TTT - 4^ ’ : I Í y I I • i 4| I f » t t j 1 4 I k 4 1 / (r 1 ( c » / ' Ì Ì > i •’ e [ . Sfc ,* .1 ■ f i f 1 J » : f. ; V » I ' I i bi l 1 I I j « Í t Í — a LAFAY £TTJ Ì .COURIER 77 Hi t» - T ----------- i j i =i « À 4 4 ■ i ■ ■ 4 'I IT i » ■ ’/ ; . t l< -j f. I f f y B * j « =*7 ■ t I • ’ T . ■]• J I ; .. .Ji m -frank ft. s li- stewa T he R ustic . pare with yours in popit of size, talent, or y tor of a pensioned concern ’way down in in influence; yours it a mammoth sheet; ■Jackson i county undertakes a defense of you know, being121 j $1 inches just half Jacksonville against What he pretends to the size of the Rcpu :lr or Unionist, and ! L . n J i i . , 4 . ' al • . ♦ I zl - I '. understand to be a thrust from the C our ­ containing in the af ^regate about one- To Í ier , and accordingly^ slashes away at the fourth the amount ^of çeading matter. That Are Not IriA. | 1 | 5 = * è 4 9 Ì, 4 I ’■t. KEM1NGTO1 i 11 t » ♦ * n !W¡ ?! 4 4 FIRE ARMS .<■ • 9 k d 1 •4 * > i -a. • u i ;X< « F - I ».a ▼ - * ■ " '♦ I t > i I ■ e*l T 9 9 L .< - :F- i * • K •< • ■ * I I! i ij » j j È« , ■ if II f E~7>. jj* 4 é ■ I" W. { ■ 1 > » Whenever the paternity of a bull is Un­ certain, an attempt is made to father it on ISSUED EVERY TUESDAY, some unfortunate Emeralder. Yet it was » gi - — AT a Scotchwoman who said that the butcher li I yr v__. 1 Li_ ¿-Il j i_ nr i _ HS rl of her town only killed half a beast ata ’•» LATAYETTB, 4'1 time; it was a Dutchman who said a pig YAMHILL COUNTY, ORI^>ON r ' • had no ear-marks eXi except a short tail; aud editor and Jesse Applegate, promiscnously, conclude, frank, tbi§ 1 ittle section of conn- it was a British magistrate igistrate kho, frbo, being.told being .told I BY miscellaneously and |>tberwise in a > xnan- try called Yamhill coii jjnty which, in your by a vagabond that be was not married, (j p T O N > editor and ri a’sn r ner quite convincing* that he does staut impotent rage youstig ¿atize as “ muddy,” responded, [“That’s a good thing for your ■ 1 J. H _______ L wife.” ‘ in need of the services of the aforesaid though it sports only ij: >ne paper, contains Nearly three thousand years ago, in TRADE GENERALLY. TERMS’OF SUBSCRIPTION, (In advance.) “ Jesse „ or some ether man US pedagne more than twice t|ie q; antity of cultivated Greece, H¡erodes noted * down in the • I í i . ■ ' I / • I í i I 31; If ■J I •’ i to the end that he may not get thi lugs 8U land,and twice tb&pop lation of your “two- “ Astela ” many of the bulls which go the Prices Reduced July 1st, 186$. $3 00. One Copy One Year, . VtAV»_/»rk«T ahtvr. ” and of other evidences of rounds of the newspapers now-a-days at­ . 2 00. mixed again in his pate as to sup ppose tre jFltt paper-county, One Copy Six Months, . tributed to Irishmen. He tells, among - ’ - - ’ Lit' ¿^Clergymen and Teachers will be Fur- meant him when we spoke of the ex-Pcfet growing importance . and elements of fu- others, of this person who sat before a glass nished with the C ourier at $2,0’6 per annum. Master of the “ wee post office ii n Jacks bD ture greatne^-we tyhal Becline to speak, as with closed <|ycB to see how he looked when Upwards oi 200,000 Furnished the U. .» s, be Heedless r ' ‘ for ¡“t le we have no ope “ dow here,” vain or ego- asleep; of the ouc who, having to cross a It would county.” ............... 4 ■ j river, entered the boat on horseback, giv­ • lli G^vernmentjsince 186E old fossil ” (meaning Jesse/ we should tistical enough t$ p :tend to have re- RATES OF ADVERTISING. ing as his reason for riding that he was in * 4 One Square” 12 Lines or le£s, one Tnscr guess) on yon side of t ae mountains .” or ceived a letter from ?ostmaster-General a great hurry; of the one w.;o declared, I A bmy R evol V b , 44-100 in Calibre. : I $3,00. any other man to attempt to touch tion, . . . , • •. Randall, and th^ir teach arade the answer after a narrow eseape from drowning, that I . 