... ¡ î w A y-»wet i ^ j i 3 F TT |LrW**7* > ífr; il-' î-f I i- - 't .< / a Í ' ■ i s'I ill r • ;• ■ f- * J * r t i' • j \ V Í I X ;û I i« I i ■ f i' I c r l: s ♦ ' I $ ’F » ,'Jt i i » í ■■/■ t y I -. i < j Ì ’ -r I T 4 r I • f i I RF Í Is- i f ' I • s i ■' • n i f •» I l » ! f ■ STU-? ^¡1 ♦ k-. tj i T 4 % : Í ■ i . ! ! « 7 Ì , £. * ’ U * « X I i .'I V 0 ♦ T I 4 ■ • 1 t % k.T lafa Í étte , COUNTY, YAMHILL OREGON. I7 II BY 1 b UPTO N » j.H. editor SOLD B Y G UN AÎÎD pub ’ sh ’ h I 4 ' ! i l I i H ‘ t • Í 1 H ' r II I nil ¡•il J ' fl Prices Reduced July 1st, i T" I I i¡ . .4, Hl'! . -------------- L . . $3 00. h One Copy One Year, . . . 2 00. One Copy Six Months, . ¿■sM“ Clergymen and Teachers will be Fur­ Upwards of 200,000 Furnished the nished with the Cot’RiEK at $2,00 per annum. ■ i t , Ono Square, 12 Lines or less, one Inser­ . $3,00. tion, • • • , • • • . 1,00. For each subsequent insertion, A liberal deduction will be made on Quartery, Yearly, and haif Yearly Adver- ••___ '“ I T tiscments. Hotel, Medical and Law Cards, $10,00 per annum. B^-Coin Being the basis on which our rates ara fixed, Currency will only bo taken at market value. * « I I ' * ' J i . -4 .4 - A rmy R kvo L vjr N avy B elt P olice - ■ Vest pocket ” Jud'ze, J. 'V. Cowles’: Commissioners, W L. L.' Whit Ball, j, ’ 11. ‘ Brawn; Sheritf, ‘ D. comb; Clerk, S. C. Adams; Assessor, Smith j Treasurer, Clem. Eckles; School Superintendent, Rev. John Spencer; Coroner, J. W. Watft»; Watih; Surveyor, A. S. Watt. G un C ane , ut S ingle Barro R evolving R] _ I Calibre.; Calibre. Now .pocket I evolver, ith Loading Lev er, I Self Cock? ng. i 11 : . I Elliot pt.. Nos. 22 32 2 Cart. ’r N o. 22, 30 & 3^ Cartridge- P ocket Yi ■ Repeating Pl.-i A. 1 •' Ì > II ; , 36 & 44-100 Caiibre. I -I k «. 7 LAFAYETTE HOUSE U. S. R ifled MusKET.gSprmfield pattern, Our new Breach Loading Arms OSBORN & RATHBUN, PRO. IIIS HOTEL is still kept for the accotn- rpUIIS accom- have just been approved and adopted for JL modation of boarders and the travelling Military service in Eu^— ! public. ¡1 . GOOD STABLIXG, A i ?■ ' REM IN »nd attentive hostlers. ¿ Tn connection with this house, will be cisco, Cal kept Horses, Bulr’gi^, Ac., Ac., to Let j no. 34, tf. on reasonable terms*. < > SONS, I lion , New Yurk. Agent, A lbert E, • ; i • . U-J™ , í * ■ oct 23 S. HURLBURT. I&ry ATTORNEY AT E,AW, \afayette, Yamhill County, Oregon.* Will practice in tlw Supreme, Circuit and all of the ¡Courts of this State. ) I I I Late Physician & Surgeon, “ In Hospital Department, I ' Oregon. i ■ . £. C. BRADSHAW, Á J I - and ! I > I 1 • » i] . ■ í » HATS i 4 r H' ikk > r » • :• GBOCBRIE, > £ LAFAYETTE FERRY. A V HAR DWARK ! III I i‘ ill;.!1 ■ l, 1 111 HE undersigned would respectfully an­ CROCKERY, GL ASS w mJ QUEKNS- nounce to th a travelling public, that he I || has, at the Lafayette crossing of the Yamhill, . ; . L ru 'i « r H i I ffl A LARGE, NEW AND SAFE FERRY BOAT, WARE, &C., &c, ' ’ " lit’I on which he can cross Teams, Stock, &c., Please call and _________ jjiid our Stock of examin T t r V It ■I » *. EXPEDITIOUSLY AND CHEAPLY, Coffee, Sugar* Tea, Syrup, Oream Tartar, Nails, Pocket Knives, Siüera tus, Tobacco, The roads leading to and from this crossing Rice, etc. are in good repair, and persons from the « South going to Portland, McMinnville, Forest ; F •; tjl Grove and Hillsboro, arid from the North, We will sell going to Salem, Dallas, Corvallis, will find it ! d to their advantage to patronize this Ferry. JOHN HARRIS. C heaper THAN ÇHEAPJEST. ' Lafayette, July 81, 1866. « ns. I I fi • i < < • < ifCmLL • I The Best Remedy For 5 i X“ * ¡' id >11 / i Call Early andSatisfy Yourse f! PURIFYING the •»■r ---------- Jbe Blood, Strengthening ‘ / Nerves, Restoring the lost Appetite, is FRESE’S "HAMBURG / HAMBURG ’TEA TEA? . It is the best preservative against almost iny I sickness, if used timely. timely* ■ Composed of herbs only, it can be given safely to infants. Full directions in English, French Spanish and , - German, ~ \ with L every package. TRY ITi i For sale at all the wholesale and reta‘ ’ . drugstores aad groeeries. «-- EMIL FRESE. Wholesale -DrngghL Bole Agent, 410 Clay street, 1 [I V I ,4 I « J. T. f ■ fil; ! bl ri Hl», .y '""rey*. *T i • I M n ’H r k ii* ly¿' L.f. * •' !i 'I; iE |t 44^11 8 Tí riear-sigh One day he had been to the ith -Hip horse, and among his pur- city witk chases mis wj, j barrel of flour, the head of J~--qartjally out. which Wap j On the Way home, the old man was overtaken a ud passed by a fast young.man, driving a’ ■ list * horse, and putting on “much” airs, Now, the parson’s horse was usually la l]uiet, , steady-going animal ____ o_7 bfatthe _ __ i couldn’t stand that sort of enough, thing; so hé started after him of the fast order ‘2_. Ijj ip gpoj gpo$ earnest.- The j^ltinfe of the wagon at length jarred the head Qo&pletely off the ie barrel, and the strong wifl S ’ ’ was blowing directly 1 which after* the Ij arson, blew the flour all over him and tb » horse. At last the. fast young and the village man was left, an« T4*4«6» reached ; but the speedbrfthe horse was not checked. In driving through ^Street to reach his home, with one of his home, he he ¡camel ¡Camel in in contact coc ’ Ito see deacons, who was naturally surprised pace, and his minister driving at such a pact signaled hi«a to stop.»? “ Why^Barson B------ ,” ” said he, ‘ “what on earth is 0e matter ? You seem greatly elcitei”TI| “Excite«#” jelled the old man; “ex- ex­ cited! 1WhQ wouldn't be excited ?—snow­ , J Get up, Dobbin !” storm in fomiled, ' V but was silent. . ¡The d , I r. . 11- iU U. .Go to Lake & Robinson for Stoves and W ' I ■ : the Emi- rij tin ware. Remember the place ph ir _'j jp I H grant Stove Store, Frodt St. > next door to being enjoined to try the ef- A wo ii. : .if i ju s __ on her husband, and being feet of ki Bebee’s» told that it Would onld heap coals of fire on his hat head, re pl i^«3 that —11 “ she k“ 1 had --J tried ‘bilin’ Go to Galland, C water/ a It didn idn’t do a bit of good.. She Clothing, Boots, Sh wap doubtftp abou it the efficacy of 'coals/ Groceries. « ; I 7 I ■t i » ‘ '•I < i ali ' Hi i I I I i k. ' 13 ‘ | a ‘ ; I t '4- HI ‘ ---------- ------------- 2-------------------------------------------------- * \ II’ Conneutidutj lived and preached old f 1 Farson B -, who was a bit excitable and BOOTS an< W ill practice in the District and Supremo Courts of Oregon. gg^-Taxes Paid, Collections made, and Proceeds Promptly remitted. pi— 4 FANCY GOOD¿ . LICITOR IN CHANCERY. ; ' i / • Lafayette, Oregon. \ j* |.” « - 1 '■ v ■ ' «• I t I r 7 * n í is V* •’ r‘ ■ ■ 1 Ä ' r