in the discharge of oScial duty. 8 Li ia i M ore I ndian D .fib epredations . -From k*t* .U L' I. i i •• i I , fil I i i his conscience in observing the binding I t >9 H^.| . concerned, or who obeys the promptings of 1 j > The The devils afterward brutally murdered. Supreme Court of the plundered the stage, scattering the mail . United Stales, having been governed by i ’ USt1 introduced, and being adopted "by ! all leading houses in the manufacture of Pianos,} Qrgans, Billiard Tables. Fqrniture, Ao., Al lièerttioifenéss could tyvé btyn con- The same can be found at my residence in M. K. LAUDEN8LAGER, Chehalein Valley, Yamhill county, and obtain­ sained by thtj fl imes and obliterated aim- President ed by any poison producing the requisite ultanc|udly iv|th the ■■ bouse itself ? It could Poitland, Oregon. v2 ini 1 ly projf that he is the owner thereof. • i pi* !■ _.: i»1 _i -M ? -• _ ■ . • not be; Hiiit fylae lachrymac.. JOSEPH JIESS. J Lafayette, March 29, F8G7 k ill! ' '' S'-i i' BROWN &, PERKINS’ I ? . '?*“?■ T'ir i 4 I i i i I < I t •! fn L i 4t* « J f » ■ 4 matter found on board, in all directions — ~ ' - j ' i v • - : i i ; ' | ¡*- . • I I IK I i » a 1 V 5 L- W_. $ « •X a 34 not exchange the Constitution and his offi­ cial oath for the wildest license in the dis­ X charge of his functions must expect to for- feit the respect and support of the a tri- v bunes ” of tim radical party. The man who takes a solemn oath to support the > Constitution of the United States, and X. then declares that be who suffers the Con­ stitution to circumscribe his actions, is a traitor, is the man to be popular with the » mongrel party. S tate F air , 1867.—We have received » itk • • j ] I L 1 Í A. Fair to be held at Salem, Sept 16, 17, 18, r 19 and 20th.. Constitution and Rules of , Order of the Oregon State Agricultural Society, and the proceedings of the meet­ jßt“' E - MS'r ' * è .'*■» i '............................. SI’ I. _ «.-B’ * thcrof, is, was, ok can be valid; in other siderable distance in the interionJ The rivers are tbo KuskMcVim and the Kvikhpak flowing words, all acts heretofore passed by the into* tty Kamtchatka sea ; the Yukon, with egislatures of thb ten States brought with« several atUucits, which flows into Behring’s •i • • ? . , | i ’ j • I ‘ « Sîraits ; and the Colville which flows into the in the pervicw of this bill, are null, void* Artic Ocean. ’ The climatifof the greater part and of no effect. Then of course the Con of the couritr-yjs intensely cold, and the sop sterile. In the south some ol thé barrow stitutional Amendment abolishing slavery productive. The pine attains a has never been passed—is not a law. Who great height- oil the low, hills, and the flr and i^tyant. Most of the vegetation will dare to ^ueMion this logic? No one tawacter. Tliocountry is main’y save it be an idiot. Then think of the valuable for the products If its fisheri 8 and pefjured wretclles attempting to procure its lurk. Its principal town, New Archangel (population about 1,500,) is situated on Sitka t_LJ J ! - ■ the passage of t^e late so-called Constitu­ ]t island« has a good harbor, and is the head quarters of the tty Kassian Russian Aincriqin Ameriqin Fur Com tional Amendments by these self same 50 or 60 vessels in the li pany, d-r \ which b employs -1-1 # ài .4,-^------ K JK States which They solemnly declare never !.. collection and;transportation of fu| > i ' i. 1 111 ! j ■ '.■ | had a legal existence. Comment is un- Statesman. _ I I h ’ L 1 !