1,00. For each subsequent insertion, I 11 r 11 n ’ he* would never enter the water again till t N avy • 86-100 in Calibre, v. 4 I’' through the ^prints oi how to “ construct sert ’ tences in thé ^country; and A liberal deduction will be made on I he had learned to swim ; of the man who, FDgiish.4^^^i|fiftfl I HHHHH A 1 1 , • , ' • • ♦ B elt (Self Cooking.) Navy ^Calibre. (¿uartery, Yearly, and half Yearly Adver­ Yours is o hopclcsi casej as there is certainlyj nai democratic editor* hearing that a raven would live two hun­ tisements. ” NaVV RÍ7P PnlikiM » B els Navy size Calibre. Hotel, Medical and Law C ardi, $10,00 per will be evidenced by the followin ig ije a- outside of Jacksonville, on the habitable dred years; bought one to try whether it P olice Navy size Calibre, 'V annum. globe who would f|r so small a considera­ was true. tence “ constructed ” by you, viz q f ■ If |l There hlave been bulls, too, on canvass. ■ which our B&'Coiii Being the basis on Now pocket Hi evol ver, with Loading Lever. • « “the edito^of the C ourier ! * we b 9 tion espouse the defense of the opposition rates are fixed. Currency will only be taken I Burgoanne id his “ Travels in Spain,” no­ P ocket ” j Self Cocking. bit of a paper published down on i mud-T / 1 at market value. in such petty business IT • r tices a painting where Abraham is pre* Repeating Pisl ol^iliot undertakes to pitch iptj our foirifeer pojt- —11 r 11 „ i pt. Nos. 22 32 C irt, paring to shoot Isaac with a pistol; and in t 1 ft M ! 9 master.” , Vest pocket ’ * No. 22, 30 & 32 Cartri ige a conutry church in Germany the painter, COUNTY OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Interesting Statistics ©f the B Stat&a. r I Now, passing ovj¿r jf rèpresenting the sacrifice of Isaac, places G un C añé 1 , üsj ng No. 32 Cartridge. The following inker«Sting item of statis ­ Judge, J. W. Cowles; Commissioners, W -7 a blunderbuss in Abraham’s hand, and S jngle Barrol S hot G uns . , article with a i Ball, j, H. .1. 2 ‘ ‘ ‘ commencing a half co L. L. Whit Brown; Sheriff, tics wus prepared in the United States Ba- paints an angel coming down to pour water R evolving Rii le , 36 & 44-100 Calibre. *1 K f Assessor. coiub; Clerk, S. C^ Adams; ¿»covoovi, D. lower case ** t,” w C : k our gramer reau, Department' ut’or the Interior, and taken on the pan. In Owen’s travels is men­ B reach L oadí » g R if L e , N o . 32 Calibre. Sirith; Treasurer, Cl$;in. Ecklcs ; School tioned a picture in the church of St. Zac- Superiiitendvnt, Rev. John Snencer; Coroner, ; critic-cutcmporary to parse from a report in n re ’ rel'srcjiFce to the area, and B reach L gad A buria, at Venice, ^vhere an angel is enter­ o C arbine , N o . 46 Cartridge, Watt. J. W. Watts; Surveyor, “ •sentence, ” aud t which j density of population o&the )f the United United States States : : taining the Virgin Mary and the infant U. S, RrFLED ($ ¡teel Barrel,) With Sabre Bay’t or the C ourier , is a (< ‘ î» ' ; 1 d “ The land and. water surface» of tb£ Jesus with an air on the violin. * So in the Ü. S. R ifled A uske T, Sprinfield pattern, ! ^dual'^o 3,2p0,0U0square college library of Aberdeen there are ele­ United States ------- arc c< c the “sentence,” When you b miles— lan^l, 3,010 ¡170^ water, about 240,- gant paimiugs on the margin of ft Dutch Our ne r Breach Loading Armt V 000 square mile?.] ifte