t- J- I c > • I. . • i -i ; -r When were* there only two vowels ? Io the days pf a (Noah,) before u and re born. (you and 1) ■— — w V. .A r I i • -7 * V 1. «■ I 4 ’• ‘ 4 “ S ir , you kave broken your promise/' said one gentleman to another. “ Oh, peyerlmind; I can make anothef just as good.” | V I I I * I ft I i Slight changes make great differences. “ Dinner for nothing ” " is very good fun} but you can’t say as much of “ nothing for dinner.” C 7 a •? A I , T he late W liter Savage Landor left the subjoined lines as his own epitaph : “ I strove wi h none, for none were Worth tny stop strife L I ‘ ‘ . my fe;, /Nature I loved, and after Nature, 'Art, T I warmed both botl^ 1 hands before the fire of life j It sinks, apjd aqd I am ready to depart.” Ï t » t. I ■F i I F F r *1 e t é ... j F * ■ 4 , •- . gentle, Mr. Dabster “ Perfectly gentle, sir; the only fault he has got (if that be a fault) is a playful habit of extending bis binder hoofs now and then.” I “ By extending his hinder hoofs you don’t mean kicking, I hope ?” “Some people call, it kicking, Mr. Green.; but it is only a slight reaction of the muscles; a disease rather than a Vice. i k H- • ' ' ' - ■ v ' -- /■ A t Cardinal Cullen’s lev^ in Dublin, )Qg—trom an odp was sung 200 lines long from its the praises length just thejthing to sing thi ______ of the cable. What a solo 1 fifty verses-! only second to that celebrated 119th Psalm which i sed to be sung in some of louseholds as a little pre- the old Puritan households pre­ paration for an eai rly ‘ breakfast. £ I Ì “ Is YOUR h|f! ’k »• t • X / P* r 1 * 4 Ì I t I * i t ? < gl I « ;s. ! I li Ì I ♦ I j r 4 '■ T % “ W ell , Tin,” said a blacksmith, to his 'appren tice, I “ you have »•been with me and have seen all the now, three moqt ¡ths, ’ different point! I itf our trade. I wish to give you your choice of work for a while.” “ Thank ’ee, “ ee. sir.” “ Well, now, what part of the business do you like best ?” “ Shuttip’ up shop, and goin’ to dinner; •fl sir. ? « I a K i - k' ■ ’ i i i; t I I 11 ; 7 t I W hen Eve told Adam to chastise his son,* what fivej ve s scriptural names did she us’eH. x' “ Adam,” b 34th Eve, “ Cain Abel/’ f c ■ I I 71 4 of all colors/’ were “B lack stockings s lately advertised in a country newspaper. . t J fcr I Id r •u 7* - T he Mayor of a small commune, when lately presented to the Empress of France, spoke to the Prince Imperial, asking him hi«JKe-, 4. !. « 4 am ten, answered the prince.' alreadv the son of an -‘ So young, . and already G et H omes .—-Get a hom^ rich or poor, Empe ror of the French T exclaimed the get a home, and learn to love that home Maydr with g^eat emphasis. Mayói and make it happy to the wife and children by your beaming presence; learn to love T here is a pious lady in NewYork* simple pleasures, flowers of God’s own who, when sho is unable to attend church, planting, and music of his own ; rlthe bird, sends her card. the wind, the waterfall. So shall you help ’ B asso MP iekre , French Ambassador to' to stem the tide of desolation, poverty, and Spain, was once tolling Henri Quatre how despdir, that come upon so many through scorn of little things. -Oh, the charm of a he entered Madrid. ‘ I was mounted on smallest mule in the world.’ little home; comfort dwells there that the i Ah 1’ said Henri, . ‘ what an amusing shuns n the gilded hallsfof revelry» 17 ,v- sight, the biggest ass on the smallest mule!’ . I----------- ------------------- ‘I wife your Majesty’s representative/ How Titfi D eacon got E xcited ?—A fßvr n years bib isihce, ce. near the city of N- -----, DRY GOODÍ3, ) » III 1 : ; a. i Í E i P ' ® ■ ' l' COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND SO- f we will. F ^AND .:r: ■* f X * of the best and I ATTORNEY l ¡ill I » Office in Dallas, 1 ‘It r Fall it M Of The Army of the POTOMAC. * J i I il I Î t I Has constantly; DR. H. J. BOUGHTON. ♦ ■ I ■ ■ i’ r 1 4 i q I * '• ’■ 4;; I- h 5 - I k » A .. i R if L e . N o . 32 Calibre B reach L oading C arbink , N o . 46 Cartridge. tT. S, R ifled (Steelbarrel,) with Sabro Bay’t ' A ■ B reach L oad ) 4 j j lí : No. 32 Cartridge. UNS. 1 1 V ?» •1 Navy Calibri * i Navy si Navy si B els 1 ilibre. Calibre 36-1Ó0 COUNTY OFTICLAI. DIRECTORY. ? o' , :i <,! I 18Gi,’ • 11 Government^ RATES OF ADVERTISING. 4 I, -T A*’ I i bluff, burly doctors, who is more noted for the _ polish of his language, the force fort ee Ikf thaij the when the following colloquy ensued : -D ìw »£ a » .what wk.» »E «11 I T »«L- -Doctor, shall take a 4*«. for the cholera “ ‘ ‘ The The, ^cholera! have you got the «boleri ?’ I “ ‘ No.’ / “ < Well, I te the cholera first,’ ” . 5 I * A S' T. Loùis paper says*: ^A timid gender gentleman, sotoy days ago, met <>pe of our c ’ tue tuade GENERALLY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, (In advance.') - I * ’ * 1 ' - a * Ì ** ,.V ' ' V i f / Ï I ’ I l r I r < f * » 4 i •1 > Frclinghuysen in moral character; he is I V every thing that is low and base—low in­ stincts, low breeding, low associations and low in his language and habits. He is a» •i crippled and fetid wreck of manhood—the * vi«Jtim of filthy disease engendered by bru­ <3 ? ’ '• tal vices—a loathsome object to all persons F of decent sensibilities. His unscrupulous I malignity is all that commends him to the support of the Radical par'y.—Herald. p| I ---------- ------ -- j .J b G ood M en A lways A bused . —Let k I « f . f I » I those who are evil spoken of take comfort; r / : I It is only at fruit trees that, men throw stones. Whoever saw thieves throw stones at the birth at maple troop The more fruit a tree bears, and the rieher it is, the more it 1 * ■ L ■ i fv 1 IP I is likely to attract the attention of the thief. ■ h * J*« 1 . —™ . —"■■ •F you are in want of a superior WASH JbNG TUB, large or small, can be aox oommodated at SIMPLON'S F amily 4 L ' .< - I / 'S:. V I f '-4' Í * ? P % I G G rocery S tore . f * I 5 ■ «• : I I ‘i w* i / z J » sw’-l I f I / 9 "i » I >1 S' ■ ■. 1 t t 4 vb M orton , of Indiana, is the antipodes of I 5-4 * ,1 ■ ; 1 ■ J ..I t I \ was the rejoinder. ♦ ■ « 1. ■ 5 :■■ ■ I I I IV r i * r -J?-' F rench poets musrbe in great want of a subjeot for their labors, as one of them has recently written a poem to the pork disease, and had it set to music. Think of an epic to the Trichina, and the delight­ ful sensations of the diners before whom it should be sung, with roast pork, boiled an important U&ID^ and UUVA sausages, DCSl*OCB£VI7} forming « r __ TL- i * part of the repasts V ! M I 1- 11 T jrning ” O ne ’ s MoNET.