f T t I -1 I 1 Ï » I » I t ♦ V i T I I % i 4 * J t V ■ } .T**** / S 9 hi j I ti'J r ■Ì I » ♦ î « * f 'r X. I s « :v V ♦ % J t b F 4 I ■« I tai 4 < f I i I ■ Ji t t / 5= +- fc > f i t -Ì 4-U4— X ■r 'M ¡1" '' I 1 IIIUJ‘- lT> Tne E nlahc ^ nt of our paper which w» ill. had bare been had honed hoped to to have been able able to to accomplish accomplish I J'T '■'. / I '1 •/-. • Ä I »J»e other day, wewere t The negro suffrage billj whi Wbil^ at Smem the we were which Congress torney General’s office ,alt Washington, a has iust passed over the vk eto of the Presi- list has been made out of the principal A, . McPherson, Esq., editor ” next week, we shall be compelled to defer for shown by * içsr ED EVERY TUESDAY, —1—J *• for — v -:-L---------- J i in **•- dent, is, we are compelled to sny, the most persons - the pardoned bein^ engaged / a while yet- The press we had intended to of the Uniptu*4> an extract from the deci­ bhreiaced act of ¡political scoundrelism that > rebellion. There-were members •< of the ’ AT _iL ___ I----------- rtp tQ a oer(aJD old army procure was “ gobbled up ” by the Messrs. sion of the United States Supreme Court, we ever encountered. s IJ y and navy, members of the rebel L^rAT. ’ ETTE, 4 Gale just before we reached Salem last week. which he had» just received direct ¡from point in th iis negro delusion, there was a Congress > or government, major generals r4< rebel army, &c. T ae list runs as Washington, Staining the people of Lane chance for or men to be honestly deceived; in the reJ Nothing extraordinary octfurring, we prom YAMHTLL COUNTY, OREGON. 33; ; / v . £ ; • ■'1 | * L is f . \ • but that'nh that phase of tbe question has passed follows i ; Alabama, 33 Arkansas, 29 ; ise not to inflict! another half sheet on our county and .reversing the decision of the BY g 1 i I.. * -**• away, 1 'There there is the slightest room Distifpt of Columbia, 25; ; Florida, 8 ; » readers, very soini courts of th tate requiring taxes to be I fq|> pebple to be mistaken, we are the most. Georgia, 18; Kentucky. 1: 12 ; Louisiana, UPTONi EDITOR AND PCß’sn'R J. H . n ¡fcharit»bl 21; Hlarylaod, 3; Missitsippi. 15; Mis­ " ’ ■ ’ le of mortals, but in such a case as paid jn c|ioji} fThat high tribunal bolds i * . '•* ! ’ . - * ; ■[ HOMESTEADS. ■« Cai Sou ’h Car- r...,, one before us, there is not the re­ souri, 8 ; North Carolina, 17 ; crouch institute a debt within the tlAs that taxes an assump- The Lafayette ; CoviuERisets up oim, , Tennessee, lb; Texas, 13 1 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (7n advance.) i[ipo^st o portunity to shield these Con- tive claim in behal(of Democracy to the credit w meaning of |be legal tender act. gressnvn under aDy such an excuse. In ^jrgini^, 4,8-; West Viiginia/ 9. The this absurd Jkl • ' $3 00. of the Homestead Law, testing One Copy One-Year, . no ,n. State, not even io Massachusetts, has above list also contains tho names of those As if .in lippci pat ion of this obviously hod Massachu tious for pardons lie in the Attorney Gen­ tion, . . . , ... That the ediforof theUn/onisi does not $3,00. State and county-taxes St^te county- taxes are now payable setfs, and yet they vote I t( force upon a eral’s office, besides those’peither accepted For each subsequent insertion, . . i,w. 1,00. u care a fis whether the editor of the Cou- 7 4 *. 7 L . . . I « in greenback^; I Rpdeed but 1 1- for the perver ­ helpless community that w rich they ¿now; nor absolutely rejected^-—JV. K Observer. A liberal d^duct'oy» will be niatle on '■ v ' .11" tleir owr constituents woi Id not submit * «Juartery, Yearly, and half Yearly Adver­ RIER ” or any on-3 else eter becomes “ cor- ■ ' ■■ sion by our cou ii|ts, of the plain letter and to! 41<^r is 4 possible then to regard tisements. , ' T he C ommissioner of ¡A griculture , rectly informed” concerning the history obvitfus spirit. ‘of the law, taxes had been V Hofei, Medical and Law Catjis, $10,00 per such mcrT* in apy other light than that of of the ilomestaad Law is evidenced con­ payable in thit species of coin all the while unmitigated political scoundrels ? To try in his report for the la^t mouth, esti­ annum. < \ » 4 Ipecics mates the cotton crop of 11866 at 1,750,- &3y*Com Com Being the basis on whiun our clusively by his refusal' to so inform us since iti creation. 