■ necessary. ;•*. ! BEFORE t¡^Republican party came 4 ' ' f'|| i;’i- i f Hit into • We shall commence the publication in powar the Treasury Department power Ti^a of the Uni- ted States had 416 clerks. Now , — . it has 2.3 . our next issuHi of the President^ message ferenco is suggestive, ps 2,300 00. Tty bififerene vetocing the above bill, and ask for it, by are to 416 has been the increase of the ox- Republican all parties, a careful reading. It is un pense of the&QY emmeut under Repnblican ings of the Board of Managers held at answerable. • f ■ w ■ ■ -■■■■-*■— Salem, Jan. 15,and Mar. 11, respectively. T he Mountaineer, Umatilla Press and P. T. B arnum was recently beaten for Con* Walla Walla Statesman seem to be enjoy­ ing a season of marked prosperity. Though gross by a namesake.. the abeve journals are stowed unuanaly full of advertisements, they nevertheless manage F bictdly C all *.—During the sitting of the to get into their columns respectively more than an average amount of reading matter . District Court last week, Judge Hayden, by setting the same close and in small type type- Judge Stout, Hons. C. Beal and C. G. Curl, We are pleased to note these marks of sub­ stantia! prosperity eatt ' of “ the *’ mountains. called on us in our sanctum. •• s . •; a list of the premiums to be awarded at the 9 kt-- k‘ Russian America, f a neat little pamphlet in which is set forth 1 ‘9 Hr '• I X - - . ! * : * I 9 7 I n ‘ W • a -r««. ---- T^'i, V t u £ L’ Pianos for the People! 420 ÜROOME i'T., J\’EIV YORK. 11 - I ■ i I..' ; -P 1 J.. I • ■ ' \VfE wuold call the attention of the pnb- v V lie to oor our efegant elegant NeW Ne(v Scale Piano«, Piano*, in llowintr *trfeg the fallowing styles : STYLE**A,) ” " 7 octave, ¡Front large round Qorners, plain cas|e, either oc- ■»tagon er. carved legs, Straight : [P bot­ torn, bead bead moulding on plinth - - $450 tom, B, ” 7 octave, «ame STYLE “ B. same as style * a -• ri» r -• A, L_ with Set pentine moulding on plinth - $500 carved legs and lyret - - - - -2 STYLE “ C,r 7 octave. Front corners large found, round, i serpentine bottom, inoubliogR mouhlingR same as on sty style D, carved ■. pL_L . 1. < J J- .J. $550 Ivre and detk, fancy carved legs iTY^È “ 3TYLE “ D, D. ” ’ ; 7 Retare. Octave, Four large round corners, finished tack, mould­ ings on rim and plinth. serpentine bottom, carved lyit and detk, elegant * ni ’ ‘ - - - - - - $600 carved * Jr re all jfiufebecl in elegant Th above Rosewood caacs.anu have the full iron frame. French action, harp pedal, beveled t< p, ivorp keys and key frouts, and exceed in over­ strung baB;nearly all lhe 7j Octave Pianos y are made of the now manufactured; They best materials, and for finish, durability, puirity and sweetness of tone, cannot be surpa Bed-, ] , The four styles (escribed above,*embody all thb essential chi nges ii> exterior .finish of case, which are by many manufacturers run up to 15 and 20 pa terns. “* i invite the attention of the publie, of We dealers and the ] profession, to a critical ex amination of the • merits of our Pianos. By avoiding the great expense attendant upon costly factories and expensive ware- ware­ rooms in the city.fwe are enabled to ofler these Pianos at prices which defy competi­ tion, and invite all to call and examine them before purchasing elsewhere. <„ f . When inferences and testimonials are re references re- ­ quired by these about to purchase, instead of presenting Redisplay of professional names. names, senting ¿display we refer to the parties to Whom whom we have sold ouf Pianos.*^ Their judgment as to the real merits of-omr instruim ivnts as to their durabil- ity, touch, sweetnfess, an power’ of tone, «funding in tune, Ac , bai id on actual ex­ perience. being of (ar mdre value than the mere good opinion opinioh of tty tin Artist, however mero oapable, who merely tries in a wareroom. instruments in perl ect tune and order, which have just received lhe workmen’s last finish ing tooches. ■ • ■ Our motto is in L i' ‘ Í “ Quick Sales and Small Pro fits.u . LiF*Send for a Circular, BR0WN A PERKINS. v2nl21y 420 Broome sl.