-^There was a building going up, on California street, San Francisco, not Jong ago,' of a most original and dismal style of architecture, forcibly reminding one of a .graveyard, and bringing up other funereal associations.— The “ professional gentleman ” who had chargle of the construction, was said to have taken the job, “ very cheap.” Further­ more, the most prominent ornamental fea­ ture of the structure was a row of gigantic urns, closely resembling those in which the ancients were wont to deposit the ashes of their dead. A rival architect (probably a jealous “ cuss,” Who would like to have had the job himself, but .¡couldn’t get it,) was passing the building, one day, when, glancing at the melancholy ornaments re­ ferred to, he muttered: “ Well, I fear------ won’t make much of his contract, but I see that he is likely to earn (urn) all his profits.” « •• « J < •'? ; » . • l| j,* -v ’ Ji \» A n U nfo K tunate V ictim .<& S uspi ­ cious C ircumstances .—The San Fran- ' I I \ i ti I World is 164| i,Tbe number of men is equal cifco Cal/ tells the follawiog story, which to the riumhetof women, The average of illustrates the dangers of being discovered i human ife is fe years. One-quarter die in bad company: * ■ 4 • ! ' íe agí of i before of 7. ■: To every 1,000 per- Five years ago the schooner J. M. Chap­ ly reaches the age of 100, man was fitted out in this port as a Con­ federate cruiser, bitt fell into the hands of and not more ihhn one in 500 will reach the authorities when about proceeding to goof pf ¡the age 8CL There are on the earth sea, and the persons on board were thrown ,000,000 lG persons. Of these about into prison in Fort Alcatraz, where they J',000,. : pateasi j, ¡333 dfe every year, 91,825 die remained - until brought to trial. Among ML McFadden, these prisoners was one J. Al every ctay, 7|7^9 oyery hour, and 70 every who had been a Federal office-holder in minnte. The losses arc balanced by an Washoe, under Buchanan’s a idministration. equal jjumberDf births. The married arc His trial resulted in Ins ac< » quittai, on his showing he w.enton board the vessel undei1 longer lived |han the single. Tall men an engagement to take charge of a mine in live longer && tbt£i short ones. Women have Mexico, and under the impression that the more chances ’ of c life previous to the age of vessel was going thither. Ten days after fifty years, b [ fewer after than men.— his discharge he was arrested on a charge of highway robbery, by garrotting a man The n^mbef f marriages is in proportion on Commercial street. He was brought to of 70 to 1001 i^Idrriagcs are more frequent trial iA the County Court, and on the tes­ after t||e eqpifioxes than during the month timony of the. person alleged to have beeu robbed, convicted and sentenced by Judge of Jutti or December or. . Those born in the Conies to five years imprisonment in the spring are W>re| ro robust than others.