State-* embrace missal representing the angels appearing OSBORN & RATHBUN, PRO. clear to us that sttcA “ con strut have just been approved and adopted for 1,804,151 square t# lejf of the landed sur­ to the sheppeîdsjone of the latter of whom *TM11S HOTEL is still liept for the accorn- i,t may conform in a remote de( grec face, and the TerràorfiiB l,2Q6,019 miÌ>s, Military service in Europe. is r playing a Dagpipe. uuico, — —-------- er;r'" Lewis 0 ~ goli painted JL modatjon of boardc ;n _ and the ti availing i* rAI. mloc 1-iwt Pnwni ” S a fliz» i>,rkc4 ‘ cireumcission of Jesus, and .1 ghth census of I860. as exhibited by thdei&hth 1SG0. u picture ' of ' the public. ; • 4i 'I É. R emington e & sons ’ , The number of inhabitants in the Unijpd drew the high priest Simeon with specta­ ___ * J al-- ner of expression, we will agree with yohi 1 I lion , New lode. STABEIXG. States, leturnpd in*18' : , was 31.448,321 cles on his lx sc, probably outl of rospect . h / that “Jesso Applegate” need not visit -—in the States, 31:14^,046, and 295,275- to his great age;. Spectacles were not 1 Agent, A ; ert K, C rane , San. Fran- 1 )nd attentive hostlers. » I «I your section ” yetly ” k no win for fourteen centuries afterward. — in the Territories. tb + . - * 4 J • j us ¿bowing an average owing 11 ' y I ' ■ cisco, CaE i oct 23 ’66. nd 39. vl. ♦ ’ y Another picture, in the French Museum, In connection with this hon^e will be But to be candid with ycu, frank, we of seventeen inhaH: litauts to each square ints . ’FT 1 mile in the States, J rhife in the Territories representing the reconciliation of Jacob t kept Horses, Buggies, Aic., &c., toi Let in the Territories are of the opinion that the people of Jagi:f iLi* 1 1 • > • a 4 there are four squai miles to each •BO. 34, jn reasonable terms. inhab- and Laban, bas a steeple or bélfry rising county are under we jhty obligations: to itanit, and exclusive^ of |he District of Co- over the trees. A belfry in the moun­ V- I Í you for undertaking t hb herculean taskfof lurnbia the territoria 1 afcea would represent tains of Mesopotamia in the time of Jacob S. HURLBURT. •. I H ■ * I In a picture painted by F. Cfiella Della defending her honor agjainst the onslaught five and one-fifth sdiiare miles to each in­ Puera, the Blessed Virgih is placed on a habitant. ATTORNEY AT I LAW 9 4 you 6eem to imagine the CouilEit made I * In I860 Masspdlisqits had 157, Rhode volvet sofa playing with a cat and a paro­ t !lp that Jackson county watytte lated a* France our population c ber 528,000,0004orilf ]populated as densely Never mind sending the knife—I. have I ** ' considerable of being the first county in as England and Wales,Jp24’0(j0,000 ; and | found it?’ Calino once tried to get a cer- ? ■ 1J . I of the lest and latest styles. the State, if she doesj' “ suppqp if according to Bplgfeun’s density of popu­ tificate of defective sight from the Burgeon 1 C. BRADSHAW, I ding to the pub* lation—397 to thé square mile—the United of a regiment to which he belonged,, to newspapers,” DRYGOODS, States would contain 1 195,000,000 more avoid some military duty, “ I am so near- 4 lie declaration cf the proprietors of either, than the entire pbpulatp ion of the world in sighted,” said be, “ that I can’t see the I f - i I : neither of them is self-sustaining. 1866.” ' ■ F4ANCX GOODS, stripes on the arm of that corporal over I ASD Shçre.”. Of ~ ’ the same character was his JI I • * i • r I ’ I We will pit Yamhill against tyour two- —r; 1 1-—■—*— ¡ COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND SO f T he K ingdom C o M inct .