^ New York, ■ PLSASS GIVE BEED. ingale jierselt fter this date i shall i Sell groceries and nJ t t ! ‘ -4-^---------- confictionerios only fo — confectioneries for the cash- My rm B»U. i profife being meagre, 1 not c^n keep up and d * . Raymond . will give a ball at do otherwise. at pay ton on tonwrrttv even- their rpi th Parties indebted to mo will save themselve !»-LiDe of— i person Who imitatld the nightingale to pers ieatiom lanswi luctionl ¡answered,- “ I have beard the night- l- . .From.. PORTLAND to McMINN.’ via Hillsboro, Forest Grove, Centerville, Cliebaletn and 9 il Ar * I I ! » L f I I and return TWICE a WEFK, Carrying th a pnited States M ail ! - United Passengers and Baggage taken to and from * all the above and intermediate Points. ■ Packages of Goods &c., carefully an di promptly purchased and delivered, vl no23 j' D. M. FIELD «J I j < A~- ! ■a^ABM FOR SAMJ.—Desiring I to remove to New Mexico, I will sell my Farm, situated on the Salem Road, two miles ? «•outh of Lafayette, at a bare bargain . Situ-i: ated on thia this Farm, are a comfortable Dwell DwelU^ ing Hopse, a splendid • Barn, and gdod 1 DrnknrJ Orchard! ; By applying soon, a good Farm can be had at marvellously low figures. Possession , will be given immediately. Title perfect, f - JAMES THOMAS. ’ Lafayette, March 7, 1867, 1 Itf « f ^ FAMILY FAMILY MEDICINE. MEDICINE. j 4ÍÍ < » Perry Davis' Pain Killer it really a vai- -4 uable itydic&itient. and unlike most of the patented articles of the day, is used by manf physicians. It is particularly desirable in * locations where physicians are not near, ahd * I Mi ’ in families will often save the necessity of ... ....... . sending out at midnight for a doctor. ’ A . bottle should be kept in every bouse.— Bos ton Traveller. ■ Davis Pai* Killer.— We have tested this K' medicine, and assure our readers that it not? I only possesses all the virtues claimed for it, it. but in many instances surpasses ahy other remedy we have ever known. It should not be classed with the nostrums of the day, got op for the especial purpose of pecuniary profit, but be regarded as one of the standard tnediqinty, for the publiq benefit.-] -Herald _____ ' of Gospel Liberty. . ’Í r. j j 1 --------------------------------------------- * I I ; . .. t ? da ‘ I • ' i ■ ■ ’ ’' .vl ■' ’ F* I * / J ’ ’ ' : ; JI 4 . tn Perry Davis' Pain Killer. Killer. — We clip- the following from the Providence General Ad- J?, vertiser: At this season of the year, when cholera, 1 choleralmorbns, dysentery, and other kindred complaint* are sore to prevail, everybody ? H should be liberally eopplied with PerrjrDa-4 vie vis* ’Vegetable Pain-Killer. Persons leaving h home, Whether it be for a day’s excursion or ■ I a trip to Europe, should be io a condition to place their hands on it at a moment’s warn-J Í ing. Many diseases incident to tho the summer which will prove fatal if not imm,ahd 40,000 iq 50,000 Ind ana quote freights on flour, per ton, $5 ; other Tbo islands a»; very numerous, and many o suppose that, if the learned Judge could them uiiinhabkcd, the principal groups f f ib freights $7 00. have so far forgotten and disregarded his ing the Aleutian archipelago. Thje most im\ oath as to have decided favorable to the “T he B ill * to O rganize H ell in portant are Pwinee of Wales Island, Barandv j H r, Unimak, Nunivàk, and St. ^ye pr|n( , t^js or usurper Avery, every radical paper in the S outhern S tates . » jriwreude! « Tjie peninsula of Aliaska . Xlet d? ’ was j passed we-lwjand „ to Oregon would not have been singing peans week the military bill which ; about longitude 163° 4 . l’ht- surf icp along 3Èhe coast is very mountainous, to his orthodoxy ? As it is, they pass the over the President’s veto by a mob com several of the «taka, some of themyolçanic at- matter over in silence. The Oregonian posed of perjured traitors, and which Sen­ taining an ni Oude of 15,000 to 17,000 feet, ftyge feet o being generally |0,0C0 ______ does not even deign to inform its readers ator Doolittle very property characterized ¡and the coastor high. The iijteriur is little known ; there is a that the case has been decided. Thus, for as a “ bill to organize hell in the Southern taityt 200 or 250 miles back from th«vcoai ........ . , -------- . continuation of. the Sierra doing his duty, Judge Deady made him­ States.” | Nevada! *nd nthird range extending inward self imical to the charge of treason in his The preamble declares that there is no from Cape Listyrne, above Behring's Straits.« own camp. legal governments in the Southern States In tty south, part ¿here are extensive bounds or fritbli, ly>D^,^between the islands and the Any officer of the Government who will —that no act passed by the ilegislatures eoast, and navigable for large vessels to a con > /-■ STALL’S THE ■ LU made to order on short notice aod satisfac­ tion guaranteed.] tipn guaranteed. EF*Mending done on the shortest notice. E^Mending I iotic< S. RAYMOND; ND. . Dayton, March 17, 1867. Ne I------------- * -------------------------- -------------- 1 * — ■« Ì ’ i t Boots, Shoes or Gaiters i 4- ‘ 7 T Yoqr Own Interest demands it ♦ ■1 Gents’ and Ladies* The’Future of this Coast-demands it. id bun *n-depravity wer£ described 'withjl^rupu ms particularity. As the night tfaaed^lasciviousness and wine grad- BUSINESS Lro — 4.......... T-------------- 6----- VI his actions by the law, who presumes to do ult., unanimously chose that gentleman Í e I T Read—Reflect—and Act. * i of St. Lo’iis and other i Ì I ¡K- - ----------- — HE undersigned begs leave to announce j to the public, that he has established! himself in Day ten. Oregon, in the business ofy of manufacturing Boots and Shoes of all andji: » every deccription and pattern. V, ! 4 L ■. ‘ j r V I r f £ ¿It Dayton, Oregon^ I À i '4 » * ’t i It ts the undoubted right of this additioqto providing that the niggers shall entiro world, §ut was vet not proof against TIIAT-YÔU MAKE THE! MOST OF ‘ YOUR people to canvass public measures and lhe vote for members of the several Constitu- the rfcva£es r*' ' ’ ’ ’ of the devouring element— merits of public men.”— W ebsteh . i ■ 4>- i | 11 il 1L ' ' I I - ) * I * •'! Hl 7 TIME AND YOUR ENERGIES tional Conventions to be belddn pursuance ire. It was tduced to a heap oK ruins on i < e • » » '** • i TUESDAY, APRIL 16, - ‘ 1867 of the law (?)-,- they may also be voted for, You can be Successful, ' XL You ean make Monçy, t - 111 Were we a believer l io the ¡somewhat and sufficient military force is detailed to Yc __ ___ ou can rise to .Distinction, ■ ,ì U ' ‘ ‘z»i j' A each election district to make the Digger." jbopulaFsuperstitions of the age, we should AS fedily recor4t|tai ’’ • ’• ' We venture the assertion, that, during the Merchants, Farmers, or Bankers, i. destruction of the Lin­ vote radical and prevent any white man AS ? : ; ; " J, -dell House asf^poth entire history of the human race—since ger evidence of the edr- Bqokk^pers. Accountants or Clerks they may choqse, from veting at ail. The civilization dawned upon man, and before, I . A8 above is the whole of the law and the recthess of the theory that G'Od visits his •‘41 ? ■ ■ -! * • . , ]. T ■ . Financiers or Professional Men, there neveg was a party—a ciao, or consid­ ¿rratb qpo.n upon ifeen men in* worldly concerns for prophets on the reconstruction subject.— Í i' ” il « J 4 I ■ I ! « gv ■ t .! Ì : 4 »• Í ' a ! D ! i • j il : t ■ j:- V I ■ ¡ f r t 4 A * ? i .. f ■'■ r’h I ,!j 1 • j L k < f .s T - -! • ■ ' I • t¿ . f- i ■ < ¡1 • V I— t » I 1 TW T •• '.fr L* ìi # - J'T ! 4 E ■f ' FAI-1, I - •- - -—i ■Utt1 V H* <• - .. ! A !