2 i to reason, P00 bales of four hundred pounds each, to 'Convince them by ap ’ I rates are fixed, Currency will only ba taken r' - - -J • - ' r- !' v.ould be i as sensible as to Çxpect to turn or 1,500,900 at five hundred pounds each. at parket value. Now ice happen to “care, and, will pro- - How a court I # should hold that, in the ah- ov4r a stone by an argument. Nothing I * ■ ' -■ Í 2C f l T a specific contract to the contrary, This exceeds the estimates of cotton, brok­ cccd for the benefit of the editor of the ------ seence but1 a croirbar is equal to eii her emergency, ers and dealers of New Orleans by at least ; pj • 4- Unionidi and all else concerned^, to prove the poor labore COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. is a very cool Mr. Johnson ’ s Message oould be compelled to ac­ one third, though it corresponds with the aii(^ dispassionate document, and contains Manchester estimates. Jud^e,wJ. W. Cowles; Commissioners, W Lorn the record that our statement to tbe^ cept for,his wag 8, greenbacks at par, while ' fur .1 ' Ihdl,. J, 11. Br twn; Sheriff, L. L. Whit ’ inffirmattou which it is not amiss - ‘ to place The future of the cotton product is now comb ; Clerk, S: C. Adams; Assessor,. I). effect that Andrew Johnson introduced in­ the officers of fate mightjexact coin in befyre-the public, not that it will do any an intcrestjog matter of speculation, for b I t irith ; Treasurer, Clem. Eckles ; School to the Senate of the United States, the payment of thif r safailes, Bas .never been good »od towards placating the wrath of the it involves our financial and commercial X « Superintendent, Rev. John Spencer; Coroner, political hyenas to whom it is addressed, . ......... _ llomeitead Bill, was not “ erroneous ” as is future. The prospect for the next season clear to autond with whom we have con- J. Watts; Surveyor, A.-S. Walt. se it will call forcibly 0 mind is very bad, as we learn ¡from various but becai alleged by the Unionist editor. À 9 versed pn the lubject. » T^_,_ Jyand how wickedly this Congress how boldl «ouraes. Neither capital j * labor * from Î Í.U x • » - j By reference to the Congressional Globe, s ‘ of scoundrels are acting. Of course, the the Northern States or Eu % is flowing fl I|. Osborn, was arrested on vetoed A rbe S ti vol. 36—1857-^8, page 135. will be found ___ 2 bi J 1 promptly passed, notwithstand- into the cotton region, but a considerable ing the President’s objectioi n, and Sambo portion of that which wa« employed in the last night by De pty Bini, Bird, aid ahd lodged in in. jail the following Senate proceedings ( . L ‘ ”1 - L LD 5 . ■ T'l *1 i ! . % Anorning, ch trged with the crime of foi- e are elevated to the control of production of cotton in 1866: 1866jwill will be with “Mr. JOHNSON of TemjeH^ee,asked,and by thisrmori ’'FMIIS HOTEL is still' kept for the accom- the Capital of the States. 4 JL mudatiou of boarders aud the travelling nnanimousconsent, drawn. The political and financial policy unanitnousconsent, obtained leave tn introduce gery.