—Clap your action when he took a lighted taper to find ; i, paper-ccunty, and challenge the proof to BOOTS and SHOES LÍCITOR IN CHANCERY. bands and shout for'joj^ye white skinned his way down i-steirs without accident, and » the contrary, in the following respects, to Í • I 1 f saints and apostles; of egro superiority, after getting down brought it back with Lafayette, Oregon. • f at the top of the wit: The number of a*ipres of cultivable for the kingdom *of thè nigger HATS and CAPS, * is surely thanks, leaving himself lice in the District and Supreme I landj and the cash value thereof; the num- coming. An overlaid di stairs in the dark, in precisely the same Jspatch briogs the T Courts of Oregon. position from which ho had started at glorious intelligatyi cel that Albert Le», a GROCERÎE, g^*Taxes Paid, Collections < made, and her of acres improved, and the average > genuine darkey, wi ill/imall probability, be firat. Proceeds Promptly remitted. r product per acre; the aggregate number elected Mayor of Georgetown, Calino was once on an excursion where _____ , s (D, _. C.,) r. ÖÄIDWARE. I of bushels of grain of all kinds and the next February. Black tour faces and sing lodings were scarce, and in looking about 1.AFAYETTE FERRY, for a pillow, found a large stone jar, on CROCKERY, GLASSWARE,^ ! marketable value of the same; and the per­ a ,few verseB of ‘f* John Brown’s Body,” 'ÛEENS-* and offer up a prayfr Of thanks to Abraham, which he laid his head contentedly. Some HE undersigned would respectfully an- manency and contentedness of her popu-. the martyr, for the glorious privilege Which one inquired of him if k was not rather I I i ft • .'--il ■ A' .5 I d'- nou|n ce i to the travelling public, that he lation. Yamhill county has more than 'S. hard? “ Not at all, ” said he, “ for I ’ ve you are soon to ep joy of worshiping your has, at e Lafayette crossing of the Yamhill, Btuffed it with hay.” It was a wise say­ ’ WARE, Ae., &c. twice the number of acres of land in cnl- sable god< at the thvbn^ of a negro king. * I ' ■ ' ‘ Let all your prayers in future-end end ing of his that “Providence bad placed A LAR0E, NEW AND SAFE FERRY BOAT, tivation that ycur two-paper County has, with “Blessed be the name of tho nigger death at the end bf life in order to give Please eall and examine our Stock of bo can cross Teams, Stock, &c., w4iile the population of the former is dou* on whi forever and ever, Ampu; -—Amador (Cal) people time to prepare for it.” Coffee, Sugar, Tea, Syrup, Oream Tartar, I ■ ■». EXPEDITIOUSLY AND CHEAPLY. ble that of the latter, It ie true that Yam- Dispatch S I H' h . . , i ■ .,ij Nails, Pocket KniveS, Saleratus, Tobacco,; i- 1+™ I i : . ÿ.l • I I . • I 1 I ii P ’ LH-sftl «Ll 1 .r hill county does not n subport t; Ie papers/1 Rice, etc. Delà- A D elicate I nsinuation . 1 The reads leading to and from this crossing To any one whoib$lief es in taken things 1 L .-i .Q » are in good repair, and persons from the and in this you enjoy yokr only advantage pierre, the courteous attendant at Barnum’s •• • ' Hr ' U-. ■ r 1 easy, early rising is a great bore. - You are South going to Portland, McMinnville, I orest in the comparison ; but 1 ' I I '“I1 111 11 1 1? WtywilVsell where it is known never in such a dplighifi dje|ighXful state of comr Miuseum, has a pleasant wit, which he now I Grove and Hillsboro, and? from the North, 4 Ì * and then exercises very agreeably. A sub­ ft going to Salem, Dallas, Corvallis, will find it that your “ two papers ’ are sustained by posure; as. when lying just near enough editor of the New. York press, rather fa­ awake to know the lu jufy of sleeping, and to their advantage to