— State Prisop. Three years passed, and Births and deaths are more frequent by dreary years they must have been to poor McFadden, for he was suffering for a crime • i i . night jthambj i^day. that had never been committed, when lil *Ti • rni- j i < Judge Cowles came into possession of facts T he lond N T imes on the N egro . which convinced him that McFadden was ■The Lonffi i Times, in dilating on the an innocent man. The witness, on whose .subject of i}€ ¡r»^suffrage in the United testimony he was copvicted, had sickened, and on his dying be^confessed that he had States, says4 “ Why cannot the negro been induced torperjure himself, in order ’be deflated; c tizen and invested with to punish McFadden for being on board 1 his Wi of a man ? The real an* the schooner Chapman. As soon as all the right Honor came into possession of these i facts, swer tp to that b »that he is not a citizen, and j he took steps to present them-to his Ex­ i 5 4 . ; .1 L cannot be niac e a citizen by a proclama- pellericy cellency Gov. Low, Jos., Jos. Napthaly, Esq., 1 a tion Or a ldwi We have unfortunately then acting clerk of Judge Cowles ’ Court, had a:little; |xperientce of our own in this preparing the necessary papers. By some oversight, the mat- , the Governor neglected - r jmatteij. Wei ga sc the Jamaica negro, in J ter for ~ several weeks, until he visited San common witM pis white master, civil equal- ■p Francisco, when Judge Cowles saw and I m u*!* I - I '! .■! [ TL' L J iityf an| the |r| gh) li of self-government, and talked to him about the case, when the see how it- f ms ended. All the negro’B pardbh wai signed, and on Saturday last, McFadden^was released from prison, hav* instincts anl| habits go in the other direc- ing b^eh confined for three years, seven tion.1 lie ised [reless, credulous and depend- month -and thirteen days. Judge Cowles entj easily j ¿tewed, easily duped, easily and Mr. Napthaly have taken the matter - • '•1- ‘ * * » * I'J -J ’ J .. I in-hand, and will furnish McFadden with frightened ;i always the ready victim of the sufficient funds to reach the Eastern States. tf e I. f. i stronger wi I He is material for the bands r 1 I ’ J 1 i ’ i I 1 n of anybody kvho wishes to make use of him. ■ fl The annoyance of the hiccough can be Invested wi| full political rights, the race stopped so easily that everybody should must be a n nigazine of .mischief. In Jai- know how it is done. It is occasioned by •’ -4! ’ I maipa it a| qmarOhat the negroes would the convulsive and*involuntary action of imbibe; at • I ( ayisi notice, any absurd delu- the diaphragm, which lifts the stomoch, as in vomiting and soa-sickness, which ac­ sioq as to tx authority and wishes of tho tion is occasioned or possible only when ' ¡J i • ’ ! * British Qufc of the Commissioners or the stomach is empty. The remedy is I 1 what p - they Were ' \ 4 r always 4; but simple and infallible. Drink water or any anybody el other beverage slowly, - with continual looking for was something to be done for swallowing, sq long as you can hold yotlf them, or si :c ine laws to make them all rich, breath. If you do not breath in the pro­ hapry lan^ gwuers, and tax*free forever, cess you li tide o^er ” the convulsion, and Such men ito not citizen^, xrall them so as your hiccough is gone , ■ k ! ' b? * 1 I Í FI I I1 * . =i ■ I * t * I FEB. 5, 1867 J-’ r,J , r . -V • ’■ ISSUED EVERT TUESDAY, *; - • -------- Item of Interest • The pumtiei 1 of langt|i^8 spoken in the ’S THE COURIElî, g - r I i ■ ____ . ■ ------------------------ - ---- e- ■ 'A ¡I « * - 1 > ii”-j J • 1 A jp."- * t VOL. II L t * i 1 X ♦i» I ........... ¿ è«, 9- h i - mi I t I $ i; I ■ ■> n ^i. 4 V L ml : Tt A K -— 4 f ♦rf I I » I Hr ■■ * i i 1X* È j Î ■ > X J /’ '.1À I L- > 11 s í ’* ' 9 - j ÍÍA ” Vi I