- This oac rrence is the more to be re- v It is passing strange, how ever, that An- r *- - 1 — * *- L . _) a bill to grant to every persor who is the head publi >* of Congress is hostile in every way to the greted on a< fcovn ; ' of the parents arid relatives of a fitmily and a citizen of Uni drew John son does not see what the real cotton product. Congress will reject any 4 ! the T ’ ’ted States, • • • IT of whom are respectable object of i «ir this negro voting GOOD STABLLYG. a homestead of 160 acres of land out of the of tbe grisoAer^ is. He scheme for a more equitable distribution of citizens. ’’ public domain.” people and woi ougUto i pave made his message not over national bank ourrency in the South. They ind attentive hostlers. Laif» ’ column ‘long, and h irlfcd into the The Unionist further adds will retain the cotton tax as a means of en­ Gn^¿*TEMi:t4i4¡SociABLE.—The Goód Tem- I ! . ' jjkyVt/ F these political scam ps what their In connection with this house will«be Wot The fact is, Mr . Johnson took no very ac- couraging the wool-growers of Vermont °* La T fay * c eU<4propose to have a social’re-* ilars - •» £.1 ;"r '■■' . J. - ¿ . 1 -, A . . • , r'*> ! upon repMlcan institutions H March 19, al vvliich re­ no. 34, tf. either f«ir or against the bill, lie did not union óf) T 'uesda □n reasonable terms/ bepse the public mind of,theicotton-grow- y, : e i »■ . J i & Are4wbiie men ¡a this cou ntry going to -L——— ----------------------------- L — think the principles involved, or the blessings freshments will >e served and the ‘ Iron piu.h I » )• T (Mever! pever 1 iug communities by arbitrary 'jacts tending it would dish»itute to thousands of industris .. vot^longside of niggers? ~ ’ll . I to rhe destruction of cmfidenoe in the se­ ou< pccj.'e, of sufficient importance to wars Bound Bucket? «rtead. The public are in- Whep it 3umes to that4-wl eu four mill Wbqpjili jomes chatrhwheu curity of property and industry* DR. H. J. BOUGHTGN. rant him in' becoming either its father or vited to attend. L ' ionA of African savages are v h ultimo, says that if the radical policy, « Democracy* with whose fiwtuiies fdi'tum's he of the Democracy, PErsoNAi..—H|h. W. ,L. A JAms is ill LI* L - . A I t* ’ Jk ■ . I ! / 'k? g- Si and; those Congressional trai ors well know as indicated at Washington, Succeeds, it to cast his lot up to Qio commencement stopping In Hospital Department, chose with l^.4broth&r, Elder S. ♦ ♦ « that is the very reason -why they ¡will put an end to the produetion of the of the rebellion. * ■Í i Of The Army of the POTOMAC. 4 The subterfuge was coined by the C oukiek prc.so 'fierce for it.' They ki now they cauf great Southern staples—cottonL.sugar, and 4 The Wco: instruction Veto. with the vicious hope of dec« eiving some citi- not retain p'ower and office ij this country rice.—Nat. Intellgencer. notretain Office in Dallas, Oregon. zens of foreign birth who hju d but recently ar- T¡he veto on tbu by Çhe ballot-box; hence¿.thqy are working ■ rived in this country. Recouatraclioij ^.11 auuu i up? r I his his, reasons as with the energy of demons to overthrow Now for proof that Andrew Johnson did follows: The; ill places all the people of Republics .bout eigh- ab Miss Christine Kett, aged i . in rinstitutious in America, not b TO BVILDERS! ten States undei ' tbe. absolute dominion of by ©pen warfare upon them , for this they teen years, living oo Oak street. in Dayton, *1 * not shrink from tho championship of the he undersigned Dirertorsof School District i the military, » sumption indeed, when it is known that tbe lished State ill eg al is itself unlawfwJi All t’hff Old World and the Tories in this, to lined and Ceiled within. ; ............. ————- i I A Belfry or Bell Tower to be constructed editor’s patron saint, Beast Butler, not only information I ba re convinces m$ that the.