patronize this Ferry. C hbap » THAN THE CHEAPEST. levys and gratuities, tfc,. etc.j ’ . / ¡to fea' fee insensible io to the mous for his supercilious manner, was . ' I I’/ If sufficiently asleep ,to JOHN HARRIS. i leaving the Museum the other day, when pOrtance in this be! c’oggings of daily cares«, Much better is' Lafayette, July 81, 1866. »L- _________________ ______ cold --u L’elapierre, whom he had treated very u ’ ' ■ : • f this than __ rising before Che sun these tamed. our8elfl ¿¡i rudely on several occasions, went up to ------- _=xi_ __ n Jp an , an j p U ttfog mornings, with one Then, frank, you *0* The Best Remedy For pliment to either the Uifiontsi or Review, off your patience as W[ put on jqut clothes, him* and said,in a very mild tone, “ Pardon nt J. t. HEMBREE. me, sir, I oannot let you go till 1 home PURIFYING the Blood, Strengthening the ------- k — ! . '.I.-.. .1 1/---- . The snoozing morl tai,; Who, on being in* \ I ” I’ : counted the monkeys.” Nerves, Restoring the lost Appetite, is when you parade the ai nouncement that formed that day was breaking, replied v- 3 FRESE'8 HAMBURG TEA. I r “ Let it brealu it den ’ i ” we me anything, ” &. Robinson for Stoves and Gfrto Laie at no point outside i Portland aave at J It is the best preservative against almost any [was a phUospner—he lad an eye to the A short time since, a surgeon was cal lied tin ware. re. Bjemember the place : the Eon- B£r siokness, if used timely. Composed of herbs Jacksonville do two jera exist in the I as a witness, for the purpose of proving enjoyments of life^ arijdJan enlarged soul 4 Stove Store, Front St. next door to only, it can be given safely to infants. Full grant F State,—for in the sai me column youï an­ capable of a snooze; r f damages, upon an action of assault. He directions in English, French Spanish and I 8 f / L ‘ ' *’ 1- Bebee’s. German,;with every package. TRY IT! nounoe the resumptioi il of the publication deposed that he had bled the plaintiff; • 4 I 1’■ .I - r - I If iq A merel haut y.__ _ ^advertised ___ . his _____ For sile at all the wholesale and rets* having stock and being asked if bleeding _had be^n of the latter named j paper. So yea gee, drug stores and groceries. to be'sold under prime* cost, a neighbor 1 necessary/candidly answered, “We always i Co. to^et Go to Ga EMIL FRESE. Wholesale Druggist, frank, that Salem at I wt, sport« “two observed, that was w 1 ^ ’ ’ ’ Goods Ad observed, that was “ * it necessary to do when Dlothing, B find Sole Agent, 410 Clay street, imselfy if them may òom never paid a cent fyr Groceries. papers >» though nei’ «ent > r ; Ji : I » ft ! » < i- i 1 f ? 9 y 4 4 I • * J ■•L a er. - Î ? I I » I il BSSBSSB ‘■gL’ 1 1 . ■ >> i - «J » A » ’I « < i ■ ?• i 1 1 » 4 i! ft: M i » i SÄ I 'I I »I J' 1 ; i f T9 3 s r .. > * k I <» < 1 * t <4 1/ I L V.fc '•i I » ,t t i« i 3 4 J ‘•I * ♦ * ■< t S * H i> i - ÌÌ I 4 j i 7 i !*: X . < * / < * >•**! ' < \ ■ I i i I j :Í 1 Í r î X- t I *• <-2 « í V' t te % * jfw wx i. i . ~ •F V I LAFAYETTE' HOUSE ■I 1 A t? f » i ! ' »■{ V- ; C' ;,'£ •» f * 9 jv, % 1 A* I r i I V-Í •5»- ¡Jn 1_ w ___ ft ? 4 Î t _ a 4 j « ■ > » » u f à g 4 ? ATTORNEY » 1 44 » ■- Í f ’ T t 4 f • 4 ■ f ' ' I ‘ I i ■- h a I i ■ 1 a < » H 4 I T 4 I / I •’ i Í 3 / I 9- t f ---- Hr! f 9 a I » ■* I vi * 4 s«r * 3 f • .?* k I iil V A r» I Il J 9 i _ ‘ <- 7’ y •. 11 ■V Ç 4 UMi ft I 4 1 I V. I I ft j j 1 4 I i *■ >r ____ I lì* « : i'M i, I ■ « * Vi.' V f 1 4 I -1 $ z ‘ * ■j « ♦ i * il 4 t » i I- > ♦ if i. - I - f i tt i < » I *•< •I j I. 6 |- * I ■ i Í 9 1 r f . B » f, II- 1 » for* -J & I 1- •r' & ÏÎ-5 ' A m ; ' ■ -Wl . ] • •’ ! 4-i «i ■tir i,