-subvert what Washington ai d the men of ■ r ■ The population of tbe Sandwich Islands on the same. Bidders to include in their mass of tbe Soutl lern r eople and those who 1776 fought and died for, u inder the spe­ canvassed for Breckenridge and Lane, , but has been reduced by licentiousness and propsitions, the painting of said bouse throu’- control their aq !s, while they entertain clous pretax! of preserving lt. Johnson, out with three substantial coats of lead and voted fifty-nine times in the Charleston Con- dissipation, in fifteen years, frogi 140,000 different views oi i the question of Federal himself, is utterly blind to piis ----------- fact, , — and oil paints. vention for J epf . D avis for President. to 79,000. , > policy, are unite! | in tbe rffort to reorgaa- hence is dot capable pf dealing with the Bids of two kinds will required: J So far as tho “ subterfuge” to mislead our ize their society 1 in the basis of peace, and t-«.»: Firstly, the contractor to furnish all and UlvU men who nllv now l Un OUlIUUUll surround AJtLAJj him, nor the meas- < -*i >| ■ ■ » *........... . f- ¡ prosperity as rapidly and citizens of foreign birth is concerned, we leave to restore nations •dngular tbe materials for tbe construction of urea’which they concoct, I reestablish SHERIFF’S SAL®.. -aid house, and secondly, for the performance it to a discriminating public to judge which, completely asFciri -cumstances will permit. mon^roh^ r i in America. Tei porarily sue- ?f the work, alone, the Directors furnishing ien concludes _ //_ i as’follows : cessfhl tb< the Unionist editor or ourself, has resorted to The PrSsideat Jlie tbe$e men may be. . i > was Danton y virtue of an execution is - • ’ .he materials on the ground therefor. Tbe Constitbti ¡bn, in its whole integrity and ÍMara d in tbe French evolution.^— it. The differonoe between our respective sued out of the Circuit Court of the State Draft,' plans and specifictions may be seen throughout tne tha ifength l tnrougnouc and breadth of tbe But.^ike Actmoo, they wer£ eaten up at of Oregon, for the County of Yamhill, ahi aid to nt the store ofC.%Wes in Lafayette. positions is, that we are supported by the re land, is.the best pf ,all compromises. Be ir own, owni dogs, degs, and so will these me directed, in favor of John W. Allen, and task,by the it Proposals to be handed or forwarded to R. cord, while he is only supported by his own1 sidea, our duties ' do not, in my judgment,j Levi F. , Allen, for the sum men be w ieo the people »ee distinctly against , L. Simpson, Clerk ot said Board of Directors. _ - . of twelve * i ¡. i') ' hundred and eighteen dollars and thirty cents, leaye us any chi ce between that and an- Payments to be made to said contractor or assertions whât their real object is.-— Day Book. J '' I ' '.fj debt and damages, and fortysone dollars and We submit to our ontrsetors, in Gold and Silver coin. I beliejn e that il coiUains that i» ii I ' 3 14 fdl foreign^ population, other. ~----------- 1 —--- -1—I— * ¡ ' —th1 _ twenty five cents costs. 1 have on this 8th .Said building to be completed and finished whether or not it is safe to trust to the bare remedy< so much i needed, andif the- co­ !l - w b»u for raising the tariff on wool, day of March, 18G7, levied upon as the props 1— M — Mt - 1 ' - ready for occupancy and use, within four ordinate branches of the Government montbs from the date oi the letting of said assertions of any of the opposition managers would finite uporjiteprovisions, they would specifies th iree classes, viz: olothing, com­ erty of the said Levi F. Allen, the following mon and ¿nd carpet cl wools. Tho duty on the described personal property, to wit: Two for truth. If they will attempt to mislead you' contract., /■-. be found to be rjad euou £nd strong first is In tents per lb on all valued at 32 dark bay mires, five years old; two, two The Directors reserve to themselves the in one thing, it is reasonable to suspect that enough .to sustgi s-ustgil id io time of peace the na- na­ cents* and 11 per cent, ad valorem when years old mare colts, and one dark brown three right,to reject any and all bids for sufficient »: . , . safely I JIJ. they will do it in another. i'V W Ml tion which thei brought through cause. - . * I I i ' - valued abo to 32 cents. On the third class years old mare colt, and for want of sufficient the ordeal of > a protracted personal property, I have, also, levied upon wjar. Among Said Contractor or contractors, will be re irotraoted i war. 3 cenjs on wools valued at 12 cents and on _ N bwspapobiai —Messrs. Walton A German the moat saored Guarantees ofitbat iustru- of IbaitU nstra-< the following described real estate belonging du ¡red to enter into, and execute to said Di­ I.. . .i, t », ii ]■ 'A ding r.i * 6 r nta. Washed - tboeoexcei 12 ceDts, ‘ A 1 . . f i;E • • a < 4 . 1* to said Levi F, Allen, lying and being situ­ rectors, with good and sufficient securities, have purchased a press «nd material, and will c ment, are thoseIwhicb declare that ... each ■ ■. . bonds for the faithful performance of said ccn- soon commence the publication ota Democratic State shall have ; least one representative, wool$ pay, double duty. Woolen, clothing, ated in YamhillT/onnty, Oregon, to wit: The sba' etc” 50 cents per lb and 35 per individual and third part of the donation land tract according to tbe terms of the same when its consent, and that no 8 te, without ‘ Jits paper at Eugene City. consent, 111 Ml VvJ ui>aa by of KJVIVI1IV41 Solomon Allen, >8 set vJB of to.him Lflad vaio »ram. Blankets, flannels, etc., claim cent. l^C to .him or them. a shall be deprive of equal suffrage in the mt 20 to 4 The Messrs. Gale of Eugene City have pro­ propef- authorities, and containing three 40 cent8, per lb, according to the propel Signed, this February 18. 1867* Sdbate. , hundred dred and ten , acres, tbo cured press and fixtures with whteh they will J ohn 'I M i -i. grade. Bunting, 20 cents per square yard ohn B xbd ird . Zjjj and »- • will expose tho j : • . . i ' "i i ' i ■ ■ ! i , - same to sale, at public auction,.to the highest ♦ » H. H. S now - and 35 ad advolem. Dress goods 6 cents bidder, at the Court House dooiy in said in « short time launch their bark,cn the sea The City of pj,eavenworth, Kansas, was C, E okles . ivenworth, per yard, vara, i nod 35 ad volorem. Clothing, County of Yarnhill, for cash in hand, on the of journalism at some point in the State— laid out io Junb-; 1854, and now contains ready made, -50 cents per lb, onOO oonts third day of April, 1867,. between the hours probably Roseburg. . ) or nna I Gato Lake & Robinson for Stoves and ■ ■ ■ ! -I ■*« i ■ F ' [■ ; of 9 o’clock, a . ml , and 4 o’clock, p m , of said -J valorem —*------ 1. • t' ' ad ' r1 wI" " tin ware. Remember the place : the Emi­ sau»fy said judgment »nd and Costs costs ana day; to satisfy The San Francisco Leader has shufflêd Aa jiou Aiue'yodr eyes,-never blow accruing costs. L-L. WHl TOC^iB, the accruing costa L. L. WHI ®* grant Stove Store, front St next door.to off this mortal ooil, wod laid iö/j i ie grave chimney of Sheriff of YamhiU Co., Oregon. lamp BabM’e. of defanot newapip^ 12-n7*w; I ,! * "î i t ¡ i j- I «? T** rr ■t » » « ■ »I MR* I ♦ v » sf i ; Ï i* t t A IÍ < I I V 'I / i r THE COURIER, - V I V Ä-. i‘ J » Ì j I f ‘ II y * %. 4 J ? ; n * j 4 * H I I < ■* j ' I W * :Z * ■■• ' »* I *■ » J I i • ■ - -I ? < * I ■i. 4 ♦ ; -• •1 4 f 1 r J I € < * I : * I n I -4 • * 9 » • f ..V ■- t -U « tl t i I 9 4 . ♦ *4 f * V i Î »i f I I t, V », r. I Í t k i * 1 si ' G i m li 4 « I á' rSff'i 1 « £ i ' ■ ■ —II-------- i i *9 :‘ ... J z i 4 » * 4 I X Í t . T i f « 4 i I a t —d V a » I r* • K 3 B Ï; * ?* < f ¡ 9- I J V U > » I t B t : », ■ Î 3 ■ « * 1 T Í* *- i' >: 4 a 1 tniMM ï —i ■ I t I > 4 t r * ■ I Ì * « 4 >■ I J . V t 1 1 4 * a « - 4 I i 41 - > o I ■ â I 1 i Í » T * 1 ; » 9- I * ■* * f- i » 4 i t 5 t ¿ir !■/1 f j * < es * i •p, ’ì 5 .4 ‘ ” 1 l Î,’ I » J ft 4 s 4